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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 4 – January 2014

Do Professional Etiquettes in the Period of Globalization is a Needless Virtues ? S.Manimekalai Assistant Professor, Department of English, PSNA College of Engg & Tech,Dindigul. Abstract ‘All is fair in love and war” is a popular adage in English language. In this modern era, one experiences cutthroat competition in all walks of life. It is the end which justifies the means. Men or women; veteran or youth; literate or illiterate; rich or poor; it hardly matters, when an individual is unable to earn handsomely in his/her vocation. This being the kind of attitude prevailing in the society, an individual is not ashamed of employing fair and foul means so as to meet success financially. By and large, we come across Mammon- worshippers everywhere. There is literally no room for human values and ethics in public and private life. To be very specific, we call teaching a profession and not a job. Because, the practioners of this profession are expected to constantly update their knowledge. This is mandatory for them, to be attuned to the latest teaching methodologies. Likewise practioners of Law and Medicine are also called professionals. These professionals are also expected to update their knowledge at all times. In spite of all these positive qualities attached to these professions, we come across these professionals appearing in the front pages of newspapers for negative reasons. These negative reasons include incidents like: Teachers molesting students; Lawyers betraying their clientele; and Doctors collecting exorbitant fee from their patients. All these negative tidings

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make us wonder whether these professions have lost their noble charm. This is a million dollar question which needs detailed examination. We, the paper presenters, propose to approach this issue through various angles in order to come out with an authentic finding. Introduction: Professionalism can be identified only through principles which are expected to be practiced in a profession. All these ideals or principles have some virtues. Virtues define moral excellence of behavior which are very much related to motives, attitudes and emotions responsible for right and wrong conduct or behavior of a person. Chaos and pandemonium are created in this world due to conflicts among human beings. Nations indulge in war with other nations. Political parties involve in petty squabbles rather than fighting on ideologies. Religious fundamentalism is rampant everywhere. Cross border terrorism is a constant menace. Even with in the family there is marital disharmony and estrangement between life partners. Unemployment and poverty are the root causes of social evils like murder, robbery and other crimes. It is very hard to fathom the reason behind all these things In this era of cutthroat competition- Are professional etiquettes needless virtues to be practiced? is a topic to be viewed in a broad perspective. There are so many reasons which


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 4 – January 2014 cause global unrest. For example, a sudden economic affluence of a country like India displeases a hostile neighboring hostile country like Pakistan. In order to pre-empt any such move, Pakistan unleashes an indirect war called CrossBorder Terrorism .This terrorism which comes through infiltration of militants across the border causes utter chaos and breakdown of law and order. Religious fanatics inject poison into the young minds and transform them into anti-social elements. Tolerance, brotherhood, love and affection are kept in abeyance. Individual differences are glaring and because of this each and every family feels the impact of it. The society is thick with robbers, burglars and cheats, as so many are interested in making money through unfair means. Crime rate has gone up Criminals of today are hardened souls who are ready to go to any extreme for want of money .The law abiding poor citizens are made to live under chronic dread. Although there are several reasons for social unrest, one particular reason which proves to be a common phenomenon is the social adjustment. Men and women are offered education so as to make them socially adjustable citizens. In spite of these efforts, social tolerance has become an endangered quality. Sigmund Freud states that no two individual is alike physically, mentally and emotionally. To arrive at one hundred percent concord among individuals is practically impossible like finding gold at the end of rainbow. Two individuals will naturally have diversified opinions. If it is so for two individuals, these differences will be glaring when the number goes up. If each individual in the society starts delivering his/her punch, then the entire society will be at logger heads. Disagreement,

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disgruntlement and disenchantment are the causes for professional values to be discarded. Every individual has a strong opinion and nobody likes he or she being told of things which they do not like... Quite many people are not content with what they have and so they go about trying to bend the world to suit their desires. They manipulate things in such a manner that they want others also to follow suit. In sports and games, one could see a little bit of foul play. Punching, kicking and elbowing are common sights in a soccer match. Pushing, jostling and tripping down the fellow participants are part and parcel of distance running. Why do these competitors employ such unfair means? The reason is quite obvious-This is because of a vaulting ambition to achieve success by all means. Such foul attitude among competitors is a result of our obsession with success. No etiquette is practiced by these sports professionals. To be more specific, Ben Johnson, who was the winner of 100 meters dash at Los Angels Olympics, underwent a horrendous experience of seeing his gold medal being withdrawn as he tested positive in the dope test. His shameful act makes mockery of the epitome of sportsmanship. This is nothing but an obsession to win at any cost. Secondly, we should not force any of our ideas or opinions on others. This will quell all disgruntlement. Thirdly, we have to stop being mammon worshippers. Minimize the evil ambition to amass wealth. To lead a well content life is never achieved through economic prosperity. Finally, it settles down to the question of living comfortably, peacefully and lawfully. For this to happen, we really want this unrest to go away? Do we really want to live together without fighting each other? If you are affirmative, you ought to practice the above three suggested remedies


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International Journal of Computer & Organization Trends – Volume 4 – January 2014 earnestly. If not, this unrest will go on and on and reach the point of no return. The entire human race will become an endangered species due to military aggression, discard of human values and abuse of professional etiquettes.

Competitiveness is felt at various stages of one’s life. Our hardest efforts in education and profession are oars which enable us to have a smooth sail in life. A very high academic performance guarantees lucrative placement.

Professional virtue

Other positive attributes present in an individual takes him to the next level. Our education system has produced generations of people who evaluate a person by the volume of certificates he has. Quite often the academic qualification of an individual brings him an exalted status in the society. On the contrary, an illiterate person is looked down with contempt; despite his good qualities. This is a clear case of vice exhibiting superiority over virtue. Human values and professional etiquettes are made to relegate in darkness.




Professional responsibilities are considered the most basic and comprehensive. They are nothing but being morally responsible as a professional. India enjoys an unenviable status as one of the top ten countries in the world in corruption. Corruption is deep rooted and is quite rampant everywhere. It is the root of all evils and it debases social, economic and political life. Professionals like doctors, engineers, teachers and what not must understand their exalted status in the society and must consider themselves privileged in steering the society to greater levels. Some doctors set a bad example by milking more money from their poor patients. In order to extract more money, they come out with novel ideas and innovative techniques and suggest so many tests which seriously drain the patient’s wallets. some lawyers indulge in corrupt practices and demand exorbitant fee even for petty disputes which can be solved across the table. The world, by and large evaluates a person in terms of money they posses. This wrong tendency prevailing in the society provoke many to join the majority Even some teachers grace the front pages of news papers for notorious reasons. Scandals like teachers molesting the students ...etc .have become a common thing. Many follow ignoble ways in practicing this noble profession.

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What are the remedies? What can be done? First of all, there is a need for tolerance and respect. We have to learn to tolerate and respect other’s opinions and ideas. They are inescapable facts of life. We are all different persons, physically, mentally and emotionally and there is no need to be dogmatic. Instead, my suggestion is to be flexible in life. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1)



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