Muthoot Finance Home Loan Makes Your Dream Home The leading housing finance company Muthoot Finance Limited provide loan to the customer using which they can build or buy their own property. Every single person has a dream of buying or constructing their own house but due to lack of funding, it seems impossible. Don’t worry you can buy a ready built house or can construct one using the Muthoot Finance Home Loan. To know the loan details read the given article. Muthoot Finance Limited offers a lower rate of interest You can take a loan from Muthoot Finance at an affordable rate of interest charged on your borrowed amount. Muthoot Finance home loan interest rate is starting from 12.50% per annum and it is based on the Prime Lending Rate (PLR). The borrower can take a flexible home loan interest rate or a fixed rate on their loan amount. Because the housing finance company Muthoot Finance makes every step of your house easier and comfortable. You can pay the borrowed amount in equated monthly loan installments (EMI). And, you can also compute the loan installments using the Muthoot Finance Home loan calculator. Muthoot Finance Home Loan Calculator And Its benefits Using the Muthoot finance EMI calculator you can instantly generate your loan EMIs without any trouble. You just need to insert the loan details inside the loan calculator like loan amount, interest rate and loan tenure. Because the online calculator tool works in mathematical formula to compute the loan EMIs. For example, if you borrow a loan amount of INR 10 lakh at 13.11% rate of interest for 15 years. Then you can use the Muthoot finance home loan calculator device to estimate the loan EMI according to the calculator EMI of the mentioned amount would be INR 12,724.89. The advantage of the EMI calculator is that using this you can choose a suitable loan tenure for the payment of the borrowed amount. And can pay for the Muthoot Finance home loan using ACH, ECS or auto-debit methods. Also, you get the benefit of prepayment if you have opted for a flexible home loan interest rate and can see its benefits on your loan eMIs using the EMI calculator. Simple documentation and fee submission process for Muthoot finance home loan You can apply for a loan by visiting the nearest Muthoot Finance Branch or whether using its online services. Just visit the Muthoot Home Finance website and choose the home loan scheme from the product option and click on the desired one. After that fill-up the form by mentioning your name, monthly income, address, mobile number, email, etc. Then enter the displayed captcha code and click on the “submit” button. If you are eligible for the loan then you
will get a call from the housing finance company or can receive a message or email. The user has to pay a processing fee to Muthoot Finance Ltd. that is 1.50% of the borrowed amount. Now, take home loan and build your own house or buy one with Muthoot finance home loan and also get a tax benefit on your EMI payments.