u n wav e r i n g
The Strategic Plan for St. Catherine’s School 2014
Since the day we opened our doors, we have prepared girls for a lifetime
of learning, leadership and service.
125 It’s a legacy
Y EAR S I N T HE MAKI N G. Today we look to the next 125 years, and we know we must continue to act.
We act so that she will have a foundation of
character and faith.
We act so that she will reach her
full potential. We act so that she will have a
remarkable intellect. We act so that she will live a
life of meaning. We act so that she will pass on our
tradition of strength.
We act to fulfill
our promise. ou r mo tt o
What we keep we lose; only what we give remains our own. ou r mis si on
St. Catherine’s School provides a rigorous education that prepares girls with diverse perspectives for a lifetime of learning, leadership and service in a global community.
ou r c ore values
Pursuing academic excellence Developing character Nurturing spiritual growth Celebrating individuals Building community
We act for our mothers, our daughters, our sisters, ourselves. We act for girls in our community, in our country and around the world.
We act with unwavering purpose.
s t r ate gic pr iori ty # 1: Gi r l center ed
We base every decision on what’s best for girls, so that they will reach their full potential.
By advancing our teaching and learning
By applying our experience and recent research
By embracing our culture of excellence
we provide an education that prepares girls for their future
we become the model school for girls’ education
we become the destination for talented girls and teachers
s t r ate gic pr iori ty # 2: REMARK A B LE INTELLECT
We build on our legacy of rigorous academics, and equip each girl to compete in a complex, ever-changing world.
By integrating experiential learning, innovation and reflection
By expanding independent research opportunities for our students
By strengthening global understanding and cultural competency
we will enhance their entrepreneurial spirit
we will offer every girl the intellectual breadth and depth she deserves
we will prepare girls to become engaged world citizens
s t r ate gic pr iori ty # 3: li fe of m ea n in g
We will provide girls the skills and tools they need to pursue lives of promise, purpose and fulfillment.
By offering real-world leadership opportunities
our girls emerge as credible and courageous leaders
By propelling, promoting and elevating girls’ essential literacies and competencies
By embracing our Episcopal identity and community of honor
our girls become skilled collaborators, confident communicators and critical thinkers
we will help each girl grow her spiritual heart and ethical mind
OF Meaning
TraDiTiOn OF
s t r ate gic pr iori ty # 4: Tr adit io n o f S tr en gth
We will be good stewards of our resources to enable St. Catherine’s School to flourish well into the future.
By further engaging our alumnae in the life of the School
By investing in a new visual and performing arts facility
By exploring emerging initiatives and revenue sources
we will provide meaningful connections between our past and our future
we will ensure that our creativity soars
we will generate funding to advance our educational goals
Guided by our Episcopal identity, our strategic priorities come together to form one powerful vision.
u n wav e r i n g
purpose Girl Centered Remarkable Intellect Life of Meaning Tradition of Strength
6001 Grove Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23226 804.288.2804 st.catherines.org facebook.com/StCatherines twitter.com/StCatherinesRVA youtube.com/SaintCatherinesRVA pinterest.com/stcatherinesrva instagram.com/instasaints