Брошура Школи вищого корпусу державної служби

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According to international practice, investment in the development of senior civil service is the most effective way to support reforms. Ukraine needs a professional group of top mangers, i.e. senior civil servants that are familiar with contemporary managerial approaches and are skilled enough to take the lead and manage changes successfully. They need to obtain specific knowledge in such areas as strategic management, change management, negotiations, risk management, finance and human resource management. The School of Senior Civil Service was established in October 2008 to promote the formation and development of senior civil service and also provide support for public management reform. The School has been created under the auspice of the Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine. Since being established, we have been contributing to the formation of highly professional and well-educated personnel of Ukraine's senior civil service by implementing training programmes of a new format. Valuing managers' time and seeing what they need, we help them obtain knowledge and polish skills that are necessary to tackle practical managerial issues. The School is designed not only to hold training programmes but also establish a professional club for public leaders where they can discuss social development priorities and government policy options.

Philosophy We transfer best world experience of public management to those employed in the senior civil service of Ukraine through effective communication with fellow managers and recognized experts during training sessions, conferences, discussions and other educational and practical events. We are creating innovative resource centre to form highly professional government managerial elite. Values

Ethics Professionalism Innovations Growth

Peculiarities Unique project in the sphere of public management of Ukraine Innovative approach to the training process Practical knowledge and skills prevail over theoretical Flexibility and orientation towards participants' specific training needs Dynamics and continuous updates

Outputs The Management Development Programme is one of the School's earliest pilot outputs. It was drafted in cooperation with European partners after a thorough analysis of senior servants' training needs had been undertaken. The Programme includes a series of short training sessions, which take place in October, November and December 2009. It covers the following topics: Change management in public sector The art of communication in public management Strategic management Management Leadership Human Resource Management (HRM) The Management Development Programme will be updated taking into consideration both existing experience and cooperation with foreign partners. School of Senior Civil Service provides specialized programmes to cover the following topics: Professional ethics and preventing corruption in the civil service (senior civil service) Personnel management (heads of personnel departments) PR and communications (heads of press services) “Corporate� trainings for the management of central government authorities Each of programs aimed to conduct training sessions, master classes, practical workshops etc., this will enable participants to study selected subjects methodically and share practical experience.

Team The team of the School of Senior Civil Service consists of both young and experienced experts. Trainers The School of Senior Civil Service invites: Trainers from both Ukrainian and foreign training companies Private sector consultants Foreign and Ukrainian experts on specific issues Well-known representatives of the senior civil service and politicians Trainers apply modern interactive teaching methods, namely: Discussions in groups and pairs Case studies Situational modelling Moderation techniques Brainstorming Coaching, etc. Wishing to use experience of private sector in education of civil service top-managers, the School provides programmes for training the trainers and master-classes narrators.

Information Resource Centre The Information Resource Centre seeks to provide trainees of the School of Senior Civil Service with necessary information and meet their intellectual needs to ensure better understanding of various ideas that are given rise to during training. A rich collection of books, electronic resources and professional support from a librarian are at trainees' disposal. The Information Resource Centre of the School of Senior Civil Service contains around 1,500 books, scientific works, training cases, and leading periodicals. It provides authorized School trainees with the access to world's leading electronic archives and training materials. You can find or order books using the electronic catalogue available at the website of the School of Senior Civil Service or via e-mail: library@school.gov.ua. Our partners The School cooperates with the world's leading schools of public administration, in particular the Dutch Institute for Public Administration (ROI), the Danish School of Public Administration (DSPA), the Bavarian Administration School (BVS), and other European training institutions that have longstanding experience in professional training of civil servants. While preparing training courses School’s experts apply innovative and creative approaches from the best international experiences.

www.school.gov.ua Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine School of Senior Civil Service 15, Prorizna Street Kyiv, 01601 Ukraine Telephone + 38 044 279 2951 Fax + 38 044 279 29 51 E-mail info@school.gov.ua www.school.gov.ua

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