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6. Recommendations, Implementation Strategy, and Target Setting
Air-pollution management needs a collaborative approach from all concerned departments across Patna. Various measures suggested in the study and existing policies must be implemented for effective reduction of the city’s pollution levels.The formation of a project management andaudit unitis also vital inensuringthe time-bound implementation ofpolicies andcontrol measures(CMs). Appropriate indicators to measure the effective implementation of the CMs and progress of the implementation strategy need to be devised.
Based on the techno-economic assessment of the shortlisted CMs for the city of Patna, the following policies are recommended:
1. Patna should introduce green public transport (EVs/CNG): As of now, diesel auto rickshawsand minibusesare the only public transportation modes available inPatna.
These modes of travel arehighly unreliable25 as they are run by private players.Even though the Patna government plans to establish a metrorail service, the city stillneeds a functional bus transportation system that incorporates CNG/EV buses. Old twostroke autorickshaws should be phased out and replaced withelectric autorickshaws.
Suchmeasureswill help reducetailpipe exhaust to a major extent.
2. Vehicle fitness certificates and PUC certificates should be made mandatory for fuel refilling: Tailpipe emission from poorly maintained vehiclesis muchhigher than that fromvehiclesthat are well-maintained and serviced on a regular basis. By introducing policies like “No PUC,No Fuel”,vehicle owners will be more inclined to get theirvehicle serviced.
3. Trucks (diesel) and buses (diesel) plying in Patna must be retrofitted with diesel particulate filters(DPF).This will cut down tailpipe emission loads by around 60%to 80%.
4. Mandate citywide cap on coal and diesel (industrial) use, and revise/reduce the cap every fouryears: Industrial pollution is one of the majorcontributors to air pollution in Patna. The citymust seta cap on coal and diesel usagefor industrial use. This will encourage industry ownerstoadoptclean fuels (CNG/electric). A review/reduction of the cap every fiveyears will help reduceindustrial pollution to a greater extent.
5. Open dumping of solid waste should be penalised and the municipality should not collect waste if it hasnot been segregatedat the household level.PMC should ensure 100% door–to-door collection of municipal solid waste. PMC should also develop a mechanism to penalise people who dump their solid waste in open sites. These steps will ensure that waste is collected and treated properly. PMC also needs to develop measures and campaigns to encourage segregation of waste.
6. Financial incentives (as reduced electricity unit cost) should be provided for houses with grid-connectedrooftop photovoltaicsystems(RTPV): Patna’s residentsshould be encouraged and rewarded for setting up grid-connectedRTPV. Unitprice of electricity
25 Schedule of private run buses are not regulated.