St Spyridon Stylus 28

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

| September 2019 | NUMBER 28 |

Artwork: Vicki Synesios Year 10 Visual Arts. Photography by Nick Bourdo and Anthony Condous.

stylus The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 - Seven Goals The new Strategic Plan 2017-2021, will provide our students with opportunities to develop into integral and principled individuals who possess a strong sense of history, have the capacity to critically engage with complex ideas, and to achieve and accomplish in ways pleasing to God. In the context of our college, this means:

• To be fair, just and respectful to all people.

• To respect and care for the environment and all living things.

• To contribute to the welfare of others.

• To take dynamic and coherent action to impact on the world for the better.

• To exercise judgment within an ethical framework.

As professionals of the highest calibre, our teachers will be supported in their work with students with access to professional development and purpose-built future focussed facilities. Our reputation as a Centre of Educational Excellence in teaching and learning, will be enhanced by our partnerships with Universities, and other professional bodies. Goal 1 - Build students’ capacity to critically engage with complex concepts, through learning experiences that incorporate the Big Human Ideals and Ideas; Big Stories and Great books; Current global issues and events. Goal 2 - Develop multidisciplinary approach to learning through programs that integrate the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Humanities, English, Maths and Science (HEMS). Goal 3 - Expand our languages and culture programs. Goal 4 - Expand professional links of our educators with academic institutions-locally and globally and further enhance academic careers of our students. Goal 5 - Enhance communications and comply with all mandates. Goal 6 - Build reputation as a school that cultivates global citizenship for its students. Goal 7 - Develop and implement a Master Plan to incorporate new purpose-built and conducive facilities to accommodate an enrolment of 960 students K minus 1 to Year 12 (460 K minus 1-Year 6 and 500 Years 7-12).

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace. * A copy of the full Strategic Plan is available for download at

New Kinder Minus One Program for 2021. We are pleased to announce the opening of our Kinder Minus One program in 2021, for children who will be commencing Kindergarten at St Spyridon College in 2022. The St Spyridon College Kinder Minus One “Leading Edge Centre� prepares young children to enter formal schooling

with confidence and success. We develop children’s natural attributes and nurture their sense of identity, belonging and self-worth. For more information or enrolments please contact Angela Kringas on (02) 9311 3340 or

Developing the whole person mind, body and soul STYLUS Page 1

Welcome Your Eminence

On Tuesday the 18th of June, the newly elected Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in Australia, His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, arrived at Sydney’s International Airport where he was greeted by the Orthodox faithful with the acclamation of ‘Axios! - He is Worthy!” and the chanting of hymns of prayer. In attendance were delegations from Sydney’s three Greek Orthodox day schools. St Spyridon College was represented by the Head of College, Mrs Stefanou-Haag, the Principal of the Junior School, Mrs Synesios, as well as the teaching staff and students from the senior prefect body. Our very own

College Captain Bill Avdalis was one of two students honoured to hold the Australian flag during His Eminence’s brief address in the VIP Lounge; whilst Sports Captain Spiros Zafiropoulos was given the opportunity to express his sentiments via a live interview with SBS radio. In His address, our Primate Archbishop Makarios captured our hearts stating: “I feel joy and satisfaction because I am among you as a proud father, and at the same time, as your humble servant.” Mr A. Picardi - Orthodox and Legal Studies Teacher

On Saturday, 29th June St Spyridon teachers and students represented their College at the Enthronement of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, Sydney. STYLUS Page 2

On Tuesday, 2nd July we were blessed by the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios on His first ever visit to our Church and College. He was accompanied by his parents, Hierarchs, Reverend Fathers and friends. His personal warmth, wisdom and love, was palpable and moving for everyone who was there. We thank Father Steven Scoutas, Dr Savoulis and the Parish Office for their hospitality at the wonderful dinner held in the Church Hall, at which students and teachers of the College were also invited. The Parish gave our College Captain Bill Avdalis and Stella Ktenas Vice Captain the honour of presenting the Parish gift to His Eminence and flowers to His mother Fotini Griniezakis. A memorable experience for all.


Student Leaders - Building Ethos and Values The Matt Thistlethwaite Student Leadership Assembly 2019 Address by Bill Advalis - College Captain Mrs Stefanou, Head of College, Mrs Katsogiannis, Principal of Senior School, Mrs Synesios, Principal of Junior School, Parish President Dr Savoulis and Board Members, parents, beloved students of the Junior School, and fellow Prefects. Good Morning and Χριστός Ανέστη! We are honoured and privileged to have present with us the honourable member for Kingsford-Smith, Mr Matt Thistlethwaite. I would like to ask everybody to think about what makes a leader. Is it the fact that leaders hold a position of authority? Possibly. Or is it the ability to speak to large crowds? Maybe even to make somewhat comfortable decisions that you know would impact your people. Perhaps! I strongly think that a leader is someone who leads by action; someone who has the ability to change a person, transform them, if you will, into a different being, just by showing them the way and putting them on the right path. This person has to leave behind a good example for the future generations, ultimately setting standards for others to achieve. Furthermore, a good leader has the ability to make everybody else better because everybody strives for something at the end of the day. And as we work together dynamically, we boost off of each other’s work as each and every one of us has something to share. More so, successful leaders are sympathetic and are able to connect with their peers on a different level. They go through one’s highs and lows and go on emotional journeys together. The leader that is needed is always there when called upon, and in addition, doesn’t hesitate to help out their fellow peers, even if that means sacrificing their time and putting themselves second, or third, or fourth. Whatever it may be, that leader is always available for others. Additionally, this leader must have respect for those who follow them. A leader without respect does not care for, and does not care

about, those who follow him or her. It is therefore impossible to gain trust if mutual respect is not present, and without trusting in one another, nothing will happen. The greatest leader who I believe is the perfect role model is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the Perfect Man, and led his flock of sheep as the Good Shepherd by example. He possessed all of the traits that a leader has. Christ practiced what He preached, showed compassion and respect for His people and above all, was a humble Man. Christ was crucified for us and for our salvation, as the Nicene Creed states. The Good Shepherd sacrificed His own life for His sheep. He was tempted three times in the desert and once again on the cross, yet, He remained pure and sinless. In this way, we must stay on the right path, even if we encounter obstacles along the way. If we fall we are able to get back up. As students of St Spyridon College, we aim to represent our school and lead in the best way possible. I speak on behalf of the whole Prefect body when I say this; we set high goals so that we can strive for them and achieve them. By doing this, we are able to show others, whether they are visitors to the school, staff, parents, or perhaps even the younger grades, what a determined student looks like, and in a way, set the standards for future years to come. Finally, I would like to say a few words to the future generation in our Junior School students. You do not know how lucky you all are to be learning at a school that shares the same values as you, the same heritage as you, and the same religion as you, and as long as you stay at St Spyridon College, you will continue to learn under the guidance of your teachers, not just how to read and write, but also how to become leaders. I would like to finish off by asking that you “always do your best and that you try your hardest in anything that you do”, and also to “be kind to one another”. Let us never forget God in our lives so that with His help, we can achieve our own personal goals, as well as striving to improve ourselves in mind, body and soul.

L to R: Mr Dookie, Ms Kokinelis, Mrs Tsaconas, Elia Economou, Con Livissianis, Dr Savoulis, Matt Thistlethwaite, MP, Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Synesios. STYLUS Page 4

Leadership Focus In Pastoral Care Years 7 to 10 focussed on Leadership as a prelude to nominating themselves for the Representative Council. Selected Year 10 Peer Support Leaders had the added responsibility of delivering a power point to Year 7 classes, discussing the leadership opportunities available to

all students at the Senior School and informing Year 7 about the role of the SRC. Years 10 were a wonderful living example of leadership in action. They demonstrated self- confidence, public speaking skills, organization and teamwork in the delivery of their presentations.

Congratulations to the following students from Years 7 – 12 who will form the 2019 Student Representative Council (SRC). We wish them well and look forward to an exciting and productive year ahead.


CHAIRPERSON – Bill Avdalis (College Captain) TREASURER – George Bozikis (Senior Prefect)

9E: Adriana Drakoulis & Kristos Trakosas 9M: Nicolas Kalligiannis & Evan Xylas 9P: Natasha Bebonis & Leanna Papaleonidas 9S: Alexander Nikitopoulos & Christina Pascalis

SECRETARY – Stella Ktenas (Vice Captain)



10C: Mary Diamond & Michael Vlahos

7G: Isabelle Zeiderman & Victoria Stathos 7K: Marcus Rezitis & Gabriella Gouveros 7S: Chrysa Kirkis & Ioanna Panayi

10D: Stephanie Bousoutis & Elleni Mouskos 10M: Elise Georgiou & Gregory Tsoukalas 10V: Franklin Pyliotis & Evan Tsiokas

7Y: Ciana Foti & Connor Kristallis



11G: George Hatzidis & Angelique Giokas

8A: Ellenika Trakosas & Kosta Micos

11H: Jordan Frazis & Nicola Skouteris

8K: Sophia Karatasos & Adam Stamos

11L: Nicholas Drakoulis & Elena Tsallas

8P: Mia Paras & Stavros Haralambides

Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

8Z: Chris Mylonas & Alannah Rawlinson

Ms Athena Venios, Director Roads and Maritime Services presented the Primary Award for Mathematics to Alexandra Bizannes at the 2018 Academic Assembly.


A Thinking School In Action Co-Curricular STEM Club In the Year 7 and 8 Co-curricular STEM Club, we have recently built a large terrarium for the B5 lab. Evelyn from Year 7 has brought in various different crops, such as onions, spring onions, and garlic to plant in the terrarium, which we will later move to the school vegetable garden we plan on building later in the year. A few weeks ago, we discovered a caterpillar in our terrarium and we decided to remove it as we did not want it to destroy all our plants. We told Dr McPhee, and we had a discussion about the roles of insect animals in our terrariums. While we were thinking about whether we could put animals in the terrarium’s small pool, Evelyn suddenly remembered that she had seen what she thought were “tadpoles” in the fountain outside A12 and Ms Kokinelis’ office and wondered whether they could be introduced into the terrarium. Shocked, we asked Dr McPhee whether we could look at the strange creatures

swimming in the fountain’s water. Dr McPhee, sceptical but also intrigued, gave us permission to inspect the creatures under the Science lab’s microscope and using the brandnew Digital Epson microscope camera that connects to the ActivPanel. With the “tadpoles” under the microscopes, we used our knowledge of Classification and dichotomous keys, which we have been learning about in our regular Science classes, to finally discover that these “tadpoles” were in fact “mosquito larvae”! Needless to say, we won’t be introducing these mosquitoes to our terrarium; however we do look forward to continuing our learning and discovery of the wonderful world of organism classification and the nature around us and elsewhere on Earth! Chrysa Kirkis, Evelyn Schkolnik and Sarah Constantinidis Year 7 Dr J. McPhee and Mr A. Karras - Science Teachers


stylus Da Vinci Decathlon Two teams of Year 7 and Year 8 students travelled to Knox Grammar, Wahroonga, to represent St Spyridon College in the 2019 Da Vinci Decathlon. The two St Spyridon College teams consisted of the following students: Year 7 – Alexandra Bizannes, Catherine Coutts, Andrew Dalessis, Angelique Drakakis, Benjamin Kwok, Denny Poulos, Marcus Rezitis, Tara Zinopoulos. Year 8 – Larisa Arnautovic, Thomas Bousoutis, Gabriella Guerrera, Sophia Karatasos, Nektarios Kollias, Peter Kotsis, Alexander Kumar, Jake Vassilis. The Da Vinci Decathlon is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of school students. Students compete in teams of eight across 10 disciplines: engineering,

mathematics, code breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography and general knowledge. We are pleased to announce that out of approximately 100 schools in New South Wales both St Spyridon teams placed in different methods: • 6th in General Knowledge – Year 7 • 11th in Cartography – Year 8 All students are to be commended on their enthusiasm and positive outlook, both in the lead-up to the Decathlon, as well as on the day of the competition. Also, a special thank you to Ms Kilias for accompanying us to Knox Grammar on the day of the Decathlon. Mrs V. Laskas English Teacher


A Thinking School In Action Aspiring Young Author

We are very happy to announce that Anastasia Lambrou of Year 9 has for the second time entered a writing competition and been successful in winning by having her short story published in OZ KIDS IN PRINT MAGAZINE –

which is sponsored by the Australian Government. We are very proud of Anastasia and commend her for the effort she puts into her writing endeavours.

Mindquest Mind Quest is a program that has been run by the NSW Talent Centre for nearly 2 decades. We congratulate Chrissy Drakakis who has received a Certificate of Achievement for her analytical and problem solving skills in the Forensic Science Course. Only one or two students are presented with such an award. Well done Chrissy! Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

New Science Software Sparks Interest In March, the Year 9 Science Honours class along with Mr Karras, investigated Ohm’s law using the new software SparkView that the school installed for us on the Science laptops. We conducted the experiment and graphed our data onto the SparkView’s platform. The software was extremely easy to use and in the end gave us the results we required and were trying to prove. We thank the school for giving us the opportunity to use such tools. Adriana Drakoulis, Sia Manos, Nicole Frangoulis Year 9 Students STYLUS Page 8

HICES Debating 2019 St Spyridon College entered five teams in the 2019 HICES Debating Competition. In the four preliminary rounds, our debating teams argued against schools in the South Sydney region (Moriah College, Emmanuel School, All Saints Belmore, and International Grammar School). The following students were involved in the 2019 HICES Debating Competition: Middle (Year 7 & 8): Alexandra Bizannes, Andrew Dalessis, Alexander Kumar, Gabriella Guerrera, Amanda Carayiannis, Amelia Raptis, Alexander Romanos-Regas, Jennifer Pyliotis. Senior (Year 9 & 10): Elena Kaldis, Christina Pascalis, Anastasia Lambrou, Nicholas Kalligiannis, Evan Xylas, Teoni Antonopoulos, Billy Bourdaniotis, Maria-Angela Patsalis, Gianni Keramitzis, James Bletsas. Open (Year 11 & 12): Nicholas Drakoulis, George Hatzidis, Jade Capitanelis, Stella Ktenas, George Bozikis. Highlights for our debaters this year included meeting other like-minded students during the preliminary rounds, and debating new and sometimes challenging topics. Some challenges faced by our debaters this year included overcoming

tricky topics during preparation time, particularly for our Senior teams, as well as trying to ‘speak to the bell’ for our Middle teams. All debaters are to be commended on their commitment to debating this year. The students were so enthusiastic and energetic, both in the lead up to their debates, as well as on the day of every debate. Not only have our debaters learnt new skills such as how to better organize and structure their arguments, they have also improved their teamwork and public speaking skills as a result of their participation in the HICES Debating Competition. While three of our teams were successful in making it through to the Finals rounds of the HICES Competition in 2019, only our Open team succeeded in making it through to the Semi-Final round. Through their active participation in debating this year, all debaters improved their confidence in speaking publicly, and look forward to putting in to practice their new and improved debating skills in the 2020 HICES Debating Competition. Mrs V. Laskas and Ms S. Vardas HICES Debating STYLUS Page 9

Community Action Junior School Fundraising Crazy Sock Day In June, the Junior School students came to school accessorising their uniform with their craziest pair of socks. This was to raise money for The Little Legs Foundation, an organisation working hand-in-hand with the Charlie Teo Foundation to help raise awareness and funds to one day find a cure for brain cancer. I am proud to announce that our Junior School students raised over $850 with donations still coming in! Mrs N. Economou Year 5 Teacher

St Spyridon College Hosts Respect, Understanding and Acceptance Day Students from Galstaun College, Moriah College, St Pauls College, Australian Islamic College, Stella Maris College and AIA Kellyville, representing the Jewish, Catholic and Muslim faiths joined together at St Spyridon College for the annual Respect, Understanding and Acceptance Day (RUA). In previous years this day was held at the Jewish Museum. Students enthusiastically mingled and made new friends while gaining a deeper appreciation of the diversity within our rich multicultural society and our schools. Hosting RUA day enabled our students to take visiting students and their teachers on a tour of the school pointing our features that highlight our values and beliefs. Thanks to our Year 9 Food Technology students and their teachers Ms Yiannaros and Mrs Grillakis (Curriculum Leader), our guest enjoyed lenten koulourakia and fanouropita muffins STYLUS Page 10

while also learning a little about our religious practises at this time of year. Some of the key messages taken away from this day included: RACISM is a destructive force that needs to be addressed and diminished, and that difference should not be feared, instead it should be respected, understood, accepted and celebrated. The world and our immediate society are made up of a plethora of groups. Sometimes as a result of ignorance and stereotypical views, confusion and false ideas are formed. When students from different backgrounds are given the opportunity to interact and on days such as this, they realise that they have many similarities and shared beliefs, and this unite them. Ms G. Kokinelis - Dean of Middle School

stylus Focus on our Educators Profile of Mrs Dimi Kefalouros


• English • HSIE – History

Qualifications: • Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) University of Sydney. 2003

Roles and responsibilities:

• Year 12 Adviser • English Advanced Years 11 and 12 • English Years 9 and 10 • HSIE History Year 9

Dimi Kefalouros has been a teacher at St Spyridon College for 15 years. In that time she has proven to be a tireless and enthusiastic member of the English/History/Drama Team, who has had the interest of all her students in the forefront of her professional day and beyond. Mrs Kefalouros recently completed her role as Year 12 Adviser for the Class of 2019. The students in her care have nothing but praise for the selfless way that she approached her role. Mrs Kefalouros has made rich contributions to the life of our College and we are grateful to have the opportunity to acknowledge her significant and committed efforts over the years.

Mrs I. Koutsoukis - Curriculum Leader, English/History/Drama

Focus on Past Students Calioppe Kefalas – HSC CLASS 2015 My history at St Spyridon College • HSC Class 2015 • ATAR 98.10 • University Scholarship Recipient Tertiary Studies • Graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor of Design in Architecture at the University of Sydney • Awarded the Dean’s List of Excellence in Academic Performance (2017) from the Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning • Currently studying a Master of Architecture at the University of Sydney. I will be forever grateful to all the teachers and everyone within the St Spyridon College school community. Not only has my time at school become one of my fondest memories but it has placed the foundation, for a university journey and working life full of respect, gratitude, hard-work and a never-ending willingness to learn and constantly improve. For the students reading this in particular, immerse yourself in your education, enjoy every second of your school life, appreciate everyone who is supporting you and always remember to try your best, because you never know where that may take you. STYLUS Page 11

Parish Trip to Greece 2019

In June, thirty five students flew to Greece together with their teachers Mr Meintanis, Mrs Synesios, Miss Flokis, Miss Kilias and Mr Phillips – Parish Board and administrative representative Leader. The Parish Trip to Greece is a unique opportunity for students to experience the culture, religion and history as well as the contemporary life of this wonderful country.

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Mother’s night out Parents and Friends - A dynamic force

We extend our warmest thanks and congratulations to Mrs Kasmas and her dynamic P & F Committee for the wonderland they created for us to celebrate Mother’s Day. Over 200 women from 3 generations came together in the Grounds of Alexandria along with Mrs Mayson and Ms Stamoulis, the two women of our Board. We acknowledge the many weeks and days that went into the preparation for such an event

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and thank all of you who worked behind the scenes to get it done. It was truly a wonderful evening. Thank you to our donors and to all in attendance for your generosity. May our Lord bless and protect you and your families. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Deputy Head of College

The Junior School celebrated Father’s Day with a beautiful breakfast organized by the P& F. We thank Reverend Father Steven and Father Amphilohios for the beautiful doxology celebrated in our church. Thank you to everyone who donated, participated and volunteered! Angela Kasmas - P & F President

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Junior School Arts and Culture Art In The Year 4 Classroom Year 4 students completed various artworks using a variety of media. We believe art is an experience; it is a process not just a product that we create. Mrs A. Synesios - Principal Junior School Heather Galler inspired self-portraits: L to R: Kayla Hansimikali Vlad Matandos Bettina Winnel

Indigenous inspired Rainbow Serpents: L to R: Sam Nicotera, Nicholas Soumilas, Chloe Boulas, Valentino Karedis, Theodore Theotokas

Collage Animals:

Coco Tsigouris

Olivia Gravanis

Xandros Natsikas

Coffee stained First Fleet Ships: Sava Davidovic Vivien Kotsohili

Nicholas Hadjiparaskevas STYLUS Page 16

Living Our Faith Prosphoron Bread with Year 6 In June, Mrs Giokas showed Year 6 how to make Prosphoron bread, which was used in the school Divine Liturgy the following day. Mrs Giokas set up the preparation table which included the ingredients for the prosphoron bread, an icon, an Oil Lamp in remembrance of Christ’s words “I am the light of the world”, the Sfrayitha (stamp for the bread), and a thymiato and the Opening and Closing Prayers which were recited by the whole grade. Mrs Giokas wrote the names of the teachers, the students and their families onto a piece of paper, which was later presented by the students to Father Steven Scoutas so he could read while he was preparing the Holy Communion during the Divine Liturgy. Every student was given the opportunity to assist in making the prosphoron bread which was indeed a truly memorable experience. The word Prosphoron, meaning “offering”, is the round loaf of bread which is brought to the Church as an offering for use in the preparation of the Holy Gifts for Holy Communion. On the top surface of the prosphoron a seal (sfrayitha) is stamped before baking.

Only the centre part of the loaf is used for the Holy Communion; the rest is distributed at the end of the Divine Liturgy to all parishioners. During preparation of the Eucharist (Holy Communion), the priest conducts the Liturgy in which he first cuts out the centre of the stamped design that says, IC, XC, NI KA (Jesus Christ Conquers). It becomes the Body of Christ. The large triangular piece is then removed and placed on the paten (a small round and flat plate made of gold or silver on which the priest places the particles of bread at the celebration of the Eucharist) in honour and commemoration of our Lord’s Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then the nine smaller triangular pieces are removed and also placed on the patent. These commemorate the Old Testament Patriarchs, the Angelic Hosts, and the Prophets, Apostles and Saints of the Holy Orthodox Church. Mrs E. Giokas Orthodox Studies Teacher

Good Friday and Anastasi

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Honouring Our Traditions

78th Anniversary Battle Of Crete Commemoration This time, each year St Spyridon students are invited to honour their heritage at the Battle of Crete Commemoration service held in Martin Place. At this very poignant service, we saw Greeks, Australians and New Zealanders come together to pay their respects and keep the memory alive of the fallen soldiers. Our student leaders, together with Parish President Dr. Savoulis, lay wreaths to commemorate the involvement of the Greek army, Allied armies and Greek civilians in the war that forever created a bond between Australia and Greece. What made the Battle of Crete significant was the resistance by the civilians of Crete to the Nazi invasion. It was the first battle of World War II in which the civilians fought an invasion, an unexpected defiance by civilian population. Allied forces

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stood alongside the people of Crete to defend the island and the Battle continues to be remembered for its courageous defence that gave the enemy a costly victory. It was courage, sacrifice and mateship of all those who fought during this battle, in which enriched friendships and bonds between Greeks, Australians and New Zealanders. Our students also had the opportunity to meet and speak with Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC Governor of New South Wales and one of the few surviving Anzacs of Greece/Crete, 102 year old Australian Anzac Alf Carpenter. Lest We Forget. Mrs V. Grillakis Team Leader – TAS

Junior School Athletics Carnival April marked our Annual Athletics Carnival at Hensley Oval. The weather was not on our side for either of our carnivals this year. The rain held off for our 800m events and our infants 50m races but after that it rained on and off throughout the day. This didn’t seem to stop our competitors. I was very impressed by the determination and focus our students displayed under these conditions! I would like to thank all the staff and parents who assisted in the running of the day. A special thank you to Mr Kaldis from the Senior School who came to offer a helping hand on the day and who also assisted me in the set-up of the whole carnival on Meet Manager our scoring program, in the weeks leading up to the event. Congratulations to the Winning House: The Corinthian Team! We had a new record in the Junior Boys Discus. Congratulations to Marcus Kalyvas with a score of 24.94m beating his brothers record Leon Kalyvas - 24.05m. Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sport Co-ordinator

2019 Athletics Age Champions BOYS GIRLS 8 Years Steven Sotiras 8 Years Stella Moros 9 Years Necta Imisides 9 Years Vivien Kotsohili 10 Years Emmanuel Moros 10 Years Zoe Sigrimis 11 Years George Agiasotis 11 Years Bianca Soumilas 12 Years Zane Rallis 12 Years Kiara Zabetakis

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Combined Swimming Carnival We wish to thank Mr Kaldis (event Director), Ms O’Shea (Girls Sport Coordinator) and Mrs Diavatiotis (Junior School Sports Coordinator) for this outstanding inaugural event. We commend the staff for their work and all parents who attended, for their support. Congratulations to our students. The overall House winners from the College were the Olympians! Well done to all our swimmers.

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Senior School Athletics Carnival

Well done to Nemeans who were successful in all divisions on the day. Middle School Champions: • NEMEANS • OLYMPIANS • CORINTHIANS • DELPHIANS Upper School Champions: • NEMEANS • CORINTHIANS • DELPHIANS • OLYMPIANS Overall Champions: • NEMEANS • OLYMPIANS • CORINTHIANS • DELPHIANS

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GOA National Schools Event 2019 In May, the annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event was held in Adelaide hosted by St George College. This event highlights the strength of the Orthodox day schools across Australia. An event that begins with a blessing service which was held at St George Church in Adelaide. What an inspiring and illuminating experience listening to all 7 Orthodox day schools in one voice chanting the Christ is Risen hymn. The blessing service is certainly the most important gathering and this was best explained by Very Reverend Father Diogenis Patsouris OAM JP and parish priest of St George when he welcomed all at this years participants from across Australia and then issued the following for the students to consider. Νους Υγιής… Εν Σώματι Υγιεί. Best translated as a healthy mind in a healthy body. This very idea epitomises one of the core ideals of these games that is to promote physical exercise as an important part of mental and psychological well being. It is with these words that the students exited the church and embarked on three days of sporting events and performances. Three days of forging long lasting friendships and sharing the diverse experiences students have from their schooling across all parts of Australia. The sporting events contested at these annual games included Boys and Girls Basketball, Netball, Soccer, Boys and Girls Futsal, Boys and Girls Volleyball and Boys and Girls Table tennis. On Thursday evening the students from all Colleges assembled for the creative arts performances and the combined College dinner. Our very own Spiros Zafiropoulos (Sports Captain) and Efthimia Kollias performed a beautiful rendition of the song Θέλω να με νιώσεις. I congratulate the students and commend all the students for their excellent behaviour on a most memorable evening. In regards to the sporting contests the boys experienced mixed success across all sports starting with the Boys Futsal. It was a memorable and heart stopping tournament. Our boys senior team came back from an early round 1 setback losing to St Euphemia 2-0 to secure a place in the elimination semi-finals after defeating St Johns College convincingly 6-1 and Oakleigh Grammar 4-1. In the final the boys’ team played against St Euphemia College and were this time victorious on penalties. What was most impressive about the wins was the sheer determination the boys exhibited in their willingness to succeed and the resilience they showed deserves to be commended. Congratulations to the boys and their coach Mr Magoulias for a wonderful result that will definitely be one to remember for all involved for many years to come.

The Open girls netball team had their chance to regain the trophy after losing the championship to St Euphemia in 2017 and 2018, the girls were determined to win. Pleasing to see was how the level of competition had improved from previous years with all schools striving for success. They played not only for their school but for each other and they were not going to let anyone down. The girls finished first overall, undefeated throughout the day. Their performance in the last deciding match against St Euphemia was outstanding and beautiful to watch, the girls were all switched on and determined to win. Most importantly was that this was the most convincing team effort I had seen from a St Spyridon team in many years, not one player can be faulted for poor performance or lack of effort each individual player playing their role in the success of the day. Congratulations to Alexia Moufarrege for receiving most valuable player. Girls Basketball was held on the last day of competition and many of the same girls who played in the Netball were also part of the Basketball team. The history shows that St Spyridon College has only lost this title once in 2000 since the inception of the National Schools Event, therefore this places a lot of pressure on the girls to perform. The girls played with passion and pride for their College, maintaining dignity at all times and were able to showcase their exceptional skills. Their last match against St Euphemia College would determine their overall result in the competition. The girls must be congratulated for their overall team performance with all individuals contributing to the success on the day. This ultimately led the girls in becoming overall undefeated winners for the 19th year consecutively. Congratulations to Sonya Paradisis for receiving most valuable player, both her skill and leadership were exceptional. Congratulations and thank you to all teachers and coaches who accompanied the students and helped to make the tournament a success. Thank you to St George College for hosting a successful event and we look forward to participating in the 2020 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event hosted by Oakleigh Grammar in Melbourne. Mr F. Kaldis - Boys Sports Ms K. O’Shea - Girls Sports

Attn: St Euphemia College Details: College Crest Colours: Pantone 282C White Type: Myriad Semi Bold

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Most Valuable Players Selected From Each Sport Congratulations to all the boys and girls who received the Most Valuable Player for their respective sports in 2019.

Boys Volleyball – John Dalakiaris Soccer – George Stavrou Futsal – Nicholas Tsintominas Table tennis – Connor Giavis Basketball – Dimitrios Dimas

Girls Futsal – Vivika Lynch Netball – Alexia Moufarrege Volleyball – Yana Vergotis Table Tennis – Efthimia Kollias Basketball – Sonya Paradisis

Girls Basketball - Champions

Girls Netball - Champions

Boys Futsal - Champions

STYLUS Page 23

Vale His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos


n Monday, 25 March 2019, on the Feast Day of

in Australia. Every major building of our College was

the Annunciation of the Theotokos and Greek

opened by Him. Every plaque bears His name. His love

Independence Day, our Archbishop and Father Stylianos

for young people and His faith in our youth to build a

passed away peacefully at the

better world, was boundless.

age of 83.

In better days, when His health was good, He made time to

Our school community joined

bless our students’ Year 12

in prayer at a special assembly

Graduations, to attend their

dedicated to Him where our

Greek performances, to

students prayed for the repose

listen to their speeches. He

of the soul of His Eminence,

was never too busy to give

amongst the righteous.

counsel, comfort and peace

His legacy of 44 years at the

of mind to those burdened

helm of the Greek Orthodox

by responsibilities.

Church of Australia, his formidable

Our “In Memory” collection

intellect, and spiritual strength

of a few photographs of key

and conviction are a matter

moments in the school’s life,

of record. He gave the Greek

may seem very small but it

Orthodox people of Australia

represents shared memories of

a sense of identity and pride.

his time amongst us. It bears

Through him we won the

witness to our deep connection

respect of all Australian people.

with an irreplaceable person

Others more qualified will no

who has changed the course

doubt record and disseminate

of history for the better, by

His many achievements and

the sheer force of his presence

heroic struggles on behalf of


His people. We at St Spyridon College remember Him as the founder of Greek Orthodox education


2001 STYLUS Page 24

in the world. May His Memory be Eternal. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College














2019 STYLUS Page 25

Artwork: Valentina Spyridopoulos Year 10 Visual Arts

1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247

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