The Wayfarer - LAM Edition - May 2019

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A Publication for the SSA Global Community - April 2019

Latin America Edition A talk with Iván…

SSA Quito Local Coordinator

Living in Latin America by Deysy Lamas

Neuquén Macaé Rio de Janeiro Bogotá Quito Ciudad del Carmen Mexico City Villahermosa Caracas

Hi everyone! This edition of The Wayfarer features our Latin America Area a.k.a. LAM! I’m very excited about it because I am from Venezuela ! and also because my first SSA location was Rio de Janeiro! " Thanks to everyone who sent contributions to make this edition of The Wayfarer! Especially to the Caracas Chapter in Venezuela, that despite the current crisis in the country shared many wonderful contributions! Also thanks to my fellow Venezuelans: Deysy and Iván for their valuable contributions to this edition! I hope you all enjoy the great material sent by LAM’s local boards and their members.

Enjoy! Evelyn Bicelis M.

Global Communications Coordinator

In this edition… Message from our Global Coordinator The SSA Global Board About our Website: SSAfara Message from the LAM Area Coordinator Our active LAM Chapters and their contributions SSA Neuquén SSA Macaé SSA Rio de Janeiro SSA Bogotá SSA Quito SSA Ciudad del Carmen SSA Mexico City SSA Villahermosa SSA Caracas Living in Latin America by Deysy Lamas A talk with Iván Moreno, SSA Quito Coordinator SSA Kids’ Corner Photography section: LAM Postcards Keeping in touch

Next Edition: Africa & Asia/Australia

Get inspired and start preparing your contributions!!!

4 8 12 14 16 18 30 34 48 56 64 72 78 80 102 106 108 114 142

Message from our Global Coordinator: Hi everyone!!! So happy to have the chance to reach out to you via these pages. Evelyn has done an outstanding job putting this edition together, congratulations! And thanks to everyone who sent contributions, I absolutely loved all the pictures and reading about your Chapter activities. It got me thinking how we are all so different and so alike at the same time, and how lucky we are to have the chance to meet so many interesting people everywhere SLB life takes us.

Poza Rica

karma and she was the first person I called to tell her we were moving Reading all the articles from our LAM Chapters reminded me of the there. She had a good laugh at my expense! But what a pleasant good times I’ve had in the three surprise it was! The town was small, countries in LAM that I’ve lived in: yes, and not pretty at all. But we Mexico (my home country), met so many wonderful people, Colombia and Brazil. learned to eat like the locals (my mouth waters when I think about After 10 years in SLB, we were bocoles), and had our first kid enjoying the relaxed small-town life in Poza Rica, Mexico, where we there! We spent afternoons outside had just welcomed our new baby with all the neighborhood moms and kids, who loved to play with (who is now 15 years old!). One of little Isabel. Every night at 7 p.m. I my closest childhood friends has went back inside (before the family in Poza Rica, and she used mosquitoes ate us alive) and Isa to spend Christmas and other had soup for dinner (it was her holidays there. We made sooo much fun of her because she had favorite, but the climate was so hot that people couldn’t to go to that rustic little town so understand how she could eat often. When we were transferred soup!). to Poza Rica I only thought about

Elsa Scheffler In the summer of 2006, when the first megastore opened in Poza Rica (hello, Sam’s Club!), we were transferred to Bogotá. I’m not ashamed to say that my first concern was security. All I knew about Colombia was from the news, and it wasn’t pretty. I had visited Bogotá in 1997 for work and fell in love with it, but since then it appeared that things had gotten a bit complicated security-wise. So what did I do? I reached out to a couple of SSA acquaintances who I knew had lived in Bogotá and they couldn’t say anything bad about living in Colombia. It was all positive and they all missed it very much. That gave me peace of mind and we arrived in Bogotá ready to enjoy all it had to offer. And oh boy, did we enjoy!!! Bogotá

Continued on next page…

Colombia is a wonderful country, we felt right at home from the beginning. We had a small but lovely apartment close to nice restaurants and shops, met new and old friends who quickly became like family, and it wasn’t so far away from Mexico so we could visit often and our family came to visit often too. I participated in the SSA board alongside lovely friends who made it so much fun to spend time volunteering and preparing events for our members. We spent some memorable weekends in different “fincas” not far from Bogotá. In 2007 I got pregnant with my second son and had to stay on bedrest for almost three months, until he was born prematurely at 7 months. But we had excellent medical care, a wonderful big and wacky-haired pediatrician, so as tough as some of those first weeks with a premature baby were, now I can look back and think how lucky we were to be in such good hands. We spent two wonderful years in Bogotá and then we were transferred to Paris! O la la! What else could we ask for? I used to tell my husband that it was only downhill from there. What could top Bogotá and Paris?? Well… what about Rio de Janeiro?

Message from our Global Coordinator: The move to Rio was a bit complicated because of the visas. It took months to have my and the kids’ visas ready. We ended up packing up in Paris and going to Mexico for 5 months before our visas were ready. We finally joined my husband in November 2009. I didn’t enroll my daughter in school in Mexico because our move to Rio was imminent, and so she ended up without school for SEVEN MONTHS. She doesn’t remember it now, but I’m sure that a sevenmonth vacation would sound awesome to her now! Rio is a beautiful city, the people are joyful and seem to always be smiling. I marveled at how people would Rio de Janeiro

leave their office and go straight to the beach, still wearing their white shirt and nice shoes, and all of a sudden, all that went off and they already had their swimming trunks underneath! I loved how kids would go surfing before school. The laid back lifestyle suited us just fine. A friend came to visit us for Carnaval, and I’m so glad she did, because maybe I would have waited to go until next year… and that year never came. We were transferred to Mexico City in May 2010! I had literally just finished unpacking when we got the news. We spent only a few short months in Rio but that was enough to fall in love with the place.

Elsa Scheffler (cont.) After Rio we spent two years in Mexico City, where I was as happy as can be, close to our families and friends, where the kids could attend an international school with Mexican flare (and learn the National Anthem, among other things!). We then moved to a part of the country I had never visited: Ciudad del Carmen, a small oil town in the southeast of Mexico, not to be confused with Playa del Carmen, a beach resort in the Caribbean. I have to say the beginning was hard. Our house had a few issues we had to fix that made every day very stressful. I wasn’t so sure about the school situation (no international school to speak of), but once everything fell into place, we had a wonderful time, surrounded by palm trees and the ocean, great friends, and many adventures while exploring the region. My heart naturally belongs to Mexico, but I can honestly say that it also belongs to all the wonderful countries we have been lucky enough to live in, not just in Latin America, but everywhere else. I will always have the Nigerian smiles in my heart; the Pyrenees view from Pau in my eyes; the memory of relearning to ride a bike in Holland (after many years of not riding

Mexico City bikes I adored using it as my main form of transportation and still chuckle when I remember the astonished looks from my Dutch neighbors when I fell from my bike a few times); the thrill of driving past Versailles every day on our way to school when we lived near Paris; the wonder I felt every day in Saudi discovering the rich Arab culture. I’ve learned to enjoy every moment and place, and all these experiences and cultures are part of who I am today, and I’m thankful for that. Let’s see where life takes us next! I’m sure it will take us exactly where we are supposed to be. Have a wonderful summer break (or winter in our Southern Hemisphere Chapters!). Cheers,


The SSA Global Board bal lo G e h t t o men At the m members from 8 s 10 are all e Board ha W ! s e i r count k eep t u different b s n o i nt locat e r e f f i d n nd work i a h c u o t t e SSA! in constan h t t r o p p to su together Global Coordinator

Elsa Scheffler

Mexico City, Mexico Feb 2017 - Feb 2019

Global Communications Coord.

Global Webmaster

Evelyn Bicelis M.

Erna Farizan

Beijing, China Mar 2019 - Mar 2021

Oslo, Norway Mar 2019 - Mar 2021

Global Secretary

Ex Officio Global Coord.

Cairo, Egypt Feb 2019 - Feb 2021

Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia Jul 2015 - Jul 2017

Yara El-Emam

Anisa Haddad



Africa Area Coordinator Pallavi Vaid Accra, Ghana Nov 2018 – Nov 2020

Asia/Australia Area Coordinator Preeti Chowdhary Mumbai, India Jan 2019 – Jan 2021

Europe/Russia Area Coordinator Luciana Villanti Bologna, Italy Jun 2018 – Jun 2020

Latin America Area Coordinator Nina Pikush Neuquén, Argentina Nov 2018 – Nov 2020

Middle East Area Coordinator Pia Dey Verma Kuwait City, Kuwait Jun 2017 – Jun 2019

North America Area Coordinator VACANT (Acting Elsa Scheffler) 4

Farewell Shilpa Shilpa's enthusiasm was contagious during her time as Global Board Secretary. She is a joyful, happy lady, ready to help in any way she can. It's great to know that, even though she is no longer in the Global Board, she is still an active SSA volunteer, now as SSA Mumbai Chapter Coordinator. All the best, Shilpa!

Meet our new members: Yara El-Emam

Global Secretary

Yara is an Electronics and Communications Engineer, she currently lives in Cairo and was previously part of the SSA Al Khobar board. She’s an event manager and enjoys swimming, baking and decorating cakes!

Preeti Chowdhary Asia/Australia Area Coordinator

Preeti is from India and currently lives in Mumbai. She has a Doctorate in Geography and has been a Local Coordinator in 4 different occasions! She runs half marathons and enjoys music and painting!

Welcome to the SSA Global Board!

We’re looking for volunteers! SSA Global Board Call for Applications The SSA Global Board is announcing a Call for Applications for

• SSA Global Coordinator • North America Area Coordinator

All SSA Members, with the exception of Schlumberger employees (including dual career), are entitled to hold any position on the SSA Global Board. Applicants to any Global Board position must be active members with experience on a Local Board, respected and in good standing within their current and previous Chapters. Global Board applicants should be dynamic, energetic and enthusiastic with excellent organizational, management and communication skills; diplomatic and compassionate team players with the ability to meet deadlines. All SSA positions are volunteer positions for SSA members. SSA members serving as Area Coordinators must live in the Area. It is a requirement for Global Board applicants to be fluent in English. Contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more about the positions. In order to apply, submit a letter of interest and a CV to: Elsa Scheffler, SSA Global Coordinator ( and Evelyn Bicelis, SSA Global Comm. Coord. ( before Monday, May 28th, 2019.

Looking forward to receiving your applications! The SSA Global Board

About our Website: SSAfara

What is SSAfara?

Why join?

Our SSA website was created by SLB as a way to store and share our official information, for the Chapters to present themselves to the members worldwide and also as a great resource for members to learn about their possible next location in a discreet way!

To access official SSA information, learn about other Chapters or learn about your next location, get contact information of any of the boards, to help build our Member Database (which will be used in the future to determine Chapter Budgets!), all SSA members need to join!

How to join SSAfara? Send the link below to your spouse (SLB employee) to request your access by giving your name and email (any domain works!). ps://

Once we process the request you will receive the log in guide with the steps to follow to join SSAfara J SLB employee requests access

Webmaster (Erna) processes the request

994 requests received!

SSA member follows the steps in the guide and LOGS IN


58% have logged in

If you requested access but haven’t logged in, contact us! • Once members log in and register, we are able to see which location they belong to à SSA Global Database • We have received requests from over 90 cities! • Admins: Chapters need to keep their pages updated, so newcomers can find your contact information easily! • Kudos to SSA Neuquén for having 60% of their members logged in! Go LAM!

If you have any questions please email our Webmaster at and we will help you J If you already joined, THANK YOU!

Message from the LAM Area Coordinator: Nina Pikush Hi everybody! My name is Nina Pikush and I’m the SSA LAM Coordinator. Originally I’m from Kazakhstan but I’ve spent a third of my life in Latin America and that’s why I feel so excited about this Wayfarer edition. Last year when I saw that the LAM Area Coordinator position was vacant, I thought “This is it. It’s just perfect for me”. And it wasn’t because of some personal or professional qualities but because of my love for this part of the world.

Both of us were assigned the same location (this is what I call DESTINY), so we went to Villahermosa (Mexico) to I arrived to LAM for the first time in work. I instantly fell in love with 2009, when I was 21 years old. I just Mexico, it was a like paradise for me. joined Schlumberger and was sent to Villahermosa has very hot and humid my introduction course to Rio de weather and while everybody was Janeiro (Brazil). I was amazed about complaining, even the locals, I was everything: panoramic views, enjoying it. I adapted so well to the awesome weather, the ocean, the culture, the food, the language. Even food. One of the reasons I have special my future husband was Mexican. I feelings about this city is because I met didn’t need to leave, I had it all! my husband there. He went there for the same course. I met him on my first After a year and a half in Villahermosa I was transferred to Ciudad del Carmen day in Rio and this year we will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. (Mexico), where I worked for almost 2 years. Then I got married and came I always joke that I had to go from back to Villa where my husband was. Kazakhstan to Brazil for him.

In 2014 we went to work to Neuquén (Argentina). Although this country is located in Latin America, it is so different from what I saw in Mexico. The climate is more “harsh”, the food is very different: meat, pasta, pizza and no chilies and micheladas (popular beer cocktail in Mexico). Even the Spanish language wasn’t the same. It was a cultural shock to me… But we adapted very soon. Tacos and Coronas were replaced by meat and red wine. Neuquén was also my first SSA Chapter, so I discovered all the beauty of this organization there. We spent 5 years in Argentina and during this period we visited Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and of course Argentina itself. Latin America is so beautiful, it has so many things to offer, so if you´ve never been here, you definitely need to come. So as you can see, I’ve spent the last 10 years here. Even my nickname changed from Nina 1987 to Nina Latina. Now we have been transferred back to Villahermosa so the show will go on :D P.S. I want to thank all the Chapters that contributed to this edition of The Wayfarer, and specially Evelyn for her passion and dedication to make it work.



Active Chapters



Buenos Aires Neuquén Macaé Rio de Janeiro




Quito Ciudad del Carmen


Mexico City Villahermosa



Latin America’s Active Chapters

SSA Neuquén, Argentina Neuquén is located in the west of

Argentina, has an urban population of 224,685 and also the 3rd largest shale gas & oil reserves in the world! SSA Neuquén has 73 members eager to share and learn from different cultures. The Chapter was reactivated in the beginning of the year, our group - with a lot of effort and commitment - has dedicated a lot of time to organize and carry out wonderful activities. We have several cultures in our Chapter: People from Mexico, Russia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Brazil, Argentina, Romania and Kazakhstan! Here are some photos of our activities!

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

“KonMari method” workshop

The group attended this workshop to get a better organization of their lives. They learned Marie Kondo’s organization techniques and left ready to apply them at home.

SSA NeuquĂŠn, Argentina

t i s i v o Zo

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Neuquén, Argentina Valentine’s day celebration


NLP Workshop: “HOW TO

ACTIVATE YOUR POTENTIAL with Neuro-linguistic programming” The workshop encompassed a direct initiation into the Neuro-Linguistic Programming’s world and the new models to activate our inner potential to face our current challenges in an effective way; a very important topic for us because of the different changes we deal with every day.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

l a v i n r Ca

r and filled with lo o c f o t lo a h it W thdays and ir b d te ra b le e c joy, we e wore their best n o ry e v E . lls e w fare costumes!

SSA NeuquĂŠn, Argentina

y a D y l i F am

a lot of h it w , y a d On a hot nd desire to a m s ia s u h t A energy, en day, the SS t n re fe if d spend a nized a a rg o rd a o NeuquĂŠn b 3 members 3 . y a d y il fam ir families, e h t h it w d participate and, of t lo a d e y n enjo the childre rents, too. a p ir e h t , e cours

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Enjoying a sunny day with the SSA family!

SSA NeuquĂŠn, Argentina

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Neuquén, Argentina

Women’s day celebration: Zumba class!

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Neuquén’s Local Board

This great group, led by their Local Coordinator Leidy Marin has worked together to welcome and give support, information, company and friendship to the new families that are arriving and those who are already in the location.

SSA Macaé, Brazil Macaé is a municipality

located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro that has 239,471 inhabitants, it is located 180 km northeast of the state capital, Rio de Janeiro. Macaé has a long coastline with beautiful beaches and a warm and humid climate for most of the year. The area is surrounded by nature: mountains, waterfalls, forest, coastal lagoons and rivers.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Macaé has an extensive beach selection that covers nearly 24 kilometers of coastline. Visitors can try out a range of water sports, some of which include: Surfing, Beach tennis, Paddleboarding, Canoeing, Rafting, Futevolei (a fusion of volleyball and football played on sand) and Kitesurfing. The most beautiful beaches in Brazil, Armação dos Búzios, are just 84.5 km from Macaé.

Macaé is also considered to be the center of the offshore petroleum industry in Brazil and it is often referred to as "Cidade do Petróleo" (”The oil city"). The Brazilian state-controlled oil company Petrobras has many facilities in town. Macaé is one of the fastest-growing cities in Brazil, with a growth of 600% within the last 10 years. SSA Macaé has 25 members, their local is led by Local Coordinator Ligia Conejo.

SSA MacaĂŠ, Brazil

Enjoying a Japanese dinner

Crochet class!

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Charity Members of SSA Macaé collected and donated adult diapers to the local geriatric organization “Casa do Idoso”

This organization gives shelter to the elderly in need, giving them assistance without any discrimination or prejudice

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro is the capital of

the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is located on the Atlantic Ocean, in the southeastern part of the tropical zone of South America, and is widely recognized as one of the world’s most beautiful and interesting urban centers. Rio’s location, architecture, inhabitants, and lifestyle make it a highly unique city. Its vibrant city center is bursting with culture and with a deep sense of history and heritage. It is not by chance that Rio is known as the "Cidade Maravilhosa” ("Wonderful City”), because, besides its spectacular natural beauty and captivating charm for which it is worldwide known, is a city full of joy and hospitality. Rio de Janeiro has an estimated population of 6.45 million, which ranks 2nd in Brazil. It is also the third largest metropolitan area and agglomeration in South America, and the 6th largest city in the Americas. The official language is Portuguese and its natives are called “Cariocas”.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

SSA Rio de Janeiro currently has 17 members, out of which half are Brazilian and the other half are from Argentina, France, Mexico and Venezuela. But it was not always like that, in the last 2 years, our Chapter went from having over a 100 members to less than 20, due to the restructuring of LAM SLB management that used to operate from Rio. Despite this decline, and the sad fact of having to say goodbye to so many members, the Chapter stayed alive, and it was thanks to enthusiastic board members led by Carelis GarcĂŠs, who kept organizing activities and encouraging others to participate, as well as members attending them. And even though, for several months we did not have new members to welcome, it turned to be a wonderful time for the ones who stayed, to get to share, know each other better and get closer. Fortunately, we started this year welcoming two new families and expecting a few more to come soon!

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Activities Every month we have coffee morning plus another activity such as: a city tour, a cultural visit, a beach day, a hike through a beautiful trail, a cooking class, etc. Twice a year we have Annual General Meetings and at least one Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) training. Also, during vacation periods and just before kids start school, we have an activity with them, and last year we were able to do our first Family Day. Here are some pictures of our latest events. Enjoy!

Coffee Morning + Welcome

Pink October Coffee

Carnival Coffee

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Coffee Mornings!

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Downtown Rio tour

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Parque Lage Beach day

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Cooking class

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Street Art Tour

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Pedra do TelĂŠgrafo hike

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Pedra Bonita hike

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Annual General Meeting

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Presentation in the SLB offices about Personal Security in Rio de Janeiro

SSA Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Back to School

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Charity In SSA Rio we are always willing to help others. All throughout the year we collect and donate what is needed by the institutions that we help: Lar Dona Meca & SOMAR. "SOMAR“ is an NGO that focuses on integral development of people through education, health and personal development.

“Lar Dona Meca” is an institution for children with special needs that do not have a family to support them. We regularly donate diapers, medicines, milk and supplies that the children require.

SSA Bogotá, Colombia Bogotá is the capital and largest city of Colombia, with a population of 8,080,734. It is the third-highest capital in South America and in the world after Quito and La Paz.

Colombia's beating heart, an engaging and vibrant capital surrounded by Andean peaks. The city's cultural epicenter is La Candelaria, the cobbled historic downtown with a potpourri of carefully preserved colonial buildings amid 300-year-old houses, churches and convents. Nearly all of Bogotá's traditional attractions are here, radiating from Plaza de Bolívar. East of town we also have the gorgeous Cerro de Monserrate. When you visit Bogotá, don’t miss:

Museo del Oro: Bogotá's most famous museum, it contains more than 55,000 pieces of gold and other materials from all of Colombia's major pre-Hispanic cultures. Iglesia de San Francisco: Built between 1557 and 1621, the Church of San Francisco is Bogotá's oldest surviving church.

Museo Botero: Even if you've never heard of Botero, you'll probably recognize some of his highly distinctive paintings of oversized characters, including dancers, dogs and birds. Plaza de Bolívar: The heart of the original town. In the middle of the square is a bronze statue of Simón Bolívar (cast in 1846). This was the city's first public monument. Museo Santa Clara: One of Bogotá's most richly decorated churches that now runs as a museum, with paintings by some of Colombia's most revered baroque artists. Casa de Nariño: This is Colombia's neoclassical presidential building, where the country's leader lives and works. Museo Nacional: This museum explores Colombia's past via archeology, history, ethnology and art.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

and have fun doing different activities that help to strengthen friendship ties like bowling, Zumba and our HSE meetings.

About SSA Bogotá Thanks to the SSA we can meet new friends, support each other, share, and enjoy our lives in this beautiful and large city where its people demonstrate an incredibly outgoing and kind character that makes it extremely easy to feel at home and make great friends. We are currently around 70 members from many different countries: Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, Ecuador, France, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago, Venezuela and the United States. This makes our Coffee Mornings a very enriching experience. We have Coffee Mornings every month where we welcome the newcomers, share experiences

We usually organize three very special mornings: two Annual General Meetings, one in May for Mother´s Day and another in December to end the year, and an International day where members from different countries show their cultures. Another activity that we enjoy very much is the Cooking Club where we learn new recipes. Since most people from SLB live in areas of the city far away from each other (north of Bogotá, Chia and Cota), the SSA meetings are held in different locations to allow our members to participate as much as possible. So you know, if your next destination is Bogotá a group of friends is waiting for you!

Rosa Longo

SSA Bogotรก, Colombia

Each activity has been wonderful, we share fun moments, talks and make new friends!

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Bogotรก, Colombia

We are happy to receive new members of all nationalities to be a part of SSA Bogotรก!

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Cooking club

Our Local Board

SSA Bogotá, Colombia International Day 2018 Our annual International Day was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the SSA´s diversity. We enjoyed the morning wearing our national costumes and showing our respective countries through colorful stalls. No International Day would be complete without an array of tasty food from around the world, and this year was no exception, there was a great a variety of delicious flavors. We held several raffles to raise money for the AMESE Foundation dedicated to help women with breast cancer, the raffle prizes were donated by our members. It was a fantastic and successful day – We are already looking forward to our next International day!



The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Charity SSA Bogotá has been helping the institution Obra Social Santa María de Guadalupe since 2018, it is home to around 70 old adults, some of which have mental issues or health problems. Sadly, many have lived in the streets before and most of them have been abandoned by their families. In this home, they receive food and care. This place lives on donations. The SSA Bogotá Charity organizes activities to collect money and articles of personal and general sanitation. All to ensure they have a better quality of life. Aura Ortiz

Our last activity was a Bingo. The members bought tickets to play and also donated cleaning supplies. It was a great day!

SSA Quito, Ecuador Quito is the capital of

Ecuador. It is the first city in the world that was named World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Due to its elevated location and mild climate, Quito can be visited any time of the year!

After La Paz in Bolivia, Quito is the second highest capital city in the world at 2,850 m. Quito is also the second most populated city in Ecuador with 2,735,987 inhabitants.

The surrounding snow capped volcanoes, especially the Pichincha volcano, which is the oldest one standing tall at 4,790 m in the western side of the city, adds a natural touch to its beauty.

Encircled by Andes volcanoes, nestled in the Guayllabamba river basin, Quito is a dreamer’s paradise.

The city boasts of 40 churches, 16 convents and monasteries, 12 museums and a rich cultural heritage.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Monument to the Equator, which highlights the location of the Equator (from which the country takes its name)

Many tourists like to explore the city, by enjoying the sights and getting to know the vibrant life of the locals. Quito is a mix of old colonial architecture with upcoming modern complexes resulting in an old world charm of the city.

SSA Quito has 124 members, out of which 9 are male! This is the Chapter with the most male members in LAM, the SSA Quito Local Board is led by Iván Moreno, who is currently the only male Local Coordinator in all of the SSA active Chapters.

Go to Page 106 to read our interview with Iván…

SSA Quito, Ecuador

Coffee Mornings

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Mother’s day celebration

SSA Quito, Ecuador

Mother’s day celebration

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Quito, Ecuador

End of year lunch

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico Ciudad del Carmen is located climate and a large amount of in the southwest of the Yucatán Peninsula; also known as the “Pearl of the Gulf”. The city takes its name from the day of the Virgen del Carmen, when Alonso Felipe Andrade defeated and expelled the pirates from the island in the fort of San Felipe in 1717. It is an important center of operations of PEMEX, having the most important hydrocarbon area in Mexico. In addition, it has interesting natural and touristic attractions, a wide variety of seafood, a very warm


The city has a low-cost and luxury hotel infrastructure, with access to various beaches on the island, such as: Playa Norte, Puntilla, Bahamita and Punta San Julián. In Playa Norte you will find restaurants, nightclubs, sport facilities, playgrounds and a coastal waterfront where you can walk, ride a bike or skate! SSA Ciudad del Carmen has 40 members, in the following pages you can see photos of their activities.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Stella Maris «The star of the sea» known as the Statue of the Virgin of Carmen, is one of the most famous and visited monuments of the city. It is located two hundred meters from the boardwalk in the waters of the Laguna de Términos.

"El Zacatal" Bridge with almost 4 km in length is the longest in Mexico and one of the busiest.

SSA Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico

Monthly gatherings

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico

Family Day

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Catamaran tour

SSA Ciudad del Carmen, Mexico

SSA Sport day

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Charity We spent a pleasant moment with the students of the Elementary School “La Lagartera”, sharing breakfast and giving a small gift to each child.

SSA Mexico City, Mexico Mexico City, formerly known

as DF (Distrito Federal), aka CDMX, is the capital of Mexico and the most populous city in North America. “La neta” (the truth) is that this wonderful city is home to over 9 million people, and it is part of the Greater Mexico City, which is the largest metropolitan area in Mexico with a population of over 23 million people, which makes it the largest metropolitan area of the Western Hemisphere and the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world! Why it is important to mention here? Well, we would like you to picture all the amazing things you can find in a place this big and important.

Living in Mexico City is “muy chido” (very cool): culturally speaking it is so rich that there is at least one thing to do for every interest you can imagine. It has many historical places, places so ancient that go back to the Aztec era; many of which were declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites… wow “que padre!” (amazing!). But also you will find plenty of modern structures (some a few steps from each other). This wonderful city also has a rich history of art expression; you can find here more than 160 museums dedicated to art, including Mexican colonial, modern and contemporary art as well as international art.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

In terms of music, theater and entertainment there are tons of places to go to listen to orchestras as well as enjoy popular culture and music. About food, “no manches”! (no way!)… there is an unbelievable amount of nice places to go to enjoy a delicious meal.

activities for our kids (Halloween, children’s day, family day), and even couples activities, without leaving out the HSE activities of course! We try our best to plan them in different parts of the city so everybody has the chance to enjoy them without having to be stuck in traffic. What we need is time to enjoy all what CDMX has to offer, we are trying to plan things enjoyable by everyone in the Chapter! The focal point for our plans is to find a nice place to go eat and “chacharear” (to chat), why? Well, food is sooooo good that it is not possible to resist it, and “chacharear” always helps to make bonds with other members, to understand better how to live in Mexico City, and if somebody “está achicopalado” (feeling blue/feeling down) we cheer them up!.

Now that you have a better idea of our current home, can you imagine how busy the SSA members in Mexico City are? Our chapter is composed of around 30 active members who are located in the Greater Mexico City. All year long we plan activities for everyone: From members only activities (Coffee mornings, outings, International day, special celebrations like December Remember in Mexico “mi casa es holidays, Valentine’s day and Mexican independence day); to su casa”… So, welcome home!

SSA Mexico City, Mexico Downtown CDMX

Valentine’s Day

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mexican Independence Day

Holiday brunch

SSA Mexico City, Mexico

Halloween party

Couples’ night out

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

International Day

DriveSMARRT training

SSA Villahermosa, Mexico Villahermosa (Beautiful Village) is the capital and largest city of the Mexican state of Tabasco, it has a population of 658,524. The city is 863 kilometers (536 miles) from Mexico City. SSA Villahermosa has 92 members and here are a couple of photos they shared of their activities

When we celebrated Valentines Day, we wore pink and red, in this occasion our friends who got the baby Jesus (Rosca de Reyes) shared tamales to celebrate "La Candelaria" as part of Mexican culture.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

In March it was the last reunion of the previous board, this meeting was done in the SLB base were we ate a delicious breakfast and had board elections, we know the new board will do a wonderful job. Best of luck!

SSA Caracas, Venezuela Venezuela is a blessed

Los Roques

country, not only for its climate and landscapes, but especially for its people. This tropical country located in the north of South America, offers a warm climate in its various regions and the most diverse landscapes, which make it a special delight for nature lovers. Despite the political and economic situation, we invite you to enjoy this location, with all the natural beauties it offers. You may enjoy the food, culture, people, weather and also add to your travel list some of these places: Beaches (Morrocoy, Isla de Margarita, Archipiélago Los Roques, La Guaira), Mountains (Pico Bolívar, Cerro el Ávila, Pico el Águila), Jungle (Roraima, Canaima, Salto el Angel), Desert (Médanos de Coro).

Angel Falls

Pico Bolívar

Médanos de Coro

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Caracas is the capital and largest city of Venezuela.

For this new year we have planned a set of activities that will allow us to continue strengthening our group, always with open arms to welcome new families and help them in their first steps in this great city.

SSA Caracas is at this moment a small chapter but always active and united in the feeling of brotherhood and family, because that is what the SSA is about; to recognize us as part of We have started with three of our the great Schlumberger family, clubs: the Cooking Club, Sports where hospitality, cooperation Club and the Art and Culture and friendship are the principles Club. To participate in them you do not need to have any that govern us. experience, just the desire to Our goal is for everyone to feel learn and share pleasant welcome in this city, and moments... especially in this Association that works to generate spaces EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO that allow us to help each other, SSA CARACAS! get to know each other and accompany us in times of Mizaida Leal change. Local Coordinator

SSA Caracas, Venezuela

ART CLUB Our Art Club is for those who want to deepen their cultural knowledge and create artistic projects. The first technique that we learnt was Dot Art, we created beautiful cheese table pieces. It was an interesting and fun experience, and we were guided by our artist teacher, Luz Gamboa. Materials used: Round wooden board, design template, brushes, a pointed instrument or dotting tool kit and water

based paint.

Did you know? The Dot is a small round mark, rather the smallest point that is usually created with any pointed instrument. In art and designing, dots are considered the basic building block of an artwork. It is the simplest element of art and drawing‌

By Mizaida Leal

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

By Lidiane Souza

By Alcira Ceballos

SSA Caracas, Venezuela

Welcome Coffee

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Cooking Club In our Cooking Club we seek to entertain and learn how to make quick, easy and delicious alternatives to keep our bodies in balance and full of energy. We keep in mind the phrase of our dear Julia Child, " You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces -- just good food from fresh ingredients " and this, at the same time, keeps us encouraged to share, not only typical recipes of our country, but also options of different countries, sharing our gastronomic knowledge in our SSA Cooking Club. We are sharing one of our recipes on the next pages, enjoy!

SSA Caracas, Venezuela Editor’s note: I'm so happy that the recipe we’re featuring in this edition is actually one of my favorite Venezuelan guilty pleasures đ&#x;˜?

Mandocas (Sweet Corn Fritters) by Rosangel Torres Mandocas are Venezuelan teardrop-shaped donuts from the state of Zulia. They are sweet and can be eaten any time of day! They are what churros are to Spain, the sfenjs in Morocco, or the nuĂŠgados to El Salvador and Latin America. Preparation time: 1 hour

Cook time: 25 min.

Ingredients • • • • • •

1 kg fine corn meal (PAN precooked corn flour) 4 - 5 ripe plantains 500 gr panela (“piloncillo� - raw hardened sugar cane) 500 gr salty firm white cheese 4 cups warm water Corn oil (for frying)


4. To this mix, add the plantains, grated cheese and knead until mixture becomes a dough. If necessary, and depending on the consistency of the dough, add a little more water or corn flour to obtain a light dough but still somewhat firm.

Instructions 1. Place the panela into the warm water until dissolved. 2. Grate the plantains using the side with the wide holes. 3. In a bowl, combine the warm panela water with cornmeal. Mix well using your hands and then knead to give a firm, smooth dough.

The dough should be soft and kneadable, but not sticky

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

5. Once the dough is ready, let it rest for 10 minutes 6. Take small quantities of dough and roll each one into a log shape with the palms of your hands. Continue to roll into a cylinder on a counter top, until the dough cylinder is 6-7 inches long. Bring ends together and overlap them to a ribbon/bow shape. Press ends together. Repeat with other pieces of dough. 7. In a large pot, heat several inches of oil to 350 °F degrees. Fry loops of dough in the oil for about 5 minutes until brown, flipping them once. 8. Serve mandocas warm, with slices of white cheese and/or butter. 9. Enjoy them! Note: They are delicious and I would even venture to say they are addictive!! It is hard to stop when you get started!

SSA Caracas, Venezuela Curiosities about Venezuelan Cacao When we talk about cacao, the first information that our memory processes is related to chocolate as its most common derivative. And of course, as an unequivocal source of happiness, vigor and pleasure.

What does the word cacao mean? It is said that the name "cacao" comes from the Mayan voices "cac" (red) and "cau" (fire). In fact, the natives called it "xocolatl" to what we nowadays know as Cacao (Spanish, Italian and French), Cocoa (English), Kakao (German) and Cacau (Portuguese).

What is cacao? It is a fruit of tropical origin that is used as a raw material for chocolate and other derivatives. The scientific name of his tree is Theobroma cacao, which in Greek means food of the gods. (Theos: God - Broma: food).

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

How is Theobroma cacao? The cacao tree is known as “cacaotero”, from which the fruit comes in the form of cob or maraca, which contain between 30 and 40 reddish brown seeds or grains. These are covered with a sweet and edible white flesh. These trees are cultivated under the shade of others of other species, which ensures a correct growth during their first years of life and can measure up to 1.5 meters. The cocoa flower sprouts at 3 or 4 years.

How long does it take to bear fruit? It may take between 5 to 6 years. A tree can produce between 40 and 60 maracas spread over two crops a year. A tree in good condition should produce at least 1 kg of dry cocoa per year.

When is a cacao fruit ripe? It takes 6 months to mature.

What are the types of Venezuelan Cacao? There are three types of cacao: Criollo Cacao, characterized by its intense aroma, low bitterness and is very fine, although susceptible to diseases of the crop.

SSA Caracas, Venezuela Cacao Forastero or Amazonian, is much more rustic, with thick skin and is more resistant than the Criollo, its harvest is more abundant, although it is much less aromatic and with a higher tannin. And finally, the Hybrid Cacao, where Trinitario stands out, and which results from the crossing of the two previous ones resulting in a cocoa of fine aroma, which is resistant to pests and is of excellent quality.

How is the fresh cocoa seed? Fresh cocoa seed - after pulp removal - can weigh between 1.3 and 2.3 grams, while dry seed can weigh between 0.9 and 1.5 grams, depending on the type of cocoa

harvested and the time it is made. In summer, almonds tend to be smaller, while in winter they increase in size and weight.

How is cocoa drying performed? The drying of the cocoa can be carried out in a natural or artificial way, differentiating the first from the second by extending the product on the concrete floor or trays under the imposing solar rays. In both cases, drying should be gradual.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Curiosities about Venezuelan Rum The tropical climate, the richness of our land and the patience in the maturation processes are some of the factors that give this drink a great softness and a varied flavor. "Ron de Venezuela" is a denomination of controlled origin granted by the SAPI since 2003 to the main rums of Venezuela that meet the requirements of having in all of its rum components a minimum of two years of aging in barrels of white oak and 40 degrees of anhydrous alcohol. It is necessary to highlight that in Venezuela it is forbidden to alter the rum mixture with substances that contribute artificial color, flavor or aroma. In addition to not allowing the replenishment of the waste of the barrel during the aging - product of evaporation - with alcohol base.

In 2014, Venezuela was recognized worldwide with the best rum awards in the world and the best distillery in the world at the International Tasting Contest held in Madrid, Spain. Five among the ten best rums in the world are Venezuelan according to the opinion of the experts presented in the magazine Cocina y Vino, for which they received awards and recognition after the tastings. The most awarded Rum in the world is a Venezuelan rum: Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva.

In Europe, for example, the Although many do not believe it, value of these products is 10 Venezuela has been awarded times higher. However, lovers of on several occasions for its aged good rum are clear that a drink rums with denomination of of our national production is controlled origin (D.O.C.). worth it.


SSA Caracas, Venezuela Tasting Chocolate and Rum To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we enjoyed a wonderful Chocolate and Rum tasting with our spouses. The tasting was led by chocolate expert María Alejandra Cruz. First, we tasted different types of chocolates made with cocoa from different parts of the world. Then we tasted various types of Venezuelan rums, which varied in their aging years. By joining both chocolate and rum, the explosion of flavors in our mouths was magical, we experienced the umami (category of taste in food besides sweet, sour, salt, and bitter, corresponding to the flavor of glutamates, especially monosodium glutamate). After the tasting, we could verify and without a doubt conclude that: in Venezuela, the best cocoa in the world and highquality rum is produced!

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

SSA Caracas, Venezuela

Artist members corner Luz Alberly Gamboa Colombian artist who has been part of our Chapter since 2018, with her passion and dedication she has managed to transmit her knowledge to children and adults. Her experience is in artistic education and Art History has allowed her to develop a didactic program and motivational activities. She is responsible for our Art Club.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Anabella Millan I began in 2016 when I took a drawing course with an incredible teacher who taught me everything I know. What I like most is pencil drawing ... I love drawing eyes and hair the most.

The drawing above was done with 3 pencils, color and watercolor techniques

SSA Caracas, Venezuela Maria Eugenia Lamberto For me, cooking is an art that I really enjoy, I love being able to cook and create food for my family and friends. A dish made with love and presented with good harmony always improves the experience of sitting around the table.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

Mizaida Leal Through scrapbooking I have found a way to fill great moments with color and life. It is an art that relaxes me and allows me to give others a nice memory on their birthday, as well as when they leave.

SSA Caracas, Venezuela GETTING TO KNOW VENEZUELA CANAIMA NATIONAL PARK by Anabella Millรกn We visited the Canaima National Park in October 2018. Defining this experience in a few words is very difficult, however, I would summarize it as SPECTACULAR. The overpass to the Angel Falls and the visit to the Caves of Kavac are simply wonderful. They leave you speechless and with your heart filled of emotion for such beauty. Day 1: We visited the Laguna de Canaima, from where we could see the Ucaima, Wadaima and Golondrina falls to arrive after a walk, between the jungle and savanna, to El Sapo waterfalls.

We also visited the El Hacha waterfall. You can enjoy the water curtain that originates in the Carrao river and then enjoy a well-deserved bath in its waters. Day 2: We visited Angel Falls (the highest waterfall in the world at 979 meters). The day started very early; leaving the lodge at 4:00 am, having a small breakfast made at a camp and going by car to Puerto Ucaima, where we boarded a curiara (indigenous boat) to navigate the Carrao River for approximately 2 hours.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Then the journey is made by walking for over an hour, but between so much vegetation and beautiful landscapes the day passed without setbacks. Day 3: We flew over Angel Falls, and it was simply wonderful. We saw where the falls are born and enjoyed it from different angles. Day 4: We visited the Caves of Kavac, an indigenous reserve of the Pemón tribe. We walked for about 25 - 30 minutes, then we passed a river with rope, so arm strength is required!

Recommendations: • • • • • • • •

Sunscreen Mosquito repellent Cap / hat Comfortable clothes Rubber shoes or slip-resistant water shoes Socks: 1 or 2 pairs per day. Snacks Items such as a camera, and cell phones are recommended to be placed inside plastic bags to prevent them from getting wet.

We traveled with our 8-year-old daughter and she did all the walks... I really enjoyed this experience... To see more photos of this incredible trip go to Page 120

SSA Caracas, Venezuela GETTING TO KNOW VENEZUELA LOS ROQUES NATIONAL PARK by Lidiane Souza Los Roques: A paradise without comparison! Los Roques National Park is a Venezuelan archipelago about 160 km north of Caracas in the Caribbean Sea. The protected area contains over 300 islands and cays surrounding a lagoon. The archipelago’s coral reef is popular with snorkelers and scuba divers. This is a magical place full of natural beauty; a sea of blue tones and the bright sunshine

that will accompany you throughout our journey. It’s an incredible place for all types of occasions: a honeymoon, family trip or just an encounter with nature. What most impressed us was the water, so crystalline that they are confused with the blue of the sky; it is a true paradise on earth. All this nature combined with an excellent B&B, elevated our experience to another level.

To see more photos of this amazing trip go to Page 122

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

In Los Roques you can do many activities. The park is famous for scuba diving, kite surfing and sport fishing. Include that wonderful experience on your next trip and enjoy the wonder of the Caribbean Sea at its best!

Did you know? Los Roques harbors about 90 species of birds, 280 species of fish, 60 species of corals, 200 species of crustaceans, 60 species of sponges, 140 species of mollusks and 45 species of echinoderms

Living in Latin America by Deysy Lamas Mexico City Chapter member, former Local Coordinator and Global Board member. I am proudly Venezuelan, born and raised in Venezuela. For those who do not know exactly where Venezuela is, it is located in the Northern part of South America. My country is bordered on the north by the magnificent Caribbean Sea (therefore we have some of the most beautiful beaches in the world), on the west by the beautiful Colombia (on that side of the country we have The Andes where the highest mountain in our country, the Pico Bolivar, is the star); on the south by the giant and

Venezuelan Hallacas

amazing Brazil (in that part of our country we have part of the Amazon Basin, the highest waterfall of the world: the Angel Falls, as well as some of the oldest formation of the world: the tepuis); we have Guyana on the east and Trinidad and Tobago on the north-east. Beside the natural beauties our country has to offer, we have one of the most cheerful, friendly, and lovely people: the


The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Brazil was my first destination after leaving Venezuela; we lived there in two opportunities for a total of 5 years. Macaé and Rio de Janeiro were the beautiful places in Brazil where I was located during those years. For a person who had never been out of her country of origin (like me) moving to Brazil and living there was kind of easy: although the language is a bit different, people there are so nice and friendly to the point to get Anywhere you go in the world it is so used to my spoken “portunhol”, it was not difficult to get used to their easy to realize you have met a Venezuelan: the way we talk, how we customs and living there. Waking up everyday and looking through the greet people…and sometimes how window to see the beautiful beach or loud we are… distinguishes us from Pedra da Gávea made even easier to many others…. living in Venezuela was sometimes taken for granted by live there. Continues on the next page… me until my husband joined Schlumberger and we had to leave my country for a while…. then I realized I could be taken out of

Venezuela, but Venezuela would never be taken out of me….

Living in Venezuela has not been my only enriching experience in Latin America; I have been blessed to live also in two amazing Latin countries: Brazil and Mexico.

Living in Latin America (cont.) A car ride to go to my kids’ school was just an unforgettable experience: bordering the sea coast all the way until you passed the tunnel and saw the breathtaking view of Cristo Redentor on top of the Corcovado, this made me feel exactly like if I was in the “Rio” movie. Beautiful sceneries and lovely people and food were a perfect combination to make us feel so much Saudades when it was time for us to leave.

Mexico, oh Mexico! It is the country where I am currently living. It is my third time in this country, for a total (so far) of 7 years. Each of the three cities I have been living in here has offered us a beautiful experience, again: people, food, music, and

sceneries have helped us a lot to enjoy our time here. My second child was born here and he is so proud of being back to his country that he does not want to leave, neither do we. To be honest, I was so afraid of living in Mexico City because of the constant seismic activity, but after having experienced it during the last three years (including the huge and fatal one in 2017) and learned how Mexicans deal with it and continue living a normal life I realized I could do that too, which has helped me enjoy even more everything this beautiful city has to offer. Before moving here I had never seen people so proud of their heritage and traditions as Mexican people.

The Wayfarer⎹ LAM 2019

Mexico in general but more specifically Mexico City is for all kind of tastes: all kinds of art (music, theater, museums), history, sports, traditions, culinary, night life, movies, shopping, etc. There is something interesting for everybody, it is impossible not to like living here…it is impossible for somebody to say: there is nothing for me to do…. it is impossible not want to come back once you leave…. it is impossible for it not to feel like home…. it is impossible not to say

“Mexico lindo y querido”!!!!

Out of our 22 years as an SLB family, 16 have been lived in Latin America. Our kids (a 22 year old almost graduated from College and a 15 year old starting high school) are citizens of the world because of the opportunities they have had to learn from different cultures, but they do not forget their roots and they are deeply proud of our heritage and wish no more than being able of visit “home” anytime it is possible. Despite other things you could have heard or read about Latin America, my experience of living here has always been positive, being a Latina definitely makes it easier to live and adapt to live in other Latin American countries, but almost all the people from far away who have lived in Latin America have loved it here and have made of it an unforgettable experience. Please whenever you have a chance come and experience it for yourself…. Deysy Lamas

A talk with Iván… Iván Moreno is the Local Coordinator of SSA Quito, he is a Mechanical Engineer from Venezuela with Oil and Gas experience. During his time in Rio de Janeiro he did a Specialization in Petroleum Engineering in a local University and an MBA in Scotland, UK. At the moment he’s an entrepreneur, running an e-commerce business.

When did you first participate in the SSA?

In Anaco, Venezuela back in 2005, it was an unique and funny experience, not just for me but for the ladies that were amazed that a man just showed up for the event!

Tell us a bit about your family My wife Deyanira is currently working as OPRM for Testing. We are both from Venezuela, have been married for almost 15 years and we have 2 lovely children. Christian (11) and Alison (7), both of them attending the Academia Cotopaxi in Quito.

Where have you lived?

In Aberdeen (Scotland), Doha (Qatar), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and now Quito (Ecuador).

How did you start participating in the SSA?

After being invited a couple of times to join the SSA, one night my wife had a business dinner and coincidentally the SSA was having an night out so I decided to go instead of staying at home. For my surprise I had wonderful night, met new people of different nationalities, cultures, etc. After that I have been participating every time I can.

The Wayfarer⎚ LAM 2019

How did you become an SSA local board member?

When we moved to Rio I was not able to work and I wanted to spend time doing any kind of activities. One day I saw the posting for a secretary position and I decided to jump in!

How does it feel to be the only male SSA Local Coordinator in During my stay in Rio de Janeiro I managed to bring aboard 7 more the world? I did not know I was the only one, I guess I have to do even better now! [laughing] Even though sometimes it is not easy, we are doing a nice job receiving people, making them feel comfortable and organizing nice and unique activities.

What would you tell male spouses that are considering to join the SSA?

I would say to try 2 or 3 events, I know it is not easy and it can be intimidating but after a few events you will find people with the same interests, plans, etc. and you can start a nice friendship and organize events with the families.

male friends to the SSA.

What do you recommend to Chapters to encourage male SSA members to participate?

I recommend to invite them (constantly) and try to make them feel comfortable. An option could be: an outdoor, sport or family activity, in my case a night out was enough. Sometimes we think that activities are too women oriented and we do not feel identified with that, I suggest planning different types of activities that are attractive and open to both women and men!

Thank you IvĂĄn!!!

SSA Kids corner! María José Castro Riveros 6 years old María Jose is the daughter of Vanessa Riveros (SSA Bogotá), she painted these when she lived in Ecuador and was 5 years old.

She loves painting, animals and nature, these paintings were inspired in the beautiful landscapes of Ecuador.

Antonella Castaneda Vega 4 years old Antonella is the daughter of Victoria Vega (SSA Mexico City), she enjoys dancing and is also a great student.

SSA Kids corner! (cont.) Adriana Campos Ramos 13 years old Adriana has been passionate about drawing and painting since she was younger. This piece is called ”And how do you look at the world?” which she presented in a student art fair organized by the Municipality of Chia, Colombia. Adriana not only paints, you can see more in the next page à

SSA Kids are also sporty!!! Adriana (13) and Adriano (9) Campos Ramos Deysi Ramos’children (SSA Bogotå) practice Taekwondo and mountain biking! Their family is very passionate about sports and traveling

SSA Kids corner! (cont.) SSA NeuquĂŠn has talented kids that succeed in different disciplines!

Mia and Barbara Tennis

Arianna Lara Horseback riding

đ&#x;˜Š Paula, Lismar and Mia Aerial Acrobatics

SSA Ciudad del Carmen has athletic kids!

Karla Rodríguez Escudero Rhythmic Gymnastics

The Snatch is the world's fastest lift. In addition to moving the weight quickly, the snatch also moves the weight a long distance from the ground all the way overhead. Nancy Hernández Rodríguez Crossfit Competition Carmen Games 2018 Snatch 105 lbs

LAM Postcards

Travel photos from our members around the world

Otavalo Market in Quito, Ecuador sent by SSA Quito

Laguna Quilotoa in Quito, Ecuador

Photos of Latin America by Kirti Dubey of SSA Kuwait

From 2010 to 2014 she lived in Brazil and Colombia and here are some photos taken in those two countries

Photos by Kirti from Guatemala, Argentina, Panama, Peru and Ecuador

Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Sent by SSA Ciudad del Carmen

Armadillo de los Infante, San Luis PotosĂ­, Mexico Sent by SSA Ciudad del Carmen

Canaima, Venezuela By Anabella Millรกn of SSA Caracas

Angel Falls, Venezuela by Anabella Millรกn of SSA Caracas

Los Roques, Venezuela by Lidiane Souza of SSA Caracas

Photos by Rosa Longo of SSA Bogotรก Cathedral and Monserrate. Bogotรก, Colombia Santa Clara museum. Bogotรก, Colombia

Mexico City sent by Victoria Vega from SSA Mexico City

Mérida, Mexico sent by SSA Ciudad del Carmen

Photos by Evelyn Bicelis Rio de Janeiro from the Sugarloaf, Brazil Cotopaxi volcano in Quito, Ecuador

Iguaçú, Brazil

Photos by Sandra Guerrero of her travels around Colombia SSA Bogotรก

Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirรก




Malecรณn Costero, Ciudad del Carmen Sent by SSA Ciudad del Carmen

Traveling near Neuquén Neuquén has had an important growth in terms of population and urbanism in the last three years. There are very nice places to visit such as: Villa La Angostura, San Martin de los Andes, Bariloche, Caviahue, Villa El Chocon as well as other ones around Argentina.

Villa El Chocón

Lara Marin family in Caviahue

Trip to Caviahue, Lara Marin, Carreño Uzcategui and Arismendi Manzanero families.

The photos in the following pages were taken by members of SSA Neuquén and their families

Jaime Monje at El Calafate

Photos by Roberto Lara Bariloche

Photos by Jaime Monje around Argentina

Photos by Nina Pikush Calafate


IguazĂş falls Bariloche

Photos by Nina Pikush Puerto Madryn

Thanks again to everyone who collaborated on this edition of The Wayfarer, hope everyone enjoyed this trip through the amazing Latin America!

Tulum, Mexico by Evelyn Bicelis M.

Next Edition:

Africa & Asia/Australia Africa Angola: Luanda Congo: Pointe-Noire Nigeria: Lagos

Get inspired and start preparing your contributions!!!


Australia: Perth China: Beijing China: Shanghai India: Mumbai India: New Delhi India: Pune Indonesia: Balikpapan Indonesia: Jakarta Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: Labuan New Zealand: New Plymouth Thailand: Bangkok

We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Wayfarer, for comments or feedback email

Remember to keep in touch! SSA Global Community Remember to join the official SSA Facebook group It’s a great tool to keep in touch, share photos of current events and get information from SSA members all over the world! You can also invite other SSA friends to join!

SSAfara Our website is the best place to get updated contact information of your next location. Your spouse (SLB employee) can request your access here: ollection/NewForm.aspx?Source= m/sites/ssafara/SiteAssets/coeapp1.1.0/pages/ThankYouPage.aspx Once we receive the request we will follow up and guide you!

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