SRQ Magazine | BRANDSTORY: Auteur, February 2019

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A V I S I O N A RY D E V E L O P M E NT TE A M The latest in a decades-long record of creating standards setting residential and resort environments along Florida’s west coast, Auteur is the result of a partnership between Sarasota’s Ascentia Development Group (ADG) and GDI. “We wanted a lifestyle that fosters vibrant connections to the “New Sarasota,” notes the development team. “The cutting-edge cultural, culinary, fashion, and outdoor recreational scenes that surround Auteur at The Bay, Quay Sarasota, and Downtown are all within walking distance. Auteur’s programming, services and amenities will feature it all.” ADG President & Partner, Jay Tallman says, “The vision for Auteur led us to look beyond the usual resources and recruit the amazing ForrestPerkins to help create interiors, amenities and programming unlike any Sarasota has seen before.”

Artist’s Rendering

C U R ATE D S E R V I C E S & A M E N ITI E S The celebrated interior design firm of ForrestPerkins is at the forefront of the boutique luxury hospitality industry across the country, including flagship hotels for Four Seasons, Marriott and Fairmont. For Auteur, Colletta Conner of the firm’s Dallas office is curating interiors distinguished by a rich palette of services, amenities and concierge-supported programming that foster vibrant connections to city, sea and healthy living. A dramatic, two-story lobby introduces the theme with a staffed reception desk surrounded by fine art and innovative lighting, an approach that continues to express itself with effort-

less elegance and artisan detail in the amenity areas, both indoors and out. Residents can work out in a fully equipped fitness facility or yoga studio, relax in a poolside cabana or learn to cook in a private clubroom’s Wolf/Sub-Zero® demonstration kitchen and lounge. The foot of the building features adjacent restaurant and retail space. Owners will also enjoy access to select services, amenities and accommodations at the adjacent Hyatt Regency hotel and yacht basin featuring available yacht slips and optional membership in Barton & Gray Mariners Club, the nation’s leading purveyor of personal yachting excursions.

A S P E C I A L B R A N D STO RY M A R K E T I N G F E AT U R E | S R Q M A G A Z I N E | M A R C H 2 0 1 9

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