St Spyridon Stylus 31

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The voice of St Spyridon College

| December 2021 | NUMBER 31 |

stylus Our Values We aim to provide education for young people that maximises their academic progress; contributes to their development into integral and principled individuals; and strengthens their capacity to achieve and accomplish in ways pleasing to God. We premise our actions on the following fundamental values: The sacredness of the human person as the icon of God – leading to a responsibility to be fair, just and respectful to all people. The sacredness of creation – leading to a responsibility to respect and care for the environment and all living things. The importance of family as central to the social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of young people – leading to respect for the role of families in their children’s education. The importance of our faith in engaging the community as an extension of the Orthodox Church – leading to a duty to contribute to the welfare of others. The Greek language as the deepest expression of Hellenic heritage – leading to the development and implementation of outstanding programs in the Greek language and the integration of Hellenic thought, literature, history and music in our programs.

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace.

Message from His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia My dearly beloved, Like last year, the world has continued to grapple with the many challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic that has affected the world and which has had a huge impact on everybody’s lives, no less in yours, where you had to quickly switch to online learning and zoom classrooms. I understand that this has not been easy. But, looking back, you have gotten through these tough months and, with God’s help, you will continue to get through the many other challenges that will come your way; whether in your learning environment or in broader society. As it says in Psalms, “be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all who hope in the Lord.” (Ps. 31:24). My beloved children, I want you to have hope because Christ is, and will always be, with you. Through the intercesions of St Spyridon, your patron saint at the College, Christ will always be with. When we have Christ with us, then we have already suceeded in our lives. Without him, all the worldly accomplishments mean nothing. It is in Christ and in the Church that we fulfill who we are meant to be as persons. It is important you study hard and utilise your talents and unique gifts you have all been given. Forge your place in our rapidly changing world with confidence, knowing that you are not only recieving a sound education but firm foundations in our Orthodox faith and Hellenic ideals, and nothing can uproot these. My endearing students, as your Archbishop and Spiritual Father, I am extremely proud of your resilience and the commitment you have displayed in adversity and I urge to continue living and studying in the same manner. My dedicated teachers and staff, I commend you for providing quality learning outcomes and striving for academic excellence. To the new Head of College, Mrs Amelia Katsogiannis, I sincerely congratulate and loudly applaud you for skilfully taking the helm with dedication and passion. And, finally, I call upon the Members of the Board of Governors, Teachers, Parents and all the students of St Spyridon College, the abundance of the Lord’s blessings Archbishop Makarios Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia


Academic and Student Leadership Prefects’ Lunch

In March our annual Head of College Prefects’ Lunch was held in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre (SPACe). Thank you to the Very Reverend Father Steven Scoutas for attending and speaking to the students. Also present were Mrs Synesios, Ms Kokinelis, Mr Meintanis, Ms Katergarakis and Ms Kalithrakas. Prefects had the opportunity to share their progress in their studies and views on student leadership. Thank you to Mrs Grillakis and Year 12 Hospitality students for preparing and serving the lunch. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Head of College


College Leaders 2022 Congratulations to our College Leaders for 2022

Benjamin Hickman College Captain

Elena Kaldis Vice-Captain

Natalie Mihail Senior Prefect

Adriana Drakoulis Sports Captain

Dyllon Polyzos Sports Captain

Prefects: Christina Pascalis, James Cardamis, Alexander Nikitopoulos, Heleena Ginis, Jana Panagopoulos, George Grillakis, Nick Nicholas, Evan Xylas, Penny Kezalas, Alex Stamoulis.

Junior School Leaders 2022

Marina Famularo Captain

Anthony Magafa Captain

Markella Economou Vice Captain

John Missos Vice Captain

Prefects: Allegra Charos, Antonia Pizanis, Demi Eliopoulos, Demitra Aroney, Eleni Aspradakis, Panaiya Cominos, Angelo Takouridis, Anthony Dounis–Smith, Greg Efstathis, James Chalkiotis, Necta Imisides, Sean McEachern HOUSE CAPTAINS Corinthians: Anne Moutzaris and Dimitrios Chalkiotis Delphians: Penelope Kouts and Peter Houseas Olympians: Michael Antonas Nemeans: Stella Moros and Evan Marinakis

Acer Scholarship Winners Year 11 2022 and Year 12 2023 Congratulations to Nektarios Kollias and Larisa Arnautovic, Year 10 who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Years 11 and 12.

Year 7 2022 to Year 10 2025 Congratulations to Vivien Kotsohili, from our Junior School, granted the four years scholarship to St Spyridon College. Nektarios Kollias

Larisa Arnautovic

Vivien Kotsohili STYLUS Page 3

Community Action Battle of Crete Commemoration

On Saturday, 22nd May 2021 students represented St Spyridon College at the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Crete Commemoration at the Cenotaph, Martin Place.

The wreath was laid by Ms Katergarakis, Dean of Studies and student leaders. Thank you also to Ms Galanis, Stage 2 Leader for supporting the Junior School students.

Anzac Day Dawn Service On Anzac Day 25th April 2021 Ms Kokinelis, Dean of Students and Wellbeing and our Senior School Prefects rose early to attend the Anzac Day Dawn Service at Maroubra RSL (Sub Branch). Our College Captain Mary Diamond was given the honour of reading the Ode and she carries out this task with great respect and pride. A wreath was also laid by our three Senior Leaders Mary Diamond (College Captain), Billy Bourdaniotis (Vice Captain) and Stephanie Bousoutis (Senior Prefect).

“May their memory be Eternal” “We will remember them, Lest We Forget”

Leadership Program at NSW Parliament and Government House In May our College Captain Mary Diamond and Vice Captain Billy Bourdaniotis, were given the opportunity to develop their knowledge of our system of government and parliamentary proceedings and the role of the Governor General. They visited the Legislative Assembly and Council, went on a tour of Government House and met the Governor Her Excellency The Honorable Margaret Beazley AO. STYLUS Page 4

Global Connections Urdd’s Peace and Goodwill Message St Spyridon College is proud to support the Urdd’s message of Peace and Goodwill. Every year since 1922, the young people of Wales have created a message of peace and friendship to share with young people around the world. This year’s message focuses on Equality for Women.

Kids Giving Back In June the SRC organised a Mufti Day that aimed at helping the Homeless. We took the opportunity to consider others by making cash contributions and by donating beanies, socks, scarves and gloves to the homeless. These items and cash donation will be passed on to the charity “KIDS GIVING BACK”.

Ration Challenge The SRC who participated in The Ration Challenge along with some of their parents raised more than $6,391 in online donations. The 23 students and 4 parents volunteered to take part in raising awareness and funds that will supply refugees with emergency food, medical kits, and other lifesaving support. The volunteers’ commitment includes eating the same food as a refugee.

The food ration box was supplied by the organizers of the event “ACT FOR PEACE”. We thank them for giving us this opportunity. Keep up the great effort everyone! You are going to make a world of difference to the lives of others.

R U OK? Well done to all Senior School students and staff who contributed photos for R U OK Day. It was wonderful to see that the important message behind this campaign was taken on board.


Celebrating the Arts From the Art Room

Last Term Year 8 investigated the artworks made by Indigenous Australians. Students learnt about traditional image and symbols form the Western Desert and from Arnhem Land. They also studied works made by contemporary artists. Our students worked collaboratively on large scale canvases to create works


that incorporated traditional Indigenous symbols along with contemporary signs and symbols from the student’s own life. Ms M. Pringle Visual Arts Teacher

Year 10 Design and Technology


Last semester, Year 10 Design and Technology have been completing a sustainable Textiles Technology unit of work, “Green is the New Black”. The students have utilized reused/ recycled materials to construct clothing items. Each garment also strives to raise awareness for current social issues such as mental health, urbanization, female empowerment, through aesthetic and functional features. Ms T. Zervos Design and Technology Teacher

Ruby Moon On Thursday, 10 June the Year 11 Drama students performed their interpretation of the renowned Australian play “Ruby Moon” by Matt Cameron. The play explores the Australian suburban nightmare as we find out that a young girl called Ruby Moon went to visit her grandmother at the end of the street and never returned. The Year 11 students were responsible for, not only interpreting and performing the characters in this play, but also bringing it to life through the Elements of Production: set, costume, lighting and sound and promotional material. Their production concept was to set the play in suburban Australia in the 1980s to bring about an air of suburban nostalgia, whilst

highlighting the elements of fear and suspicion through their specific design choices. The students performed their roles with authenticity and command, bringing each character to life with their strong performance skills. They are to be congratulated on this enormous accomplishment. Thank you to the parents, friends and teachers who came along to form the audience for this production and show their support for the students. Mrs L. McCoy Drama Teacher


HSC Major Work Projects Congratulations to the following HSC students who were nominated for their exemplary HSC Major Work Projects. Vicki Synesios was nominated for Design and Technology Shape Exhibition, Valentina Spyridopoulos for Visual Arts ARTEXPRESS and Athena Demetriou HSC Dance - Call Back. The panel of judges were impressed by the high standards of

work produced by the students. Congratulations also to the Design and Technology teacher Miss Zervos and Visual Arts teacher Ms Evans for their ongoing hard work and dedication to their students to highly achieve at this level. Mrs V. Grillakis TAS & Creative Arts Curriculum Leader

Vicki Synesios – Architectural Sustainable Housing Vicki’s Project addressed the issues of homelessness and inequities faced by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on Elcho Island. She created a model for affordable, sustainable housing was created, represented through a three-dimensional Computer Aided Design sketch, a physical

model and online supportive information directed through a QR Code. The 3D CAD model includes all architectural, interior and landscape features of the design to show the function and aesthetics of the space.

Athena Demetriou - HSC Dance Congratulations to Athena who was nominated for her Core Performance, Major Performance, and her Core Composition in Dance.

Valentina Spyridopoulos – Pursuit of Form Function Aesthetic Valentina explored notions of self and pursuit of the ideal through the personal and emotional process of spinal straightening due to scoliosis. She investigated contemporary and traditional practice, technical skill and sensitivity,


incorporating sophisticated use of materials and expressive forms. Time based media of rhythmical audio showcased the sculptural body braces.

Past Students - Where are they now? Kathy Thimakis – HSC CLASS 2012 • COLLEGE DUX ATAR 97.05 • ARONEY AWARD WINNER • UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP WINNER: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) at Western Sydney University I graduated from St Spyridon College in 2012 as College Dux and was honoured to receive the Aroney Award, the Sir Arthur and Lady Rene George Scholarship as well as the AAA Scholarship upon leaving high school. I then undertook one year of study in the Medical Sciences program at the University of New South Wales before transferring to Western Sydney University where I went on to complete a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree. During my time studying Medicine I had the opportunity to work in rural and remote Aboriginal communities across New South Wales and volunteered internationally in Vietnam Hospitals. These opportunities allowed me to experience healthcare in a variety of settings and enabled me to offer my services and expertise to vulnerable communities where medical supplies and healthcare workers are often in scarcity. During my time as a Medical student, I was also honoured to be awarded a Member of the Academy and be granted Western Sydney University’s School of Medicine’s Dean’s Merit List. After graduating from my medical studies in 2018, I completed my internship and residency at St George and The Sutherland Hospital where I concurrently volunteered as a teacher for UNSW medical students, helping younger students through their own learning journeys. Since then, I have undertaken a year of work at the Sydney Children’s Hospital where I developed my passion for paediatrics and successfully completed the Diploma of Child Health. Currently, I am pursuing my dream of becoming a General Practitioner and have successfully gained a position on the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners training program. I look forward to beginning my community placements next year. I will be forever grateful to St Spyridon College for their support in my education as well as further cultivating my spiritual and cultural domains. The College has not only laid a perfect platform to help me thrive in my career but has supported the shaping of friendships that have lasted a lifetime and for this I am forever grateful.


Mother’s night out Parents and Friends - A dynamic force

Our Mothers’ Night Out was a huge success, especially after not being able to be held last year. It was yet again a sell-out event. This night was only possible because of the amazing generosity of our donors and the ingenuity of our team who worked tirelessly over wo months to put everything together for an enjoyable and successful evening.

prizes, and the deck of cards with the three grand prizes. We estimate the prize pool total to be over $31,000! Amazing and overwhelming generosity from our community.

Everyone went home with something this year from raffles, goody bags, lucky door gifts, silent auctions, lucky envelope

Angela Kasmas P & F President

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A heartfelt THANK YOU for your continual support of our fundraising events and a special thank you to all who donated a prize and made this night extra special.

stylus Year 6 Graduation

We feel blessed to have seen you grow to young people. Students you are so blessed to have the love and support of your families at home, and the love and support of your teachers at school. I ask that you remember to thank your families and your teachers, for everything they do for you.

The Pandemic has enabled us to think about what really matters in the world, to prepare ourselves for future trials and to appreciate all of God’s blessings in our lives. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Extract from Head of College Address

Photography by Nick Bourdaniotis

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Celebrating 200 years of Greek Independence

College Assemblies St Spyridon College exists today because of what took place 200 years ago.

next generation and sharing them with the wider Australian community. You are the next generation.

The Greek revolution was a revolution for faith and nation, and this is why it produced so many saints and heroes.

The heroes of the revolution speak to all of us today and they say loud and clear – keep your faith, honour your country and preserve your Greek heritage.

We are reminded that in this blessed country of ours we are called to live our Orthodox faith truly and to treasure the values of our Greek Heritage, passing them on to the

St Spyridon Church

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Uphold the freedom and the values which they died for. May their memory be eternal. Αιωνία η Μνήμη.


The Greek War of Independence through your eyes

Water colour of Messolonghi by Zoe Sigrimis (Year 6). Poem by Chrysoula Kirkis (Year 9)

Martin Place

The Lighting of the Opera House

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People of Faith and Tradition Easter Focus Year 9 and 10 Food Technology students had the opportunity to prepare koulourakia for Easter Focus. It is important for our students to reflect and learn about the traditions in which take place during Holy Week, in preparation for The Resurrection of Christ. The students enjoyed making various

shapes, as they discussed how Yiayia taught them and how their families celebrate Easter. Mrs V. Grillakis Technology and Creative Arts Team Leader

Good Friday

Lenten Appeal This Great Lent, Year Six organised a food drive for the mission Father Nektarios runs at Sts Constantine and Helen Church, Newtown. Their goal was to support the Soup Kitchen, to feed the homeless and make a difference. We thank all our parents

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and students for your support and wish you a Blessed Easter. Mrs Karpouzos Junior School Teacher

Life at The Junior School Easter Week at The Junior School I wish to thank all of the children for participating in our Easter Assembly, for bringing in non-perishable food items for Father Nektarios’ mission at Sts Constantine and Helen, Newtown, for volunteering to make Palm Crosses, serving as Altar Boys and chanting in Engomia Choir. We thank all our parents and grandparents for attending our Easter assembly and for supporting the children so they could

participate fully and experience the services of Holy Week. Thank you to Mrs Kasmas and the P & F Committee and our generous donors, for the Easter stalls and raffles. Congratulations to all the prize recipients. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School Photography by Nick Bourdaniotis

This year we started our Kinder Minus One tradition – we made cards for our families, painted red eggs to keep, learnt a song in Greek about making Koulourakia and finally also made our own Koulourakia to take home and enjoy. Ms S. Turner KM1 Teacher

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The Inaugral Kinder Minus One Class The First Kinder Minus One Class starts at The Junior School for 2021 We have had a most joyous start to the year with the arrival of our much anticipated Kinder Minus One children. These little people, and our beautiful Kindergarten children have made our St Spyridon family complete.

to our faces was the interaction between the children. The older children waving to and checking in on the younger ones. We pray that Our Lord blesses our endeavours and protects our children KM1 – 12.

Both KM1 and Kindergarten have settled into their routines as if they have been here forever. What brought a real smile

Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

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KM1 with their Year 5 Buddies The Year 5 group have become Buddies with students in the KM1 classes, as part of their integrated English – Bounce Back Program. This is the first opportunity that Year 5 has had to work with KM1 to show leadership and be responsible in a more formal and ongoing arrangement. So far, students

have been doing an outstanding job being role models for and teachers of the precious students in KM1. Ms D. Mcarthy Stage 3 Coordinator Junior School

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Farewell HSC Class 2021 Doxology - Thanksgiving Service for the Year 12 Class of 2021 With the Paternal Blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, Very Reverend Father Steven and Very Reverend Father Amphilohios, our Head of College Mrs Katsogiannis and senior staff, the Year 12 class of 2021 participated in the Thanksgiving Service to mark the conclusion of their academic life at St Spyridon College. In His address, His Eminence highlighted to the students that the HSC examination that the Year 12’s will soon embark on, ‘is not an ending but a new beginning’... and assured them of ‘His full support and that of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia’. *Photos by Nick Bourdaniotis

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Extract from speeches at the Year 12 Graduation Dinner Overall, this year has had its ups and downs, with only two terms of year 12 at school and the rest online. However, it is now that I wish to remind everyone to show gratitude. We are grateful for all we have been given - for example this formal, and how we are all gathered to celebrate. Additionally, the year 10 Greece trip where we deepened our knowledge on our faith and culture, being able to host fundraisers for those less fortunate, and so much more. We are also grateful for our health during this pandemic and for all our wellbeing and safety. We show gratitude to God and our patron Saint Spyridon for protecting us and keeping us safe. It is through His greatness and guidance that we can be here today. With all that being said, I am proud of our year group, and who we have grown into today, and who we are setting out to be in the world. Congratulations everyone! Mary Diamond College Captain “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters”. I think this quote best encapsulates the importance of resilience which has been tested throughout this year. You may not believe it but you have finished the HSC. Some may ponder why we are mandated to sit this archaic exam style. Sure, those of you entering a discipline of STEM will never need to write an essay on Romantic era poetry, and those studying Law will never need to use Calculus. But one concept supersedes these arguments, and that is to excel, to push ourselves. To excel is the only proof needed to confirm that time should move forward. All the ISA trophies, extracurricular activities, academic achievement, certificates, and volunteering opportunities accumulate into our excellence to tackle such a challenge. Please do not fail to look in hindsight to all you have achieved, even when unpredictability arises. Of course, the facilitators of this excellence are our beloved teachers. Billy Bourdaniotis Vice Captain

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Photography by Nick Bourdaniotis STYLUS Page 21

Excelling in Sports ASISSA Representatives Tennis On Friday 5 February representative Tennis players were invited to attend the ASISSA Tennis Trials at Snape Park. Congratulations to Chantelle Maric from Year 3 who was selected for the team.

Basketball The ASISSA Basketball trials were held at St Andrews Cathedral on Wednesday 10 February. Well done to Sava Davidovic from Year 6 who was selected to represent ASISSA at the CIS trials.

Football Congratulations to Andrew Panayi (Year 6), Sam Nicotera (Year 6) and Necta Imisides (Year 5) who were selected to play at the CIS Football tournament representing ASISSA.

Congratulations to Necta Imisides who was selected for the CIS Football Squad.

Swimming Congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent ASISSA at the CIS Swimming Carnival. Well done! Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Coordinator Christina Gouveros (U8 Freestyle)

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Dean Houseas (U9 Freestyle)

Sophia Missos U8 Freestyle)

Victoria Bass (U11 Freestyle & Butterfly)

ISA Representatives Water Polo Congratulations to Matija Gacevic for being selected to represent NSW in the men’s U18 Water Polo team to compete at the Water Polo Australia Summer Slam 2022 in Brisbane.

Football Congratulations to Sophia Karatasos who was selected to represent the ISA Girls Open Football team at the NSWCIS Football Championships. This is an outstanding achievement for a Year 10 student. We wish her the best of luck as she pursues the school representative pathways.

Swimming Congratulations to Catherine Coutts (Year 9) and Eleni Haralambides (Year 12) who represented ISA at the NSWCIS championships. Catherine competed in the 14yrs 50m Butterfly, 100m Freestyle and 100m Butterfly and Eleni in the 17yrs 50m Breaststroke.

NSW Regional Futsal Champions Congratulations to the Junior School Senior Futsal Team, U10 Girls, U13 Girls, U13 Boys and the Senior School Futsal U16 Boys White Team who all made it through to the NSW State Futsal Championships.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sports

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sports

Congratulations to the teachers and coaches for doing a phenomenal job with our students. STYLUS Page 23

Combined Swimming Carnival In February we had our annual Swimming Carnival, and as always it was a great day. We thank Mr F. Kaldis (event Coordinator), Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sports Coordinator) and Mrs C. Diavatiotis (Junior School Sports Coordinator) and all staff for another successful event. Congratulations to our students.

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Junior School Athletics Carnival

Well done to our 2021 Age Champions. 8 YEARS James Kousoulis Georgia Sotiras 9 YEARS Dean Houseas Veronika Stavropoulos 10 YEARS Steven Sotiras Elena Kousoulis 11 YEARS Necta Imisides Panaiya Comninos 12 YEARS Kostan Papadopoulos Salina Famularo

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Artwork by Ilija Davidovic – Year 11 Visual Arts 1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247

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