February 2021
Thus, he presented an exemplary demonstration of dedicating one’s life for the good of the suffering masses. Swami Vivekananda, in his famous Sivashuktam wrote, परहितकरणाय प्राणप्रच्छेदप्रीतम्, नतनयननियुक्तं नीलकण्ठं... “Who joyously sacrifices Himself for the good of others, whose throat is blue from drinking the poison intended for others, I prostrate before him.” And again, Swamiji said about Sri Ramakrishna, प्राणार्पण जगत-तारण “He has sacrificed his life to redeem the world and thus cut the bonds of the Kali Yuga.” In a letter addressed to his brother-disciple Swami Ramakrishnanandaji, Swamiji wrote in Sanskrit, प्राणात्ययेऽपि परकल्याणचिकीर्षावः, “They alone are Sri Ramakrishna’s children who render services to the suffering people even at the risk of their own lives.” In the person of Swami Punyanandaji Maharaj, we saw the living testimony of those blazing words of Swami Vivekananda.
The Vedanta Kesari
Whenever I remember Swami Punyanandaji’s life, I feel doubly assured that if we respond to Swamiji’s call sincerely, he will never let us down, though we may be very insignificant. By his infinite grace, Swamiji has granted us refuge at his holy feet; Swamiji certainly has seen us, is still watching us at every moment, protecting us, and leading us onward and onward. — Swami Suviranandaji, General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission
Swami Shiveshananda
wami Shiveshananda (1894 -1975), was well-known as Dwaraka Maharaj. He joined the order at Belur Math in 1925 and received his mantra-diksha from Swami Shivanandaji and later also his sannya-diksha from him in 1931. He lived most of his monastic life at Belur Math. He attained mahasamadhi on 11 Oct 1975.
Shabari’s waiting
Swami Shivanandaji lived upstairs in the Old Math building where Swami Vivekananda spent his last days. In the courtyard below stands the mango tree which was there during Swami Vivekananda’s time as well. There is also a jackfruit tree and some other plants. Dwaraka Maharaj had been told by his guru to see that the courtyard was kept clean and that leaves from the tree did not litter the place. Dwaraka Maharaj knew about Shabari, who lived an ascetic life in the forest. Shabari had heard that Sri Rama would pass by her hermitage, and she waited and waited for months and years to have the darshan of Sri Rama. She was waiting earnestly to hear his footsteps. At last he came and Shabari’s dream was fulfilled. Similarly, Dwaraka Maharaj was always watchful to see that leaves did not litter the courtyard. As soon as a leaf fell, he would rush forward to remove it! Thus his whole mind was given to his guru, Mahapurush Maharaj.
I have seen him reciting those verses that deal with the episode of Shabari from the Ramayana in Bengali poetry, tears pouring down from his eyes. In his room was a picture of old Shabari, which someone had got for him. His was a great example of how an ordinary act can also become a practical spiritual action. —Srimat Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj, President Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission