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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 8 number 4– Feb 2014

An Effective Secure Mechanism for Vehicular Content Distribution in VANET Neeraja R M.E1, M.Jebakumari, M.E 2 1


Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nehru Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.

Associate professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nehru Institute of technology, Coimbatore.

Abstract: Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) facilitate vehicles to communicate with each other and with roadside units (RSUs). Content distribution for vehicular users through roadside Access Points (APs) has become an important requisite to obtain good road safety and driving experience. Cooperative Content Distribution System for Vehicles (CCDSV) operates upon a network of infrastructure APs to collaboratively distribute contents to moving vehicles. In the existing work, proposed a CCDSV that builds cooperative APs into a hybrid structure called the contact map which is based on the vehicular contact patterns observed by APs. The selection process explicitly takes into account the AP’s storage capacity, storage status, inter-APs bandwidth and traffic loads on the backhaul links. Network coding is also applied in CCDSV to enhance the distribution of shared contents. In this work, we introduce a system that takes advantage of the RSUs that are connected to the Internet and providing various types of information to VANET users and a new LMS(Live Multimedia Streaming) scheme using Symbollevel network coding (SLNC) mechanism to secure the system. The experimental result is giving the better result for proposed system comparatively. Keywords: Cooperative Content Distribution, Access Points, Security and Privacy, Symbol-level network coding, Live Multimedia Streaming.



Content distribution to vehicular users via wireless network access is a promising service essential to assist better road safety and enhance driving experience. Though the cellular network is basically accepted because of its omnipresent accessibility, it experiences an explosive growth of subscribers and the demands for multimedia contents seem to go beyond its ability limit. In the mean time, WiFi-based Access Points (APs) have shown their probability in content distribution for vehicles. These APs can be Roadside Units (RSUs) organized deliberately by network service providers and government departments or Hot-spots that are established in roadside shops or buildings and arranged for public access. Despite the fact that these APs are distinguished by short-range coverage they are comparatively cheap and it is possible to have simple deployment and high data access rate.

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A Vehicular Adhoc network is shown in figure 1. The general architecture of WiFi-based vehicular content distribution system is made up of a network of inter connected APs, which are geologically set in positions near the roads, running the tailored protocols for collaboration. The APs can converse with each other via backhaul links to the Internet. Data-origin servers are the content distributers, providing vehicular users with both the shared and also private contents. But such network access schemes face many confronts on the system design for effectual content distribution to vehicles: 1) a single vehicle-AP contact duration is moderately inadequate because of the fast vehicle speed thus restraining the data transfer opportunities; 2) the response latency of remote data-origin server on the Internet can fritter away the valuable contact duration, particularly for the heavily loaded server and congested route; 3) the wireless bandwidth between the AP and vehicles can be limited by the AP’s backhaul path to the server on the Internet. To resolve the above confronts in vehicular content distribution, numerous recent works accepted prefetching method and is extensively useful to computer structural design, CPU design and web accessing, etc. In these methods the requested data is prefetched onto the APs ahead along the driving path of the requesting vehicle that can then download the prefetched data with a high throughput when connection is predictable, without resorting to the remote server or being bottlenecked by the AP’s backhaul link. Such techniques, conversely, necessitate careful design when it is applied onto large-scale and real systems which are addressed in our work. II.


In this section, we present quite a few important issues arising from the design of a prefetching system for vehicular content distribution and investigate the related works and their limitations. The content distribution systems based on prefetching need the mobility prediction component to predict the vehicular trajectory and the APs that will be connected by the vehicle in the



International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 8 number 4– Feb 2014 recent future [1], [2], [3], [4]. Then the system prefetches the requested contents on these APs. Consequently, the prediction accuracy directly affects the system performance, since false prediction would make the vehicle miss the prefetched data. But the accuracy of mobility prediction is difficult to maintain at a high level and varies largely [5], [6], especially under the highly dynamic vehicular environment. Moreover, the intelligent AP selection [7], [8] based on the ever-changing metrics of APs like signal strength, and available wireless bandwidth worsens such prediction accuracy when a vehicle is exposed to multiple surrounding APs. Almost all of the prior works design separately the prefetching component and mobility prediction component, not including the explicit consideration that whether the prefetching component can still work properly at a reasonable level under low-accuracy mobility predictions. However, most of the related works [1], [3], [4], [9] assume unlimited storage resources. The literature [2] is one of the few that take storage limitation into consideration. This system uses a centralized content manager that periodically executes the content distribution algorithm to decide which APs to cache which parts of the requested files while satisfying the storage constraint. The vehicular download process usually continues across multiple APs due to the high vehicular speed and small AP coverage and therefore it is common to the original file especially large multimedia content divide into multiple pieces process and store these pieces along the specific APs ahead [1], [10]. With the objective of effective usage of system resources like storage and backhaul bandwidth of APs, we look forward to that the data pieces stored on APs for one vehicle can incidentally be useful and contribute to the download progress of as many passing vehicles as possible, as a result reducing the cost of additional data fetch. Li et al. [11] proposed a secure and efficient scheme with privacy preservation in which a vehicle needs to acquire a blind signature before it can access the desired services from the near RSU. A service provider (SP) is responsible for verifying the validity of signatures. The ABAKA protocol [12] uses ECC at the RSUs to authenticate requests from multiple vehicles together. ABAKA requires a tamper-proof device to be installed in vehicles and requires SPs to generate session keys that will be used in their connection with vehicles. In [13], an RSU is made to sign and deliver messages to end users on behalf of Certificate Authority (CA). The CA derives a secondary secret key from its private key and securely sends it to the RSU. The receiver verifies a message by checking both the correctness of the key signature and the location of the sender. Bucciol et.al,. carried out a series of experiments using two vehicles under different scenarios, which proved the possibility of video streaming between moving

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vehicles [14]. Maurizio et.al. proposed a real-time video transmission scheme in vehicular networks [15]. This scheme only considers unicast sessions and heavily relies on fast and reliable feedback from receiver side; this is hard to be guaranteed in VANETs. These works mainly showed the possibility of video streaming in VANETs and did not consider more practical issues such as dealing with dynamically changing network density, minimizing bandwidth cost, conforming to standards for wireless access in VANETs, etc., all of which are carefully considered in this paper. SLNC was recently proposed by Katti et.al. [16] to improve unicast throughput in wireless mesh networks. It is motivated from the observation that in lossy wireless links, for an erroneously received packet, because of channel variation during the transmission of a packet, some symbols of the packet are still likely to be received correctly. By performing network coding on the granularity of symbols (usually corresponds to several PHY symbols of a modulation scheme), SLNC can gain benefits from both network coding and symbol-level diversity. Kim et.al. [17] proposed a cooperative transmission scheme based on SLNC to explore its use in the physical layer of multichannel wireless networks (such as WiMAX). In a recent work [18], it is shown that SLNC outperforms PLNC (Packet Level Network Coding) for content distribution in VANETs. In this paper, we study the benefits of SLNC for LMS services in VANETs. Compared with content distribution applications, which only pursues the primary goal of high downloading rate, LMS services need to achieve multiple objectives at the same time, which raise quite different challenges and necessitate a reconsideration of the whole spectrum of design choices. III. WiFi-BASED VEHICULAR CONTENT DISTRIBUTION The proposed CCDSV is a prefetching system built upon cooperative APs for speeding up content distribution to vehicular users and efficiently utilizing the resource of storage and backhaul bandwidth on APs. This CCDSV provides the maximum vehicular download performance which is obtained from the APs while reducing as possible both the data and control traffic introduced into the set of APs. In addition, a special technique in constructing the contact map which is defined as an overlay structure on top of the network of APs and encoding the vehicle-AP contact patterns, in order to accurately predict the future contact APs and feed comprehensive information to the prefetching component is also implemented. A new representativebased prefetching strategy for upgrading the stability of the system performance in the occurrence of varied mobility prediction accuracy and at the same time, controlling the overhead incurred is used. The storage containing the prefetched contents and cached contents which coexist is managed efficiently. Additionally the



International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 8 number 4– Feb 2014 metric, RankSum of the neighboring APs in the contact map for selecting the prefetch contents with the intention of augmenting the information utility under practical network coding is included The detailed descriptions of the techniques are covered in the following sections. A. Contact map Contact map is nothing but a structure on top of the APs network and encodes the observed patterns of vehicleAP contacts. Contact map is used for predicting a vehicle’s potential contact AP(s) to the lead on the route and the respective transition probabilities to them. After predicting the APs and probabilities, we form the building blocks in the algorithm for representative-AP selection. We use a table with three columns, [next ap, previous ap, probability] to represent the local view. We assume a vehicle, V, sequentially contacts three APs, aps, api and apt. Through V’s feedback, api can observe the contact sequence (. . . , aps, api, apt . . .) and then update the corresponding row of its local view table with a 2-tuple (apt, aps): update probability, if there exists a row with (next_ap, previous_ap) = (apt, aps); otherwise, add a new row. The corresponding probability of this row is calculated as Prob(api

apt | aps) =

( (

| →

) )


where N(api apt | aps) is the number of times the tuple (apt, aps) has been observed (initially set to 1 if this tuple is first added) and N(aps api) is the sum of observation numbers of all the rows with previous_ap being aps. The prediction function at an AP (say api) returns a set of potential APs, R(i), to be contacted next and the respective transition probabilities Pi(j) for each apj R(i). For vehicles which can provide the identity of the previous contact AP, say aps, the predicting AP api can directly make the prediction by querying its local view table with the keyword aps to obtain the results list. Otherwise, the prediction function of api will return all the APs in NB+(i) (here R(i) = NB+(i)) with transition probability for each one as Pi(x) = Σ Pi(x/y). Prob(apy



With the aim of giving sufficient time for the APs ahead to complete the prefetching, it is sometimes not enough to consider the prefetching on the next-contact APs alone. B. Representative-based prefetching approach The main goal of the Representative-based AP selection is to optimize the selection of a set of prefetching APs. In other words the system can provide requesting

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vehicles with maximum gain in download performance. In effect, the representative-based approach categorizes the lookahead-APs into an overlay consisting of clusters with representative APs as cluster heads and client APs as cluster members. To quantify the performance gain and loss, we describe the metric vehicular download volume (VDV), i.e. the data volume a vehicle can download from the AP. Then we define D(i, j) as the VDV at APi which fetches data from entity j (either the remote data-origin server or a representative AP) to satisfy the download request. DG (U) measures the gross gain of prefetching based on the selection vector U and do not consider the performance loss due to possible cache replacement. The left items of the plus sign represents the expected gain of VDV (vehicular download volume) when the requesting vehicles contact a representative AP and directly download the data from it. Prefetching for one vehicle can cause the replacement of some contents already prefetched for other vehicles because of the finite storage capacity and thus risk degrading the overall performance in terms of VDV. Accordingly in the following, we describe the storage management algorithm for the prefetched contents and quantify the loss in content replacement for each AP. The storage management algorithm here tries to eject a set of prefetched objects with minimum loss in terms of VDV while facing insufficient storage space.. After that we see how to determine the value for prefetch volume (PV), i.e., the size of the content to be prefetched. The prefetch volume is upper bounded by the vehicle-AP contact capacity (CC) which is the maximum data volume a vehicle in driving can download from an AP during their connection. Now we can formulate the objective of maximizing the overall vehicular download volume into an optimization problem. C. Network Coding Here we deal with the question regarding which parts encoded under network coding, are prefetched onto the selected representative APs. As the encoding is done at piece level for each generation of a file, the APs prefetch data in units of pieces. Arbitrary combination of pieces in network coding makes no piece in the same generation special or essential. The vehicle can recover the original generation as long as enough independent pieces are collected. Consequently, we need not to consider which specific pieces of one generation are prefetched on the APs but only need to determine how many pieces from each generation are prefetched, satisfying the constraint of total prefetch volume. Actually, for the vehicle which triggers the prefetching, the process of content selection is simple: prefetching the pieces that are disjoint with the ones the requesting vehicle has already collected. Two sets of pieces are “disjoint” if they are either independent piece in the same generation or belonging to different generations. Nevertheless, we expect the prefetched data to



International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 8 number 4– Feb 2014 incidentally satisfy the demands of other vehicles passing by later, with the aim of increasing the information utility of each prefetched content and thus save on the system resources. Even if network coding potentially helps in this point, further we need to plan a systematic approach to realize such potential as much as possible. Intuitively, prefetching pieces from the generation with smaller RankSum would result in a lower probability that these prefetched pieces duplicate with other pieces stored in the neighborhood. IV.


In the proposed system, we introduce the secure mechanism in the VANET. This work supports the diverse infrastructure-based commercial services, together with Internet access, real-time traffic management, video streaming, and content distribution. secure system in the VANET . Since several attacks against service-oriented VANETs that attempt to threaten their security have emerged, a secure mechanism is essential. In our system we provide the new security mechanism by including the symbol-level network coding (SLNC) for the distributed live multimedia streaming scheme in VANETs. Compared with traditional packet-level network coding (PLNC), SLNC performs network coding on smaller symbols, which refers to a group of consecutive bits within a packet. SLNC not only enjoys the benefits of NC (network coding), but also gains from exploiting the symbol-level diversity in wireless transmissions. The proposed system is explained as in the following section. A. Secure mechanism A service-oriented vehicular security system allows VANET users to exploit RSUs in obtaining various types of data. This proposed technique allows the users to register once with the RSUs online (through the Internet) before they start connecting to the RSUs from their vehicle. After registration, the RSUs get a master key (Km) from a trusted authority (TA) for the user. The users get their Km the first time they connect to an RSU from their vehicle. A novel algorithm that uses the users’ password from their account to securely transfer their Km to them is used. Km will be used to encrypt the initial packet key, which is assigned to the user at the beginning of each session. The RSUs do not store sensitive data; however each RSU has a secure connection to a database server that stores the RSUs’ private information. Each RSU will have its own database to avoid the outcome of errors. Additionally, each RSU will be monitored by a TA, which, upon detecting a malicious behavior from the RSU, will isolate it from the network by informing other RSUs, which in turn inform vehicles that are connecting to

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them. A secure protocol (such as IP tunneling) is assumed to connect RSUs. Vehicles and RSUs exchange messages using unicast when they are within direct range depending on the network-layer routing protocol. We considered an efficient routing protocol that transfers messages between a vehicle and an RSU (and vice versa) through other vehicles in a reliable manner. Our routing protocol, called ROAMER, outperformed many routing protocols in terms of delivery ratio, delay, and bandwidth consumption. Since vehicles might be occupied by several users, where each user might have his/her own interests, it is superior to consider each user as a distinct member and give him/her a unique account with the RSUs. Therefore, we require users to register with the RSUs at the beginning through the web before they start connecting from their vehicles. The registration is done by the user only once to create an account with the RSUs and to benefit from security measures that exist in Internet protocols. These measures will enable users and RSUs to exchange credentials and keys that will help them start their connection in the VANET in a secure way. V. SYMBOL-LEVEL NETWORK CODING (SLNC) Symbol-level network coding (SLNC) for designing a distributed live multimedia streaming scheme in VANET is used ,since compared with conventional packet-level network coding (PLNC), SLNC performs network coding on smaller symbols, which refers to a group of consecutive bits within a packet. By recovering correctly received symbols from erroneous packets, SLNC diminishes the impact of lossy links and packet collisions. It improves the utility of each transmission and reduces the total number of transmissions. The following LMS services in VANETs are considered several dedicated sources actively broadcast LMS contents with constant streaming rate to vehicles inside an area of interest (AoI), which can either be a segment of highway or an urban area. As an encouraging scenario, a highway with bidirectional traffic is assumed. At the left end of the road, an AP is deployed, which continuously broadcasts LMS contents about its local traffic condition to all the vehicles driving towards it for providing intelligent navigation. Compared with content distribution applications, which only pursue single primary goal of high downloading rate, LMS services need to achieve multiple objectives at the same time. VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We implemented our proposed mechanism in NS2 and evaluated the proposed system by comparing the performance with the existing system. The performance



International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 8 number 4– Feb 2014 of the system is evaluated by using parameters such as downloading rate and backhaul traffic. The following section describes how the proposed system has high performance compared to the existing system. A. Download rate Download rate is defined as the average download throughput (in Kbps) perceived by vehicular users driving across the deployed APs. The graph in figure 2 gives the downloading rate comparison between the existing and proposed system. This graph is plotted with % of active vehicle users in X axis and the download rate (in kpbs) in Y axis. From the graph we observe that the proposed system has high download rate compared to the existing system. Figure 2. Comparison of Backhaul traffic

VII. CONCLUSION In this work, we have answered this question with our proposed privacy-preserving data acquisition and forwarding scheme by introducing a novel and provable cryptographic algorithm for key generation and powerful encryption. Multiple objectives are pursued at the same time which is including short buffering delay, smooth playback, and high source rate. Through the above mechanisms, the benefits of SLNC are fully exploited for better LMS performance in VANET. Our main conclusion in this paper is that symbol-level network coding is a good technique to support bandwidth consuming, delay constrained LMS applications in extreme environments like VAENTs. This coordinated local push mechanism with symbol level network coding, which establishes local and distributed coordination among vehicles to ensure stable and high streaming rates.

Figure 1. Comparison of download rate

B. Backhaul traffic REFERENCES Backhaul traffic is defined as the average data amount per second (in Kbps) flowing into each AP through backhaul link during the simulation. Backhaul traffic introduced by prefetching service is expected to be as low as possible to avoid overloading the APs and the saved bandwidth can be exploited to include more data services. The following graph of figure 3 gives the Backhaul traffic comparison between the existing and proposed system. In this graph, x axis represents active vehicle users (%) and y axis,the Backhaul traffic (kpbs). From the graph we find that the proposed system has low Backhaul traffic compared to the existing system.

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