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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 11 – Dec 2013

Packet Traceback Scheme for Detection IP Based Attack R.Narendra 1 , P.V.N.N Durgaprasad



1 Mtech Student in cse department,Gudlavalleru Engineering College,Gudlavalleru,Krishna(dt), Assistant professor in cse department,Gudlavalleru Engineering College,Gudlavalleru,Krishna(dt)

Abstract: IP traceback is amongst the main challenges that face the security of today’s Internet. Many techniques were proposed, including in-band packets alert and outband packets each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Source IP spoofing attacks are critical issues to the Internet. These attacks are considered to be sent from bot infected hosts. There has been active research on IP traceback technologies. However, the traceback from an end victim host to an end spoofing host has never yet been achieved, because of the insufficient traceback probes installed on each routing path. There exists a will need to replace alternative probes in an effort to lessen the installation cost. Recently a great number of technologies of a given detection and prevention have developed, but it is difficult the fact that the IDS distinguishes normal traffic that are caused by the DDoS traffic due to may changes in network features. In existing work a whole new hybrid IP traceback scheme with efficient packet logging reaching to tend to have a fixed storage requirement for each router ( CAIDA’s data set) in packet logging without the need to refresh the logged tracking information and then to achieve zero false positive and false negative rates in attack-path reconstruction. Existing hybrid traceback approach applied on offline CAIDA dataset which isn't suitable to realtime tracing. With this proposed work efficient hybrid approach for single-packet traceback to our best knowledge, our approach will reduces 2/3 of a given overhead in each of storage and how about recording packet paths, and to discover the time overhead for recovering packet paths is also reduced by a calculatable amount.

Keywords –Attack, Traceback,LAN.

I. INTRODUCTION A flooding-based Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a very common way to attack a victim machine by sending a large amount of unwanted traffic. Network level congestion control can throttle peak traffic to protect the network. However, it cannot stop the quality of service (QoS) for legitimate traffic from going down because of attacks. Two features of DDoS attacks hinder the advancement of defense techniques. First, it is hard to distinguish between DDoS attack traffic and normal

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traffic. There is a lack of an effective differentiation mechanism that results in minimal collateral damage for

legitimate traffic. Second, the sources of DDoS attacks are also difficult to find in a distributed environment. Therefore, it is difficult to stop a DDoS attack effectively. The internet rapidly develops on recent times and significantly influences increasingly more industry and business services. When popularity of the broadband, more houses are linked to the web. Therefore, the difficulties of network security are actually. Currently, the primary threats of network security are coming from hacker intrusion, deny of service (DoS), malicious program, spam, malicious code and sniffer since there quite a few weaknesses within the original design of IPv4. The most common weakness is the idea that attackers could send IP spoofing packets and that is he likes to attack. Quite simply, the attackers modify the IP beginning with the true individual to another IP field. If these IPs are randomly generated then it is most more difficult to trace the fundamental cause of attacks from victims. Besides, the cunning attackers won't directly attack the targets. They could construct the botnet first then order them to attack the targets. However, it raises the damage grade of attack and tracing the attacks will be more difficult. The fact is, we are able to morally persuade the attackers or punish them by law after we obtain the way to obtain attacks. The process of searching source is called IP traceback. There are several practices trace attack source with the help of routers. A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is characterized by an explicit attempt by an attacker to avoid legitimate users of a service through the use of the intended resources [1]. While launching their attacks, the attackers usually generate a huge volume of packets introduced to the target systems named victims, causing a network internet traffic congestion problem. Thus the legitimate users will be prevented from getting access to the systems actually being attacked. This paper specializes using an ground breaking marking scheme to defend against DoS attacks. Our company propose a methodology, dependent on a


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 11 – Dec 2013 packet discrepancy technique, to trace DoS attacks, especially glow attacks. Reflector attacks be owned by the category of the extremely serious DoS attacks. Unlike other DoS attacks, the number of attack packets served by the reflector attacker would be amplified persistently, flooding the victim’s network. The attack packets reaching the victim are not direct from the attacker; they will be actually generated by some hosts regarded as reflectors. When such reflectors obtain the envelopes typically reflector attack, they might create persistently more packets with the use of a destination address of the victim. A distance-based rate limit mechanism is used by the traffic control component for dropping attack traffic at the source end. Instead of penalizing each router at the source end equally, the mechanism sets up different rate limits for routers based on how aggressively they are forwarding attack traffic to the victim. Therefore, a history of the drop rate in each router will affect the calculation of rate limit values in this mechanism. The focus of this paper is to present the distributed distancebased DDoS defense framework and the distance-based attack traffic control mechanism to detect and drop the attack traffic effectively.



algorithms to scale back the volume of packets required for path reconstruction that may improve their performance too. ADVANTAGES: With the recent increase e-crime using DoS/DDoS attacks, victims and security authorities need IP traceback mechanism that could trace back the attack to its source. This scheme requires a small number of packets hence it is capable of doing very well in situations of large scale DDoS attacks and in low rate DoS attacks.

DISADVANTAGES: This procedure requires the attack to remain alive while performing traceback.Secondly IP traceback itself causes DoS attack while performing traceback.This method will not handle packets headers of IPV6 but generated extra traffic for traceback. It entails wide range of hard drive storage and hardware changes for packet logging due to which it is not really practically deployable.Unfortunately current proposals for IP traceback mechanism has problems with various drawbacks like need for thousands of packets for performing traceback and the in-ability to handle highly distributed and scaled DDoS attacks.

In [2-3], Y. Kim et al. propose a path signature (PS)based victim-end defense system. The system requires all routers to flip selected bits in the IP identification field for all incoming packets. Based on these marking bits, a unique PS can be generated for all packets from the same location. At the victim end, the defense system separates traffic based on PS of each packet and detects DDoS attacks by monitoring anomalous changes of traffic amount from a PS. Then, a rate limit value will be set up on this traffic. However, it is hard to detect DDoS attacks if PS diversity is much greater than real router diversity of incoming traffic. Moreover, it is possible that a PS has been changed after an attack has been detected. For this situation, collateral damage for the legitimate traffic cannot be avoided.

The overlay-based distributed defense framework [4] detects attacks at victim end. During source finding, the traceback technique SPIE (Source Path Isolation Engine) is used. To control attack traffic at the source end, it combines the history of a flow into rate limit calculation by defining a reputation argument. A spoofing DDoS attack can make the flow-based rate limit algorithm ineffective.

S.Saurabh and SaiRam[1] proposed packet marking and IP traceback mechanism called Linear Packet Marking which needs wide range of packets almost add up to range of hops traversed by the packet. Other IP traceback algorithm requires much high number of packets compared to this algorithm. A lot of them requires packets on the scale of a very large number packets. Yet as this scheme is able to do IP traceback using quite a few packets, it can be highly scalable i.e. it might work for highly DDoS attack involving a very large number attackers distributed across network. Secondly it may well be applied to low rate DoS attacks which could perform attack with very less range of packets. This framework is able to be incorporated by other traceback

DDoS attack occurs by a lot of zombie PCs. Zombie PCs are distributed all over the world. Therefore, when an attack occurs, then the attack traffic is transmitted via backbone network of the target system’s country. So, if backbone network is monitored and analyzed, DDoS attack would be detected earlier than current DDoS prevention systems. It can make damages be minimized and also effective to prevent IP spoofed attack packets. For this, attack detection and prevention system has to offer more than tens of Gbps performance.

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Ninglu and Yulongwang[2] proposed as Tracing the paths of IP packets returning to their origins, known as IP traceback is a crucial step up defending against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks employing IP spoofing.In logbased single-packet IP traceback, the path information is logged at routers. Packets are recorded through routers toward the path toward the destination.

Probabilistic Packet Marking:[3] It can be defined to be the most famous packet identification techniques. In this


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 11 – Dec 2013 particular methods, the packets are marked with the router’s Internet protocol address which actually they traversed or the trail edges from which the packet is being transmitted. Marking the packets when using the router’s address is the very best approach when compared onto the two alternatives provided here, where if a packet dissipates of affected with any attack, the source router address can be fetched and send back to the actual router. Now the router checks the packets and retransmits the packet towards the actual destination. Using this implementation, an accuracy of 95% is possible to actually see the actual attack path. Second approach considered in probabilistic bundle marking is edge marking and here the IP address of two nodes will be needed to mark the packets. This approach definitely is much complicated compared to marking the IP address of a given router, where much state information of a given packet is required inside the former case. There are few techniques to reduce the state detail required in this case plus they are also discussed here. A basic XOR operation can be executed between them nodes which typically make up the edge. In order to react effectively against DDoS attack, all the processes for information gathering, analysis and defense rule generation have to be automated. Furthermore, based on these analysis results attack detection and prevention processes also have to be automated. The IDDI is located in the center of whole network. In this position, lots of information could be gathered, so with the information zombie PCs, C&C servers and agent distribution systems also have to be detected. Beyond current visualization tools, it has to be able to show the network traffic and security status in real-time. IDDI also can give direct information about security environment to administrator. ADVANTAGES: A single-packet traceback approach in accordance to routing path. The main design goal is to conserve the single-packet traceability and, at the same time, reduces the storage overhead and minimizes the total number of routers that must be queried during the traceback process. DISADVANTAGES:

ADVANTAGES: This method greatly reduces the magnitude of the attack traffic and improves the probability of survival regarding a legitimate flow.Quite simple to trace ip source addresss.Very easy to trace router’s path.Simple checksum is made use of instead of hash function calculations which decrease the time and byte consumption of IP header fields.


Doesn’t detect other type of attacks except dos.

Overhead while recording packets in network and make use of layers.

Found medium number of false positive outcomes.

Okada M,Katsuno[4] Y Proposed as , the large collection of packets that considers the autonomous system (AS) level of the world wide web topology distribution is calculated. The attack path tracing time is assumed to remain an index based on the expected wide range of collection packets, and the best marking probability is presumed. For estimating best marking probability, PPM (Probabilistic Packet marking)method uses only Identification field of IP header The strategy is constructed according to the following considerations. a. The tactic fails to influence other communications. b. The method is as efficient as possible. ADVANTAGES:

Bandwidth overhead is amazingly high while tracing the attack origin.It may not trace the attack while it is over i.e attack should remain active until such time as the trace is completed.

Vijayalakshmi M and Mercyshaline[3] proposed as DDoS attacks have been carried out along at the network layer, for instance ICMP flooding, SYN flooding and UDP flooding that happen to be called Network Layer DDoS attacks. The proposed Filtering technique performs filtering close to the way to obtain the attack driven by information filed by the injured individual.

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This is complemented by the proactive traffic shaping mechanism to stop network overload before detection happens in the victim. This method detects flooding network attacks, flooding and non flooding application layer attacks.

Compatible with existing protocols Support for incremental implementation

Allows post packet analysis

Insignificant network traffic overhead

Compatible with existing routers and network infrastructure.


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 11 – Dec 2013 DISADVANTAGES: 

Resource incentive in regards to processing and storage requirements.

Sharing of logging information among several ISPs gets to logistic and legal issues.

Less Suited to distributed denial of Service attacks

Encap. Protocol: 17 Version: 4 Data length.: 1480 Time To Live: 255 IP Source: IP Destination: Header length: 20 Table 1: Some Contents of an IP Info-packet

Algorithm to Packet capture and filtering: Khan z and Akram[5] N proposed being a new IP traceback technique. This great IP traceback technique would work on single packet IP traceback. Single packet IP traceback means it takes just one packet to begin the traceback procedure. Secondly it eliminates needing of basically any marking technique. Proposed work developed a marking technique wherein a 16 bit ID is allocated to each ISP. The moment ISP gets packet from any attached end user it adds its 16 bit ID into the identification field of IP header. Ever since the size of the ISP ID and IP identification field is same so we do not particularly need some other efficient packet marking technique. 16 bits are embedded into 16 bit field.

Algorithm to capture n/w packets


It is easy to implement It has low processing and no bandwidth overhead It is suitable for a variety of attacks [not just (D) DoS It does not have inherent security flaws.


Since every router marks packets probabilistically , some packets will leave the router without being marked

It is too expensive to implement this scheme in terms of memory overhead

One important assumption for PPM to work is that DOS attack traffic will have larger volume than normal traffic. IV PROPOSED ALGORITHMS

Protocol specific fields for IP, for example, include source and destination IP addresses, while for TCP, for example, they include the source and destination ports, see table . Info-packets mainly contain integers and strings. These data types are easier to manipulate and so making the task of packet processing lighter . Protocol: 1P Total length.: 1500

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Step 1: open the interface Step 2: Start capturing packets • for each packet pack a) set filter=‘ TCP or IP’ b) temp[]=capturesetfilter(filter) c) if(temp[]==‘TCP’) d) store pack dest port, seq, src port, syn to DB else e)store identifier(v4.0), dest port, src port, sync to DB. Setp 3: Sort DB according to sequence number in the TCP table. Step 4: Sort the DB according to IP addresses. Step 5: End

Step 1:Get list of all network interfaces and store them in NetworkInterface[] Step 2: Get each Network Interface name and its MAC addresses in the NetworkInterface[] Step 3: Choose NetworkInterface to capture packets in promiscuous mode. (In non-promiscuous mode, when a NIC receives a frame, it normally drops it unless the frame is addressed to that NIC's MAC address or is a broadcast or multicast frame, thus in Promiscuous mode allowing the computer to read frames intended for other machinesor network devices) Step 4: Set no.of Packets to capture. (Infinite -1) Step 5: Print the packets in the console. Step 6: End

The marking scheme is similar to the traditional PPM scheme except that, if a system address selects a packet that already has system address information, it marks the next available packet with its information. By next available packet, we refer to a packet further on in the processing queue of the system address without any marking information. This ensures that previous marking information is not lost by overwriting. Each system address has a boolean variable that we refer to as the system address variable that is false as a default value. On receiving a packet, a system address checks the state of its system address variable and deals with the packet differently depending on that state. If the system address variable is false, it generates a random floating point number w in the range [0; 1]. If


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 11 – Dec 2013 this number is below the marking probability p, then the packet has been selected for marking. Upon random selection, the system address then proceeds to check whether this randomly selected packet has any previous system address information embedded in it. If it does not, then the system address embeds its own identity into the packet and forwards the packet to the next system address. However, if the packet has previous routing information, the system address changes its own system address variable to true, and forwards the packet without changing any of the information in it. If the system address variable is true, every received packet will be inspected for previous system address information. When a packet is found that does not contain any previous system address information, the system address identity is embedded in that packet, and the system address variable is set back to false. The system address increments every packet’s distance field unless that packet was selected for marking. In that situation, the distance field is set to 0. By avoiding overwriting, previous marking information is not lost. By marking the next available packet, the scheme ensures that every system address will have Np marked packets. Hereby N is the total number of packets that pass through the system addresss, and p is the marking probability of the scheme.

PACKET MARKING AND LOGGING ALGORITHM: Input: network packet and system address variable /* system address_variable is a boolean variable with the default value of FALSE */ Output: Marked Network Packets foreach Packet do if (system address variable == TRUE) then if (packet is already marked) then set system address variable to TRUE ; increment distance; end else mark packet; set distance to 0; set system address variable to FALSE; end end else /* system address_variable == FALSE */ select random number w where w 2 [0; 1] if (w _ p) then /* packet was not selected for marking. precommended = 0.04 [5] */ increment distance; end else /* packet has been randomly selected for marking */

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if (packet was marked by earlier system addresss) then set system address variable to TRUE; increment distance; end else /* packet is available for marking */ mark packet; set distance to 0; set system address variable to FALSE; end end end forward packet; end

IP TRACEBACK MECHANISM: Input: network packet /* Attack graph Ga contains just victim node, V initially, */ Output: Constructed Attack Graph path with IP address foreach Packet do increase packet count if (packet contains an edge e in legitimate graph Gl) then append legitimate subgraph Gl(v!e) to attack graph Ga /* Gl(v!e) consists of all nodes and edges from victim V up to edge e */ end if (edge e is NOT contained in attack graph Ga) then Insert edge e to graph Ga if (Ga is a connected graph) then recalculate Termination Number T /* The Termination_Number is recalculated using a subroutine that depends on the state of Ga. */ reset packet count end end if (Ga is a connected graph) and (packet count > T) then return Ga as the attack graph end end


Select the interface


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Capturing packets for analysis

Identify iptrace ips

Enter threshold limit for Traceback

All network information details

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IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:416 mitigation value :0.12 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:260 mitigation value :0.47 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:312 mitigation value :0.39 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:19876 mitigation value :0.943 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:4328 mitigation value :0.903 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:260 mitigation value :0.676 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:312 mitigation value :0.133 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:260 mitigation value :0.582 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:260 mitigation value :0.013 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:624 mitigation value :0.255 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:624 mitigation value :0.379 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:312 mitigation value :0.664 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:520 mitigation value :0.096 IP TRACED Identified on ip / with total length:468 mitigation value :0.795


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V. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE In this paper existing approaches and its drawbacks are identified and analyzed. An advantage of implementation without structural change of the existing network by eliminating the existing IP traceback system's disadvantage of implementation difficulty on internet environment. Also, the high expanding features by using the agent have a potential of being implemented on large size network in the future. In conclusion, the active security system utilizing IP traceback technology could be contributed for safer and better reliable internet environment by effectively protecting the intentional internet hacking.In future realtime iptraceback mechanism is developed and identified within the network.

REFERENCES [1] Saurabh S,SaiRam,A.S Linear and Remainder Packet Marking for fast IP Traceback COSMNET, fourth international journal 2012. [2] NingLu;Yulong wang a novel approach for single packet ip traceback based on routing path parallel and distributed systems 20 international conference 2012. [3] Mercy Shaline and Vijayalakshmi M IP traceback system for network and application layer attacks Recent trends in Information Technology,2012. [4] Okada M, Katsuno Y 32-BIT as number based ip traceback (IMIS)2011 fifth International conference. [5] Khan ,Z.S;Akram N; secure single packet ip traceback mechanism to identify the source (ICITST)2010 [6] Integrated DDoS Attack Defense Infrastructure for Effective Attack Prevention, Yang-Seo Choi, Jin-Tae Oh, Jong-Soo Jang

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