The Wayfarer - Africa & Asia/Australia Edition - Jul 2019

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A Publication for the SSA Global Community - July 2019

Africa & Asia Edition

Hi everyone! This second edition of the year features 2 SSA Areas: Africa and Asia/Australia. Both important areas for me, Africa because my first international assignment with SLB was in Gabon (back in 2008!) and Asia/Australia because I currently live in China! Thanks to the Chapters that participated and special thanks to the members that sent individual contributions! (Go SSA Mumbai!!!) I hope you enjoy this edition of The Wayfarer J

Until next time! Evelyn Bicelis M.

Global Communications Coordinator

In this edition… Message from our Global Coordinator The SSA Global Board About our Website: SSAfara

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From Bonjour to Akwaba by Pallavi Vaid SSA Luanda SSA Lagos My African Experience by Madeeha Basharat

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A guided tour by Preeti Chowdhary Kaler SSA Beijing SSA Mumbai SSA Balikpapan SSA Jakarta SSA Kuala Lumpur Travel stories and photos by SSA members Raining blue by Preeti Chowdhary Kaler I.D.I.O.T. by Hiral Shah Pranayamas for better sleep by Aditi Goswami SSA Kids’ Corner Recipes from our members Keeping in touch

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Cover shot by Svetlana Busarova of SSA Beijing, taken in the Temple of Heaven

We hope you enjoy this edition of The Wayfarer, for comments or feedback email

Message from our Global Coordinator: Dear readers, As I write this, I’m packing for a long-awaited family holiday, and I’m reminded by my social media feed that it’s “moving season” and that many of our members are packing their houses for their moves to other locations. Moving is never easy, but I firmly believe that a positive attitude is key to be able to make yourself at home in a new city. Of course, our patience and positivism are tested a hundred times while moving. There is so much happening at the same time, and it is usually our role to keep it all together. In a Wayfarer about 4 years ago, I shared some tips that have worked for me while moving, and after a couple more moves since then, I have updated it a little bit:

details about their next home (Disneyland Paris was a strong selling point when we moved to Paris!). The whole family could add whatever we wanted to the notebook, especially questions, and we then researched them together. Those notebooks are now sweet mementos, but at the time they helped all of us process the idea of moving together and making it a little bit less scary. YOU DON’T KNOW IF YOU NEED A HUG, A LARGE COFFEE OR A GLASS OF WINE?

The SSA can help you with all of that! Reach out to the SSA in your new location as soon as possible. You might find at least a little bit of peace in your heart to know that there will be someone there for you when you arrive. But what about those places where there is no SSA Chapter? Also reach out to the SSA Global EVERYTHING WORTH DOING STARTS WITH Community on Facebook! Someone there FEELING SCARED might have tips for you or introduce you to a friend who lives there. There are also many There are so many “unknowns” during a other non-SLB/SSA resources, like move. The moment that you know you are international women’s groups, expat moving, life as you know it changes, even if associations, etc. Start establishing a link to the move is months away. You have so many your new country. Little by little the idea of questions, your kids ask you a million more, and well-meaning friends and acquaintances this being your new home will start to sink in also ask you details about the new place that and become a part of your life. Steer clear of you might not yet know about. It is normal to negative comments, but be aware in case you feel a bit (or a lot!) scared at first. Doing a little are moving to a place with safety or climate issues. Don’t be scared in advance, but do try research helps answer some of those questions, but there are others that won’t be to prepare yourself and your family for the challenges that await you. When we moved to answered until you arrive. It’s important to know that it’s OK to not know all the answers Bogota, people who had never been to Colombia immediately told us “how from day one. Be sure that you’ll find them dangerous” the country was. We were a bit eventually. Instead of focusing on what you worried, of course. But then we reached out don’t know, focus on what you know. When to friends and colleagues who had lived in our kids were little but old enough to Colombia and they all LOVED IT, not one understand we were moving, we prepared mentioned any safety issues, they just told little notebooks with drawings, photos,

Elsa Scheffler us to use common sense and follow SLB’s safety recommendations. We ended up also LOVING Colombia. Of course, we are not blind and know that there some issues, but thankfully we had a wonderful stay and fell in love with a beautiful country and its people.

home. Other times it might take longer.



Having moved to a new location, being it your first move or the tenth, it is perfectly normal to start comparing the new place with other places. The trick here is to not focus only on the ways things were better there and worse here. We tend to idealize “the way things were”. It is only human to “forget” the awful traffic, the horrible weather, how hard it was to learn the language, and focus only on how perfect it all was “there” when things are difficult “here”. But like the quote says: “There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon, the both shine when it’s their time”. It’s OK to miss home or your previous location, but if you do it while also focusing on the positive of your new city, adapting will be easier.

New places to explore, new friends to meet, new challenges to overcome, new activities that you might want to try, new food to learn to cook… This new place is yours now. Make yourself at home. Enjoy your new routine, your new home, your new life. Open your heart and your mind. Someday this place will also become a memory that will make you smile.



But there will come a day when you feel like you know the place a little bit more, maybe you already have a few new friends, the kids are probably in school and getting settled in their new routines, you might have a little You need to know that you are not alone. time to find out some activities for yourself, There is a large community of spouses who your family has had a chance to explore the are experimenting the same as you and we city or surrounding area a couple of times. are cheering for you! There is strength in That day you will look back to the first day you numbers. Reaching out and feeling like part of arrived and see how much you have that community can help you navigate these accomplished, and smile because you know new waters. you rock!

But how much time? It is different for everyone. There are places that are easier to adapt for you but harder for others. Maybe sometimes you don’t even wait for your shipment to arrive before feeling right at

To all of those who are moving this summer: I hope you and your family love your new adoptive city, that your shipment arrives soon and without any broken furniture, and that you are able to settle in soon to your new home.


The SSA Global Board bal lo G e h t t o men At the m members from 8 s 10 are all e Board ha W ! s e i r count k eep t u different b s n o i nt locat e r e f f i d n nd work i a h c u o t t e SSA! in constan h t t r o p p to su together Global Coordinator

Elsa Scheffler

Mexico City, Mexico Feb 2017 - Jun 2019

Global Communications Coord.

Global Webmaster

Evelyn Bicelis M.

Erna Farizan

Beijing, China Mar 2019 - Mar 2021

Aberdeen, Scotland Mar 2019 - Mar 2021

Global Secretary

Ex Officio Global Coord.

Cairo, Egypt Feb 2019 - Feb 2021

Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia Jul 2015 - Jul 2017

Yara El-Emam

Anisa Haddad



Africa Area Coordinator Pallavi Vaid Accra, Ghana Nov 2018 – Nov 2020

Asia/Australia Area Coordinator Preeti Chowdhary Mumbai, India Jan 2019 – Jan 2021

Europe/Russia Area Coordinator Luciana Villanti Bologna, Italy Jun 2018 – Jun 2020

Latin America Area Coordinator Nina Pikush Villahermosa, Mexico Nov 2018 – Nov 2020

Middle East Area Coordinator Pia Dey Verma Mumbai, India Jun 2017 – Jun 2019

North America Area Coordinator VACANT (Acting Elsa Scheffler) 4

About our Website: SSAfara

What is SSAfara?

Why join?

Our SSA website was created by SLB as a way to store and share our official information, for the Chapters to present themselves to the members worldwide and also as a great resource for members to learn about their possible next location in a discreet way!

To access official SSA information, learn about other Chapters or learn about your next location, get contact information of any of the boards, to help build our Member Database (which will be used in the future to determine Chapter Budgets!), all SSA members need to join!

How to join SSAfara? Send the link below to your spouse (SLB employee) to request your access by giving your name and email (any domain works!). ps://

Once we process the request you will receive the log in guide with the steps to follow to join SSAfara J SLB employee requests access

Webmaster (Erna) processes the request

Over 1000 requests received from over 90 cities!

SSA member follows the steps in the guide and LOGS IN


56% have logged in (we need everyone to log in!)

• Once members log in and register, we are able to see which location they belong to and enter the SSA Global Database • Admins: Chapters need to keep their pages updated, so newcomers can find your contact information easily! • If you requested access but haven’t logged in, contact us!

If you have any questions please email our Webmaster at and we will help you J If you already joined, THANK YOU!

Africa Country








Africa’s Active Chapters

From Bonjour to Akwaba, Merci to Medaase pii… By Pallavi Vaid Africa Area Coordinator

My experiences with Africa (I will rather say West of Africa) started in 2014. I was in last term of my second pregnancy when we were told about our move to Republic of Congo, Pointe Noire from Songkhla, Thailand. Need not to say I was scared with Ebola on rise and my condition, I decided to stay in Thailand for my delivery. My husband left before us to make sure everything is in place prior to our arrival. And then in December 2014 me with my one toddler and a baby boy in arms started the journey to Pointe Noire, Congo. I really was so scared, you google about Congo and all you read is negative stuff. So many of us don’t even know that there are not one but two Congo, The Republic of Congo and The Democratic Republic of Congo. All stuff you get on google is about DRC (The other Congo). So many misconceptions people have about Africa, about Western part of Africa, so many misconceptions I had.

Once I arrived there, I was amazed to see how wrong I was about this African country. Congo is a French speaking country. Pointe Noire is a small coastal town which is slowly developing. Do not expect big shopping malls or theaters as there are none, but do expect warm and friendly locals with big hearts. My stay of three and a half years in Congo was so amazing, thanks to the closely knitted community, the big heart locals and our beloved SSA. We all had so much to do. Shopping meant buying groceries, dining out meant going to all kid friendly restaurants. Weekends were either friends and family gatherings at your place or someone else’s. You were never bored.

In May 2018 my husband got a short term assignment in Accra and I stayed with the kids in Congo waiting for the school holidays to begin. From Pointe Noire to Accra is a big change. Accra is a big city when compared to Pointe Noire. Counting days! Still two more months to go. But I was trying hard to keep us busy. Days passed and finally the travelling day arrived. I was so excited, more than my kids. I was seeing my husband after a month. We finally arrived and the first thing I noticed was real big fancy cars. Then the roads, good as per the standards of someone who is coming from Congo. And the big colorful twin building. My husband told me we are going to stay in the same apartments. Those colorful buildings had me the first time. My kids still call it Lego buildings. This is heaven! The apartment was no less than a resort. A big pool with coconut trees planted on all sides. I loved it. It was my vacation home.

Little did we know we were going to stay here little more longer than just few months.

Accra might not be a very big city but with friendly locals and lot to do stuff here keeps your head sane. The one thing which we are trying to bring back here is our amazing SSA family culture. We are already on track there and hopefully by the end of the school holidays we will start with our first activity. Till then cheers to more adventures to come‌ Au Revoir – Baabae.

SSA Luanda, Angola

a do Mu h l I , o l u s Bars

ssulo Ca b o L ed o

Kool Pa rk, Lar d o


Miguel o ã S e d a z le Forta

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

su Praia dos


Banco Na c


Sandango Bea Kwanza river Bridge


SSA Lagos, Nigeria

Welcomes and farewells

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

Museum Nike at Lekki. Lagos has loft of beautiful museums to discover. Multicultural and very rich.

My African Experience By Madeeha Basharat (SSA Lagos) We recently moved to Africa so when the opportunity to write up about it in The Wayfarer came up I felt I must do it. People will scare you about Africa. They will talk about lack of things and harsh environment. Once you land with so many many preconceived notions it becomes hard to enjoy the experiences which are many and diverse so I’m here to tell you a different aspect. Coming to the Schlumberger compound in Lekki seemed like a mission itself. We landed right around closing of office hours. The way people were running across the roads to get to the other side was downright comical despite a 15 hour journey with a 2 year old and 4 year old. Closing time for offices was downright festive with the street vendors were selling many tempting snacks and street hawkers selling everything from

scrabble to paintings. Once we came home we were given keys to our place and army of helpers came to settle us in which was a downright blessing because I was done with dragging the heavy bags! One of my favorite things about Nigeria which no website will tell you is that they are amazingly friendly with kids and very respectful to seniors. They will talk to kids very lovingly and play with them in a respectful way. My kids often end up with free stuff from the market and on exiting the guards wave to my two year old while saying ‘Good-Bye Sophia’. At one point my husband was stunned that everyone in the security knew my kids’ names within a week. Sometimes I worry my kids have gotten into the habit of saying hello and bye to random people and expecting a response.

I don’t have to worry about where my kids are in the compound, the security guards just point to where they head. Another well-kept secret is the Lekki Market in Lagos. I love going there to look for things although you may need to drive a hard bargain. The market is cluster of fruit shops and different artisans. The talent of artists amazes me. One of my favorites is the wooden carved animals which my kids absolutely adore to play with. Another group of stalls where different structures are made from scrap metal will hold your attention for a long time. The paintings are absolutely stunning with their splashes of color. Our compound has some of the friendliest neighbors! First week into the compound they dropped by and offered all sorts of help at a time when we didn’t have our assigned car. The ease with which we mingle without going into formalities has given a feeling home. The compound pool has become a focal point in our life which is very popular with the young ones. Overall you may not find a lot in guide books but it’s an experience itself!

Asia / Australia






Beijing Shanghai Mumbai


New Delhi Pune



Balikpapan Jakarta Kuala Lumpur Labuan

New Zealand

New Plymouth



Asia/Australia’s Active Chapters

A guided tour

By Preeti Chowdhary Kaler Asia/Australia Area Coordinator This is Preeti from Mumbai and I will be your official guide to take you on the beautiful journey of exploring some of the Asia/Australia chapters. But before we embark on this journey, I would like to clarify the rules: 1. Please feel free to ask questions any time ( drop me an email ;) 2. The bus departure and drop off is strictly punctual but in case you get lost, consider yourself lucky. 3. I will be sharing a few personal anecdotes to create a memorable tour. 4. I am not the perfect one and would acknowledge the fact if you know more than me, don’t forget to share it in the next issue. Let this journey be more interactive. 5. I will try like crazy to end on time. This is just the beginning. The area consists of countries of mainland as well as island zones. Culturally, the region is extremely diverse. Its peoples speak many unrelated languages employing a

number of alphabets. Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity are widespread; other religions, such as Hinduism, also have hundreds of thousands of followers. A remarkable feature is the different ways people have adapted to local environments.

Day 1

Our meeting point is Taj Mahal at Agra in India sharp at 7 am. Come fall in love every time. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but for The Taj, the axiom is just another way around. The Taj Mahal is the beauty personified. There are a lot of festivals associated like the Taj Mahotsav, the light and the sound show and The Taj Ballooning.

It’s a world heritage site and has been one of the universally admired jewels of the Mughal Art.

You must have had a busy day and tired too. Good night for a fresh start next day. The next leg of the journey includes visit to Mumbai (India).

Day 2

It’s monsoon (rainy) season in Mumbai and the areas around Mumbai offer infinite options for trekking to capture the beautiful sights. People usually pack their bags and flock to the adjoining hills for trekking, in the search of some adventure and from the hustle and bustle of the city life.

Mumbai. Your guide’s love for running started after relocation to Mumbai. And she suddenly decided to run the very famous Tata Mumbai Marathon 2019 after a short training of two months only. I would not recommend it at all. Train your body first is my take away from the race though I was determined to participate once before we move with our bags again. But the medal is worth of all the hard work. There are two medals joined together so that you can dedicate and share your medal with the person who has inspired you to participate in the Tata Mumbai Marathon. (I didn’t share it with anyone. All the pain and After this leg of the journey, we will fly perseverance, sweat and sleepless nights made me realized that I deserve 5 hours to Bangkok (Thailand) tomorrow. Sleep well. both halves!)

Day 3

Bangkok (Thailand). Welcome to the land of Smile. Our itinerary includes a visit to the Emerald Buddha, Sleeping Buddha and Golden Buddha and evening is planned to watch the Siam Niramit Show inclusive of the dinner.

Day 4

The road trip is planned for a visit to the tiger temple at Kanchanburi which is 90 km NW of Bangkok.

Day 7

We begin the day with a tour to the Great wall of China.

Day 5

Lets get drenched in water at Pattaya. Lots of water sports activities are available. Asia’s biggest Teddy Bears Museum is located here. Other features include a visit to Ripley's Believe it or not and a 3D Museum.

Day 8

End of the trip As I said this isn't the end. It’s just the beginning. You all fly back to your destinations and we’ll plan another travel itinerary for the next issue. Don’t forget to stay in touch and do recommend to others. Attached is the teaser so that you plan your next vacation with us only à Have a well rested night. Pack your bags since we have a flight to catch tomorrow.

Day 6

We have landed at Beijing airport at 4 pm. Relax and enjoy the free day for your leisure.

Have a safe flight back home…

Brain Teaser Write down the tourism slogan for the following Asia/Australia countries:

Thailand - Phi Phi


1. India 2. Brunei 3. China 4. Indonesia 5. Japan 6. Malaysia 7. Australia 8. New Zealand 9. Vietnam 10. Singapore 11. Laos 12. Thailand 13. Myanmar Find the answers on page 84! Hope you enjoyed reading. Preeti Chowdhary Kaler

SSA Asia/Australia Area Coordinator

Singapore flyer

SSA Beijing, China 北京 Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China, the world's third most populous city and most populous capital city with an urban population of 21,450,000. The name Beijing means "Northern Capital" (from the Chinese characters 北 for north and 京 for capital).

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Beijing was reactivated this year, we started with a Spring Luncheon in the beginning of the year and since then the board has been organizing different activities, from Coffee Mornings to cultural outings and cooking classes!

Spring Luncheon

Board meeting

SSA Beijing, China Coffee Morning

Temple of Heaven visit Photos taken by our Local Coordinator Svetlana Busarova

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

Dumpling class

We learned how to make 3 different types of dumplings from scratch and the best part was that we got to enjoy them in the School’s lovely courtyard

SSA Mumbai, India We have a very active SSA in Mumbai with around 40 members living in 4 neighboring cities of Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Palava City & Thane. SSA Mumbai meets once or twice a month for different activities/coffee mornings. Our very dynamic SSA Board does their best to organize novel events to keep up the enthusiasm of the members & welcome more newcomers so we do try to have events in the evening & weekends as well! This year we organized our first Blood Donation Camp in Schlumberger office as part of our Charity activity. Our members are always here to help and support each other in every way possible. So, if you are moving to Mumbai, fear not because we are here to befriend & guide you in every way we can!

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Mumbai, India Blood connects us all… On the occasion of “World Blood Donor Day”, a blood donation camp was organized by SSA Mumbai in the Nerul office. The camp was held from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. There was an overwhelming response and we collected 54 bags. SSA Mumbai is touched and in gratitude. It is a selfless act and a great way to contribute towards our community. There were first time enthusiasts and many generous voluntary donors who came forward for this noble act.

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019 We are sincerely thankful to the Rotary Club of New Panvel for extending their support and the staff of the late Dr B.V Limaye blood bank & Late Shri L.M. Parmar Comp. Mfg. Laboratory for successfully conducting the camp. This was the first camp conducted successfully by SSA Mumbai in its history of 3 decades. Well done! We appreciate the efforts of our charity coordinator Dala Phanbuh and all the volunteers for their time and support. Schlumberger employees stand tall in generating social ties and building a united community. We salute our heroes.

SSA Balikpapan, Indonesia Balikpapan is a medium-sized city (pop. 706.414 people distributed over a land area of about 503.30 km2) located on the east coast of Borneo, which is the third largest island in the world (and the largest in Asia) and is divided between three countries: Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. Balikpapan has been described as ‘The Oil City’ for its growing oil and gas industries since oil was first discovered there way back in 1897! Life in Balikpapan is pretty calm and relaxed, and the city boasts plenty of beaches, green spots, and amazing fresh seafood.

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Balikpapan currently has 14 active members, most of whom are Indonesian, with smattering of expats. We have one to two activities every month ranging from food-related (coffee morning, luncheon, dinner), to classes/activities (Zumba session, cooking class, art class), and community service (charity events, joint campaigns with Schlumberger’s HSE Team).

Welcoming new members

Coffee Morning

SSA Balikpapan, Indonesia Annual General Meeting


World Book Day's Book Donation

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

Pre-holiday dinner

Zumba Class

Kartini's Day Beauty Clinic

SSA Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta is the capital and largest city of Indonesia. It has a population of over 10 million and is located on Java island. SSA Jakarta Chapter has 70 members from 20 different countries. Generally we meet up every month for coffee morning or activities. Our Board Members are consisting of 10 dedicated members from 6 different countries. We are proud and happy to be part of this vibrant family.

Walking tour: Jakarta History Museum Enjoying an antique market

SSA Jakarta in front of the office of PGI Cikini Hospital that used to be the Raden Saleh Palace in 1875.

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Jakarta at the Jakarta Old Town Complex

SSA Jakarta, Indonesia Batik Painting Workshop Batik is an art of decorating cloth using wax and dye. The word batik is thought to be derived from the word 'ambatik' means 'a cloth with little dots'. Nowadays Batik is differed by its techniques of making: written, stamped or printed. SSA members enjoyed and experienced making written & stamped Batik at Rumah Batik Palbatu. They are all so talented!!

Batik Making in 5 steps • • • • •

Stretch your fabric & draw your design. Outline your drawing with wax. Add the Batik dye. Let it dry. Remove the wax by ironing .

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Jakarta and the beautiful Batiks they painted in the workshop J

SSA Jakarta, Indonesia Ethnic Food Workshop Indonesia is famous for its various culinary and spices. SSA Jakarta had a chance to visit an organic food & ingredients store with over 600 artisanal products. SSA Members were briefed on the many varieties of ingredients and also introduced to wild plants that could be useful. They also gave us a quick demo on making healthy watermelon salad and fruit smoothie.

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

Watermelon Salad 1 Watermelon, cut in half. Cut the watermelon, into small cubes and marinate with small sliced onion and shredded pepper. Dressing: Mix well: Coconut sugar, coconut oil, arenga vinegar, garlic salt, sliced garlic and shallots & chive Salt. Superfood leaves: Gotu kola, Oxalis, Purslane Mix them well with dressing Add some feta cheese, olive & edible flowers

SSA Jakarta, Indonesia The 2019 Annual General Meeting was held on at Tugu Kunstkring Palais, Menteng-Jakarta. Members wore their beautiful traditional costumes to bring the spirit of togetherness.

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Selamat Datang Ke Kuala Lumpur! Malaysia is a cultural fusion with various festivals being celebrated throughout the year. Malaysia is a beautiful and diverse country with many highlights. The many different regions have their own characteristic features, especially in Malaysia's capital, Kuala Lumpur. Bahasa Melayu (Malay) is the national language but English is widely spoken. The ethnic groups also speak various languages and dialects.

Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia, located in the southwest Malaysian Peninsula. Kuala Lumpur means "muddy confluence" in Malay. It’s a place where a variety of cultures are all infused into one melting pot to offer a unique experience. It’s a home of ethnicity including Indian, Malay, and Chinese. Kuala Lumpur is the place of the tallest twin buildings in the world – The Petronas Twin Towers.

The Wayfarer⎚ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

SSA Kuala Lumpur has more than 300 members from around the globe with 62 nationalities. Kuala Lumpur is a home to 1.8 million other KLites (People who originate from or live in Kuala Lumpur), and we are proud to be KLites.

As the year began, SSA KL celebrated the Lunar Year as well as the 2019 Annual General Meeting. The Lunar Year celebration was started with Yee Sang toss. The toss was filled with excitement. Then, we continued with the 2019 Annual General Meeting voting for our new committee members for 2019

After the New Year holiday was over and kids were back to their school life, SSA KL gathered together on a beautiful sunny morning. We were glad to see our friends again to share our stories and laughed together. Also, we welcomed new members and gave them a goodie bag. The food was good, the place was cozy, and ambience was fun.

SSA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia One of our major activities is the International Coffee Morning. This amazing moment is usually held in the middle of the year. We share our unique cultures, food, traditional clothes and even dance together. The committee are working hard to bring all members to the unity of SSA Family. Yes, we are unique and we are proud of our cultures! Having a walk in a forest is a great little escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Healing workshop, Zumba and yoga class, and pottery are also on the list. Walking tour through the old town of Kuala Lumpur is a must too! Many things to be discovered.

The Wayfarer⎹ Africa & Asia/Australia 2019

Ramadan is a month of fasting and prayer for all of our Muslims friends and family. “Wishing you a very Happy Eid. May this special day bring peace, happiness and prosperity to everyone. Eid Mubarak!” On May 25th, we hosted Iftar together with SSA KL members and their spouses atop the most iconic Petronas twin tower in downtown KL. From mussels and scallops appetizers to traditional Malaysian cendol for desserts coupled with the city line view, it was a memorable evening spent with the SSA KL family.

Eid Mubarak!

Travel diary Travel stories and photos from our members around the world

The Grand Holiday

by Swati Joshi (SSA Mumbai) The Christmas of 2018 was a special one. It was when Santa gave reindeers a rest and had kangaroos instead! Yes, we had planned a holiday Down Under. Luck favored when my husband managed a fortnight of leave midst his busy schedule. Having my sister and her family in Sydney was a bonus. The mystical Blue Mountains, one of the most photographed landmarks in Australia, offered

The Jenolan Caves had awe inspiring limestone formations. We listened to ‘Silent Night ‘ in a setting of natural acoustics and a fairy tale ambience. Such an unusual concert, and gave us goosebumps.

a scenic kaleidoscope. The Three Sisters showcased a blue horizon of Eucalyptus trees and we stood enchanted and mesmerized. Katoomba was a pretty place with a selection of antique stores, vintage emporiums, gorgeous Art Deco architecture and we found a perfect spot for some coffee. The thick burnt smell of roasted coffee is one of my favorite things!!

Australia is a country as big as your imagination. The Great Ocean Road trip offered spectacular views. The Spindly Apostles and the dramatic drive earned a special place in our hearts.

Continued on the next page‌

Melbourne was colorful, vibrant and pulsating. My camera wouldn’t stop! There was so much to capture. Though the MCG was close by it was fun to watch India vs Australia at Federation Square.

When you think of Sydney you either think of Finding Nemo or the Sydney Harbour Bridge. We enjoyed the historic village, The Rocks, the cobblestone pathways, vintage cafes and pubs. All had a tale to tell.

It was a unique holiday with interesting places to see and have a great experience with all the animals. We came back refueled and refreshed, ready to work harder and throw ourselves back in the urban maze of Mumbai! Pledged that will go back as the Great Barrier Reef yet beckons us and remains to be explored. Swati Joshi (SSA Mumbai)

"An Intrepid travel tale�

by Donna Dasgupta (SSA Mumbai) Donna is a member of SSA Mumbai, she shared a short write up from her travel diaries. This is about a challenging location in India where thousands of people travel every year for pilgrimage risking their life. She travelled with her friend trekking the entire distance on foot.

from Balganga and is mostly treaded on foot by pilgrims.

My BFF and I started with a backpack from the Katra railway station towards the mountain tracks following the directions given all along. In these first five Kilometers, I had to stop to breathe every 100m, considering Being wanderlust is the best job the steepness of the ranges. In a ever if only you get paid as much time period of 3 hours we as in any other job. Traveling as reached Tarakot which is just 3 per my dictionary does not have Km from Balganga, this was way to be about surreal islands, exotic more time taken than expected. locations and holiday However this time I had taken up destinations. So, this vacation was pace and my body had got a new challenge taken up, accustomed to the stretching something which made me and we needed lesser time to stretch beyond my limits. The complete the rest of the 4 Km to whole journey was unplanned as Ardhakumari. popularly believed by people in India that a pilgrimage to Vaisho Devi, Katra, Jammu & Kashmir (sensitive area due to terrorism) is possible only when the goddess herself wants you to visit her abode. It is based on the northern tip of the Himalayan ranges of India. The caves where the temple stands are at an elevation of 1584.96m (5200 feet) above sea level. The temple is 13.5 Km

your bags and hands. Secondly, shooting stones damaging shades and obstructing paths can cause injury. However fearless, tireless we kept moving on and the next 6 Km were covered in 2.5 hours. It was unbelievable for me to have climbed 15 Km uphill on foot, but I had made it possible and I was charged up to do 5 Km uphill next morning to Bhaironath, another Cave Temple at the peak of the Vaishno Mata Mandir.

My BFF continued encouraging me and we reached Ardhakumari in just about 2 hours. Here, our journey got more exciting, challenging and enchanting. There were 6 Km more to be trekked, and it had started with thunderstorms and hail. The roads were exceptionally well made and maintained which kept us safe under the shade and we could continue walking. However, due to the rise in altitude, nightfall and the unforecasted showers it started getting chiller the higher we climbed. This route was a little scary as you can be confronted by herds of monkeys, snatching things from

We completed downhill 15 Km the next morning in just 5 hours including small stops to eat and take some pictures of the beautiful valleys. This vacation was one that will always uplift me and help me believe that there is no limit. The beauty of the nature all along the paths, the gorges, rivers and the unusual caves are worth the effort people make to climb up the mountain ranges to pay homage to Goddess Vaishno Devi. And the biggest blessing from God is that you gain confidence in yourself by overcoming your fears and challenges.

Donna Dasgupta (SSA Mumbai)

Photos of Bali by Rehan Hussain (SSA Balikpapan)

Bedugul Botanical Garden

Bedugul Handara Golf Course

Sanur beach

Tegalalang rice terrace

Photos of Central Java by Amalia Izzati (SSA Balikpapan)

Sunrise at Borobudur

Sewu Temple

Buddha Statue in Borobudur Temple

Borobudur Temple

Photos of Ora Beach, Seram Island and Maluku by Amalia Izzati (SSA Balikpapan)

Water villas

Ora Beach

Seram island harbour

Eco Resort on the edge of Manusela National Park's forest

Photos of The Derawan Islands by Amalia Izzati (SSA Balikpapan)

Dayak Traditional Dancer

Kakaban Island

Swimming with stingless jellyfishes in Kakaban Lake of Kakaban island

Nabucco Island

Photos of Gabon from 2008 by Evelyn Bicelis (SSA Beijing)

Raining Blue By Preeti Chowdhary Kaler (SSA Mumbai) I would like to share my experience of participating in an event with some of the Schlumberger Employees in Mumbai. We all have a common trait- the love for the run. We all participate in different events but this event really brought us together. It started last year when I realised that there was an Slb team for the Vertical

Marathon and I wished to join their running group. So, when this event information was shared in the group, I proposed to form a team and participate. But the biggest challenge was to find another female runner for the team and we literally registered at the nick of the time when Ms. Geeta from HSE agreed to be part of the team.

Our team name was “Raining Blue”, we registered for the fourth edition of the Mumbai Stadium run 2019. Each team consisted of 4 male and 2 female runners. Every runner ran for 2 hours each. Team Motto was “Schlumberger Runs Safe” which was in line with the HSE slogan of Schlumberger Safe. The team members and their time slot: 5:00 – 7:00

Geeta Digadari, HSE

7:00 – 9:00

Niwas Andhale

9:00 – 11:00

Preeti C Kaler, Spouse of S. Kaler, Wireline

11:00 – 13:00

S. Narayanan, D&M

13:00 – 15:00

Somesh Bahuguna, SIS

15:00 – 17:00

Tanaji Ranavare, Security head

The team covered 204 laps in total, 87.7 km in the open category 12 hrs Relay Race. I ran 37 laps and it was a good learning experience. It was truly inspiring and motivating. We look forward for more such events in the future!


By Hiral Shah (SSA Mumbai) “Hiral you have become an IDIOT.” This is what my husband told me yesterday. I was zapped. How could he call me foolish? I am so smart, qualified etc. I questioned him and this is what he replied:

Impulsive Digital Isolation Obsessive Tendency IDIOT is a syndrome which classifies people who are consumed by digital media and the apps and devices surrounding it.

Smart phone addiction is now like any other addictions - smoking or gambling. Just have a look around you and you will see the reality. Be it in the train, restaurant, gatherings, all are texting, tweeting, Facebooking, etc.

We are constantly attached to the phone (kind of nomophobia - nomobile-phone-phobia). There will be times when we would not be able to hold a conversation longer than a few minutes without reaching for the phone. IDIOTS are distracted by technology and disconnected from human relationships. To understand what internet does to our brain , click the link and watch this video

Information overload is causing so much distraction and obstruction that even the medical world has also come up with its own full form of IDIOT - “Internet Derived Information Obstructing Treatment”. The patient looks for answers for his ailment or every small thing on the internet and thus thinks that he is going through something which he does not really have or doubts what the doctors have diagnosed and their line of treatment. Reading on Mr. Know it all - GOOGLE, the patient doubts the doctor.

I am sure many of us fall in the same basket where we ask Mr. Google for everything. Before the use of mobiles, I could remember so many phone numbers and birthdays. But now I struggled even to learn my new number when I was transferred to Abu Dhabi.

If yes, here are few steps to follow:

• Turn off the phone for at least an hour each day. After that try to for more hours, specially on weekends. • If you’re in a meeting, dinner, social gathering, turn off your phone or at least put the phone We think that the more information in the middle of the table and we consume, the more we are turn it face down. learning, thus helping us make the • If you’re at dinner with others, right decision. But as per research, if turn off your phone. immediate use of information that • Do not text while you’re driving. you’re consuming doesn’t happen, • Do not subscribe to freebie nearly 75% of it is lost from our subscriptions. Ask yourself memory, making all the information whether this subscription is in the we have read useless to us. The priority list. If it is not, overload causes anxiety and stress unsubscribe to it right away. and leads to indecisiveness and Getting information is just a confusion. search click away. Declutter is the first step to avoiding information overload. Are you becoming an IDIOT? • Stick to the sites that you trust • Checking your phone in bed, and have worked for you rather bathroom, while driving? than confusing your mind with • Checking your phone while eating multiple updates. dinner, lunch, in meeting or • Uninstall all the apps that you gathering? don’t need. • Posting everything you do and checking the likes and comments Before we become Idiots and slave unceasingly? to the mobiles, we must take a few

steps back to go forward.

Effective pranayamas for better sleep By Aditi Goswami (Yoga Teacher from SSA Mumbai) Sleep is essential for the relaxation of the body and mind. It helps us repair damaged cells and tissues. But this natural and easy process can become a tough task to achieve for some people. Facing trouble in sleeping can be very frustrating and can lead to issues like low energy level, body ache, daytime fatigue, and irritability. Sleep deprivation is the result of a busy and stressed mind. Our thoughts, overthinking, worries, and stress can make our mind frantic and the body tensed. These issues can lead to major sleep disorders like Insomnia. However, Pranayama can help resolve sleep issues and prepare you for a restful and restorative night. Prana‘ and ‘Ayama‘ are the Sanskrit words. ‘Prana‘ means ‘Breath‘ and ‘Ayam’ means Control. Pranayama plays a very important role in our life to keep healthy. Today’s article is about learning techniques of some important pranayamas for better sleep. Anuloma Viloma, Chandravedana, Bhramri are some pranayamas by practicing daily gives better results for good sleep and in the treatment of insomnia.

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama (Alternate Breathing Pranayama):

Health Benefits: • Physical, mental and emotional balance is achieved. • Beneficial for epilepsy, migraine pain, depression, stress, anger and anxiety problem • Prolonged practice of this pranayama increases the facial glow and makes the body slim. • This pranayama beneficial for the eyes • Gives benefits to heart patients and helps to maintain the proper blood pressure • Good for hormonal balances and it purifies veins present in the body. • And finally It is a powerful practice to relax the brain while activating the parasympathetic nervous system which will helps in inducing deep sleep. Contraindication: If one or both the nostrils are blocked, omit the practice. forceful performance can be harmful. Technique: • Sit in Padmasana or any other comfortable sitting posture and apply Moola bandha (anal contraction).

actions together would continue one round of Anuloma Viloma pranayama. A ratio of Inhale, Hold and Exhale is 1:4:2. The ratio 1:4:2 is mentioned in most classic yoga texts.

• Close the right nostril with the right thumb and let the other four fingers of the right palm be together and pointing upward. • Now inhale through the left nostril slowly and uniformly. At the same time raise the shoulders, and let the chest and thoracic cage expand fully on all sides and raise the ribs. • After inhalation close the left nostril with the last two fingers of the right palm (now both nostrils are closed). Now apply chin lock (chin touches the chest) and abdomen lock (contract abdominal muscle more inside). • Next, release the chin lock , raise the face to the normal position, take off the right thumb from the right nostril and exhale slowly 2 times the time taken for inhalation. In the time of exhalation abdomen lock will be released automatically. • Afterwards do inhalation through the right nostril and exhale through the left in the same manner. These two

It can practiced 20 - 40 rounds in one day.

Chandravedana Pranayama

(left nostril Breathing Pranayama): Health Benefits: • Chandravedana Pranayam reduces body heat. • Very effective in high blood pressure. • The mind becomes steady by the daily practice of this Pranayama. • Helps in reducing tension, stress, and other mental problems. • It slows the heart rate and calms the mind, activates the parasympathetic nervous system which will have a relaxing effect on the body that helps in good sleep all night. Continued on the next page…

Contraindication: If one or both of the nostrils are blocked and the person is suffering from low blood pressure, avoid this pranayama. Technique: In this pranayama, inhalation is done only through the left nostril and exhalation is done only through the right nostril and other procedures and repetition are same as Anuloma Viloma Pranayama.

Bharmri (The humming Pranayama without retention of breath) Bhramari Pranayama is made from the hindi word “Bhramar” (मधम ु $खी) which means bumble Bee. Bhraamri can be a terribly effective Pranayama (breathing exercise) for meditation. Health Benefits: • Because of its sweet sound vibrations, tends to help in all psychosomatic diseases, particularly in hypertension. • It relaxes the mind and reduces stress & tensions. • The mind becomes one pointed. • All systems of the body become more active. • All age’s people can try this breathing exercise including pregnant women. • In the time period of pregnancy, it

helps to maintain good health. • It is very good for Alzheimer’s disease. • It is an excellent means to relaxation, peace and stability of mind. It is a master key to deep sleep. Contraindication: If one or both the nostrils are blocked, there is swelling or pain in the throat and if there is extra growth of bone/muscle in the nose, this pranayama should be avoided. Technique: • Sit in any convenient posture that keeps the back erect .Keep palms in Padma Mudra. • Bring your soft palate as close to the throat as possible and start inhaling by expanding the muscles of the chest slowly. • A male bee’s humming sound will be produced during inhalation. Immediately thereafter, keeping the soft palate near the throat and start exhaling by producing female bee’s humming sound. • The time taken for exhalation should ideally be the double the time taken for inhalation. It can be practiced 30 -40 round in one day. Please note: If you are suffering from some serious health problem then please consult a doctor to avoid any complications.

SSA Kids corner! Clara Kimberley The 5 years old Clara is Asteria she Sylvester’s daughter, er lives in Jakarta with h dad, mom & big but brother. She is only 5 she has lived in Kuala nd Lumpur (Malaysia) a a). Balikpapan (Indonesi

She loves chocolate and anything abou t Mickey & Minnie Mouse. She loves drawing and making arts & craft s since she was 2 years old. She wan ts to be an artist one day.

Reet Kaler 6 years old Reet is Preeti Chowdhary ter, Kaler’s daugh she lives in her Mumbai with s to family. She like t draw and pain rs! with watercolo

Neil Kaler 9 years old other. r b s ’ t e e R Neil is work with o t s e k li e H olor and c r e t a w l, a cha rco il! color penc

Recipes from our members

Beef Rendang Icha Irawan

SSA Kuala Lumpur

Ingredients 1 kg beef tenderloin 1000 ml coconut milk 1 piece turmeric leaf 4 pieces lime leaves 2 pieces bay leaves 2 pieces lemongrass 2 pieces star anise ½ tsp coriander ½ piece cloves, ground 500 ml water Salt and sugar


15 pieces red onions 10 cloves garlic 2 inch ginger 2 inch galangar 15-20 pieces chili or 2 tbsp ground pepper Turmeric to make the color yellow

Special recipe to cook during Ramadan season

Instructions • Cut the beef into big dice. • Grind all the ingredients for the ground spices. • Put all ingredients, spices, coconut milk, and water together on a big non-stick pan. • Add the beef. • Cook in low heat while stirring slowly until boiling. • Cook for about 3-4 hours. Stir occasionally. • Add salt and sugar at last as needed.

Quinoa and chickpea salad Poonam Bhatia SSA Mumbai

Ingredients 1/4 cup quinoa 1/2 cup boiled /canned chickpeas 1/2 cup steamed broccoli florets 1/4 cup canned corn 1/4 cup bell peppers 1/4 cup chopped cucumbers 3/4 cup freshly chopped parsley 2 Tbsp toasted sunflower seeds 1/3 cup Feta cheese

Dressing 1/4 cup Olive oil 3-4 tbsp lemon juice 2 cloves crushed garlic Salt & pepper to taste 3 tbsp tahina (sesame seeds' paste)

Instructions • • • • • • •

Rinse quinoa thoroughly under running water Cook in 3/4 cups water until all the water has been absorbed. Remove from heat, cover and let it rest for 10 mins. In a bowl, add quinoa and the rest of the ingredients except the seeds and cheese. Combine all ingredients for the dressing and toss it with the salad. Chill the salad for 1-2 hours. Just before serving, sprinkle with sunflower seeds and crumbled feta.

Paneer Butter Masala Preeti Chowdhary Kaler SSA Mumbai

Ingredients 1 kg (15-20) medium sized red tomatoes, diced. 2-3 onions (Optional), diced. ½ cup cashews ½ cup cream 4 Tbsp butter 1 Tbsp ginger paste 1 Tbsp garlic paste ½ cup oil 2 Tbsp Kasuri Methi 400g cottage cheese (Paneer)

Spices ½ tsp green cardamom powder ½ tsp garam masala 1 Tbsp honey 1 Tbsp red chili powder ½ tsp turmeric powder ½ tsp coriander powder Salt

Instructions • Heat 1 Tbsp oil in the pan • Add the diced onions, tomatoes and cashews. • Let it simmer for 10 min and then blend to a fine paste when it’s cooled down. Strain the mixture/gravy and set it aside. • Heat the butter in the pan and add 2-4 Tbsp oil so that the butter doesn’t get brown. • Add the ginger and garlic paste and sauté for 2-3 min. • Add the gravy into the pan and add all the spices, stir well, cover and cook. • Add the cottage cheese/paneer and the honey. Add the fresh cream and stir well. Let it simmer for another minute. • Serve with Indian bread (Garlic Naan, Tandoori Roti).

Wheat flour pao Preeti Chowdhary Kaler SSA Mumbai

Ingredients 1 cup whole wheat flour 1⁄2 cup all purpose flour 2 teaspoon active dry yeast 1⁄2 cup milk 2 Tbsp sugar 2 Tbsp butter Salt to taste

Instructions • • • •

• • • • •

For brushing 1⁄4 cup milk 1 Tbsp honey Mix well & set aside to be used later

Warm the milk lightly, add yeast and sugar and leave it to rise. Dust the flour into a mixing bowl, add melted butter, salt and try to crumble the mixture. Add the yeast mixture into the flour and slowly start combining together for 10 minutes to form soft dough. Pro Tip- Always check if the yeast is active before baking: add a pinch of yeast and a pinch of sugar in lukewarm milk and let it stand for a few minutes. If it completely dissolves and then bubbles, it’s good to go! Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for an hour, after which the dough will double in size. Knead the risen dough for another 2-3 minutes. Pinch out and make round balls and place them in a dusted baking tray. Leave it again to rise for another 15 minutes. Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to 180C for about 20 minutes and keep it ready. Once done, brush milk mixed with honey over the top and bake it in the oven for 22-25 minutes. Serve hot with Bhaji, Usal or Batata Vada.

Pineapple upside down cake Anu Biju

SSA Mumbai

Ingredients Maida flour - 150g Sugar - 150g Butter - 150g Baking powder - 1-1/2 tsp Eggs - 3 Milk – 3 Tbsp Pineapple essence- 1-1/2 tsp Pineapple slices, round shape Sugar. Little for browning

Instructions Preheat oven to 170 C. Take bowl beat butter and sugar until it becomes fluffy. Add eggs one by one and mix thoroughly. Add the essence Add the dry ingredients. Mix all well. Line the baking tray with butter paper Sprinkle sugar first then arrange the pineapple pieces Pour the cake mixture and bake for 25 to 30 minutes until done. • Let it cool down , then turn the cake down to a plate so the pineapple slices are on top . • Enjoy • • • • • • • •

Thanks again to everyone who collaborated on this edition of The Wayfarer Wishing all our members great summer vacations!

Answers to the Brain teaser on Page 25 Brunei - A kingdom of unexpected treasures China - Like never before India - Incredible India Japan - Endless Discovery Laos - Simply Beautiful Malaysia - Truly Asia Myanmar - Let the journey begin Singapore - Your Singapore Thailand - Amazing Thailand. It begins with the people. Vietnam - Timeless Charm Australia - There’s nothing like Australia New Zealand - 100% Middle Earth Indonesia - Wonderful Indonesia

We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Wayfarer, for comments or feedback email

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