SRQ Magazine | BRANDSTORY: Auteur, February 2019

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auteur / o’tur / author or originator; an artist whose style and practice is considered original and distinctive

PAN O R AM I C R E S I D E N C E S | 3 6 0º LIVI N G

Artist’s Rendering

I N N O VAT I V E B Y D E F I N I T I O N INSPIRING BY DESIGN From the creators of Beau Ciel, en Provence, Orchid Beach Club, Aria and Virage comes a luxury tower lifestyle unlike any Sarasota has seen before. Expansive tower residences feature panoramic bay views. Curated interiors, concierge-level services and innovative amenities create an ambiance of uncommon artistry and inspiration. An ideal Boulevard of the Arts location surrounds you with the endless attractions of the new Sarasota Bayfront.

A S P E C I A L B R A N D STO RY M A R K E T I N G F E AT U R E | S R Q M A G A Z I N E | M A R C H 2 0 1 9

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SRQ Magazine | BRANDSTORY: Auteur, February 2019 by SRQ MEDIA - Issuu