The 2018-2019 SSMO Foundation Annual Report

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Letter from the Executive Director of the SSMO Foundation........................................................... 2 Statement from the President of the SSMO Ministries Corporation........................................................... 4 Statement from the SSMO Superior General........................................................... 6 Statement from the President of Valley Catholic School........................................................... 8 Statement from the President of Maryville........................................................... 10 Endowments & Scholarships........................................................... 12 Sequoia Society........................................................... 13 Canticle Society........................................................... 14 Cornerstone Society........................................................... 16 Foundresses Circle........................................................... 17 Friends........................................................... 20 Alumni Giving........................................................... 23 Faculty and Staff........................................................... 25 OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Alumni Challenge........................................................... 25 Light-a-Fire........................................................... 26 Gala Sponsors........................................................... 27 Whole In One Golf Tournament Sponsors........................................................... 27 Gifts in Honor........................................................... 27 Gifts in Memory........................................................... 29 Gift-in-Kind Donors........................................................... 33 Matching Gift Companies........................................................... 33 Financial Statement Highlights........................................................... 34 2018-19 Fun Facts........................................................... 35

Every effort has been made to ensure that this report is accurate and complete. Please accept our apologies if your name has been omitted, misspelled, misplaced or otherwise incorrectly listed. If we have made an error, please let us know by calling the Foundation Office at 503-718-6485 or emailing so we can correct our records and properly acknowledge your contribution.

Annual Report 2018–2019



LE T TER FR O M TH E E X EC U TIVE D I R EC TO R O F TH E S S M O FO U N DATI O N Dear Friends, Gobsmacked! That is what I exclaimed the first time I toured the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus. I was astounded to discover so much transpired here and grateful to learn of the Sisters’ longstanding commitment to the greater community. For more than 130 years, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries of Maryville and Valley Catholic School have provided life changing experiences through outreach, education and healthcare. The Sisters are the first to admit that their achievements have not happened “by chance,” and they credit their successes to “mountains of gifts” and to “standing on the shoulders of those who came before them.” While times have changed, the keys to their sponsored ministries’ continued successes remain the same. The sponsored ministries still rely on donors’ support, volunteers’ time and talents and a commitment to long-term planning for the sake of smoothing the way for the next generation of students, residents and families. This past year, campus leaders, board directors and volunteers committed to a feasibility study for a potential endowment campaign, on the heels of updating the campus’ five year strategic plan. Both efforts will significantly affect long-term viability of operations and ultimately, every student, resident, family, faculty and staff experience. The SSMO Foundation’s 2018-19 Annual Report for gifts received through the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 is the annual snapshot that illustrates the impact of donors and volunteers committed to the Sisters’ mission and their sponsored ministries. We are grateful for all gifts large and small; every single one of them makes a difference in the life of another. A robust 1300 donors, numerous program grants and strategic estate gifts provided nearly $1.9 million in fundraising to benefit the Sisters’ community outreach efforts, Maryville’s continuum of care, and Valley Catholic’s educational program. I am beyond grateful for the generous hearts imbued with the intention of making a difference in the lives of those we serve and the SSMO’s 133 year legacy. I am gobsmacked indeed. Gratefully,

PATR I C I A A . B LO O D Executive Director, SSMO Foundation


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

S S M O FO U N DATI O N 201 8-201 9 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Kathryn Calcagno, Chair Patrick Nicholes, Vice Chair Kate Bailey French, Secretary Jamey Eisenhardt, Treasurer Raquel Apodaca, MD Chris Hansen Sr. Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Thomas C. Melillo, DPM Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 Patricia Blood, Executive Director, ex officio

S S M O FO U N DATI O N S TA F F Patricia Blood, Executive Director Sabrina Blue, Director, Major Gifts Sharlayne Buuck, Director, Annual Fund Caroline Fogarty, Special Events Manager Sean Lottman, Database Manager Liz Kiefer McDevitt ’11, Alumni Relations Manager


“My role on the SSMO Foundation Board is to support the Sisters’ mission and their sponsored ministries at Valley Catholic School and Maryville. The SSMO campus continues to experience positive growth, thanks to generous donors. My goal is to support the Sisters by sharing their charism while encouraging others to join me.” - K ATHY CALCAGNO, CHAIR, SSMO FOUNDATION BOARD

Serving the Community We Love Todd and Loni Adams began volunteering for the Valley Catholic School Annual Gala when their son was in kindergarten. It has been six years, and they faithfully show up every year to coordinate the event’s silent auction. “We saw an opportunity to contribute to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon’s mission, and support the school. We’ve continued to chair the silent auction because it’s a wonderful way for our family to volunteer together and serve the community we love.” In addition to supporting Valley Catholic through volunteering, Todd and Loni have a deep appreciation for the values and traditions evident throughout the entire campus. “Our campus is unique because the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon’s sponsored ministries provide not only quality education for our students, but also care for the elderly at Maryville. We enrolled our youngest son at Valley Catholic Early Learning when he was six months old. As a VCS student, he has had the opportunity to support the residents at Maryville, participate in community service projects, serve at Mass and learn Christian values while growing his faith. Our goal has always been to help our sons grow into a productive members of society, and we believe those values are aligned with the campus.”

Todd and Loni Adams, VCS Parents

Todd and Loni’s service with the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation is inspiring them to encourage others to consider getting involved, “If you are thinking about serving as a volunteer in one of the SSMO-sponsored ministries, we encourage you to just do it. Each of us in the body of Christ has unique gifts and talents that can be positively used for the greater good. When we each apply our God-given gifts, our community flourishes and grows.

Annual Report 2018–2019



STATE M ENT FR O M TH E PR ES I D ENT O F TH E S S M O M I N I S TR I E S CO R P O R ATI O N The SSMO Ministries Corporation Vision Statement is: Through collaborative partnerships, we nurture and empower faith-filled leaders who are impelled by the love of God to live justly and compassionately, and to respond to the needs of the day with prayer and good works that make a lasting difference. The services we provide in education, healthcare and stewardship of persons and resources are driven by our desire to love God more, to act with justice and compassion, and to respond in a way that makes a lasting difference. May God continually bless us and our ministries so that all we do may truly glorify Him and witness the values we profess! S I S TE R A D E LE M A R I E A LTE N H O F E N President, SSMO Ministries Corporation

S S M O M I N I S TR I E S CO R P O R ATI O N 201 8-201 9 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Dan Mallea, Chair Dr. Thompson M. Faller, II, Vice Chair Michelle Castaño Garcia, Secretary Eric Barger, Treasurer Bret Cope Mark Donovan Sr. Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Thomas Rask, III Theresa Shrum ’73 Joe Vennes Fr. Philip Waibel, OSB Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO, President, ex officio


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation


“Each of the sponsored ministries strive to represent the mission and charism of the Sisters and are guided by their core values: Live Valiantly, Honor the Unique Gifts of Others, Strive for Excellence and Celebrate God and Life. My role on the Ministries Corporation Board is to continue to build on the Sisters’ legacy while staying true to the core values.” - DAN M ALLE A , CHAIR, SSMO MINISTRIES CORPORATION BOARD

Serving by Maintaining Servers and Real Connections Dale Goodno has a unique vantage point on campus – even though his office window view is of the vast server room in the basement of Valley Catholic’s Elementary Middle School. Dale and his team keep the entire campus working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Dale has been serving as the Chief Information Officer for the SSMO Ministries Corporation for over twenty years. The use of technology on campus has experienced explosive growth. “I think Maryville only had eight computers when I started. Now we are supporting 125 computers at Maryville. In total, we support about 600 desktops and 1,200 wireless devices on campus during the school year.” Beyond computers and wireless devices, the use of technology has grown in other areas, such as smart lighting systems, media projectors, security cameras, door security, and card readers for secure entry. The Information Technology team supports all of these technologies throughout campus. There is strength in the diversity of the campus. Dale explained that Maryville’s need for highly reliable technology has benefitted the school and the school's need to be at the forefront of technology has helped Maryville. In addition to his professional role on campus, Dale has personal connections as well. Two of his children attend Valley Catholic, and his mom received care at Maryville. “There is a sense of community throughout all the entities – real connection.” Dale Goodno, Chief Information Officer

Annual Report 2018–2019



STATE M ENT FR O M TH E SSMO SUPERIOR GENERAL While in our formation program, before professing perpetual vows, we were assigned to write a paper on some aspect of our impending commitment. I chose to create a booklet complete with photos and a description of what I hoped my life as a Sister of St. Mary of Oregon would entail. The booklet included sections on being called by God, loving and serving my Sisters, and being in service to the People of God. The title was a quotation from St. Basil who said, “If you live alone, whose feet will you wash?” Needless to say, “living alone” does not mean living by oneself, but it means living only for oneself. The essential element here is not only service but the love with which one serves.

S I S TE R S O F S T. M A RY O F O R E G O N 201 5-2020 LE A D ER S H I P T E A M Sister Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Sister M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Sister Josephine Pelster ’65, SSMO Sister Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO

We continue to be blessed as a Community with innumerable friends who help sustain our efforts to be of loving service in whatever ways we are able. Thank you. May God reward your generosity! S I S TE R C H A R LE N E H E R I N C K X ’6 6 , S S M O Superior General, Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon

Sister Josephine Pelster


Sister Rita Watkins

Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Sister Charlene Herinckx

Sister M. Juliana Monti


Serving God and His People

The ministry of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon extends well beyond the beautiful SSMO campus. Historically, the Sisters have ministered in the fields of education and healthcare throughout the region, and even as far away as Peru in the 1960s. Sister Juanita Villarreal ministers in Cornelius, Oregon, as a pastoral associate. Her role encompasses many facets: “I anticipate parish needs and assist parishioners as they prepare for Matrimony, Quinceañeras, and liturgical ministry. I am involved in all aspects of pastoral care, striving to serve those struggling with poverty, hunger, homelessness, immigration and cultural integration.” While all of those duties may seem overwhelming, Sister Juanita says of her role, “It is a privilege to be the face of joy, hope and support.” For Sister Juanita, service means “Generosity of time, materials, talents, mentoring and availability . . . with prayer being the foundational element to a life of service as we align ourselves with Jesus, the Servant of all.” Sister Juanita’s ministry is a vital contribution to the Latino community. Thanks to generous donors who support the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Sister Juanita is able to share the Good News of God’s love with all those she meets. Sister M. Juanita Villarreal ’62, SSMO

Annual Report 2018–2019



STATE M ENT FR O M TH E PR ES I D ENT O F VA LLE Y C ATH O LI C S C H O O L The value of serving those in need is evident all across the Valley Catholic campus and is a defining factor in how we live our Catholic faith. Valley Catholic students are active in the community in many ways, and our service opportunities are coordinated across grade levels to foster student awareness of the needs of others as well as a connection to the broader community. Service on campus begins with the children in the Early Learning School who work with High School students on a lesson to care for the earth, then progresses to Elementary School where students develop close relationships working with the residents at Maryville. A powerful Middle School project is a day of service in the coastal town of Rockaway, Oregon, where students take over the town to clean, repair and beautify the homes of seniors and shut-ins. By High School, students plan and implement their own service projects. One example is a year-long partnership with the Children’s Cancer Association, which raised over $3,500 to support children and families affected by cancer. The best evidence of how engaged Valley Catholic students are in serving others is that well over half of this year’s senior class earned a green Service Cord to wear at graduation, recognizing the many hours of community service that they completed on their own, above-and-beyond the school organized events. These are just a few examples of the many ways that Valley Catholic students are helping to make a difference in the world. We are grateful to the SSMO Foundation and for your gifts in supporting these efforts. J O H N M ATCOV I C H President, Valley Catholic School


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

VA LLE Y C ATH O LI C S C H O O L 201 8-201 9 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Erika Howerton ’91, Chair Eric Grasberger, Vice Chair Shannon Lynch, Secretary Ryan Hoppes, Treasurer Van Gatlin Sr. Josephine Pelster ’65, SSMO Tulasi Siddhartha Joe Vennes Lisa Vincent K.L. Wombacher Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO John Matcovich, President, ex officio


“I credit the Sisters who were my teachers at St. Mary of the Valley for elevating my thinking and instilling essential values that changed my life for the better. My role on the Valley Catholic School Board gives me an opportunity to give back to the sponsored ministries that have positively impacted my life.” - ERIK A HOWERTON ’91, CHAIR, VALLEY CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD

Serving Aces for Twenty Five Years As if securing an Oregon volleyball state championship and being voted coach of the year was not enough of an achievement, teacher and Coach Becky Kemper also celebrated 25 years of service at Valley Catholic School in the 2018-19 school year. Her inspiration is the culture of service and inclusion at Valley Catholic. “I am motivated by our many students, who are passionate about a cause, and take the initiative to dive in and organize an event. In a society where kids spend so much time on social media, students must have the opportunities for actual social interaction, and Valley Catholic provides endless ways to do that.” “I have always felt supported by the Sisters, whether in the classroom or on the volleyball court. On occasion, Sister John Therese peeks in my classroom and gives a wave and a beautiful smile. I always love looking in the stands at volleyball matches and seeing Sister Charlene, along with other Sisters, cheering on the team. I love where I work because I am surrounded by people who want the best for students, in and out of the classroom.” Compelled by the daily examples of encouragement and love, Becky wanted her own children to attend Valley Catholic School. Thankfully, the support of generous donors made that possible. “Our family would not have been able to afford the tuition without financial help. I am so grateful, as are my three children, for the opportunity to experience Valley Catholic. I have taught many students who would not have been able to attend VCS without the help of tuition assistance. These students and their families have added so much to the school community, and I cannot imagine VCS without them.” It is a privilege to serve at a school that honors the unique gifts of others and values inclusion. Becky Kemper, Valley Catholic High School, Faculty and Girls Volley Ball Coach

Annual Report 2018–2019



STATE M ENT FR O M TH E PR ES I D ENT O F M A RY V I LLE Service is at the foundation of all we do at Maryville; from the managers who strive to be servant leaders and those at the bedside who provide for the daily needs of our residents to the dedicated volunteers who give freely of their time and talents. All work together to serve the physical, spiritual, and social needs of our residents. “Service with Love” is our motto at Maryville. It is an honor to work with people who demonstrate professionalism and compassion on a daily basis as we work together to meet the needs of Maryville residents.

M A RY V I LLE 201 8-201 9 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Bret Cope, Chair Andy Kyler, Vice Chair Sr. Catherine Hertel ’58, SSMO, Secretary David Poppe, Treasurer Dr. Kelly Fox ’86 Sr. Maggie Pastro Dr. Harper Pearse Jill Pruitt Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Kathleen Parry, President, ex officio

It is often said that “Maryville feels like family.” I think this is evident in the warm relationships developed between our staff, residents, and families. The values of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon are at the forefront of all we do, making Maryville a truly special place. We are grateful to those who support Maryville and help provide a nurturing environment for residents. K ATH LE E N PA R RY President, Maryville

“As a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, the Sisters’ values and spirit are woven into the service with love offered to every resident who calls Maryville home. I am grateful for the role donors play in this vital ministry and for all those served at Maryville.” - ANDY K YLER, CHAIR, MARY VILLE BOARD


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation


Service with Love…and Faith

Maria DeGuzman is a smiling, friendly presence at Maryville’s Henry Kuckenberg Center (HKC). HKC is home to residents who have complex nursing needs, limited mobility, and require memory care. Her days are full of challenging, but fulfilling work. Maria and the staff who serve in HKC find that they develop bonds with the residents, and take pride in providing heartfelt care. “I love what I do, and I love the residents,” Maria said. In addition to receiving skilled care, residents live in the faith-filled environment established by the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. Daily Mass offers spiritual nourishment for anyone wishing to attend. When asked what makes Maryville unique, Maria says, “It’s a privilege to celebrate daily Mass and holy days. This is a place where our residents enjoy living, a place where they are treated with dignity and respect.” The values and traditions of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon permeate the good work at Maryville. Maria is hopeful that these will continue with the support of generous donors. One often hears that Maryville feels like family to staff, residents, and visitors. This rings true especially for Maria, as her spouse is also employed at Maryville. Maria has served at Maryville for 19 years. She says, “This is my second home.” Maria DeGuzman, RN, Maryville, Resident Care Manager

Annual Report 2018–2019



Endowments and Scholarships Endowment Funds ensure that we carry out in perpetuity the mission and sponsored ministries of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. Scholarship Funds strengthen the legacy of Catholic education by providing support for Valley Catholic School students in need of tuition assistance. Contributions may be made to funds at any time by outright gifts or bequests.

Endowment Funds

Scholarship Funds

Nick Ferrer Memorial Fund General Endowment Fund Kipp and Teresa Johnson Fund Monti Memorial Music Fund Bernard J. Schulte Fund SSMO Legacy Fund Social Justice Fund

Alsdorf Family Scholarship Margaret E. Dever Scholarship Henri and Patricia ’54 Joyaux Scholarship Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Scholarship Monti Memorial Music Scholarship Mychal Joseph Rinella Memorial Scholarship Patty and Randall Vemer Memorial Scholarship Ford and Hilda Watkins Memorial Scholarship

To learn more about endowments and scholarships, please email or call Tricia Blood at 503-718-6485


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation


Sequoia Society Remembering the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation in your estate plan allows you to leave a legacy and make a lasting impact for the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries of Maryville and Valley Catholic School. The Sequoia Society recognizes and honors individuals who have established planned gifts to benefit the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries. We are grateful for the generosity of our Sequoia Society Members.

Anonymous Anonymous † Alexander and Fely Abaria Bob and Chris Adelman Julian † and Jeanie Amaya Tara Bassett ’77 Orville † and Rose † Bernards Kathleen Brady † Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman Samuel Buxman † Nancy Devous Callahan ’66 † Joseph † and Edith † Cholick Lyle Cobb † Dorothy Davy Sheila Day † Ronald Delong † Florence DeMarco † Rev. Msgr. Arthur P. Dernbach † Donald † and Josephine Anzalone Drain ’48 Anthony Eisele † Elsie Franz Finley † William † and Jeanne † Fronk Michael and Michelle Garcia Anna Mae Geisler † Frances Chapman Habiger ’52 † Mel † and Paula † Hartmeier Margaret Heineck ’46 Raymond and Catherine Honerlah Archbishop Edward Howard † William Hunt † Robert † and Kathryn † Kreutzer Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 John Lanahan † RoseMarie Law ’54 † Kathleen Bassett Magnusson ’66 Paul Mann Skip and Dorothy McBratney Constance Muessle † Dwain H. Quandt Arlene Rauch † Bernice Ruettgers † Mary Sabin † Sr. Lorraine Schneider ’41, SFCC

Eugene Schulte † Gordon and Debora Sepich Roger Sherman Frances A. Smith † Joseph Smith † Linda Spenner † Alvina Lordemann Spieker † Tony and Jackie ’58 Staley Margaret Straling † Scott and Terri Stream Thomas H. Sutherland † Linda Stupfel Tozer ’62 and David Tozer Dina Trachta Lorna VanderZanden ’71 Berniece Volpe † Yvonne Weber ’47

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation 2018-2019 Honor Roll It is with grateful hearts that we thank the individuals, families, businesses and foundations whose generosity strengthens the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Maryville and Valley Catholic School.

Canticle Society

The Canticle Society takes its name from the biblical canticles of praise that are prayed daily by the Sisters. This society recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.


MAGNIFICAT ($10,000 - $19,999) Todd and Audrie Alsdorf David and Bobbi Barry Greg and Stephanie Gilbert Walt Gorman and Marcia Petty Michael and Susan McKay Frank McKeen and Lois O’Halloran Bruce Wolfe

Jim and Julie Sherwin Shawn Smith and Kristin Vosberg-Smith John and Stacy Williams Joe and Sherry Wonderlick Foundations Anonymous Fund #16 of the OCF* Crandall Family Charitable Fund of AEF Juan Young Trust

Estate of Nancy D. Callahan † Estate of Rev. Msgr. Arthur P. Dernbach † Harper and Geri Pearse Estate of Berniece Volpe †

Foundations A.J. Frank Family Foundation Dwyer Charitable Trust The Jean Vollum Fund

Foundations Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation

Corporations Touchmark Living Centers, Inc.

Corporations Anonymous Applied Materials, Inc. Cinder Staffing Independent Dispatch, Inc. The Standard

LAUDATE ($5,000 - $9,999)

GAUDETE ($2,500 - $4,999)

Corporations Intel

JUBILATE ($20,000 - $49,999) Richard and Rachel Baek William and Sue Ann Brown Jamey and Shannon Eisenhardt Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Colleen and Werner Nistler Don V. Romanaggi, M.D. Bernie Stankewitsch Estate of Thomas H. Sutherland † Foundations Anonymous Corporations Nike


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Anonymous (3) Frank and Victoria Altenhofen Maximilian Blau and Angeles Beraza Trevor Cable and Martina Ford Kathryn Calcagno and Kenny Roders Heung-For and Mei-Ting Cheng Andrew Darlak and Chi Shin-Darlak Marvin and Julie Decker Jan and Claudia Filip Van and Dale Gatlin Eric and Kim Grasberger Chris and Mechell Hansen Christian Hanson † and Erin Dingilian David and DeDee Heinsen Adrian and Marie Hernandez Ryan and Sara Hoppes Stephan and Melissa Klopcic Keller and Laura Kuhner Hae Jin and Kyungha Lee Estate of Marlene McMahon † Meg Dever Mertens ’73 and Mark Mertens Steven and Sally Michaelis Curtis and Cheryl Montgomery Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Jan and Yahong Neirynck Jeff Olson and Raquel Apodaca Melvin and Julia Petersen Nancy Pettit Chinna Prudvi and Sreedevi Pitta Nora ’82 and Joseph Schreck

Anthony and Dorothy Aiello Philip Badowski and Vani Yalapalli Shane and Penni Bangs Carol and Michael Barnes Susan Berkman Robert and Lindsey Birbeck Patricia and Peter Blood Shawn Bonnett and Kari Eastburn-Bonnett Robert and Linda Burns Tracy and Emily Camp Robert and Antonette Caren Soonwoo Cha and Yekyung Cho Daniel Charles Mendoza and Rosa Sanvicente Herrera William and Tara Clark Santiago and Audrey Crespo Marc Demarest and Mary Jo Murawski Michael and Diana Desmond Donald and Kathryn Dimeo Sheri Dooney Mark and Hao Dryfuse Joseph and Rosalie Edmondson Kathy Eskandani ’75 Tad and Jennifer Fergusson Susan K. Friesen Michelle and Michael Garcia Tim Gray Stephen and Margarita Gunther Jonathan and Diane Haines Wayne and Melissa Hathaway


Michael E. Henningsen, Jr. George Hillberry and Carla Rodriguez Erika ’91 and Brian Howerton Makarem Hussein and Nermine Ramadan Shiv and Supriya Kaushik Gwang-Soo Kim and Kumhyo Byon Stephen and Sophia Kim Cheol Kim and So Youn Nam Sean and Lori King Jeongwoo Lee and Yunhee Jang Todd and Jeanelle Lindsey Christopher and Genevieve Long Fergus and Tammy Loughran Carl Marshall and June Thanasophon Ralph McDonald Darron and Denise McGlothin Venkitasamy Munusamy and Prabhavathy Jagadeesan Hyoungjun Park and Heekyoung Han Arnab Paul and Aparna Balachandran Alberto Posada and Trinh Van Laxman and Sasi Prakash Sai and Usha Prasad Reen and Karin Presnell Charles and Hillarie Prestopine Graeme Queen Vladimir and Natalie Rak Joseph and Marti Younkin Rinella Mark and Deepti Rowland Laura Rutto Jesse and Sara Sampson Bill and Karen Schell James and Maxine Schroeder John Skinta and Dayna Grajewski Nikhil and Noreen Soares Mark and Chin Stone Thomas H. Sutherland † Senthilkumar Swaminathan and Divya Arunachalam Shawn and Megan Thomson Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen James and Michelle VondenKamp Dean Waters and Jeannie Louie John and Tamie Webber Brian and Mary Whitney Chris Wiebe and Soudy Southasarn Foundations Eton Lane Foundation Robert M. and Cecilia A. Stuckart Fund of the OCF* Corporations Chevron Corporation

*Oregon Community Foundation †Deceased at Time of Publication

Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc. Maryville Washington Trust Bank

BENEDICTUS ($1,000 - $2,499)

Anonymous (4) Andrew and Lisa Aebi William and Concettina Anctil Richard Andersen Mark and Joyce Auxier Nicole ’02 and David Auxier James and Deena Baldino Linda Balthazar Kilhyun Bang and Tae Young Kim Kevin and Milagros Barley Rob Baumgartner and Julie Campbell Bob and Maura Beard Ashu and Rashmi Bhalla Jeffery Bielefeld and Corrie Bates Steve and Laura Biggi Paul and Elizabeth Boileau Leo Bottaini Clark and Anu Brixey Sue Burns Sharlayne and David Buuck Sanjay and Andrea Chakrapani Nancy Cox Thomas and Beth Cupani Darien Curl Amy De Guzman-Hall and Jayme Hall Jitesh and Anji Desai James and Marian Dolan Brian and Margaret Dooney Chris Drummond and Inese Silina Tim Dunn and Agnieszka Janiewicz Marilyn ’63 and Daniel Durkin John and Julie Dwyer Randall and Tammy Eck Dr. Thompson M. Faller, II Steven Filary and Grace Tan Filary Bob and Judy Fisher Ethan and Jordana Gaumond Jennifer ’87 and Jeff Gfroerer Wilfred Gomes and Eunice Lewis Julie Goss Carlin and Paul Gram Laurie Graves-Reavis and Donald Reavis Qilin Gu and Xiaoyu Fan Debra ’83 and Todd Guthrie Robert and Cecile Harroun Paul and Meghann Hartley Albert and Patricia Havlik Margaret Heineck ’46 Jeffrey Hemphill and Lisa Hansen

Petra Flemmer ’18 serves as a parachute rigger with 3rd Radio Battalion in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. She packs parachutes for our reconnaissance marines and jumps with them. Rita Henningsen Zhen Huang and Jie Zhang Jack and Erin Isselmann Stefanie ’90 and Tom Jacquemin Elaine Jolliff Brad and Julie Jones Pat Joyaux ’54 Anil Kaza and Phani Vadali Patrick and Rachell Keys Daeyeon and Mi Yon Kim Hyung Seok Kim and Jiho Jung Ryan and Michelle Kinkade Joseph and Deborah Kirk Gloria McGrath Klupenger John and Jean Krautscheid Kathryn M. Kreutzer † Peter Kroepfl and Mary Reisch Gautam Kumar and Babita Dhayal Andy and Barbara Kyler Anne Lambson David Lane and Akiko Kondo Andrew and Kimberly LaVeine William and Rosella † Lindblad Troy and Malissa Lindner Grace Link ’56 † Richard and Laura Lorenz Joel and Sue Magenheimer Neil and Raema Manning Melissa ’92 and Kevin Martin Nikhil Mehta and Lynne Gosalia Theodore Miller and Stephanie Vaughan-Miller

Annual Report 2018–2019



University of Portland USI Northwest

Cornerstone Society

The Cornerstone Society recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $500 to $999 between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.

Joseph Molinari Kara Ng ’05 Vishal Nishar and Karnika Jhaveri Cheree Nosack Don and Joanne Olson Timothy and Heidi Olson Jim Osterkamp Rajesh and Smitha Pamujula Omkar Parajuli and Shikchya Tanjukar Prahalad Parthangal and Ghayathri Garudapuram Betty Ann Pawelek Dean and Carol Petitt Sandra Popham David and Shirley Poppe Shannon and Sarah Poulin German Quesada and Alejandra Gonzalez Ermel and Christine Quevedo Kathy Saier Glyn and Danette Scales, Jr. John Scheeland Claude and Cynthia Schmitt Carl-Johan and Sheila Seger Roger and Beverly Siefkes Suzy Sivyer Kory and Kate Slayton Margaret Sonderen JP and Michelle Spampinato Anthony and Mary Spiering Easwar Srinivasan and Aparna Easwar Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Ekan Subramanian and Jayanthi Alphones Timothy Sukimoto and Maria DaSilva Tracy and Leigh Teague Linh and Van Tran Nghia Tran and Minh Vo Lynn Trexler


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Douglas Trobough and Susan Lair Thuc Truong and Loc Nguyen Benjamin and Mindy Van Vleet William and Lisa Vincent Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Curt Ward and Jennifer Rychlik Florence ’41 and Walter Weber Roberta ’62 and Bruce Weber Jacob ’96 and Kama Werner Scott and Sherri Wilson K.L. and Lauren Wombacher Leopoldo and Bella Yau RoseAnne ’72 and David Zivich Hank and Evelyn Zurfluh Foundations Tektronix Foundation David and Freeda Haggerty Trust St. Martin de Porres Trust Corporations American General Life Insurance Company Beaverton Law Group, LLP Cadence Design Systems Columbia Construction Management, Inc. Cycle Power Partners Delta Dental Oregon Health & Science University Pacific-Bridge International Trading, LLC Pacific Office Automation Passadore Properties, LLC Patrick Lumber Co. Russell Investments Signature Paving Services Soderstrom Architects, LTD Tanasbourne Pediatrics, LLC

Anonymous (4) Antoinette K. Arenz Suraj and Keerth Bathija Brett and Sheri Bauer Kenneth and Ellen Baumgartner Tom and Jennifer Belusko Tony and Barbara Benjamin Christopher and Sarah Boudreaux Marianne Bous Thomas Brady Mike Brown Jewelann Butler R. John and Lyla Buuck Melinda ’89 and Peter Carbon Michael and Sharon Claboe Matthew Clark ’96 Michael Deanda William and Rebecca Dickson Arthur and Sandra Diederich J. Dugan Rupp Kathy Ferrer Bernard and Loretta Fox, Jr. Michael Fredd and Karen Sadler-Fredd Gabriel and Shailah Frias Issac and Jennifer Gardner Helen Gerde Margaret Gillem Rich and Sue Haener Dale and Stephanie Han Mary Ann Hanifan John Harroun and Molly McCall Kathi Harvey Patricia Heino ’59 Alan and Irene Hendrickson Dirk Hmura Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Alan and Julee Howard Mathew and Jacquelyn Hunt Steve and Jean Isaak Brian and RaeAnn Jackson Rebecca and Stephen Johnson Stephen and Melanie Johnson Thomas and Raean Johnston Adele Jones Jerry and Mary Jones Susan Jones


Kirsten Keller ’78 Mary Kiefer Judith ’76 and Martin Larson David and Karen Law Jan and Rorie Leone Aaron and Cristina Lilak Wei-Min Ling and Mei-Huei Sung Dhanraj Madanu and Arogya Pasala Lois Manning John Matcovich and Jennifer Young Bill and Kim McAuliffe Bracken and Marcy McKey Michael and Monagene McLain Diane McMahon and Jeff Bingham Robert and Linda Meagher Eric and Lesley Messer Thomas and Sheila Micka Thomas and Crystal Miller Paul and Emelda Minweh Darlene ’49 † and T.O. Morrow Heinz and Cristina Mueller David and Anderozzi Muir Dao and Ann Nguyen Toan and Thuan Nguyen Vince and Kristen Nguyen Elizabeth Noyes Donald and Judy Olson Paul and Tamara Ottum Herbert Plep Kenneth and Jeanne Prier Aristotle and Kathy Quintos Josephine ’71 and Eric Recht Deborah Reddy ’69 Craig Shrontz and Lynn Ristig Paul and Linda Roshak Stephen and Elizabeth Rouffy David and Mary Saunders Sujoy Sen and Sulakshana Nath Julie ’84 and Tim Sheerin Ravindra and Amrita Sehgal Singh Krishnakanth and Vani Sistla David and Laureen Stein Andrine Stricherz Barbara Tabler Paul and Mary Taylor Ross Taylor Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 and David Taylor Marie ’84 and Siegfried Thoma Dina Trachta Kathleen Trask Julie Turner Sunny and Annabelle Ty Maura Vandehey ’87 Diane VanderZanden ’57 and Roy Stocks

John Voltin Jerry and Doris Wieber Janice Wilson Myron and Tawny Wurzer Richard and Marsha Yandell Foundations Daniel J. Potter Memorial Foundation Corporations Charter Construction Columbia Sportswear Phillips Orthodontics Tiny Keepsakes US Bank Young Ladies Institute

Foundresses Circle

The Foundress Circle recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $100 to $499 between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Anonymous (17) Bob and Chris Adelman George Adlhoch Phil and Kelly Alfieri Brian and Karen Alles Francisco and Valerie Alvarado Frank and Susan Amato Julian† and Jeanie Amaya Edward and Carol Andersen Diane Andreas Meredith ’05 and Kevin Aronson Vincent and Nancy Ast Cemil Atay and Ngoc Ngo Mary Augustyn John and Winona Avila Michael Cole and Kathrine Avison Jason and Laura Baca Sumilang Bada Troy Banker ’03 Eric and Mary Barger Susan Bauer Ike and Kathy Bay Betty Beard John and Inez Becic Sara Behrman and Francis Rosica Joseph and Marsha BeLusko Brent and Stephanie Berge Malia ’97 and Christopher Bernards Lynne Berry ’64 Achintya and Binata Bhattacharyya Kristin Bieren

John and Kathleen Birrell Bill and Judith Blair Marilyn ’57 and Edward Blake Paul Blankenmeister Family Meghan Blood ’09 Sabrina and David Blue Roger and Jennifer Bly Dorothy Bochsler Ralph and Louise Bochsler Jerry and Lois Boogaard Jim and Janice Brady Edward and Kim Braun Monica Brennan ’67 and Robert Lapinski Patty ’65 and Lee Brinson Katie Bromert Marita Brugato Kathleen Buck Paul and Elizabeth Buffam Jerald and Janice Burkhead Patricia ’50 and Richard Burling Susanne Burnett Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman Lamberto and Leona Calderon Brad Caldwell Diane Callahan Scott and Emily Campbell Martin and Julie Canoy Nanyu and Mingming Cao Humberto and Gladys Carlos Gregory Carrick and Bernadette McCullen-Carrick Pani and Subha Chakrapani Hyoungsuk Chang and Hyojung Han Vernon and Lois Chartier Raymond Cheung and Chiung-Yi Huang

Annual Report 2018–2019



Myrna Church Anne Clinton Jacqueline ’60 and Robert Coats Charles Rahe and Helen Connor Marianne Cooch Tammy Cook ’80 John and Terri Cook Joann ’54 and Leonard Cooper Tim and Deana Coppernoll Joanne Corcoran Grace Cox Ellen ’52 and Larry Crawley John and Virginia Cross Arlene Crouch Rev. Vincent L. Cunniff Chauncey Curl Dick and Margaret Daniel Burzin and Perzin Daruwala Walter Davey Gary and Venera De Voe Laura Dean Michael and Michelle DeFabio Gerald E. Delaney Richard DeMartini Leo and Mary Lou Demers James Dhanens Florence Di Benedetto Tom Dieringer Richard Ditter Truc Thanh Doan Philip and Catherine Dolan Jerry and MaryAnn Doll Mark and Mary Donovan Maureen Dooney Casey Doyle Michael and Heather Droessler Richard and Janet Duggan Lucille Dungan ’71 David and Lenitra Durham Dian ’71 and William Duyck Marlene Duyck ’59 John and Melissa Efstathiou Jeannine ’93 and Danny Eisenbacher Angela ’02 and Owen Elkins Kathryn Espig Joe and Judy Etzel Russ and Annette Evans James and Anne Eynard Jeffrey and Melinda Fagnan Julie Fahey ’91 Ali Farhang and Mehri Alba Paul Feltz Melvin and Marie Finegan Paul Fischer and Karen Kustritz Walter and Delores Focht


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Bill and Caroline Fogarty Michael and Vivian Folino David and Victoria Foord Estelle Fox Kelly Fox ’86 Dale and Kate French Alfred and Elaine Frey Andrea Calkins Fund ’84 and Jack Fund George Galati Peter and Mary Gallagher Eileen Gariepy Damon and Heather Gentry Anu ’87 and Kenneth Gerweck Shantinath Ghongadi and Padmajarani Kodachwad Blane and Susan Gillespie Nancy Gooden Dale and Kristin Goodno Mark Gordon and Anne Zweibel Prasanna and Kavitha Gowda Debra Grabler Kelsey Gray Charles and Brenda Gray Katherine Greco Cathleen Greiner ’72 Jeremy Grondin Long Duc Ha and Hien Nguyen Agnes ’51 and Walter Hall John Hamilton Mary ’63 and Lawrence Hansen Ali Battles Hardy ’74 Pat Hargrave Ravindra Harish and Rashmi Raganatha Richard and Amy Harris Milagros Harshbarger Claudia Heacock Allen and Ida Hecker

Philip and Belinda Hedrick Nick and Naomi Hegwood Albina Heindl Dale and Donna Herinckx Al and Maxine Hertel Michael and Nancy Hicken Shirley Tomjack Hill ’57 and Ronald Hill Maurice and Margaret Hillyer Deanna ’69 and Michael Hochstein Beckie and Jim Hocker Floyd and Joan Holmes Eric and Ann Holstrom Curtis and Darrelyn Holzgang Patsy ’89 and Aron Homberg Danielle Howard Tim and Carol Howarth Rose Howell Leslie ’87 and Darryl Huffman Jason and Trasie Humble Michael and Victoria Hurley Sherrie ’58 and Jerry Hurst Francis and Patricia Hutchins R. Gerald and Terry Hyland Doug and Monique Ierardi Susan Ingram Lakshman Inteti Venkata and Usha Christi Thomas Jacob and Archana Thomas Mary Jayne Barbara Jenkins-Gibson ’65 Donna Jerome ’65 Ronald and Sandra Johnson Madeleine Johnson Kirk and Kathy Johnson Shirley Johnson Joan Johnson Warren Johnson Tracy Johnston ’83 Stephen Jones ’97 and Kimberly Fox ’97 David and Marlys Jones Michael and Danielle Julier Nancy Kahut Lisa Kane Donald and Joyce Karaman Jonathan and Margaret Kau Sean and Nina Kelley Brendan and Carrie Kelly Victoria Kemper ’12 Edward and Kathy Kemper Matthew and Heather Kibbe Noel and Danielle Kinder Timothy and Kellie King Ali Etemad and Marianne Klaas Sonja ’62 and David Klapperich David and Connie Knight


Rev. Frank Knusel Judith Knutson Grant and Kristen Kobayashi Frances Koehnke Elaine Kohnen William Kolzow Dinesh Kumar and Nivedita Aggarwal Irene Kustritz Chelsea Lambert ’10 Allison Lambert ’12 Peter and Suzanne Landoni Paul and Alison Langton Michael Lasky and Kristina DiPaola Patrick Lautenbach and Andrea Laidlaw David and Deirdre Layzell Quang Le and Nguyen Ho Peggy Duncan Lefebvre ’71 Yau Leong and Amelia Choong Frank and Joanne Lesage Yvonne and Gary Lewellyn Jeff Link Kenneth and Lynn Link Edward and Kathryn Lipp Ginhann and Rueychin Liu David and Katherine Lomartire Huy and Lynn Ly Shannon Lynch and Cameron Williams Scott and Trish MacKinnon Robert MacNaughton Dan and Kathleen Mallea Rajendran Manickavachakam and Jagadeswari Rajaram Marlene Mariti ’57 Darren and Toni Masingale Helen Mason ’38 Skip and Dorothy McBratney Marilyn McDonald Rose McGowan Scott and Jessina McGregor Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey Lisa McKillips Scott and Cheryl McLean Judith Mack McMorine ’69 and Michael McMorine Paula ’66 and Michael McVay Dennis and Melissa Meier Patricia Meiwes Thomas C. and Melinda Melillo Michael and Catherine Merz Michael Miller and Stephanie La Riviere Miller Marie Minderhout Mark Minten Janice Minten Keerthi Mitra and Archana Srikant

James Moellman Frances Moellman ’54 Joseph Monihan John and Cindy Monroe Lauren Moore Jacqueline Moore Daryl and Leona Moore Leona ’67 and Donald Moore Susan Morris Isabella Morse Paul and Lois Muller William Muller Mary Ann Myers Al Myers Murugasamy Nachimuthu and Sripriya Subramanian Reza and Anna Nassib Ray and Sally Nelke Khiet and Thuy Nguyen Sarah Nguyen, DMD, ’95 Thuong Nguyen and Kelly Tran Tam and Oanh Nguyen Hung and Angela Nguyen Janis Nussbaumer ’66 Satoru and Eiko Ohishi Jessica Olma Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson Elizabeth A. Olson Jack and Erika Orchard Krzysztof Ostrowski and Anna Kolinska Eric and Kathleen Ottum Steven and Payal Paes Soyoung Park Amod and Leena Patankar Anton and Rosemary Pausz Elaine Payne ’77 Agustin and Catherine Pecache Betty Pendarvis Raymond and Becki Perryman Mary Peterson Wayne and Susan Phillips Andrew and Rita Pinkowski Jeanette ’00 and David Plep Paul and Judith Pompili Gary and Linda Pope Joan Berry Pratt ’60 Paul and Deirdre Pribula Kristine ’69 and Barry Prime Marko and Jennifer Radosavljevic Gary and Susan Rae Ugo Raglione † Sid Ramachandran and Tulasi Siddhartha Meghan ’98 and Shane Randall Frank and Kathleen Randolph

Matt Wanner ’14 served as a Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corp. As a U.S. diplomat, he provided security at various posts including Khartoun, Sudan and Sofia, Bulagaria. He assisted in escort and security for the President and Vice President of the United States during their travel abroad. Krishnan Ranganathan and Lakshmi Rajaraman Patricia Rardin Danika Rawlins Christine ’64 and Lewis Ray Bill and Susan Rehm Nancy McGowan Rhein ’55 David Rianda Margaret Richardson Loren and Penny Rickerl Dale Ries Frank Rinella † Carla Roberti-Adler Chris and Rosalind Rockweit Roger and Doreen Rodecap Loyal and Sarah Roth Margie Rowe Mario Roxas and Paola Peirano Argus and Caroline Rusli James and Christine Russell Mark and Fara Sabahi John and Dorothy Sahlfeld Denise Salazar Jerald Savariaradimai and Arockia Henishia Jerald Anita Schacher Courtney Schaefer Andrew and Heidi Schaer

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



James Scheidt and Sally Bowen Kyle and Lori Schepke Sr. Colleen Schmitt, SSMO John and Kathleen Schmitz James and Marcia Schonlau Pat and Roberta Schreck Sheryl ’86 and Kurt Schultheis Walter Schwall Nona Scott Mary Seats Rakesh and Tracie Semenchalam Gordon and Debora Sepich Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon ’57 and Raymond Shannon Leslie Mofford Shaw ’76 and Daryl Shaw Linda Shea Roger Sherman Annie Sholian Mildred Simkins Richard and Susan Skayhan Margaret Slagle Theresa Sloan Gary and Denise Smigaj Laura ’84 and Thomas Smith Frank So ’97 Camile Sopko Brian and Monica Spangler Colleen Spiering Carol Ann Spiering ’60 Anthony and Gale Stacchi Sue Stassens ’64 Timothy and Valerie Stecher David and Peggy Stein Barbara ’58 and Richard Stevenson Richard and Cynthia Stewart Katherine ’00 and Eugene Stokke Randolph and Gwen Stone RozAnn Stricherz Mary Sullivan ’63 Joseph and Heidi Supang Jeffrey and Nancy Sy Ty and Val Takayama Sukhbinder Takhar and Ravjot Kaur Steven and Suzanne Taylor Sunil and Gitanjali Thanik Philip ’00 and Catherine Thiel Bruce and Suzanne Thiel Mike and Diana Thomas Gloria Thompson Deborah Thundercloud Joey Tilley Gener and Pamela Toledo Diane Tolzman ’74 and Paul Drake Robert and Denise Tomasovic May Tran


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Ted and Tiffani Trecker Kris and Jeanna Troha Richard Ulring Nicholas Utzinger Paul Vames Mike and Holly VanderPloeg Allan Vanderzanden Bart and Amy VanderZanden Andrea VanDomelen Subbarao and Sivagami Vanka Randall and Mary Frances Vemer Ruby Veniegas ’99 Eddie and Ruth Veniegas George and Jo Ann † Vennes Rita Mary ’80 and Ronald Vennes Don Vincent Richard Voltin Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO Timothy and Carol Wachter Gerald and Joanne Warren Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Alice VanDomelen Weaver ’65 and David Weaver William Webb Yvonne Weber ’47 Benjamin Werner ’02 Hal Westby Sally Whelan Vincent and Jacqueline White Candace and Rick White Elisa ’79 and Dan Williams Carol Wills Judith Winczewski Sandra Wisniewski Larry and Ester Wong Mary Kay Wulff Sue Yockey Benjamin Yost Robert and Kristine Young Rita ’71 and Hector Zapata Stella Zavala Foundations Heindl Survivors Trust Kreutzer Family Trust Corporations Alliance Insurance Partners, Inc. Amazon Smile Cathy Merz Insurance Columbia Bank Comcast Corporation Daimler Trucks North America Dignity Memorial Fund Evaluation Group

Herzog-Meier India Hicks Kaiser Permanente Lease Crutcher Lewis LRS Architects Mentor Graphics Medline Industries, Inc. Network For Good Northwest Meat Processors Assoc. Oregon Health Care Association Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists PGE Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Serenity Home Care Sisters of the Good Shepherd Smart Snacks Portland Smiles Northwest Stokes Auction Group, Inc. Sushi Chiyoko Inc Todd Adams, PC Tracy McGuire Interiors


This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts up to $99 between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Anonymous (10) Alexander and Fely Abaria Theresa Abel Ka’ohu and Grace Ah Yo Scott and Victoria Albertson Christina Allison Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO Rachel Alvarez Russell and Linda Amann Patrick and Molly Amano David and Nancy Andresen William Angel Ines Arellano Deepak and Pallavi Arora Derek and Donna Balbag Pradip and Binita Baniya Randall and Tina Barkhurst Kim Barovic ’69 Richard and Julianne Bauer Robert and Greta Bauras Barbara Beaulieu ’52 Richard and Kathleen Beemer Rice and Linda Berkshire Annette Bernards Perry and Clarissa Bettger Sylvia Betts


Nitin and Puja Bhutani Patrick and Teresa Binder Reilly Blood ’16 Judith Boni Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62 The Brandt Family David and Cheri Brock Zachary and Katherine Bromert Tandy Brooks Joanne Brown John Brunecz Larry and Debra Buchholz Daiana Bui Adelaide Burdett John and Ann Busch Dylan and Claudine Campy Lee and Michaela Cannard Ellie Carleton ’55 Loauna ’61 and Nicky Cerda Sourav Chakravarty and Sujata Chatterji Patrick Chapman Mr. and Mrs. David Chase Mahesh and Nidhi Chaudhari Mandar and Shubhangi Chincholkar Melvin and Norene Christensen Charles and Julie Chu Mugurel and Mihaela Ciupei Wesley and Elaine Clement Dzung Co and Rosalyn Van Pasquale and Stephanie Cocchini Gale Cogswell Scott and Yolanda Coleman Helen Conover Ryan and Marie-Gabrielle Conser Toni Cooper ’87 and Andrew Oldham Michael Cormack and Henny Tanugoro

Noemi Cortes Carol Crnkovich Nadine Cummings Kenzie Dambrosio Krishna Dandamaraju and Rajyalakshmi Bommaraju Kinh Dang and Quynh-Lam Truong Abishai Daniel and Supriya Goverdhanam John and Therese Danielson Randy and Cynthia DeBortoli Remy and Sally Delplanche Vijay and Anshu Dhingra Rick and Patty Dobbs Theresa Doherty James Miller and Marron Dooney Ronald Dougal Melissa ’02 and Jacob Doxtator Josephine Anzalone Drain ’48 Jordan and Sharon Drake Rohit Joseph and Cenita D’Souza Yong Duan and Xiaoyun Shao Ryan and Angela Dukes Mike and Amy Dunlap Mary Dwyer Will Eberhart Mary Elguezabal Tom and Barbara English Kenneth† and Sonje Ernst Michael and Kay Erwert Thomas and Sharon Etzel Jen Rose Fagan ’59 Dan and Adrienne Feehan Jefferson and Margarita Felix Marie Ferderer Thad and Amanda Fisco

Timothy and Elaine Fox Patricia Frasco Edward and Barb Fredenburg Mary Fromwiller Victor and Corine Gallegos Shyam Ganta and Rekha Garlapati Deepak and Radhika Gargeshwari Audrey Gauthier Joseph and Molly Gauthier William and Alice Gemmet Mehran Geranmayeh Vanessa Giatroudakis-Root Michael and Sarah Gifford Owen Gifford Carlos Gonzalez and Zaida Rosa Willie Gonzalez Carol Graff Josephine and Wayne Grant Julie Gray Shantanu and Jacqueline Gupta Michael Haggerty and Jacqueline Hayes Christopher and Sharon Hainley Kathryn and Douglas Hall Joyce Ham Xioa Peng and Ling Han Girish and Niveditha Handral Alaina Hardy ’18 Daniel Hardy ’17 Jan Harman Rebecca Harris ’99 M.D. Hasan and Ashrafun Moutoshi Jason and Lisa Hashima Andrew Haugen ’07 Creagh Hawes Scott Hawes and Gabriela Silva-Jimenez Patrick Hayes and Brigitte Blin-Hayes Sharon Hays Barbara Henningsen Donald and Alicia Herinckx Frank and Lynette Hesse Jenifer ’77 and Steven Hiatt Linda Hill Jean Hill-Rutter Son Ho and Linh Nguyen Michael and Amanda Hoffman Linda ’65 and David Holmbo Annika Holstrom ’14 Gene Hornof Jeffrey and Lynnette Howes Jiming and Kelly Huang Gary and Lynne Hubka Patti Hutterli Dep and Myhanh Huynh Mai Huynh Rod and Sheri Ilg

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



Mark and Nancy Irwin Elie and Trena Jabbour Thomas and Paula Jablonka Byron and Patricia Jackson Krista ’95 and Chris Jacobson Robert and Rita Jemerson James and Kelly Jeong Melody Jette Rajvir and Ameet Jhooty Ranil and Roshini Jinadasa Elizabeth and Chris Johnson Brandon Jones and Jessica Jones Nick and Abbie Jordan Clement Joseph and Kabila Jayaraman Paul and Kathleen Juenemann James and Claire Kalberer Kishore Kalidindi and Deepthi Vadapalli Tony Kallanikal and Kripa Kuncheria Renu Kamath and Priya Krishnan Catherine Kanuha Liesl ’86 and John Karasaki Rhys Karasaki Brian and Monica Karl Jeffrey and Karen Kawaguchi Paul and Kimberly Kayfes Stacy and Justin Kean John and Mary Keith Joseph and Linda Kelleher Ron Keogh Gary Keyes and Elaine Lowe Keyes Arthur and Marie Keys


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Catherine King Andy and Staci Kinnee Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO Mary Korte David and Heather Koukel Rajeshwaran Krishnamurthy and Vidya Selvamani Kiran Kumar and Priya Shetty Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO Lyndsey Lanphere ’97 Dennis and Priscilla Lavery Raymond and Juliet Law Chau and Hoai Le Erik and Kathleen Lee Shirley Lester Marvin and Karen Lewallen Jake Lewis and Pasha Hunt Sean and Christina Lion Mark and Jessica Lipscomb Alex and Sophia Liu Bernadette Lombard ’62 Joseph and Marielle Louie Teresa Lowney Cheryl and Eric Lowrance David and Kelly Lowry Julia Loyacano Constance ’59 and Gary Luetkemeyer Gregory and Kelli Lutje Don Luu and Lynn Dinh Taylen and My Hanh Luu Frank and Trisha Lux Frank and Janet Lynn Ramon and Anna Macasa Daniel and Jaime Madland Kim Maher and David Wiltz Yatin and Asha Majmudar Mirela Mangiurea Dan Douglas and Melinda Mannen Johny and Deepa Maret Barbara Martin ’52 Raji Mathew Christopher and Linda Matto Jerry and Vicky Maurseth Mary Jo McCloskey Steve and Cheryl McCurry Helen ’54 Patrick McDaid Liz ’11 and Nick ’11 McDevitt Scott and Sharla McGee Marc Meylemans and Lynette Wong Kannan Meyoor and Sripriya Agaram Andrew and Anne Miller Brent and Andrea Moore Joseph Moore Ricardo and Anna Moreno Jaime Morgan-Stasny and David Stasny

Chad and Rachel Morrow David and Emily Moynihan Prabakar Murugappan and Subha Singaram Haren and Bharathi Myneni Tara ’96 and Mark Narkon Luis and Rosalba Navarro Kathryn ’83 and John Nearman Jagadeesh Neeruganti and Vinita Gupta Philip and Bianca Nerenberg Julie Grove Newsome ’10 Duc Nguyen and Donalyn Ramones Howard Nguyen and Phuong Khong Loc and Megan Nguyen Tami Nguyen Tran and Hiep Nguyen Vincent Nguyen and Lily Tran Doug and Carolyn Nordholm Tony and Maria Nosack Michael and Elizabeth Odegard Terri Ogilvie James and Theresa O’Hanlon Daniel and Patricia O’Leary Timothy Pacholke and Teresa Rokos Ronald and Dorothy Palmer Hyunsoo Park and Hyejin Sun Tamie Parr John Pease and Hui Min Norman and Roberta Persons Marijan Persun and Jenny Zhao Pratibha Philip Richard and KoLynn Phillips Nantachai and Tharika Phuvasate Andrew and Jenny Ping Eric and Jennifer Pitt Carol Post Steven and Linda Price Scott and Jill Pruitt Richard Purtle and Janna Nash Marty and Angie Quandt Amy Queen Joyce Quy Guru and Anitha Raj Theresa ’87 and Francisco Ravelo Greg Rewers † Ligia Robison Michael Robles Matthew and Melissa Rocha Victor Rodriguez and Christine Guenther Brenton and Tonya Rogers Daniel and Rebecca Rohrer Alissa Romano Janic Root Phillip and Deanna Rosebrook Jolene Rouse-Calkins


Mary Rowe Ari Sabet and Nooshin Rahimi Ashutosh and Garima Sagar Zaheer and Sameeha Sait Alfredo and Rita Sangil Steve and Connie Sauer Theresa ’68 and David Schierman Paul and Terri Schmiesing Anthony and Michele Schmitz Sr. Lorraine Schneider, SFCC ’41 Patricia M. Schreiber Matthew and Laura Schultz Sandra Scott Keith and Beth Self Suzanne Sharkey Maureen Sheridan Satish and Priyanka Shrimali Terry ’73 and Jeff Shrum Darlene and Rodger Shutter Garret Sitenga and Kristine Lamendola-Sitenga Nick and Kim Smith Ronald Smith Janet Seidl Snyder ’50 William and Mary Sobolewski Joel and Kristina Sobotka Jeffrey and Bryn Sopko Renee Sopko ’87 Kristin Spear Bradley and Sarah Spiering Loretta Stacchi Barb ’67 and Henry Stadelman Jeb ’99 and Michelle Stager Mona ’52 and Richard Stahl James and Eva Starr Vasilios and Stefanie Stavrakas Nick and Anne Stearns Robert and Lisa Stefanowicz Robert Steiger Kathleen ’76 and Jeff Stickney Mary Stirling ’79 Anne Storm and Chris Storm Gordon and Darlene Story Jayson and Elizabeth Strayer Christopher Strear Daniel and Carolyn Sullivan Andreas Sunardi and Youngkun Park Shawn and Kelsey Swick Evan Tait ’12 Jason and Stella Tan David and Howcy Taylor Fenardi and Susanny Thenus LeRoy and Judy Tomes Antonio and Josefina Torres Ty and Lynnette Trabosh

Nathan and RitaMarie Trueworthy Reed and Lorelee Trull Jeff and Angela Tuck Darlene ’59 and Eugene Unser Douglas and Jasmine Utberg Emily Van Buren ’08 Mark and Jacqueline Van Hoomissen Dr. Thomas and Greta Van Veen Beverly VanDomelen Vandecoevering ’71 and Michael Vandecoevering Joan Vandehey Robert and Mary Vandehey Karla VanderZanden ’72 Matthew and Chie VanderZanden Pat VanDomelen Shyam and Jyoti Venkitesh Victor Volkodav and Inna Stephanian-Volkodav Vincent Vu Jacqueline Vuky ’87 Samantha and Jeff Walsh Bing Wang Violet Wanner David and Phyllis Warfield Richard and Mary Weber Kay Webster ’79 Herbert Weihrauch James and Lora Wells Shirley Wenger Bruce and Maryann Wenrick Larry and Mary Wesselman David and Marychar White Linda ’56 and Bernard White Markus and Tara Wieser Jeffrey Willard Mark and Rory Williamson Mitchell and Barbara Willis Cameron and Kelli Wilson Dexter and Marcia Wilson Jeff and Thuy Wittstock MaryBeth Wolfe M.S. and L.B. Wooley James and Molly Woolf Steven and Molley Wright Eric and Anjali Wynkoop Andy and Vicky Yang David and Heidi Yee Kuang Yoo and Christine Moay Judy Zwan ’60 Corporations Bobadilla Law, PC Macy’s Travelers

Alex Kinney ’06 is a Lieutenant in the US Navy. He is currently serving as Weapons Officer aboard the USS Chicago (SSN 721), which is a Los Angeles-class submarine.

Alumni Giving 30’s

Helen Riverman Mason ’38


Sr. Lorraine Schneider, SFCC ’41 Florence Giddings Weber ’41 Margaret Heineck ’46 Yvonne Bernard Weber ’47 Josephine Anzalone Drain ’48 Darlene Jardee Morrow ’49 †


Anonymous (2) Patricia Seidler Burling ’50 Janet Seidl Snyder ’50 Agnes Steinkamp Hall ’51 Barbara Senko Beaulieu ’52 Mary Ellen Bailey Crawley ’52 Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO Barbara Martin ’52 Mona Gosselin Stahl ’52 Joann Barsotti Cooper ’54 Patricia Roshak Joyaux ’54 Helen Manly McDaid ’54 Frances Moellman ’54 Eleanor Steinkamp Carleton ’55 Nancy McGowan Rhein ’55 Yvonne Hamilton Lewellyn ’56 Grace Hertel Link ’56 †

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



Patricia Bryant Brinson ’65 Linda Crunican Holmbo ’65 Barbe Jenkins-Gibson ’65 Donna Pesenti Jerome ’65 Alice VanDomelen Weaver ’65 Nancy Devous Callahan ’66 Paula M. Vanderzanden McVay ’66 Janis Marie Nussbaumer ’66 Monica Brennan ’67 Leona Jones Moore ’67 Barbara Delplanche Stadelman ’67 Theresa Dethloff Schierman ’68 Kim Barovic ’69 Deanna Gamel Hochstein ’69 Judith Mack McMorine ’69 Kris Spies Prime ’69 Deborah Bautch Reddy ’69 Sandra Evers Scott ’69 Linda Wright White ’56 Marilyn Kleczynski Blake ’57 Shirley Tomjack Hill ’57 Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Marlene Botteri Mariti ’57 Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon ’57 Diane VanderZanden ’57 Sherrie Goevelinger Hurst ’58 Jackie Briggs Staley ’58 Barbara McEachern Stevenson ’58 Marlene Schmidt Duyck ’59 Jen Rose Meinz Fagan ’59 Patricia Heino ’59 Constance Carr Luetkemeyer ’59 Anonymous ’59 Darlene Klein Unser ’59


Anonymous (3) Jacqueline McEachern Coats ’60 Joan Berry Pratt ’60 Carol Spiering ’60 Judy Zwan ’60 Loauna Fery Cerda ’61 Barbara Hertel ’61 Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Marietta Rigert Boyer ’62 Sonja Farmen Klapperich ’62 Bernadette Verschingel Lombard ’62 Roberta Barsotti Weber ’62 Marilyn Spieker Durkin ’63 Mary Van Goethem Hansen ’63 Mary Neitling Sullivan ’63 Lynne Berry ’64 Christine Briggs Ray ’64 Sue Stassens ’64


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation


Anonymous (4) Lucille Greger Dungan ’71 Dian Kurilo Duyck ’71 Barbara Kreutzer English ’71 Peggy Duncan Lefebvre ’71 Josephine Koehnke Recht ’71 Beverly VanDomelen Vandecoevering ’71 Rita Hertel Zapata ’71 Cathleen Greiner ’72 Karla VanderZanden ’72 RoseAnne Dionne Zivich ’72 Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Meg Dever Mertens ’73 Theresa Drake Shrum ’73 Ali Battles Hardy ’74 Jan Sheerin Leone ’74 Diane Tolzman ’74 Kathy Hickerson Eskandani ’75 Judith Barfield Larson ’76 Leslie Mofford Shaw ’76 Kathleen O’Leary Stickney ’76 Jenifer Vennes Hiatt ’77 Elaine Fromwiller Payne ’77 Debora Herb Sepich ’77 Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 Kirsten Hollister Keller ’78 Mary F. Stirling ’79 Kay Webster ’79 Elisa Hinsdale Williams ’79


Anonymous (1) Tammy Galligher Cook ’80 Rita Mary Liebertz Vennes ’80 Nora Sass Schreck ’82

Debra Calcagno Guthrie ’83 Tracy Johnston ’83 Kathryn Graff Nearman ’83 Andrea Calkins Fund ’84 Julie Link Sheerin ’84 Laura Hamlin Smith ’84 Marie Kroon Thoma ’84 Brenda Wahlberg Van Dyke ’85 Kelly Fox ’86 Liesl Trask Karasaki ’86 Sheryl Rae Schultheis ’86 Toni Cooper ’87 Anu Savara Gerweck ’87 Jennifer Passadore Gfroerer ’87 Leslie Vilhauer Huffman ’87 Theresa Vu Ravelo ’87 Renee Sopko ’87 Maura Vandehey ’87 Jacqueline Vuky ’87 Melinda Evers Carbon ’89 Patsy McLain Homberg ’89


Anonymous (1) Stefanie Hanson Jacquemin ’90 Julie Fahey ’91 Erika Fulkerson Howerton ’91 Melissa Root Martin ’92 Jeannine Haener Eisenbacher ’93 Krista Gram Jacobson ’95 Sarah Ofner Nguyen ’95 Matthew Clark ’96 Tara Mapston Narkon ’96 Jacob Werner ’96 Malia Hanson Bernards ’97 Lee Cannard ’97 Stephen Jones ’97 and Kimberly Fox ’97 Lyndsey Lanphere ’97 Frank So ’97 Meghan Curl Randall ’98 Rebecca Harris ’99 Jeb Stager ’99 Ruby Veniegas ’99


Anonymous (1) Jeanette Philbrook Plep ’00 Katherine Quevedo Stokke ’00 Philip Thiel ’00 Nicole Volpe Auxier ’02 Melissa Gates Doxtator ’02 Angela Holmes ’02 Benjamin Werner ’02 Troy Banker ’03 Meredith Donovan Aronson ’05


Kara Ng ’05 Andrew Haugen ’07 Emily Van Buren ’08 Meghan Blood ’09


Anonymous (2) Chelsea Lambert ’10 Julie Grove Newsome ’10 Liz Kiefer McDevitt ’11 and Nick McDevitt ’11 Kathryn Vincent ’11 Victoria Kemper ’12 Allison Lambert ’12 Evan Tait ’12 Annika Holstrom ’14 Reilly Blood ’16 Daniel Hardy ’17 Alaina Hardy ’18

Faculty and Staff Anonymous (2) Kelly Alfieri Christina Allison Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO Mary Augustyn Christopher Bernards Kathleen Birrell Patricia Blood Sabrina Blue Edward Braun John Brunecz Sharlayne Buuck Julie Canoy Patrick Chapman Sally Delplanche Melissa Doxtator Sharon Drake Melissa Efstathiou Caroline Fogarty Victoria Foord Patricia Frasco Dale French Peter Gallagher Heather Gentry Jennifer Gfroerer ’87 Dale Goodno Jeremy Grondin Andrew Haugen ’07 Nick Hegwood Rebecca Hocker Eric Holstrom Douglas and Monique Ierardi

Krista Jacobson ’95 Rinal and Roshini Jinadasa Kathy Johnson Rebecca Johnson Brandon Jones Patricia Joyaux ’54 Stacy Kean Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO Anne Lambson Janet Lynn John Matcovich Liz McDevitt ’11 Linda Meagher Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Carla Roberti-Adler Joan Santos Sr. Colleen Schmitt, SSMO Kim Smith Joel Sobotka Anne Storm Kris Troha Sue Yockey

OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Alumni Challenge This list recognizes the generosity of those who made a gift to the Joseph E. Weston Alumni Challenge for tuition assistance between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. Mr. Weston generously matched $40,000 in 2018-19. Anonymous (14) Todd and Audrie Alsdorf Russell and Linda Amann Meredith ’05 and Kevin Aronson Kim Barovic ’69 Meghan Blood ’09 Patricia and Peter Blood Reilly Blood ’16 Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62 R. John and Lyla Buuck Ellie Carleton ’55 Loauna ’61 and Nicky Cerda Matthew Clark ’96 Jacqueline ’60 and Robert Coats Joann ’54 and Leonard Cooper Mary Ellen ’52 and Larry Crawley Josephine Anzalone Drain ’48 Lucille Dungan ’71 Marilyn ’63 and Daniel Durkin Jamey and Shannon Eisenhardt Kathy Eskandani ’75

Jen Rose Fagan ’59 Kathy Ferrer Jennifer ’87 and Jeff Gfroerer Walt Gorman and Marcia Petty Dale and Stephanie Han Chris and Mechell Hansen Mary ’63 and Lawrence Hansen Alaina Hardy ’18 Ali Battles Hardy ’74 Daniel Hardy ’17 Rebecca Harris ’99 Patricia Heino ’59 Michael Henningsen, Jr. Shirley Tomjack Hill ’57 and Ronald Hill Linda ’65 and David Holmbo Annika Holstrom ’14 Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Jason and Trasie Humble Sherrie ’58 and Jerry Hurst Barbara Jenkins-Gibson ’65 Donna Jerome ’65 Pat Joyaux ’54 Kirsten Keller ’78 Marvin and Karen Lewallen Yvonne and Gary Lewellyn Joel and Sue Magenheimer Barbara Martin ’52 Helen Mason ’38 Bill and Kim McAuliffe Helen ’54 and Patrick McDaid Liz ’11 and Nick ’11 McDevitt Paula ’66 and Michael McVay Leona ’67 and Donald Moore Tara ’96 and Mark Narkon Julie Grove Newsome ’10 Sarah Nguyen, DMD, ’95

*Oregon Community Foundation Annual Report 2018–2019



Tamie Parr Ermel and Christine Quevedo Josephine ’71 and Eric Recht Deborah Reddy ’69 Nancy McGowan Rhein ’55 Steve and Connie Sauer Theresa ’68 and David Schierman Sr. Lorraine Schneider, SFCC ’41 Gordon and Debora Sepich Leslie Mofford Shaw ’76 and Daryl Shaw Terry ’73 and Jeff Shrum Janet Seidl Snyder ’50 Frank So ’97 Carol Ann Spiering ’60 Jeb and Michelle Stager Mona ’52 and Richard Stahl Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Sue Stassens ’64 Barbara ’58 and Richard Stevenson Kathleen ’76 and Jeff Stickney Mary Stirling ’79 Katherine ’00 and Eugene Stokke Mary Sullivan ’63 Evan Tait ’12 Paul and Mary Taylor Diane Tolzman ’74 and Paul Drake Darlene ’59 and Eugene Unser Beverly VanDomelen Vandecoevering ’71 and Michael Vandecoevering Maura Vandehey ’87 Diane VanderZanden ’57 and Roy Stocks Karla VanderZanden ’72 Ruby Veniegas ’99 George and Jo Ann Vennes Rita Mary ’80 and Ronald Vennes Benjamin Werner ’02 Jacob ’96 and Kama Werner Dan and Elisa ’79 Williams


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Elisa ’79 and Dan Williams M.S. and L.B. Wooley Rita ’71 and Hector Zapata RoseAnne ’72 and David Zivich


This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made a gift to support tuition assistance for Valley Catholic School students during the paddle raise at the 2019 Valley Catholic Gala. Half of these funds are designated for the financial aid endowment and half are for immediate disbursement. This special appeal raised $113,000. Anonymous (2) Phil and Kelly Alfieri Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO Mary Augustyn Mark and Joyce Auxier Brett and Sheri Bauer Bob and Maura Beard Malia ’97 and Christopher Bernards Robert and Lindsey Birbeck John and Kathleen Birrell Meghan Blood ’09 Patricia and Peter Blood Sabrina and David Blue Paul and Elizabeth Boileau Clark and Anu Brixey Mike Brown Sharlayne and David Buuck Kathryn Calcagno and Kenny Roders Scott and Emily Campbell Martin and Julie Canoy Sanjay and Andrea Chakrapani

Santiago and Audrey Crespo Mark and Mary Donovan Tim Dunn and Agnieszka Janiewicz Jamey and Shannon Eisenhardt Angela ’02 and Owen Elkins Tad and Jennifer Fergusson Bill and Caroline Fogarty David and Victoria Foord Bernard and Loretta Fox, Jr. Kelly Fox ’86 Gabriel and Shailah Frias Peter and Mary Gallagher Michael and Michelle Garcia Van and Dale Gatlin Damon and Heather Gentry Greg and Stephanie Gilbert Dale and Kristin Goodno Carlin and Paul Gram Eric and Kim Grasberger Stephen and Margarita Gunther Debra ’83 and Todd Guthrie Chris and Mechell Hansen Paul and Meghann Hartley Kathi Harvey Nick and Naomi Hegwood David and DeDee Heinsen Alan and Irene Hendrickson George Hillberry and Carla Rodriguez Beckie and Jim Hocker Ryan and Sara Hoppes Tim and Carol Howarth Erika ’91 and Brian Howerton Steve and Jean Isaak Krista ’95 and Chris Jacobson Kirk and Kathy Johnson Shirley Johnson Warren Johnson Jerry and Mary Jones Stephen Jones ’97 and Kimberly Fox ’97 Pat Joyaux ’54 Michael and Danielle Julier Jonathan and Margaret Kau Victoria Kemper ’12 Noel and Danielle Kinder Timothy and Kellie King Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO Stephan and Melissa Klopcic Keller and Laura Kuhner Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO Anne Lambson David Lane and Akiko Kondo Michael Lasky and Kristina DiPaola Jan and Rorie Leone Todd and Jeanelle Lindsey Edward and Kathryn Lipp


Christopher and Genevieve Long Richard and Laura Lorenz Dan and Kathleen Mallea Darren and Toni Masingale John Matcovich and Jennifer Young Ralph McDonald Frank McKeen and Lois O’Halloran Judith Mack McMorine ’69 and Michael McMorine Robert and Linda Meagher Thomas C. and Melinda Melillo Michael and Catherine Merz Michael Miller and Stephanie La Riviere Miller Theodore Miller and Stephanie Vaughan-Miller Vince and Kristen Nguyen Colleen and Werner Nistler Jeff Olson and Raquel Apodaca Timothy and Heidi Olson Sandra Popham Paul and Deirdre Pribula Aristotle and Kathy Quintos Deborah Bautch Reddy ’69 Mario Roxas and Paola Peirano Mark and Fara Sabahi Glyn and Danette Scales, Jr. Courtney Schaefer Andrew and Heidi Schaer Sr. Colleen Schmitt, SSMO Jim and Julie Sherwin Annie Sholian Richard and Susan Skayhan Kory and Kate Slayton Shawn Smith and Kristin Vosberg-Smith Frank So ’97 Anthony and Gale Stacchi Stokes Auction Group Chris and Anne Storm Tracy and Leigh Teague Shawn and Megan Thomson Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen Mike and Holly VanderPloeg Bart and Amy VanderZanden Andrea VanDomelen William and Lisa Vincent Kathryn Vincent ’11 Don Vincent Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Sr. Krista von Borstel, SSMO Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO John and Tamie Webber Cameron Williams and Shannon Lynch John and Stacy Williams Judith Winczewski

Bruce Wolfe K.L. and Lauren Wombacher Mary Kay Wulff Leopoldo and Bella Yau

Gala Sponsors Beaverton Law Group, LLP Paul and Elizabeth Boileau Cinder Staffing Cycle Power Partners David and DeDee Heinsen Independent Dispatch, Inc. Gautam Kumar and Babita Dhayal Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc. Christopher and Genevieve Long Maryville Darron and Denise McGlothin Jan and Yahong Neirynck Tanasbourne Pediatrics, LLC Touchmark Living Centers, Inc. University of Portland Washington Trust Bank

Whole in One Golf Tournament Sponsors Alliance Insurance Partners, Inc. American General Life Insurance Company Charter Construction Cinder Staffing Columbia Bank Columbia Construction Management, Inc. Consonus Health Dignity Memorial Pat Fox Full Sail Brewing Fund Evaluation Group Independent Dispatch, Inc. Lease Crutcher Lewis Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc. LRS Architects Medline Industries, Inc. Oregon Health Care Association Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists Pacific Office Automation Pacific-Bridge International Trading, LLC Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Signature Paving Services Smart Snacks Portland

Erin Cochran ’14 was recently commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force. She has been assigned to serve at Vandenberg AFB in California.

Soderstrom Architects, LTD Todd Adams, PC USI Northwest

Gifts in Honor 2018 Jubilarians Mary Augustyn John and Jean Krautscheid Sisters Who Serve in Eastern Oregon Cathleen Greiner ’72 All the Priests and Sisters Anonymous Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO Anita Schacher Gordon and Darlene Story Diane Andreas David and Emily Moynihan Sr. Joyce Barsotti ’58, SSMO Dorothy Bochsler Toni ’87 Cooper and Andrew Oldham Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Maria DeGuzman William and Rosella † Lindblad

Annual Report 2018–2019



Claire and Nora Harroun VCMS ’19 Robert and Cecile Harroun

Phil McQueen Anonymous

Sr. Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Charles Rahe and Helen Connor Daryl and Leona Moore

Jill Johnson Michaelson Ronald and Sandra Johnson

Sr. Catherine Hertel ’58, SSMO Robert Steiger Gordon and Darlene Story Eric Holstrom Leo Bottaini Cooper Howard ’21 Danielle Howard

The Class of 1957 Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 The Class of 1979 Elisa ’79 and Dan Williams Tricia Croy Mary Rowe Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO Mary Jayne Jessica Guiducci Ellett ’07 and Chris Guiducci ’10 Lynn Trexler Sr. Ruth Etzel ’49, SSMO Families of Francis & Dolores Etzel, Jeanne & Duane Bradley, MaryAnn & Bennie Silbernagel and Don Etzel

Sr. M. John Therese Miller, SSMO Alexander and Fely Abaria Derek and Donna Balbag Mary Fromwiller Patsy ’89 and Aron Homberg Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Deborah ’69 Reddy Randall and Mary Frances Vemer

Young Kim William and Rosella † Lindblad

Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Alexander and Fely Abaria Dale and Stephanie Han Elaine Payne ’77 Renee Sopko ’87 Evan Tait ’12 Randall and Mary Frances Vemer

Allison ’32 and Karen ’32 Knight Soyoung Park and Brian Knight

The Nearman Children Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Graff

Mary Margaret ’12 and Patrick Kelly ’16 Brendan and Carrie Kelly

Ngot Nguyen Thuong Nguyen and Kelly Tran

Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO Valley Catholic Elementary School Faculty and Staff Mark and Hao Dryfuse Dale and Stephanie Han Jim Osterkamp

Sr. Theresa Lan Nguyen, SSMO Khiet and Thuy Nguyen

Kipp Johnson Kara Ng ’05

Sr. Ina Marie Nosack ’44, SSMO Dorothy Bochsler

Molly Kuhner ’24 Alfred and Elaine Frey

Sr. Josephine Pelster ’65, SSMO Maureen Sheridan Leopoldo and Bella Yau

Ann Fagnan Jeffrey and Melinda Fagnan

Heather Self Krainer Keith and Beth Self

Louise Hamilton Pete Yvonne and Gary Lewellyn

Paul Fischer and Karen Kustritz Irene Kustritz

Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO Anita Schacher

Steve Price Linda Price

Sr. Paula Fox, SSMO Agnes ’51 and Walter Hall Andrine Stricherz

Sr. Patricia Marie Landin, SSMO Gloria Thompson

Jakob ’16 and Daniel ’20 Pruitt Judith Knutson

Sr. Barbara Jean Laughlin, SSMO Donald and Joyce Karaman

The Roshak Women Gordon and Debora Sepich

Maryville Staff William and Rosella † Lindblad

Laura Sahlfeld ’06 John and Dorothy Sahlfeld

Michelle Garcia Anonymous Chuck Hagel Jordan and Sharon Drake


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation


Juanita Schmidlkofer † Anonymous

Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Don and Joanne Olson

Sr. Colleen Schmitt, SSMO Susan Bauer Jerry and MaryAnn Doll Jerry and Doris Wieber

Sr. Alexa Weight, SSMO Nadine Cummings

William ’20 and Emmelie ’20 Schultheis Gary and Susan Rae Sr. Alberta Schwall, SSMO † Michael and Sharon Claboe Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62 Patricia Heino ’59 Patrick and Helen ’54 McDaid The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Gordon and Darlene Story Sr. Angeline Sohler ’43, SSMO Laura Dean Sr. Barbara Rose Sohler ’62, SSMO Julie Turner The Stassens Family Sue Stassens ’64 Anne Storm Mary Rowe

Sr. M. Andre’ Campau ’39, SSMO Patrick and Teresa Binder Helen Mason ’38 James and Christine Russell

Gifts in Memory

Sr. Rose Dolores Costello, SSMO Eric and Ann Holstrom Lisa McKillips

Pat and Marge Adlhoch George Adlhoch

Joseph Anthony Crnkovich Carol Crnkovich

Robert Joseph Altenhofen Frank and Victoria Altenhofen

Sr. Carmel Crop ’29, SSMO Thomas and Raean Johnston

John William Bader Reed and Lorelee Trull

Floyd and Irene Danielson Anonymous

Antonia Baker Anthony and Mary Spiering

Sr. M. Aurelia Dietmayer, SSMO Albert and Patricia Havlik

Ruth Baldasarre Mary Korte

Sr. Consolata DeMartini, SSMO Eric and Ann Holstrom Mona ’52 and Richard Stahl

Sr. Elizabeth Bender ’43, SSMO Ike and Kathy Bay Lola Berkshire Rice and Linda Berkshire

Matt ’21 and Josh ’24 Taylor, Bridget Dukes ’32 John Hamilton

Sr. Geraldine Bernards ’47, SSMO Thomas and Raean Johnston Laurie Graves-Reavis and Donald Reavis Terry ’73 and Jeff Shrum

Wonderful Middle School Teachers Patrick Hayes and Brigitte Blin-Hayes

Bud Bickford John and Virginia Cross

Tina Tran ’16 May Tran

John Biggi, Sr. Steve and Laura Biggi

VCS Faculty, Staff and Coaches Patricia and Peter Blood

Ellen Bishop Barbara Henningsen

Sr. Clare Vandecoevering, SSMO Anonymous

Louise Botteri Marlene Mariti ’57

Sr. Juanita Villarreal ’62, SSMO Anita Schacher Gordon and Darlene Story

Sr. Geraldine Brady, SSMO Thomas Brady Most Rev. John G. Vlazny

Emma Ward ’23 Curt Ward and Jennifer Rychlik

Karen Brown Anonymous

Laila DeMartini Richard DeMartini Mike Donnelly Helen Gerde Sean Dooney Sheri Dooney Jeanne Bleckenger Dougal Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



Doris Drake Terry ’73 and Jeff Shrum

Isabel Frison Donald and Kathryn Dimeo

Mary Fox Dugan J. Dugan Rupp

Ann and Margaret Galati George Galati

Elizabeth Efstathiou John and Melissa Efstathiou

Gertrude Gibbs Randolph and Gwen Stone

Elizabeth Eisert William Muller

Sr. Therese Marie Graves, SSMO Barbara Martin ’52

Sr. Rose Imelda Erceg ’48, SSMO Rose Howell Mildred Simkins

James Hanson Russell and Linda Amann Anonymous Jennifer ’87 and Jeff Gfroerer Marvin and Karen Lewallen Bill and Kim McAuliffe Northwest Meat Processors Assoc. Steve and Connie Sauer Paul and Mary Taylor M.S. and L.B. Wooley

Lois Eckenberg The Jean Vollum Fund Kenneth Ernst Joseph and Marsha BeLusko Helen Feltz Paul Feltz Nicholas Ferrer Kathy Ferrer Sr. Kathleen Fery ’53, SSMO Ronald and Dorothy Palmer Rev. J. Brendan Flemming Monica Brennan ’67 and Robert Lapinski James A. Fox Estelle Fox

Sr. Anna Hertel ’55, SSMO Anonymous Jeff Link Al and Maxine Hertel John Hickey Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey Sr. Eunice Hittner, OSF Margie Rowe Robert and Maggie Herbage John and Ann Busch Isabelle Hopper Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson Sr. Annette Huettner, SSMO Margie Rowe Antoine Jabbour Elie and Trena Jabbour

Jack Hargrave Pat Hargrave

Mary Margaret Jenkins ’55 Barbara Jenkins-Gibson ’65

Sr. M. Marguerite Heisler, SSMO Monica Brennan ’67 and Robert Lapinski

Sr. Maureen Kalsch ’73, SSMO Anonymous Kenneth and Anu ’87 Gerweck Joel and Sue Magenheimer

Thomas and Rosemarie Heitzman Tony and Barbara Benjamin Charlie and Agnes Herinckx Edward and Kathy Kemper

Connie Kienow Antoinette K. Arenz Sr. Gemma Kindel, SSMO Dale and Donna Herinckx Sr. Marcella Kindel, SSMO Dale and Donna Herinckx Dr. Philip King Rebecca and Stephen Johnson Sr. Sharon Kirk ’56, SSMO Marilyn ’57 and Edward Blake Joseph and Deborah Kirk Sr. Barbara Ann Klapperich, SSMO Thomas and Sheila Micka Loren and Penny Rickerl Bernard "Bud" Klee William and Rosella † Lindblad


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation


Violet McCoy David and Peggy Stein Irene McGrath Gloria McGrath Klupenger Steven and Sally Michaelis Sr. M. Alodia McHale, SSMO Linda ’65 and David Holmbo Monica Brennan ’67 and Robert Lapinski Betty A. McKay Michael and Susan McKay A.W. and Frances Michaelis Steven and Sally Michaelis

Tony and Catherine Klupenger Steven and Sally Michaelis

Ken Lester Shirley Lester

Phillip Klupenger Gloria McGrath Klupenger Steven and Sally Michaelis

Katherine Lopes John and Melissa Efstathiou

Sr. Regina Koenig ’27, SSMO Theresa ’68 and David Schierman Carolyn Kolzow William Kolzow Sr. Winefride Koppert, SSMO Byron and Patricia Jackson Casimira Mary Kowalczyk R. Gerald and Terry Hyland Sr. M. Fidelis Kreutzer ’44, SSMO Eric and Ann Holstrom Francis and Patricia Hutchins Kathryn M. Kreutzer † Ruth Krummel John and Kathleen Schmitz Sylvia Kurilo Dain ’71 and William Duyck

Jim Lopez William and Rosella † Lindblad Mother Collette Lorch ’15, SSMO Paula ’66 and Michael McVay Mary Loughran Anonymous Gale Cogswell Fergus and Tammy Loughran Daniel and Patricia O’Leary Joey Tilley Richard Ulring

May and Murdock McLean Scott and Cheryl McLean Marlene McMahon Diane McMahon and Jeff Bingham Elizabeth Minten Janice Minten Mark Minten Emily Moellman James Moellman The Moellman Family Frances Moellman ’54 Joan Molinari Joseph Molinari Alice Moore Jacqueline Moore

Patrick and Kathleen Lynch Mary Anne McGuire-Hickey

Shelley Mueller Paul Blankenmeister Family

Francis and Lenora Manning Neil and Raema Manning

Marie Muller William Muller

Darrell Mapston Tara ’96 and Mark Narkon

Peter Nosack John and Jean Krautscheid Danika Rawlins

Gloria Ann Lach Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73

Cecilia Mason Brent and Stephanie Berge Kathryn and Douglas Hall

Paul Landin Diane Callahan

Stella McCarthy William and Rosella † Lindblad

Sr. Mary Callista O’Connor ’45, SSMO Walter Davey Larry Ofner Sarah Nguyen, DMD, ’95

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



Edith Olson Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson Sr. Noreen Orazio, SSMO Sonje Ernst Edward and Barb Fredenburg Nancy Kahut Joseph and Linda Kelleher Mary Seats Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Doug and Carolyn Nordholm Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Herman and Christine Ott Helen Conover Sr. Kateri Petite ’54, SSMO Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Louise Piacentini William and Rosella † Lindblad Robert and Peggy Planansky Carol Graff Ernest Plep Herbert Plep Olive Plep David and Jeanette ’00 Plep Sr. Boniface Prange, SSMO Lawrence and Mary ’63 Hansen


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation

Jan Rianda David Rianda

Sr. Clotildis Smith ’23, SSMO Allan Vanderzanden

Sr. Beatrice Rigert, SSMO Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62

James B. Sonderen Margaret Sonderen

Sr. Joan Rigert, SSMO Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Spiering Carol Ann Spiering ’60

Frank Rinella Joseph F. Rinella

Mary Vanderzanden Spiering Colleen Spiering

Kathy Rinella The Brandt Family

Vincent and Jane Star Benjamin Yost

Gary Root Janic Root

Frank Stupfel William and Rosella † Lindblad

Fulton Saier Kathy Saier

Thomas Sutherland William and Alice Gemmet

Sr. Celine Schindler, SSMO Diane Andreas David and Emily Moynihan

Sr. Caspar Tanzer, SSMO Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62

Sr. Alberta Schwall, SSMO Patty ’65 and Lee Brinson William and Sue Ann Brown Jerald and Janice Burkhead Ellie Carleton ’55 Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62 Pat Hargrave Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Josephine ’71 and Eric Recht Nancy McGowan Rhein ’55 Walter Schwall Nona Scott Barb ’67 and Henry Stadelman Dina Trachta Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Alice VanDomelen Weaver ’65 and David Weaver Rita Seaman Andrew and Rita Pinkowski Barbara Benson Sharkey Suzanne Sharkey Joseph Shea Linda Shea Dr. Roland and Lucille Sivyer Suzy Sivyer

Sr. Crescentia Tanzer ’10, SSMO Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62 Paul and Eline Taylor Ross Taylor Sr. M. Francesca Thomas, SSMO Ronald and Dorothy Palmer Sr. Justina Thiele ’25, SSMO Ronald Smith Sr. Clarina Thomas, SSMO Ronald and Dorothy Palmer Eloise Utzinger Nicholas Utzinger Nick Vandehey Joan Vandehey Clarence and Mary Claire VanderZanden Karla VanderZanden ’72 Sr. M. Ermelinda VanDomelen ’35, SSMO Tony Cooper ’87 and Andrew Oldham Pat VanDomelen


Sharon Van Dyke John and Winona Avila Willie Gonzalez Rose McGowan Candace and Rick White Jules and Gertrude Van Houdenos Arlene Crouch Venkata K. Vanka Subbarao and Sivagami Vanka Patricia Vemer Randall and Mary Frances Vemer Mrs. Juanita Villarreal Anonymous Leo and Anna Voltin Ronald and Dorothy Palmer Gertrude Webb William Webb Theresa Wills Carol Wills Arlene Wilson Janice Wilson Carolyn Winter William and Rosella † Lindblad Sr. Theresa Margaret Yettick ’33, SSMO Anonymous Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Marlene Mariti ’57 Laurie Graves-Reavis James and Eva Starr Darlene ’59 and Eugene Unser Sr. Frances Zenner ’34, SSMO Antoinette K. Arenz Stephen and Elizabeth Rouffy Henry Zurfluh Ralph and Louise Bochsler Teresa Lowney Gary and Denise Smigaj Robert and Denise Tomasovic Mitchell and Barbara Willis Hank and Evelyn Zurfluh

Gift-in-Kind Donors Mila Bada John Beber † Christopher and Jennifer Beedy Betty Blais Shawn Bonnett and Kari Eastburn-Bonnett Mark Brennan Patty Burrows Sandi Campos Maria Ciornei Connie Clemens Teresa and Lawrence Dow Judy Dusenberry Craig and Janelle Duyck Mike and Debra Duyck Russ and Annette Evans Cary Evers Joseph and Beverly Evers Bill and Caroline Fogarty Melinda Geiger Diane George Georgiana Grinsell Kelly Hall Donald and Alicia Herinckx James and Doris Herinckx Maria Hernandez Munoz Al and Maxine Hertel Barbara Hertel ’61 Hai Nguyen and Dawn Huynh Julie Huynh Susan Jones Nick and Abbie Jordan Manuel and Marty Karlin Edward and Kathy Kemper Diane Kendall Cliff and Alice Kinney Joseph and Deborah Kirk John Kowalczyk Barbara Kuhner William and Rosella † Lindblad Norm and Molly Mannheimer Brigitta Martell Charles and Darlene Moore Dick and Lelani Nussbaumer Jeff Olson and Raquel Apodaca Pat Pillar Paul and Deirdre Pribula Dale Ries Don V. Romanaggi, M.D. Fereidoom Safdari Joan Santos John Scheeland

Sue Stassens ’64 Ginger Steele Thomas H. Sutherland† Sukhbinder Takhar and Ravjot Kaur Brenda ’85 and Joseph Van Dyke Estate of Fr. Scott Vandehey Walter and Marjorie Vandehey Mark and Janet Vinson Eugene Waibel Marilyn Walker Walter and Catherine Watkins Brian and Mary Whitney Corporations Alert Us Anchor Printworks Binky Patrol Con10gency Consulting Dignity Memorial Jesse Estate Vineyards Lois O’Halloren Photography Northwest Quilters, Inc. Olea Vineyards Siltstone Wines Gala Donors Were Previously Recognized in the Gala Program

Matching Gift Companies Applied Materials, Inc. Chevron Corporation Daimler Trucks North America Delta Dental Intel Macy’s Mentor Graphics Nike, Inc. Patrick Lumber Co. PGE Russell Investments Tektronix Foundation The Standard US Bank

†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2018–2019



Financial Statement Highlights

Total Assets...............................................$11,567,100

The Year In Review: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019

Total Endowment....................................$2,999,727 Total Contributions and Subsidies.....$2,873,958 Total Grants to Related Entities..........$1,873,522









TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS & SUBSIDIES 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000








$ 2,873,958












$ 2,999,727

$ 11,567,100










$ 9,062,413

















3,500,000 3,000,000


2,500,000 2,000,000


1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0




Capital Projects

Debt Service

Campus Schools


Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation



<1% 2%

6 55

2018-2019 NUMBERS






1200 600 80


155 500 1000









Annual Report 2018–2019


4440 SW 148th Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97078 |

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