QUA Issue 12 August 2016

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Welcome, to the August 2016 edition of the Stockport Radio Society (SRS) Newsletter Written and compiled by SRS members, ‘QUA’ (Have you news of… ?) is your source of news, views and informed opinion on all matters relating to - and about - your hobby.

Another Successful SRS Rally One of our Traders Bylara’s Val G6MML with the SRS President Alan G0ROW

@G8SRS @Peak_Contest

StockportradioSociety peakcontestgroup

Diary Dates 2016 August 2016

Tuesday 2 August – Society Meeting Sunday 7 August – VW Show – Tatton Park Tuesday 9 August – 6m Net 7.30pm

Thursday 11 August – 2m Net from Members QTH 145.375 +/- 7.30pm Tuesday 16 August – Radio Night Tuesday 23 August – Skills Night

September 2016 Tuesday 6 September – Society Meeting Monday 12 September – Advanced Tutorial Session 1 (7pm-10.30pm)

Tuesday 13 September – 6m Net 7.30pm Thursday 15 September – Committee Meeting (Committee Members only) Thursday 15 September – 2m Net from Members QTH 145.375 +/- 7.30pm

Tuesday 20 September – Radio Night Monday 26 September – Advanced Tutorial Session 2 (7pm-10.30pm) Tuesday 27 September – Skills Night

If you are interested in doing a presentation please contact Tom M0DCG at a club meeting or email secretary@g8srs.co.uk QUA is complied by Heather Stanley M6HNS. If you have any articles, reviews or announcements that you would like to see on the pages of QUA, please send your information to srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk, or give Heather a call on 07506 904422 2

Contact Emails General Secretary Treasurer Website / QUA Courses Contesting

info@g8srs.co.uk secretary@g8srs.co.uk treasurer@g8srs.co.uk srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk courses@g8srs.co.uk peakcontestgroup@g8srs.co.uk

Websites SRS - www.g8srs.co.uk Peak Contest Group www.g8srs.co.uk and click on Peak Contest Group

Stockport Radio Society are affiliated members of RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) and NARSA (Northern Amateur Radio Society Association)

The Peak Contest Group is the ‘Contesting Arm of Stockport Radio Society’

Date of Next Issue of QUA 1 October 2016 - Articles to be with QUA by 14 Sept, 2016 If you have news, events, contest information etc that you would like to share with your fellow members, please email : srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk 3

Chairman’s Corner

SRS Links: RSGB www.rsgb.org RSGB Region 3 www.rsgb-region3.org.uk UK FM Group Western www.ukfmgw.org.uk Ofcom www..ofcom.org.uk ARRL www.arrl.org QRZ.com www.qrz.com UK Repeaters www.ukrepeater.net Raynet www.raynet-uk.net Summits on the air www.sota.org.uk BYLARA www.bylara.org.uk Echolink www.echolink.org Ham Links www.eham.nets

Hello Members This year seems to be passing rather quickly. Half way through 2016 not a lot of summer to speak of but plenty of the wet stuff. Another successful SRS rally is in the bag. Thank you to all members who assisted setting out the whole of Walthew House on the Friday night and then putting it all back again on the Saturday after the rally, and assisting traders to set up. Oh not forgetting Steve’s, G8YTP, kitchen helpers sweating it out cooking the bacon. A note from Nigel G0RXA our Rally Organiser “With a few very minor hiccups the event ran smoothly as always. My thanks go to every one who helped to make the event a success in particular Heather for fielding the various phone calls from traders, etc and help with preparing the various items of literature used on the day. Here's to 2017, Saturday 8th July to be exact”

Nigel G0RXA We have also received a thank you letter from Walthew House for allowing them to have their Tombola Stand. They raised £92.74 on the day.

July sees PCG travelling to the Republic of Ireland, Aran to be precise. They will be operating in the RSGB IOTA contest on behalf of SRS. Bernard G3SHF has managed to secure the call sign EJ0SR signifying Stockport Radio. At SRS we are awaiting the installation of a “Tilt Over Mast” which will give us the facility to maintain the antenna system ourselves.

Hack Green SDR www.hackgreen.co.uk

Continued on next page


In the last Chairman’s corner I mentioned about an HF Net for members, well Don G8WPL has kindly stepped in and runs a net on a Wednesday lunchtime. Thank You Don.

We are still looking for members to come forward as Tutors for the courses we run. You do not have to have any qualifications, just a reasonable knowledge of the relevant syllabus for the course you are tutoring. Help is available from all existing tutors. If any members are interested in assisting with a JOTA event on the 15th and 16th October 2016 please let me know. The event would be at the 2nd Heald Green Scouts. This is still in the planning stages so will keep you informed 73s Tony M0SAV Chairman.

Local Radio Clubs: Macclesfield Wireless Society Manchester Wireless Society Mid Cheshire ARS North Cheshire RC Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association (NARSA)

Oldham Radio Club RSGB Region 3 Website

Congratulations to Darren 2E0DVM and his lovely XYL Liz On the birth of their daughter Alessia.

Radio Millennium Lodge

Both mum and baby are doing well.

South Manchester Radio & Computing Club

Luca (Alessia big brother) is very excited to meet his sister.

Rochdale & DARS South Cheshire ARS South Lancashire ARC

The Simpson Amateur Radio Society Warrington Radio Club West Manchester RC

Alessia 6.14lb 26.07.16


Morse Code A













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The GQRP Regen Receiver Review by Bob M6TMA

This Kit by the GQRP club is sold by KANGA PRODUCTS. I started by downloading the construction instructions and then printed them out. Part of the instructions is a grid showing the component location. I followed the instructions, which were very well written, to the letter with no problems. When you start to build the receiver, you build it in sections testing each section as you go. The manual is in colour with a number of photos. The components are well illustrated again in colour.


Morse Code

Again I was very lucky the receiver worked first time. In conversation with Bernard G3SHF, he told me I would get lots of whistles.


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Our Morse

He was correct!!

classes run

The quality of this kit is excellent and I would have no problem in recommending it.

on each club night from 7.00 to 7.30 pm. Come and speak to Mike M6MPC if you would like to learn.


Phonetic Alphabet A




















































Arthur Deakin G0EOM

Arthur Deakin has been a regular at Stockport Radio Society for over 30 years. Despite suffering with long term illness, he still makes the effort to attend the club. You will see Art (as he is known) sat at the Morse table taking down the ‘dits and dahs’ sent by Mike M6MPC. Art was born on 23 January 1930, and used to read a weekly magazine called ‘Hobbies Weekly’. This is where he learnt to make his first crystal set at a very young age. Around the age of 12 Art regularly listened, on the air, to a ship called ‘Manchester Miller’ which was a Manchester Liner. At 18, Art then joined the South Staffs Regiment. Between 1959 and 2007 the South Staffs and North Staffs Regiment were amalgamated with other regiments eventually becoming the 1st and 2nd Battalions Mercian Regiment (Cheshire, Worcesters & Sherwood Forsters and Staffords). Art has a tattoo on his left arm which he got when he was airlifted to Berlin during WWII 8

During his working life Art became a sheet metal worker/engineer. Art’s passion for radio has never ceased, and when Art and his wife Mary acquired an apartment in Greece, he got his Greek callsign ‘5B4AFZ’.

Frequencies LF (Low Frequency) 2000m : 135.7 - 137.8Khz

MF (Medium Frequency)

Ask Art at any club meeting and he will very happily tell you stories of the QSO’s he has had both here and in Greece, and will show you some of the QSL cards that he still keeps from many years ago. Art tells us of the radio’s he used to own, including Icom, Yaesu, Kenwoods and Alinco’s, but unfortunately now doesn’t own any due to his declining health. If you have not met Art at the club, then you should – he is one of the ‘old school’ amateur radio Hams with lots of stories to tell (including a few jokes), and no matter what is troubling him healthwise always turns up with a smile on his face, although he has to behave a little now as his XYL comes along with him (only joking Mary!).

630m : 472 - 479Khz 160m : 1.81 - 2.0Mhz

HF (High Frequency) 80m : 3.5 - 3.8Mhz 60m : Consists of 11 spot frequencies check band plan 40m : 7.0 - 7.2Mhz 30m : 10.1 - 10.15Mhz 20m : 14 - 14.35Mhz 17m : 18.068 - 18.168Mhz 15m : 21 - 21.45Mhz 12m : 24.89 - 24.99Mhz 10m : 28 - 29.7Mhz Note for operating on 60m Only available to advanced licence holders

VHF (Very High Frequency) 6m : 50 - 52Mhz 4m : 70 - 70.5Mhz 2m : 144.0 - 146.0Mhz

UHF Mary and Art Deakin (taken at the SRS Rally in 2015) 9

(Ultra High Frequency)

70cms : 430.0 - 440Mhz 23cms : 1240.0 - 325Mhz

Repeaters www.ukfmgw. co.uk


Courses - FLC/ILC Course Secretary

145.650 Mhz FM Analogue Digital Fusion Stockport

John Marsh - M0JFM courses@g8srs.co.uk

If you, a friend, or colleague is interested in taking a course, please email John above


433.3250 Mhz FM Analogue Stoke on Trent


433.2250 Mhz FM Analogue Stoke on Trent


1297.0750 Mhz FM Analogue Stoke on Trent


50.790 Mhz FM Analogue Stoke on Trent


145.7500 Mhz FM Analogue Denbigh


145.7250 Mhz FM Analogue Stoke on Trent

Foundation Our next course is taking place in January 2017. Dates to be confirmed

Intermediate Saturday & Sunday 11 & 12 February, 2017 Monday 20 February, 2017 Monday 27 February, 2017 Monday 6 March 2017

Monday 13 March 2017 Monday 20 March 2017 (Examination) A deposit will secures your place on a course Prices correct at publication but maybe subject to change


433.2500 Mhz FM Analogue Liverpool


434.000 Mhz FM Analogue Llandudno 10

If you use a repeater on a regular basis please support them by subscribing to them


Courses - ALC

www.ukfmgw. co.uk



433.3500 Mhz FM Analogue Stockport

Monday 12 September 2016 Monday 26 September 2016


Monday 10 October 2016

430.9000 Mhz FM Analogue Dukinfield

Monday 24 October 2016 Monday 7 November 2016


Monday 21sNovember 2016 Monday 5tDecember 2016 – Examination – starts at 6.30pm


Course Fees Foundation £45.00 - Based on a minimum of 6 students

£90.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students Other costs : Kit from Kanga : £26.00 inc P&P / Text Book RSGB : £6.99 plus P&P

145.600 Mhz Digital Bury


Advanced £95.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students

Information correct as at July 2015

430.9375 Mhz FM Analogue Hyde



Join the Repeater Group Individual £12.50 Family £20.00 per yr

439.4875 Mhz Digital Warrington


433.0250 Mhz FM Analogue Bury 11


433.0500 Mhz FM Analogue Macclesfield

439.6125 Mhz Digital St Helens


433.1500 Mhz FM Analogue Marches

Membership You can become a member of Stockport Radio Society by completing a membership form and, either emailing it to

treasurer@g8srs.co.uk or hand the form to the Treasurer at any Society Meeting.

Club Log (HF Ladder) If you wish to join Club Log and also get entry into the HF Ladder with the end reward of entry in the HF Ladder competition at the end of the year, and you chance to win a trophy for the year, follow the information below. If you wish to join SRS DXCC league in Clublog, please follow these instructions:

Payable Annually on Dec 1st Senior Family Country Pensioner Junior

£12.00 £12.00 £ 7.00 £ 7.00 £ 1.00

  

Register your details with Clublog at www.clublog.org Click ‘settings’ and then go to the ‘clubs’ tab Select SRS - Stockport Radio Society and click ‘join club’ Your membership of SRS will show as pending until approved by the Administrator

The SRS DXCC League can be viewed from this link - http://www.clublog.org/league.php? club=99

Meeting Admission £ 2.00 per meeting.

Don’t forget to send you news, reviews and events through for the next issue Email : srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk 12

SRS welcomes our New Members Paul Patrick Roche – M6VBO David Mee – SWL James Stuart Peel - G6TAI Robert John Robinson - M0CPP John Binns - G6HJU

Look forward to seeing you all at the club and on our 3 nets that are run during the month

A Request for Help from Wirral and District Amateur Radio Club Ladies and Gentlemen, As Secretary at Wirral And District Amateur Radio Club, I am contacting you on behalf of Peter 2E0PCU, one of our members. He is involved with the MALPAS STEAM RALLY and the event has secured a Special Event Callsign (GB6MSR) for this year. He is hoping to operate on HF and VHF throughout the weekend. The event is over the weekend of 10 and 11 September and we already have some of our members lined up to attend but All visitors are welcome and any help with operators willing to step in for an hour or so would be greatly appreciated. Could I ask that as Committee members of one of our near neighbouring clubs, you pass on the details to your members and publicise Peter’s event as much as possible? More details can be obtained directly from Peter who’s e-mail address is m6pfg@yahoo.com . As I have said any visitors will be most welcome but any help from other amateurs would also be appreciated. Thank you all and have a great summer - 73 - Simon 13

Google Group Email Accounts Stockport Radio Society have two google groups  

Friends of …. friends-of-srs@googlegroups.com Members of … members-of-stockport-radio-society@googlegroups.com

All new members are automatically added to these groups with the email addresses that they joined the club with. Friends of … is a general group for members and friends of Stockport Radio Society to email the group with comments, requests etc Members of … is specifically for use of the membership of Stockport Radio Society to let other members know of discussion, requests etc that are for members only. If you are not getting any emails from either of these groups, please let Heather know by emailing srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk and ensure you let her know which email address you signed up with. You can only use these groups with the email that you signed up with. If you have multiple email accounts, email Heather and she will let you know which email address is registered.

Monthly 40m Nets - 2pm on 7.175 mhz using callsign G8WPL Don - G8WPL has kindly offered to do a monthly 40m net in the afternoons starting at 2pm on 7.175mhz. The dates that these nets are on are below, all taking place on a Wednesday

31 August, 28 September, 26 October, 30 November and 28 December. Give Don a call and dont forget to add this to your HF ladder tally


HF Ladder Unfortunately, there is no HF ladder in this issue of QUA. Evan and the PCG guys have gone to Arranmore for the IOTA contest, so carry on completing and entering your QSO’s and the next issue will be a double round up. On behalf of myself and the rest of the Committee we wish the guys a safe journey to Arranmore and the best of luck in the competition.

A Thank You to Neil M6NAE’s daughter for providing cakes at some of our meetings. A few waist lines might have increased since you joined. Please pass on our thanks to your daughter. They are very much appreciated.

A last minute bit of sad news has come through to the club. We would all like to wish Jon’s (one of our Members) daughter a very quick recovery from her recent accident. We have been told you are being a very brave girl whilst in hospital Get Well Soon


Stockport Radio Society Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport SK2 6QS 07506 904422

QUA is sponsored by Manchester Office Supplies 16

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