International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014
Enhanced Secure Intrusion Detection System in Manets P Bharat Kumar1 1
Y. Shabbir Ali 2
D. Arun Kumar Reddy3
P.G Scholar, CSE, Sir Vishveshwariah institute of science and technology, Madanapalle
Assistant Professor,CSE, Sir Vishveshwariah institute of science and technology, Madanapalle
Assistant Professor,CSE, Sir Vishveshwariah institute of science and technology, Madanapalle
Abstract: The flattening towards wireless network from wired network offers has become a worldwide trend in the past few decades. The versatility as well as scalability brought by wireless network created it possible in countless applications. Involving all of the contemporary wireless networks, mobile Ad hoc NETwork is one of the most essential and unique applications. On the contrary to ordinary network architecture, MANET does not need a fixed network infrastructure; every single node works as both a sender and a receiver. Nodes communicate directly with each other when they are both within the same communication range. Otherwise, they depend on their neighbors to exchange messages. The self-configuring ability of nodes in MANET has made it popular among critical objective applications like military use or emergency recovery. However, the public medium and wide distribution of nodes make MANET susceptible to malicious attackers. In this case, it is vital to build an efficient intrusiondetection mechanisms to protect MANET from attacks. With the enhancements to the technology and cut in hardware costs. We are witness to a current trend of widening MANETs into industrial applications. To adapt towards these trend, we strongly believe that it is required to address its potential security issues. In this paper, we propose and implement a new intrusion detection system named enhanced adaptive ACKnowledgement(EAACK) particularly designed for MANETs. Compared to modern approaches, EAACK demonstrates higher malicious behavior detection rates in certain conditions while does not immensely affect the network performance.
Index terms: Digital signature, digital signature algorithm(DSA), Enhanced Adaptive ACKnowledgement (AACK), (EAACK), Mobile Adhoc NETwork(MANET).
1. INTRODUCTION Due to their natural mobility and scalability, wireless networks are always preferred since the first day of their invention. Owing to the improved technology and reduced costs, wireless networks have gained much more preferences over wired networks in the past few decades. A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-organizing and self configuring multihop wireless network, where the network structure changes dynamically due to member mobility. Ad hoc wireless network are self creating and self organizing and self administrating. The nodes are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. MANETS are used in many contexts such as in mobile social networks, emergency deployment, intelligent transportation systems etc. Nodes in a MANET freely move around while communicating with each other. These networks may perform in the presence of nodes with a selfish behavior particularly when operating under energy constraints. In the transmission of the packets these selfish node will typically not cooperate, seriously affect the network
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performance. Selfish nodes are the nodes participating in the network which are hesitated to forward the packets in order to save the resources under the energy constraints. Nodes which all are less frequent may also fail to cooperate either intentionally (a malicious behavior) or due to faulty software or hardware. Watchdogs are well known mechanism to detect the threats and attacks from the misbehaved and selfish nodes in the networks. Watchdog systems overhear traffic and perform analysis using data collected to decide the grade of misbehavior that neighbor node presents. Watchdogs are the mechanism which is appropriate to detect these situations .To makes the decision regarding the neighboring nodes whether they are cooperating or not, watchdog systems overhear wireless traffic and analyze. Several works have done the impact of the selfishness of the nodes on MANETs proposing different detection mechanisms [2][3]. This improves the accuracy of the detection and will also reduce the overall time detection. In this way we can increase the network performance. Routing is to find and maintain routes
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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 between nodes in a dynamic topology with possibly uni-directional links, using minimum resources. Minimal configuration and quick deployment make MANET ready to be used in emergency circumstances where an infrastructure is unavailable or unfeasible to install in scenarios like natural or human-induced disasters, military conflicts and medical emergency situations [19], [30]. Related work 1. IDS in MANETs: As discussed before, due to the limitations of most MANET routing protocols, nodes in MANETs assume that other nodes always cooperate wwith each other to relay data. This assumption leaves the attackers with the opportunities to achieve significant impact on the network with just one or two compromised nodes. To address this problem, an IDS should be added to enhance the security level of MANETs. If MANET can detect the attackers as soon as they enter the network, we will be able t ocompletely eliminate the potential damages caused by compromised nodes at the first time. IDSs usually act as the second layer in MANETs, and they are a great complement to existing proactive approaches [27]. Anantvalee and Wu [4] presented a very thorough survey on contemporary IDSs in MANETs. In this section, we mainly describe three existing approaches namely, I. Watchdog[17] II. TWOACK[15] and III AdaptiveACKnowledgement(AACK) [25]. I Watchdog: Marti et al.[17] proposed a scheme named The watchdog [6] method allows detecting misbehaving nodes. When a node forwards a packet, the watchdog set in the node ensures that the next node in the path also forwards the packet. The watchdog does this by listening to all nodes within transmission range promiscuously. If the next node does not forward the packet then it is tagged as misbehaved. A match confirms that the packet has been successfully forwarded, causing the neighbor’s trustworthiness to be increased. Watchdog serves as IDS for MANETs. If a packet is not forwarded within a timeout period, then a failure tally for the node responsible for forwarding the packet is incremented. If this tally exceeds a predetermined threshold, then the node is termed as malicious. Due to the effectiveness of the watchdog and its relative easy implementation, several proposals use it as the basis of their IDS solutions. Therefore, we can find in the literature several approaches that are watchdog-based. In the Path rater approach [7], each node uses the information provided by watchdogs to rate neighbors. The Route guard mechanism [8] combines the watchdog and Path rater solutions to classify each neighbor node as Fresh, Member,
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Unstable, Suspect or Malicious. As can be seen, watchdogs are at the core of the most important types of IDS solutions for adhoc networks. The main advantage of the watchdog is to offer a node the possibility of detecting an attacker only using local information, thus avoiding that a malicious node affects the decisions made by the mechanism. Many MANET IDSs are either based on or developed as an improvement to the watchdog scheme [15], [20], [21], [25]. Nevertheless, as pointed out by Marti et al.[17], the watchdog scheme fails to detect malicious misbehaviors with the presence of the following : 1. Ambiguous collisions 2. Receiver collisions 3. Limited transmission power 4. False misbehavior report 5. Collusion and 6. Partial dropping. II TWOACK: with respect to the six weaknesses of the watchdog scheme, many researchers proposed new approaches to solve these issues. TWOACK proposed by LIU et al. [16] is one of the most important approaches among them. Aiming to resolve the receiver collision and limited transmission power problems of watchdog, TWOACK detects misbehaving links by acknowledging every data packet transmitted over every three consecutive nodes along the path from the source to destination. Upon retrieval of a packet, each node along the route is required to send back an acknowledgement packet to the node that is two hops away from it down the route. TWOACK is required to work on routing protocols such as Dynamic source routing[11]. The working process of TWOACK is shown in Fig 1: Node A first forwards packet 1 to node B, and then node B forwards packet 1 to node C.
When node C receives packet 1, as it is two hops away from node A, node C is obliged to generate a TWOACK packet, which contains reverse route from node A to node C, and sends it back to node A. the retrieval of this TWOACK packet at node A indicates that the transmission of packet 1 from node A to node C s successful. Otherwise, if this TWOACK packet
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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 is not received in a predefined time period, both nodes B and C are reported malicious. The same process applies to every three consecutive nodes along the rest of the route. The TWOACK scheme successfully solves the receiver collision and limited transmission power problems posed by watchdog. However, the acknowledgement process required in every packet transmission process added a significant amount of unwanted network overhead. Due to the limited battery power nature of MANETs, such redundant transmission process can easily degrade the life span of the entire network. However, many research studies are working in energy harvesting to deal with this problem [25], [28], [29]. III AACK: Based on TWOACK sheltami et al. [25] proposed a new scheme called AACK similar to TWOACK, AACK is an acknowledgement based network layer scheme which can be considered as a combination of a scheme called TACK(identical to TWOACK) and an end-to-end acknowledgement scheme called ACKnowledge(ACK). Compared to TWOACK, AACK significantly reduced network overhead while still capable of maintaining or even surpassing the same network throughput. The end-toend acknowledgement scheme in ACK is shown in Fig 2. In the ACK scheme shown in Fig. 2, the source node S sends out packet 1 without any overhead except 2b of flag indicating the packet type. All the intermediate nodes simply forward this packet. When the destination node D receives packet 1, it is required to send back an ACk acknowledgement packet to the source node S along the reverse order of the same route. Within a predefined time period, if the source node S receives this ACK acknowledgement packet, then the packet transmission from node S to node D is successful. Otherwise, the source node S will switch to TACK scheme by sending out a TACK packet. The concept of adopting a hybrid scheme in AACK greatly reduces the network overhead, but both TWOACK and AACK still suffer from the problem that they fail to detect malicious nodes with presence of false misbehavior report and forged acknowledgement packets. In fact, many of the existing IDSs in MANETs adopt an acknowledgement based scheme, including TWOACK and AACK. The functions of such detection schemes all largely depend on the acknowledgement packets. Hence, it is crucial to guarantee that the acknowledgement packets are valid and authentic. To address this concern, we adopt a digital signature in our proposed scheme named enhanced AACK(EAACK).
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Digital Signature Algorithm
The Digital signature algorithm(DSA) has been suggested and standardized by the national institute of standards and technology(NIST) of the U.S[5],[17]. It is an efficient variant of the ElGammal signature scheme[3]. The ElGammal signature scheme has several drawbacks which the DSA repairs. Given todays security standards, an ElGammal Signatue is of bit length atleast 2048. A DSA signature is of bit length 320. Signature verification in the ElGammal signature requires three modular exponentiations with exponents of bit length atleast 1024. Signature verification in the DSA requires only two modular exponentiations with exponents of bit length 160. The idea for the reduction of the exponent size is taken a signature scheme of schnorr[12] which is patented. There is a discussion whether the schnorr patent covers the DSA. 2.1.1 key generation: A prime number q is chosen with 2159<q<2160. That prime number q has bit length 160. A prime number p is chosen with the following properties: 2511+64j<p<2512+64j for some j€{0,1…..8}. The prime number q, which was chosen first, divides p-1. The bit length of p is between 512 and 1024. It is multiple of 64. Therefore the binary expansion of p can be written sequence of 8 to 16 bitstrings of length 64. The condition q|(p-1) implies that the group(Ƶ/pƵ)* contains q-1 elements of order q. the primes p and q can be system parameters for all users. An x €{1….p-1} is chosen with x(p-1)/q≠ 1 mod p and g= x(p-1)/q mod p is computed. Then the residue class g+pƵ has order q in the multiplicative group (Ƶ/pƵ)* of residues mod p. it generates the uniquely determined subgroup os order q of (Ƶ/pƵ)*. Finally a random a in the text {0.1.2…..q-1} is chosen and A= ga mod p
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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 is computed. The signer’s public key is (p,q,g,A). the signer’s private key is a. note that the residue class A+pƵ is an element of the subgroup generated by g+pƵ. The order of this subgroup is approximately 2160. Computing the secret key a from A requires the solution of a discrete logarithm problem in this subgroup. 2.1.2 Signature generation: The signer wants to sign the document x€{0,1}*. He uses the publicly known hash function SHA-: {0,1}* {0,1}160. He chooses a random number k €{1,2,3…..q-1}, computes r={ gk mod p}mod q. and sets S=k-1(SHA-1(x)+ar) mod q. Here k-1 is the inverse of k modulo q. the signature of x is (r,s). 2.1.3 Verification: The verifier wants to verify the signature (r, s) of the document x. he obtains the signer’s authentic public key (p, q, g, A). then he verifies that 1≤r≤q-1 and 1≤s≤q-1 If this condition is violated, then the verifier rejects the signature. Otherwise he verifies that r=((g(s‾1h(x))mod qA(rs‾1)mod q)mod p)mod q. if the signature is constructed according to the above equations the construction implies g(s‾1h(x))mod qA(rs‾1)mod q≡ gs‾1(h(x)+ra)≡ gk mod p. 2.2 Prime number generation: We describe the prime number generation for the DSA public key. The algorithm for choosing the prime number q is as follows. 1 choose seed €{0, 1}*, g=|seed|≥160. 2 compute U=SHA-1(seedⱷSHA-1(seed+1))mod 2g. 3 set q to the number that is obtained by setting the most and least significant bit of U to 1. Then 2159<q<2160. Random number generation: In the DSA the secret key a€1,…..q-1 and for each signature an exponent k€{1,….q-1} are pseudorandomly generated. We describe the random number generation. The pseudo-random number generator uses a one way function G: {0,1}160*{0,1}b {0,1}160. Where 160≤b≤512. That function can be constructed using the SHA-1 hash function or the DES encryption algorithm. In the first case, the value b is chosen from {160,….,512}. In the second case, the value b is set to 160. SCHEME DESCRIPTION In this section, we describe our proposed EAACK scheme in detail. The approach described in this research paper is based on our previous work
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[12], where the backbone of EAACK was proposed and evaluated through implementation. In this paper, we extend it with the introduction of digital signature to prevent the attacker from forging acknowledgment packets. EAACK is consisted of three major parts, namely, ACK, secure ACK(S-ACK), and misbehavior report authentication(MRA). Inorder to distinguish different packet types in different schemes, we included a 2-b packet header in EAACK. According to the internet draft of DSR[11], there is 6 b reserved in the DSR header. In EAACK, we use 2b of the 6b to flag different types of packets. Fig. 3 presents a flowchart describing EAACK scheme. Furthermore, for each communication process, both the source node and the destination node are not malicious. Unless specified, all acknowledgement packets described in this research are required to be digitally signed by its sender and verified by its receiver.
ACK As discussed before, ACK is basically an end-to-end acknowledgment scheme. It acts as a part of the hybrid scheme in EAACK, aiming to reduce network overhead when no network misbehavior is detected. In Fig. 8, in ACK mode, node S first sends out an ACK data packet Pad1 to the destination node D. if all the intermediate nodes along the route between nodes S and D are cooperative and node D successfully receives Pad1, and node D is required to send back an ACK acknowledgement packet Pak1 along the same route but in a reverse order. Within a predefined time period, if node S receives Pak1, then the packet transmission from node S to node D is successful. Otherwise, node S will switch to S-ACK mode by sending out an S-ACK data packet to detect the misbehaving nodes in the route.
S-ACK The S-ACK scheme is an improved version of the TWOACK scheme proposed by Liu et al. [16]. The principle is to let every three consecutive nodes
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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Volume 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; May 2014 work in a group to detect misbehaving nodes. For every three consecutive nodes in the route, the third node is required to send an S-ACK acknowledgment packet to the first node. The intention of introducing S-ACK mode is to detect misbehaving nodes in the presence of receiver collision or limited transmission power. As shown in Fig.9, in S-ACK mode, the three consecutive nodes work in a group to detect misbehaving nodes in the network. Node F1 sends out S-ACK data packet Psad1 to node F2. Then, node F2 forwards this packet to node F3. When node F3 receives Psad1, as it is the third node in this three-node group, node F3 is required to send back an S-ACK acknowledgement packet Psak1to node F2. Node F2 forwards Psak1 back to node F1. If node F1 does not receive this acknowledgement packet within a predefined time period, both nodes F2 and F3 are reported as malicious. Moreover a misbehavior report will be generated by node F1 and sent to the source node S. Nevertheless, unlike the TWOACK scheme, where the source node immediately trusts the misbehavior report, EAACK requires the source node to switch to MRA mode and confirm this misbehavior report. This is a vital step to detect false misbehavior report in our proposed scheme.
Digital signature As discussed before, EAACK is an acknowledgement based IDS. All three parts of
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MRA The MRA scheme is designed to resolve the weakness of watchdog when it fails to detect misbehaving nodes with the presence of false misbehavior report. The false misbehavior report can be generated by malicious attackers to falsely report innocent nodes as malicious. This attack can be lethal to the entire network when the attackers break bown sufficient nodes and thus cause a network division. The core of MRA scheme is to authenticate whether the destination node has received the reported missing packet through a different route. To initiate the MRA mode, the source node first searches its local knowledge base and seeks for an alternative route to the destination node. If there is no other that exists, the source node starts a DSR routing request to find another route. Due to the nature of MANETs, it is common to find out multiple routes between two nodes. By adopting an alternative route to the destination node, we circumvent the misbehavior reporter node. When the destination node receives an MRA packet, it searches its local knowledge base and companies if the reported packet was received. If it is already received, then it is safe to conclude that this is a false misbehavior report and whoever generated this report is trusted and accepted. By adoption of MRA scheme, EAACK is capable of detecting malicious nodes despite the existence of false misbehavior report.
EAACK, namely, ACK, S-ACK and MRA are acknowledgement based detection schemes. They all rely on acknowledgement packets to detect misbehaviors in the network. Thus it is extremely
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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 important to ensure that all acknowledgement packets in EAACK are authentic and untainted. Otherwise if the attackers are smart enough to forge acknowledgement packets, all of the three schemes will be vulnerable. With regard to this urgent concern, we incorporated digital signature in our proposed scheme. Inorder to ensure the integrity of the IDS, EAACK requires all acknowledgement packets to be digitally signed before they are sent out and verified until they are accepted. However we fully understand the extra resources that are required with the introduction of digital signature in MANETs. To address this concern we implemented both DSA [33] and RSA[23] digital signature schemes in our proposed approach. The goal is to find the most optimal solution for using digital signature in MANETs. Conclusion Packet dropping attack has always been a major threat to the security in MANETs. In this reaearch paper we have proposed a novel IDS named EAACK protocol specially designed for MANETs and compared it against other popular mechanisms in different scenarios through simulations. The result demonstrated positive performances against collision, limited transmission power, and false misbehavior report. Inorder to seek the optimal DSAs in MANETs we implemented both DSA and RSA schemes in our simulation. Eventually we arrived to the conclusion that the DSA scheme is more suitable to be implemented in MANETs. We plan to investigate the following issues in our future work: Possibilities of adopting hybrid cryptography techniques to further reduce the network overhead caused by digital signature. Examine the possibilities of adopting a key exchange mechanism to eliminate the requirement of predistributed keys. Testing the performance of EAACK in real network environment instead of software simulation. References [1] K. Al Agha, M.-H. Bertin, T. Dang, A. Guitton, P. Minet, T. Val, and J.-B. Viollet, “Which wireless technology for industrial wireless sensor networks? The development of OCARI technol,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 4266–4278, Oct. 2009. [2] R. Akbani, T. Korkmaz, and G. V. S. Raju, “Mobile Ad hoc Network Security,” in Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 127. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 659–666.
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P. Bharath Kumar is an P.G Scholor in the Department of Computer science & engineering, Sir Vishveshwariah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalli.
Y. Shabbir Ali is an associate professor in the Department of Computer science & engineering, Sir Vishveshwariah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalli. He received the B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from JNTU University.The M.Tech degree in Computer Science and he is pursuing PhD degree in computer science & engineering from JNTUH University, Hyderabad. His research interests include Cloud Computing, High performance computers, Wireless Networks.
D. Arun Kumar Reddy is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer science & engineering, Sir Vishveshwariah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalli. He received the B.Tech degree in Information Technology from JNTU University in 2010, the M.Tech degree in Software Engineering from SRM University in 2012. His research include mobile computing, wireless networks.
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