St Spyridon Stylus 30

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

Artwork: Gabriella Gouveros, Julia Kamaras and Angelique Drakakis - Year 8 Visual Arts.

| December 2020 | NUMBER 30 |

stylus The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 - Seven Goals The new Strategic Plan 2017-2021, will provide our students with opportunities to develop into integral and principled individuals who possess a strong sense of history, have the capacity to critically engage with complex ideas, and to achieve and accomplish in ways pleasing to God. In the context of our college, this means:

• To be fair, just and respectful to all people.

• To respect and care for the environment and all living things.

• To contribute to the welfare of others.

• To take dynamic and coherent action to impact on the world for the better.

• To exercise judgment within an ethical framework.

As professionals of the highest calibre, our teachers will be supported in their work with students with access to professional development and purpose-built future focussed facilities. Our reputation as a Centre of Educational Excellence in teaching and learning, will be enhanced by our partnerships with Universities, and other professional bodies. Goal 1 - Build students’ capacity to critically engage with complex concepts, through learning experiences that incorporate the Big Human Ideals and Ideas; Big Stories and Great books; Current global issues and events. Goal 2 - Develop multidisciplinary approach to learning through programs that integrate the study of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and Humanities, English, Maths and Science (HEMS). Goal 3 - Expand our languages and culture programs. Goal 4 - Expand professional links of our educators with academic institutions-locally and globally and further enhance academic careers of our students. Goal 5 - Enhance communications and comply with all mandates. Goal 6 - Build reputation as a school that cultivates global citizenship for its students. Goal 7 - Develop and implement a Master Plan to incorporate new purpose-built and conducive facilities to accommodate an enrolment of 960 students K minus 1 to Year 12 (460 K minus 1-Year 6 and 500 Years 7-12).

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace. * A copy of the full Strategic Plan is available for download at

Message from His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia


‘Transition Day’ For St Spyridon College Wednesday, 30th September 2020, was the last day of outstanding service for our retiring Head of St Spyridon College, Mrs Efrosini Stefanou-Haag, following 20 years at the helm of our School and the passing of the baton to our new Head of College, Mrs Amelia Katsogiannis who, as Principal of the Senior School and as Deputy Head of College has been a loyal and diligent support all these years.


Our Parish and our College farewelled Mrs Stefanou fittingly at an official Lunch event held at The Roxy Function Centre at bayside Brighton-le-Sands in Sydney, Sunday 27th September. The Farewell Lunch was honoured by the presence of our Primate and Father, Archbishop Makarios of Australia and His Eminence Metropolitan Seraphim of Sevasteia.

In attendance were our Reverend Clergy, past and present members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Governors, past and present members of the Parents and Friends Association, members of the Executive and Teaching staffs, members of the ancillary staff of the Parish and the College, together with members of the Stefanou-Haag family. Mrs Synesios was the MC for this event.

Farewell Lunch Address from the Very Reverend Father S. Scoutas In the year 2000, the Board of Governors decided that, in the interests of a more coordinated and unified approach to the delivery of quality education for our students, the leadership of St Spyridon College would be merged into one overarching position, that of “Head of College”. Today, this might seem like the most obvious and logical direction to have taken 20 years ago. However, in the context of the College’s brief history, at the time, it was a very difficult and controversial decision, given that the School already boasted two exceptional leaders, the late founding Principal of the College, Mrs Mary Hamer at the Primary School and the founding Headmaster of the High School, Mr Nicholas Kyriacos. We recall their names, even today, with the deepest of gratitude. In any event, an Australia-wide search commenced for a suitably qualified educationist to lead St Spyridon College into the future. After a rigorous interviewing process of the handful of applicants, each with brilliant individual qualities and experience, the Board asked Mrs Efrosini Stefanou-Haag to come to Sydney for a final interview. Efrosini, I recall vividly that interview, held in a private function room at the Le Sands Restaurant here in Brighton. It was the first time I met you. You spoke about a Strategic Plan. You spoke of taking the school “to the next level of sophistication”. You spoke of enriching student learning experiences by incorporating the eternal tenets of the Orthodox Faith and the universal values of Hellenism into the daily curriculum. You spoke about people “staying on the train for the journey”. These very absorbable concepts were “music to our ears”. Your experience and insight were on display that day, as you prepared us to expect that some might choose “not to stay on the train” and “hop off at the next stop”, should you be appointed Head of College. You even challenged us, saying that the governance model of the College would also require the Parish to review its own governance structure. But you outwitted all of us. When asked whether your vision would guarantee an increase in enrolments, your 20-year experience in the public service of South Australia, your role as adviser to Ministers of Education and your intuitive perception as Head of St George College at Thebarton in Adelaide, kicked in immediately. Your response of “no, I cannot make that commitment” stunned the Board. “I cannot guarantee an increase in enrolments”, you said, “but I will work with the team of co-workers that I will inherit to give St Spyridon College every prospect of increasing enrolments”.

Efrosini, I also recall that very moving event in the Parish Hall at the beginning of 2001 when the community was invited to a “Meet the Head” opportunity. It should not have surprised you that your physical stature did not immediately conjure an image of strength in the perception of many who saw you for the first time. It was only when you invited all to come with you on a journey that would take the College “to the next level of sophistication” that ears pricked and people took notice of your intelligence, your intellect and your ethos. During your remarkable 20-year tenure as Head of St Spyridon College, you have delivered three five-year Strategic Plans for the School. You predicted that the results of these plans would translate into success for the School by 2019. You outdid yourself and the school came 62nd out of 811 secondary schools in NSW at the HSC exams of 2015, with the school remaining within the top 100 schools in most years since then. It took great confidence in the sophistication of your plan and enormous faith in the quality of your teachers and executive co-workers, to produce those results. Efrosini, it was a huge leap of faith but the results speak for themselves. You have been a remarkable Head of College. No one and nothing is perfect in life. However, you have (!) taken our College to the next level of sophistication and, yes, the quality of your leadership has led to a huge increase in enrolments. Congratulations on a job well done. Efrosini, clearly, you were thinking only of yourself when you made this decision to retire. But we shall forgive you. Meantime, we thank you for grooming your successor as part of your forward planning. Our School is in good stead as you hand the baton on to Mrs Amelia Katsogiannis, our new Head of College, who has stood by your side for the past 20 years with great loyalty, commitment and diligence. You will always be welcome at St Spyridon like your home. Go and enjoy your grandchildren in retirement. They are worth every cent of your superannuation. Teach them how to have fun. Wake up at 6 o’clock on Monday mornings and drive really slow to make everybody late for work. When the traffic is at a crawl, we will know it is you having fun. May God be with you in the next chapter of your life, Efrosini, through the intercessions of St Spyridon the Wonder-Worker. Thank you.


Celebrating 20 years

*Images by Nick Bourdaniotis/Bourdo Photography (Copyright) STYLUS Page 4

2001 - 2010... 2001 - Year 7 Garden

2002 - Year 12 Speech Night

2003 - Opening of St Basil’s Hellenic Village, Miranda

2005 - Opening of the Technology Building

2006 - Play “Spare the Rod Spoil the Child”

2008 - Appreciating Culture Lecture

2004 - Year 12 Vespers

2005 - Year 10 Dinner

2007 - Year 12 Doxology

2010 - Greek Play STYLUS Page 5

Celebrating 20 years 2011 - Appreciating Culture Lecture

2013 - P & F Committee

2009 - Olive picking

2014 - Senior School Prefects Lunch

2017 - Academic Assembly

2019 - Athletics Carnival STYLUS Page 6

2015 - Year 12 Formal Dinner

2018 - 25th March Commemoration

2019 - Year 6 Graduation

2015 - Dr T. and Mrs J

2018 - Awards Recipients at the Junior School

2019 - His Eminence Archbishop Makarios first visit to the Senior School

2020 - Swimming C

...2011 - 2020 2012 - Blessing of Mary Hamer Courtyard

2013 - Prize Giving

J. Savoulis


2013 - Appreciating Culture Lecture

2014 - Greek Orthodox Archdiose of Australia National Schools Event.

2013 - 25th March Celebrations

2018 - Junior School Sports Awards

2020 - Visit to Holy Cross Monastery

2017 - P&F Mother’s Night Out

2018 - Mr C. Livissianis and Mr A. Dookie

2020 - Year 12 Farewell Assembly

2018 - Infants Building Foundation Blessing

2020 - Year 12 Doxology STYLUS STYLUSPage Page137

Welcome to the New Infants Building

We are very pleased that our Infants children came back to school on the 11th May 2020 to the new Infants School building, which is an outstanding facility. We thank the Board of Governors, our College Bursar Mrs Christina Tsaconas for making this possible. We commend the Infants and specialist Teachers for setting up the classrooms and specialist areas with such care. The new spaces are welcoming, bright and provide a rich learning environment for the education of young people.


Kinder Minus One 2021


We are very pleased that the Kinder Minus One program is starting to take shape. The rooms have been prepared. The Parents and children have met with Mrs Synesios, Principal Junior School and Ms Turner, Teacher. Over the last few weeks in November the children spent some days at the school in preparation for their start in 2021. We look forward to welcoming the youngest members of our school community in 2021. Καλή Αρχή! Wishing you a happy start to Kinder Minus One. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Head of College


Focus on our Educators Profile of Mr Jamie Boyd Subjects:

• • • •

Biology Chemistry Science Science Extension


• Bachelor of Science (Cell Pathology & Microbiology) • Masters of Teaching (Chemistry & Biology) • Bachelor of Pharmacy • Graduate Diploma of Pharmacy Practice

Roles and responsibilities:

• • • • •

Curriculum Leader Science Science Years 7 – 10 Chemistry Years 11-12 Biology Years 11 – 12 Science Extension Year 12

I taught in Sydney for 10 years prior to two years as a Community Pharmacist on the Central Coast. I then returned to teaching in the Kangaroo Valley, then at the Vienna International School, Austria before commencing at St Spyridon in 2019. As Curriculum Leader Science it is my goal to improve and

enhance the delivery of the Science courses at the College. In 2019 we invested a lot of time and money in improving the facilities at the Senior school. We have purchased a large amount of new equipment in an effort to really engage all students in Science. One of the schools key targets in the Strategic plan is to enhance and integrate STEM within the College. Within the Science Department we have number of team members involved in a range of STEM initiatives. Mrs. Alibrio is working with five year 9 girls on a ‘Chemistry with Purpose’ project designing cosmetics influenced by Greek and Australian plants and herbs. Dr. McPhee is currently working with a number of Year 9 boys completing the Kerbal space program, an online program utilising computing and physics skills, where students run their own space program. Mr Karras and Dr McPhee, with the assistance of an external Chess tutor running the schools chess program. Over the coming years we hope to continue involving students in “real world” experiences, ensuring they are prepared with the appropriate skills to become global citizens in an ever-changing environment.

STEM Class Builds Brand This year in STEM co-curricular we, along with Jasmine Protos, Natalia Constantinidis, Anna Kakakios, have been making lip gloss, lip balm and soap bars. We have used multiple ingredients including essential oil, beeswax, castor oil and cosmetic-grade pigments to make our products. Our brand name is “φιλι”, after the Greek word for kiss, and we are naming our products after ancient Greek deities in mythology such as Hera and Zeus. This process has been very enjoyable. We have researched what ingredients make for ideal consistency and pigment and learned how to manage a business. We hope to sell our products during Science Week. Jennifer Pyliotis and Larisa Arnautovic - Year 9

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Natalia Constantinidis, Larissa Arnautovic, Jennifer Pyliotis, Jasmin Protos and Anna Kakakios

Global Connections Global Connections – STAELLINIKA

With the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, on Monday 22nd June, our College represented Australia in a teleconference organised by the Secretariat of Greeks Abroad (Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs), for the Prime Minister of Greece Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Mrs A. Gambierakis, Mrs M. Faletas and Year 6 student George Georgantzakos, joined the Prime Minister and educators and students from around the world to discuss a new digital platform, STAELLINIKA.COM. This resource was developed under the auspices of the Secretariat, with funding from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation and the supervision of Simon Fraser University for the learning of Greek. In addition to Australia, other places represented were the United States, Romania, Argentina and Africa. Our teachers

welcomed the opportunity to trial this platform with the Junior School students and to contribute to developing materials for Senior School students. St Spyridon College wishes to thank the Greek Government and especially the Secretariat and Mr. G. Chrysoulakis for this platform as well as for the invitation to participate in such an interesting teleconference. Finally, knowing very well how heavy the schedule of the Prime Minister of Greece is in such a difficult time due to the pandemic and burning national issues, we warmly thank Mr. Mitsotakis for the time he spent with us listening and talking to teachers and children abroad in a very friendly and sincerely interested manner.

Mrs M. Faletas Mrs A. Gambierakis - Greek Language Teachers STYLUS Page 11

Faith and Tradition Celebrating the Divine Liturgy With the restrictions, it has been difficult for the children and their families to attend Church on a Sunday. We feel blessed that the children are able to celebrate the Divine Liturgy with their class group.

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We thank our Reverend Fathers, Fr Steven and Fr Amphilohios for the moving services, Mr Psilacos for the chanting and the boys who serve.

Divine Liturgy and Blessing We begin each new year and every new task by seeking Our Lord’s blessing. On Monday, 3rd February and Thursday, 6th February 2020 our Junior and Senior School students attended Divine Liturgy and Blessing.

St Phanourios (‘Αγιος Φανούριος) On Thursday, 27th August 2020, Year 1 celebrated the feast day of St Phanourios (‘Αγιος Φανούριος). The children brought to Church φανουρόπιτες (phanouropites) that they baked at home. “Phanourios” comes from the Greek word, “φανερώνω” which means “I reveal”. St Phanourios helps us to find things that we have lost. It was an absolute delight for us to share a few minutes with

Father Steven in the Church at the end of the service. He spoke to the children about the Saint and said, “May you find the most precious things in life and, there is nothing more precious than Jesus”. We thank the parents and grandparents who assisted the children to prepare their phanouropites. May St Phanourios reveal to us that which is good and beneficial for our souls!

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Junior School Life Ψυχοσάββατo - Kόλυβα Each year, before the beginning of Lent, our church sets aside three Saturdays called ‘Ψυχοσάββατo’ (Psihosavato) which translates to ‘Saturdays of Souls’. The priest offers a special memorial service for members of God’s family who have died and are now in Heaven. A Divine Liturgy is held on the Saturday of Souls. In this Liturgy, the names of the souls to remember are given to the priest to include in prayers. We prepare Kόλυβα (Koliva) for this service. Koliva is a tray of boiled wheat that we bring to church for the memorial service. Wheat is a symbol of life everlasting - wheat is a seed from a plant. It is planted in the ground. Even though it does not look alive, with nourishment, it sprouts and becomes a green living plant. In the same way a person who does not live with us (family) on earth any longer, now lives with God in Heaven. Year 6 through the Orthodox Studies program prepared a tray of kόλυβα in

the tradition of Saturday of Souls. The recipe used contained boiled wheat, browned flour, sesame seeds, raisins, sultanas, pomegranate seeds, ground cinnamon, fresh parsley, breadcrumbs and icing sugar. The children wrote down the names of the departed on a piece of paper, so the priest can read the names during the Ψυχοσάββατo service this coming Saturday. The children also learnt about the miracle performed by St Theodore of Tyro and the Koliva which is commemorated on the first Saturday of Great Lent. For you are the resurrection, the life and the repose of your servant who have fallen asleep, Christ our God, and to you we offer glory, with your eternal Father and your all-Holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen. Mrs E. Giokas Orthodox Studies Teacher

Sporting Achievements At our Wednesday’s assembly we had a mini sports presentation to celebrate all our Sporting achievers for the year. Sadly, most of our Sports events were cancelled but we did manage to have our Annual Swimming Carnival and some ASISSA Sports trials.

Congratulations to Andrew Panayi (Year 5A) - ASISSA Boys Football team

Congratulations to our 2020 Swimming Age Champions

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Congratulations to Chantelle Maric (Year 3S) - ASISSA Tennis Representative

Year 6 Graduation


We feel blessed to have seen you grow to young people who have responded with confidence and embraced every challenge. Over the years we have enjoyed and are immensely proud of all your achievements; you are so talented. We have enjoyed watching you on stage, in sport, in debating, your amazing artwork, musical talents, and celebrating your academic achievements. The various causes you supported. And

this is only the beginning. But what moves us the most, is your love of our Church and your faith in God. “Jesus said: Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for such is the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 19: 14. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Extract from Head of College Address

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In the life of the School Community

Taverna Night We congratulate Mrs Kasmas and the P & F for these wonderful initiatives that strengthen our community and promote our traditions in these COVID times.

Fathers Day Stalls

Pizza Day at the Junior School

Olive Tree Project Shopping Night

Mufti Days STYLUS Page 16


Thank you P & F New Infants Playground We are very excited and pleased to see our infant school campus up and running with lots of happy faces running around and enjoying the state-of-the-art learning facilities. You may have also noticed the new playground has been installed which has been kindly donated by your P & F. We thank each of the committee members and our parents who constantly support our fundraising. Without their

generosity and support over the years, this would not have come to fruition! We look forward to many more exciting opportunities to come that support our children in their learning environment. Angela Kasmas P & F President

Jenny Gavriilidis P & F Secretary

Thank You P & F Committee We would like to thank the P & F Committee, for donating this wonderful playground which has been installed in the grounds of the new Infants building. As you can see the children are very much enjoying the playground. We are very grateful.

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Learning From Home We would like to thank all our parents for supporting and encouraging our children while they were learning from home. We understand that this was challenging but thank you for ensuring that your child kept on top of tasks and of their learning. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School

Thomas Mamanidis, 5T presenting 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season “The Black Summer�.

5A Google Meets.

Year 10 Google Classroom Roll Call with Mrs Gambriell Year 10 Adviser. STYLUS Page 18


Xanthie De Pasquale

Anthony Magafa

Necta Imisides

Antonia Pizanis

Analise Perdikakis

Panaiya Comninos

Stella Moros

Athena Nikolopoulos

Annie Syros

Thalia Billiris

Year 4 Art The Year 4 students are exploring shading and line in compositions using charcoal. We are pleased to share these amazing drawings of trees with you. Amazing Year 4!

Greg Efstathis

Miss C. Brocklehurst - Year 4 Teacher STYLUS Page 19

Congratulations HSC NESA Nominees OnSTAGE OnSTAGE is a presentation and exhibition of group or individual performances and projects by HSC Drama students. Congratulations to Frances-Lee Pascalis for being nominated for her individual performance “The Libertine”. The monologue is set in the 1600’s and tells the story of Elizabeth Barry, an actress whose budding talent blossoms and makes her much in demand during a time where females were not regarded as successful actresses. Congratulations also to our Drama teacher Ms Kyriacou.

HSC Design and Technology ‘SHAPE’ Exhibition Congratulations to Efthimia Kollias and Roza Papas nominated by NESA for possible inclusion in the 2020 HSC SHAPE Exhibition held annually at the Powerhouse Museum. Congratulations

also to our Design and Technology teacher Ms Zervos. We are very proud of our students and we wish them the best of luck for the HSC.

‘Read, Sleep, Dream’ aims to encourage children to increase their literacy skills through oral storytelling, inspired by Indigenous culture and traditions.

‘Ikan’ responds to the need for ergonomic and adaptive clothing that enhances the independence of females with physical permanent/temporary disabilities. STYLUS Page 20

Past Students - Where are they now? Nick Kallipolitis – HSC Class 1998 My history at St Spyridon College • HSC Class 1998 • ATAR 98.10 • University Scholarship Recipient Tertiary Studies • Bachelor Of Arts (Philosophy and Government and Public Administration) University Of Sydney; • Bachelor Of Laws University Of Technology Sydney. “Resilience, faith, perseverance, culture and tradition, leadership and philitomo, all virtues instilled or reinforced during my time at St Spyridon College. Together, as a patchwork, they have formed the solid foundation for the career I have since forged in the legal profession which itself comes with many complexities, stressors and personal reward. The latter seeing me become an owner, leader and mentor at Coleman Greig Lawyers, Greater Sydney’s leading law firm, who not surprisingly shares many similar values, being, People, Purpose, Vision and Community to those of the College. Thank you, St Spyridon College. ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ.”

Nick Kallipolitis is a Principal/Director and a member of Coleman Greig’s Litigation and Dispute Resolution Team, and has been an Accredited Specialist in Commercial Litigation since November 2013. Having worked for businesses, individuals, government bodies, and corporations, Nick has significant experience in the fields of Trade Practices, Contract Disputes (including issues involving the departure of former employees), Building and Construction Disputes, Banking & Finance Disputes, Intellectual Property, Professional Negligence and Corporations Law Disputes. Practising exclusively in the area of Commercial Litigation since becoming a lawyer in 2005, Nick has also become a skilled solicitor advocate, appearing in the majority of Commonwealth and State Courts and Tribunals at both Hearings and Interlocutory Applications. As a result, Nick has gained firsthand knowledge of the risks and complexities of being involved in litigation, whilst at the same time being an advocate for alternative dispute resolution, seeking to achieve commercially sound outcomes at all times. Having been involved in the full circle of a wide range of major litigious matters, Nick understands the importance of working closely with his clients in order to come to a clear understanding

of their individual business, and/or personal requirements making the tailoring of his services a priority at all times. Since joining Coleman Greig in 2011, Nick has developed a particular expertise in the building and construction industry; delivering presentations, working with clients and their employees (including Project Managers) and authoring articles. He has been involved in large and complex disputes relating to both the Home Building Act and Security of Payments legislation amongst others, having acted for developers, builders and homeowners. In that time, Nick has also built a strong insolvency practice, having developed a number of referral networks with insolvency practitioners. In doing so, he has equipped himself with the ability to provide high level advice to clients at both ends of the spectrum, including those struggling with issues relating to insolvency, as well as those who require advice with regard to the restructuring of their business. Outside of his litigation practice, Nick enjoys giving back to the local community, which he does through his involvement in the Coleman Greig Challenge. He is also involved in the Parramatta District Law Society, and works as an advisor to the Western Sydney University School of Law. Nick Kallipolitis - Coleman Greig Lawyers

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Farewell to our Brave and Beautiful Year 12 Class 2020

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*Images by Nick Bourdaniotis/Bourdo Photography (Copyright) STYLUS Page 13 23

Swimming Carnival - Years 3 - 12 Thank you Mr F. Kaldis (event Director), Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sports Coordinator) and Mrs C. Diavatiotis (Junior School Sports Coordinator) for an outstanding event. We commend the staff for their work and all parents who attended, for their support. Congratulations to our students.

Champion of Champions – Stavros and Eleni Haralambides.

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Middle School House Champions - Nemeans


Overall House Champions and Upper School House Champions - Olympians

Stavros Primikirios and Athina Hardas – Delphians House Captains holding the trophy for the Junior School House Champions, Delphians together with Mrs Diavatiotis, Mrs Stefanou and Mrs Synesios.

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1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247

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