Case based learning & problem based learning with technology

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Case-BasedLearning & Problem-Based Learning with Technology

Overviews of Learning Theories • Behaviorist Learning Theories (Behaviorism) • Cognitive-Information processing (Cognitivism)

• Cognitive-Constructivist Learning Theories (Constructivism)

Limitations of Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism • Knowledge is no longer acquired in the linear manner • Technology performs many of the cognitive operations previously performed by learners • A rapidly evolving information ecology • The absence of complete understanding

Limitations of Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism • The impact of networks and complexity theories on learning • The impact of chaos as a complex pattern recognition process on learning

• Increased recognition of interconnections in differing fields of knowledge

Learning Theory for the Digital Age Connectivism

(Developed by Siemens,

George, 2005)

• Network-Based Pedagogy • Developed for learning in the digital age • Created by restrictions of Behaviorism, Cognitivism, & Constructivism

Connectivism • Knowledge is everywhere on the network

• Learners build new knowledge by connecting them to the source of knowledge they need • Learner manages the relationship management in connecting those knowledge

Principle of Learning Based on Connectivism • Linking various knowledge networks to facilitate learning exchange • Development of knowledge from existing knowledge • Create new knowledge together

The appropriate tools will be used to organize learning activities with Connectivism is “social network�

How Students Learn • Learning is based on the learners' decision to choose the learning resources around them, especially, in the online world • Learners screen for meaningful learning resources for themselves • Learning needs to come from being linked to the surrounding society and networking

How Students Learn • When data, information, opinions, feelings, images, interactions seem to be unclear in relation. • If, when the learners is able to bring a meaningful link for their own learning and use it for the purpose of learning it. Then the learning has occurred.





Learning How to Teach • Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK (old paradigm)

Learning How to Teach • Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TPCK (new paradigm)

Problem-Based Learning • Use the problem as a stimulus or as a context for the learner to think, analyze, seek and integrate new knowledge appropriate for use in real life situations. • It may not be necessary for the learner to have prior knowledge or knowledge of the subject.

Key Features of Problem-Based Learning • Use real-life problems as motivators or starting points for knowledge acquisition • Integration of knowledge content in various fields related to the problem • Focus on a rational and systematic thinking process • Small group learning, the teacher or instructor is a facilitator and encourages the learner to create an atmosphere that promotes learning in the group. • Focus on the learner-centered learning process and align with the objectives set by oneself or the group.

Learning process of Problem-Based Learning • Preparation • Present a problem situation • Analysis to determine the scope of study • Hypothesize, research to prove the hypothesis, decide on a solution to the problem • Create work or practice follow the chosen solution • Evaluate by a variety of methods.

Case-Based Learning • The learning process involves the introduction of a situation or a case study to the learner • Encourage students to use their thinking and problem solving skills in a situation or case study • Learning management should be grouped into listening and accepting the rational thinking of others.

The case study should look like this: • Clear, consistent, concise • Content based on real story, Relate to the daily life of the learner • Encourage the learner to ask questions for further inquiry or solutions. • Promote the integration of many academic fields.

Learning process of Case-Based Learning • Preparation Introduce case study methodology, be clear on the aims or issues that the student must consider. • Present a case study The media may be use • Analyzing Brainstorming, data collection, analyze, discussion, decide on a solution to the problem

Learning process of Case-Based Learning • Conclude All learners and instructors discuss the findings and conclude • Evaluate Answering the problem, discussion, reporting, team working

Technological Tools • Search Engine

Technological Tools • Video Clip Publishing Service

Technological Tools • e-Book

Technological Tools • Infographics

Technological Tools • Infographics

Technological Tools • Screen Video Recorder

Technological Tools • Weblog & Website

Technological Tools • App for Android

Technological Tools • Learning Management System: LMS

Technological Tools • Virtual Classroom

Technological Tools • Social Network

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