QUA Issue 22 - July 2019

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QUA Welcome, to issue 22 July 2018 of the Stockport Radio Society (SRS) Newsletter Written and compiled by SRS members, ‘QUA’ (Have you news of… ?) is your source of news, views and informed opinion on all matters relating to - and about - your hobby.

Special Events Team and Helpers Avro Air Fair 2018 @G8SRS @SRSContestGroup


There is no Chairman’s Corner this issue. Most of Tony’s comments are already in the various articles in the magazine. Thank you to everyone who has helped with the special events, the rally, the contest group, and articles for this issue of QUA. Without you we would not have the club we do, and no QUA. Heth M6HNS P.S. Tony M0SAV - You are only getting away with this one!!!

Contact Emails General - info@g8srs.co.uk Treasurer - treasurer@g8srs.co.uk Website / QUA - srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk Membership - membership@g8srs.co.uk Courses - courses@g8srs.co.uk Contesting - contesting@g8srs.co.uk

Website www.g8srs.co.uk SRS Contest Group is the ‘Contesting Arm of Stockport Radio Society’

Date of Next Issue - 10 October 2018 Articles to be sent to QUA by 30 September 2018 If you have news, events, contest information etc that you would like to share with your fellow members, please email : srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk Front Cover Image - L-R Tony M0SAV, John 2E0GCX, John G3WFK, Evan M0TJU, Nigel 2E0CKA, Heth M6HNS, Elaine 2E1BVS, Nigel 2E0NGE and club mascot Scrappy 2

Diary of Events - August 2018 Tuesday


Improving Your Transmit Audio (Roland Myers G8LUL)

Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday

14 16 21 28 29

6m Net 51.550 FM 7.30pm 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm Radio Night Skills Night 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm

September 2018 Tuesday


Society Meeting

Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

10 11 13 13 18 24 25 26

Advanced Tutorial Session 1 6m Net 51.550 FM 7.30pm Committee Meeting 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm Radio Night Advanced Tutorial Session 2 Skills Nights 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm

October 2018 Tuesday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Sat & Sun Wednesday

2 8 9 11 16 22 23

Society Meeting Advanced Tutorial Session 3 6m Net 51.550 FM 7.30pm 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm Radio Night Advanced Tutorial Session 4 Skills Night 27 & 28 CQWW SSB 48hr Contest with SRS Contest Group 31 2m Net 145.375 FM 7.30pm

If you know of anyone who may be interested in giving a talk or demonstration at SRS on one of our society nights, please let Evan know either at a society meeting or email him at: treasurer@g8srs.co.uk 3

Bureau Veritas - Thank You On behalf of Stockport Radio Society Special Events Team, can I personally thanks Jeff Percival (Financal Controller) at Bureau Veritas for allowing Nigel 2E0NGE to use their company vehicle for our events. Without this the team would have had to use all their own vehicles and split the kits between each other. Thanks to Nigel and Bureau Veritas we were able to load everything in one go. Also thanks to Simon Stokes (Technical Consultant for Toys and Nursery Products) for giving Nigel 2E0NGE a lift into work from Sharston each Friday so that Nigel was able to collect the van. On behalf of Stockport Radio Society - Thank You

THE COMEDIANS (SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM) As you read through QUA, you will notice comments about the comedians of the group - Thanks to Neil M6NAE we now have nicknames. Unfortuantely Evan M0TJU came off the worst at these events Tony - M0SAV Nige - 2E0NGE Evan - M0TJU. Nige - 2E0CKA Heth - M6HNS John - 2E0GCX Neil - M6NAE

Captain Mannering Nigella 1 Hot lips / The Aborigine (as he was always on walkabout.) Nigella 2 Number 1 (Our anchor of the group) Private James Frazer (were all doomed) Private Pike.

Scrappy - W0OFF

The security guard dog

Nothing was taken seriously - all done in jest and good fun!!!!


A Day at Common Barn Farm with the SRS Contest Group A few weeks ago, Elaine 2E1BVS and John G3WFK took up the open invitation that is given by Bernard G3SHF and the guys from the Contest Group, and joined them up at Common Barn Farm whilst they were setting up for a CW contest. Here are a few pics from Elaine to show what they were doing. See who the hard core are! Pete M1PTR sat in his coat, whilst Carsten sits with no coat on.

Carsten G0SYP (It’s not cold Pete!!)

Peter M1PTR (feeling the cold)

Conditions were not very good - but on the guys went, and set up. Cold, wet, and misty. These guys are a credit to the club. Any help any member can give to the Contest Group, would be very much appreciated. See Bernard G3SHF at any meeting for more information.

Thanks to Elaine 2E1BVS and John G3WFK for the images 5

First Test for the Special Events New Marquee The Special Events Group did their first event of 2018 on 16 June, and set up at Marple Forces Club using callsign GB0MFC, to test out the new marquee. Under the watchful eye of This was our view from the marquee. Tony M0SAV, the marquee went up first time with no problems. We had a few members come and see us, and VHF was very busy with lots of contacts. Thanks to Neil M6NAE and Jake M6PGO who manned the 2m station. HF was quiet, but Evan M0TJU managed to get a handful of QSOs.


Team photo taken by Neil M6NAE (who always takes the pic and then posts on social media), with Jack 2E0JEH who kindly offered us Marple Forces Club for the event, and our newest member ‘Scrappy’ the club mascot. L-R Nigel 2E0CKA, Tony M0SAV, Evan M0TJU, Jack 2E0JEH, Nigel 2E0NGE, Heth M6HNS and Scrappy W0OFF A big thanks to Barrie G6GUT who came to see us with his XYL Janice. Thanks for the help dismantling everything. Below are a few of the pics taken by Janice.


Transport and Aviation Festival Runway Visitors Park - Manchester Airport 30 June and 1 July, 2018 - GB0ATF Thank you to all members who attended and/or contacted the team on the radio to show your support to the event, and to those members who assisted over the two day event under extreme heat and noise and smoke. Yes smoke from a miniature steam railway. Being so close to the taxiway, for departures on 05 left, meant that the team were drowned out by the noise from the jet engines as they passed. L-R Evan M0TJU, Nigel 2E0NGE, Neil M6NAE, Heth M6HNS and Nigel 2E0CKA (Pic taken by Tony M0SAV)

After being moved three times on the Saturday morning, all went well until the strong winds in the afternoon. Sunday was a much better calmer day wind wise. 2 meter contacts were extremely good, HF not so good. Plenty of people passing by and stopping off for a chat, including other club members. Was great to see so many members. Big thanks to Roy G6RSU for assisting us on the Saturday morning and to Ray M1REK for staying until the end of the event on Saturday to help us dismantle the marquee and antennas. 73, Tony M0SAV


Comment Received from Nigel G0RXA - Tony, Can I say well done to everyone involved. Despite the difficulties the setup was superb and a credit to the club. Nigel Reply from Tony M0SAV to Nigel G0RXA - Hi Nigel - Thank you for your dedicated support. I realise you tried for many years to achieve what is happening now with outside events. Thanks to your encouragement and support, along with Harry's legacy, I hope that we have realised your goal. We seem to have landed a dedicated team, albeit a bunch of comedians, who give 100% to the events. Without them and their enthusiasm it may never have happened. Thank you for your continued support and comment's they are very much appreciated. Best regards Tony Reply from Nigel G0RXA - The team you've built up are doing a cracking job portraying the club to the outside world and at the same time building a formidable presence in the amateur radio community. I think, no I know clubs out there and the local RSGB crew look up to SRS as being a forward thinking club and that's down to the people involved now. Long may it continue.


SRS Rally 2018 - 7 July 2018 On behalf of the SRS Committee and the Rally Organiser Nigel G0RXA, can I extend our thanks to everyone that assisted with the setting up of the rally. Also thank you to all the marshall’s that assisted all day Saturday - without your help assisting traders in and out - we would not have the successful rally that we have.

Bob M6MTA manning the entrance

Also a personal thanks to John G3WFK and Elaine 2E1BVS for taking over the pay desk for me. You did a superb job. Thanks to all the traders that came. We hope you had a good day. And finally a big thanks to Steve G8YTP and his XYL and sister in law for running the catering.

Another successful rally. We all John G3WFK and Elaine 2E1BVS appreciate and thank you for all your assistance. Heth M6HNS Secretary and Media Manager


We were also presented with the Club of the Year Award 2017 for the third year running. (L-R Tony M0SAV, Alan G0ROW, Heth M6HNS and Dave M0OBW - RSGB President)


Avro Air Fair - 8 July 2018 Well done to the SRS events team on another successful show at the AVRO Heritage Museum. Thank you to the team, who were also involved with the SRS rally on the Saturday then up early again for the AVRO event and to all the club members who called by to support the team and also those members who called in on air. Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you also to Elaine 2E1BVS and John G3WFK for your help and support, and also John 2E0GCX. A nice comment from a licensed amateur from the Wirral who stopped by our marquee with his son and daughter. " I have been to many rallies and events run by radio clubs. Yours is the most professional, all members in uniform and prepared to speak to you and not ignore you. Some club events I have attended the members manning the stands are just in every day clothing so you don't know who is who well done to your club." To me this is the icing on the cake which gets us recognition from others outside of our membership. Well done to all in club uniform. 73 until the next event Tony M0SAV SRS Chairman

Heth M6HNS with Mr Roscoe Snr (Nigel G0RXA’s dad)


Ben 2E0JLR With his sone driving one of the tractors

Neil M6NAE received this email after the event and has shared it with the membership From: Michael Kay Date: Sun, Jul 8, 2018 at 11:13 PM Subject: Thanks for the QSO from AVRO Day. To: "n.rydings0@gmail.com" <n.rydings0@gmail.com> G'day Neil - thanks for the QSO on the Hubnet from the Avro Museum day. I was using an ID51 into a Bluestack and just idling on the Hubnet when I heard your call. It is a grey morning here in Adelaide and just getting into my first cup of Typhoo Tea. Thanks again for the event and 73's from South Australia. Mike VK5ACX Ps originally from Heywood between Bury and Rochdale and my mates father worked at Oldham Avro in the 60's surname Tinker. 13

AVRO Air Fair Lancaster and Spitfire Fly Past

Thanks to Slawek M0SQJ for the images 14

AVRO Air Fair Avro Anson Fly Past (in RAF Colours)


Just for fun (Alan has approved this!!)

Frequencies LF (Low Frequency) 2000m : 135.7 - 137.8Khz MF (Medium Frequency) 630m : 472 - 479Khz 160m : 1.81 - 2.0Mhz

After putting up some pictures on our facebook page, a few members asked if we could caption this picture of Alan G0ROW – here are a few captions

HF (High Frequency) 80m : 3.5 - 3.8Mhz 60m : Consists of 11 spot frequencies check band plan 40m : 7.0 - 7.2Mhz 30m : 10.1 - 10.15Mhz 20m : 14 - 14.35Mhz 17m : 18.068 - 18.168Mhz 15m : 21 - 21.45Mhz 12m : 24.89 - 24.99Mhz 10m : 28 - 29.7Mhz Note for operating on 60m Only available to advanced licence holders

VHF (Very High Frequency) 6m : 50 - 52Mhz 4m : 70 - 70.5Mhz 2m : 144.0 - 146.0Mhz


(Ultra High Frequency)

70cms : 430.0 - 440Mhz 23cms : 1240.0 - 325Mhz

Neil M6NAE - Not another M6 Tony M0SAV – Now what should I have done before I came here?? Neil M6NAE - If they think i'm getting to the airport for 6 am. to help them they can sod off. as an old bloke i don't get up till dinner time Tony M0CVC - How many times do I have to tell them that it is an A in morse, not an N. Paddy 2E0TWD - I gave that 897 away Heth M6NHS – Next time she tells me off I might cry!!! 16

Club Nets

Membership You can become a member of Stockport Radio Society by completing a membership form and, either emailing it to membership@g8srs.co.uk or handing the form to the Membership Secretary, Nigel 2E0CKA, at any Society meeting.

Payable Annually on Dec 1st Senior Family Country Pensioner Junior

£12.00 £12.00 £ 7.00 £ 7.00 £ 1.00

Juniors upto 18 yrs of age Senior upto 64 yrs of age Pensioner from 65 yrs of age

Meeting Admission £2.00 per meeting. If you are interested in paying your subs by standing order, please contact the Treasurer on treasurer@g8srs.co.uk

It has been decided, that the following callsigns may be used by any full licence holder chairing the nets - G8SRS, G6UQ, G3LX, M5MDX All club call signs will be used on a rotational basis by full licence holders authorised by Alan G0ROW. This will give members a chance to gain points for the SRS Centenary award 2m net, 6m net, 70cm net If you have any queries about the use of these callsigns, please speak to either Tony M0SAV or Alan G0ROW at any Club meeting

Net Controllers We are also looking for net controllers to chair a specific net. If you have the equipment and would like to try and chair a net, please contact Alan G0ROW who will happily help you. If you would like to try a net with a current net controller with you, again speak to Alan G0ROW The current Net Controllers are: Alan G0ROW, Les M0LPB, Heather M6HNS, Neil M6NAE

Tony M0SAV, Nigel 2E0CKA, Nigel 2E0NGE


Using an ‘Analogue’ Transceiver with an SDR Receiver Perhaps the greatest attraction of software defined radio (SDR) transceivers such as Icom’s IC-7300 and the various FlexRadio models (see Image 1 below) is that they allow you to – literally – see activity across a particular band on the rigs’ in-built spectrum scopes. An operator can then notice a station well away from his/her operating frequency, ‘click onto’ it and work it. Alternatively, the op can immediately locate a quiet channel in which to call ‘CQ’. All up, painstaking searches up and down bands to find calling spaces or workable stations could be consigned to the past. Fortunately, you don’t need a fancy SDR transceiver to utilise such fancy features: a standard ‘analogue’ rig with CAT control used together with a relatively cheap SDR receiver will be more than adequate.

Most transceivers these days have CAT (‘Computer Aided Transceiver’) built in, thereby allowing much of a rig’s functionality (e.g. frequency and band selection) to be handled through your PC. A good quality wide-spectrum SDR receiver, meanwhile, can now retail for under £200 (e.g. SDRPlay), and the software used to run such devices is of low cost or even free (e.g. SDR-Console, which I use).


The results that can be obtained with SDR receivers are illustrated in Image 2 below, which shows a screen shot of a portion of the US 40-metre band generated by an SDR Play receiver used with the SDR-Console V3 application. The scope, as you can see, is peppered with dozens of LSB voice signals.

While you can get results by utilising your transmitting radio and an SDR receiver independently – whereby the frequency and mode on each radio would be set separately – your operating experience will be greatly enhanced if they are, instead, used in conjunction; this will be facilitated by your rig’s CAT feature and SDR software that can control an ‘external radio’ (i.e. your transceiver). One advantage of having transceiver/SDR co-ordination is that the bandscope can always show signal activity either side of the frequency you’ve dialled in – no matter how much you’ve spun the VFO. The reverse is also true: you can use the software to make your transmitting radio jump directly to a signal on the bandscope that has happened to have caught your eye. Another plus of having the transmitting rig and SDR ‘joined’ up is that they allow you to listen to received signals through the SDR instead of through the transceiver – something to consider given the quality of audio from SDRs compared to most transceivers. Evan M0TJU 19

Morse Code

Morse Code

Phonetic Alphabet


._ _ _ _






.._ _ _






..._ _
























_ _...


_ _.




_ _ _..














._ _ _







Our Morse



classes run





on each club





night from





7.00 to 7.30


._ _ .





_ _._







Come and




speak to





Evan M0TJU





if you would





like to give


._ _



this part of





the hobby a


_._ _





_ _..






Word search provided for QUA by Tony M6MZV 21

Courses - FLC/ILC/ALC Course Secretary John Marsh - M0JFM courses@g8srs.co.uk

Are you interested in taking a course with Stockport Radio Society. We run all three courses at Walthew House, in Stockport. If you would like to put your name down for one of the three courses, please email John on courses@g8srs.co.uk. These courses fill up very quickly, so don’t delay book NOW!

Course Fees Foundation - £50.00 - Based on a minimum of 6 students Intermediate - £116.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students (Inclusive of construction kit) Advanced - £95.00 - Based on a minimum of 4 students These prices were correct at the time of printing.

Foundation Here are our new dates for the next course Saturday and Sunday 26 & 27 January 2019 Saturday 2 February 2019 for examination


Intermediate Our 2019 intermediate dates are as follows Saturday – Sunday 9 & 10 February 2019 Saturday – Sunday 23 & 24 February 2019 Saturday 2 March including the exam.

Advanced Below are the dates for the current course. Advanced Primer 2 - Thursday 28 May 2018 Advanced Tutorial 1 - Monday 10 September 2018 Advanced Tutorial 2 - Monday 24 September 2018 Advanced Tutorial 3 - Monday 8 October 2018 Advanced Tutorial 4 - Monday 22 October 2018 Advanced Tutorial 5 - Monday 5 November 2018 Advanced Tutorial 6 - Monday 19 November 2018 Advanced Examination - Monday 3 December 2018

Remember when you have your new callsign do not forget to inform the Membership Secretary Nigel 2E0CKA on m6bbl@btinternet.com and he can update his records and then forward onto Heth M6HNS to update the website. QUA is compiled by Heather Stanley M6HNS. If you have any articles, reviews or announcements that you would like to see in the pages of QUA, please send your information to srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk or give Heather a call on 07506 904422 23

SRS Links RSGB www.rsgb.org UKFM Group Western www.ukfmgw.org.uk Ofcom www.ofcom.org.uk ARRL www.arrl.org QRZ.com www.qrz.com UK Repeaters www.ukrepeater.net Raynet www.raynet-uk.net Summits on the air www.sota.org.uk BYLARA www.bylara.org.uk Echolink www.echolink.org

Club Log (HF Ladder) If you wish to join Club Log and also get entry into the HF Ladder with the end reward of entry in the HF Ladder competition at the end of the year, and you chance to win a trophy for the year, follow the information below. If you wish to join SRS DXCC league in Clublog, please follow these instructions:    

Register your details with Clublog at www.clublog.org Click ‘settings’ and then go to the ‘clubs’ tab Select SRS - Stockport Radio Society and click ‘join club’ Your membership of SRS will show as pending until approved by the Administrator

The SRS DXCC League can be viewed from this link http://www.clublog.org/league.php? club=99

Ham Links www.eham.nets Hack Green SDR www.hackgreen.co.uk

If you have any Links you would Like to see on this Page please email srswebsite@g8srs.co.uk

Get your logs in and get yourself on the HF ladder with your chance to win a trophy at the end of the year. If you are new to the HF Ladder speak to Pete M1PTR at a club meeting or email info@g8srs.co.uk for further Information. 24

Repeaters - www.ukfmgw.co.uk 23cm




GB3SE 70cm

1297.0750 Mhz 1291.0750 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


433.1500 Mhz 434.7500 Mhz Analogue



433.2500 Mhz 434.8500 Mhz Analogue



434.0000 Mhz 434.6000 Mhz Analogue



433.0250 Mhz 434.6250 Mhz Analogue



433.0500 Mhz 434.6500 Mhz Analogue



433.3500 Mhz 434.9500 Mhz Analogue



430.9000 Mhz 438.5000 Mhz Analogue



433.3250 Mhz 434.9250 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


433.2250 Mhz 434.8250 Mhz Analogue

Stoke on Trent


430.9375 Mhz 438.5375 Mhz Analogue



439.6125 Mhz 430.6125 Mhz Digital

St Helens

GB7WC 2m

439.4875 Mhz 430.4875 Mhz Digital



Analogue 145.6500 Mhz 145.0500 Mhz Digital Fusion



145.7500 Mhz 145.1500 Mhz Analogue


GB3VT 6m

145.7250 Mhz 145.1250 Mhz D Star

Stoke on Trent


50.7900 Mhz

Stoke on Trent

51.2900 Mhz



If you use the repeaters on a regular basis, please subscribe to them www.ukfmgw.co.uk. Please check the website to confirm which are currently working 25

SRS DXCC Ladders June 2018 Propagation

As I write this we are in the middle of a UK heatwave and well into the Sporadic-E season. There have been regular openings on the upper HF and VHF bands which bring some excitement to these bands having been quiet for some time. A quick web search found a couple of sites which are useful to find the best time to use these bands. https://www.dxmaps.com/ mufmap.html shows real time activity across all bands from LF to VHF and up. www.gooddx.net provides E-Skip alerts by SMS this is very useful to tell you when the band is open in Europe.

Band Activity

Since last time we have seen a number of contests take place. They are always a good source of new slots; Eric G3GMM grabbed a few on CW during the BERU and NFD contests. Al G0ROW reported VP8LP on 20m, and Evan reported openings on 10m and 6m. On 2m Neil operated GB0MFC during an SRS outdoor event. Please keep sharing this information as it can be a trigger for some of us to get on air and play radio.

HF & 6 DXCC Ladder

Openings on the upper HF bands are now quite common at this time of year so it’s worth keeping an eye on the forecasts or the sites above! This period there’s been movement on the leader board. Carsten G0SYP increases his lead with an impressive 6m slot count, yours truly clinging onto second* with Kieron M5KJM moving into third place with a leading tally on 20m. Al G0ROW has taken advantage of 10m openings and moves up to fourth place * This year Barry has decided not to enter the SRS competition so his entry is a non-competitive check log.

2 & 70 DXCC Ladder

No change to the standing in this table with Neil M6NAE remaining in the lead, Les M0LPB second and Jake M6PGO third. Finally, I’d like to welcome Paul, 2E0TWD who has joined the both leagues since my last report. Check the direct link for up to date results www.g8srs.co.uk/hf-ladder-incvhf-2m-70cm it saves you logging onto Clublog to check your scores. If anyone needs help with a submission please drop me an email or catch Neil or me at the club. We’ll be glad to help. 73 and Good Dxing - Pete Ridley, M1PTR 26


Stockport Radio Society Walthew House, 112 Shaw Heath, Stockport SK2 6QS 07506 904422 / info@g8srs.co.uk Print Sponsor of QUA, and general printers of all SRS Literature Olympic Press Soapstone Way, Irlam, Manchester M44 6RA Tel : 0161 775 2555 / sales@olympicpress.co.uk

Stockport Radio Society are affiliated members of RSGB (Radio Society of Great Britain) and NARSA (Northern Amateur Radio Society Association) 28

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