Our Mission The mission of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation is to enhance support of all SSMO-sponsored ministries through relationship building, fundraising and stewardship.
20/20 VISION
Viewpoint from the SSMO Foundation Executive Director........................................................... 2
Insight from the SSMO Ministries Corporation President........................................................... 4
Insight from the SSMO Superior General........................................................... 6
Insight from the Valley Catholic School President........................................................... 8
Insight from the Maryville President........................................................... 10
Women of Vision........................................................... 12
Endowments & Scholarships........................................................... 14
Sequoia Society – Legacy Planning........................................................... 15
Community Sightings........................................................... 16
Canticle Society........................................................... 18
Cornerstone Society........................................................... 20
Foundresses’ Circle........................................................... 21
Friends........................................................... 24
Alumni Giving........................................................... 27
Campus Employees........................................................... 28
OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Alumni Challenge........................................................... 29
Light-a-Fire........................................................... 30
Gala Sponsors........................................................... 31
Whole In One Golf Tournament Sponsors........................................................... 31
Gifts in Honor........................................................... 31
Gifts in Memory........................................................... 33
Gift-in-Kind Donors........................................................... 36
Matching Gift Companies........................................................... 37
Financial Highlights........................................................... 38
2019-20 At-a-Glance........................................................... 39
Every effort has been made to ensure that this report is accurate and complete. Please accept our apologies if your name has been omitted, misspelled, misplaced or otherwise incorrectly listed. If we have made an error, please let us know by calling the Foundation Office at 503-718-6485 or emailing tblood@ssmoministries.org so we can correct our records and properly acknowledge your contribution.
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
V I E W P O I N T F R O M T H E S S M O FO U N DAT I O N E X EC U T I V E D I R E C TO R Dear Friends, One glance at this annual report and you will see the tremendous support
S S M O FO U N DAT I O N 2019 -2020 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S
friends and families have extended to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries of Valley Catholic School and Maryville. With grateful hearts the SSMO Foundation celebrates our community’s generosity, resilience, and creativity, especially during these tumultuous times. Take a peek at this past year’s spectacular accomplishments, made possible thanks to you, our donors. The SSMO Foundation’s 2019-2020 Annual Report for gifts received through the fiscal year
Patrick Nicholes, Chair Kate Bailey French, Vice Chair Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77, Secretary Jamey Eisenhardt, Treasurer Dr. Thompson M. Faller, II Chris Hansen Sr. Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Genevieve Long Thomas C. Melillo, DPM Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Andrew Schaer Patricia Blood, Executive Director, ex officio
ending June 30, 2020 is a window to your impact on the Sisters’ mission and their sponsored ministries. A healthy 1175 donors, numerous program grants and strategic estate gifts provided nearly $1.5m in fundraising to benefit the Sisters’
community outreach efforts, Maryville’s continuum of care, and Valley Catholic’s educational program. Thank you for making so many opportunities and possibilities for the Sisters, Valley Catholic students, and Maryville residents. Stay safe and see you soon! Gratefully,
PAT R I C I A B LO O D Executive Director, SSMO Foundation 2
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Patricia Blood, Executive Director Sabrina Blue, Director, Major Gifts Sharlayne Buuck, Director, Annual Fund Caroline Fogarty, Special Events Manager Kelsey Leonard, VCMS ’03, Alumni Relations Manager Sean Lottman, Database Manager
20/20 VISION
The most valuable silver lining our family has experienced in the last six months has been the opportunity to slow down the pace of our daily lives. This change has given us the pleasure to enjoy meaningful time together as a family. We have filled our days playing games, baking and spending time outdoors on the lake. In addition, I have thoroug hly enjoyed the extra time to accomplish some home organizing projects. This “pause” has been a great exercise in finding silver linings in our lives, we just need to stand still long enough to see them! G E N E V I E V E LO N G VCS Parent, Volunteer and Board Director
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
I N S I G H T F R O M T H E S S M O M I N I ST R I E S C O R P O R AT I O N P R E S I D E N T According to the American Optometric Association, “20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet.” In these most unusual of times, all of us seek clarity and sharpness! We yearn to have the foresight to act not to react and to respond to the ever-evolving needs of the day. Our generous benefactors have stepped up and leaned in to partner with us – affording all of the Sisters and those who serve in the Sisters’ sponsored ministries the opportunity to adjust our sights, fine tune our vision and clear the smudges from our spectacles so as to preserve and expand upon the SSMO legacy. Bless you! S I ST E R A D E L E M A R I E A LT E N H O F E N President, SSMO Ministries Corporation
S S M O M I N I ST R I E S C O R P O R AT I O N 2 01 9 -2020 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Dan Mallea, Chair Bret Cope, Vice Chair Michelle Castaño Garcia, Secretary Eric Barger, Treasurer Kathryn Calcagno Jamey Eisenhardt Ryan Hoppes Thomas Rask, III Theresa Shrum ’73 Leonard Vuylsteke Fr. Philip Waibel, OSB Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO, President, ex officio
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
20/20 VISION
When distant learning was implemented at Valley Catholic School in March, I immediately began considering projects that we could accomplish both inside and outside of the school buildings. It is very rare to have the campus unoccupied for any length of time as Valley Catholic generally bustles with activity every day, even during summer months. Although the campus is extraordinarily quiet, the dedicated facilities and housekeeping team took advantage of this time to complete many undertakings. I am very happy with what we have accomplished and look forward to faculty, students and families returning to campus in the future. I can confidently say the school buildings are in great condition! DA N P O L I D O R I Facilities Maintenance Director SSMO Ministries Corporation
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
INSIGHT FROM THE SSMO SUPERIOR GENERAL In light of the 2019-20 Annual Report theme, 2020 Vision, I would like to share a few inspiring words with you: A vision without a task is but a dream. A task without vision is drudgery. A vision with a task is hope for the world. -Dinah Maria Mulock Craik As the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, we focus on sharing God’s love through education, healthcare and community outreach. Your faithful support helps strengthen our more than 130-year mission to serve the needs of others through faith and action. We are thankful for your belief in our vision, and blessed by the heartfelt ways you support our ministries. Rest assured, you and your families are included in our prayers. During these ever-changing times, the Sisters remain hopeful and trust that God has His eye on each of us. S I ST E R C H A R L E N E H E R I N C K X ’6 6 Superior General, Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon
S I ST E R S O F ST. M A RY O F O R EG O N 2 01 5 -2020 L E A D E R S H I P T E A M Sister Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Sister M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Sister Josephine Pelster ’65, SSMO Sister Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
20/20 VISION
W h a t a b l e s s i n g te c h n o l o g y h a s b e e n i n o u r l i ve s d u r i n g t h e p a s t fe w m o n t h s . I t h a s e n a b l e d m e to te a c h my f i r s t g ra d e c l a s s a t S t. M a t t h e w S c h o o l f ro m t h e M o t h e r h o u s e, w h i c h b ro u g h t m u c h j oy to m e a n d my s t u d e n t s . I n a d d i t i o n , I ’ ve h a d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to s h a re my s k i l l s w i t h o t h e r S i s te r s , h e l p i n g t h e m to s ta y co n n e c te d w i t h l ove d o n e s a s we ex p e r i e n ce d s o c i a l d i s ta n c i n g . W h i l e te c h n o l o g y i s ce r ta i n l y i m p o r ta n t, I t r u l y b e l i eve t h a t t h e p owe r of p ra ye r i s o u r s t ro n g e s t to o l . I h a ve b e e n b l e s s e d , a s of l a te, w i t h m o re t i m e to p ra y. I fe e l s t ro n g l y a b o u t re f l e c t i n g j oy a n d co m p a s s i o n d e s p i te l i v i n g i n a ra p i d l y c h a n g i n g wo r l d . My h o p e i s i n G o d , a n d I a m re a s s u re d t h a t H e ca re s fo r e a c h of u s . S I ST E R T H A N H P H A M , S S M O 1st Grade Teacher St. Matthew School
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
I N S I G H T F R O M VA L L E Y C AT H O L I C SCHOOL PRESIDENT Today, I give thanks for everyone who played a role in the success of the 2019-20 school year at Valley Catholic. The year illustrated, without a doubt, one of the Sisters’ core values – Live Valiantly. It began with the sixth win of the OSAA Cup, honoring Valley Catholic’s excellence in athletics, academics and activities. From the youngest Valiants in the Early Learning School, to the seniors in high school, our students grew spiritually and academically under the leadership of gifted faculty. Then, in March, everything changed in a way we could not have imagined. Our teachers, staff and students demonstrated strength and adaptability as they smoothly transitioned to digital learning. We learned how to create a sense of community in a new way. I am grateful for the enduring values and legacy of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. Thanks to the generous support of our Valley Catholic community, we are able to rise to the challenge of the times and continue to Live Valiantly as we face the days ahead together. J O H N M ATC OV I C H President, Valley Catholic School
VA L L E Y C AT H O L I C S C H O O L 2 01 9 -2020 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Tulasi Siddhartha, Chair Lisa Vincent, Vice Chair Shannon Lynch, Secretary Ryan Hoppes, Treasurer Emily Keagbine Conner ’07 Van Gatlin Sr. Josephine Pelster ’65, SSMO Delia Slattery K.L.Wombacher John Matcovich, President, ex officio
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
20/20 VISION
Being at home has granted me many silver linings. I have had more time to fine-tune a favorite piece of piano music, Chopin’s Etude Op. 10 No. 4 (measure #7 is a bear). I am sure that my calculus students will be happy to know that I have used the past few months to expand my “Master List of Challenging Calculus Problems” to well over 250 pages! Lastly, rich chocolate ice cream can, on occasion, be heard churning away in my kitchen. After all, we need to remember to treat ourselves to something special every now and then. KIPP JOHNSON Department Chair, Math Valley Catholic High School
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
I N S I G H T F R O M T H E M A RY V I L L E PRESIDENT There are heroes among us. You don’t have to look very far to see that Maryville is blessed abundantly with many types of heroes. •
As our yard signs say, “HEROES WORK AT MARYVILLE”. Twenty-four hours a day, our front-line heroes focus on offering service with love to those who call Maryville home.
Residents and their families, creatively and resiliently maintain connections with window visits and Face Time calls. They are all heroes in our eyes!
Heroic donors have blessed us beyond measure. Thank you for rising to the needs of the day, providing resources to help keep us healthy and safe.
We are thankful to every hero who has graced our lives and upheld the mission of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. As we move forward expecting great things, we pray that your life will be filled with heroes. K AT H L E E N PA R RY President, Maryville
M A RY V I L L E 2 01 9 -2020 B OA R D O F D I R EC TO R S Andy Kyler, Chair Dr. Kelly Fox ’86, Vice Chair Sr Rita Watkins ’61 SSMO, Secretary David Poppe, Treasurer Tom Baertlein Dr. Harper Pearse Kathleen Parry, President, ex officio
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
20/20 VISION
“No task too difficult, no sacrifice too great.” -Mother Seraphim Theisen, SSMO I wrote these words on a small white board in my office because they ring tr ue of the staff at Maryville who are working around the clock to provide service with love. We are keeping every resident engaged with unique experiences, including musicians who serenade us from outside their windows. Seeing residents’ faces radiate joy, and hearing their voices as they sing along to the music brings delight to everyone at Maryville. K AT H Y F E D R Activities Director Maryville
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
WOMEN The 2015-2020 leadership team has wholeheartedly served as role models for the entire Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus during their tenure. They have been beacons in the community, shining God’s light for all to see. Their spirit has ignited a candle in all of us and we are eternally grateful for the example they provided during their service. Left to right: Sr. Josephine Pelster, Sr. Rita Watkins, Sr. Charlene Herinckx, Sr. M. Juliana Monti
Serving two 5-year terms as the Superior General of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Sister Charlene’s contagious smile left an impression on the hearts of many.
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
As Sister Charlene passes the candle to Sister Michael Francine, these women of vision confidently move into new roles, ready to shine their light in the world.
20/20 VISION
OF VISION T H E S I ST E R S O F ST. M A RY O F O R EG O N E L EC T N E W L E A D E R S A N D S E T D I R EC T I O N FO R T H E N E X T F I V E Y E A R S Following months of preparation, prayer and contemplation, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon elected new leadership during their Chapter Meeting in March 2020. The Chapter meeting took place amid the extraordinary circumstances of a global pandemic. True to form, the Sisters adapted and conducted their meeting using Zoom. The new leadership team installation Mass took place on June 28, 2020.
S S M O L E A D E R S H I P 2020-2025 Sister Michael Francine Duncan, Superior General Sister Denise Klaas, Vicar General Sister Sara Goggin ’64, General Councilor Sister Rita Watkins ’61, General Councilor
S R. S A R A G O G G I N
S R. M I C H A E L F R A N C I N E D U N C A N
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
Endowments and Scholarships Endowment Funds ensure that we carry out in perpetuity the mission and sponsored ministries of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. Scholarship Funds strengthen the legacy of Catholic education by providing support for Valley Catholic School students in need of tuition assistance. Contributions may be made to named funds at any time by outright gifts or bequests.
Endowment Funds Nick Ferrer Memorial Fund Kipp and Teresa Johnson Fund Monti Memorial Music Fund Bernard J. Schulte Fund Sisters’ Legacy Fund Social Justice Fund General Endowment Fund
Scholarship Funds
Alsdorf Family Scholarship Margaret E. Dever Scholarship Henri and Patricia ’54 Joyaux Scholarship Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 Scholarship Monti Memorial Music Scholarship Mychal Joseph Rinella Memorial Scholarship Patty and Randall Vemer Memorial Scholarship Ford and Hilda Watkins Memorial Scholarship
“Funding a scholarship is a tribute to my Mom and Dad who instilled in me, by example, the value of education. Today and always, may we work with quiet integrity and let success make a honest and humble noise.” - Dr. Catherine A. Lach ’73 For information on Endowments, Scholarships, and Legacy Giving, contact giving@ssmoministries.org
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
20/20 VISION
Sequoia Society Remembering the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation in your estate plan allows you to leave a legacy and make a lasting impact for the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries of Maryville and Valley Catholic School. We are grateful for the generosity of our Sequoia Society Members. Anonymous Anonymous † Alexander and Fely Abaria Bob and Chris Adelman Julian † and Jeanie Amaya Tara Bassett ’77 Orville and Rose Bernards ‡ Kathleen Brady † Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman Samuel Buxman † Nancy Devous Callahan ’66 † Joseph and Edith Cholick ‡ Lyle Cobb Dorothy Davy Sheila Day † Ronald Delong † Florence DeMarco † Richard and Laila † DeMartini Rev. Msgr. Arthur P. Dernbach † Donald † and Josephine Anzalone Drain ’48 Anthony Eisele † Elsie Franz Finley † William and Jeanne Fronk ‡ Michael and Michelle Garcia Anna Mae Geisler † Estate of Frances Chapman Habiger ’52 † Mel and Paula Hartmeier ‡ Adrian and Marie Hernandez Raymond and Catherine Honerlah Archbishop Edward Howard † William Hunt † Robert and Kathryn Kreutzer ‡ John Lanahan † The Estate of RoseMarie Law ’54 † Kathleen Bassett Magnusson ’66 Paul Mann Skip and Dorothy McBratney Constance Muessle † Dwain H. Quandt Arlene Rauch † Lynn Ristig and Craig Shrontz Bernice Ruettgers † Mary Sabin † Sr. Lorraine Schneider ’41, SFCC Eugene Schulte † Debora ’77 and Gordon Sepich Roger Sherman †Deceased at Time of Publication
Benjamin † and Mary Ann † Silbernagel Estate of Frances A. Smith † Joseph Smith † Linda Spenner † Alvina Lordemann Spieker † Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Margaret Straling † Scott and Terri Stream Thomas H. Sutherland † Linda Stupfel Tozer ’62 and David Tozer Dina Trachta Lorna VanderZanden ’71 Berniece Volpe † Yvonne Weber ’47 Hank † and Evelyn Zurfluh
“We consider it an honor to remember the Sisters and their ministries in our estate. Our lives have been abundantly blessed by their presence.” - Adrian and Marie Hernandez Parents of VCMS alumna and current Grandparents
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
Community Sightings
Parents were welcomed into the school community at the New Parent Social. AUGUST 2019
The Alumni Tailgate, followed by a Friday night football game attracted alumni, families and faculty. SEPTEMBER 2019
Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club provided a pristine location for the popular Whole In One Golf Tournament . SEPTEMBER 2019
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
The Tree Lighting was a festive evening filled with holiday cheer. DECEMBER 2019
20/20 VISION
The Distinguished Alumni Award was presented at Mass during Catholic Schools Week.
Students from local Catholic schools gained confidence at the Valley Catholic Middle School Speech Tournament.
The Valley Catholic School Gala brings our school community together to celebrate all things Valley Catholic.
Faithful supporters who believe in the Sisters’ mission made the renovation of the Motherhouse kitchen a reality.
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation 2019-2020 Honor Roll It is with grateful hearts that we thank the individuals, families, businesses and foundations whose generosity strengthens the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Maryville and Valley Catholic School. Canticle Society
The Canticle Society takes its name from the biblical canticles of praise that are prayed daily by the Sisters. This society recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $1,000 or more between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020.
Richard and Rachel Baek Dr. Harper Pearse and Geri Pearse Foundations and Trusts Clark Foundation Larry and Jeanette Epping Family Foundation Hartmeier Family Trust OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Businesses Intel Nike, Inc. Vital Technical Marketing
JUBILATE ($20,000 - $49,999) Adrian and Marie Hernandez Ryan and Michelle Kinkade
Foundations and Trusts Anonymous Benjamin A. and Mary A. Silbernagel Trust
MAGNIFICAT ($10,000 - $19,999) Anonymous Todd and Audrie Alsdorf Kilhyun Bang and Tae Young Kim Greg and Stephanie Gilbert Carlin and Paul Gram Carolyn ’74 and Jon Kreitz Michael and Susan McKay Colleen and Werner Nistler Melvin and Julie Petersen Charles and Hillarie Prestopine Dwain H. Quandt Don V. Romanaggi, M.D.
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Foundations and Trusts Sean and Sheri Dooney Family Foundation A.J. Frank Family Foundation B.P., Lester and Regina M. John Foundation Estate of Kathryn Kreutzer Berniece U. Volpe Charitable Trust
James and Michelle VondenKamp Chris Wiebe and Soudy Southasarn John and Stacy Williams
Businesses Independent Dispatch, Inc. Touchmark Living Centers, Inc.
Businesses Maryville Chevron Corporation
LAUDATE ($5,000 - $9,999)
GAUDETE ($2,500 - $4,999)
Anonymous Maximilian Blau and Angeles Beraza Shawn Bonnett and Kari Eastburn-Bonnett Robert and Linda Burns Tracy and Emily Camp Robert and Antonette Caren Anthony and Rebecca Castellano Mike and Tracey Clark Mark and Angela Crandall Andrew Darlak and Chi Shin-Darlak Marvin and Julie Decker Michael and Diana Desmond Mark and Hao Dryfuse Jan and Claudia Filip Bryan Gonzalvo and Zella Cherchian Eric and Kim Grasberger Tim Gray Stephen and Margarita Gunther Ryan and Sara Hoppes Michael and Donna Kirchoff Stephan and Melissa Klopcic William Lindblad Frank McKeen and Lois O’Halloran Meg Dever Mertens ’73 and Mark Mertens Steven and Sally Michaelis Myron and Julie Moraes Jan and Yahong Neirynck Nancy Pettit and John Edwards Nora ’82 and Joseph Schreck Shawn Smith and Kristin Vosberg-Smith Mark and Chin Stone
Foundations and Trusts Anonymous Fund #16 of the OCF* Juan Young Trust Swigert Foundation
Anonymous (3) Anthony and Dorothy Aiello Rob Baumgartner and Julie Campbell Susan Berkman Scott and Danielle Braun Clark and Anu Brixey Zachary and Katherine Bromert Trevor Cable and Martina Ford Jeff and Ana Maria Carter Heung-For and Mei-Ting Cheng Santiago and Audrey Crespo Marc Demarest and Mary Jo Murawski Donald and Kathryn Dimeo Chris Drummond and Inese Silina Bronwen Edwards-Denney Michael and Melissa Frederick Susan K. Friesen Ethan and Jordana Gaumond Laurie Graves Chris and Mechell Hansen Adrienne M. Hartmeier ’75 David and DeDee Heinsen George Hillberry and Carla Rodriguez Mathew and Jacquelyn Hunt Stefanie ’90 and Tom Jacquemin Paul and Kimberly Kayfes Kirsten Hollister Keller ’78 Patrick and Rachell Keys Gwang-Soo Kim and Kumhyo Byon Seung Young Kim and Hyo Seon Lee Theodore Kleikamp and Dengli Du Keller and Laura Kuhner Gautam Kumar and Babita Dhayal
20/20 VISION
Richard and Toni Ladd Peter and Suzanne Landoni Jeongwoo Lee and Yunhee Jang Alex and Sophia Liu Carl Marshall and June Thanasophon Jason and Jessica Martin Melissa ’92 and Kevin Martin Curtis and Cheryl Montgomery T. O. Morrow David and Anderozzi Muir Venkitasamy Munusamy and Prabhavathy Jagadeesan Don and Joanne Olson Rajesh and Smitha Pamujula Omkar Parajuli and Shikchya Tanjukar Hyoungjun Park and Heekyoung Han Christopher and Katie Payne Alberto Posada and Trinh Van Chinna Prudvi and Sreedevi Pitta Graeme Queen Vladimir and Natalie Rak Jesse and Sara Sampson Jim and Julie Sherwin John Skinta and Dayna Grajewski Margaret Sonderen Easwar Srinivasan and Aparna Easwar Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen Linh and Van Tran John and Tamie Webber Roberta ’62 and Bruce Weber Jacob ’96 and Kama Werner Brian and Mary Whitney Brian and Stephanie Wilson Jan Wizer Bruce Wolfe Leopoldo and Bella Yau David and RoseAnne Zivich
Foundations and Trusts Margaret Watt Edwards Foundation Robert M. and Cecilia A. Stuckart Fund of the OCF* Businesses Anonymous Applied Materials, Inc. Carbon Black Inc. Cinder Staffing Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc. The Standard Washington Trust Bank
BENEDICTUS ($1,000 - $2,499)
Anonymous (3) Andrew and Lisa Aebi William and Concettina Anctil Richard Andersen Raquel Apodaca, M.D. and Jeff Olson Philip Badowski and Vani Yalapalli Linda Balthazar Carol and Michael Barnes Tony and Barbara Benjamin Jeffery Bielefeld and Corrie Bates Steve and Laura Biggi Robert and Lindsey Birbeck Patricia and Peter Blood Paul and Elizabeth Boileau Frederick Bosco and Jennifer Alphonse Minh Duc Bui and Chieu Pham Suzanne Burns Sharlayne and David Buuck Mary Campbell Daniel Charles Mendoza and Rosa Sanvicente Herrera Seung Choi and Heegyung Bang
Deborah ’89 and Thomas Convery Bret and Martha Cope Nancy Cox Thomas and Beth Cupani Burzin and Perzin Daruwala James and Marian Dolan Brian and Margaret Dooney Sheri Dooney Tim Dunn and Agnieszka Janiewicz David and Lenitra Durham Randall and Tammy Eck Barry and Yvonne Evans Tad and Jennifer Fergusson Steven Filary and Grace Tan Filary Bob and Judy Fisher Elizabeth Franklin Tim and Lisa Gard Van and Dale Gatlin Jamie and Alisa Gaylord Jennifer ’87 and Jeff Gfroerer Debra ’83 and Todd Guthrie Virginia Hall Paul and Meghann Hartley Wayne and Melissa Hathaway Albert and Patricia Havlik Margaret Heineck ’46 Jeffrey Hemphill and Lisa Hansen Michael E. Henningsen, Jr. Rita Henningsen Deanna ’69 and Michael Hochstein Enoch Huang and Roya Mansouri Jason and Trasie Humble Lakshman Inteti Venkata and Usha Christi Jeffrey and Mary Jones Jerry and Mary Jones Susan Jones Nick and Abbie Jordan Pat Roshak Joyaux ’54 Shiv and Supriya Kaushik Atchutapavan and Srilakshmi Kesapragada Daeyeon and Mi Yon Kim Hyung Seok Kim and Jiho Jung Sean and Lori King Gloria McGrath Klupenger John and Jean Krautscheid Dennis Kreutzer Peter Kroepfl and Mary Reisch Anne Lambson Dwight Lawrence and Evelyn Minor-Lawrence Nhan Le Hae Jin and Kyungha Lee Christopher and Genevieve Long
*Oregon Community Foundation Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
Timothy Sukimoto and Maria DaSilva JIn Sun and Wendy Yu Tracy and Leigh Teague Shawn and Megan Thomson Ty and Lynnette Trabosh Lynn Trexler Thuc Truong and Loc Nguyen Stuart and Rachel Tull Sunny and Annabelle Ty Gordon and Carla Ueki Eugene and Susan Vandecoevering Maura Vandehey ’87 Subbarao and Sivagami Vanka William and Lisa Vincent Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Steven Vranizan Leonard and Marylee Vuylsteke Curt Ward and Jennifer Rychlik Benjamin Werner ’02 Scott and Sherri Wilson Yuan-Hsuan and Kai-yuan Wu Mohan and Manisha Yadav Joshin and Kristiina Luiz Hyungjin Ma and Minjung Kim Atul Madhavan and Kamna Jain Andres Maldonado and Andrea Avila Nikhil Mehta and Lynne Gosalia Marc Meylemans and Lynette Wong Peter and Jennifer Miksovsky Theodore Miller and Stephanie Vaughan-Miller Mehdi Mirtorabi and Farah Matin Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Heinz and Cristina Mueller Vishal Nishar and Karnika Jhaveri Jim Osterkamp Dean and Carol Petitt David and Shirley Poppe Divya and Shraddha Pratap Ermel and Christine Quevedo Deborah Bautch Reddy ’69 Joseph and Marti Rinella Ana Ross and Michael Dietrich Laura Rutto Glyn and Danette Scales, Jr. John Scheeland Carl-Johan and Sheila Seger Roger and Beverly Siefkes Bradley and Karina Sigler Kory and Kate Slayton JP and Michelle Spampinato Anthony and Mary Spiering Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Ekan Subramanian and Jayanthi Alphones
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Foundations and Trusts Frank and Vickie Altenhofen Charitable Fund Dwyer Charitable Trust Eton Lane Foundation Estate of Linda L. Spenner Businesses AIG Retirement Services Beaverton Law Group, LLP Bright Funds Columbia Construction Management, Inc. Columbia Sportswear LAM Research Corporation Pacific-Bridge International Trading, LLC Salesforce Tanasbourne Pediatrics, LLC USI Northwest Wells Fargo Bank
Cornerstone Society
The Cornerstone Society recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $500 to $999 between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Anonymous (3) William and Marissa Anders Beth ’69 and Thomas Ardell Antoinette K. Arenz
Deepak and Pallavi Arora Mark and Joyce Auxier Cornelia Bailey Shane and Penni Bangs Eric and Mary Barger Kevin and Milagros Barley Vincent and Lynne Belusko Leo Bottaini Jim and Janice Brady Kathleen Buck Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman Raymond Cheung and Chiung-Yi Huang Sharon Claboe Matthew Clark ’96 John Cowles and Mary Ulmer Dorothy Davy Vijay and Anshu Dhingra William and Rebecca Dickson Lucille Dungan ’71 John and Julie Dwyer James and Anne Eynard Kathy Ferrer Paul Fischer and Karen Kustritz David and Victoria Foord Dale and Kate French Gabriel and Shailah Frias Dale and Kristin Goodno Amy Grant Qilin Gu and Xiaoyu Fan Joanne Hansen Patricia Heino ’59 Stephen and Kathryn Himes Alan and Julee Howard Makarem Hussein and Nermine Ramadan Susan Ingram Catherine and Alan Johnson Linda Keizer Joseph and Deborah Kirk Brian Knight and Soyoung Park Andy and Barbara Kyler David and Karen Law Jan ’74 and Rorie Leone Mark and Jessica Lipscomb Kurt and Sonia Lulay Joel and Sue Magenheimer Dan and Kathleen Mallea Patricia Marco John Matcovich and Jennifer Young Bracken and Marcy McKey Lila Mechling Dennis and Melissa Meier Patricia Meiwes Thomas and Melinda Melillo Thomas and Sheila Micka
20/20 VISION
Keerthi Mitra and Archana Srikant Mary Ann Myers Dao and Ann Nguyen Vince and Kristen Nguyen Patrick and Alayna Nicholes Elizabeth Noyes Thomas V. Orazio and Rhonda Loprinzi Orazio Krzysztof Ostrowski and Anna Kolinska Thomas and Jane Ott Amod and Leena Patankar Andrei and Natalia Pavlov Kenneth and Jeanne Prier German Quesada and Alejandra Gonzalez Sid Ramachandran and Tulasi Siddhartha Mark and Melissa Rawlinson Jorge Reyes and Noemi Miranda Lynn Ristig and Craig Shrontz David Robathan Paul and Linda Roshak Stephen and Elizabeth Rouffy James and Christine Russell Claude and Cynthia Schmitt Sheryl ’86 and Kurt Schultheis Sujoy Sen and Sulakshana Nath Debora ’77 and Gordon Sepich Julie ’84 and Tim Sheerin Ravindra and Amrita Sehgal Singh Krishnakanth and Vani Sistla Richard and Susan Skayhan Frank So ’97 Daniel Sobieski and Shashi Vyas Kyong Sik Song Colleen Spiering David and Laureen Stein Barbara Tabler Ross Taylor Marie ’84 and Siegfried Thoma Louise ’81 and Anthony Thomas Patrick and Sarah Thomas Deborah Thundercloud Dina Trachta Nghia Tran and Minh Vo Margaret Mary Van Hoomissen Benjamin and Mindy Van Vleet Allan Vanderzanden Diane VanderZanden ’57 Janice Wilson K.L. and Lauren Wombacher Junan Zhang and Junwen Wu Stephen Zimmer Eveyln Zurfluh
Foundations and Trusts Daniel J. Potter Memorial Foundation Businesses 503 Sign Works Columbia Bank Consonus Healthcare Fund Evaluation Group Metro West Oregon Health & Science University Pegg, Paxson & Springer Funeral Chapel - Dignity Memorial PGE Phillips Orthodontics Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Tripwire, Inc
Foundresses’ Circle
The Foundresses’ Circle recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts of $100 to $499 between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Anonymous (15) Agnes Abel ’70 Bob and Chris Adelman Darnell Adgers Marty Agostinelli and Deanna Hotchkiss Agostinelli Agnes Romanaggi Albert ’81 and Steven Albert Patrick and Molly Amano Frank and Susan Amato Jean Amaya Regina Anctil and Michael Borneman Edward and Carol Andersen Jennifer Anderson and Alexander Rice Michael and Andrea Anderson Mary Augustyn Cliff and Catherine Baca Jason and Laura Baca Tom and Marcia Baertlein Dorothy Baker Troy Banker ’03 Dick and Debbie Barsotti Ike and Kathy Bay Sara Behrman and Francis Rosica Joseph and Marsha BeLusko Tom and Jennifer Belusko Margaret Peters ’69 and William Bergreen Rice and Linda Berkshire Malia ’97 and Christopher Bernards
Achintya and Binata Bhattacharyya John and Kathleen Birrell Jim and Kathryn Bishop Sabrina and David Blue Roger and Jennifer Bly Dorothy Bochsler Jerry and Lois Boogaard Marlene Botteri Mariti Bradley Boyden and Marie Del Toro Thomas Brady Yvonne ’55 and Vernon Braun Patty ’65 and Lee Brinson Betty Brouillette Jason and Brenna Brown Patricia ’50 and Richard Burling Lamberto and Leona Calderon Lee and Michaela Cannard Nanyu and Mingming Cao Gregory Carrick and Bernadette McCullen-Carrick James and Carol Carter Pani and Subha Chakrapani Vernon and Lois Chartier Jefferson and Jeanne Chen Raghu Chilkunda and Latha Raghu Mugurel and Mihaela Ciupei Anne Clinton Jacqueline ’60 and Robert Coats John and Terri Cook Joann ’54 and Leonard Cooper Katherine ’06 and Cory Coussens Grace Cox John and Virginia Cross Loretta Cukale and Leonard Matz
Annual Report 2019–2020
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Rev. Vincent L. Cunniff Darien Curl Walter Davey Elke De La Cruz Laura Dean Randy and Cynthia DeBortoli Richard DeMartini Florence Di Benedetto Arthur and Sandra Diederich Mary Dieringer Richard Ditter Philip and Catherine Dolan Madonna Doocy Julie and Timothy Doran Michael and Heather Droessler Rohit Joseph and Cenita D’Souza Lisa Duffee J. Dugan Rupp Richard and Janet Duggan Rev. Robert Dunbar Jay and Louise Dunlap Dian ’71 and William Duyck Jamey and Shannon Eisenhardt Jeffrey and Melinda Fagnan Julie Fahey ’91 Donald and Mariann Feldmann Paul Feltz Patrick Ferguson Melvin and Marie Finegan Caroline and Bill Fogarty Derek and Joan Foster Estelle Fox Dr. Kelly Fox ’86 George Galati Richard Gallehr Michael and Michelle Garcia Robert and Deborah Gates Damon and Heather Gentry Parag Ghosh and Sudeshna Pal Bruce and Claire Gilbert Blane and Susan Gillespie Donna Gilroy Earl and Arlene Goetze Bradley and Deborah Golik Clark Goodman Christine ’95 and Mike Goodner Mark Gordon and Anne Zweibel Prasanna and Kavitha Gowda Debra Grabler Long Duc Ha and Hien Nguyen Jill ’96 and Joshua Habrich Joyce Ham Mary ’63 and Lawrence Hansen Ali Battles Hardy ’74 Ravindra Harish and Rashmi Raganatha
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Karen Harris ’96 Richard and Amy Harris Milagros Harshbarger Tracy and Kurt Havnaer Claudia Heacock Allen and Ida Hecker MaryPat ’77 and Steven Hedberg Philip and Belinda Hedrick Damien Hendricks and Amy Troy Al and Maxine Hertel Steve and Linda Hickok Maurice and Margaret Hillyer Gail Hjorth Beckie Hocker and Jim Hashimoto Michelle Hofmann ’69 Eric and Ann Holstrom Mary Lause ’63 and James Hornbuckle Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Joyce Howard and Alan Caruso Carol ’83 and Timothy Howarth Erika ’91 and Brian Howerton Amanda Hudson Eamonn and Kathy Hughes Michael and Victoria Hurley Sherrie ’58 and Jerry Hurst Kevin and Deanna Hyland Steve and Jean Isaak Jana Iwasaki ’98 and Brett Waner Thomas Jacob and Archana Thomas Donna Jerome ’65 Rajvir and Ameet Jhooty Eric and Cherilyn Johnson Madeleine Johnson Kirk and Kathy Johnson Michael Johnson Rebecca and Stephen Johnson David and Marlys Jones
Donald and Joyce Karaman Jonathan and Margaret Kau Kristin Kelley Joyce ’54 and Gerry Kelly Edward and Kathy Kemper Jim Kerber Sarah Kermoyan Barbara Kerr Matthew and Heather Kibbe Cheol Kim and So Youn Nam Noel and Danielle Kinder Timothy and Kellie King Ali Etemad and Marianne Klaas Mark and Sara Klaas Sonja ’62 and David Klapperich Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Klupenger Rev. Frank Knusel Elizabeth Knutsen Judith Knutson Christopher and Sheila Kodadek Frances Koehnke William Kolzow David Lane and Akiko Kondo Israel and Melissa Laureles Michael and Linda Lawyer David and Deirdre Layzell Quang Le and Nguyen Ho Myoung Lee Yau Leong and Amelia Choong Frank and Joanne Lesage Jeff Link Shannon ’85 and Julian Lis Ginhann and Rueychin Liu David and Katherine Lomartire Joseph and Marielle Louie Gregory and Kelli Lutje Shannon Lynch and Cameron Williams
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Scott and Trish MacKinnon Carolyn MacNaughton Kim Maher and David Wiltz Rajendran Manickavachakam and Jagadeswari Rajaram Toni Mapston Frigerio Marlene Mariti ’57 Eric Matcovich Skip and Dorothy McBratney David and Cheryl McBride Liz ’11 and Nick ’11 McDevitt Marilyn McDonald Mary Ann McGuire-Hickey Michael and Monagene McLain Carol and Kevin McMenamin Paula ’66 and Michael McVay Robert and Linda Meagher Monty Mechling Michael and Catherine Merz Leslie Meyer Christopher and Nancy Miller Paul and Emelda Minweh James Moellman Joseph Molinari Joseph Monihan John and Cindy Monroe Leona ’67 and Donald Moore Susan Morris Isabella Morse Monsignor Gregory Moys William Muller Judy Murphy Tara ’96 and Mark Narkon Catherine Natale Ray and Sally Nelke Hao Van and Tam Thi Nguyen Hung and Angela Nguyen Lori Norstrom Thomas and Teresa Nosack Janis Nussbaumer ’66 Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson Elizabeth A. Olson Steven and Payal Paes Sr. Marcella Parrish ’55, SSMO Prahalad Parthangal and Ghayathri Garudapuram Anton and Rosemary Pausz Agustin and Catherine Pecache Betty Pendarvis Raymond and Becki Perryman Marijan Persun and Jenny Zhao Tri and Voc Pham Herbert Plep Gary and Linda Pope Sandra Popham
Katherine and David Porter Shannon and Sarah Poulin Mark and Kimberly Pranger Joan Berry Pratt ’60 Paul and Deirdre Pribula Steven and Linda Price Kristine ’69 and Barry Prime Joanne Profitt Marilyn Pulk Ralph and Diane Puncochar Jeffery and Joyce Purdy Aristotle and Kathy Quintos Marko and Jennifer Radosavljevic Meghan ’98 and Shane Randall Frank and Kathleen Randolph Vikas and Sangeetha Rao Barbara ’69 and Robert Rappleyea Christine ’64 and Lewis Ray Brian and Jennifer Reed David Rianda Loren and Penny Rickerl Carla Roberti-Adler Chris and Rosalind Rockweit Susan Rogers Richard and Janice Romano Greg and Megan Rouse Mario Roxas and Paola Peirano Clement and Lan Ruef Ari Sabet and Nooshin Rahimi Kay ’69 and Michael Sabin David and Mary Saunders Anita Schacher Andrew and Heidi Schaer Dolores M. Schantin James Scheidt and Sally Bowen John and Kathleen Schmitz James and Marcia Schonlau
Stan and Joan Schook Pat and Roberta Schreck Sandra Evers Scott ’69 Sooyim Seok and Jennifer Yoon Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon ’57 and Raymond Shannon Linda Shea Roger Sherman Terry ’73 and Jeff Shrum Robert and Helen Sinclair Delia Slattery and Liam McMahon Gary and Denise Smigaj Brian Smith Bill and Liz Smith George E. Smith Laura ’84 and Thomas Smith Ronald Smith Joel and Kristina Sobotka Camile Sopko Brian and Monica Spangler Carol Ann Spiering ’60 Naresh Srinivsan and Sheetal Dayal Anthony and Gale Stacchi Barb ’67 and Henry Stadelman Lyle and Alice Stadelman Sue Stassens ’64 David and Sharon Stecher Teresa ’75 and Tim Stempel Barbara ’58 and Richard Stevenson Richard and Cynthia Stewart Katherine ’00 and Eugene Stokke Randolph and Gwen Stone Karen Stratton Andrine Stricherz Vincent Stricherz Patty Sullivan Andreas Sunardi and Youngkun Park
Annual Report 2019–2020
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Joseph and Heidi Supang Ty and Val Takayama Sukhbinder Takhar and Ravjot Kaur Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 and David Taylor Steven and Suzanne Taylor Bruce and Suzanne Thiel Philip ’00 and Catherine Thiel Ross and Claudia Thomas Gloria Thompson Antonio and Josefina Torres Dominic and Cindy Tortorelli James and Magdalena Tran Ted and Tiffani Trecker Nathaniel D.L. Trobough ’15 RitaMarie and Nathan Trueworthy Paolo Tubito and Samantha Frearson-Tubito Peter and Erika Tuenge Julie Turner Darlene ’59 and Eugene Unser Nicholas Utzinger John Valavi and Sajitha Vadakumacherry David and Anne VanDaam Mike and Holly VanderPloeg Edward and Adriana Venegas Eddie and Ruth Veniegas George Vennes Robert and Blanka Vlasak Craig Vogt Timothy and Carol Wachter
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Rev. Father Philip Waibel Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Florence ’41 and Walter Weber Yvonne Weber ’47 Josh and Karin Weltman Hal Westby Jerry and Doris Wieber Carol N. Williams Mark and Rory Williamson Carol Wills Sandra Wisniewski Edward and Mary Wolf MaryBeth Wolfe Larry and Ester Wong Myron and Tawny Wurzer Kenneth and Patricia Yeager Sue Yockey Robert and Kristine Young Rita ’71 and Hector Zapata Jun Zhu and Na Xu Ruth Zuniga and Andy Soria Judy Zwan ’60 Foundations and Trusts Estate of Mary Alison Graves Tektronix Foundation VALOR Network - VCES PTC Businesses Alliance Insurance Partners, Inc. Amazon Smile Apartments Northwest, LLC BC Group, Inc Beaverton Toyota Cathy Merz Insurance Daimler Trucks North America Dirk Hmura, Eleete Real Estate Education Tour Center Faith Bible Church Lisa K. Vincent Agency Lisa La Centra, Sotheby’s International Realty Medline Industries, Inc. Network For Good New Relic Oregon Health Care Association Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists Patrick Lumber Co. Structured Communications Systems, Inc. The Boeing Company Gift Matching Program US Bank Vames & Wang
This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made gifts up to $99 between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Anonymous (13) Alexander and Fely Abaria Richard and Loni Adams Ka’ohu and Grace Ah Yo Scott Ahrens Scott and Victoria Albertson Brian and Karen Alles Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO William Angel Robert Arellano Bryan and Sharon Baglai Sitaraman Balasubramanian and Akila Subramanian James and Deena Baldino Pradip and Binita Baniya Kim Barovic ’69 Suraj and Keerth Bathija Brett and Sheri Bauer Richard and Julianne Bauer Baasavana Bavidaddi and Trupti Patil Barbara Beaulieu ’52 Catie Becker ’05 Kathleen and Richard Beemer Sr. Ellen Therese Berger, SSMO Annette Bernards Marc and Lenka Bescond Sutirtha Bhattacharya Kristin Bieren Robert and Jennifer Biever Patrick and Teresa Binder Paul Blankenmeister Family Caitlin Blood Meghan Blood ’09 Andrew and Marcia Bomber Marietta Boyer Garcia ’62 Audrey Bradshaw Charlene Brandt Sharon Brazil Leonard Stefan and Carla Brown Larry and Debra Buchholz Frank Bui and Jacqueline Pham Adelaide Burdett Charles and Lynnette Burton Scott and Emily Campbell Dylan and Claudine Campy Martin and Julie Canoy Dennis and Lina Capellan Bruce Carey and Joe Rogers Loauna ’61 and Nicky Cerda Soonwoo Cha and Yekyung Cho
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Sourav Chakravarty and Sujata Chatterji Gordon and Susan Chandonnet Patrick Chapman Robert Chase Deina Chen-Vu Mandar and Shubhangi Chincholkar Asad Choudry and Mahuish Zaman Melvin and Norene Christensen Marlene Christofferson Paul and Christine Cieslak Daniel Cobb ’09 Rae Barsotti Coleman ’56 Ryan and Marie-Gabrielle Conser Amy ’94 and Michael Contreras Toni ’87 Cooper and Andrew Oldham Daniel and Rachel Costa Carol Crnkovich Nadine Cummings Dick and Margaret Daniel Mary ’62 and John Davies Sharon Davis Mathiewos Debessai and Edna Tesfay Gerald E. Delaney Timothy and Elizabeth Dellit Remy J. and Sally Delplanche Carol ’69 and Gary Dick Donald and Patricia Dickey Erin Dingilian Sr. Thuy Doan, SSMO Rick and Patty Dobbs Mark and Mary Donovan Brian Dooney James Miller and Marron Dooney Melissa ’02 and Jacob Doxtator Jordan and Sharon Drake Mike and Amy Dunlap Elaine ’54 and Vernon Duyck
Kalani Efstathiou ’06 and Katie Bamford Efstathiou ’06 Eileen Egol Jeannine ’93 and Danny Eisenbacher Angela ’02 and Owen Elkins Charlie and Cathy Engel Tom and Barbara English Kay Webster Ethen ’79 Dr. Thompson M. Faller, II Marie Farrell Marie Ferderer Kevin Ferguson and Biljana Milkovska Toni Ferguson ’66 James and Julianne Flynn Chris and Tina Franck Patricia Frasco Edward and Barb Fredenburg Mary Fromwiller Elisa Fuentez Madhukar Gaddam and Usha Jetti Victor and Corine Gallegos Shyam Ganta and Rekha Garlapati Eileen Gariepy Audrey Gauthier Joseph and Molly Gauthier Shantinath Ghongadi and Padmajarani Kodachwad Julie Gleason Gail and Barbara Golik Wilfred Gomes and Eunice Lewis Bret and Justine Gorger Carol Graff Krista Gram ’95 Julie Gray Eloise Green Patricia E. Greuel ’56 Shantanu and Jacqueline Gupta Vijayakumar and Pratibha Guttal Michael Haggerty and Jacqueline Hayes Qing Lin Han Girish and Niveditha Handral Mary Ann Hanifan Alaina M. Hardy ’18 Daniel M. Hardy ’17 Pat Hargrave Nico and Darlise Harrison Mike Hart Scott Hartvigsen and Barbara Belk Kathi Harvey M.D. Hasan and Ashrafun Moutoshi Jason and Lisa Hashima Andrew Haugen ’07 Patrick Hayes and Brigitte Blin-Hayes James and Mary Healy Alan and Irene Hendrickson
Dale and Donna Herinckx Carlos and Haydee Herrera Frank and Lynette Hesse Robert and Wendy Heussner Jenifer ’77 and Steven Hiatt Jean Hill-Rutter Jean P. Hittner Son Ho and Linh Nguyen Michael and Amanda Hoffman Shivakumar Hogalagere and Subhashini Manyam Anita Holdridge Linda ’65 and David Holmbo Floyd and Joan Holmes Ron and Annabelle Hoover Hongwen Huang and Shang-Hsin Wei Jiming and Kelly Huang Yuwen Huang and Yihyun Chang Gary and Lynne Hubka Patti Hutterli Dep and Myhanh Huynh Mai Huynh Doug and Monique Ierardi Rod and Sheri Ilg Mark and Nancy Irwin Elie and Trena Jabbour Bruce and Julie Jackson Nancy ’69 and Douglas Jackson Chris Jacobson Anita Jasper Ranil and Roshini Jinadasa David and Mary Jochim Stephen and Melanie Johnson Berniece Jones ’55 Paul and Kathleen Juenemann Michael and Danielle Julier
Annual Report 2019–2020
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James and Claire Kalberer Kishore Kalidindi and Deepthi Vadapalli Brian and Monica Karl Lucille Kaye Anil Kaza and Phani Vadali John and Mary Keith Ron Keogh Gary Keyes and Elaine Lowe Keyes Daniel and Tami Klupenger Sharon Klupenger Akos and Stefanie Kondor Anand and Vinata Koppal David and Heather Koukel Rajeshwaran Krishnamurthy and Vidya Selvamani Anantha Krishnan and Anu Raman Kiran Kumar and Priya Shetty Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO † Lyndsey Lanphere ’97 Michael Lasky and Kristina DiPaola Sr. Barbara Jean Laughlin, SSMO Raymond and Juliet Law Chau and Hoai Le Louie Lee and Helen Tao Kelsey Leonard Adam and Callie Lifsics Leon Lim and Kaelin Teo Wei-Min Ling and Mei-Huei Sung Edward and Victoria Lipp, III Esther Loanzon Bernadette Lombard ’62 Richard and Laura Lorenz Sean M. Lottman Teresa Lowney
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Constance ’59 and Gary Luetkemeyer Frank and Trisha Lux Huy and Lynn Ly Ramon and Anna Macasa Dhanraj Madanu and Arogya Pasala Mirela Mangiurea Dan Geraldine Masters Gloria ’92 and Adam Mathis Christopher and Linda Matto Alicea L. Maurseth ’07 Steve and Cheryl McCurry Scott and Jessina McGregor Chris and Tracy McGuire Murray and Muriel McLachlan Daniel and Shiaoli Mendyke Charles and Kathleen Mengis Steven Metzger Kannan Meyoor and Sripriya Agaram John and Bonny Midby Bob and Kathy Moberg Brent and Andrea Moore Lauren Moore Ricardo and Anna Moreno Jamie Morgan-Stasny and David Stasny Chad and Rachel Morrow Prabakar Murugappan and Subha Singaram Haren and Bharathi Myneni Luis and Rosalba Navarro Ann ’57 and Gary Nees Philip and Rosalie Nelson Philip and Bianca Nerenberg Stephen and Jona Ness Sr. Diana Jean Neumayer, SSMO
Julie Grove Newsome ’10 Sr. Anna Nguyen, SSMO Duc Nguyen and Donalyn Ramones John and Mary Nguyen Khuong Nguyen and Thuy Vu Loc and Megan Nguyen Phuong Nguyen Tam and Oanh Nguyen Tami Nguyen Toan and Thuan Nguyen Tran and Hiep Nguyen Vincent Nguyen and Lily Tran Christine Nieto Terri Ogilvie Jessica Olma Timothy Pacholke and Teresa Rokos Hoyoung Park and Jee Youn Cha Matthew Park and Pei-wen Lin Carol Pausz John Pease and Hui Min Jose and Carmen Perezchica Norman and Roberta Persons Sr. Thanh Pham, SSMO Nantachai and Tharika Phuvasate Anthony Pienovi Andrew and Jenny Ping Eric and Jennifer Pitt Jeanette ’00 and David Plep Carol Post Aaresh and Charlise Powvalla Reen and Karin Presnell James and Marilyn Prince Marc Prophete Scott and Jill Pruitt Hortensia Puentes Susan ’69 and Gary Purdy Madhukar Purumandla and Sandhya Mamindla Marty and Angie Quandt Amy Queen Olivia Quintos ’28 Joyce Quy Carolyn Rainbolt Jagannathan Ramnarayanan and Sandhya Subramanian Zachary Raschke and Stephanie Ellis Theresa ’87 and Francisco Ravelo Margaret Richardson Eric Rickman and Tracy Reeve Rickman Rafael Rivera and Maritza Oliveras-Rivera Ligia Robison Michael Robles Matthew and Melissa Rocha Adriana E. Rodriguez ’98
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Victor Rodriguez and Christine Guenther Brenton and Tonya Rogers Daniel and Rebecca Rohrer Alissa Romano Phillip and Deanna Rosebrook Loyal and Sarah Roth Agus and Caroline Rusli Mark and Fara Sabahi Ashutosh and Garima Sagar Zaheer and Sameeha Sait Alfredo and Rita Sangil Joan Santos Jerald Savariaradimai and Arockia Henishia Jerald Kathleen Schell ’73 Theresa ’68 and David Schierman Robert and Rebecca Schmidt Paul and Terri Schmiesing Anthony and Michele Schmitz Elaine G. Schultz ’61 Matthew and Laura Schultz Nikhil and Malika Sharma Darlene and Rodger Shutter Christy ’97 and Neil Simon Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus Nick and Kim Smith Morgan and Thao Smith William and Mary Sobolewski Jeffrey and Bryn Sopko Kristin Spear Bradley and Sarah Spiering Chandramouli Srinivasan and Ramya Natarajan William Stack and Rebecca Shoemaker Emma Stager ’10 Vasilios and Stefanie Stavrakas Timothy and Valerie Stecher Robert and Lisa Stefanowicz Florin Stezar and Anamaria Sevedean Mary Stirling ’79 Jill Stokeld Anne and Chris Storm Geraldine Stronczek Daniel and Carolyn Sullivan Jason and Stella Tan David and Howcy Taylor Jean Tazo Nassisa-Geda Techane and Eleni Woldeyes Fenardi and Susanny Thenus Vicki Thomas Scarlett Thomson ’28 Gener and Pamela Toledo LeRoy and Judy Tomes
Concepcion Torres Joseph and Kim-Anh Tran MinhHang Tran Alexander Tritchkov and Emilia Gramenova Jeff and Angela Tuck Douglas and Jasmine Utberg Bhaskar Uthanumalliah and Kirthika Balakrishnan Fauna ’69 and Glenn Van Blarcom Emily Van Buren ’08 Beverly VanDomelen Vandecoevering ’71 and Michael Vandecoevering Joan Vandehey Karla VanderZanden ’72 Matthew and Chie VanderZanden Pat VanDomelen Timothy Vasbinder Manuel and Angela Veloso Randall and Mary Frances Vemer Ruby Veniegas ’99 Shyam and Jyoti Venkitesh Laura Villasana Camaron and Tamara Vogt Vincent Vu Stephen and Cindy Vuylsteke Violet Wanner Jay Ward and Chia-In Hsu David and Phyllis Warfield Dean Waters and Jeannie Louie Bob and Christina Weber Jason and April Werts Larry and Mary Wesselman Timothy Wheeler David and Marychar White Nathan and Patty White Danielle Willard Jeffrey Willard Cameron and Kelli Wilson Dexter and Marcia Wilson Judith Winczewski Jeff and Thuy Wittstock Madison Wombacher ’28 Linda ’62 and Thomas Woodson James and Molly Woolf Steven and Molly Wright Eric and Anjali Wynkoop Andy and Vicky Yang David and Heidi Yee Giovanna Zanotto Raffaele and Kim Zuccolo Foundations and Trusts Heindl Survivors Trust
Alumni Giving 40’s
Florence Giddings Weber ’41 Margaret Heineck ’46 Yvonne Bernard Weber ’47
Anonymous (2) Barbara Senko Beaulieu ’52 Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO † Joann Barsotti Cooper ’54 Patricia Roshak Joyaux ’54 Joyce Hoge Kelly ’54 Yvonne Simon Braun ’55 Eleanor Steinkamp Carleton ’55 Berniece Witthar Jones ’55 Sr. Marcella Parrish ’55, SSMO Rae Barsotti Coleman ’56 Patricia Swaggerty Greuel ’56 Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Marlene Botteri Mariti ’57 Ann Herauf Nees ’57 Rosalie Lenhardt Shannon ’57 Diane VanderZanden ’57 Sherrie Goevelinger Hurst ’58 Jackie Briggs Staley ’58 Barbara McEachern Stevenson ’58 Patricia Heino ’59 Constance Carr Luetkemeyer ’59 Darlene Klein Unser ’59
Anonymous (2) Jacqueline McEachern Coats ’60 Joan Berry Pratt ’60 Carol Spiering ’60 Judy Zwan ’60 Loauna Fery Cerda ’61 Elaine Fery Schultz ’61 Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Marietta Rigert Boyer ’62 Mary Petersen Davies ’62 Sonja Farmen Klapperich ’62 Bernadette Verschingel Lombard ’62 Roberta Barsotti Weber ’62 Linda Leppla Woodson ’62 Mary Van Goethem Hansen ’63 Mary Lause Hornbuckle ’63 Christine Briggs Ray ’64 Sue Stassens ’64 Patricia Bryant Brinson ’65 Linda Crunican Holmbo ’65 Donna Pesenti Jerome ’65 Toni Morrow Ferguson ’66
†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2019–2020
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Paula M. Vanderzanden McVay ’66 Janis Marie Nussbaumer ’66 Leona Jones Moore ’67 Barbara Delplanche Stadelman ’67 Betty Jo Kaufmann VanDyke ’67 Theresa Dethloff Schierman ’68 Beth Kellar Ardell ’69 Kim Barovic ’69 Margaret Peters Bergreen ’69 Carole O’Connell Dick ’69 Deanna Gamel Hochstein ’69 Michelle Hofmann ’69 Nancy Hector Jackson ’69 Kris Spies Prime ’69 Susan Spieker Purdy ’69 Barbara Glasgow Rappleyea ’69 Deborah Bautch Reddy ’69 Kay Hering Sabin ’69 Sandra Evers Scott ’69 Fauna Spiering Van Blarcom ’69 Sharlene Schmidlkofer Zollner ’69
Anonymous Agnes Pelster Abel ’70 Lucille Greger Dungan ’71 Dian Kurilo Duyck ’71 Barbara Kreutzer English ’71 Beverly VanDomelen Vandecoevering ’71 Rita Hertel Zapata ’71 Karla VanderZanden ’72 RoseAnne Dionne Zivich ’72 Meg Dever Mertens ’73 Kathleen Schell ’73 Theresa Drake Shrum ’73 Ali Battles Hardy ’74 Carolyn Meiwes Kreitz ’74 Jan Sheerin Leone ’74 Adrienne Hartmeier ’75 Teresa Petitt Stempel ’75 MaryPat Dever Hedberg ’77 Jenifer Vennes Hiatt ’77 Debora Herb Sepich ’77 Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 Kirsten Hollister Keller ’78 Kay Webster Ethen ’79 Mary F. Stirling ’79
Anonymous (2) Agnes Romanaggi Albert ’81 Louise Growney Thomas ’81 Nora Sass Schreck ’82 Debra Calcagno Guthrie ’83 Julie Link Sheerin ’84
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Laura Hamlin Smith ’84 Marie Kroon Thoma ’84 Shannon Boyer Lis ’85 Brenda Wahlberg Van Dyke ’85 Dr. Kelly Fox ’86 Sheryl Rae Schultheis ’86 Toni Cooper ’87 Jennifer Passadore Gfroerer ’87 Theresa Vu Ravelo ’87 Maura Vandehey ’87 Deborah Buckley Convery ’89
Anonymous Stefanie Hanson Jacquemin ’90 Julie Fahey ’91 Erika Fulkerson Howerton ’91 Melissa Root Martin ’92 Gloria Boyer Mathis ’92 Jeannine Haener Eisenbacher ’93 Amy Harris Contreras ’94 Christine Wilson Goodner ’95 Krista Gram ’95 Robert Arellano ’96 Matthew Clark ’96 Jill Hays Habrich ’96 Karen DePorter Harris ’96 Tara Mapston Narkon ’96 Jacob Werner ’96 Malia Hanson Bernards ’97 Lee Cannard ’97 Lyndsey Lanphere ’97 Christy Quevedo Simon ’97 Frank So ’97 Jana Iwasaki ’98 Meghan Curl Randall ’98 Adriana Rodriguez ’98 Ruby Veniegas ’99
Anonymous (3) Jeanette Philbrook Plep ’00 Katherine Quevedo Stokke ’00 Philip Thiel ’00 Melissa Gates Doxtator ’02 Angela Holmes Elkins ’02 Benjamin Werner ’02 Troy Banker ’03 Catie Becker ’05 Katherine Gram Coussens ’06 Kalani Efstathiou’06 and Katie Bamford Efstathiou ’06 Andrew Haugen ’07 Alicea Maurseth ’07 Emily Van Buren ’08
Meghan Blood ’09 Daniel Cobb ’09 Julie Grove Newsome ’10 Emma Stager ’10 Liz Kiefer McDevitt ’11 and Nick McDevitt ’11 Nathaniel D.L. Trobough ’15 Daniel Hardy ’17 Alaina Hardy ’18
Campus Employees Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO Mary Augustyn Kathleen and Richard Beemer Christopher Bernards Kathleen Birrell Patricia Blood Sabrina Blue Marcia Bomber Brenna Brown Lynnette Burton Sharlayne Buuck Julie Canoy Patrick Chapman Sally Delplanche Sr. Thuy Doan, SSMO Melissa Doxtator ’02 Sharon Drake Kalani Efstathiou ’06
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Caroline Fogarty Patricia Frasco Dale French Heather Gentry Jennifer Gfroerer ’87 Dale Goodno Krista Gram ’95 Andrew Haugen ’07 Beckie Hocker Eric Holstrom Doug and Monique Ierardi Ranil and Roshini Jinadasa Kathy Johnson Rebecca Johnson Patricia Joyaux ’54 Sarah Kermoyan Anne Lambson Linda Lawyer Kelsey Leonard Adam Lifsics Sean M. Lottman John Matcovich Liz Kiefer McDevitt ’11 Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Sr. Anna Nguyen, SSMO Carol Pausz Carla Roberti-Adler Joan Santos Kim Smith Joel Sobotka Anne Storm Pat Thomas RitaMarie Trueworthy Sue Yockey
OCF* Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Alumni Challenge
This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made a gift to the Joseph E. Weston Challenge for financial aid between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. As a result of your gifts, $55,000 in matching funds were generously donated for financial aid by Mr. Joseph E. Weston. Anonymous (8) Agnes Pelster Abel ’70 Marty Agostinelli and Deanna Hotchkiss Agostinelli Agnes Romanaggi Albert ’81 and Steven Albert Raquel Apodaca, M.D. and Jeff Olson
Troy Banker ’03 Catie Becker ’05 Steve and Laura Biggi Meghan Blood ’09 Sabrina and David Blue Yvonne ’55 and Vernon Braun Patty ’65 and Lee Brinson Loauna ’61 and Nicky Cerda Matthew Clark ’96 Jacqueline ’60 and Robert Coats Deborah ’89 and Thomas Convery Joann ’54 and Leonard Cooper John Cowles and Mary Ulmer Mark and Angela Crandall Mary ’62 and John Davies Dian ’71 and William Duyck Julie Fahey ’91 Toni Morrow Ferguson ’66 Kathy Ferrer Jan and Claudia Filip Susan Friesen Toni Mapston Frigerio Patricia Swaggerty Greuel ’56 Jill ’96 and Joshua Habrich Chris and Mechell Hansen Mary ’63 and Lawrence Hansen Alaina Hardy ’18 Ali Battles Hardy ’74 Daniel Hardy ’17 Karen Harris ’96 Philip and Belinda Hedrick Patricia Heino ’59 Linda ’65 and David Holmbo Ryan and Sara Hoppes Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Sherrie ’58 and Jerry Hurst Kevin and Deanna Hyland Doug and Monique Ierardi Jana Iwasaki ’98 and Brett Waner Stefanie ’90 and Tom Jacquemin Donna Pesenti Jerome ’65 Berniece Witthar Jones ’55 Pat Roshak Joyaux ’54 Kirsten Hollister Keller ’78 Joyce ’54 and Gerry Kelly Judith Knutson Frances Koehnke Hae Jin and Kyungha Lee Kelsey Leonard Shannon ’85 and Julian Lis Constance ’59 and Gary Luetkemeyer Joel and Sue Magenheimer Marlene Botteri Mariti ’57 Melissa ’92 and Kevin Martin Liz ’11 and Nick ’11 McDevitt
Paula ’66 and Michael McVay Thomas and Melinda Melillo Leona ’67 and Donald Moore T. O. Morrow Tara ’96 and Mark Narkon Julie Grove Newsome ’10 Janis Nussbaumer ’66 Joan Berry Pratt ’60 Ermel and Christine Quevedo Christine ’64 and Lewis Ray Deborah Bautch Reddy ’69 Glyn and Danette Scales, Jr. Kathleen Schell ’73 Theresa ’68 and David Schierman Stan and Joan Schook Debora ’77 and Gordon Sepich Rosalie ’57 and Raymond Shannon Neil and Christy Simon Laura ’84 and Thomas Smith Frank So ’97 Carol Ann Spiering ’60 Colleen Spiering Barb ’67 and Henry Stadelman Emma Stager ’10 Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Sue Stassens ’64 Barbara ’58 and Richard Stevenson Katherine ’00 and Eugene Stokke Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 and David Taylor
*Oregon Community Foundation Annual Report 2019–2020
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Louise ’81 and Anthony Thomas Dina Trachta Nathaniel Trobough ’15 Darlene ’59 and Eugene Unser Emily Van Buren ’08 Margaret Mary Van Hoomissen Maura Vandehey ’87 Diane VanderZanden ’57 Ruby Veniegas ’99 Bob and Christina Weber Benjamin Werner ’02 Jacob ’96 and Kama Werner Linda ’62 and Thomas Woodson RoseAnne ’72 and David Zivich Judy Zwan ’60
This list recognizes the generosity of donors who made a gift to support financial aid for Valley Catholic School students during the paddle raise at the 2020 Valley Catholic Gala. Half of these funds are designated for the financial aid endowment and half are for immediate disbursement. This special appeal raised $128,000. Anonymous Sr. Adele Marie Altenhofen, SSMO Jennifer Anderson and Alexander Rice Raquel Apodaca, M.D. and Jeff Olson Mary Augustyn Mark and Joyce Auxier Rob Baumgartner and Julie Campbell Sr. Ellen Therese Berger, SSMO Patricia and Peter Blood Caitlin Blood Sabrina and David Blue Paul and Elizabeth Boileau Scott and Danielle Braun Clark and Anu Brixey
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Zachary and Katherine Bromert Jason and Brenna Brown Charles and Lynnette Burton Sharlayne and David Buuck Patrick Chapman Raymond Cheung and Chiung-Yi Huang Sharon Claboe Bret and Martha Cope Elke De La Cruz Michael and Diana Desmond Sr. Thuy Doan, SSMO Sheri Dooney Brian P. Dooney Tim Dunn and Agnieszka Janiewicz Bronwen Edwards-Denney Kalani Efstathiou ’06 and Katie Bamford Efstathiou ’06 Angela ’02 and Owen Elkins James and Anne Eynard Dr. Thompson M. Faller, II Tad and Jennifer Fergusson Caroline and Bill Fogarty David and Victoria Foord Dale and Kate French Tim and Lisa Gard Van and Dale Gatlin Jamie and Alisa Gaylord Damon and Heather Gentry Jennifer ’87 and Jeff Gfroerer Greg and Stephanie Gilbert Bryan Gonzalvo and Zella Cherchian Christine ’95 and Mike Goodner Carlin and Paul Gram Eric and Kim Grasberger Stephen and Margarita Gunther Debra ’83 and Todd Guthrie Chris and Mechell Hansen Nico and Darlise Harrison Mike Hart Paul and Meghann Hartley Tracy and Kurt Havnaer David and DeDee Heinsen Jeffrey Hemphill and Lisa Hansen Damien Hendricks and Amy Troy George Hillberry and Carla Rodriguez Stephen and Kathryn Himes Deanna ’69 and Michael and Hochstein Beckie Hocker and Jim Hashimoto Ryan and Sara Hoppes Carol ’83 and Timothy Howarth Enoch Huang and Roya Mansouri Amanda Hudson Eamonn and Kathy Hughes Makarem Hussein and Nermine Ramadan
Steve and Jean Isaak Jana Iwasaki ’98 and Brett Waner Stefanie ’90 and Tom Jacquemin Kirk and Kathy Johnson Jerry and Mary Jones Nick and Abbie Jordan Pat Joyaux ’54 Kristin Kelley Timothy and Kellie King Stephan and Melissa Klopcic Brian Knight and Soyoung Park Keller and Laura Kuhner Sr. Lawdean Lamberger ’52, SSMO † David Lane and Akiko Kondo Sr. Barbara Jean Laughlin, SSMO Michael and Linda Lawyer Jan ’74 and Rorie Leone Adam and Callie Lifsics Mark and Jessica Lipscomb Christopher and Genevieve Long Kurt and Sonia Lulay Shannon Lynch and Cameron Williams Dan and Kathleen Mallea John Matcovich and Jennifer Young Liz ’11 and Nick ’11 McDevitt Frank McKeen and Lois O’Halloran Bracken and Marcy McKey Robert and Linda Meagher Thomas and Melinda Melillo Michael and Catherine Merz Leslie Meyer Peter and Jennifer Miksovsky Theodore Miller and Stephanie Vaughan-Miller Mehdi Mirtorabi and Farah Matin Myron and Julie Moraes David and Anderozzi Muir Jan and Yahong Neirynck Philip and Rosalie Nelson Sr. Diana Jean Neumayer, SSMO Sr. Anna Nguyen, SSMO Vince and Kristen Nguyen Patrick and Alayna Nicholes Colleen and Werner Nistler, Jr Sr. Marcella Parrish ’55, SSMO Carol Pausz Sr. Thanh Pham, SSMO Aaresh and Charlise Powvalla Paul and Deirdre Pribula Vikas and Sangeetha Rao Brian and Jennifer Reed Jorge Reyes and Noemi Miranda Rafael Rivera and Maritza Oliveras-Rivera Ligia Robison
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Orthopedic + Fracture Specialists Pacific-Bridge International Trading, LLC Pegg, Paxson & Springer Funeral Chapel - Dignity Memorial Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon USI Northwest VTM Group
Gifts in Honor
Adriana E. Rodriguez ’98 Mario Roxas and Paola Peirano Glyn and Danette Scales, Jr. Andrew and Heidi Schaer Nora ’82 and Joseph Schreck Sheryl ’86 and Kurt Schultheis Julie ’84 and Tim Sheerin Richard and Susan Skayhan Delia Slattery and Liam McMahon Kory and Kate Slayton Shawn Smith and Kristin Vosberg-Smith Joel and Kristina Sobotka Anthony and Gale Stacchi Anne and Chris Storm Patty Sullivan Siobhan Loughran Taylor ’77 and David Taylor Tracy and Leigh Teague Ross and Claudia Thomas Man Tran and Cecilia Nguyen Alexander Tritchkov and Emilia Gramenova Mike and Holly VanderPloeg William and Lisa Vincent Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Stephen and Cindy Vuylsteke Sr. Rita Watkins ’61, SSMO Roberta ’62 and Bruce Weber Josh and Karin Weltman John and Stacy Williams Brian and Stephanie Wilson Judith Winczewski K.L. and Lauren Wombacher Foundations B.P., Lester and Regina John Foundation Businesses Anonymous
Gala Sponsors Beaverton Law Group, LLP Cinder Staffing Independent Dispatch, Inc. Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc. Christopher and Genevieve Long Maryville Myron and Julie Moraes Jan and Yahong Neirynck Colleen and Werner Nistler Jin Sun and Wendy Yu Tanasbourne Pediatrics, LLC Touchmark Living Centers, Inc. Washington Trust Bank
Whole in One Golf Tournament Sponsors Anonymous AIG Retirement Services Alliance Insurance Partners, Inc. Apartments Northwest, LLC BC Group, Inc Beaverton Toyota Cinder Staffing Columbia Bank Columbia Construction Management, Inc. Consonus Health Full Sail Fund Evaluation Group Independent Dispatch, Inc. Kelsey Gray, John L. Scott Realty Leonard Adams Insurance, Inc Medline Industries, Inc. Metro West Ambulance NW Jeep Oregon Health Care Association
2019 Jubilarians Sr. Ellen Therese Berger, SSMO Sr. Ruth Etzel ’49, SSMO Sr. Ina Marie Nosack ’44, SSMO † Rev. Msgr. Donald Buxman Barbara Kerr John and Jean Krautscheid Joan Santos Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus Sr. Joyce Barsotti ’58, SSMO Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley Dick and Debbie Barsotti Dorothy Bochsler Toni ’87 Cooper and Andrew Oldham Roberta ’62 and Bruce Weber Trinity Baumgartner Anonymous Jordan and Salyna Blue Sabrina and David Blue Julie Buckley Convery ’87 and Debbie Buckley ’89 Dina Trachta Kathy Calcagno Anonymous Patricia and William Carroll Caroline and Bill Fogarty Henry ’30 and Maggie ’33 Carter James and Carol Carter Jeff and Ana Maria Carter Class of 1969 Anonymous Kim Barovic ’69 Kay ’69 and Michael Sabin
†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2019–2020
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Sr. M. John Therese Miller, SSMO Anonymous Randall and Mary Frances Vemer Sr. M. Juliana Monti, SSMO Anonymous Randall and Mary Frances Vemer Samantha Murphy George and Karen Murphy Sr. Anna Nguyen, SSMO Anonymous Sr. Ina Marie Nosack ’44, SSMO † Rev. Frank Knusel
Sr. Michael Francine Duncan, SSMO Anonymous William "Trey" Eberhart Carol N. Williams Jessica Guiducci Ellet ’07 and Christopher Guiducci ’10 Lynn Trexler John Ten Eyck Elizabeth Knutsen Sr. Paula Fox, SSMO Rev. Robert Dunbar Andrine Stricherz Vincent Stricherz Dale, Kate, Will, and Addie French Cornelia Bailey Michelle Garcia Anonymous
HKC Staff Craig Vogt Lila Mechling Benjamin Jacobson Katherine ’06 and Cory Coussens Krista Gram ’95
Sr. Thanh Pham, SSMO Joan Santos Jakob ’16 and Daniel ’20 Pruitt Judith Knutson
Sr. Denise Klaas, SSMO Jim Osterkamp
Sr. Colleen Schmitt, SSMO Jerry and Doris Wieber
Sr. Patricia Marie Landin, SSMO Gloria Thompson
Cory Sepich ’00 and Jena Sepich Schultz ’09 Debora ’77 and Gordon Sepich
Sr. Barbara Jean Laughlin, SSMO Earl and Arlene Goetze Joseph MacMillan Colleen Spiering Maryville Staff Daniel Cobb, ’09 Caroline and Bill Fogarty
Joyce Gilham Elizabeth Franklin
John Matcovich Eric Matcovich
Chuck Hagel Jordan and Sharon Drake
Ann McNeil Catherine Natale
Sr. Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO Toni Ferguson ’66
Phil McQueen Anonymous
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Dean and Carol Petitt Teresa Petitt Stempel ’75 and Tim Stempel
Rebecca Johnson Frederick Bosco and Jennifer Alphonse
Sr. Marianne Giesel ’56, SSMO Toni Ferguson ’66
Sr. Josephine Pelster ’65, SSMO Agnes Pelster Abel ’70
Sisters Who Taught at St. Agatha Donna Gilroy Carmelita Smith ’20 Laura ’84 and Thomas Smith Sr. Angeline Sohler ’43, SSMO Laura Dean Sr. Barbara Rose Sohler ’62, SSMO Darien Curl Julie Turner Sol Soria-Zuniga Ruth Zuniga and Andy Soria Sr. Joan Spiering ’58, RGS Anthony and Mary Spiering
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SSMO and Maryville Staff Ross and Claudia Thomas Teachers Everywhere Patricia and Peter Blood Valley Catholic Teachers and Staff Kilhyun Bang and Tae Young Kim Frank and Kathleen Randolph Ross and Claudia Thomas
Sr. Geraldine Bernards ’47, SSMO Jim and Kathryn Bishop
Sr. M. Aurelia Dietmayer, SSMO Albert and Patricia Havlik
John Biggi, Sr. Steve and Laura Biggi
Betti Dionne David and RoseAnne Zivich
Henry and Ellen Bishop Jim and Kathryn Bishop
Sean Dooney Sean & Sheri Dooney Family Foundation
Joanne Bottaini Leo Bottaini
Doris Drake Terry Drake Shrum ’73 and Jeff Shrum
Louise Merlo Botteri Marlene Botteri Mariti ’57
Mary Fox Dugan J. Dugan Rupp
Sr. Margaret Ellen Bowen, SSMO Deanna ’69 and Michael Hochstein
James Jack Dunlap Jay and Louise Dunlap
Sr. Geraldine Brady, SSMO Jim and Janice Brady
Harriet Elmas Mary Campbell
HM Bud Brazil and Anna Brazil Sharon Brazil Leonard
Shirley Fedr Joyce ’54 and Gerry Kelly
Karen Brown Anonymous
Helen Feltz Paul Feltz
Sr. Mary Andre Campau ’39, SSMO Patrick and Teresa Binder James and Christine Russell
Mary Lou Dyer Ferguson Regina Anctil and Michael Borneman Patrick Ferguson John and Bonny Midby David and Phyllis Warfield
Sr. Alexa Weight, SSMO Nadine Cummings
Ruth Chapman William Muller
Bunny Wold Lisa Duffee
Suk Mun (Linda) Cheung Lori Norstrom
Gifts in Memory
Dorothy Chvatal Julie and Tim Doran
Teresa Bautch Deborah Bautch Reddy ’69
Dorothy Crystal Joyce Quy
Sr. Agnes Beitel ’35, SSMO Jim Kerber
Sr. Rose Dolores Costello, SSMO Anonymous
Irene Belusko Vincent and Lynne Belusko
Margaret Jane Coussens and Elma Niedermeyer Katherine ’06 and Cory Coussens
Sr. Betty Bender ’43, SSMO Ike and Kathy Bay Lola Berkshire Rice and Linda Berkshire
Nicholas Ferrer Kathy Ferrer Isabel Frison Donald and Kathryn Dimeo
Joseph Crnkovich Carol Crnkovich Sr. Consolata DeMartini, SSMO Richard DeMartini
†Deceased at Time of Publication Annual Report 2019–2020
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Edith Olson and Isabelle Hopper Donald and Elizabeth M. Olson Isabelle Hopper Elizabeth A. Olson Antoine Jabbour Elie and Trena Jabbour Sr. Mary Thomas Keogh, SSMO Ron Keogh Connie Kienow Antoinette K. Arenz
Ann and Margaret Galati George Galati George and Louise Gamel Deanna Gamel Hochstein ’69 and Michael Hochstein Olive Growney Louise ’81 and Anthony Thomas Dennis Hays Jill ’96 and Joshua Habrich Thomas and Rosemarie Heitzman Tony and Barbara Benjamin Anna Belle Nees and Joseph Herauf Ann ’57 and Gary Nees Charlie and Agnes Herinckx Edward and Kathy Kemper Sr. Louise Marie Hermsen, SSMO Beth ’69 and Thomas Ardell Marian Herron Edward and Barb Fredenburg Winnefred Hill Jean Hill-Rutter
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Sr. Lawdean Lamberger, SSMO ’52 Anonymous Barbara Beaulieu ’52 Sharon Davis Deanna ’69 and Michael Hochstein John and Jean Krautscheid Anita Schacher Gary and Denise Smigaj Most Rev. John G. Vlazny RoseAnne ’72 and David Zivich Kathleen Lynch Mary Ann McGuire-Hickey
Diane Kinkade Ryan and Michelle Kinkade
Catherine Fenelon MacDonald Marty Agostinelli and Deanna Hotchkiss Agostinelli
Cindy Kirby-Proebstl Deborah Thundercloud
Ann Manion Anonymous
Sr. Barbara Ann Klapperich, SSMO Thomas and Sheila Micka Loren and Penny Rickerl
Darrell Mapston Toni Mapston Frigerio
Sr. Delores Klupenger, SSMO Daniel and Tami Klupenger Sharon Klupenger Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Klupenger Chad and Rachel Morrow Most Rev. John G. Vlazny Phillip Klupenger Gloria McGrath Klupenger Steven and Sally Michaelis Tony and Catherine Klupenger Steven and Sally Michaelis Carolyn A. Kolzow William Kolzow Ruth Krummel John and Kathleen Schmitz Sylvia Kurilo Dian ’71 and William Duyck Elizabeth J. Albright Lalack Patti Hutterli
Sr. Loretto Rasmussen, SSMO Steven Metzger Sr. Clare McCann ’34, SSMO Robert and Rebecca Schmidt Irene McGrath Gloria McGrath Klupenger Steven and Sally Michaelis Mary Anne McFarland Christopher and Sheila Kodadek Betty McKay Michael and Susan McKay Elizabeth Meiwes Patricia Meiwes A. W. and Frances Michaelis Steven and Sally Michaelis Emily Moellman James Moellman Joan Molinari Joseph Molinari Suzanne Montgomery Carol and Kevin McMenamin
20/20 VISION
Darlene Jardee Morrow ’49 T. O. Morrow
Sr. Kateri Petite ’54, SSMO Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley
Shelley Mueller-Blankenmeister Paul Blankenmeister Family
David and Mary Jochim Joyce Ham
Marie Muller William Muller
Robert and Peggy Planansky Carol Graff
Elsie Murphy and Elma Niedermeyer Krista Gram ’95
Celia Plep Herbert Plep
Sr. Ina Marie Nosack ’44, SSMO Dorothy Bochsler Patty ’65 and Lee Brinson Dorothy Davy Laurie Graves John and Jean Krautscheid Bernadette Lombard ’62 Thomas and Teresa Nosack LeRoy and Judy Tomes Most Rev. John G. Vlazny
Olive Plep Jeanette ’00 and David Plep
Sr. Mary Callista O’Connor ’45, SSMO Walter Davey Sr. Noreen Orazio, SSMO Madonna Doocy Loretta Cukale and Leonard Matz Harvey and Eleanor Osborn Susan Ingram Mary Osborn Lila Mechling Monty Mechling Marilyn Pulk Jackie ’58 and Tony Staley
Brigadier V. V. K. Rao Subbarao and Sivagami Vanka Jan Rianda David Rianda Andrew and Dorothy Richard Pat and Roberta Schreck Sam Riley Timothy Vasbinder Kathy Rinella Charlene Brandt Ronald Rogers Susan Rogers Gary Root Melissa Root Martin ’92 and Kevin Martin
Mae Sabel Anonymous Jean P. Hittner Joseph and Juanita Schmidlkofer Frank and Mary Schreck Pat and Roberta Schreck Bryan Schultz Elaine Fery Schultz ’61 Sr. Alberta Schwall, SSMO Anonymous Marlene Christofferson Sharon Claboe Deborah ’89 and Thomas Convery Patricia Heino ’59 John and Jean Krautscheid Joe Shea Linda Shea Ronald Siegrist Gail Hjorth Gary Smigy Teresa Lowney Sr. Clotildis Smith ’23, SSMO Paul and Kathleen Juenemann Allan Vanderzanden James Sonderen Margaret Sonderen Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Spiering Carol Ann Spiering ’60 Leo Stronoczek Geraldine Stronczek Tom Sutherland Anonymous Marie and Jim Swaggerty Patricia Swaggerty Greuel ’56 Sr. Mary Raphael Tavelli ’16, SSMO Dolores M. Schantin Paul and Eline Taylor Ross Taylor Van Tran MinhHang Tran
Annual Report 2019–2020
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Alice Turina Jill Stokeld Brandon Ueki ’01 Gordon and Carla Ueki Bruce and Claire Gilbert Eloise Utzinger Nicholas Utzinger Vincent and Anita Vandecoevering Eugene and Susan Vandecoevering Nick Vandehey Joan Vandehey Sylvia Vandehey John and Virginia Cross Rick and Patty Dobbs Clarence and Mary Claire VanderZanden Karla VanderZanden ’72 Sr. Elizabeth Ann Vanderzanden ’38, SSMO Patricia Meiwes Carolyn ’74 and Jon Kreitz Sr. Ermelinda VanDomelen ’35, SSMO Toni ’87 Cooper and Andrew Oldham Mrs. Juanita Villarreal Anonymous Anthony Vranizan Steven Vranizan
Theresa Wills Carol Wills Arlene Wilson Janice Wilson Sr. Theresa Margaret Yettick ’33, SSMO Jane Kotrik Horning ’57 Marlene Botteri Mariti ’57 Darlene ’59 and Eugene Unser Giustimo Zanotto Giovanna Zanotto Sr. Frances Zenner ’34, SSMO Antoinette K. Arenz
Gift-in-Kind Donors Raquel Apodaca, M.D. and Jeff Olson Joy Black Betty Blais Linda Brixley Debbie Brodie Jerald and Janice Burkhead Sue Burns Patty Burrows Paige Carlin-Heintz Soonwoo Cha and Yekyung Cho Raymond Cheung and Chiung-Yi Huang David Collin Kevin Comstock Sharon Crowland Marco De Longview Kenneth D. Dehen
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
Christen Depweg James Miller and Marron Dooney Teresa and Lawrence Dow Denise Duggan ’13 Craig and Genelle Duyck Mike and Debra Duyck Russ and Annette Evans Cary Evers Joseph and Beverly Evers Jeanne Fast Michael and Michelle Garcia Gail Hanson Sr. Charlene Herinckx ’66, SSMO James and Doris Herinckx Duc Ho Hai Nguyen and Dawn Huynh Julie Huynh Kimi Sue Isenberg Edward and Kathy Kemper James and Marguerite Lopez Mary Manion ’81 Brigitta Martell Michael and Monagene McLain Linda Meagher Patsy Miller Charles and Darlene Moore Hanh Hong Nguyen Robert O’Connor Shaun and Jessica Radecki Shahram Rafahi Dale Ries Don V. Romanaggi Rich and Kathy Sabel Claudia M. Sage Sandra Scott Charles Skopp
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Joel and Kristina Sobotka Robert and Denise Tomasovic Linh and Van Tran RitaMarie and Nathan Trueworthy Jacob Van Brenda ’85 and Joseph Van Dyke Walter and Marjorie Vandehey Norman and Betty Jo VanDyke William and Lisa Vincent Mark and Janet Vinson Camaron and Tamara Vogt Eugene Waibel Lin Wang Brian and Mary Whitney
Nothing Bundt Cake Olea Vineyards Oregon Golf Club Paper Caper Pegg Paxson & Springer Funeral Chapel - Dignity Memorial Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Siltstone Wines Smart Snax The Cheesecake Factory The Grotto Washington Trust Bank
Corporations Binky Patrol Anchor Printworks Beacon Hill WInery Bob Lanphere’s Beaverton Kia Eola Hills Wine Cellars Full Sail Brewing Hearthstone at Murrayhill James Frank Construction Jeb Steger ’99, Maui Jim Company Jesse Estate Vineyards Lisa La Centra, Southeby’s International Realty Northwest Quilters, Inc.
Gala Donors Were Previously Recognized in the Gala Program
Nike, Inc. Patrick Lumber Co. PGE Salesforce Tektronix Foundation The Standard Tripwire, Inc. US Bank
Matching Gift Companies Applied Materials, Inc. The Boeing Company Carbon Black Inc. Chevron Corporation Daimler Trucks North America Intel LAM Research Corporation New Relic
Annual Report 2019–2020
20/20 VISION
Financial Highlights The Year In Review: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 (unaudited)
Total Assets...............................................$10,404,635 Total Endowment....................................$3.200,445 Total Contributions and Subsidies.....$2,495,249 Total Grants to Related Entities..........$2,559,201
Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Foundation
20/20 VISION
Annual Report 2019–2020
4440 SW 148th Avenue Beaverton, OR 97078 ssmofoundation.org