St. Francis High School Newsletter June 2022

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Dear Parents and Students: As many of our families already know, I will be retiring at the end of this school year. It is with mixed emotions that I am leaving a community my family has been part of for many years. My father was a teacher at Saint Francis for close to 30 years and I graduated as a Brown. We have shared so much together over the past 8 years. I will forever miss the students, staff, and parents of our wonderful school community. Your new principal, Mr. Luigi Fortini, will be starting on August 17, 2022. Mr. Fortini is also an alumnus from Saint Francis High School. I had the pleasure of working with Mr. Fortini in the Instructional Services Department. Mr. Fortini is currently the principal of St. Mary’s high school and has been the former principal of St. Vincent de Paul, St. Brigid, and Our Lady of Assumption. Mr. Fortini is very familiar with Calgary’s northwest Catholic School communities and is a perfect fit for Saint Francis. I wish Luigi every success as he embarks on this new and privileged opportunity to lead the Saint Francis High School community. We must also say farewell to several other staff members. Thank you to Mr. DalCin who served as Vice Principal for the past 2 years. Mr. DalCin will be principal at St. Mary’s High School. The Saints will be fortunate to have Mr. DalCin as he is an outstanding leader and supporter of students. We wish Mr. Campbell, former Vice Principal, all the best in the next chapter of his life. Wishing you all the best in your retirement. We also say farewell to three outstanding teachers who are retiring: Mr. Mark Shannon, Mr. Barry Blischak and Mr. Brad Vinnell. Mr. Shannon has spent 12 years working at Saint Francis High School. He was famous for his 70’s rock band looks, his international military history trips to Europe, and for being an awesome Social Studies AP teacher. Mr. Shannon was also a long-standing supporter of our veterans. Each year Mr. Shannon commemorated Remembrance Day where he brought a group of St. Francis students to the Field of Crosses Memorial. We also say farewell to Mr. Blischak after 28 years at St. Francis. Mr. Blischak was also a very popular teacher. He taught Social Studies and was a long time Sr. Girls Basketball coach. Mr. Vinnell was an outstanding English teacher and spent 9 years at Saint Francis. Mr. Vinnell was involved in the school’s Volleyball program as a coach and tournament organizer. We bid a fond farewell to Ms. Pilon, Office Assistant in Student Services, Ms. Campbell, Career Practitioner, and Ms. MacVicar, Office Assistant. Wishing you all a Happy Retirement! Serving the community of Saint Francis High School has been the most satisfying part my career. Together we have built a solid school community; an organization that is responsive to the wellbeing and diverse learning needs of our students. In closing, our staff and I feel blessed to work with these amazing young adults. It has been a pleasure for me to be a part of their lives and have had the humbling experience of supporting them in their educational journeys. Thank you and God Bless! Sincerely, Mark Berger


As another year comes to an end I would like to wish our graduates a fond farewell. At our graduation mass we were reminded of the tremendous gift our students have been given by having the opportunity to receive a Catholic Education. Through this education our students have been blessed with opportunities to encounter God and develop a spiritual life. All our students are encouraged to take this gift and share the many fruits of Catholic Education with others. I hope that all students, parents and teachers have a chance to rest and relax this summer. Celebrate the joys of this past year and move on from the moments that were not so wonderful. Life is full of these ups and downs. Taking time to renew yourself physically, spiritually and mentally is essential to good health. I wish everyone a blessed, safe, and happy summer. Long warm days...The pace of life slows… A time for picnics and rest in the shade… Lord, help me to rest awhile in the cooling shade of your presence. Slow down my restless heart and fill me with gentle compassion for all your people.

Here are some of the events and activities which were held during second semester… MARCH SPIRIT WEEK—Student Council planned activities for the week of March 16 to 19th. Students showed their school spirit by participating in the daily themes.

GRAD SPIRIT WEEK—Student Council planned a Grad Spirit Week for the week of May 24th to 26th, in advance of our Graduation Ceremonies. Students participated by dressing up in each day’s theme.

Congratulations to Next Year’s Executive Council Once again, the Student Council Election process began. Students were encouraged to run for the executive offices of President and two Vice-Presidents. The Campaign trail began on May 5th, 2022, with the Online Elections being held on May 12th, 2022.

Congratulations to Next Year’s Executive Council (left to right): President: Victor H. Vice President: Danielle S. Vice President: Evan W. Our new Student Council Executive has been meeting regularly on Mondays at lunch in A204. They have been planning activities and events for next year. They are working on creating our welcome theme for the 2022-2023 school year and developing spirit building activities. They encourage all students to become a part of Student Council and share any ideas or events they would like to see happen next year.

On Thursday, April 28, after a long wait and many delays, we were finally able to have the blessing for our new renovations. His Excellency Bishop William T. McGrattan presided over the liturgy and blessed all the newly renovated parts of the school. He was joined by the Honorable Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Education and the Honorable Prasad Panda, Minister of Infrastructure. Both brought greetings on behalf of the Alberta Government and presented the school with a bronze plaque. Trustee Pam Rath and Chief Superintendent Dr. Bryan Szumlas also brought greetings. The renovation was a massive undertaking that involved so many people and we are grateful for all the hard work and dedication that went into creating all the beautiful spaces we now have for our students to enjoy.

As another school year has come and gone, we take the time to reflect on all the wonderful volunteers who made this year special for our students, teachers, and staff. Without our volunteers, we would not have achieved the things we did. It seems like it all came together easily, but it was actually a coordinated effort of hard work and caring. Thank you to everyone who volunteered with the school this year—your time and effort were greatly appreciated. We were so happy to be able to get back to many of our regular school council activities as pandemic measures eased: 

We contributed funds towards gift cards for Christmas hampers for families in need in our school community. - We contributed funds to create a non-fiction book collection in our Learning Commons. - In April, Council arranged for Dr. Mark Kolodziej to lead a parent seminar on Mental Health Issues in Adolescence. - In May, we organized a successful Spring Plant Fundraiser and we held the distribution from a new location of the basketball court. - We held three Papa John’s Pizza Nights over the year. - Cobs Bread “Dough Raiser” is an ongoing fundraiser. When making purchases at the Crowfoot location, by mentioning affiliation with St. Francis High School, points are assigned to the purchase. At the end of the year, the points are converted into a cheque for the school. - On the occasion of our school’s blessing after the modernization, Council provided funds towards a replica painting of Saint Francis to be hung in the chapel. - Council contributed funds towards the beautiful Saint Francis Legacy Mural over the main staircase. Be sure to check it out the next time you are in the school! - Council provided volunteers for textbook return, graduation events, and ran a welcome table at Meet the TA. - As a special thank-you for our wonderful staff, on June 21st we held our traditional Staff Appreciation Luncheon. The last time we held this was in 2019 so we were delighted to once again be able to hold this special event. Hot food was catered by Spolumbo’s with parent contributions for the rest of the meal. As well, there was a candy bar (everyone’s favourite!), door prizes, plus each staff member received a small gift. Thank you from SFHS Staff to all of our parents who donated so generously to make this such a wonderful celebration!

School Council had its Annual General Meeting on May 11. Three people were re-elected by acclamation and a new secretary will be voted in at our September meeting. The Saint Francis School Council for the 2022-2023 school year will be: Chair: Mary Pat Senger Vice-Chair: Eric Collins Treasurer: Terri Ollenberger Secretary: Vacant

Non-elected community positions: Volunteer Coordinator: Kim Yablonski Staff Appreciation: Terri Daprocida Plant Fundraisers Coordinator: Carrie Cassidy Textbook Coordinator: Karen Patino

We’d be happy to welcome any new parents to our meetings next year! If you would like more information, please contact Mary Pat Senger at Wishing you a safe and enjoyable summer with your families!















Summer is fast approaching and it is time to say farewell to St. Francis, St. Timothy, and St. Martin de Porres High Schools as I retire from Calgary Catholic effective June 10th. I have enjoyed working for 22 years as a Career Practitioner. A new Career Practitioner will be assigned to replace me. Wishing you all a wonderful, safe, and healthy summer.— Ms. Campbell What does a Career Practitioner do: • Career Planning—What would you like to do after high school? • Self Assessment—Interests, Skills, Values and Personality • Occupational Research • Job Search—Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews • Post Secondary Exploration/Research/Volunteer Opportunities What is Career Planning? Career planning is a unique, lifelong process for each person. The Career Practitioner will work with students to explore how interests, skills, values, and personality impact the choice of career direction. It is an active process that begins in the Career and Life Management Class and may continue with meetings with the Career Practitioner and Student Services Counsellor. Individuals will be making career decisions on a continuous basis through their lives. Does the Career Centre Offer Career Tests and Assessments? Any “career tests” are tools for students to learn more about themselves and the potential careers that may be of interest to them. The “tests” are designed to provide career suggestions for exploration but there is no test that will tell a student what they should do as a career. The goal is for students to learn as much as they can about themselves and the careers that are available so they can make an informed decision about their first step after high school. Will the Career Centre Find Me A Job? The Career Centre will do everything to give students the tools to find their own jobs. That may mean assisting students with creating a resume and cover letter, doing practice job interviews, and talking about job-search skills. Can I Get High School Credits For My Part-Time Job or Volunteer Work? Yes, you can! You must see Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher in Room N102. Post Secondary Information DEADLINES: Post Secondary deadlines vary by institution. For students interested in attending a post-secondary program for the fall of 2022 applications should be submitted as soon as possible. Some post secondaries have already closed their applications while some have closed their applications for specific programs. Check the post secondary website or contact your counsellor if you have questions. Off Campus Programs: Dual Credit Programs: Dual credit programs enable high school students to obtain post secondary credits and high school credits at the same time. Students interested in programs such as: Pharmacy Assistant, Healthy Care Essentials, Pre-employment Carpentry and Welding are encouraged to check D2L—District Academic Programs. There are also Duel Credit online coursed available. 1. Students interested in Dual Credit programs should complete the ‘Expression of Interest’ form on D2L. 2. Please read the information about the program of interest carefully to review the program requirements. If there are questions, please email (Off Campus Teacher) or the new Career Practitioner. 3. Students applying for Dual Credit Certificate programs may be required to complete HCS3000—Workplace Safety Systems, the Dual Credit Application form, and a resume. 4. Please book an appointment with the new Career Practitioner for assistance with your resume. 5. Apply early to ensure your application meets the listed deadline. 6. All application packages must be submitted to the Off Campus Teacher or Career Practitioner in advance of the final due date. Dual Credit Pharmacy Assistant Program: Will continue to accept applications until late August. If you have questions, please contact Tonia Hemsing ( Careers, The Next Generation Learn about possible Internship Opportunities for the future— Registered Apprenticeship Program “Try a trade” for 6 weeks in the summer. Check out the requirements on D2L—District Academic Programs. Other Summer Opportunities: SAIT Summer Camps —Check out the website for unique summer opportunities Youth Central:

OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS Official high school transcripts can be acquired by going to Diploma results can also be viewed on this site.


SCHOLARSHIPS Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

8:30—4:00 Monday—Thursday 8:30—2:00 Friday

Office Assistant: Ext. 346

Students can begin applying for the Rutherford scholarship at any time, but preferably before they begin their post-secondary studies (Please Note: The site is suspended for a time in June/July for updates). Information about the scholarship, including application process can be found at: rutherford-scholarship/ Calgary Calabrian Cultural and Heritage Scholarship This scholarship valued at $2000 is available for application for any grade 12 student of Calabrian descent, who excels academically and demonstrates strong citizenship, and plans to attend post-secondary within a year. DEADLINE: September 30, 2022. Information and application can be found on our school website at: https:// Pages/default.aspx

COUNSELLORS: Coralie Bedier Coordinating Teacher, Ext. 345 Marc Osenton, Ext. 347 Rob Schrauth, Ext. 344 Karen Wadson, Ext 348 Career Practitioner: (Wed.—Fri. only) Ext. 349

UPGRADING at St. Anne Academic Centre St. Anne’s offers a variety of upgrading opportunities to students who have completed three years of high school. For more information follow COURSE CHANGES Look For It Online! CHANGE my TIMETABLE! Thursday, August 18th at noon

Students can access their 2022-2023 course timetable on Thursday, August 18th at noon. Please review it to ensure courses have been correctly scheduled, that pre-requisites for all subjects have been completed and there are no courses missing. Keep in mind that grade ten student timetables must be completely filled and have no spares. Any required changes should be completed using the Online Course Change Application form that will be made available on the school website starting August 18th at noon. The online submission form must be used.

Twitter – follow @SFGuidanceCCSD on Twitter for even more news!

To listen to Dr. Bryan Szumlas’s grad message, click on the link below:

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE GRADUATES OF 2022!! d/1StZmRkl_SmHVo7RMcgcwGb2BTDd55B4O/view? usp=sharing

Wow Awards Night was an incredible evening! Such a welcome change after two years of not gathering to celebrate student achievement. Congratulations to all recipients in fine arts, music, athletics, languages, and academics. Our school community is filled with such talented young people. I wish all our graduate’s success in their future pursuits. To those students returning next year keep striving and working hard to achieve the success you desire. Thank you to the Awards Committee composed of volunteer teachers, students and support staff that made Awards Night, June 9th such a success!

On June 2nd, seven of our students attended the CSSD Indigenous Graduation Ceremony. Pictured here are Olivia M., Jaityn L., Claire S., Grace C., May G., Damien T., and Samantha M. Congratulations to all of our graduates. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and wish you well in your future endeavors.

Congratulations to Jaityn L. who made huge contributions of time and talent to our students and staff over the past three years, bringing more awareness about the Indigenous People of Canada. Jaityn has won several awards as she begins her post secondary studies in September: 1. The STEAM Horizon Award 2. The Arts and Culture Award for Youth of Distinction 3. The Chief David Crowchild Youth Achievement Award. We are so proud of you for all that you have accomplished. We wish you all the best in the future! God bless.

Congratulations to Claire S., Olivia M., and Daniel T. who received Honourable Mention for the provincial Honourable Spirit Award! These students modeled leadership through a cultural lens, demonstrating strength, perseverance, kindness and respect. We are so proud of you, well done!

The St. Francis High School Music Program had a very successful year!! From local festivals to the Whistler music trip and several school performances and concerts at Junior High’s...we had a busy year! Mrs. Battistessa and the students performed at St. Vincent de Paul on May 18. They also performed at Blessed Marie Rose School in December.

The Vancouver Whistler BC trip was a great success! It was our first trip since Covid. Students toured Vancouver, Granville Island, and Stanley Park prior to heading to the Sea to Sky highway and into Whistler Village. The village was packed with several BC schools and only two AB schools were in the competition: Saint Francis and Tweedsmir. Our students were exceptional ambassadors of CSSD & Calgary. Con Brio Music April 28—May 1: St. Francis music students take Silver! The choir received a silver award and also performed several concerts throughout the school year including at St. Alphonsus and St. Margaret Schools. They also participated in the CSSD annual Choir advent concert which was held virtually. Special thanks to our supervisors on the trip!! They made the trip such a success! (N. Stevens, K. Curry, T. Filippetto, J. Lingelbach, B. Oberhamer, B. Petherick, and H. Mielczarek)

On April 5th the jazz students presented “All That Jazz” and played a lovely evening of jazz standards in the school theatre. Mr. Oberhamer and the jazz band performed wonderfully to an enthusiastic audience. The jazz choir also presented their repertoire and the evening was a lovely tribute to Jazz!

The band and choir just had their Spring Concert on May 31st at the School. It was a wonderful evening of music presented by the music students, and culminated with a finale from the Band and choir on Sweet Caroline. We are so proud of all the incredible work of our music students!


Our Reach for the Top team was back with a bang this year! Despite returning with only one student from our pre-COVID team, our group of students had an exceptional season. Highlights included exhibition matches, a tournament with private schools, a tight match against our teachers, and defeating an alumni team. The pinnacle of the season was qualifying for the Provincial Championships, and finishing a respectable 9th. There are many strong Grade 11s on this team, so watch out for us next year!

The past few months have been busy for the Gender Equity Club. We celebrated International Women’s Day by reaching out to various staff members, challenging them to think about traditional gender roles and labels and encouraging the school community to “Break the Bias”, which was the official campaign for IWD 2022. Another area of focus was female entrepreneurship as well as increasing female representation in industries tied to trades and technology. We had several guest speakers including Sarah Elder-Chamanara, a local store owner as well as Young Women In Trades and Technology, who brought in two female welders to speak about their experiences as well as accessible community resources. The last few months of the school year, the Club shifted focus towards body image, diet culture, bringing awareness to body-based comments and teasing and navigating social media in a manner that promotes self-love and body positivity. The students spent a lunch-and-learn with YYC self-love influencer and attended a school-wide presentation led by the Body Image Research Lab from the University of Calgary. Gender Equity Club had a busy and great year— looking forward to picking things back up in September.

Lambda Club is a Catholic inclusive community of love that welcomes individuals to be who they are. We believe in tolerance, respect, and security for all, including the LGBTQ+ community. During this semester, Lambda updates its YouTube playlist with a new video, raised awareness that May 17 is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, and encouraged students to share the PRIDE as the school year comes to an end. Everyone is invited to join the club and we hope to see you in the fall.

We were fortunate to have 12 international students at Saint Francis this year. We must bid farewell to some of these students who finished their term with us. Farewell to Georgia, Vitor, Maria, Catarina, Barbod, Mike, Juliane, Quang, Elysia, Ilya, Ama, and Navindu. We hope you enjoyed your experience here in Calgary and will bring home some fond memories with you. Keep in touch! We will miss you. God bless.

Our Black Students Union were excited to run a series of events in February, including traditional clothing days, quizzes on the history of Black History Month, providing important information on important black figures, and celebrating student talents in two separate cultural shows— including performances by our very own Dizzy Walka! The Saint Francis Black Students Union also organized a Blood Drive with Canadian Blood Services in early June. We had four shuttles of donors, with over 20 teachers and staff participating. We are very excited to help with this worthy cause!

Saint Francis students stepped up to celebrate Asian Heritage Month this May. Events included quizzes on the vastly diverse range of Asian cultures, traditional clothing days, informational posters on Asian countries, an anime viewing experience, and presentations from three Francis Alumni: Malia Vitug, Allen Collado, discussing their Filipino culture and the importance of hip hop dance, and Gil Carlos, relating his journey towards opening the Brokin Yolk and Bros to Go restaurants, his Filipino heritage, and the importance of pursuing your dreams.

Spanish Language and Culture had the opportunity to share their talents by planning, creating and presenting a Puppet show to the students Grades 1-2 at St. Margaret Elementary. This was an exciting activity that all students enjoyed using their Spanish. The ISA students had the opportunity to celebrate the International languages week by creating some Latin Dance performances to highlight the Hispanic Culture (video) watch?v=yHocFE7fpGk ISA Field Trip to the Centre of Entertainment Arts—Bow Valley College The students of Film Media Arts in Spanish had the opportunity to visit and learn about the Entertainment Arts program (Audiovisual and Media) that are offered in Calgary at the Bow Valley College. This experience was valuable to continue the exploration of vocational paths in the audiovisual industry for future careers.

ISA graduates celebrated their International Spanish Academy certificate on June 9th.

Yoga Classes going strong! Be Flexible, Be Calm. Backbends and climbing the walls toward Hand Stand!!!

On June 1, after two years without an in-person celebration we were very pleased with the turnout for our Grade 12 Grads. Thank you to the student organizers and Masters of Ceremonies who did a great job. Ms. Cormier also saluted the 50-plus finissants with a toast from the parents, acknowledging their support to their child for a long but rewarding journey in learning a second official language. Teachers warmly sent students off with their Bilingual certificates and a delicious dinner (and dessert) was literally icing on the cake. Felicitations!!!


It was an outstanding 2021-2022 season for the Saint Francis Jr. Boys Basketball Team. The team’s hard work and dedication to each other resulted in a 1st place finish in the Holy Trinity Academy Invitational Tournament, a 2nd place finish in the Bishop McNally Invitational tournament, and earned a spot in the Division 1 playoffs. Thanks for a great season!

The Browns Track and Field team enjoyed a successful season, in which we saw the Junior Boys win a City Championship. Individuals in both the girls and boys divisions excelled in the City Championships where they placed on the podium in multiple events. After cities, we sent almost 25 athletes to Provincials in Medicine Hat— where the team once again finished 9th in the province. Many athletes saw great success in their events and really showcased the track and field program here at St. Francis. We are looking forward to another competitive season next year and building on our successes.

Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go


Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Congratulations to the Saint Francis Field Hockey Team! 2022 City Champions!


Our return to play after a two-year hiatus in March was long-awaited. We knew all teams would have to rebuild as no players at any grade had high school experience. However with our training sessions and ‘some’ co-operation from the weather, we managed to literally KICK things off well. The team comprised of Grade 10 to Grade 12 players, most of whom also play club competitive, made for some light sessions between a packed schedule. Our SFFC22 team successfully defended its league title, won the City of Calgary tournament and then lost in the playoff final 0-1 to rivals ND. The experience of a loss will drive us to better preparation for next year and we anticipate a few additional lads with talent to add to our soccer program. Nonetheless we are pleased with the development of these young men and wish the best to our graduating players. Ryker Schroeder was our rep for the City Selects team. We had a solid Record 2022 of 14-2-1 - St. Francis soccer is still amongst the top in Western Canada. Next year will be special too, as we have a FIFA Men’s World Cup in November. Look for a program fundraiser that we will have to promote school and national pride in the beautiful game:) Thanks to the team parents for your support—and coaches Garcia, Ferrero, and Meadows— appreciate you all!


POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year).

Go to Saint Francis Website https:// click on “Parent View” Click “Create Account” / Follow steps

Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026

CCSD Calendar link:

Visit the Learning Commons to get help with research, work on projects, and use the Chromebooks and printer. saint-francis-high-school-browns-apparel

Please see the Calgary Catholic School District website for the most up to date Transportation Information. Saint Francis High School and Calgary Transit offer 800 express bus service, to view bus routes see Calgary Transit Express Bus Routes

Bus Pass Scanning is available in the Learning Commons

DONATION CARD YES! I want to help Saint Francis High School continue to deliver quality education! DONATE ON-LINE, please go to the following link: Click “Pay Now/Form Submission”, log on, select student name, select image, follow instructions. OR if you prefer to make a donation by cheque please make it payable to Saint Francis High School and return your donation with the attached completed form. Name Address Email Address

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Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Income Tax receipts will be provided for donations of $25 or more.

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