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Table 1: Comparison of different battery chemistries

TABLE 1: Comparison of different battery chemistries Battery technology Advantage Drawback

Sodium Sulfur (NaS) » High energy and power density5 » High-round-trip efficiency » Fast response » Long life cycle » Fast-discharge capabilities » No self-discharge » Low-cycle stability6 » Rapid capacity fading in the initial cycle » Safety concern due to high working temperature


Vanadium redox flow batteries » No energy to power ratio constraint » Extreme design flexibility » High-life cycle which does not depend on

DoD7 » Adjustable power rating » Limited selfdischarge » Rapid response time » Poor energy-to-volume ratio » Heavy weight » Limited for stationary storage application

Leadacid or advanced lead-acid » High maturity » Low cost » High efficiency » Excellent safety feature8 » Low power and energy density » Less reliable » Lower cycle life » Sustained degradation due to sulphationon electrode plates Application

» Power quality » Renewable integration » Congestion relief

» Ramping requirement » Peak shaving » Time shifting » Frequency regulation » Power quality

» Load leveling and regulation » Grid stabilization » Back-up power » Energy time shift

5 Details available at <https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/09/f18/Grid%20Energy%20Storage%20

December%202013.pdf> 6 Details available at <https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/8/10/1201/htm> 7 Details available at <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267571532_Vanadium_redox_flow_batteries_A_ technology_review> 8 Details available at <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352152X17304437>

TABLE 1: Comparison of different battery chemistries Battery technology Advantage Drawback

Li-ion batteries » High efficiency » High-energy density » High-cycle life » High-DoD capabilities » Fast-response time » Resilience to irregular discharging » Relatively expensive » Lack of standard recycling practices » High-safety requirements » Extremely sensitive to over temperature, over charge and internal pressure build-up » Intolerance to deepdischarge » Micro-level monitoring is required for battery cells » Power quality » Frequency regulation » Peak shaving » Voltage support » Black start » Energy time shift


1.2 Cost Trends of Various Energy Storage Technologies – A Case Study of Grid-scale Energy Storage Cost

Assessment by PNNL

The high cost of energy storage technologies, specifically battery storage is seen as the major impediment in the adoption of large-scale storage systems. There has always been ambiguity around the prices of battery storage systems, unlike pumped hydro energy storage systems which is an established technology. This mainly attributed to different costs associated with different applications, mainly due to different power and energy requirements for the particular operational use case, the ticket size of the project, domestic manufacturing efficiencies and competitiveness, the different components, and region-specific ease of availability of integration equipment such as Energy Management System (EMS), Battery Management System(BMS), etc. The landed cost of installation of large-scale BESS in China could be lower than that in India for the same application. There are multiple applications of BESS, the horizon of applications widens when battery storage systems are coupled with smart inverters, solar PV, wind turbines, etc. Thus, the standardization of the cost of battery storage technologies may not be possible at this stage. BNEF’s 2020 Battery Price Survey, which considers passenger electric vehicles (EVs), e-buses, commercial EVs, and stationary storage, predicts that the average pack prices will be $101/kWh by 2023. It is at around this price point that the automakers should be able to produce and sell massmarket EVs at the same price (and with the same margin) as comparable internal combustion vehicles in some markets. This assumes no subsidies are available, but actual pricing strategies will vary by automaker and geography. However, in general, the ticket size of the project and power and energy requirement can be a reasonable basis to estimate the total cost and the Levelized cost of energy. One such storage cost and performance research that has been carried

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