QUA Issue 03 Feb 15

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QUA Welcome, to the February 2015 edition of the Stockport Radio Society (SRS) Newsletter Written and compiled by SRS members, ‘QUA’ (Have you news of… ?) is your source of news, views and informed opinion on all matters relating to - and about - your hobby.

Diary Dates 2015 Tues 3 February Society Meeting Sat/Sun 7/8 February Intermediate Course pt1 Thurs 12 February

Our 2014 Trophy Winners

On Air from Members QTH

Mon 16 February Intermediate Course pt2 Tues 17 February Society Meeting Mon 23 February Intermediate Course pt3 Tues 24 Feb Skills night from HQ Mon 2 March Intermediate Course pt4 Tues 3 March Society Meeting Mon 9 March Intermediate Course pt5 Thurs 12 March

On Air from Members QTH

Mon 16 March Intermediate Examination Tues 17 March Society Meeting

… Meet the New President

… Meet the New Chairman Website : www.g8srs.co.uk

Tel : 07506 904422

Tues 24 March Skills night from HQ Sat/Sun 28/29 March CQWW WPX SSB Contest 48 hr contest

Review of Events - AGM Update Special SRS Links:

Letter from the President It is a great privilege to be appointed your new President. My plan is to be an active member of the Society. Stockport Radio Society. has got a good name in Amateur Radio in the North West of England. We have a good committee, (now chaired by Tony Smithies M0SAV) and excellent membership. I would also like to thank Nigel Roscoe G0RXA for all his great work over the last 18 years, and also the work done by the rest of the committee over the last few years. Nigel G0RXA presenting Alan G0ROW with the inaugural presidential chain. Al takes the role after the recent passing of Harry Arnfield - G3LX

Welcome to Nigel Stanley 2E0CKA and Heather Stanley (soon to be an M6) who have joined the new committee for 2015 and I would like to thank them for their contribution to the club.

The joy of Amateur Radio is speaking to people. Now let us try to promote this great Hobby of ours. 73. Alan Gurnhill G0ROW PRESIDENT

Message from the Chairman

Stockport Radio Society www.g8srs.co.uk RSGB - www.rsgb.org RSGB Region 3 www.rsgb-region-3.org.uk UK FM Group Western www.ukfmgw.org.uk Ofcom www.licensing.ofcom.org.uk ARRL - www.arrl.org QRZ.com - www.qrz.com UK Repeaters www.ukrepeater.net Raynet - www.raynet-uk.net Summits on the air www.sota.org.uk

Local Radio Clubs:

Hello to all members and readers of QUA - I would like to say that it is an honour to be appointed Chairman of Stockport Radio Society.

GB3PZ.com Macclesfield Wireless Society GX4MWS

Firstly I would like to say a very big thank you to Nigel G0RXA our Chairman for 18 years. I am sure all members will join me in acknowledging the hard work that Nigel G0RXA has done for the club whilst in office.

Manchester Wireless Society, G5MS Mid Cheshire ARS, G3ZTT

I came to the club as a novice in 2010. I had some knowledge of amateur radio having been The new Chairman Tony M0SAV an active CBer in the 70s. I fell shy of the RAE presenting Nigel G0RXA (our as a morse test was required, and my job at previous chairman of 18 years) with that time was taking me all over the country an engraved plaque In recognition of with not much time to study, plus two young his service to the club children. So when I officially retired in 2010, I looked for an active hobby, amateur radio came back to me as a possibility.

North Cheshire RC, G0BAA Northern Amateur Radio Societies Association (NARSA) Oldham Radio Club RSGB Region 3 Website Radio Millennium Lodge, M0RML

A search for a local club showed up as Stockport Radio Society, just down the road at Walthew House. I enrolled on the Foundation course, followed by the Intermediate Rochdale & DARS and finally the advanced . I think I was lucky as the courses followed one after the (R.A.D.A.R.S), G0ROC other. I obtained my M0SAV call sign a year later in December 2011. I decided that I would become an active member within the club. First producing the clubs QSL cards, then onto the clothing. I then got involved with the assembly of the contest station plus a little bit of operating. Bernard G3SHF has a knack of getting you involved without you knowing it - Hi-Hi. I was approached by Alan G0ROW as to whether I would like to join the committee. I agreed as this would give me more voice to put forward my ideas for the club. In the meantime, again via Bernard, (he has a lot to answer for) I became involved with the training, which I thoroughly enjoy. Whilst a committee member I have been involved with the antenna project along with the Walthew station set up. Introduced the Skills Night, also the latest audio video installation. It is my intention, along with the committee, to see our club continue to progress forward in 2015. With the involvement of the members we can build Stockport Radio Society into a premier northern club. 73.

Tony Smithies M0SAV


South Cheshire ARS, G6TW South Lancashire ARC, M0SLR South Manchester Radio & Computing Club The Simpson Amateur Radio Society, M0SRA Warrington Radio Club West Manchester RC, G4MWC

Review of Events - AGM Update Special Local Repeaters in and around Stockport

The 2015 Committee

6m 

GB3SX (Stoke on Trent)

2m President Al - G0ROW

Chairman Tony - M0SAV

Vice-Chairman Steve - G8YPT

Treasurer Bernard - G3SHF

GB7MA (Bury)

GB3MN (Stockport)

GB3MP (Denbigh)

GB3VT (Stoke on Trent)

70cm Secretary Tom - M0DCG

Committee Member Nigel - 2E0CKA

Committee Member Pete - M1PTR

Committee Member Heth - SWL

Committee Member Kieron - M5KJM

Co-Opted Member Nigel - G0RXA

Committee Member Evan - M0TJU

Co-Opted Member Carsten - G0SYP

Note from the Committee You are what makes the society what it is. If you have any suggestions for any nights you may like to see, events to go to, contests to do, or just have a general question to ask, then let one of the Committeee know. Without the members we would not have Stockport Radio Society.

Who Won What !!

GB7DV (St Helens)

GB3CR (Widnes)

GB3LI (Liverpool)

GB3LL (Llandudno)

GN3MA (Bury)

GB3MF (Macclesfield)

GB3MR (Stockport)

GB3PZ (Dukinfield)

GB3SM (Stoke on Trent)

GB3ST (Stoke on Trent)

GB7WC (Dukinfield)

GB3WP (Hyde)

23cm 

GB3SE (Stoke on Trent)

Not Operational GB3MF

Below is the winners of the trophy from the front cover All information provided above is sourced from www.ukfmgw.co.uk

Row 1 - HF Ladder - SSB - Winner Alan G0ROW HF Ladder - Digimode - Winner Evan M0TJU HF Ladder - CW - Winner Carsten G0SYP

There is normally a yearly

Row 2 - G3VOU Jim Barlow Trophy for HF Ladder - Winner Carsten G0SYP charge for using the G4LP - Trophy for Best Lecturer by a Club Member - Winners Evan M0TJU/Carsten repeaters. G0SYP G3OWW - Trophy for QRP Operating - Winner Mike M6MPC Row 3 - G3SHW - For Operating Achievement - Winner Graham Smith G3ZOD G4APA Memorial Trophy - Contributions to the Society during 2014 - Winner Heather Stanley SWL G3FYE - Memorial Trophy for Best CW Operator - Winner Brian G3NHN Row 4 - G2ARX Construction Trophy - Winner Rob Bradshaw M0TZT


If you use a repeater on a regular basis please support them by subscribing to them. Individual £12.50 per year Family £20.00 per year

Mike’s Morse Page Morse Code

Mike’s Morse Page A


B _...



D _..






_ _.






._ _ _





_._ _ / _ _ . _ / . / . / .._ / .._. / _._. / _. / ._.





Clue - You have a range of these on all bands




._ _ .


_ _._











._ _




_._ _


_ _..


._ _ _ _


.._ _ _


…_ _



QRN Are you troubled by noise or static ( natural interference, lightning etc.) ?





QRT Shall I stop transmitting? I am going off the air !


_ _...


_ _ _ ..

QRX Wait briefly (e.g. QRX 1, = wait 1 minute)


_ _ _ _ . 10 _ _ _ _ _

Stockport Radio Society have a regular morse class at the start of every society meeting 7pm to 7.30pm run by our own ‘Tintwistle Tapper’ Mike Carter M6MPC Just for Fun - Morse Countdown (Conundrum supplied by Al G0ROW) Using the morse letters below, re re--arrange to solve the conundrum -

Answer :

Q Codes - The Most Common QRA What is your station ? QRM Are you being interfered with ( by other stations, man made interference) ?

QRZ Who is the station that’s calling me ?

Phonetic Alphabet

QSA What is my strength ? QSB Am I fading ?



QSL Can you acknowledge receipt of my signals (QSL card) also can mean 10-4,


























QSO Communication between two or more stations. ( A conversation. ) QSY Will you change to another channel? I am changing to ... frequency ! QTH What is your location now? QTR What is your correct time? QUA Have you any news of ... ? These are some of the more commons ’Q’ codes that are used.

Last Issues Answer - operating 4

Members Profile

Nigel Roscoe G0RXA


My Twitter profile says I'm a "Radio Amateur, Aviation Enthusiast, Real Ale fan, supporter of Stockport County and Cheadle Town Football Clubs."

You can become a member of Stockport Radio Society by completing a membership form and, either emailing it to treasurer@g8srs.co.uk or hand the form to the Treasurer at any Society Meeting.

I can pin down my route in to amateur radio to 3 people, my cousin Alan Williams G6FGR, Uncle Jack Gratton G6ZEE (both sadly no longer with us) and long-term friend & drinking partner Gary Bleads G0HJQ. Alan was the first to introduce me to the delights of short wave listening spending many a pleasant evening listening to stations such as Shannon Air Radio, Portishead Radio, Radio Moscow and Radio Tirana and a host of amateurs on the 80 & 160 Metre bands using his rather ancient Trio receiver. Later, many an evening, well actually early morning was spent at his QTH in Heaton Mersey listening on 2 Metres to conversations with local amateurs; fixed, mobile and pedestrian.

Payable Annually Dec 1st

Next on the scene was my "Uncle Jack" who, retired from GPO telephones and unbeknown to me was studying at a local college for his RAE, which he passed. Jack spent many a happy hour or so on 2 metres whilst at the same short wave listening with a Yaesu FRG7700 receiver, which later became mine when he passed away.






£ 7.00


£ 7.00


£ 1.00

Meeting Admission

Then there came Gary who I met around the bar of a local hostelry, the Arden Arms in Stockport I recall. After having many a conversation about radio, Gary challenged me to take the RAE (Radio Amateurs Exam), the deal being if I took the course and passed he would join CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale) of which I already was a member. Some months later and with new callsign (G7IOR) secured Gary fulfilled his part of the bargain. Little did I know Gary was also a member of Stockport Radio Society and he soon had me involved with their activities including a number of field day contests. The HF bug bit and I enrolled on the next Morse course led by Rik Whittaker G4WAU @ Avondale School. After what seemed an age, I took the test overseen by local amateurs and SRS members Neville Paul G3AUB and Harold Froggatt G3HQH. Again a pass and papers confirming new callsign G0RXA dropped through the door shortly afterwards. Whilst having a modest HF and VHF station at home, I do like portable operating and for a time took part in the RSGB series of Backpackers contests from various spots around the area with a group of friends. The Barpackers Contest Group used the callsign M1BAR and was made up of Gary G0HJQ, Dave M1ANT, Christine M1SIM, Christopher M1WEB, Tony SWL, Pete G4RAS and myself. Operating al fresco then latterly from Dave's van, nicknamed "Thunderbird 2" we had an interesting and successful time. The kit used varied from Yaesu FT290 Mk1 and 2's, through a number of Trio (Kenwood) rigs to finally using a more modern Yaesu FT817 usually into a portable Tonna antenna. I don't know how it happened but back in 1996 Gary persuaded me to stand for the committee of the society and not just that, but Chairman a position I held until the 2014 AGM when Tony M0SAV rode to my rescue. Over the years as Chairman there have been many more highs than lows and its always been a pleasure to be involved in society activities whether it be rallies, contests, JOTA, outside events, the list is endless. So what of the future, well more operating and continued involvement with society activities. Good luck Tony, I hope it'll be as fun for you as it has been for me. 73's de G0RXA - www.g0rxa.com 5

£ 2.00 per meeting or an annual meeting admission fee of £36.00 ’Guide to Membership’. A copy can be requested or can be downloaded from our website

Course Fees Foundation £45.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students Intermediate £90.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students Other costs : Kit from Kanga : £26.00 inc P&P Text Book RSGB : £6.99 plus P&P

Advanced £85.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students A deposit of £20.00 secures your place on a course Prices correct at publication but maybe subject to change

Email courses@g8srs.co.uk to book or request further information.

Peak Contest Group Rathlin Review for IOTA 15 -


Supplied by Tom M0DCG (Dec 14) Just to say we (Peter, Kieron, myself) are safely back after a successful recce expedition to Rathlin Island on the North coast of Northern Ireland. We flew out on the Thursday, returning this morning, Sunday. While there we inspected the proposed site (Rathlin East Lighthouse) and checked out suitable accommodation for the IOTA expedition at the end of July 2015. The east lighthouse is in our opinion a very good site for our station, with ample land space within the walled grounds for the antennas. We also have access to the top of the tower, should we wish to attach ropes or a hallyard pulley to the balcony handrail! There are some aluminium scaffold poles available for a mast(s). Our meetings with Noel, the Attendant keeper of the lighthouse were very useful. The Principal's cottage is well laid out and will provide us with space for a comfortable operating station in one of the bedrooms as well as a general meeting area in the kitchen/living area, which is provided with a gas cooker, sink etc. There is an adequate mains supply available in the cottage. We also checked out living accommodation in the village for our stay and have booked the necessary rooms in Arkell House and next door for us all. Hillary and Alan, the operators of Arkell House will help with getting us the necessary car permits for our visit. They showed us great kindness while we were there. During our visit we made use of the car ferry from Ballycastle to Rathlin Island (the Canna) 2/4 trips daily and which is small (perhaps 5 cars at most). We will need to plan our use of cars carefully while we are there. These are brief summary notes on the visit - the details will be thrashed out during further discussions.

LF (Low Frequency) 2000m : 135.7 - 137.8Khz

MF (Medium Frequency) 630m : 472 - 479Khz 160m : 1.81 - 2.0Mhz

HF (High Frequency) 80m : 3.5 - 3.8Mhz 60m : Consists of 11 spot frequencies check band plan 40m : 7.0 - 7.2Mhz 30m : 10.1 - 10.15Mhz 20m : 14 - 14.35Mhz 17m : 18.068 - 18.168Mhz 15m : 21 - 21.45Mhz 12m : 24.89 - 24.99Mhz 10m : 28 - 29.7Mhz

CW AFS 80m Contest - 11 January 2015 Some of our members recently took part in the above contest - here are their comments Carsten G0SYP - Another AFS is history. My score was lower than 2013 and 14, but others seemed to struggle as well. The final hour was very slow. My final score after dupes is 2170 points. I have not heard anybody in SSB after the contest but had QSO with Bernard, Dave, Evan and Kieron.

Note for operating on 60m Only available to advanced licence holders and also requires a NOV from RSGB

Kieron M5KJM - I managed 101 QSO's just searching and pouncing using 100w. I worked Bernard and Carsten but didn't hear Dave, Tom or Evan. I managed to lash up a dipole yesterday with one leg only 5ft above the ground, really Heath Robinson! It would have been much higher but I didn't fancy climbing a ladder yesterday due to the wind.

VHF (Very High

Evan M0TJU - Well done everyone to get antennas up and not seeing them blow away! I worked Carsten and Dave and saw Kieron but did not see anyone else from SRS. I worked Dave right near the end, when his score was 184 (if I remember) about twice as much as my 95. Kieron had the right idea with the antenna: a lowlying cloud-warmer is just the ticket for these contests. My 18ft-high wire (= 1/12 of a wavelength) was similarly suited.

2m : 144.0 - 146.0Mhz

Bernard G3SHF - Well done Carsten with your score and good to see that Kieron, Evan and Dave also participated. I also heard Dave towards the end with 184. I managed 160 mainly S & P and would agree with Carsten's comments that conditions have been better for this contest. Sorry I missed you Evan. But well done to everyone and lets get the entries in! 6

23cms : 1240.0 - 325Mhz

Frequency) 6m : 50 - 52Mhz 4m : 70 - 70.5Mhz


(Ultra High Frequency)

70cms : 430.0 - 440Mhz

HF Ladder with Evan M0TJU Summary of 2014 HF Ladder Last year’s HF Ladder ‘contest’ will, no doubt, be remembered as lively, unpredictable and competitive. There were thirteen participants (including one with a late log submission, see below); even an SRS club station joined in. With plenty of entrants – many of them trying two or more modes – and the emergence of a few dark horses in the final weeks, observing the Ladder (and being part of it) was most enjoyable. Two thousand and fourteen saw the Sun near its 11-year maximum, and contestants took advantage of the high solar flux levels to gain plenty of slots (i.e. points) on the higher HF bands, especially during the autumn months, when conditions turned especially favourable. The lower shortwave bands were rather neglected as a consequence; an indication of this was the proportion of total slots earned on the 80-metre band over the year being only 7% - the same share as the 12-metre (WARC) band, and about half of the contribution from 10 metres. Top Band and 60-metre contacts were in the logs of only two entrants (Eric G3GMM and Carsten G0SYP) and a single entrant (Alan G0ROW), respectively. As expected, most of the entrants gained slots on phone (SSB, FM). However, the lion’s share of the slot total was from CW contacts, largely the impact of Carsten G0SYP’s efforts with that mode. Participation on the digimodes was a little disappointing, admittedly, but this was balanced by the fact that most of the entrants gave more than one mode a go. Perhaps the most memorable aspect of the 2014 Ladder was its unpredictability, especially in the middle of the leaderboard, with a number of dark horses being revealed in the final couple of months. These included Graham G3ZOD, Bernard G3SHF and – most strikingly – Pete M1PTR and Nigel G0RXA. The latter two had six and nil slots, respectively, at the end of August, but finished with respective totals of 161 and 90. All of these late firers made the most of the great autumn high-band conditions, while a couple of them also tapped into the heightened band activity of the season’s two CQ Worldwide DX contests. Let’s hope that 2015’s event is even better…. Summary of Eric McFarland’s (G3GMM) all-CW log (received mid-December): Slots per band: 160m: 7; 80m: 4; 40m: 4; 20m: 25; 15m: 17; 10m: 7

Club Log (HF Ladder) If you wish to join Club Log and also get entry into the HF Ladder with the end reward of entry in the HF Ladder competition at the end of the year, and you chance to win a trophy for the year, follow the information below.

If you wish to join SRS DXCC league in Clublog, please follow these instructions: 

Register your details with Clublog at www.clublog.org

Click ‘settings’ and then go to the ‘clubs’ tab

Select SRS - Stockport Radio Society and click ‘join club’

Your membership of SRS will show as pending until approved by the Administrator

The SRS DXCC League can be viewed from this link - http://www.clublog.org/league.php?club=99


Other Information / Contacts

Our Next Courses Advanced Our next exam takes place on 29 January 2015 - we wish all those taking the examination all the very best.8 December. If you are interested in taking the next course in late 2015, please contact Alan G0ROW at a society meeting, or via courses@g8srs.co.uk


Contact Details Stockport Radio Society Walthew House 112 Shaw Heath Stockport SK2 6QS 07506 904422

SRS Emails

Next dates for the Foundation course are 24 & 25 Jan 2015 - We wish all those taking part (including our own Media Manager) all the very best and look forward to receiving your new call sign. If you would like to book a place on the course, which takes place in June 2015, please contact courses@g8srs.co.uk.

Intermediate Next dates for the Intermediate course are Sat/Sun 7&8 Feb, and the following Mondays 16, 23 February and Monday 2, 9 and 16 March. Examination takes place on March 16. If you would like to book a place on the next course, please contact courses@g8srs.co.uk.

Trip to Bletchley Park The club is organising a trip to Bletchley Park on 25th April 2015 - just after Narsa. If you are interested in the SRS trip, please speak to Kieron M5KJM A small deposit of £10.00 will secure your place on the trip. Part of the trip will be subsidised by SRS.

General Info@g8srs.co.uk Secretary secretary@g8srs.co.uk SRS Nets srsnets@g8srs.co.uk Website srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk Courses courses@g8srs.co.uk Clothing sweatshirt@g8srs.co.uk Treasurer treasurer@g8srs.co.uk Contesting peakcontestgroup@gmail.com

Further details will follow at the society meetings.




Social Media Date of Next Issue of QUA 1st April 2015 - Articles to be with QUA by March 16, 2015 If you have news, events, contest information etc that you would like to share with your fellow members, please email : srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk

QUA is sponsored by Manchester Office Supplies 8

@G8SRS @Peak_Contest

StockportradioSociety peakcontestgroup

The Peak Contest Group is the ‘Contesting Arm of Stockport Radio Society’

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