Apostle-‐Elect O’Neil Salmon pastoroministries@gmail.com
It is vital that the Body of Christ comes to an awareness of the importance, presence and responsibilities of the gifts given to men for the purpose of the Kingdom. Romans 12:6 “Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us…” Hence, we come to know that we are in fact gifted, and our gifts are often different. Be careful that you don’t assume what your gift is, by comparison to that of another person. Most often enough, the danger that exists through comparing ourselves, is that we assume personality and personal attributes to be a pre-‐determined requirement to obtaining or walking in a gift or a certain capacity. An example of such, “if y ou have a raspy voice or an admirable oratorical presentation, then you are more likely assumed to be a preacher or a dynamic speaker.” When we make this conclusion, it is often without consideration for the content that was on shared. “If you were intuitive or discerning,” most would often conclude that you are prophetic or even more anointed than most. May I present that this may be a result of the fact that, the person is simply nosey. I choose to remind you of the text written for your benefit according to 2 Corinthians 10:12 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” Let us therefore strive to walk in confidence concerning our unique roles, callings and gifting. You are a part of a greater plan. Be Blessed!
Shiloh Restoration Tabernacle 1044 East Brandon Boulevard. Brandon, FL 33511 (813) 657-‐9400 / shilohrestoration@gmail.com www.shilohrestoration.com
SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE @ 11:00AM WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDIES @ 7:00PM (See Event Calendar On Back For More Details) 1st SUNDAYS tend to be a bit formal in our attire, as we present Communion. You are welcome to join us, as we tend to wear “black & white”. 4th & 5th SUNDAYS are Casual Sundays around here, so break out that denim, those sneakers and let’s be united together… Be you! Regardless of what Sunday it is though, don’t let the clothes stop you from coming and being a part of the dynamic move of God.
Our BOOKSTORE is open after most services for refreshments, ministry products and recordings of our services. Stop by today; you’ll be glad you did.
“SOULS FOR CHRIST” EVANGELISM MINISTRY Leadership: Evangelist Janice Rhodes / rhodesjanice.jr@gmail.com
Vision Statement To s pread the gospel on the streets, in our communities and to our city. Reaching the lost, the un-‐churched and those who have left the faith!
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” Luke 19:10 INVITATIONS EXTENDED
95 / 5,535
30 / 300
55 / 150
25 / 93
6 / 16
11 / 28
(THE ABOVE #’S REFLECT THE RESULTS OF OUR EVANGELISTIC EFFORTS) (BLUE = MOST RECENT ACTIVITY / RED = YTD ACTIVITY) SOUL FOR CHRIST EVANGELIST MINISTRY Team: Attended a Workshop at Legacy Church on 06/16/2012. Hosted by Evangelist Munday Martin on the subject “Evangelism”. Shortly after the workshop ended, we journeyed into Ybor City, Tampa and performed just what we learned. It was hands on then and the city will never be the same; and so will we. The Harvest Is Ripe • • • •
Use Your Ideas Creatively. Use Your Time Wisely. Use Your Gifts And Talents Extensively. Give God All The Glory.
September 16, 2012 “Children and youth who attend religious services weekly exhibit the fewest behavior problems, are more likely to have high-‐quality relationships with their parents, and are more likely to exhibit positive social behavior, including showing respect for teachers and neighbors, getting along with other children, understanding other people’s feelings, and trying to resolve conflicts with classmates, family, or friends.” — National Survey of Children’s Health, as quoted by Hal Seed, N ew Song Community Church
It’s vital that as a member and covenant partner with Shiloh Restoration Tabernacle, that you know and understand the totality of our vision. Your seeds sown enable us to continue to advance the Vision, establish our Kingdom Assignment as conveyed to us through Apostle-‐Elect O and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as commission by the Word of God. (Deuteronomy 8:18) • PRESENT DIRECTION: The Great Commission according to Matthew 28:19 states “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” We are striving to do so through working with our Christian Ministry Partnerships to India, Africa & Jamaica. Our current aim will be to establish & partially fund a Medical Clinic in both India & Jamaica. We are seeking to purchase 1.5 acres of land in a particularly mountainous region of India, where access to proper medical care is virtually impossible. Current work is already in progress to providing medical services to Jamaica through our newest partnerships with Mind, Body & Soul Ministries. More information will be shared with you concerning our partnerships to Africa. • PRESENT STRATEGY: To build an awareness of our endeavors, while raising funds through hosting quarterly Mission’s Night Services. Extending an opportunity to others to become a “Friend2Missions”, as a pledge supporter. Plans to travel to Both Africa & India will be made for 2013. Establish additional fundraising projects throughout the year. • PRESENT NEED: Property to be purchased in India will cost $3,000. Mission Supporters. Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, etc. with a heart to serve in Missions. Those willing to travel. Money… We need your help getting there. Thank you in advance!
Our Ministerial Training Program continues to equip, prepare, license and ordain called individuals for the work of ministry. It is established to address the practical needs (the know how) of ministry. It is set forth to teach the roles, responsibilities, challenges and natures of one’s assignment.
PROGRAMS OFFERED: • LEVEL ONE: Addresses the nature of the called, the calling, need for living a balanced life in ministry, addressing holistic needs, foundation building and who am I to God. This is essential for upcoming ministers. • LEVEL TWO: Prepares the licensed & ordained Minister of the Gospel to walk more maturely in their roles and responsibilities, enabling them to know how to govern themselves scripturally, teaching how to perform various s acraments; speaks on the nature of the c hurch, people and how to handle conflicts within one’s personal life and ministry. • COMING SOON: Deacon Training Program, Prophetic Training Program, Evangelism Training 101, Teachers GUILD, Pastoral Preparation Program & Ministry of Helps Training Program.
NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC & OTHER MINISTRIES TO ATTEND! Contact Apostle-‐Elect O at (813) 449-‐2983 or email us at shilohrestoration@gmail.com for more details.
OPERATION RESTORING HOPE, INC. Leadership: Evangelist Octoryia Robinson / operationrestoringhope@gmail.com / www.operationrestoringhope.com
Vision Statement: R evitalizing communities by wrapping the loving arms of help and hope, around the hearts and lives that the statistics have written off.
YOUR CHURCH’S OUTREACH NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT: Volunteering Opportunities – Monday, Wednesday, Friday (weekly) Sponsoring -‐ We are seeking 20 families to commit to donating $10.00 per month Donating -‐ donating non-‐perishable goods, together we can feed 200+ per month
(Photo Right) Captures the 1 Graduates of our Life Application Empowerment “Financial L iteracy” Workshops – July 2012 Featured programs: All services are free to the community. • Life Application Empowerment “Financial Literacy” Workshops, which takes a small group of individuals on “A 6 Week Journey Towards Excellence!” • Basic Computer Training Course Other program and services: • We also offer… Free computer/internet access, faxing, copying, c ommunity referrals, and Florida Kidcare/ Access Florida Application assistance. OPERATION RESTORING HOPE, INC. is an organization and extension of the ministry of SHILOH RESTORATION TABERNACLE, INC.
A Minister of Gospel is one called to serve the people. One who is seasoned in the word of God. One who is teachable, trainable and example to the Body of Christ. • Possesses a sincere desire to fulfill the Great Commission. (Mark 16:15-‐ 16) • Must walk in integrity and Christ-‐like conduct at all times. • A Minister must be apt to teach/preach and to exhort when called upon to do so.
A Mother can be an elder lady in the church (1Timothy 5:2). One who is seasoned in the word of God. Always demonstrates love. Imparts wisdom and understanding into the younger women and men. Enjoys people. Is an example and well respected. Makes everyone feel special. Is genuinely concerned for the well-‐being of the congregation. A person of much prayer.
A mother is a nurturer and mentor for spiritual babes.
By: Minister Etta Rahming / ettarahming@gmail.com
Body – a collective group in the Kingdom Gift – a special ability
God has graced each and every one of us with various gifts to operate on one accord. Our gifts were working when we were in the world. When we came into the light those gifts 16 blossomed and operated for Kingdom purpose. Proverbs 18: A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.
We are to work together. We are like pieces to a puzzle that must fit together tightly and in our proper positions. Keep in mind that as shifts takes place, as maturity develops, etc. our positions may alter but we are still operating in our predestinate gifts.
Once, I submitted totally to the will of God I gained a greater understanding of combining my secular knowledge with my spiritual knowledge and then I understood how my gifts were to work in the Body, with the Body and in the Kingdom.
BIBLICAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION 101 Acts 15 records the conflict that took place between Paul and Barnabas and a group of men from Judea over the issue of whether or not Gentiles be circumcised. You think you have tough conflict issues to should resolve, how would you like to deal with that one? But there are six valuable lessons on conflict resolution that we can glean from this passage: 1. Hear Both Sides of the Story -‐ Paul and Barnabas reported how God had used them to see the Gentiles converted. Believers who were part of the party of the Pharisees explained how the Gentiles must be circumcised and required to obey the Law of Moses (Acts 15:2-‐5). The apostles and elders heard both sides of the story. 2. Engage in Discussion – Next, the apostles and elders took time to discuss the matter. You will not gain the respect of others by circumventing the matter. You must be willing to speak about it. Maturity demands that we deal with the issues of life. (Acts 15:6-‐ 7). 3. Present the Facts and be Sensitive to What God is Doing -‐ After much discussion, Peter addressed the crowd by drawing the crowd’s attention to the facts…the work God was doing among the Gentiles and the reality that God had accepted the Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit (Acts 15:7-‐11). 4. Provide Supporting Evidence -‐ Paul and Barnabas shared about the miraculous signs and wonders God had done through them among the Gentiles. Then, James spoke up and quoted the prophets to confirm the work of the Spirit among the Gentiles (Acts 15:12-‐18). 5. Based on the Facts, Articulate a Responsible Solution to the Conflict -‐ James said, “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Instead, we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood. For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath” (Acts 15:19-‐21). The solution was based on the facts. However, the solution also did not ignore the Gentiles’ responsibilities.
Ephesians 4: And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; 12 and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the 1 3 ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
Respect all gifts. Envy no gift. We are all-‐important in the Kingdom and must come into alignment and operate and one accord.
An Apostle / Bishop is a visionary and overseer, one who receives the blueprint from God concerning what course of action to take. A father, a guide, an example, the first among equals one who implements the vision from God, delegates’ assignments to other offices within the ministry and releases mantles on God appointed leadership. The Apostle / Bishop exemplifies the kingdom, and exhorts from the Kingdom frame of reference. • An Apostle / Bishop is apt to teach. • The Apostle has a "natural care" for the CHURCHES. • Raising up churches and establishing them in the kingdom paradigm. • An Overseer of churches, bringing edification, exhortation, correction and development of leaders. • An Apostle / Bishop is required to be blameless, vigilant and sober minded; setting godly examples in private lives as well as public settings. • Very Hospitable and approachable and one of good character. • Extremely sensitive to the Holy Spirit. • Is committed to the principles & patterns of Christ. • A Bishop usually presides over more than one church; whereas, an Apostle may provide covering, but not necessarily governance of other ministries.
You can help your environment and your ministry by turning in those old cellphones and computer ink cartridges and copier toners. Not only will you provide a cleaner environment for your children, but assist in raising funds for the ministry. Turn them in to the Administration Office at anytime. Thank you kindly!
ARE YOU RECEIVING YOUR WEEKLY UPDATES, REMINDERS & INSPIRATIONAL TEXTS? If you aren’t, it’s time to CONNECT. Text your full n ame to (813) 4 49-‐2983 right n ow! Don’t wait, do it now!
Put Together a Communication Strategy that Brings Clarification -‐ After the solution was articulated, the apostles and elders put together a team to deliver a letter to the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia. The letter brought clarification to the entire situation and provided a solution.
We may have a process, but we do have a heart to help you. In turbulent times like these, we need to remember the Body of Christ. Consider sowing into this area at anytime. Funded & Supported by you. See Elder Melvin Merritt for more info. on our Benevolence Ministry. 4
The prophetic office has a multi-‐facet purpose. The prophetic office works in total agreement and synergy with the apostle, pastor, teacher and the evangelist. The prophetic office carries no more weight or validity than the other four offices, but rather bears the same responsibility as the other offices for the edification of the church. The prophetic office, like the other offices according to Ephesians 4:12 is for the perfecting of the saints.
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The prophetic office is used to exhort, encourage and edify the body of Christ. The prophetic office understands the power of words and speaks the "right now" word from God. The prophetic office is to bring confirmation of what God has already revealed. Prophetic office never exploits people nor does it operate out of presumption The prophetic office is used to bring individuals in alignment with their God given assignment and purpose.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 pounds salmon fillets Lemon pepper to taste Garlic powder to taste Salt to taste 1/3 cup soy sauce 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup water 1/4 cup vegetable oil
Directions: 1. 2.
3. 4.
Six Signs You Are NOT Ready For Marriage
Season salmon fillets with lemon pepper, garlic powder, and salt. In a small bowl, stir together soy sauce, brown sugar, water, and vegetable oil until sugar is dissolved. Place fish in a large re-‐ sealable plastic bag with the soy sauce mixture, seal, and turn to coat. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Preheat grill for medium heat. Lightly oil grill grate. Place salmon on the preheated grill, and discard marinade. Cook s almon for 6 to 8 minutes per side, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.
Marriage really is supposed to last for a lifetime. We really are supposed to say yes with forever in mind. I know. Sounds crazy in our “get in it and if you don’t like it get out of it” way of life. I mean seriously…”stick and stay” sounds crazy in 2012. But call it what you want but a God-‐covenant still means a lifetime commitment… regardless of how contrary it sounds when held up to the standards of the day. Let me share with you 6 ways you can tell if you are NOT marriage-‐minded!
Over the next 30-‐days we are calling the church to a
“GET ACTIVE CHALLENGE” One of the most challenging aspects of life is changing how we operate daily. As a nation, we are becoming more obese and lethargic. We need to place ourselves back on our schedule for maintenance, tune-‐ups and lubing. G et you back on the schedule.
You are NOT ready for marriage if: 1. You cringe at the thought of having to check in with someone. If the word ‘accountability’ sends you running for cover that’s a good sign that marriage may not be on your radar. And if the thought of that makes you squirm… you are not ready. 2. You aren’t willing to adjust your relationship with mama-‐‘nem. Whether you are a mama’s boy or a daddy’s girl after you say “I Do” the dynamics of your relationship with your parents and even extended family has to be amended, tweaked, and modified. The bottom line is that once you get married, if you are unwilling for your mate to be your primary concern…your go-‐to person…your numero uno…then you are not ready for a spouse. 3. You know no one else’s desires will ever be more important than yours. The issue isn’t whether or not you have the potential or even the tendency to struggle with putting others first…it’s whether you even have a willingness to grow in this area. If you know in your heart of hearts that you are unwilling to place the needs, desires and yes…sometimes even the dreams of your spouse’s above yours then you may not be ready to walk down the aisle. 4. Your opinion matters more than God’s Word. The Word is the Word. His mandates have not changed. His directives stand true. And if you are unable to separate your opinions from His Word then you are setting yourself up to fail before you get to your honeymoon. 5. You’ve never loss an argument and you don’t plan too! In marriage conflict is inevitable. If you are the kind of person who feeds off of being right, of having to be heard, of arguing until the other person gives in, then you might not be ready for marriage 6. You’ve never committed to anything…a job, an organization and definitely not a person! We live in a world with an abundance of choices. There comes a time when you want to reconsider, reevaluate, and rethink the decision… but if you’ve mastered the skill of commitment you’ll do what it takes to make it work. So if the last thing you remembered committing to was, who you were going to take to the High School prom, then you aren’t quite ready to walk down the aisle. 5
The next 30 Days may be just what you need to add the spark back into your life on things left undone and unaccomplished. Below are some tips on trimming the fat, toning those muscles and losing the weight. This is much more than just getting fit; it’s about getting active again… It’s time to smell the roses, and they are outside… duh!
Go hiking, ride a bicycle or take a walk through the park. Jogging or a brisk walk will get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Swimming c an provide a moment of relaxation without frustration. Get back in the GYM… No pain = No gain. Don’t just watch the game, play it… Outdoor sports can bring a family together and allow some time for bonding.
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Be creative in what you do. Be consistent in what you do. Be committed to what you do. Stay focused on your goal. Share your experiences or testimony with others via: Facebook.com/IAcceptThe30DayChallenge
The main role of the Evangelist is to win souls for Christ. The Evangelist goes out and shares the gospel of Jesus Christ to people wherever they are at.
• • • • •
Studies and knows the word of God. Is most effective outside the four walls of the church. Is not intimidated or ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Is instant in season and ready for any question they may arise pertaining to the word of God. Is often concern about the redemptive soul of a person.
Written by Sis. April Finn As a part of this wonderful thing, I wonder to it what can I bring? A gift of song, a word of prayer, The simpleness of my being there. A blow of a trumpet, a strum on a harp, What is required to do my part? Whatever it is Thou hast given to me, I shall use it whether the giving is of one or two or three. I shall use it wisely without waste or neglect, Knowing it was given of me in love and yet, Aware I am, that, fast away it c an be snatched. Never again to be given back. For He is careful in how it is He chooses, While leaving the decisions to us for its uses. Though varying greatly God knows what is intended thee. What is for you is for you and what is for me for me. And as part of the whole, I am now a piece, That God has chosen to release. To complete the body that has now grown Standing on one accord from the gifts he has sown.
A Pastor is apt to teach and can rightly divide the word of God. He or she is totally devoted to the overall well-‐being, development and furtherance of the congregation. A Pastor also enjoys being around the congregation (smelling like sheep), is touched by their infirmities, and is also very approachable.
• • • • •
A Pastor offers guidance and counsel. The Pastor is a lover and nurturer of people. Is an example in conduct and lifestyle to the Body of Christ. Takes care of the local congregation. Governs and oversees the local function of the church.
Congratulations to Kendrick & Melissa Woods (Child: Kendrick Tabar Woods, Jr.) and Leo & Michelle Nembhard (Child: Amira Nembhard) on their recent (7/8/12) Baby Dedications.
An Elder is a seasoned leader. Is faithful and trustworthy over the affairs of the congregation and the ministry. Apt to teach share and minister the word of God. Has the authority and faith to pray for the sick and anoint them with oil according to James 5:14. Is an example to the congregation. One who rules his own house well. Elders are extensions of the senior leader over a congregation. • Elders are examples of Christ like conduct and character for the body to pattern themselves after. • Elders are to lead in the "spirit" of the Senior Leader. • Elders are to assist in mediating minor issues in the body that should not require the attention of the Senior Leader.
Submitted by Prophetess Cathy Welch
1) Lydia mentioned in the book of Acts, made a living by doing what? 2) The book of Proverbs says a head with gray hairs (hoary/age-‐old head) is what? 3) What person was tossed out a window, trampled, and then eaten by dogs? 4) What type of tree did Zacchaeus climb to see Jesus?
Answers to last month’s trivia: 1. (Matthew 21:42) The head of the corner. 2. (Matthew 18:21-‐22) 70 times 7 3. (Matthew 22:37-‐40) 1st) Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all they soul and with all thy mind. 2nd) Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself. 4. (Matthew 4:18-‐20) Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew...Profession: Fishermen Find out the answers in next month’s edition.
CAN YOU REALLY LOVE JESUS, YET HATE THE CHURCH? When people start talking trash about the church – I get protective -‐ not defensive, protective. I want to protect the reputation of church, as I would want to protect the perception about a friend who is being criticized about their attitudes, actions, or motivations. Here are some thoughts to consider… 1. W e have to recognize that Jesus loves the church. When giving instructions about marriage in Ephesians 5, Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus loves the church, that He laid down His life for her, cleansed her, cares for her, and becomes one with her. Then Paul says husbands should do the same for their wives. How do we find ourselves so free to criticize or minimize the significance of the church? I believe if you love Jesus, you must love whom He loves. He loves the lost, He loves the hurting, He loves those who follow Him, and He loves the church.
2. The “local church” is the hope of the world. It carries no weight to say ‘I love the global church’ but have no commitment or dedication to a local church. It makes no sense. God plans to use the church to reveal His awesome plan to humanity. His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 3:7-‐12) Jesus said, "On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." (Matthew 16:18) As believers, we have to be careful not to let our criticisms against churches add to the public dismissal of c hurch’s significance or relevance. 3. People hurt people. "The church really hurt me." There is no such thing as the church hurting someone. It’s like saying: “The b ank really hurt me.”, “Restaurants have wounded me,” “The g ym hurt my feelings.” It is not the entities or organizations that have hurt us – it’s the people in them. But still I need to go, grow, serve, worship and build God’s house. Regardless of the struggles or hypocrisies of humanity. I need to be in His church. I urge you to forgive those people you may have met in a church, whether a leader or a member, so that you can continue to grow in your faith. In an effort to take your forgiveness to a deeper place – try church again. Try a different church, a new church; there are many ‘life-‐giving’ churches.
Here’s what y ou CAN do: • Attend a local church. Be an active part of the solution, not a vocal attack of the uninformed. • Pray for the local church. Pray with humility, honor, and faith. Remember who you are talking to – He loves the church. • Serve. Get involved. Most pastors would love to have someone in their local church that would help serve or lead a ministry that reaches out and helps people in the community. • Give. Help support the efforts of the church. Many churches cannot do what they desire to do because people are so much freer with their c ritiques than their financial support. • Finally, be the example you would like to see. Get off the bench and get in the game. There’s less complaining on the field. Engage the problem with solutions. What are your ideas to bring strength to the church?
ADVERTISE WITHIN OUR MAGAZINE… For more details email us at shilohrestoration@gmail.com
ONE MARRIAGE In August 2012, join us as we c elebrate the merging of these two great ministries
the direction of Apostle-‐Elect O’Neil & Pastor Georgia Salmon and Apostle under Mark & Lady Lisa Jones. This unification brings to the forefront the strengths of both ministries and allows for a climax of resulting in a great experience.
Why the merge? Merging leverages the strengths of both ministries and presents a stronger foundation on which to build upon. We will now be able to provide a balance between learning through impartation and interaction; and having fun through dating experiences and group fellowship with like-‐minded couples. nd
Location: Center For Manifestation. 3102 East Lake Avenue. Tampa, FL 33610 MORE DETAILS SOON TO COME!!!
The role of the Teacher is one of the least sought after ministries in the body, yet one of the most important in the body of Christ. The Teacher is very skilled in accurately dissecting the word of God. A Teacher is always eager to learn new things, loves to be taught and does not withhold sharing wisdom and understanding with anyone who is open to receive. As the Teacher empties himself or herself to pour into others, God continually fills him or her with more insight and revelation. A Teacher is an essential part of the Body of Christ because he or she brings understanding and direction in application of the Word of God in our everyday life.
• • • • •
The teacher is extremely adaptive The Teacher is extremely sensitive in receiving direction from the Holy Spirit Imparts wisdom and understanding through the Word of God into others A Teacher is extremely committed to the transformation and development of God's people The Teacher has a burning desire for the people to KNOW the truth, and not be moved by error.
AUGUST 4, 2012 @ 6:00 PM Donating 250+ Book Bags, Supplies & Much More! PREPARING, EQUIPPING AND EMPOWERING CHILDREN! Hosted By Shiloh Restoration Tabernacle & Operation Restoring Hope, Inc. Some of this year’s sponsors include: Winn Dixie Foundation -‐ Wells Fargo Bank -‐ Books A Million -‐ Build-‐A-‐Bear Toy Store -‐ Kohl’s Department Store – MOSI -‐ Extra Care Pharmacy of Tampa
JOB HUNTING? Check out these TOP Employment Websites: Monster.com / CareerBuilder.com / Indeed.com / SimplyHired.com / AolJobs.com / SnagAJob.com / USAJobs.com Job.com / TheLadders.com / Dice.com / FindTheRightJob.com / JobBankUSA.com / Jobster.com THE MINISTRY ROLE OF A “DEACON”
A Deacon is responsible for the up keep and maintenance of the physical house of God. Is willing to serve where the need arises. Is of good character honest, trustworthy and faithful. Are examples to the body of Christ. One who rules his own house well.
• • •
Our Children Church Program is seeking additional teachers for our young ones 3-‐6 & 7-‐11 year olds… Contact: Prophetess Casandra Merritt (813) 957-‐2239 sand18@verizon.net
Deacons minister to the direct physical needs of the congregations Deacons are to assist the "widows and orphans" of the church. A Deacon must model self-‐control.
LOOKING FOR A GREAT READ? A real burden for the ministry is reflected in this book. Topics covered include "The Preacher's Call," "The Minister as a Man," “The Preacher and His Home” and "Getting Started in the Ministry." Written by J.T. Pugh Available on Amazon.com
Giving & Receiving Food Donations Monday, Wednesday & Friday Contact: Evangelist Octoryia Robinson (813) 401-‐5259 octoryiarobinson@gmail.com
COMING UP NEXT MONTH: September 2012 The CONNECTION Magazine Edition: “FOCUS ON THE FAMILY!” th • If you’d like to share an article in our next publication, email us at shilohrestoration@gmail.com no later than August 15 , 2012. In September 2012 we turn our focus to families. Consider submitting a baby photo or one of yourself up to 5 years old th to be entered into our “Guess Who” Challenge. Receiving photographs now up to August 15 . Photos will be returned. Drop off by Apostle-‐Elect O’s office or email it to pastoroministries@gmail.com. 7
AUGUST 2012 Sunday
1 Corporate Prayer 6pm Bible Study 7pm
Friday 2
Leadership Impartation 9am Morning Worship 11am
12 Hour Prayer & Fasting
Saturday 3
Basic Computer Training Classes 10am
Annual Back To School Event 6-‐8pm
Corporate Prayer 6pm Bible Study 7pm RIZE Student Ministries WORD 7pm
Basic Computer Training Classes 10am
Christian Ministry Partnership & SRT Leadership rd 3 QTR Workshop 10am
12 Morning Worship & Children’s Church 11am
22 Corporate Prayer 6pm Bible Study 7pm Sisters of Integrity Orientation 6:45pm
28 12 Hour Prayer & Fasting
Children’s Church Development Workshop 9am
25 5-‐Fold Ministry Training 9am
29 Corporate Prayer 6pm Empowerment Session 7pm Guest: Pastor Deanne McNamara Speaking on “Deliverance”
inHer Restoration Ladies Meeting 7pm
12 Hour Prayer & Fasting FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
SFC Evangelism (Team B) 10am Morning Worship & Children’s Church 11am
15 Corporate Prayer 6pm Bible Study 7pm
Morning Worship 11am (PASTORAL APPRECIATION)
14 12 Hour Prayer & Fasting
31 Day At The Movies Experience $2/Ticket or $5/All Day Pass (Fundraising Event)
8 th
Annual Back To School Event (4 ) All registered recipients & volunteers are requested to arrive at their designated times.
Empowerment Session (29 )
Day At The Movies Experience (31 )
Subject: How to achieve personal deliverance and breaking of destructive cycles in our lives. HIGHLY Recommended at all families attend. Preview Session… Classes officially begin September 2012.
Come join us this Labor Day Weekend with your spouse, family & friends as we light up the night with a Blockbuster Movie Experience. Funds raised will aid our Audio & Video Ministry Goals.