Lower School October 2014 News

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LS News St. Catherine’s School

Warm Clothing Needed for Kopila Valley School in Nepal!!! th


October 27 ~ November 10

As you try on your fall and winter clothes, please donate unneeded warm clothes that you have outgrown. St. Catherine’s Lower School is collecting gently used Boys’ and Girls’ Clothing, (all sizes: toddler to young adult). Please drop off clothing in the box located next to the Lost and Found closet near the LS lobby. Sweaters, coats, warm shirts, pants, leggings, socks, shoes (crocs, tevas, tennis shoes), mittens, gloves, hats and scarves.

LS art teacher, Jacque Minarik, has been working with the students on an altar in memory of Virginia Randolph Ellett, “Miss Jennie”, the founder of our school. In Spanish, Dia de los Muertos (the day of the dead) celebrates all those we love, who have passed away. Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on November 1st.

Upcoming Events 11/03/2014 11/04/2013 VAIS Conference No School for Students

11/07/2014 St. Catherine’s Day



Grades 1&2 ERB Testing Coffee in the Grades 3&4 LSAR 8:15-­‐9:00 am

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