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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014

An Adaptive Consistency and Top Caching Schemes for Distributed Data Sharing in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Systems Mahaboob Basha1

D. Arun Kumar Reddy2 1

T. Sunil Kumar Reddy3

P.G Scholar, Sir Vishveshwariah institute of science and technology


Assistant Professor, Sir Vishveshwariah institute of science and technology


Associate Professor, Sir Vishveshwariah institute of science and technology

Abstract: In distributed systems peer-to-peer networks are widely used . P2P can be further divided into two categories i.e., structured P2P networks in which peers are connected by a regular topology, and unstructured P2P networks in which the topology is arbitrary. Structured peer-to-peer networks usually can provide efficient and accurate services but need to spend a lot of effort in maintaining the regular topology. On the other hand unstructured peer-to-peer networks are extremely resilient to the frequent peer joining and leaving but this is usually achieved at the expense of efficiency. The main objective of this paper is to design a hybrid P2P system for distributed data sharing which combines the advantages of both types of P2P networks and minimizes their disadvantages. Consistency maintenance is propagating the updates from a primary file to its replica. Adaptive consistency maintenance algorithm(ACMA) maintains that periodically polls the file owner to update the file due to minimum number of replicas consistency overhead Is very low. Top caching algorithm helps to boost the system performance and to build a fully distributed cache for most popular information. Our caching scheme can deliver lower query delay, better load balance and higher cache hit ratios. It effectively relieves the over caching problems for the most popular objects. The core structured network can narrow down the data lookup within a certain unstructured network accurately, while the unstructured networks provide a low-cost mechanism for peers to join or leave the systems freely. Our simulation results demonstrate that the hybrid peer-to-peer system can utilize both the efficiency of structured peer-to-peer system and flexibility of the unstructured peer-topeer network and achieve a good balance between the two types of networks. Index terms: Peer-to-peer systems, overlay networks, over caching, structured, unstructured P2P, hybrid.

Introduction A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-organizing and self configuring multihop wireless network, where the network structure changes dynamically due to member mobility. Ad hoc wireless network are self creating and self organizing and self administrating. The nodes are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network’s wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably. In ad hoc network each node acts both as a host and a router which forwards the data intended for some other node. An ad hoc network might consist of several home-computing devices, including laptops, cellular phones, and so on. Each node will be able to communicate directly with any other node that resides within its transmission range. MANETS are used in many contexts such as in mobile social networks, emergency deployment, intelligent transportation systems etc. Nodes in a MANET freely move around while communicating

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with each other. These networks may perform in the presence of nodes with a selfish behavior particularly when operating under energy constraints. In the recent years, the evolution of a new wave of innovative network architectures labeled “peer-to-peer” has been witnessed. A peer-to-peer network[1] is a distributed system in which peers employ distributed resources to perform a critical function in a decentralized fashion. Nodes in a P2P network normally play equal roles; therefore these nodes are also called peers. The P2P participants join or leave the P2P system frequently; hence P2P networks are dynamic in nature. Each link in a P2P overlay corresponds to a sequence of physical links in the underlying network[1], [6]. Peer-to-peer is a type of network in which each work-station has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities. This differs from client/server architecture in which some computers are dedicated to serve others. Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are increasingly becoming popular because they offer opportunities


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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 for real-time communication, ad-hoc collaboration and information sharing in a large-scale distributed environment. Peer-to-peer computing is defined as the sharing of computer resources and information through direct exchange. The most distinct characteristic of P2P computing is that there is symmetric communication between the peers; each peer has both a client and a server role. The advantages of the P2P systems are multi-dimensional; they improve scalability by enabling direct and real timesharing of services and information; enable knowledge sharing by aggregating information and resources from nodes that are located on geographically distributed and potentially heterogeneous platforms; and, provide high availability by eliminating the need for a single centralized component. Unstructured peer-to-peer networks organize peers into an arbitrary network topology and use flooding or random walks to look up data items. Based on whether a regular topology is maintained among peers, peer-to-peer networks can be divided into two categories: structured peer-topeer networks in which peers are connected by a regular topology, and unstructured peer-to-peer networks in which the network topology is arbitrary. Hence neither structured peer-to-peer networks nor unstructured peer-to-peer networks can provide efficient, flexible and robust service alone [11]. To achieve this goal the solution should inherit the advantages of both types in such a way that their disadvantages are minimized. Data is generated and distributed among the peers. The corestrucutred network provides an accurate way to narrow down the queried data within a certain unstructured networks provide a low cost mechanism for peers to join or leave the systems freely. In this paper we propose hybrid peer-to-peer system for distributed data sharing which combines the structured and unstructured peerto-peer networks. In the proposed hybrid system, a structured ring-based core network forms the backbone of the system and multiple unstructured peer-to-peer networks are attached to the backbone and communicate with each other through the backbone. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows: Propose a hybrid peer-to-peer system for distributed data sharing. It utilizes both the efficiency of the structured peer-to-peer network and the flexibility of the unstructured peer-to-peer network and achieves a good balance between the efficiency and flexibility[1].

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To maintain consistency, using file consistency algorithm for hybrid P2P system so that periodically the file owner to update the file due to number of replicas consistency overhead is very low. To boost the performance of hybrid P2P, top caching algorithm is used to build a fully distributed cache for popular information in P2P systems. It effectively relieves the over-caching problems for the most popular objects. Literature survey: Envoy [3] is a two-layer P2P network where a structured overlay is build on top of an unstructured one. The purpose of using the two-layered architecture is to combine the advantage of each structure and create synergy. YAPPERS [9]combines both structured peer-to-peer networks and unstructured peer-to-peer networks to provide a scalable lookup service over an arbitrary topology. Both data keys and peers are hashed to different buckets or colors. Data is stored in the peer in the same color. Finally all the peers in the same color will be checked. Bit Torrent [7] is a centralized unstructured peer-to-peer network for file sharing. When a peer has achieved the complete file it should stay in the system for other peers to download at least one copy of the file from it. In [12] a hybrid peer-to-peer system uses flooding and DHT are both employed for content locating. The decision to use flooding or DHT largely depends on the population of desired data. By dynamically detecting content popularity PASH properly selects search method and efficiently saves query traffic cost and response time. IRM file consistency techniques [2] which is generally used to integrate file replication and consistency maintenance by letting each node autonomously determine the need for file replication and update based on actual file query rate and update rates. Existing System: A hybrid peer-to-peer system for distributed data sharing which consists of two parts combines the advantages of both types of peer-to-peer networks and minimizes their disadvantages. This two-tier hierarchy decouples the flexibility of the system from the efficiency of the system. If server is crashed the entire systems are collapsed. At the same time more than one members giving the request to server means automatically the server performance ratio minimized. Proposed system: In the proposed hybrid peer-to-peer system the work is done to minimize the failure ratio and thus improving the system performance.


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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 Consistency maintenance is propagating the updates from a primary file to its replica. Adaptive consistency maintenance algorithm (ACMA) maintains that periodically polls the file owner to update the file due to minimum number of replicas consistency overhead is very low. Top Caching (TC) algorithm helps to boost the system performance and to build a fully distributed cache for most popular information. Our caching scheme can deliver lower query delay, better load balance and higher cache hit ratios. It effectively relieves the over-caching problems for the most popular objects. It minimizes the problem of concentrating the workload on a single entity. System Implementation: The implementation stage involves careful planning investigation of existing system and it’s constraints on implementation, designing of methods to achieve changeover and evaluation of changeover methods. Modules Description: Core transit network: The core transit network called t-network is a structured peer-to-peer network which organizes peers into a ring. We can peers in the t-network tpeers. Each t-peer is assigned a peer ID. Each t-peer maintains two pointers which point to its successor and predecessor respectively. Stub network: A stub network called s-network is a Gnutella-style unstructured peer-to-peer network. The topology of an s-network is arbitrarily formed. Each s-network is attached to a t-peer and this t-peer belongs to both the t-network and the s-network. One thing to mention about s-network is that topology of an s-network is a tree instead of a mesh.

efficient and accurate service while the s-network is used to provide approximate best-effort service to accommodate flexibility. The hybrid system can effectively reduce the topology maintenance overhead caused by peer joining or leaving. Consistency algorithm: In distributed data sharing, the consistency of the data needs to be focused because there are two different networks are built on single. Maintaining consistency between frequently updated or even infrequently updated files and their replicas is a fundamental reliability requirement for a P2P system. P2P systems are characterized by dynamism in which node join and leave continuously created and deleted. For consistency maintenance we introduce an algorithm for hybrid network which is known as Adaptive File Consistency Algorithm (AFCA). Polling frequency Determination: AFCA employs a linear increase multiplicative decrease algorithm in which frequently modified files is polled more frequently than relatively static files. We assign the time-to-refresh value with each replica [2]. The TTR denotes the next time instant a node should poll the owner to keep its replica updated. The value is increased by an additive amount if the file doesn’t change between successive polls. TTR=TTRold+α., where α, α>0 is an additive constant. In the event the file is updated since the last poll, the TTR value is reduced by a multiplicative factor: TTR= TTRold/β where β, β>1, is the multiplicative decrease constant. In this proposed algorithm takes as input two parameters: TTRmin and TTRmax, which represent lower and upper bounds on the TTR values. Values that fall outside these bounds are set to TTR= max(TTRmin, min(TTRmin, TTR)) generally, the algorithm begins by initializing TTR= TTRmin= Δt Adaptive polling reduction:

Fig: hybrid peer-to-peer systems Idea of Hybrid peer: The basic idea behind the hybrid peer-topeer system is that the t-network is used to provide

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In addition to the file change rate, file query is also a main factor to consider in consistency maintenance. However, most current consistency maintenance methods neglect the important roles that file query rate plays in reducing overhead. In AFCA combines file query rate into considerations for poll time determination. We use TTRquery and TTRpoll to denote the next time instant of corresponding operation of a file.


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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014

AFCA Algorithm: // operation at time instance Tpoll


If there a query for the file then Include a polling request into the query for a file j else send out the polling request if get a validation reply from the file owner then { If the file is valid then TTR= TTRold+α If the file is stale then { TTR= TTRold/β Update the file replica} If TTR> TTRmax or TTR <TTRmin then TTR= max(TTRmin, min(TTRmax, TTR)) If TTR<Tquery then TTRpoll= Tquery Else TTRpoll= TTR } Caching Algorithm:

In this paper we have proposed a hybrid peer-to-peer system that combines both the structured peer-to-peer network and the unstructured peer-topeer networks to provide efficient and flexible distributed data sharing service. Hence the hybrid system has less lookup latency and higher data lookup efficiency. Top caching algorithm is used for caching the most popular and rare data items. Nevertheless it also helps to boost the system performance. Caching scheme can deliver lower query delay, better load balance and higher cache hit ratios.

A hybrid P2P caching system [6], [8], [12], [14], [15] should take into account dynamic characteristics of peers. Unlike static dedicated caches, peers may join or leave a P2P network dynamically. Therefore the system should minimize the management overheads and the performance degradation caused by dynamic participation of peers. Top-caching(TC) Algorithm: While k K and X has not obtained j:  X uses substrate to determine I, the kth place winner for j.  X requests j from i. Node i update λj (i). If node I already has j, node i sends j to X; Stop.  If node I does not have j but it should, i gets j and evicts files if necessary. Node i send j to X.  K= k+1. The top caching (TC) algorithm is a fully distributed, adaptive content management algorithm that is, for all practical purposes, optimal for DHT-based file sharing systems. Some of the parameters used are failure rate, join latency and lookup latency. Finally system will perform well by consistency and caching schemes and also boost the system performance.

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International Journal of P2P Network Trends and Technology (IJPTT) – Volume 8 – May 2014 is an P.G scholor in the Department of Computer science & engineering, Sir Vishveshwariah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalli. He received the B.Tech degree in C.Abdul Hakeem College Of Engg&Technology(Melvisharam,vellore) Affliate toAnnaUniversity,chennai. in the year of 2011 D. Arun Kumar Reddy is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer science & engineering, Sir Vishveshwariah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalli. He received the B.Tech degree in Information Technology from JNTU University in 2010, the M.Tech degree in Software Engineering from SRM University in 2012. His research include mobile computing, wireless networks.

T. Sunil Kumar Reddy is an associate professor in the Department of Computer science & engineering, Sir Vishveshwariah Institute of Science and Technology, Madanapalli. He received the B.Tech degree in Information Technology from Satyabhama University in 2005, the M.Tech degree in Information Technology from V.I.T University in 2007and he is pursuing PhD degree in computer science & engineering from JNTUA University, Anantapur. His research interests include Cloud Computing, High performance computers, Wireless Networks.

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