Online strategic plan version

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A New Messina St. Joseph School Strategic Plan 2016-2021

Our Mission The mission of St. Joseph School is to create a faith-centered community that educates and inspires students to reach their God-given potential.

Dear St. Joseph School Community, We are pleased to present to you A New Messina, a strategic plan for St. Joseph School. This plan is the result of an entire community’s insights and hard work that will well serve our school for the next five years. Drawing inspiration from the very first Jesuit school in Messina, Italy, A New Messina recognizes that St. Joseph School is at a moment in its history ready to leap forward. Like that first school in Messina, St. Joseph School has the opportunity to be an example of what a Jesuit-inspired Catholic school can be in the 21st century. This is a perfect time in St. Joseph School’s history to begin blazing a new trail. The school enjoys strong support from the community; it has a cadre of excellent teachers who deliver an innovative curriculum to their students; it has a beautiful facility that has been improved and maintained over the years; and the school is on solid financial footing. Today, St. Joseph School stands on the verge of even greater things. This plan will focus our energies and resources on key areas that will help all of our students, and the adults who support them, on their life journey as they rise to the new challenges and opportunities ahead. For more than a century, St. Joseph School has educated and inspired students to reach their God-given potential. The Seattle area has prospered through the work of many of our graduates, but the region has changed vastly in the past two decades. Students encountering the world today have an even greater call to serve the global community. This plan embraces the core values of our Catholic faith, extends stronger ties to our Jesuit tradition, and offers measures for the next five years that will ensure St. Joseph School thrives through the year 2021, and continues to send forth students ready for our world. To fully realize the promise of A New Messina, we will need the loving and dedicated support of the entire St. Joseph community: students, families, parishioners, faculty and staff, alumni, alumni parents, benefactors, and all people who understand the need for an education that espouses the values of love, service, integrity, and respect--the very values that help us thrive as a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition. We invite you to join us as we implement this plan and forge a path for St. Joseph School into a successful future. Thank you for supporting St. Joseph School! Sincerely,

Patrick Fennessy John D. Whitney, SJ Principal Pastor

Larry Ward Steering Committee Chair

Spencer Hurst, ‘91 School Commission Chair

Vision At St. Joseph School, we believe in making the highest quality, Jesuit-inspired Catholic education accessible and affordable to all. We are committed to developing, recruiting, and compensating outstanding educators who deliver a challenging curriculum to a diverse student body. In keeping with our Jesuit tradition, we are intent on developing a diverse community and an excellent facility where all students are able to achieve their God-given potential and are prepared for the rigors of the world in which they live. Central to all of this is a nurturing and inclusive community, rooted in our Ignatian and Catholic values.

School Commission 2015-2017 Spencer Hurst, ‘91, Chair Rebecca Buettner Mary Dawson Mary Dorn Rosemary Dunigan, ‘81 Patrick Fennessy Courtney Heily Mark Huson Laura Kelley April Little Robert McCullough Kris Moore Timothy Moynihan Julia Nenke Kim Nisbet Stephanie O’Connell Sean O’Donnell Michael Vila Larry Ward John D. Whitney, SJ


1548, St. Ignatius Loyola founded the University of Messina. The first Jesuit school, it became the model not just for future Jesuit schools, but for the entire university system at that time. St. Joseph School is at an exciting moment in its history, setting an example of what a Jesuit-inspired Catholic grade school can be in the 21st century. A New Messina ensures a vitality that preserves, in a dynamic context, what we love most about St. Joseph School while developing paths towards what we know St. Joseph is yet to be. In the face of changes to the culture, economy, and demographics of our city, this strategic plan prepares St. Joseph School to launch the next chapter of its history. Some of these cultural changes challenge our mission, while others provide new opportunities for achieving it and enhancing our students’ education. We believe that our mission is best achieved when we recognize that within each student is a unique gift from God that will only be shared with the world if we help our students discover and hone their gifts. A New Messina is the response of the St. Joseph community to those challenges and opportunities that surround us. We are grateful to the St. Joseph School community for their overwhelming response to our calls for input. A New Messina is a product of an entire community’s discernment, vision, and hope for our school. Our students, for whom all this work is done, will indeed grow into the people God means them to be because of the community’s dedication to this plan and the spirit behind it. The goals outlined in the following pages will focus our energies and resources on key areas that will help all our students, and all the adults who support them, on their life journey as they rise to the new challenges and opportunities ahead.


Strategic Planning Steering Committee

Founded in 1907, St. Joseph School already has a fine reputation; yet, it stands on the verge of even greater things. In recent years, the school has instituted a new leadership structure, completed a multi-million dollar capital improvement, received another full accreditation, and launched new groups of well-prepared and well-formed graduates into the area’s best high schools. With new leadership and the conclusion of the school’s last strategic plan (Quo Vadis) Principal Patrick Fennessy, engaged the services of Managing for Mission to help create the next strategic plan. With the strong support of the Pastor, Rev. John D. Whitney, SJ, and the School Commission, the principal formed a steering committee in September 2015 to formulate the plan, inviting current parent and School Commission member, Larry Ward, to chair the committee.

Larry Ward Chair, Current Parent, Partner, Dorsey & Whitney LLP

The steering committee members represented current and past parents, alumni, faculty, leaders from other Catholic schools, and staff. The steering committee also received invaluable assistance and input from Mary Helen Bever, Kara Connally, and Lillian Zadra. From the beginning, it was important that the strategic planning effort cast a wide net to encompass our growing and diverse set of constituents. Drawing on our Ignatian roots, we wanted as many voices as possible to participate in the discernment process. To achieve that, all members of the community were invited to participate in the plan’s creation. The response was overwhelming: over 500 members of our community contributed to this plan by completing surveys, attending a stakeholders’ meeting, serving on topic teams, and reviewing initial drafts. This plan is the result of an entire community’s insights and hard work; thus, it will well serve the St. Joseph School community for the next five years. It should be noted that while many varied and visionary ideas came forward during this process, not all are represented in this plan. Those ideas are not lost. In fact, many of them are already being implemented. For example, because so much was said during topic team meetings about expanding after-school opportunities for our students, we have already begun to do that. Likewise, the importance of science came up both in these discussions and as part of the action plan from our accreditation process in 2015-16. It has been heartening to witness how our community has already added to the momentum, putting many of these ideas into motion. As we implement this plan, after we will need the same energy and support from the community! A New Messina was approved by the School Commission on September 28, 2016.

Jeannine Christofilis, ‘86 Current Parent & Alumna Mary Ann Huddleston, ‘85 Current Parent & Alumna Jayson Lacktrup, ‘87 Current Parent, Alumnus, Teacher, St. Joseph School April Little School Commission Member, Vice Principal of Academics, Holy Names Academy Kim Nisbet Current Parent, School Commission Member, Vice President, Franz Bakery Tina O’Brien Staff & Former Parent, Director of Advancement, St. Joseph Parish & School Stephanie O’Connell Current Parent, School Commission Member, Parent Board Association President Sam Procopio, ‘96 Alumnus ‘& Teacher, Holy Names Academy Phil Shigo Current Parent & Co-Founder, GYST

Inspire All to the Mission



It is critical that the school maintains, celebrates, and communicates its mission as a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition to its current and former community of students, parents, teachers, staff, and parish members. The mission is achieved not just through academic excellence, but by infusing students with the key values of love, respect, service, and integrity. It is strengthened by welcoming a diverse student body. To us, diversity includes family background, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and learning style, to name a few.

• Increase the level of engagement in the School’s mission through education, community gatherings, and signed commitments.

We intend to shape a community in which all are accountable for fostering inclusivity and promoting Ignatian and Catholic values.

• Increase the number of families who fulfill the commitment to volunteer hours to 100%. • Survey the community on an annual basis to measure engagement and support of the mission; a specific target will be set after a current baseline is identified. • Evaluate and set a measure for participation in community events and fundraisers. Evaluate and set targets for involvement of alumni and former parents.

• Recruit and train current staff or faculty member(s) to be responsible for the community’s commitment to this goal; • Be more intentional about defining what it means to be part of the community; • Work with the Parent Association Board (PAB), parish, and others to create additional opportunities for all community members to feel welcomed and to welcome others; • Partner with the Ignatian Spirituality Center (ISC) to offer training and information on Ignatian spirituality to members of the community, examples of this include the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) and Ignatian Spirituality 101; • Enlist the PAB to help communicate this goal to parents; • School leadership to model accountability and encourage community involvement.

At St. Joseph I continue to learn how to be a person for others, through lending a helping hand, bringing in cans of food for the poor, or simply cheering up a friend or classmate.” - Gigi Enell 4th Grade Student

Inspire All to the Mission


Educate with the Best Educators

GOAL Our teachers deliver an innovative curriculum that ensures our students’ ability to achieve their Godgiven potential. Continuing to evolve in this endeavor requires incorporating new research about student learning, responding to cultural shifts that challenge traditional values, and utilizing available technology appropriately. All of these commitments recognize the sacred work our teachers undertake each day to bring out the spirit present within each of our students. We recognize the demands placed on our faculty and the need to continually build upon their effectiveness. In order for us to offer the highest quality educational experience to our students, we will thoughtfully assess and improve how we recruit, retain, develop, and competitively compensate high quality educators.

TARGET • Offer a competitive and comprehensive compensation model, as well as a faculty and staff development/mentoring/formation program that strengthens our ability to attract and retain a high quality, diverse faculty and staff.

STRATEGIES • Convene a committee that includes current teachers to gather input on what they feel is important for forming a collaborative professional community, sustaining a competitive compensation model, and a creating a professional development/formation program; • Investigate ways to support teachers amidst the rapidly increasing cost of living in Seattle.

- Ona (Johnson) Spaniola, ‘96 Alumna & Current Teacher

Educate with the Best Educators

As an alumna of St. Joseph, I believe this community is an extension of one’s family. Within this community, students develop life-long bonds, relationships and friendships. I am grateful to be back at St. Joseph as a teacher so that I can pass on the traditions, relationships, and life-long lessons that were given to me!”

Increase Accessibility



As costs continue to rise, the current financial aid program will not meet the demonstrated needs of our families. Of particular concern is the group for whom smaller aid grants may make the difference in their ability to send their children to St. Joseph School.

• Provide financial aid to all students who qualify based on demonstrated need.

In order to ensure that our school remains accessible and welcoming to families from all socioeconomic levels, we will expand the financial aid program to increase accessibility.

STRATEGIES • Complete a thorough review of the current financial aid formula; • Determine the true cost to educate a student at St. Joseph School in light of the strategic plan; • Increase the size of endowment to help fund financial aid.

- Current Parent

Increase Accessibility


As recipients of financial aid at St. Joseph, our three children have been extremely well prepared for the demands of both high school and college, learning excellent time management skills, study strategies, and a strong work ethic, all while recognizing the positive impact they can have on their community and the world.�

Secure Funding for the Plan



Successfully achieving the previous three goals will take a concerted effort on our part, and we will need the support of the broader community. Achieving these first goals without relying primarily on tuition increases will require the work and support of many. We will work to engage alumni and the larger community to support our mission and these newly developed strategic goals.

• Within a year, the school will have a financial and fundraising plan in place.

The school will formulate a financial plan which identifies the resources needed and how they will be secured, then implement the steps needed to secure full funding.

• Within five years, the funding will be secured to accomplish all the goals.

• Execute more thorough projections of financial aid costs; • Engage staff in discussions about overall compensation; • Create drafts of potential compensation packages; • Enhance summer reunion experiences for alumni; • Increase percentage of alumni donations.

Secure Funding for the Plan


Implementation Plan Each year, the administration will create an Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) that specifically details how each goal will be carried out in the upcoming year. The principal will report the AIP’s progress to the School Commission. The community will also be kept apprised of the progress of the strategic plan via the school website and school publications such as the FLASH! and Reconnections, the alumni newsletter.

Conclusion For more than a century, St. Joseph School has educated and inspired students to reach their God-given potential. The Seattle area has prospered through many of our graduates, but the region has changed vastly in the past two decades. Students encountering the world today have an even greater call to serve the global community. This plan embraces the core values of our Catholic faith, extends stronger ties to our Jesuit tradition, and offers measures for the next five years that will ensure St. Joseph School thrives through the year 2021 and continues to send forth students ready for our world. To fully realize the promise of A New Messina, we will need the loving and dedicated support of the entire St. Joseph community: students, families, parishioners, faculty and staff, alumni, benefactors, and all people who understand the need for an education that espouses the values of love, service, integrity, and respect--the very values that help us thrive as a Catholic school in the Jesuit tradition.

We invite you to join us as we implement this plan and forge a path for St. Joseph School’s successful future.

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To get involved, contact Patrick Fennessy at

Implementation & Invitation

Get Involved

The principal, in partnership with the Steering Committee and the School Commission, invited the following current and former parents, staff, alumni, and friends of St. Joseph to serve on Strategic Planning Topic Teams. Over the course of three meetings, the Topic Teams developed and proposed 1-3 goals per area to the Steering Committee. A special thanks to all those who served on these teams and helped produce strategic and meaningful goals for the greater community. The * denotes the topic team chair.

Educational Topic Team

School Community Topic Team

Finance, Facilities, & Advancement Topic Team

Lisa Babinec Mary Helen Bever Shannon Cahill Scott Campbell Theresa Cedergreen Kimrick Dolson Ellen Flies Rick Holzli Aime Mitchell* Maureen Mintkeski Stephanie O’Connell Rad Roberts Piri Welcsh Meg Wolfe, ‘83 Lillian Zadra

Katie Abstoss Lily Anaya Quintanilla Kymberley Evanson Val Spannaus, ‘84 Kendra Goldbas* Jacob Goldbas Courtney Heily Daniel Lieberman Andrea Lines Tina O’Brien Julissa Robles Jane Schmidt Mike Vila Melinda Wooding

Vicki Anderson-Ellis Max Andrews, ‘01 Colleen Battaglia Jeannine Christofilis, ‘86 Dino Christofilis Carlos de la Torre Mary Dorn Olga Dyckman Brian Floyd Robby Hayes Paul Huddleston Laura Kelley Kris Moore Andy Read*, ‘80

Faculty & Staff Development Topic Team

Catholic Identity Topic Team

Peter Alspach Christine Campbell Kara Connally Sara Cotto Mary Guerra Cathy Hamblet, ‘82 David Hein* Teddy Johnson Kim Nisbet Beth Peterson Ona Spaniola, ‘96

Nick Abstoss Leslie Boniface Deanne Calvert Mary Ann Huddleston, ‘85 Stephen Murphy Sean O’Donnell* David Rothrock Jim Schneider Julie Schultz Jen Tilghman-Havens Steve Wodzanowski Jennifer Wood

In addition to the goals outlined in A New Messina, the Topic Teams proposed additional goals to the school administration and Steering Committee. Each of these goals are currently under advisement or are in process. The administration is working with school departments to integrate the work of the topic teams into the school.

01 Create a Technology Integration Plan

02 Enhance after-school programs and explore a potential summer program


Develop a master facilities plan and funding strategy that supports our school’s immediate needs and long-term goals

04 Actively pursue growth in faculty and staff diversity that better reflects the St. Joseph School community

05 “Just Right” challenges in math for all students at every grade level

06 Establish a Faith Advisory Board to help ensure the mission is carried into all aspects of the school


Additional Topic Team Ideas

St. Joseph School 700 18th Ave E. Seattle, WA 98112

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