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Scroll Seventy Executive Staff
Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Editor Junior Editor Photography Editor
Mike Ferrara Herb Curlee George Harrison Grady Carlson Paul deRegt Jerry Howell, Russell Brown
Sports Editors Organizations Editor Business Manager Faculty Advisor
John Crawley Jay Conger Dick Taliaferro
Contents Dedication
Seniors Organizations
Athletics Underclassmen
75 109 129 139
Lower School Ads
The Year Was Filled With Little Things —
A Laugh —
A Private Joke —
A Game Of Bridge
These Formed The Year Of Which Our Study And Tests Were Just The Backbone.
.:> " ■ imwinrri <■
Through the year, and the incidents therein, we have com e closer to ourselves and others. W e have taken our hearts in our hands and m oved towards ourselves. In short, the year is growth.
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T h e N ew A lter
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St. Stephen's will always be a greater part of our lives than a collection of dusty yearbooks. W ith in the span of those yearbooks, we have lived out m uch of our lives. W e have received an education not only of the m ind, but also of the spirit. W e have been prepared.
T h e Future
D E D I C A T I O N '7 A G E N T L E M A N 'S G E N T L E M A N
"I'm proud of ou r b oys." W e'v e heard this m any tim es from a man who is as interested and involved in the activities at S.S.S. as any student or faculty m em ber is. He has dedicated his tim e to m ake our school a better place in which to work and play. W e have no greater friend than this man. W e, the C lass of '70 hum bly dedicate our y earbook to M r. A lbert L. T hom pson.
ss E E NV I E ON R T S
. . a ring, a diploma, a yearbook, . . . SEN IORS SEV ENTY
S e n io r C la ss O fficers: Carl D etw y ler -
Sec. T reasu rer, Jon R ich -
V P resid ent, M ark Sm ith
W hen a student graduates from St. Stephen s, he has supposedly received a superior college preparatory education. All the members of the Class of Seventy have taken 4 years of English, 3 years of math, 4 years of Sacred Studies, three years of a foreign language, a lab science, and one year of American history, not to mention the electives. But what becomes of this??? W e know that 2x - 3 + (-4) = -4, if X equals 3/2, Q .E.D.; we know that Millard Fillmore was President of the U.S.; we know ''tempus fugits." W e also know those whom we see every day. A phase of our lives ends with grad uation; college is fast approaching. And we have just four things to take with us into life from St. Stephen's. A ring - a tarnished hunk of semiprecious metal. A diploma — a piece of parchment certifying that we have completed a high school education. A yearbook - a collection of pictures that will be food for nostalgia years from now. And the memories - they are the best.
n e ’ h s p S e t c h S o . t o l Class of 1970 S Alexandria, VA
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Mr. Thompson, Sr.
■MmI'm-.., ;<
(h e 's very cam era shy!)
. . . And St. Stephen's First Co-ed!
T h is year, a revolutionary new developm ent has taken place in the growth of our school — girls! W ell, a girl. Buffy (that's M ary's nicknam e, folks), a senior at St. Agnes, takes calculus at the S 5 S cam pus every day. T h is is the result of an exchange program with St. A gnes, under which Buffy takes math here and Herb C urlee and Jim W illiam s take AP history at St. A gnes. By the way, all three students are doing B + work. T h is exchange program , w hich will be con tinued next year, is a step in the right direction — the stu dents think so, anyway.
M ary B eth Jon es
. . but school is not all books . . /'
A M A R D - E N C O R E P re s e n ts
“ Ring Round T h e M oon” N ovem ber 14th & I5 th , 1 9 6 9
D an iel H a ll S t. A g n es S ch o o l
8 :3 0 p .m . A d m issio n 1 :0 0
M r. D em aree, Eric T on grer., C lif H ilderley, B ill B erg. N eil B ou rjaily , P eter P oliak , Hur^ter B ell, H erm ie Sw itkay, M ark Sm ith , David L ehm an, P ete Sch m id t, B ill Stu hr, Joh n R ich , C harles Zuver.
T h e m em bers of the 1 9 6 9 -7 0 St. Step hen s Student C ouncil believe that this year's council has been one of the m ost progressive and effective councils in a long time. By establishing a new constitution and a student scholar ship fund, we feel that the council has laid the founda tion for the building of a m uch m ore organized and en joyable school life. Peter Poliak.
c 0 u N c 1
T rea su rer -
N eil B ou rjaily ,
P resid en t -
Peter P oliak
V ic e P resid en t -
H u nter Bell
M 0
N 1
1st row : )on R ich , Jay C o n g e . H u nter B e ll 2nd row : DavM Lehm an, T o m Lur.a. 3rd row : Peter Poliak,
Russ, B row n, Pete Sch m id t, T o b y K elly . M issing: M ark Sm ith.
T h is year's M onitors, consisting of eight se niors and two juniors, have w orked to prom ote better discipline. W orkin g under a more form al discipline system , headed by M r. O suna and M r. Goodw in, the m onitors have displayed a sm cere desire to increase student responsibility and respect for the school.
B urn, M o n itor, Burn 62
6 O O
C h a irm e n B ill Stu h r and G il D avenport.
T h e prim ary ob jectiv e o f this year's Booster C lub is to im prove school spirit. H eaded by Bill Stu h r and G il D avenport, the club has been successful in instilling a w inning spirit in the student body. G O BIG RED .
B reak in g through the sco re barrier.
T h e stud ent b o d y is introdu ced to the team s (with the help o f th e St. A gnes C h eerlead ers.) 63
D E A C 1st R ow : Jerry H ow ell, C hris A llison, Jim B istline, M arc Joh ansen , T im H in kle, H erinie Sw itkay, M r. W an d all - Faculty A dvisor. 2nd R ow : R alph Sh affer, Steve D o n ald son , H erm an H ollerith. S ittin g in
fro n t: Editor C h arles H orn.
As the D eacon changes hands each year, the transition is reflected in the style of the paper. T h e new staff attem pts to capture the eyes of the students and school with different, yet com prehensive issues. T hu s, in understanding the task before us, this year's D eacon staff dedicates our efforts in producing a new spaper w orthy of the standards found at St. Step hen s.
C harles H orn
W h a t do y ou m ean 1 sp elled y ou r nam e w rong in 64
the D eaco n ?
H arry P ou lter — ed itor, Jim W illiam s, Pat B ro y h ill, G en try Jo h n so n , Ed O verly , M a rk deRegt.
T h e infam ous Em anon, S.5 .S /s literary m agazine, was of¥ to a — well — slow start. O ne of the m ain purposes of the E m anon is to provide a 'soap b ox' for the students to scream out th eir creative talents. T h is year, led by H arry Poulter, Mr. A pathy, h im self, and assisted by the 'A .P. A rm y', the Em anon o f 1970 prom ises to be different, if not exciting.
M r, R eed , the facu lty ad visor, u p on seeing the first co p y o f the E m an on .
I. I:
First row : Joh n C raw ley, C h airm an H erb C u rlee; Second row : Jo h n M ey er, G il D avenport, Jay C onger; Third row : Chris R en d ell, C h ris G raybill, C h ico W agner. M ik e Ferrara is m issing 'cau se he was tak in g the picture.
As S.S .S. is a church school, chapel plays an im portant part in each student's school life. This year, the Chapel C om m ittee, w orking with M r. M arlin, has tried to update the old traditions of service, which m any students feel have no m eaning in today's world. For the m ost part, they have been successful, and the students appreciate the tim e the com m ittee has given for m any interesting chapels.
T h e 'b ra in s' o f the C hapel C o m m ittee — H erb C u rlee, M r. M arlin.
A visitor adm ires the new altar.
T H E H O P C O M M IT T E E . . . Chris
S ch ew e
H o m eco m in g dance . . . the w ere great . . . straight from G en tlem an
'2 '
G eorgetow n
. . . Iris the . . ,
w ith the heavy, heavy sounds . . . H ey, I w ant a soul band . . . w ell, ya
ca n 't please everyb od y . . . E lizabeth V a u g h n — H o m ecom in g Q u e en . . . g reat light show from N .Y . . . .
M M 1
Steve N orris, M a rk
W o lf,
Peter P oliak, C hris Sch ew e — Chairm an,
G eorge H arriso n , Jim Salzer, H erb C u rlee.
T h is year, the '70 Hop C om m ittee, under the direction of Chris Schew e, and w orking with faculty m em ber M r. Berg, prom ised to outdo the great F.W .C . productions of last year. W ith a m ost successful H om ecom ing D ance, their quest was easily m ade. T h e student body w ishes to thank the guys for the great dances of '6 9 -7 0 .
D ean W o rcester, Steve Eure, David Lehm an, Jerry H ow ell, T o m N eer, T o b y K elly , R uss B row n, T o m
Luria, Pete Poliak, David R oark , Jack Sm ith , M au ry Palm er, Jo h n W ard ,G len n R ow in ski, G eorge H arri son, M arc Joh ansen , M ark W o lf, C h u ck H orn, R alph S h affer, H erb C u rlee, Joh n Craw ley, Jay Conger, H erm ie Sw itkay, G il D avenport, Pat B roy h ill, C hris A llison.
T h e Red Key Club is a dedicated group of students who have shown their m a turity by taking the responsibility of representing 5 .S.S. T h ey are dedicated to the ideal of service and self-sacrifice. M any represent the school on the athletic fields, w hile others slave to refresh the 'teem ing m illions' with soft drinks at hom e gam es. But all have helped in som e way. W ith the advice of M r. Berg, the Red K ey Club stands ready to serve S .S .S . in the best way possible.
In the brigh t sun: T o m Luria — p residen t o f R .K .C ., and Jay C onger, Lurking in the deep shadow : S e c .-T re a s . M ark Sm ith
Jerry H ow ell, Jo h n M ey er, G il T ray n o r, B ill Stu hr, H erb C u rlee, D ean W o rch ester, and B ob M cR a e sit tin g on K e e ch 's su per sto ck Ford.
D uring its three year existence, the Rallye C lub has progressed from good to better. This year, under the leadership of president D ean W o rcester, m any new techniques and m ethods were used to m ake this year's Rallye C lub one of the m ost unique in the group's history.
'1 think w e're lo s t."
Amard-Encore presents
Ring Round the Moon THE DRAMA CLUB'S BEST PROD UCTIO N TO DATE! "L e ts b e w icked together, "sa y s M ad am e D esm ortes to M esserschm an n, as C apu let and R om ain ville look on.
Joshua H ugo Fredric D iana M esserschm ann Patrice Bombelles Lady India M adam e Desm ortes C apulet M esserschm ann Rom ainville Isabelle H er m other
.......................................... John Crawley ......................... Blaise deFranceaux ....................... Buffy Jones .............................. H erb Curlee ................................. Ruth Thom son ................... N ewbie Richardson ....................................... Alice Cornwell .............................McRae ................................M ike Ferrara ........................................ Johns ................................... K atie Jordan
Joshua tells H ugo the latest gossip.
'It's ap p allin g ," d eclares R om ainville, as the rest o f players listen co nfu sed but am used.
T h e acto rs: Ed Ettinger, Jim W a lla c e, C h ip Steele, B laise d eFranceau x, C h ip Q u eitzch , Joh n Craw ley, R alp h S h a ffer, M ich a el Ferrara, H e rb C u rlee, N ick M cG affin , M a rk Fox.
O n ce again E n core, S S S 's dram a club, proved to be the m ost popular of all organizations w ith the sm ashing success of R in g R ou n d th e M o on , its fall production. W ith the assistance of advisor M r. Shell, and under the direction of M iss D iane H arrison, E n core produced M o o n in con ju nction with A m ard, St. A gn es' dram a club. Even though lightning struck D anial H all at SA S early open ing night, the curtain rose prom ptly at 8:30 (first tim e in years). M o o n confirm ed the fact that A M A R D -E n co re is the m ost professional h igh -sch ool dram a group in the area. A t this w riting, president D avenport plans to have dram a w orkshops during spring vaction, and a spring play is planned.
Sec. T reasurer — Jo h n M ey er President — G illia m D avenport V ice-P resid en t — B o b b y M cR ae 71
M ik e
w ith
M r.
Jo h n
R ich ard
C raw ley ,
m an, and
ju n io r ed itor G rady C arlson .
T a lia fe rro , as they laugh over the m istakes in a set o f proofs.
Super thanx to — M r. W atson, of A m erican Yearbook C o., H arry Poulter, who helped design the opening section, Eric Loenhaupt, M artin H ublitz, and T o m N eer's grand father, for subm itting needed pics, and all those who helped and supported the editor through his 6 m onth ordeal. (Senior Crossw ord Puzzle - another H erb Curlee brainstorm .)
basketball game.
H o w ell
R u ssell
B row n
w atching
T h is space dedicated to on e o f the rich est eras in A m erican H istory — T H E 1930's!
M ik e
F errara
w ith
ed itors — G eo rg e H arriso n and H erb C u rle e — as they com pile and edit the in fam o u s sen ior cuts.
T h e ed itor w ith his bu sin ess m anager. Jay C o n g e r (in the top hat), and the dean o f p h otog rap h ers fo r the S c ro ll S e v e n ty , P au l d eR eg t.
W hat is Sere Sim p ly , it is th e y e a rb o o k #i S t ‘^tophpii ■. S th o o ;
e, too. It is a sto ry b o o k , a p ic-
tu re b o o k , a h isto ry o f S t. S tep h en 's, I<J70. S c ro ll * m ad e in th e layouts and tech n iq u es in the p ro iliiili
!too. M a jo r ch anges have been jrhe s t ^ w anted th e y earb o o k
to b e sim p le b u t im p ressive. W e h o jie
i.or another.
h.ivc su t
T e c h n ic a l data — c o v e r — C raftlin e e m b o ssed , g « ld v\ith black silk sc p ap er — T ex tu re to n e — 2 ty p e — P a la tin e w ith bo ld o fficia l p h o to g rap h ers — R ich 's Stu d ios, A lexand ria
"Winning Isn't Everything, But The Will To Win Is." Vince Lombardi
A1 Thom pson has been coaching for 18 years, devoting his life to the well being of athletes in hope to make them better in this world of com petition. For his work and hope, we hail A1 "S leep y" Thom pson.
T h e Varsity???
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Varsity 1969 7-2-0 Fron t row : M o rss, D u arte, T ray n o r, H algren, T h o m p so n , N eer, L ehm an Schm id t, P oliak, G rah am . Second row : M gr.
C aptain, K elly ,
W o rcester, H orn, Pow ars, H ow ell, Mgr.
Low enhaupt.
B istline, Bell, L ineberger, K elley , Zuidem a, B row n, David R oark
T h e 1969 football season was a success in som e ways and a disappointm ent m others. Coach T hom pson's triple option offense stym ied m any a ^eam and led the Saints to seven w ins. T h e two losses were heartbreakers, for the cham pionship of the I.A .C., and the other was H om ecom ing T h e rest of the season was a com plete success in that the Saints set school records m many cate® °W hen coach Thom pson called for candidates for the varsity squad, a total of 47 boys showed up. T h e coaches collaborated and decided to keep the entire squad together on the field for all varsity contests. T h e squad was then made up ° f the varsity and the junior varsity. T h ey all practiced and played together from O rkney to the final w histle of the St. Jam es game.
Neer Sets School Mark In Total T o discuss the size of the varsity - w ell, there really isn 't m uch to discuss. A s one opposing coach put it, "T h e y m ay look and be sm all, but th ey're to u g h ." A nd that's the w ay it was. T h e Saints hit hard every play and m ade a few opponents w ish they w eren't on the field. T h e line w as sm all but quick, the receivers had good hands, and the backfield was one o f the best in the sch ool's h is tory. T h e defensive line was tough, paving the w ay for the three lin ebackers, R oark, T h om p son , and Schm idt to m ake tackle after tackle. T h e defensive backfield set a school record by allowing only one touchdow n pass in the entire season. W ith only 13 m en playing 48 m inutes of football, the Saints had the b est balanced team in the history of St. Step hen's. A ll in all, the Saints earned all they got, and quite a b it they d idn 't get.
Offense W ith 2216 Yd. Brown And Howell Combine For 20 TDs. And 136 Pts. — Plus A 35 Yd. Field Goal 3 Punt Returns For TDs. Neer, Brown, Kelly, Howell - All I.A.C. Offense Howell, Roark All-I.A .C. Defense Howell . . . All-Prep Defense
. .4
Brown Selected ^^Athlete Of The M onth" By Sportsman Club. Brown Rushes For 790 Yds. — 79 Carries For A 10.0 Yd. Per Carry Average
Beat Potomac!!! 79
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Cross Country fef '
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'% The Varsity K n e e lin g : H iggins, M . deR egt, Su th erlan d , Fitton. S tan d in g : K. C urtis, S. C urtis, W ash ing ton.
T h e 1969 C ross C ountry season was disappointing due to the lack of depth and injuries at inopportune tim es. R eturning from last year's varsity was Steve Curtis, M ark deRegt, and sophom ore T em W ashington. H elping trem endously were the additions of sophom ore K ieth Curtis, Stev e's BIG brother, and Hunt Sutherland, back after a year's layoff. C oach Jam es O su n a often ran the sophom ores m the J.V . m eets, rather than the varsity m eets, to bring them up in a group, prepare for varsity com petition. T h erefore, this was prim arily a year for reb u ild in g , as Coach O sun a tested the ability of the younger m em bers of the team. Coach O suna was proud of the way in w hich the team 'put out' this year despite their record, and is looking forward to returning the banner and dynasty to S .S .S .
Off They Go — To Grab Second In IAC!
Coach Osuna J fK
jj T h e "'C urti" lead the pack!
: -W ?'
ip .
A - .t \
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**':■■ K ieth
Steve ... 1 ,^_.' ... ■
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Varsity Basketball S ta n d in g ; G . C arlso n , C. H orn , J. H o w ell, P. Z u id em a, T , K elly , M . Jo h an sen , F. H in es, C. G ray b ill, J. G rah am , H. Sw itk ay, C o ach T h o m p so n . K n e e lin g : M gr. Scafid i, C aptain T . N eer, M gr. R eilley.
Ball Team '70 T h e 1970 basketball team season was a disappointing one. T h e team got off to a good start by trom ping over St. A n selm s, who w ere then undefeated, & who had ju st clobbered Sidw ell Friends. T h e Saints got their second win over Bullis, but w hen faced w ith a strong team from Gonzaga, the offense buckled. "Y o u can't play 2 on 5 in b a sk etb a ll," and this is what the Saints were trying to do. Junior Paul Z uidem a and senior T om N eer, b oth all lA C last year, could not defeat the good team s by them selves. Senior Toby Kelly was probably the only other starter who could hit w ith any regularity, with center M arc Johansen occasionally scoring in double figures. W h en the big gam es cam e, the opposing team s concentrated on N eer and Zuidem a, leaving the other starters, Kelly, Johansen, and Jerry Howell, virtually alone. Thu s the Saints could not "g et it tog eth er", losing im portant gam es to Sidw ell and Prep, and ended up in 3rd place in the league, as well as 3rd place in their own tournam ent.
-z i^
Scoring Zuidema Neer Kelly Johansen Graybill Howell
19.5 11.5 11.5 9.5 3.1 2.9
■ J
Jumpin' Jo
> ■' ! / 1 I ■j ' i ’
.C'k ^
H |U \
r# » T om N eer is A ll Sh o o k U p !"
Varsity Soccer F ro n t row : C. W ag ner, B. K raft, G . H arrison, C ap tain s R. Brow n and M ik e Bruder, J. A lexander. 2nd row : C. D u pey, J. G ray, C, M u rray , M . T u p m an , G. R ow inski, K, Curtis, S. C hristian, S. D o nald son , M . Fox. 3rd row : C oach D em aree, T . M o rss, C. C onover, A . Low enger, J. Sm ith . 4 th row : B. Higgins, B. A rch er, D . Pow ers, E. O v erly , A. M errow , C. D etw yler, S. Curtis.
M udmen 1970 T h e V arsity Soccer team cam e on strong in the second half of the season, w in ning four of the last six gam es, to give St. Step hen's its m ost wins since 1966. The Saints topped St. A lbans 2 -1 and Bullis 3-2 and won 1-0 victories over St. Jam es and A scension. A hard fought 1-1 tie w ith Sidw ell Friends was also a highlight in a season that saw the Big Red drop seven m atches by a total of nine goals. M ike Bruder led a tight defense w hich allowed its opponents only 1.3 goals a gam e. Sophom ore T erry M orss was outstanding in the goal, and Carl Detwyler, Russell Brown, C harlie M urray, John G ray, and G lenn Row inski helped form one of the sturdiest secondaries in the conference. C hico W agn er led the scoring with five goals, two of them com ing in the sec ond Bullis m atch w hich was not decided until the final quarter, and another was the decider in the season's finale at A scension. Jack Smith put three goals in, wings Burt Kraft and Bard H iggins each contributed one, and halfback Charlie M urray's shot won the St. Jam es m atch. George H arrison and Steve C urtis were also outstanding in the line. W ith a num ber of starters returning and a strong JV team to draw on. Coach D em aree feels the future of soccer at St. Step hen's is m ost encouraging.
1 9 6 9 A L L -M E T R O P O L IT A N R u ss B ro w n b o o m s a long on e d ow n the field.
1970 Scoreboard
St. Albans
St. Albans
St. James
1970 Captains
4-7-1 M ik e Bruder, Russ Brow n
y 'f
f n ' o'-r■ . ;;^.- ^
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H alfb ack Jo h n G ray prepares to clear the area as fellow halfback C h arlie M u rray surveys the action.
H ead co ach B o b D em aree w atches the action in the first win.
First Eleven CENTER FORW ARD Jack Smith RIGHT INSIDE LEFT INSIDE Chico Wagner Geo. Harrison RIGHT WING LEFT WING Burton Kraft Bard Higgins CENTER HALFBACK Charlie Murry LEFT HALF RIGHT HALF Russ Brown John Gray LEFT FULLBACK RIGHT FULLBACK Mike Bruder Carl Detwyler GOALIE Terry Morss
Varsity Wrestling F ro n t row : D u n n ig an , R ow e, H in k le, R ich ard son , R ead, H o llerith , H ugeley, C o ok e, 2n d row : Lynch, A nd rew s, B o u rja ily , M o o re, B ro o k s, W o rcester, H allgren , C ap tain S m ith , K elly , B istlin e, H esselbach er, T h o m p so n , H em ingw ay.
T h is season was a building year for S S S 's w restling team . Inexperience was the m ajor factor in thw arting the team 's title hopes, although inju ries and “ u nex pected retirem en ts" w ere also influences. O n ly three w restlers — captain M ark Sm ith, sophom ore Neil Bourjailly, and ju n ior Tom T hom pson — had previous varsity experience. T h e team was m ostly u nderclass m en, D ean W orcester being the only oth er senior. In the St. A lban s T ou rn ey, captain Sm ith placed 4th. Coach H erb Soles is hoping (?) for a future IA C crown for the team , and expects several prom ising freshm en to support the team next year.
■B '
■rMf& i C ap tain M ark Sm ith
■ = :
Lineup 98 103 113 123 130 139 145 155 175 185
Dunnigan Hemingway Smith Bourjailly Hesseibacher W orcester Lynch Thompson Kelley Brooks
T h o m p so n m anuvers fo r an o th er pin.
'W e m ight not be cham pions, but we got spirit!'
u "O c
Cheerleaders Seventy
T h e Ju n io r C h eerlead ers — K ath y T upm an,
c QJ _ <u C P flS
L ib by M acLain, M a rjo rie A nth ony.
•S 1 i s U 4» <U Si P 03 O .a X w
Leading ch eers during the T ou rney !
The 1970 Cheerleaders have worked worked long and hard to promote school spirit. Headed by Janis Woods and Cindy Craighill, they worked with the Booster Club during the football season. Their efforts for the most part were effective, and they did conquer the rain and cold to set an excellent example at the games.
Because of the date of the last deadline for the Scroll Seventy (February 23rd), it is almost impossible to try to represent spring sports properly. So instead of making futile attempts to do so, the editor has choosen to dedicate a page in the sports section to last year's Track Team, who won the lAC Meet, and therefore Coach Osuna had to keep a promise he had made to the team and shave off his controver sial mustach.
Spring Sports — Varsity And JV Track Varsity And JV Baseball Varsity Tennis Varsity Golf
10 7
Father-Son Banquet
W h y isn 't the fo o d th is g oo d at lun ch? A u d ien ce sp ellb o u n d b y d em onstration .
Karate D em onstration — H ighlight O f The Evening!
C o m m en t ov erheard in au d ien ce: " B o y , he really has ath lete's foot!
Y ou & me we keep walkin' around & we see All the m ess around us Y ou try & keep your mind on w hat's going down C an't help but see the rhinocerous around us & you w onder what you can do & you do w hat you can T o get bald & hi & you know I'm still goin' to need you around.
Left as the m em ory of men There will be no survivors m y friend Suddenly everyone will look surprised Stars spinning wheels in the skies Sun is scrambled in their eyes W hile the m oon circles like a vulture Somone stood at a window & cried 'O ne tear I thought that should stop a war But som eone is killing me' & that's the last hour to think anym ore Jelly & juice & bubbles — bubbles on the floor Castles on cliffs vanish Cliffs like heaps of rubbish Seen from the stars hour by hour As splintered scraps & black powder fro m here to heaven is a scar Dead center — deep as death ALL TH E IDIOTS HAVE LEFT.
Y ou say it's healing but nobody's feeling it Som ebody's dealing — som ebody's stealing it Y ou say you don't see & you don't Y ou say you w on't know & you w on't let it com e. Everything som eday will be gone except silence Earth will be quiet again Seas from clouds will w ash off the ashes of violence.
E P IT A PH The cows are alm ost cooing T urtle doves are mooing W h ich is why a poo is pooing In the sun Sun. M arty Balin, Paul Kanter
T h e C row n of Creation — The Jefferson Airplane 155
"W hat a piece of work is MAN? How noble in reason . .