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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 9 – Oct 2013

A Survey On Report Based Secure Payment Scheme For Multihop Wireless Networks S.Maria Sobana Department Of Computer science and Engineering, Fatima Michael College of Engineering and Technology, Madurai ABSTRACT:

Multihop wireless networks (MWNs) composed of two end nodes is carried out through a number of intermediate nodes whose function is to relay information from one point to another, without using any kind of fixed wired infrastructure. Multihop wireless networks utilize multiple wireless nodes to provide coverage to a large area by forwarding and receiving data wirelessly between the nodes. In this paper will describe secure transmission of packets with low communication and processing overhead for multihop wireless networks. Receipt based scheme is used in existing system, packet transmission details are does not updated. So, we do not identified cheater node. During this problem we propose RACE, report based payment scheme will have the accounting center. In this scheme each and every state of secure payment will updated. The Evidences are generated for identifying valid and cheating node. KEYWORDS: Multi-hop wireless networks, Payment scheme, Accounting center, Evidences. 1


Multihop wireless networks are collection of nodes connected together over a wireless medium.In multihop wireless networks there are one or more intermediate nodes along the path that receive and forward packets via wireless links. Multihop wireless networks have several benefits: Compared to networks with single wireless links, multihop wireless networks [1] can extend the coverage of a network and improve connectivity. Moreover, transmission and multiple “short” links might require less transmission power [3] and energy than over “long” links. Moreover, they enable higher data rates resulting in higher throughput and more efficient use of the wireless medium. MWNs avoid wide deployment of cables and can be deployed in a cost efficient way. In case of dense MWNs several paths might become available that can be used to increase robustness of the network. In Fig 1 the base station provides internet access to the network nodes through multihop wireless paths. Multihop wireless networks support the routing mechanism. Routing [4] in MWNs supported by the collaboration of intermediate nodes that retransmit the messages from source to the destination. The 2 PAYMENT SCHEME:

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protocols are very useful discovering and selecting the path to use for the communication. Fig.1. Multihop wireless networks for internet access

Base station Nodes

The existing system use the different types of payment schemes. Receipt based payment scheme have the packet transmission on desired path. Cryptographic operations [9] are systematically applied. In credit based existing system light weight statistical operations are used. These will enhance the payment processing overhead. Due to the above payment processing overhead we propose the RACE. In multihop wireless networks the main motivation is disconnected networks like vehicular [4] and disaster



International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 9 – Oct 2013

adhoc networks. Instead of resorting to floodingbased routing techniques, which lead to significant waste of resources and eventually to bad performance, we present a family of routing algorithms that spray a small , fixed number of copies to a carefully selected number of relays, and intelligently [10] route each copy towards the destination. Realistic analysis and extensive simulations show that the proposed schemes are highly scalable, perform very close to an optical scheme, and, interestingly, outperform all existing practical schemes with respect to both delivery delay and number of transmissions per message delivered. Existing Receipt based payment scheme in multihop wireless networks the nodes submit lightweight payment reports. It stores the undeniable security evidences [11]. The fair reports can be cleared with almost no processing overhead. The cheating reports are used to identify which node act as a cheater. Our scheme can used to reduce the overhead of submitting and processing the payment data. Different thread models are used to develop the existing credit based payment scheme. For example consider the transaction between customer and business person. Customer act as source node and business person act as intermediate nodes. The nodes are act as the low value transactions [10] because once a route is broken a new transaction should reconfigure the route. During these qualities multihop wireless networks need to implement the good payment scheme. 3 PAYMENT SCHEME ISSUES:

The payment scheme for multihop wireless networks has the following major issues and challenges. MEDIUM ACCESS SCHEME

In the medium access scheme some protocols are used to develop the medium for transmitting packets from source to destination. For designing the medium for multihop wireless networks some distributed operations and synchronization mechanisms are used. ROUTING

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Routing to describe the exchanging information. To finding a desired path for secure transmission between source to destination. MULTICASTING

Multihop applications like emergency operations [14] and military communications. In such an environment, nodes from groups to carry out certain task that require point to multi point and multipoint to multipoint voice and data communication. PRICING SCHEME

MWNs employed for special tasks such as military missions, [13] rescue operations, and law enforcement do not require such pricing schemes, whereas the successful commercial deployment of adhoc wireless networks requires billing and pricing. QUALITY OF SERVICE (QoS)

QoS is offered by a service provider or a network to the user. It requires negotiation between the host and the network, resource reservation schemes, priority scheduling, and call admission control. SELF ORGANIZATION

The major activities of multihop wireless network are required to perform for self- organization is neighbor discovery, topology organization, and topology reorganization. SECURITY

The security of MWNs is very important, especially in military applications. Provides broad coverage of the security issues facing MWNs such as mobile adhoc networks, wireless sensor networks [5], wireless mesh networks, and personal area networks. Includes the information of MWNs security, current trends in its research and development, and future expectations in the relevant areas. ENERGY MANAGEMENT

It is defined as the process of managing the sources and consumers of energy in a node or in the network as a whole for enhancing the lifetime of the network.



International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 9 – Oct 2013

Finding routes that result in minimum total energy consumption in the network. Using distributed scheduling schemes to improve battery life. SCALABILITY

Even though the number of nodes in an MWNs does not grow in the same magnitude as today’ s internet, the operation of a large number of nodes in the adhoc mode in not far away. Hybrid [7] [12] architectures that combine the multi hop radio relaying in the presence of infrastructure may improve scalability. 4 COMPARISONS TECHNIQUES




Different types of payment scheme techniques have been developed for multi-hop wireless networks. J. Pan et al. [6] propose secure identity-based ad hoc protocol for mobile devices. The group key will generated for identifying mechanism. Using the key the packets are transmitted from source to destination without false acquisitions. It includes cryptographic protocol design, key servers, user procedures, and other relevant protocols. The major is length of key use, and frequency of replacement. C. Chou et al. [2] propose an efficient anonymous protocol. We have been motivated by a gap between provably and highly- anonymous protocols such as onion routing. Our analysis could be improved in some areas as well. Delays are measured using this mechanism. It does not use the encryption and descryption for hop by hop control. An anonymous P2P communication system is a peer to peer distributed application in which the nodes or participants are anonymous. It is usually achieved by special routing overlay networks that hide the physical location of each node from other participants. G. Marias et al. propose [5] cryptographic and hashing schemes. These schemes although effective, produce significant processing and communication overheads and consume energy. It has some properties. Easy to compute the hash value for given

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message. Infeasible to find two different messages with the same hash. The data to be encoded are often called the message. Cryptographic hash functions have many information security applications, notably in digital signatures, message authentication codes and other forms of authentications. They can also be used in ordinary hash functions, to detect duplicate data or uniquely identify files. N. Salem et al. [7] propose a charging and rewarding scheme to encourage the most fundamental operation, namely packet forwarding. Hybrid models are a combination of peer to peer and client server models. A common hybrid model is to have a central server that helps peers find others. Peer to peer applications act as well as clients, meaning that they can be more vulnerable to remote exploits. Multi hop cellular networks allow the transmission through the base stations. In this system cellular system will relay or reroute calls from the congested cell to an adjacent one that is not congested. It has increased flexibility and reliability in routing and better coverage and connectivity. Integrated cellular adhoc relay is a system that combines conventional cellular technology with adhoc relay station technology. H. Zhu et al. [8] propose SMART system. Delay tolerant networks (DTNs) provide regions where end to end network connectivity is not available. DTN is actually a suite of experimental protocols developed by members of delay and disruption tolerant networking research group as request for comment administrated by internet engineering task force. DTN architectures were designed to provide communications between networks that are characterized by long delays and discontinuous end to end connectivity. It supports different types of connectivity, including scheduled, predicted and opportunistically connected networks. The store and forward approach introduced in DTN is not novel and is widely used in the protocol send mail. Asynchronous messaging enhanced security against unauthorized access and reactive fragmentation these are the features that make DTN an interesting subject to further research.



International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 9 – Oct 2013

Table 1. Comparison of various payment scheme techniques Author J. Pan, L. Cai, X. Shen, and J. Mark

C. Chou, D. Wei, C. Kuo, and K. Naik

G. Marias, P. Georgiadis, D. Flitzaais, and K. Mandalas

N. Salem, L. Buttyan, J. Hubaux, and M. Jakobsson

H. Zhu, X. Lin, R. Lu, Y. Fan, and X. Shen

Title Identity-based secure collaboration in wireless ad hoc networks

An Efficient Anonymous Communication Protocol for peer to peer Applications over mobile ad hoc networks Cooperation enforcement schemes for MANETs: A survey

Node cooperation in hybrid ad hoc networks

SMART: A secure multilayer credit-based incentive scheme for delay-tolerant networks

Merits Easy to perform the route discovery, packet forwarding, and media access mechanism.

To establish multiple anonymous path between communication peers.




2. These schemes, although effective, produce significant processing and consume energy.


To encourage the most fundamental operation, namely packet forwarding. It detect the malicious attacks.


To improve the overall efficiency by exploiting the unique characteristics of delay-tolerant networks.






In this paper we propose, Report based payment (RACE) scheme with low communication and processing overhead for multihop wireless networks. RACE has the four phases. Communication phase contains the communication among each and every node, and it contains the evidences that are to identify valid nodes for transmission. Classifier phase is used to classify which node is fair and which node in cheater. Identifying cheater phase is used to identify cheating node. The account update phase is used to update the each and every payment reports. This will used to identify cheater. RACE has the following advantages. It has low communication overhead. Compared to credit based payment scheme it has shorter payment clearance

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Demerits It is applicable only desired peer networks. In this system has more selfish networks. It does not identify cheater node. Performance delay. Malicious node may reject the incoming packets. Shortest routes are rejected. In this system may occur more attacks. It does not have any scheme for preventing attacks. Selfish or malicious nodes easily violet the process. End to end connectivity is not available.

delay. The cryptographic operations are used to identify cheating reports. The fair reports have light overhead. Compare to receipt based payment scheme it has less processing overhead, and its need the larger storage area. 6 CONCLUSION

We have proposed a report based payment scheme for multi-hop wireless networks. The fair reports can be cleared with almost no cryptographic operations or processing overhead, and evidences are submitted and processed only in case of cheating reports in order to identify the cheating nodes. RACE can significantly reduce the communication and processing overhead comparing to the existing receipt based schemes with acceptable payment clearance delay and evidences storage area.



International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends –Volume 3 Issue 9 – Oct 2013


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ISSN: 2249-2593



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