QUA Issue 21 May 2018

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QUA Welcome, to issue 21 April 2018 of the Stockport Radio Society (SRS) Newsletter Written and compiled by SRS members, ‘QUA’ (Have you news of… ?) is your source of news, views and informed opinion on all matters relating to - and about - your hobby.

Club of the Year (Region 3) Winners 2017 3rd Year in succession

@G8SRS @SRSContestGroup


Hello to all SRS Club Members. It looks like spring has finally arrived, or has it? The bands have still not been favourable for much DX over the past months. The SRS Contest Group suffered with the snow during the Russian DX contest. The CQ WPX contest that followed also suffered not from snow but just bad propagation. Hopefully the bands will come alive for the next contests. Don’t forget any assistance you can offer the group will be most welcome. The Special Events group had a successful dummy run, erecting the new marquee and equipment, in readiness for the forthcoming outside events. Heather M6HNS has published a listing for the events currently booked, also photos of the proposed setup. I hope that you can join us to give your support. Our RSGB courses are still proving to be a real success, with candidates attending from far and wide. The foundation course and the ILC all had a 100% success with the candidates who sat the exams. Now most are enrolled onto the ALC (Full Licence). We had a great presentation of C4FM Fusion operation from Neil M6NAE and Dennis G7DSV, a very informative night. Thanks must also go to Stuart M0SGS (owner of CQ-UK) awaiting CQ calls from SRS members. Pete M1PTR, Tom M0DCG and Kieran M5KJM organised a mini DX expedition to Saltee Island off the southern coast of Ireland. Call sign EI6KP unfortunately due to weather conditions landing on Saltee Island had to be cancelled. If any SRS members contacted them don’t forget to add to your club awards. Unfortunately the noise level at Walthew did not help when trying to contact them on club night. We had a good turnout of SRS members on Sunday 29 April at the Blackpool Narsa rally, and look forward to our own SRS Rally at Walthew House in July Don’t forget our trip to Bletchley Park on the 19 May, seats still available on the coach. Are you interested in Radio Astrology? If so have a word with Phil M0XYA who is looking to form a group with people who have similar interests. If you are interested in the digital transmission of radio communication and would like to form a group of like minded members please have a word with me at a club meeting. 2

Last minute news received SRS win RSGB region 3 large club of the year again. Thank you to all contributors and those involved with compiling the entry. Until next time good Dxing, stay safe and well. 73, 88 to all Tony M0SAV SRS Chairman

BREAKING NEWS 27 April 2018

NEW RSGB PRESIDENT The Society has received one nomination for President and is pleased to announce that Dave Wilson, M0OBW has been duly elected as President of the RSGB until the 2020 AGM. The Society would like to place on record its thanks to Nick Henwood G3RWF for the excellent work he has done during his term as President. Dave's term of office will start on 12 May 18.

Date of Next Issue - 10 July 2018 Articles to be sent to QUA by 20 June 2018 If you have news, events, contest information etc that you would like to share with your fellow members, please email : srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk 3

Diary of Events May 2018 Tuesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday

1 4 8 10 11 15 18 22 25

Saturday & Sunday

26 & 27

Saturday & Sunday Wednesday

26 & 27 30

Society Night 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm 6m Net 51.550 FM 7.30pm 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm Radio Night 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm Skills Night 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm CQ WPX CW 48hr Contest with SRS Contest Group Foundation Course Part 1 and 2 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm

June 2018 Friday Saturday & Sunday Saturday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 3&4 3 5 7 8 12 14 15 19 22 26 27 28 29

70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm RSGB National Field Day CW 24hr Contest with SRS Contest Group Foundation Course - Exam Society Night Committee Meeting 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm 6m Net 51.550 FM 7.30pm 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm Radio Night 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm Skills Night 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm Advanced Tutorial Primer 2 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm


Diary of Events - July 2018 Tuesday Friday Friday Saturday

3 6 6 7



Tuesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Friday

10 12 13 17 20 24 25 27

Saturday & Sunday

28 & 29

Society Night 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm SRS Rally Prep Night SRS Rally SRS Special Events Station at AVRO Air Fair 6m Net 51.550 FM 7.30pm 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm Radio Night 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm Skills Night 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm 70cm Net 433.525 FM 2.00pm IOTA Contest CW SSB 24hr Contest with SRS Contest Group

If you know of anyone who may be interested in giving a talk or demonstration at SRS on one of our Society Nights, please let Evan know either at a society meeting or email him at: treasurer@g8srs.co.uk

Contact Emails General Treasurer Website / QUA Membership Courses Contesting -

- info@g8srs.co.uk treasurer@g8srs.co.uk - srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk membership@g8srs.co.uk courses@g8srs.co.uk contesting@g8srs.co.uk

Website www.g8srs.co.uk SRS Contest Group is the ‘Contesting Arm of Stockport Radio Society’


Total Mast Solutions Portable and Static Winch Up Steel Masts An exciting new range of portable and static winch up steel masts have been unveiled by Total Mast Solutions. We talked to Head of Development Joe Hall and CEO Simon Bourne. They explained that after listening to potential customers requirements last year they decided to start work on designing an entirely new range of steel winch up masts. They explained that being constructed from steel box section they are very strong and robust with significant increased head load capacities yet only marginally heavier than pneumatic masts. Joe Hall went on to explain that this new range has other important advantages for radio communication applications. Firstly they do not require air seals. Secondly the masts are not affected by water, rain or dust penetration. Finally as water and dust can pass through the open box sections and be discharged at the open base they are much less likely to freeze in extreme weather conditions. Simon and Joe work closely together on new developments and to date there are 6 newly designed versions ranging from 5 metres up to 12 metres with 4 different base tube sizes ranging from 60mm up to 140mm and all compatible with their existing diverse range of mounting/deployment options. The new range of masts can be easily deployed by a single person in around 2-3 minutes and can be extended by either an integral manual or a motorized winch. The Total Mast Solutions development team are currently working on the development of other sizes and these will be unveiled over the next year at the National Hamfest in Newark, UK and other shows around the world. As usual Total Mast Solutions will be offering significant discounts to Ham radio users so please remember to give them your call sign when contacting their sales office on +441509 416972 or sales@totalmastsolutions.com. Also mention Stockport Radio Society at Narsa


Total Mast Solutions Winch Up Mast


What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The GDPR aims primarily to give control back to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.[1] When the GDPR takes effect, it will replace the data protection directive (officially Directive 95/46/EC) [2] of 1995. The regulation was adopted on 27 April 2016. It becomes enforceable from 25 May 2018 after a two-year transition period and, unlike a directive, it does not require national governments to pass any enabling legislation, and is thus directly binding and applicable - Definition taken from Wikipedia You may be aware from information that has been sent to you in the post, or on email, from other external sources, about the forthcoming GDPR that comes into effect on 25 May this year. This is email is to let all members know that Stockport Radio Society have taken all the necessary advice from an external consultant, and over the past six months have produced a procedures and policies guide along with a privacy report (which will be on the website shortly) to ensure that your data is dealt with in the correct and safest manner.


The only people who have access to your data from the Stockport Radio Society are: Nigel 2E0CKA

 Membership Secretary and Data Protection Manager (classed as the Controller for GDPR purposes) Heather M6HNS

 Secretary and Media Manager (classed as a Processor for GDPR purposes) John M0JFM

 Course Secretary (classed as a Processor for GDPR purposes) Nigel controls all membership data, Heather has access to the membership data for media (QUA) and website purposes, and John handles all external and internal candidates data who wish to take any of the courses which Stockport Radio Society hold. All the data that is held is stored on a ‘cloud based’ system, and is not accessible by any other member of the Committee or Society. If you wish to know more about the data that we hold on you, please email me direct hethstanley@gmail.com, and I will let you know what we store, and how it is used, or please come and speak to me direct at the club. Heather Stanley – M6HNS (Secretary / Media Manager / SRS Rally)


2018 Stockport Radio Society Rally Saturday 7 July 2018 Walthew House 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport SK2 6QS For details email : info@g8srs.co.uk Call : 07506 904422

Rally Details Doors open at 10am Entrance fee – £2

Disabled car parking & access Refreshments available Club and Trader tables available £10 each. Power available at no extra cost .

Talk-in Channel: 145.550MHz (Call sign in use G6UQ) 10

Club Nets


It has been decided, that the following callsigns may be used by any full licence holder chairing the nets - G8SRS, G6UQ, G3LX

You can become a member of Stockport Radio Society by completing a membership form and, either emailing it to All club call signs will be used on a membership@g8srs.co.uk rotational basis by Full Licence Holders authorised by Alan G0ROW. This will or handing the form to the give members a chance to gain points for Membership Secretary, Nigel the SRS Centenary award 2E0CKA, at any Society meeting. 2m net Nigel 2E0CKA with our visitor 6m net from Australia Payable Annually

on Dec 1st

70cm net If you have any queries about the use of these callsigns, please speak to either Tony M0SAV or Alan G0ROW at any Club meeting

Net Controllers We are also looking for net controllers to chair a specific net. If you have the equipment and would like to try and chair a net, please contact Alan G0ROW who will happily help you. If you would like to try a net with a current net controller with you, again speak to Alan G0ROW The current Net Controllers are: Alan G0ROW, Les M0LPB, Heather M6HNS, Neil M6NAE

Tony M0SAV, Nigel 2E0CKA, Nigel 2E0NGE


Senior Family Country Pensioner Junior

£12.00 £12.00 £ 7.00 £ 7.00 £ 1.00

Juniors upto 18 yrs of age Senior upto 64 yrs of age Pensioner from 65 yrs of age

Meeting Admission £2.00 per meeting. If you are interested in paying your subs by standing order, please contact the Treasurer on treasurer@g8srs.co.uk

Our Mini DX Trip to Wexford, SE Ireland April 16th - 20th 2018 (Call Sign EI6KP) April 2018 saw us once again set off on a mini DX trip, to South East Ireland. This time our objectives included operating base and portable stations, activating Greater Saltee IOTA ref EU-103, a now uninhabited island lying a few kilometres off Kilmore Quay, and testing a vertical directional array (VDA) for 20m on the beach. As the trip to Greater Saltee would involve a fishing boat, followed by a landing from a small inflatable, the equipment for this part was selected carefully for portability weight and erection conveience. Accordingly after much planning we spent a day on Southport Beach, doing a practice run setting everything up. On the Monday of departure our early morning trip from Holyhead to Dublin on the fast cat, the Jonathan Swift was cancelled due to bad weather and we were transferred to the much slower Ulysses sailing early afternoon. We docked in Dublin in time to be delayed in the evening rush hour. Arriving in the early evening at Kilmore Quay, Co Wexford (photo 1) we found our accommodation to be excellent with plenty of space for our base station and with lots of space along the front and down the yard for antennas. After unloading the car and assembling the station in the dining area we retired to a local hostelry for food and a pint. Tuesday began grey, damp and quite windy, which raised a high swell that was enough to prevent us landing safely on Greater Saltee. After an excellent breakfast prepared by Kieron, we set about erecting the G5RV on a roach pole. The plan was to operate using the FT-1000MP with a linear/ATU however due to equipment problems we had to run barefoot at 100W most of the time. Radio conditions were not good and the contact rate was slow. We also spent some time trying to repair the linear and ATU. In the evening we managed to contact some SRS members at the club though conditions were poor and 80m was very noisy. Wednesday began with damp fog and a continuing high swell. After breakfast we drove out to inspect two beach sites where we might try out our VDA. After rejecting one near the village harbour we chose the one further east which was more suited for Europe. The 20m VDA was carefully assembled on a 40ft mast on the beach and carried down to the water’s edge as the tide was ebbing, and the whole assembly raised and guyed using stakes as “dead man’s anchors” in the sand and loose stones. The portable station was assembled in the Range Rover positioned up the beach where we had the set, a Yaesu FT-897, running 100W, powered by LiPo batteries. Logging was done on a laptop fitted with a homemade sun shield 12

around the screen. The 20m VDA was found to work very well, pulling in lots of stations during the afternoon, with many reports of “five nine plus ten” etc. However we had to take the mast down when the tide began to come back in towards the stakes. Upon returning to our accommodation, we assembled the club’s Hexbeam antenna and mounted it on an aluminium telescopic mast before raising the assembly to around 25ft. However the mast “telescoped” down to 8ft after a short time due to problems with its section securing clamps and the antenna wasn’t used. Thursday was sunny, warm and calmer, however Declan, the boatman still didn’t consider the swell had dropped sufficiently for us to make a safe landing on Greater Saltee and we had to resign ourselves to the fact that we would not get to the island during this visit. Instead, we returned to the beach where we had been the previous day as soon as the tide receded sufficiently and operated during the afternoon on two bands with the VDA on 20m as before (photo 2), and with a dipole for 20/40m on a separate 30ft mast. This was fed from the FT1000MP now housed in a tent on the beach and powered using the club’s suitcase generator fitted with ferrites and positioned approx 150ft away from the antennas. Both set-ups performed really well. Again the VDA on 20m was very impressive. We operated steadily on both bands, only stopping when the rising tide came back up the beach. After taking everything down and repacking the Range Rover all that remained for us to do was to tidy up and go out for a final slap-up meal and a few glasses of Guinness to celebrate having worked 200 stations in over 20 DXCCs.

The weather was nice for the drive north to Dublin on Friday and we were able to avoid heavy traffic on the way to the port. The return trip to Holyhead on the Jonathan Swift was fast and comfortable. All things considered we had a very enjoyable trip even though we didn’t get to “activate” Greater Saltee this time. Perhaps we’ll have better luck next May! Kieron M5KJM, Peter M1PTR and Tom M0DCG 13

NARSA Blackpool Rally 2018



Local Rallies

Frequencies LF (Low Frequency) 2000m : 135.7 - 137.8Khz MF (Medium Frequency) 630m : 472 - 479Khz 160m : 1.81 - 2.0Mhz HF (High Frequency) 80m : 3.5 - 3.8Mhz 60m : Consists of 11 spot frequencies check band plan 40m : 7.0 - 7.2Mhz 30m : 10.1 - 10.15Mhz 20m : 14 - 14.35Mhz 17m : 18.068 - 18.168Mhz 15m : 21 - 21.45Mhz 12m : 24.89 - 24.99Mhz 10m : 28 - 29.7Mhz Note for operating on 60m Only available to advanced licence holders

VHF (Very High Frequency) 6m : 50 - 52Mhz 4m : 70 - 70.5Mhz 2m : 144.0 - 146.0Mhz


(Ultra High Frequency)

70cms : 430.0 - 440Mhz 23cms : 1240.0 - 325Mhz

26 MAY 2018 RADARS Flea Market Indoor Sale - St Vincent de Paul’s, Caldershaw Road, off Edenfield Road (A680), Norden, Rochdale, OL12 7QR. Doors open to the public at 10:30am with disabled visitors gaining access 15 minutes earlier. Admission is £2.50 with those under 12 years free.£5 per pitch (for traders with own tables) or £10 for a pitch with table provided. Bring & Buy as well as commercial traders and amateur radio sellers. Refreshments available including bacon and sausage butties. Further Details: Robert M0NVQ rally@radars.me.uk/ m0nvq@outlook.com Tel: 07778 113333 7 JULY 2018 STOCKPORT RS RALLY - Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport SK2 6SQ. Car parking available around the venue and a talk-in station will be on the air. Doors open from 10am to 4pm, with disabled visitors gaining access at 9.30am. Entry is £2. There will be trade stands, special interest groups and an RSGB book stall. Contact Nigel Roscoe, G0RXA on 07506 904422 or by email to info@g8srs.co.uk. 17 NOVEMBER 2018 RADARS Traditional Radio Rally - St Vincent de Paul’s, Caldershaw Road, off Edenfield Road (A680), Norden, Rochdale, OL12 7QR. Doors open to the public at 10:30am with disabled visitors gaining access 15 minutes earlier. Admission is £2.50 with those under 12 years free.£5 per pitch (for traders with own tables) or £10 for a pitch with table provided. Bring & Buy as well as commercial traders and amateur radio 16


Stockport Radio Society Special Events 2018 Date



June 16

Marple Carnival

Marple Forces Club, Lime Kiln Lane, Stockport SK6 6BX

All Day Event

June 30 July 1

Transport and Aviation Festival

Runway Visitors Park, Sunbank Lane, Altrincham WA15 8XQ

2 Day Event

July 8

Avro Air Festival

Woodford Aerodrome, Chester Road, Woodford, Stockport SK7 1AG

All Day Event

July 28

IOTA Contest contacting SRS Contest Group in Aaronmore and Open Day

Walthew House, Shaw Heath, Stockport, SK2 6QS

All Day Event

Just for fun!!! - Guess the legs


Trial Setup of the new SRS Marquee


Morse Code

Morse Code

Phonetic Alphabet


._ _ _ _






.._ _ _






..._ _
























_ _...


_ _.




_ _ _..














._ _ _







Our Morse





classes run





on each










._ _ .




_ _._










Come and





speak to





Evan M0TJU





if you would


._ _








_._ _




_ _..



club night from 7.00 to 7.30 pm.

like to learn.


RSGB Courses Feedback Our Chairman – Tony Smithies M0SAV who is a members of the RSGB Tutors Group recently received a message on the group link about the feedback received from potential new candidates wanted to take the Foundation Course – below is a excerpt from the message (These were not comments about Stockport Radio Society but other clubs)

 I attended a club meet near me. Very nice people and very friendly, but too small to offer training

 Made contact with local club and as long as you join club as a member  

there’s no problem No one will answer my emails regarding doing the exam. Two more clubs contacted on line. No answer yet. Had some feedback that distance learning is looked down on - i.e. getting license must entail at least 6 months attending club lectures! getting severely down hearted now! I don't know why I should be blocked from giving an exam if I have the potential to pass without getting trained through them. One club even told me that they can neither arrange for exam nor arrange to teach me for a fee because they only meet twice a month. One club not keen as "we don’t just want to be a conduit for getting licenseS

When I check, many of the clubs being approached are listed as offering training on the RSGB Course Finder, which as we all know is not terribly up-to-date (due to clubs not updating) To be fair, I see some very positive feedback too. Kudos to Stockport Radio Society Club, Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society, Thames ARG, an unnamed club in Taunton, an unnamed club in Gloucester and Midcars Cheshire – positive feedback from this month’s candidates when it comes to contact and getting a place on a course. Soul-destroying to know that there are candidates out there keen to get started, but not being helped by clubs.. Best regards, Pete M0PSX


Courses - FLC/ILC/ALC Course Secretary John Marsh - M0JFM courses@g8srs.co.uk

Course Fees Foundation - £50.00 - Based on a minimum of 6 students Intermediate - £116.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students (Inclusive of construction kit) Advanced - £95.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students These prices were correct at the time of printing. Please contact John if you are interested in taking on of the courses

Foundation Good luck to those students taking the June examination Here are our new dates for the next course Saturday and Sunday 26-27 January 2019 and Saturday 2 February 2019 for examination

Intermediate Our 2019 intermediate dates are as follows Saturday – Sunday 9th -10th February 2019 / Saturday – Sunday 23rd -24th February 2019 Saturday 2nd March including the exam.


Advanced Below are the dates for the current course. Advanced Primer 2 - Thursday 28 May 2018 Advanced Tutorial 1 - Monday 10 September 2018 Advanced Tutorial 2 - Monday 24 September 2018 Advanced Tutorial 3 - Monday 8 October 2018 Advanced Tutorial 4 - Monday 22 October 2018 Advanced Tutorial 5 - Monday 5 November 2018 Advanced Tutorial 6 - Monday 19 November 2018 Advanced Examiniation - Monday 3 Deember 2018

Remember when you have your new callsign do not forget to inform the Membership Secretary Nigel 2E0CKA on m6bbl@btinternet.com and he can update his records and then forward onto Heth M6HNS to update the website. To the following members of Stockport Radio Society for passing their Intermediate Licence Exam in March 018 Nigel 2E0NGE Paddy 2E0TWD Paul 2E0ESH

Andy 2E0KKF Keith 2E0JPY Dave 2E0VTD

QUA is compiled by Heather Stanley M6HNS. If you have any articles, reviews or announcements that you would like to see in the pages of QUA, please send your information to srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk or give Heather a call on 07506 904422 23

SRS Links RSGB www.rsgb.org

Club Log (HF Ladder)

UKFM Group Western www.ukfmgw.org.uk

QRZ.com www.qrz.com

If you wish to join Club Log and also get entry into the HF Ladder with the end reward of entry in the HF Ladder competition at the end of the year, and you chance to win a trophy for the year, follow the information below. If you wish to join SRS DXCC league in Clublog, please follow these instructions:

UK Repeaters www.ukrepeater.net

Ofcom www.ofcom.org.uk ARRL www.arrl.org

Raynet www.raynet-uk.net Summits on the air www.sota.org.uk BYLARA www.bylara.org.uk Echolink www.echolink.org Ham Links www.eham.nets Hack Green SDR www.hackgreen.co.uk If you have any Links you would Like to see on this Page please email srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk

  

Register your details with Clublog at www.clublog.org Click ‘settings’ and then go to the ‘clubs’ tab Select SRS - Stockport Radio Society and click ‘join club’ Your membership of SRS will show as pending until approved by the Administrator

The SRS DXCC League can be viewed from this link http://www.clublog.org/ league.php?club=99

Get your logs in and get yourself on the HF ladder with your chance to win a trophy at the end of the year. If you are new to the HF Ladder speak to Pete M1PTR at a club meeting or email info@g8srs.co.uk for further Information. 24

Repeaters - www.ukfmgw.co.uk 23cm GB3SE 70cm

Output 1297.0750 Mhz

RX1 1291.0750 Mhz




Stoke on Trent


433.1500 Mhz 434.7500 Mhz Analogue



433.2500 Mhz 434.8500 Mhz Analogue



434.0000 Mhz 434.6000 Mhz Analogue



433.0250 Mhz 434.6250 Mhz Analogue



433.0500 Mhz 434.6500 Mhz Analogue



433.3500 Mhz 434.9500 Mhz Analogue



430.9000 Mhz 438.5000 Mhz Analogue



433.3250 Mhz 434.9250 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


433.2250 Mhz 434.8250 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


430.9375 Mhz 438.5375 Mhz Analogue



439.6125 Mhz 430.6125 Mhz Digital

St Helens

GB7WC 2m

439.4875 Mhz 430.4875 Mhz Digital



Analogue 145.6500 Mhz 145.0500 Mhz Digital Fusion



145.7500 Mhz 145.1500 Mhz Analogue


GB3VT 6m

145.7250 Mhz 145.1250 Mhz D Star

Stoke on Trent


50.7900 Mhz 51.2900 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent

If you use the repeaters on a regular basis, please subscribe to them www.ukfmgw.co.uk. 25

SRS DXCC Ladders April 2018 Propagation Since the beginning of this year the Solar Flux has continued to hover around the 70 mark. Daily sunspot counts on the other hand, range from zero to the mid thirties (see Figure 1.) These conditions lead to surprise openings on the HF bands. Plus some winter Sporadic E gave brief openings on VHF.

Figure 1: Solar Flux and Daily Sunspot count (source: NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center)

HF & 6 DXCC Ladder The lower HF bands remain the most active with some good opening on 40m helped by grey line propagation. As mentioned above, surprise openings on the upper HF bands can be seen in the scores so it’s worth keeping an eye on the forecasts! This period there’s been quite a bit of movement on the leader board. Carsten G0SYP has jumped into the lead yours truly second and a welcomed new entrant Andy M0REP third.

2 & 70 DXCC Ladder

Welcome to new entrants Les M0LPB and Jake M6PGO in second and third place respectively behind Neil M6NAE who leads the table with mainly C4FM slots on 70cm. For those who use RF propagation only, it may interest you to know that there has been a big increase in FT8 data mode activity on 2m. (RadCom, May 2018 Page 60). It’s worth checking this out, as it will add to your DXCC slot count. We now have a direct link for up to date results www.g8srs.co.uk/hf-ladderinc-vhf-2m-70cm it saves you logging onto Clublog to check your scores. If anyone needs help with a submission please drop me an email or catch Neil or me at the club. We’ll be glad to help. 73 and Good Dxing - Pete Ridley, M1PTR 26


Stockport Radio Society Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport SK2 6QS 07506 904422 / info@g8srs.co.uk Print Sponsor of QUA, and general printers of all SRS Literature Olympic Press Soapstone Way, Irlam, Manchester M44 6RA Tel : 0161 775 2555 / sales@olympicpress.co.uk

Stockport Radio Society are affiliated members of RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) and NARSA (Northern Amateur Radio Society Association) 28

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