2015-2016 Annual Report

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S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L A N N U A L R E P O R T www.stjosephsea.org

2015 -2016

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Dear friends, Peace of Christ! “Go out! Go out and share your testimony, go out and interact with your brothers and sisters, go out and share, go out and ask. Become the Word in body as well as spirit.” - Pope Francis In 1973, speaking to a gathering of alumni of Jesuit secondary schools (at that time, all men), Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J.—the Superior General of the Society of Jesus—described the goal of Jesuit education as the creation of “Men for Others.” Although he later noted that he wished he had used the phrase “Men and Women for Others,” this foundational insight has transformed the structure of Jesuit high schools and universities, and has reshaped the parish schools entrusted to the Society. Our education is not just about skills or even knowledge, but involves a mission of service to those most in need, about creating women and men sent out, with all their gifts, into a waiting world.

St. Joseph School 700 18th Avenue E Seattle, WA 98112 www.stjosephsea.org 206-329-3260

Pastor Rev. John D. Whitney, S.J. Principal Patrick Fennessy

As St. Joseph School launches its new strategic plan, it seems appropriate to assert again that we are People for Others—and that this theme is not merely the goal of one year, but the purpose and power of all we do. St. Joseph is a community of learners and teachers, of parents and faculty, of friends and administrators, of parishioners and seekers of every sort: all working together for the raising up of our children and the resurrection of our world. In this environment, education is not just the training of the mind but the inspiration of the whole person. Likewise, service is not just social work but solidarity, a recognition that we are in communion with all those we serve. Just as our faith is not locked up inside the church, so too, our learning becomes complete only when it takes flesh in the lives of our students, our parents, our faculty, and our friends. Even before Fr. Arrupe coined the phrase, St. Joseph School has sought to graduate People for Others, and to build a community in which all might share their gifts with the world. Today, inspired by a new generation and a new vision, we plan to continue this work for the good of our students and the transformation of our world. May all of us who are blessed to be part of the St. Joseph community continue to witness with our lives the good news we have received. May we bless the world, not just in our words, but especially in the great deeds we shall do together. Yours in the Lord,

Middle School Director Mary Helen Bever Primary School Director Lillian Zadra

John D. Whitney, S.J. Pastor

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Dear Supporters & Friends, A longtime St. Joseph community member said something that struck me the other day: “In the more than 100 years that my family has been part of the St. Joseph community, the people have changed a lot, but the community has stayed the same.” I think he’s correct. Despite changing times, people, and circumstances, our community has remained strong and supportive. As I look back on the 2015-16 school year, I can think of many ways in which our community has shown its strength and support: • Raising $183,725 for the financial aid fund-a-need at our annual school auction • Collaborating with more than 500 current parents and staff, alumni, and friends on our strategic planning process • More intentionally incorporating Ignatian Spirituality in the daily life of our school, specifically by praying the Examen each day • Receiving top marks in all categories during our accreditation visit • Exploring the Pacific Northwest on an overnight hiking excursion with our 7th grade class as a part of the Capstone Program With a very successful accreditation behind us, we’ll continue to carry out the action plan from the accreditation. We will also deepen our understanding of Ignatian spirituality, using the Examen as our daily prayer, but also focus on discernment. As I look forward to the months ahead, I am eager to share the strategic plan which is truly a product of this community. I am thankful for the many people who contributed time and knowledge to building, revising and fine-tuning this work. On behalf of the strategic plan steering committee our goal was to continue to make the highest quality, Jesuit-inspired Catholic education accessible and affordable. I am confident this plan will continue to serve this purpose and act as an invaluable guide for the future of St. Joseph. This year, as we do in each year, we will focus intently on our mission: to educate and inspire our students to reach their God-given potential. These efforts will ensure that the gifts God has planted within each one of our students will begin to grow. In time, these unique gifts will be shared with others, making the world a bit better. We truly hope that our mission encourages our students to live out our theme for this year and be people for others. Gratefully,

Our mission is to create a faith-centered community that educates and inspires students to reach their God-given

Patrick Fennessy Principal


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St. Joseph School Committees Thank you to the 2015-2016 partners, collaborators and advisors to the principal and pastor. Below is a list of the School Commission and Committee members who served to ensure the mission of St. Joseph School is maintained, nurtured and brought into the future. SCHOOL COMMISSION


Mary Dawson Courtney Heily Spencer Hurst (Chair) Mark Huson April Little Robert McCullough Timothy Moynihan Julia Nenke Sean O’Donnell Stephanie O’Connell Mike Vila Larry Ward

Mary Dorn Michael Dunigan Gregory Dunfield Brian Floyd Spencer Hurst Mark Huson (Chair) Laura Kelley



Max Andrews Brian Arnold Jeannine Christofilis Rebecca Frisino James Hunter Craig Nelson Yuri Kondratyuk (Chair) Robert McCullough

LeAna Alvarado-Smith Joe Augustavo Najat Cola Kathryn Harnetiaux David Hein Laura Kelley Stephen McGrath Aime Mitchell Cristina Murphy Stephanie O’Connell (Chair) Giselle Pavlovec Laura Vida Larry Ward Piri Welcsh

The Endowment for St. Joseph School is a separate 501(c)3 comprised of the following board members: Michael Vila President

Vicki Anderson-Ellis Vice-President

Dennis West Treasurer

Michael Mullally Secretary

Patrick Fennessy Principal

John Whitney, SJ Pastor

ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE Colleen Battaglia Juli Blankenship Scott Blankenship Juan Cotto Natalie Dearie Carlos de la Torre Sarah de la Torre Emily Gomez Erin Hagens Mary Ann Huddleston Paul Huddleston Laura Kelley Jaymie Mills Cristina Murphy Tina O’Brien (Chair) Ailda Oles Douglas Oles Giselle Pavlovec Jennifer Wood

Gretchen Bakamis Director At-Large

Anthony Baruffi Director At-Large

Dino Christofilis Director At-Large

Ray Dearie Director At-Large

Sean Flynn Director At-Large

Rebecca Frisino Parish Representative

David Hein Parent Association Board Representative

Spencer Hurst School Commission Representative

Mark Huson Finance Committee Representative

McAllister Kirschner Director At-Large

Eunhee Sumner Director At-Large

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St. Joseph Facts The snapshot of giving facts and notable numbers below outlines the active community of St. Joseph students, parents, alumni, friends and teachers. This generous support of the St. Joseph mission helps maintain a level of excellence year over year.

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St. Joseph at a glance The financial snapshot below clearly illustrates the importance of annual advancement endeavours at St. Joseph School. The generosity of our donors allows us to fund many important programs, including financial aid, technology, maintenance and improvement of our facility, and staff professional development. Thank you for giving so generously.

St. Joseph School Financial Highlights: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 (unaudited) OPERATING REVENUES

Annual Appeal






Misc. Fundraising


Grants & Parish Subsidies


Other Donations


Other Programs


Business Income





Auction 6% Annual Appeal






Endowment Grants & Parish Subsidies Other Donations Other Programs Business Income

3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Tuition and Student Fees


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Tuition & Student Fees

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Salaries & Benefits


Building & Grounds


Academic Programs


Advancement Office




Legacy Gift for Endowment


Other Programs




5% 6% 4%

Legacy Gift for Endowment Administrative Advancement Office

Operating Expenses

10% 7% 68%

Academic Programs Building & Grounds Salaries & Benefits

The net profit for the year funded the following 2016 summer improvements: New walk-in cooler NET PROFIT


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Parking Lot Repair New Primary School Cabinets & Refinished Floors New website

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ANNUAL APPEAL Thank you to all who donated to the St. Joseph School 2015-2016 Annual Fund. While tuition covers the essentials of a St. Joseph education, Annual Fund gifts help us grow our innovative curriculum and programs. Most Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted allowing us flexibility to meet immediate needs in the life of our school. Some donors choose to designate Annual Fund gifts to specific programs and areas of interest (such as financial aid). Every donor listed here helped fund opportunities for our students to learn and thrive!

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BENEFACTORS ($3,500 and above) Anonymous gr Anthony and Kumi Baruffi o Pr e ic fic f Marc and Heidi Baxter m e tO ad en Robert Bennett m ce e Patrick and Shannon Cahill an v v i at Ad str Philip and Deanne Calvert ini r m fo ft Barney Ad and Denise Cassidy i y G nt ac me Philip Chen and Grace Cinciripini g Le dow Duane and Kristen Chester En Dino and Jeannine Christofilis John and Kimrick Dolson Jonathan Ellis and Vicki Anderson-Ellis Gregory and Allison Enell Luis and Sarah Esteban Jason Hagens, ‘84 and Erin Hagens Scott and Catherine Henson Paul Huddleston and Mary Ann Huddleston, ‘85 Matthew and Sherri Johnson Christopher Jones and Jeanine Benham-Jones McAllister Kirschner and Regan Wesley-Kirschner Marc McClure and Erin Daly Iain and Melanie McDonald David Messner and Susan Allemann Daniel Kim and Selina Mohammed Conor Morrison and Lovina McMurchy Frederick and Michele Paulsell Tom and Brooke Pigott Andrew Read, ’80 and Kerilyn Read Rad Roberts and Beth Andersen David Rothrock and Kirsten Johnson Mark and Amy Scheer s am

Jeff and Corey Van Hove William and Diane Whitfield Martin and Geana Wolfram FULL FUNDING ($2,500 to $3,499) Nicolas and Katherine Abstoss Anonymous Manny and Mary Blits Jeffrey Butler and Marisa Bavand John and Cait Cable Toan Le and Linh Dam Rai D’Ambrosio and Nai-Ling Yeh Gregory Dunfield James Eland Jim and Siobain Eschweiler Chris and Ann Frossard Paul and Emily Gomez Pete and Caroline Hauge Andrew and Courtney Heily David Hoover and Yasuyo Hirai Thomas and Robin Knipe Scott and Charleen Lundberg Bill Tokheim and Trish McGonigle Scott and Wendy Miller Matthew and Cristina Murphy Stephen and Shannon Murphy Peter and Tricia Nora Ian and Megan Smith Brian and Lena Waite Richard and Susie Wells

FOUNDERS ($2,000 to $2,499) Anonymous David and Scotta Ashcraft Scott and Juli Blankenship Tom Richardson and Carrie Bryant Joseph and Teresa Cannon Raymond and Natalie Dearie Jason and Carly Elrod John and Nancy Fisk Ryan and Laura Kelley Thomas and Pamela Key Ryan and Kristin Martinez Claudio and Annie Mauad Douglas and Chabella May Rick Holzli and Aime Mitchell Kristopher and Stacie Moore Douglas and Dayna Morgan Colter and Steffanie Mott Douglas and Alida Oles Matthew and Cheri Price Sterling and Celeste Ramberg Gary and Megan Schmidt David and Molly Shearer Jerrod and Erika Stafford Craig and Mari Swanson Scott and Stacey Thompson Tom and Karin Vial Michael Rosenberger and Maura Whalen EXECUTIVES ($1,000 to $1,999) Eric and Tina Anderson Anonymous

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Robert and Kendall Ault Kristen Bernard Larry and Susan Butcher Mike and Kristi Cappetto Gregory and Ann Carson Cullen and Lesley Childress Morgan and Elizabeth Cole Paul and Sarah Cole Arthur and Sharon Crisera Jim and Lisa Crisera Wright and Sandy Dickinson Michael and Rosemary Dunigan Marcello Federico and Denise Ashbaugh Patrick Fennessy and Ann Alokolaro Brian and Tammi Floyd Mark and Jami Fox Phillip and Erin Friedman Cristopher Garlitz and Susan Masonis James and Adrienne Gemperle Pat Grimm, ‘74 and Nancy Hurlbut Chris and Andrea Hackman Eissa Hanna and Emily Kaiser Russ and Katherine Hatfield Jeffrey and Janet Hawkins David and Yolanda Hein Scott and Marnie Hendrix Michael Hollyhead Jon Hutter and Kristin Manning Peter and Adrianna Johnson Theodore and Karen Johnson Jack and Betty Jury Barry and Shellee Kaimakis Carey and Carol Kraft Stephen Liffick Erick and Andrea Lines Kevin and Amy MacDonald Jeff and Gina McGinnis Matthew and Silvia McKevitt Roger and LeeAnn McMillen Bruce and Catherine Mirkin Paul and Bente Mullally Patrick and Cathy Norton William and Stephanie O’Connell Blaine and Kathy O’Kelley Piri Welcsh and Karen Olson Darragh and Lila O’Mahony Myriam Pennington John and Jeanna Peterson Brian Poeschla and Ellen Li Rasa Raisys Mark and Sheri Robison Stuart and Lee Rolfe Allan and Karla Romano Miguel and Melissa Roque Bill Sauvage and Chris Zumdahl John and Sheila Scates Beth Silverberg Sandip and Carrie Soli

Robert and Corky Stark Joshua Stellick and Allison Reed Brion and Kristin Stone Paul and Tracey Stone Smith and Pardi Sukapanpotharam John Theiss Matthew and Jennifer Tilghman-Havens Mike Vila Charles and Ruth Watts Matthew and Ann Wood Peter and Melinda Wooding Troy and Moya Zaboukos Michael Quillin and Lil Zadra ASSOCIATES ($600 to $999) Anonymous Joe and Brenda Augustavo Frank Austin and Diane Cooper Melati Baybars Brian and Laurel Buckner Scott Campbell and Jane Schmidt Alexander and Amy Cooper John and Valerie Courtney Matt Dahlgren and Thuy Vu Michael and Mary Dawson Christian and Amy Eberhardt Sean and Jamie Flynn Gabe and Charmaine Gravning Gil Greenman and Lisa Vila Jason and Christie Grove Christopher and Melissa Gwynn Andrew and Karishma Hendrickson Lance and Marcia Hood Christopher and Sarah Kavanaugh Raymond Manahan and Jeffrey Eckmann Ken and Pam Mooney Paul and Lianne Nelson Michael and Kieran Oaksmith Pablo and Jennifer Proaño Anita Robles James and Shannon Schneider John and Clancy Small Andrew and Kathryn Zwiebel FRIENDS ($300 to $599) Edmund and Jill Allen Anonymous Peter Alspach and Maureen O’Leary Lando and Sara Alvarado Frederick and Sheri Andrews Peter and Mona Bailey Bill and Leslie Boniface Frank and DeAnne Buono Ross and Julie Case George and Rachel Christothoulou James and Ann Courtney Noel and Stephanie Cross Philip and Barbara Cutler

Thomas and Josephine Daly Sonny and Cathy De Guzman Thom and Sylvia Dunning Curt and Olga Dyckman Jerry and Anne Elrod Loren and Cheryl Faris James and Ellen Flies John and Susan Gabbert Mikel Gray and Patricia Eakes Paul Greatorex and Lisa Floyd Greatorex Dean and Mary Grove Tice and Catherine Hamblet Christopher Hartinger and Julie Jones Ranjiv and Nanette Hayre Melissa Hertel Kitty Hughes John and Maria Hughes James and Molly Hunter Axel and Anya Iverson Peter and Robin Jones Daniel and Elizabeth Kinerk Scott and Andrea Knapp John and Kay Knierim Brian and Ginger Knox Jayson Lacktrup, ‘87 and Dianna Lacktrup Duane and Laura Laun Marcia Lewis Mike and Colleen Loughran Brian and Tamara Ludford Julie Lumpkin Kevin MacPherson and Susan Balich-MacPherson Dr. Carl and Susan March Robert and Laurie Matthews Brian and Angelica McClain Stephen and Eva McGrath Donald and Lynn Murphy Sean and Francine Murray David and Julia Nenke Michele Nucci, ‘77 Mark and Amanda O’Callaghan Gregory and Gretchen Ootkin Frances O’Rourke Kristie Pate Nicholas and Marianne Pettijohn Brock and Sandra Reed Alex Rule and Kim Edberg Lynn and Kathy Sharp Eric and Ann Marie Skov Michael and Diann Smith Steve Smith and LeAna Alvarado-Smith David Spannaus and Valerie Spannaus, ‘84 Sam and Winnie Sperry Benjamin and Katie Stangland Andrew and Keysha Stark Matthew Thompson and Lisa Babinec Scott and Catherine Thompson Randy and Diane Utz Leopoldo and Josefina Vallarta

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Matthew and Maria van Wollen Todd Vien and Phuong Nguyen Gregory Williams and Samantha Twardowski Elsa Wise Jeff and Jodie Wise Cameron and Wanda Wong Michael and Jennifer Wood Michael and Wendy Woodward Evan Wyman Michael and Victoria Yousoofian SUPPORTERS (Up to $299) Chris and Lynn Adkisson John Martynovych and Allison Ainslie Ed and Gerrie Allen Peggy Aman Aaron and Dorothy Ambuske Anonymous Peggy Ashcraft Remigijus Audejaitis and Jurate Audejaitiene John and Ginger Augustavo James Bailey and Leanne Olson Cecelia Baldus John and Margaret Baschen Paul and Colleen Battaglia William and Romana Belanich Roy and Molly Bennion Mary Helen Bever Charles and Frances Bielaczy

William and Jennifer Cohen Kara Connally Meredith Copeland Juan and Sara Cotto David and Paula Craig Geraldine Craves Michael and Jennifer Crisera Tim Crocker and Molly Crocker, ‘78 Daniel and Cleo Cummins John and Judey Dacquisto Dan Ellenbaum and Michelle Grevson-Ellenbaum Victor and Anne Delucchi Steven Dever and Astrid Sidler-Dever Robert and Christine Dobie Jacquie Dodd Mark and Stacey Donahue Mike and Arlene Donahue Jose and Mary Doquilo James and Diana Doran Mary Dorn Maryel Duzan Richard and Susan Eberhardt Paula Eland Lee Enell Aaron and Kymberly Evanson Daniel Eyman and Lisa Mansoori Deanna Falls Tom and Suzanne Fell George and Melissa Finn

Sharon Hoglund Kris and Kesslie Hollingshead Geoffrey Howie and Erin Youtz Kenneth and Marguerite Hubbard Michael and Monne Ironside Derek and Carol Iverson Marcus and Makessa Jackson Rodney and Yemi Jackson Robin and Jan Johnston Jens and Glenda Jorgensen Benoit and Paula Jurion Rick and Dawn Kajimura William and Roberta Kassis Cassie Kastens Frances Kemper Jerry and Lynn Kenyon Kathy Kirschner Erin Kittleman Christopher and Linda Koa William and Katherine Kuder Alex LaCasse Christopher and Donna Larsen Yvonne Laun George and Pam LeBlanc Roger and Jeannie LeBold Andrew LeTellier Morton and Mariann Lieberman John and Elaine Logan John and Kristine Losh

We thank you for your continued dedication to the children of St. Joseph School, and all you do to kindle the fires of their spirits for the entire world to see.” - Mary Ann, ‘85 & Paul Huddleston (2015-2016 Annual Appeal Chairs) Victor and Virginia Blankenship Greg and Julie Boehm Diana Bolstad Patrick and Sharon Brem Eric and Ana Brown Don and Rosalie Buchanan David Budd and Christine Campbell Hildegarde Burgess Bob and Pat Busse Christina Butler John and Kay Calvert Barbara Campbell Don and Norma Campbell Tony and Jill Cappetto Darcy Carlsen Mary Carney Jerry and Carolyn Carson Joe and Marie Carson Oscar Cea-Figueroa and Jennifer Cea Chuck and Lucille Childress John and Helen Christofilis Lauren Clisham

Dennis Flannigan and Jayasri Ghosh George and Tina Fleming Joyce Flynn Paul and Mary Freiburger Rob French and Liz McCarthy French Paul Friedrich and Sylvia Cavazos Michael and Jean Gannon Graham and Shannon Gardner Richard and Mary Beth Gemperle Dan and Karen Giarde Martin and Sandra Godsil Patrick and Debra Gray Cecilia Grevson William Herkes and Mary Guerra David and Tonya Hanson Brent Hart and Nancy Tenney Matt and Jana Hartman Robert Hayes Stephen and Georgianne Hedrick Kerry Hegedus and KerriLyn Vander Heyden Rob Hendry and Betsy Hooker-Hendry John and Shelly Hersman

Kathy Marion Darcy Marlow Steve and Liz McCarthy David and Sally Sue McDonald Linda McGill Paul McShane George and Cheryl Mead Abiy Mesfin and Selome Teshome Peter and Jaymie Mills Tyler and Maureen Mintkeski Art and Diane Mitchell Eleanor Mitchell Jeff and Sharon Montgomery Jennifer Moyer-Taylor Shannon Myrin Todd Paulson and Shawn Needham Mary Needham Craig and Abby Nelson James Nelson Lynh-Co Nguyen Steve and Michelle Oaksmith Nurri Omer and Ayalnesh Gesese

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Matching Gift Companies & Foundations Companies listed below have a matching gifts program as a benefit to their employees. Thanks to the generosity of members of our community, St. Joseph School has received matching gifts from the following companies: Abbvie, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. AT&T Badgely Phelps and Bell, Inc. Bank of America Blackrock Boeing Capital One Costco ECG Management Counsultants Expedia Flow International Corporation Gates Foundation Getty Images Lakeside Industries Medtronics Merrill Lynch Microsoft Nordstrom Northwest Mutual Oracle Pacifica Law Group Pfizer Plum Creek Propel Insurance REI Salesforce.com Sanofi Aventis SAP Starbucks T-mobile USA United Way UPS Verizon Wells Fargo For a full list of Matching Gift Companies go to our website www.stjosephsea.org

Panos and Marian Palas Ronald and Elizabeth Pauldine Frank Perez and Evelyn Chou-Perez Robert Cole Peterson and Maia (Olson) Peterson Carl and Stephanie Pollard Marty and Carolyn Pompermayer Paul and Rita Pompermayer Patrick and Margaret Pressentin Tracy Pucci Vidmantas Raisys James Read Vaughan Real and Melanie Skinner-Real Scott Reese and Norma Marsh Cecilia Kemp Reyes Tom and Jo Richardson Morgan Robbins Christopher Roberts Diane Robson David and Manya Ross James Ross and Shelly Chinn Devin Ross and Kathleen Ross, ‘99 Scott and Marguerite Roza Andrew and Emily Russin Peter and Amy Sajer Karen Salander Thomas Scearce, ‘85 Paul and Mary Schwaegler Jay Schwartz and Renee Willette Charles Schwarzbeck and Chandra DuFrene Thaddeus and Tricia Scott Bedriya Seid Julie Shultz Marylee Skelly John and Ruthanne Skov Dixie Small James Smith and Peggy O’Brien-Murphy Ron and Erin Smith Timothy Smith and Nancy Colobong Smith, ‘88 Jason and Lisa Snavlin Daniel and Margaret Soukup Chuck Spaniola and Ona Spaniola, ‘96 Jan Stademan Chuck and Gerry Stees Barbara Steinhauser Bob Stewart and Harriet Winkleman Daniel and Terri Stewart Dave and Bette Storhaug Monica Strope Martin and Nancy Stryker Harry Sturm and Lilia Mears Craig and Judy Swanson Gary and Carole Swanson Loretta Swanson Liz Swift Sam and Sigrid Tachdjian Quinnie Tan Judy Tattersall Akelat Terefe

Larry and Sue Terpening Ezra and Yobie Teshome Michael and Patrice Theisen La Vaughn Therriault Sharylynne Thomas Diane Thompson Janet Thompson Jamie Tremel Terry and Dorothy Trinen David Vance David and Doral Vial Sean Walsh and Julie Tilghman James and Valerie Waltz Brian Washburn and Megan McJennett William and Patricia Weedman Honor Weihe, ‘01 Dave and Megan Wellings Steven and Marna Wheeler Michael and Patricia White Michael and Courtney Williams Jack and Patty Winch Dale Winebrenner and Heidi Pauwels Stephen Wolfe and Meg Thenell Wolfe Sumi Yoshioka Donald and Marylynne Zwiebel

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OTHER GIFTS In addition to family and friends who support St. Joseph School, we are grateful to those donors who answer the call to meet a particular need. Whether supporting St. Joseph through the Jog-a-thon or Grandparents’ Mass & Lunch, providing financial assistance to students, championing faculty and fueling curricular innovation, or promoting another project that calls to their hearts, thank you to the following donors to St. Joseph School: Biruk Abebe and Tigist Negash Patricia Abler Nicolas and Katherine Abstoss Dennis and Frances Adkins Janet Adkisson Tim Adkisson Bruce and Kristin Ainslie Murrey Albers R. T. and Mary Ann Allemann William and Julie Allemann Ed and Gerrie Allen Maura Allen Michael Almquist and Sally Gill-Almquist Peter Alspach and Maureen O’Leary Lando and Sara Alvarado Aaron and Dorothy Ambuske Alan and Gail Ambuske Patricia Andersen Robyn Andersen Sidnee Andersen Carol Anderson David Anderson Eric and Tina Anderson Grant Anderson John Anderson Marie Anderson Peter and Diane Antovich Dwayne and Karen Ashbaugh David and Scotta Ashcraft Dave and Jan Augustavo John and Ginger Augustavo Joe and Brenda Augustavo Phil and Sylvia Augustavo

Mary Lou Avery Emeron Bachhuber and Julie Iverson Karen Badgley James Bailey and Leanne Olson Laurie Baker Jeffrey and Caroline Ballaine Esperanza Bareng Noma Bareng Pure Barre Ernest Barrett Peter Bartlett Anthony and Kumi Baruffi Edward and JoAnne Basanez John and Margaret Baschen Paul and Colleen Battaglia Marc and Heidi Baxter Julie Baybars Melati Baybars Dennis and Julie Bayer Reinard Beaver Emilio and Neely Beltran Gary and Wanda Benham Jay and Janet Bennett Robert Bennett Alana Bennett Roy and Molly Bennion Joel and Maureen Benoliel John Berger Kristen Bernard Fred Berry Nicholas and Linda Berry Charles and Frances Bielaczy Donald and Janet Bingham

Tom Birkey and Doris Rae Thompson Michael and Katherine Birran Donald and Barbara Bise Laurie Black Jane Blair Jeremy and EJ Blanchfield Scott and Juli Blankenship Victor and Virginia Blankenship Edmond Bliven Kristen Boeckmann Greg and Julie Boehm Brandi Bogosian and Liana Mezo Michael and Lynn Bolie Juanita Bolton Andrea Bonaccorsi Bill and Leslie Boniface Rick and Jolene Boyle Joseph Brem Lydia Bria Pat and Betsy Briardy James Britt Tim and Charlotte Eric and Ana Brown Hugh and Lynne Brown Molly Brown John Bryant Tom Richardson and Carrie Bryant Cyril and Milena Bubalo Steven and Darcy Bubalo Don and Rosalie Buchanan Steve and Lynn Bucher George and Joan Buckner John and Karen Budd

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Mary Lou Bulson Frank and DeAnne Buono Michael and Joanne Burgess Lucille Burrill Larry and Susan Butcher John and Cait Cable Patrick and Shannon Cahill Philip and Deanne Calvert Berdelle Campbell Christopher and Tessa Campbell Colin Campbell Don and Norma Campbell Doug and Karen Campbell Josephine Campbell Scott Campbell and Jane Schmidt Jim Cannon Joseph and Teresa Cannon Mike Cannon Richard Cannon Tom Cannon Tony and Jill Cappetto Mike and Kristi Cappetto David Carey and Sarah Johnson Frani Carlson Robert Carlson Scott and Sylvie Carlson Mary Carney Gregory and Ann Carson Joe and Marie Carson Barney and Denise Cassidy Paul Cassidy Stephen Cavit and Lynn Yoshioka Oscar Cea-Figueroa and Jennifer Cea Connie Cedergreen Jim and Ann Champoux Madeleine Chance Sean and Lisa Chang Paul Chen Philip Chen and Grace Cinciripini Tony and Frances Chen Karl Cherepanya and Susan Wickwire Duane and Kristen Chester Chuck and Lucille Childress Janis Chin David and Jess Chow Dino and Jeannine Christofilis Gary and Grace Christophersen George and Rachel Christothoulou Pete and Heather Christothoulou Denise Cinciripini John and Paola Cinciripini Dick and Nancy Clark Gary and Dawn Clark Christina Clarke Thorne Clayton-Falls Nancy Dillon Cocchiola Dave and Pat Cohen William and Jennifer Cohen

Deloy Cole Gayle Cole Kay and Ruth Cole Morgan and Elizabeth Cole Dolores Colobong Larry Connolly and John Killacky Alice Conte Robert and Cindy Gary and Sandi Cook Alexander and Amy Cooper Pamela Copeland Donna Copley and Pete Simpson Shaun and Reed Corry Thomas Cosgrove Jose and Carol Cotto Robin Couch-Gonzales James and Ann Courtney Christopher and Kelli Cox Geraldine Craves Arthur and Sharon Crisera Jim and Lisa Crisera Noel and Stephanie Cross Page Cross Daniel and Cleo Cummins John and Judy Curran John and Judey Dacquisto Michael and Kara Dacquisto Matt Dahlgren and Thuy Vu Thomas and Josephine Daly Marc McClure and Erin Daly Toan Le and Linh Dam Rai D’Ambrosio and Nai-Ling Yeh Colleen Daniel Christina Davis Chris and Mischelle Davis Lincoln and Corina Davis Walter and Diana Dawson Gerald and Molly Day Monica Day Sonny and Cathy De Guzman Carlos and Sarah de la Torre Raymond and Natalie Dearie Victor and Anne Delucchi Steven Dever and Astrid Sidler-Dever Joan Dickinson Sureyya Dikmen Eric and Holly Dillon Hanne Dittler Robert and Christine Dobie Russell and Renee Dodds Susan Dollens Barbara Dolson George and Nikole Dolson John and Kimrick Dolson Richard and Carol Dolson Mike and Arlene Donahue Jack and Patty Donohue Jerry and Kathleen Dootson

Juliet Dootson Laura Lee Dootson Guillermo and Jean doPico Dann and Kathy Drews Bridget Dujardin Sarah Duncan Gregory Dunfield Peter and Sonya Dunfield Michael and Rosemary Dunigan Thom and Sylvia Dunning Deborah Duvall Maryel Duzan Steve and Barbara Duzan Curt and Olga Dyckman Janet Dyckman Mikel Gray and Patricia Eakes Mark Early and Aloise Bates Simon and Angela Earnshaw Margaret Eaton Christian and Amy Eberhardt Gordon Edberg Dan Ellenbaum and Michelle Grevson-Ellenbaum Herb and Alice Ellis Jonathan Ellis and Vicki Anderson-Ellis Dennis and Cathy Ellisen Hays Ellisen Jason and Carly Elrod Jerry and Anne Elrod Gregory and Allison Enell David and Goldie Enger Jim and Siobain Eschweiler Todd Perbix and Katherine Esser Luis and Sarah Esteban William and Alexandra Evans Aaron and Kymberly Evanson JoAnn Fakler Deanna Falls Kevin and Dottie Farewell Walter Farewell and Tom Farewell Marcello Federico and Denise Ashbaugh Tom and Suzanne Fell Siobhan Fernandes-Richards John and Mary Kay Fitzgerald Dennis Flannigan and Jayasri Ghosh Augustine Fleming Carolyn Fleming Joseph and Ana Flores Brian and Tammi Floyd Brian and Laurie Flynn Joyce Flynn Michael and Susan Flynn Sean and Jamie Flynn Richard and Janice Fong Anne Ford Suzanne Nora Johnson & David G. Johnson Foundation Mark and Jami Fox Alan Lynn Franklin

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Judy Frederickson Rob French and Liz McCarthy French Joe and Cathy Frisino Rebecca Frisino Chris and Ann Frossard Cathy Funk John and Susan Gabbert Monica Gaines Katherine Galli Francis and Jeannette Ganley Michael and Jean Gannon Edgar Garcia and Anjorita Flores Helen Garcia Graham and Shannon Gardner Cristopher Garlitz and Susan Masonis Richard and Mary Beth Gemperle Carol Gibson Ruby Gilbeaux Cecil Gill Carolyn Gistarb Lisa Gistarb Martin and Sandra Godsil Aaron and Anna Goforth John and Sandy Goforth Paul and Emily Gomez Alicia Gonzalez-Capestany Kathleen Grace Von and Margaret Graf Chris and Cindy Graham Donald and Claudia Graham Robert and Denise Greco Pat Grimm, ‘74 and Nancy Hurlbut Meaghan Gross Ron Gross Dean and Mary Grove Bill and Eileen Grubb Barbara Gwynn Christopher and Melissa Gwynn David Gwynn Carl Hagens Jason Hagens, ‘84 and Erin Hagens Hailu Mesfin William and Judy Hall William and Tina Hall Cary and Mo Halpin Tice and Catherine Hamblet Roberta Hamilton David and Tonya Hanson Robert Hanson Charles and Kristina Hare Tommy Harmon and Judy Robinson Brad and Mary Harnetiaux Bryan and Sue Ann Harnetiaux Matthew Harrington Brent Hart and Nancy Tenney Gerald and Susan Hartman Matt and Jana Hartman Russ and Katherine Hatfield

Pete and Caroline Hauge Jeffrey and Janet Hawkins Kevin and Sarah Haworth Ranjiv and Nanette Hayre Jill Hegedus Robert and N. Jean Hegedus Andrew and Courtney Heily John and Deeanna Heily Steve and Kristan Heller Andrew and Karishma Hendrickson Scott and Marnie Hendrix Randy and Beverly Henson John and Shelly Hersman Carl Hess Rob and Ann Hicks Gary and Sandi Hill Susan Hill Matthew and Sarah Hipps Thomas and Dorothy Hobart George and Debra Hofbauer Mary Hoffer Elizabeth Hogan Joyce Hogan Kris and Kesslie Hollingshead Mark and Heidi Hollyhead Anthony and Caroline Holter Rick Holzli and Aime Mitchell Lance and Marcia Hood David Hoover and Yasuyo Hirai Stacy Hoover Martino and Maura Hoss Paul Hough and Mary Lydon Gerald Howe and Virginia Allemann Susan Howell Geoffrey Howie and Erin Youtz Paul Huddleston and Mary Ann Huddleston, ‘85 Lauren Hudspeth John and Maria Hughes James and Molly Hunter Marianne Hunter Jan Huso Mark and Jenna Huson Jon Hutter and Kristin Manning Robert and Jennifer Imholt Expedia, Inc. Brian and Christina Ironside Joanne Iverson Janice Jackson Rodney and Yemi Jackson James Smith and Peggy O’Brien-Murphy Michel and Misha Jammal Nabil and Layla Jammal John and Shea Jensen Duane and Donna Johnson Hulon and Raymonda Johnson Jerome and Susannah Johnson Matthew and Sherri Johnson Peter and Adrianna Johnson

Steven and Ann Johnson Theodore and Karen Johnson Tom Johnson William Johnson Michael Johnston Bill and Patty Jones Christopher Jones and Jeanine Benham-Jones Donald and Gail Jones Fennely Jones Peter and Robin Jones Pam Jordan Jens and Glenda Jorgensen Christina Juarez Benoit and Paula Jurion Barry and Shellee Kaimakis Gregory Kaiser, Sr. Keiji Kanazawa and Cathleen Carney Kanazawa William and Roberta Kassis Linda Kastens Michael Kastens Christopher and Sarah Kavanaugh Gary Keister Bob and Lucille Kelley Ryan and Laura Kelley James and Lynn Kelling Cash Kemp Christine Kendrick Mark Kendrick Stephen and Sheryl Kennedy Jerry and Lynn Kenyon Martin and Carla Kerner Miroslav and Ruth Kesic Jerry and Seta Kevorkian Knox and Margaret Key Thomas and Pamela Key Charlene Kiefer Thomas and Melissa Kim Robert and Helen King Tracy Kintner Christina Kissler Erin Kittleman Lowell and Laurie Klubberud Scott and Andrea Knapp Chris Davis and Julie Knight Thomas and Robin Knipe Brian and Ginger Knox Poch Knuth Michele Kohler Carey and Carol Kraft Toni Kuder Jose and Kristine Kutz Bill and Anne Kyle Sunday Kyrkos Larry Lacktrup and Barbara Marilley Jayson Lacktrup, ‘87 and Dianna Lacktrup Ava Lalancette Eugene and Vicki Lambert Betsy Laun

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Duane and Laura Laun Yvonne Laun Kenton and Elizabeth Lauzen Kelly Lavin Angelica Lawrence Michael and Michele Layton Lance and Suzanne Leamer Tim Leary and Erin Swezey Roger and Jeannie LeBold Lisa Lee M Pia Lee Susan Lee William and Carol Lell Andrew Li Daniel Lieberman and Tania Fernandez de Castro Gary and Henny Liffick Stephen Liffick Erick and Andrea Lines Mike and Nancy Link Carly Little Barbara Lock William and Elizabeth Loftus John and Elaine Logan J. Brian and Betsy Losh John and Kristine Losh Jason and JoAnne Lowery Ken and Karen Luce Brian and Tamara Ludford Gordon and Juanita Luhr Ned and Kirsten Lumpkin Fred and Betty Lundberg Kevin and Amy MacDonald Michael and Kathy MacDonald Jim MacLean and Alex Vilela-Cury Dr. Cole MacPherson Scott MacPherson Michael and Barb Maher Raymond Manahan and Jeffrey Eckmann Bradley and Margaret Mansker John and Laura Marlow Jesse and Renee Martinez John Martynovych and Allison Ainslie Ken and Kara Masters Robert and Laurie Matthews Claudio and Annie Mauad Nan Maurer Deni and Shaughn Maxwell

Douglas and Chabella May Patrick McAleese Maggie and Robert McArthur Kevin and Rose McAulay David McBride Michael and Melanie McCaffrey Richard and Linda McCarthy Chuck McChesney Marian McChesney Bob and Marta McCullough Iain and Melanie McDonald Douglas McDonnal and Lisa St. George Jeff and Gina McGinnis Dee and Karen McGonigle Stephen and Eva McGrath Tracy McIntyre Daniel and Mary McKevitt Lawrence and Helen McKevitt Matthew and Silvia McKevitt Joseph and Jeanne McLoughlin Brooks and Kelly McMahon Richard McMahon Roger and LeeAnn McMillen Chris and Kate McReynolds Dee Medd and Mary Jane Weir Mary Melwani Ian and Victoria Mercer Abiy Mesfin and Selome Teshome Dianne Messier David Messner and Susan Allemann Robert Messner James and Mary Jo Michalske Scott and Wendy Miller Felix Millhouse Tyler and Maureen Mintkeski Bruce and Catherine Mirkin Michael Mirkin and Marie Depaula Art and Diane Mitchell Dick and Susan Molenda FJ and Margaret Montegut Jeff and Sharon Montgomery Larry and Pat Mooney Kristopher and Stacie Moore Steven and Carolyn Morgan Sascha and Mimi Mornell Conor Morrison and Lovina McMurchy Bridget Morton Monty Moss Colter and Steffanie Mott Timothy Moynihan Marty and Kay Mulcahy Michael and Jennifer Mullally Paul and Bente Mullally Vincent and Cathy Mullally Dan and Joyce Murphy Donald and Lynn Murphy Mark and Tiffany Murphy Matthew and Cristina Murphy

Stephen and Shannon Murphy Don and Colleen Murray John and Mary Myrin Shannon Myrin Bob and Susan Nathane James and Pat Navone James Nelson David and Carol Nevin Nhung Nguyen Jane Nichols Peter and Kim Nisbet Tom Nisbet Pat and Bernadette Noonan Peter and Tricia Nora PJ Nora Angela Nucci Michele Nucci, ‘77 Scott Nucci Steve and Michelle Oaksmith Dan and Maria Obenchain Mark and Amanda O’Callaghan Willliam O’Connell Tom O’Connor Sean and Shelley O’Donnell Blaine and Kathy O’Kelley Bernadette O’Leary Douglas and Alida Oles Jean Olson Ronan and Heather O’Mahoney Darragh and Lila O’Mahony Nurri Omer and Ayalnesh Gesese John and Cricket O’Neill Kristine O’Neill Gregory and Gretchen Ootkin Richard and Laurie Padden Panos and Marian Palas Linda Paternie Andrew Patterson Frederick and Michele Paulsell Brian and Giselle Pavlovec Mary Payne Myriam Pennington Frank Perez and Evelyn Chou-Perez Gino and Shana Perrina John and Jeanna Peterson Raulis and Mylita Petronis Nicholas and Marianne Pettijohn Carolyn Pettit Michael and Sidney Pierson Tom and Brooke Pigott Brian Poeschla and Ellen Li Elizabeth Poeschla Carl and Stephanie Pollard Marty and Carolyn Pompermayer Paul and Rita Pompermayer Dave Pon Lawrence Powelson and Laura Bolz Carla Price

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Matthew and Cheri Price Pablo and Jennifer Proaño Steve and Dina Prosser Elizabeth Purdy Jennifer Purdy Ted and Toni Pursley Elizabeth Rainey Rasa Raisys Vidmantas Raisys Denny and Zameela Rambharan Lynette Rasmussen David Rawlings and Kathryn McGonigle Andrew Read, ’80 and Kerilyn Read Vaughan Real and Melanie Skinner-Real Wendy Rectenwald Michael Redding Brock and Sandra Reed Paul and Charlotte Reed Victoria Reed Alexis Reichelt Nelle Reichert Leola Richardson Martha Richardson Tom and Jo Richardson Brian and Kathie Ricks Rose Ricks Spafford Robbins Todd and Lexie Robbins CJ Roberts Gloria Roberts Guinn Roberts Rad Roberts and Beth Andersen Mark and Sheri Robison Anita Robles Assencion and Esthela Robles Lawrence Ward and Julissa Robles Allan and Karla Romano Judith Rone Miguel and Melissa Roque Stephen and Jill Rosen Michael Rosenberger and Maura Whalen Barbara Rosenberger William and Nancy Rosenberger Daniel Ross David and Manya Ross Julie Ross Stephen Rothrock and Tessa Keating David Rothrock and Kirsten Johnson Rocky and Lolly Rothrock Stephen Rothrock Timothy and Nicole Rothrock Todd Rothrock Scott and Marguerite Roza Alex Rule and Kim Edberg Carla Rumazza Stephen and Elizabeth Rummage Andrew and Emily Russin Kelsey Ryland

Jerome Sabelhaus Don and Yets Saguchi Peggy Saguchi Geoffrey and Marsha Sajer Gerald and Helen Sajer Joseph and Lisa Sakay Scott Sanders and Leslie Howe-Sanders Joshua Sanderson and Ellen Kendrick Sanofi-Aventis Barbara Sauerbrey and Gayle St. George Bill Sauvage and Chris Zumdahl John and Mona Sauvage Paul and Debra Sauvage John and Sheila Scates Theresa Schaefer Rodney and Susan Schauer Jason and Laura Schimmels Gary and Megan Schmidt Kelly Hovland and Teresa Schmidt Peder and Jaime Schmitz James and Shannon Schneider Jim and Pam Schrankler Sonja Schuett Patrick Schultz Jerry and Mary Schumacher Paul and Mary Schwaegler Sarah Schwarzbeck Andrea Scoma Thaddeus and Tricia Scott Laurel Seaman Bedriya Seid Susan Sellin Andy and Malama Sevao Lynn and Kathy Sharp David and Molly Shearer Max and Anne Shearer Thomas and Martha Sheppard Patrick and Jeannie Sherlock Phil and Kerri Shigo Janelle and Eric Shuey Beth Silverberg Kenneth and Vicki Singleton Travis and Diana Singleton Claire Sintas Todd Sisitsky and Holly Hagens Marylee Skelly Eric and Ann Marie Skov John and Ruthanne Skov Doug and Ann Skrobut Troy Skubitz John and Clancy Small Adam Smith Clayton and Mary Ann Smith Grace Smith Ian and Megan Smith Michael and Diann Smith Ron and Erin Smith Steve Smith and LeAna Alvarado-Smith

John and Joyce Snavlin Bharat and Namita Soli Sandip and Carrie Soli Warren and Marjorie Spannaus Shar St. Hilaire Kristin Stanec Benjamin and Katie Stangland Ken and Debra Stangland Andrew Stark Robert and Corky Stark James and Julie Stedman Trent and Rebecca Stedman Joshua Stellick and Allison Reed Joseph Stephan Christine Stewart Brion and Kristin Stone Paul and Tracey Stone Michael and Diana Stringari Monica Strope Smith and Pardi Sukapanpotharam James and Margaret Sullivan Robert and Eunhee Sumner Vytautas Svagzdys and Donata Svagzdiene Craig and Judy Swanson Craig and Mari Swanson Gary and Carole Swanson Robert and Linda Swanson Walt and Ruth Swanson Michelle Sweet James Swingle Lawrence Taliana Kazuko Tanaka Judy Tattersall Randy and Claudia Taylor Tony and Sherryl Taylor Zakary and Stephanie Marie Taylor Mary Teets Eleni Teshome Ezra and Yobie Teshome Hewan Teshome Sophia Teshome Zach Teshome Charles and Frances Theisen Annie Thenell

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LEGACY DONORS Thank you to those individuals who bolster the financial strength of St. Joseph School through planned gifts. Many have included St. Joseph School in their will, while others have established charitable trusts or charitable gifts annuities. Through thoughtful estate planning, these gifts and commitments help to make St. Joseph the vibrant learning community it is today, as well as to perpetuate the excellence of a St. Joseph education for future generations of students. Jonathan Ellis & Vicki Anderson-Ellis Jay & Loui Bond Loui Bond Tim Burkart Charles & Virgina Callahan Mary Fran Chesley Susan Fox Joseph & Terri Gaffney Richard & Mary Beth Gemperle George & Debra Hofbauer Richard & Mary Beth Gemperle Cathleen & Kevin Hylton Darcy LaBelle John Logan Caron O’Leary

HONORARY & MEMORIAL GIFTS Gifts to St. Joseph School have been made in memory of deceased members of our community or in honor of individuals who continue to advance the mission of the school. We ask that you pray for both those who have passed (+) as well as those whose lives we continue to share: Dr. Lester R. Sauvage +

Ed Thenell Patricia Thenell Paul and Lee Therriault Jennifer Thoennes Brett and Erica Thomas Todd Thompson and Karen Lee-Thompson J Pat and Lori Thompson Janet Thompson Gordon and Julia Thompson Matthew Thompson and Lisa Babinec Ralph Thompson Scott and Catherine Thompson Sean and Alison Thompson Eric and Andrea Thoreson John and Penni Tiesi Rich and Patty Tilghman Matthew and Jennifer Tilghman-Havens Thomas and Kremena Tobin Richard and Susan Torgan Maria Trayanova Colburn Trotter and Shelsea Jones Geraldine Troy National Philanthropic Trust Haimanot Tsega Tadesse Worku and Amrote Tsega Angela Tseng Lila Ullom Leopoldo and Josefina Vallarta Jeff and Corey Van Hove Matthew and Maria van Wollen Herman and Pamela Vanderheyden Michael and Elizabeth Velling Jerry Vermeire Tom and Karin Vial Rick and Rosie Vida Jason Vila Ruben and Ester Vila David Vu Peter Chen and Ann Wagenhals Brian and Lena Waite Karen Walsh Marty and Marybeth Walsh James and Valerie Waltz Michael and Pat Wangen Brian Washburn and Megan McJennett William and Mary Alice Wayland Bill and Nora Weaver Corey and Regan Webb John Welch and Marie Westermeier Piri Welcsh and Karen Olson Doran and Marilyn Wellnitz Richard and Susie Wells Clay and Hap Wertheimer Michael and Dianne Whalen Steven and Marna Wheeler William and Diane Whitfield David and Melissa Wickwire James and Mary Lou Wickwire

Kirk and Carrie Wills Brian Wilson John and Debbi Wilson Shannon Wilson WL Wilton Jack and Patty Winch Paul Winch Dale Winebrenner and Heidi Pauwels Katherine Winebrenner Jeff and Jodie Wise Greg Witter and Anne McGonigle Vic and Shirley Wolfe Martin and Geana Wolfram Cameron and Wanda Wong Gina Wood Joe and Peggy Wood Kurt and Laura Wood Michael and Jennifer Wood Peter and Melinda Wooding Michael and Wendy Woodward Melanie Wright Arthur and Susan Wright David and Polly Wyman Evan Wyman Merrily Wyman Robin Wyman Sherry Yamada Susan Yonkovich Glen Yorita Steve and Bev Yoshioka Sumi Yoshioka Tom Yoshioka Lucy Yousoofian Michael and Victoria Yousoofian Chris and Dabney Youtz Troy and Moya Zaboukos Mary Zamboukos Maria Zech Christopher and Karla Zilliax Andrew and Kathryn Zwiebel Donald and Marylynne Zwiebel

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ANNUAL AUCTION It’s not just an auction, it’s a two-night party… and what a party it was! Together, in one weekend, donors contributed $183,725 to the fund-a-need for financial aid, $17,100 for the fund-a-need for outreach, and raised a total of $573,306 for St. Joseph School. Special thanks go to the Auction Chairs, Scott & Juli Blankenship, as well as the countless parent volunteers, faculty and staff whose vision, planning and preparation helped create a one-of-a-kind weekend. All of our attendees, donors and volunteers can feel a deep sense of gratification and pride knowing that they helped many, young students benefit from a St. Joseph education. Thank you also to the following sponsors, advertisers, underwriters, in-kind donors and other donors for your participation and support: FUND-A-FUND: Financial Aid $10,000+ Patrick and Shannon Cahill Gregory and Allison Enell Brian and Laurie Flynn Brian and Lena Waite $5,000 - $9,999 Dino and Jeannine Christofilis Wright and Sandy Dickinson Curt and Olga Dyckman Andrew and Courtney Heily Douglas and Dayna Morgan Richard and Laurie Padden Mark and Sheri Robison Brandon and Tiana Roy William and Diane Whitfield Evan Wyman $2,500 - $4,999 Pete and Heather Christothoulou Jason Hagens, ‘84 and Erin Hagens Anthony and Caroline Holter Matthew and Sherri Johnson David Messner and Susan Allemann Gino and Shana Perrina Rad Roberts and Beth Andersen David Rothrock and Kirsten Johnson

Phil and Kerri Shigo Trent and Rebecca Stedman

Scott and Stacey Thompson Paul and Jenn Uhlir

$1,000 - $2,499 Nicolas and Katherine Abstoss Peter Alspach and Maureen O’Leary Bob and Jodi Berntsen Scott and Juli Blankenship Jeffrey Butler and Marisa Bavand Luis and Sarah Esteban William and Alexandra Evans Patrick Fennessy and Ann Alokolaro John and Nancy Fisk Sean and Jamie Flynn Mark and Jami Fox Scott and Catherine Henson Paul Huddleston and Mary Ann Huddleston, ‘85 Charles and Sarah Jaquet Peter and Adrianna Johnson Ryan and Laura Kelley Eugene and Vicki Lambert Ryan and Kristin Martinez Iain and Melanie McDonald BJ and Laura McMahon Tyler and Maureen Mintkeski Matthew and Cristina Murphy Michael and Kieran Oaksmith Andrew Read ,’80 and Kerilyn Read James and Shannon Schneider

$500 - $999 Eric and Tina Anderson Eric and Ana Brown Philip and Deanne Calvert Scott Campbell and Jane Schmidt Noel and Stephanie Cross Michael and Rosemary Dunigan Jim and Siobain Eschweiler Cristopher Garlitz and Susan Masonis Rob Hendry and Betsy Hooker-Hendry Michel and Misha Jammal Barry and Shellee Kaimakis Thomas and Pamela Key McAllister Kirschner and Regan Wesley-Kirschner Daniel Lieberman and Tania Fernandez de Castro Claudio and Annie Mauad Marc McClure and Erin Daly Matthew and Silvia McKevitt Piri Welcsh and Karen Olson John and Jeanna Peterson Tom and Brooke Pigott Martha Richardson Tom Richardson and Carrie Bryant Miguel and Melissa Roque David and Manya Ross Brinette Rounds

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Alex Rule and Kim Edberg Andrew Stark Lawrence Ward and Julissa Robles Jeff and Jodie Wise Michael Quillin and Lil Zadra $250 - $499 Jeffrey and Caroline Ballaine Mary Helen Bever Manny and Mary Blits John and Cait Cable John and Kimrick Dolson Alice Foreman Phillip and Erin Friedman Rebecca Frisino Pat Grimm, ‘74 and Nancy Hurlbut Jason and Christie Grove Scott and Marnie Hendrix Matthew and Sarah Hipps Christopher and Sarah Kavanaugh Raymond Manahan and Jeffrey Eckmann Jeff and Gina McGinnis Stephen and Eva McGrath Scott and Wendy Miller Stephen and Shannon Murphy William and Stephanie O’Connell Sean and Shelley O’Donnell Greg Olson Allan and Karla Romano Michael Rosenberger and Maura Whalen Travis and Diana Singleton Brion and Kristin Stone Sean Walsh and Julie Tilghman Shaun and Kirsten Wiley Troy and Moya Zaboukos UP TO $249 Lando and Sara Alvarado Robert Bennett James Britt and Cari O’Loughlin-Britt Michael and Joanne Burgess Stephen Cavit and Lynn Yoshioka Lauren Clisham Carlos and Sarah de la Torre Steven Dever and Astrid Sidler-Dever Hanne Dittler Jason and Carly Elrod James Farnsworth Marcello Federico and Denise Ashbaugh Ernie, Randy and Vigil Gantenbein Graham and Shannon Gardner Lance Ginaven and Tina O’Brien Christopher and Melissa Gwynn Gerald and Susan Hartman Lance and Marcia Hood Mark and Jenna Huson Christopher Jones and Jeanine Benham-Jones Duane and Laura Laun

Erick and Andrea Lines Steve Lorton Kristopher and Stacie Moore Michael and Jennifer Mullally Michele Nucci, ‘77 Blaine and Kathy O’Kelley Pablo and Jennifer Proaño Gary and Megan Schmidt Paul Vick and Andrea Sigler-Castro Eric and Ann Marie Skov Steve Smith and LeAna Alvarado-Smith Jerrod and Erika Stafford Paul and Tracey Stone Michael and Patrice Theisen Scott and Catherine Thompson Thomas and Kremena Tobin Mark Tormey Martin and Geana Wolfram Michael and Jennifer Wood Christopher and Karla Zilliax

FUND-A-NEED: International Outreach $1,000 - $2,499 Dino and Jeannine Christofilis Luis and Sarah Esteban Brian and Laurie Flynn Charles and Sarah Jaquet Christopher Jones and Jeanine Benham-Jones Matthew and Cristina Murphy $500 - $999 Scott and Juli Blankenship Greg and Julie Boehm Philip and Deanne Calvert Christopher and Tessa Campbell Thomas and Pamela Key Douglas and Chabella May David Messner and Susan Allemann Andrew Read, ’80 and Kerilyn Read David Rothrock and Kirsten Johnson

Every classroom we visited was filled with children that radiated with pure joy and enthusiasm for life.” - Chuck Woletz (6th grade teacher)

Evan Wyman Michael Quillin and Lil Zadra $250 - $499 Frederick and Sheri Andrews Manny and Mary Blits Paul Greatorex and Lisa Floyd Greatorex David Hoover and Yasuyo Hirai Paul Huddleston and Mary Ann Huddleston, ‘85 Michel and Misha Jammal Eugene and Vicki Lambert Marc McClure and Erin Daly Stephen and Eva McGrath Phil and Kerri Shigo Trent and Rebecca Stedman Paul and Tracey Stone Troy and Moya Zaboukos UP TO $249 Peter Alspach and Maureen O’Leary Max Andrews Mary Helen Bever Lori Buono Michael and Joanne Burgess Scott Campbell and Jane Schmidt Timothy and Molly Crocker Sean and Jamie Flynn Chris and Ann Frossard Lance Ginaven and Tina O’Brien Matt and Jana Hartman Scott and Catherine Henson McAllister Kirschner and Regan Wesley-Kirschner Raymond Manahan and Jeffrey Eckmann Tyler and Maureen Mintkeski Pablo and Jennifer Proaño Rad Roberts and Beth Andersen Michael Rosenberger and Maura Whalen David and Manya Ross Travis and Diana Singleton Joshua Stellick and Allison Reed Tom and Karin Vial Brian Washburn and Megan McJennett

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Other Auction Donors Jason and Shana Abner Nicolas and Katie Abstoss Danielle Ackerley Jeremy and Lara Adkins Chris and Lynn Adkisson Brianna Ahron Regina Aiello Edmund and Jill Allen Peter Alspach and Maureen O’Leary Chris Altman Lando and Sara Alvarado Aaron and Dorothy Ambuske Lilian Anaya David Anderson Eric and Tina Anderson Stephanie Anderson Andersons Garage Doors Brad Andonian Fred and Sheri Andrews Max Andrews Anonymous Brian and Jennifer Arnold Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. David and Scotta Ashcraft Remigijus Audejaitis and Jurate Audejaitiene Joseph and Brenda Augustovo Robert and Kendall Ault Avalon NW, Inc Gehl Babinec Amie Baca Jeri Baer Christopher and Chelsea Bailey Molly Baird Van Nostrand Jeffrey and Caroline Ballaine Bellevue Asset Management, LLC Leah Barad Peggy Barchi Adam and Catherine Barnett Ingrid Bartels Anthony and Kumi Baruffi Marc and Heidi Baxter Melati Baybars Beachhouse Bar & Grill Robert Bennett Ann Bernard Kristen Bernard Nick and Linda Berry Bishop Blanchet High School Mary Blackman Scott and Juli Blankenship Blankenship Law Firm Manny and Mary Blits Monica Blum Greg and Julie Boehm Bill and Leslie Boniface James Britt and Cari O’Loughlin-Britt Dick Brody

Eric and Ana Brown Sally Brucker Don and Rosalie Buchanan Sue Bucher Brian and Laurel Buckner David Budd and Christine Campbell Lori Buono Michael and Joanne Burgess Ericka Burke Burning at Both Ends Larry and Susan Butcher Don Butler Jeffrey Butler and Marisa Bavand Patrick and Shannon Cahill Shelly Callaghan Philip and Deanne Calvert Scott Campbell and Jane Schmidt Mark Canlis Joseph and Teresa Cannon Mike and Kristin Cappetto Gregory and Ann Carson AJ Carter Bernard and Denise Cassidy Stephen Cavit Jennifer Cea Oscar Cea-Figueroa and Jennifer Cea Peter and Theresa Cedergreen Centennial Mortgage, Inc. Connie Centers Sean and Lisa Chang Philip Chen and Grace Cinciripini Bruce Chester Duane and Kristen Chester Natalie Chim Cullen and Lesley Childress Shelly Chinn George and Rachel Christothoulou Pete and Heather Christothoulou Erin Chung Kim Clements Lauren Clisham William and Jennifer Cohen Najat Cola Morgan and Elizabeth Cole Paul and Sarah Cole Tim Collins Dani Cone Kara Connally Lisa Conner Diane Cooper Conscious Body Pilates John and Valerie Courtney Jim and Lisa Crisera Michael and Jennifer Crisera Timothy and Molly Crocker Michelle Croom Noel and Stephanie Cross Phil and Barb Cutler

Tom and Joe Poe Daly Dior Davenport Chris and Mischelle Davis Shenandoah Davis Michael and Mary Dawson Sonny and Cathy De Guzman Carlos and Sarah de La Torre Raymond and Natalie Dearie Annie Delucchi Designer Portraits by Jameson Johnson Steven Dever Wright and Sandy Dickinson Nebil Dikmen and Holly Hagopian-Dikmen Hanne Dittler and Anita Robles John and Kimrick Dolson Hannah Donovan Donovan Portraits Samantha Doolittle Jose and Mary Doquilo Doran Patrick Custom Upholstery Robert and Debbie Duffy Andre Dulce Greg Dunfield Ashley Durler Curt and Olga Dyckman Simon and Angela Earnshaw Christian and Amy Eberhardt Jim Eland Jonathan Ellis and Vicki Anderson-Ellis Jason and Carly Elrod Tracy Emory Endowment for St. Joseph School Greg and Allison Enell Ricky Eng James and Siobain Eschweiler Luis and Sarah Esteban Kate Etherington Alexandra Evans Kelly and Cyndi Evans Everett Silvertips Angela Everling Ewing & Clark Incorporated Georgina Falkner Kevin and Dottie Farewell James Farnsworth Marcello Federico and Denise Ashbaugh Holland Felming Vince and Amber Ferrese George Finn John and Nancy Fisk Jim and Ellen Flies Brian and Tammi Floyd Sean and Jamie Flynn Brian and Laurie Flynn, Jr. Mark and Jami Fox Rich Fox Mary Freiburger Regan Freuen

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Phillip and Erin Friedman Chris and Ann Frossard John Gallant Edgar Garcia and Anjorita Flores Graham and Shannon Gardner Graham Gardner Christopher Garlitz and Susan Masonis Daniel Gatti Dick and Mary Beth Gemperle James and Adrienne Gemperle Sheree Gibson John Gilbert Jacob Goldbas Micah Golden-Grant Paul and Emily Gomez Nancy Gordon Rosie Gran Gabe and Charmaine Gravning Great Wolf Lodge Paul Greatorex and Lisa Floyd Greatorex Michelle Grevson-Ellenbaum and Daniel Ellenbaum Patrick Grimm and Nancy Hurlbut GroundNote Counseling Services Jason and Christie Grove Josh Guidry Christopher and Melissa Gwynn Chris and Andrea Hackman Jason and Erin Hagens Tice and Cathy Hamblet David and Tonya Hanson Patrice Hapke Ryan and Kathryn Harnetiaux Christopher Hartinger and Julie Jones Matthew and Jana Hartman Harvard Avenue School Ashraf Hasham Russ and Katherine Hatfield Jeffrey and Janet Hawkins Ranjiv and Nanette Hayre Kerry Hegedus and KerriLyn Vander Heyden Andrew and Courtney Heily David and Yolanda Hein Forest Henderson Andrew and Karishma Hendrickson Scott and Marnie Hendrix Scott and Catherine Henson William Herkes and Mary Guerra Llyen Higashi Highmark Investments, LLC Rolf Hoehn George and Debra Hofbauer Karen Hoffman Kris and Kesslie Hollingshead Mark and Heidi Hollyhead Amy Holmes

Ken Holmes Anthony and Caroline Holter Holy Names Academy Rick Holzli and Aime Mitchell Homestreet Bank Annie Hong David Hoover and Yasuyo Hirai Geoffrey Howie and Erin Youtz Mary Ann Huddleston Paul and Mary Ann Huddleston James and Molly Hunter Mark and Jenna Huson Jonathan Hutter and Kristin Manning Jeannie Ianelli Kayla Imrisek Brian and Christina Ironside Axel and Anya Iverson Rodney and Yemi Jackson Patricia Jacobsen Michel and Misha Jammal Carolyn Januik Pat Jennings Jameson Johnson Lynette Johnson Matt and Sherri Johnson Peter and Adrianna Johnson Robert Johnson ‘12 Sherri Johnson Christopher Jones and Jeanine Benham-Jones Larry Jones Peter and Robin Jones Angela Kahler Rick and Dawn Kajimura Mary Karges Cassie Kastens Christopher and Sarah Kavanaugh Ryan and Laura Kelley Kennedy Catholic High School Fisher and Pam Key Daniel Kim and Selina Mohammed Min Kin Derek Kirkham McAllister Kirschner and Regan Wesley-Kirschner Erin Kittleman Andrea Knapp Scott and Andrea Knapp John and Kay Knierim Brian and Ginger Knox Christopher and Linda Koa Tim Koffler Natali Kostaclinova Carey and Carol Kraft Tracy Krauter Josh Krupke Nancy Kubo Bill and Katie Kuder

Kumon at University Village Kunath Karren Rinne & Atkin Investment Counsel Maggie Kunesh Jill Labberton Jayson and Dianna Lacktrup Cathy Lalley Christen Lambert Gene and Vicki Lambert Chris and Donna Larsen Duane and Laura Laun Toan Duc Le and Linh Thuy Dam Carla Leonardi Andrew LeTellier Daniel Lieberman and Tania Fernandez de Castro Erick and Andrea Lines Casey and Kristine Losh Mike and Colleen Loughran Brian and Tamara Ludford Scott and Charleen Lundberg Kevin and Amy MacDonald Jim MacLean and Alex Vilela-Cury Elizabeth MacPherson Kevin MacPherson and Susan Balich-MacPherson Madison Cellars Madison Park Jewelers Carl and Susan March Sheila Marie Kathy Marion Darcy Marlow Oisin Martin Robin Martin Ryan and Kristin Martinez Robert and Laurie Matthews Claudio and Anne Mauad Douglas and Chabella May David Mazzeo Lori McCann Rosellini Marc McClure and Erin Daly Iain and Melanie McDonald Jeff and Gina McGinnis Steve and Eva McGrath Kathy McKay Mary McKevitt Matthew and Silvia Mckevitt BJ and Laura McMahon Roger and Leeann McMillen Dee McQuesten George and Cheryl Mead Medea Vodka Abiy Mesfin and Selome Teshome Dave Messner and Susan Allemann Chris Miller and Grace McLaughlin Jeanne Miller Scott and Wendy Miller Tyler and Maureen Mintkeski

Bruce and Catherine Mirkin Jana Monroe Ken and Pam Mooney Jennene Moore Kristopher and Stacie Moore Douglas and Dayna Morgan Raven and Russ Morgan Jennifer Moyer-Taylor Michael and Jennifer Mullally Paul and Bente Mullally Mullally International Aleca Murphy Madison Murphy Matt and Cristina Murphy Stephen and Shannon Murphy James Nelson and Meredith Copeland Paul and Lianne Nelson Sheryl Nelson David and Julia Nenke Silas Ness Linh-Co Nguyen Jose and Adelina Nicolas Harry Nicoloudakis Peter and Kim Nisbet Jimmy Nixon Peter and Tricia Nora Patrick and Cathy Norton Dave Norwood Michele Nucci Amy Nygaard Kieran Oaksmith Michael and Kieran Oaksmith Sydney O’Brien Mark and Amanda O’Callaghan William and Stephanie O’Connell Sean and Shelley O’Donnell Christine O’Dowd Blaine and Kathy O’Kelley Megan Olander Douglas and Alida Oles Karen Olson and Piri Welcsh Olympia Pizza III Shane and Lila O’Mahony On Safari Catering Janet Oneil Gwen Paietta Pande Cameron and Company Ronald and Elizabeth Pauldine Fred and Michele Paulsell Todd Paulson and Shawn Needham Nicole Pendergast Frank and Evelyn Perez Gino and Shana Perrina John and Jeanna Peterson Robert Cole and Maia Peterson Susan Peterson Nick and Marianne Pettijohn Tom and Brooke Pigott

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Kirsten Pisto Brian Poeschla and Ellen Li Marty and Carolyn Pompermayer Stephen and Kelly Potter Precept Wine Matthew and Cheri Price Pablo and Jennifer Proano Proforma Business Forms & Graphics Prop Gallery Tracy Pucci Carol Questad Catherine Quirk Rasa Raisys Sterling and Celeste Ramberg Andrew and Kerilyn Read Jamie Read Vaughan Real and Melanie Skinner-Real Brock and Sandra Reed Jeff Richards Tom Richardson and Carrie Bryant Hans Riechsteiner Darby Riley Morgan Robbins Rad Roberts and Beth Anderson Emily Robinson Mark and Sheri Robison Heather Rodgers Lisa Rody Rom Mai Thai Allan and Karla Romano Michael Rosenberger and Maura Whalen David and Manya Ross Devin and Kathleen Ross James Ross and Shelly Chinn Kathleen Ross David Rothrock and Kirsten Johnson Scott and Marguerite Roza Alex Rule and Kim Edberg Nick Sabelhaus Peter and Amy Sajer Joshua Sanderson and Ellen Kendrick Bill Sauvage and Christine Zumdahl

Heather Scearce Reilly and Chelsea Schanno Mark and Amy Scheer Gary and Megan Schmidt Peder and Jaime Schmitz Jim and Shannon Schneider Julie Schultz Paul and Mary Schwaegler Charles Schwarzbeck III and Chandra DuFrene Thaddeus and Tricia Scott Seattle Mariners Andy and Malama Sevao Maureen Sharma Aaron Shaw John Sheard David and Molly Shearer Phil and Kerri Shigo Beth Silverberg Ian Simpson and Jennifer North Travis and Diana Singleton Eric Skov and Ann Marie Skov Susan Slater Cotter Adam Slemp John and Clancy Small Ian and Megan Smith Mike and Diann Smith Ronald and Erin Smith Steve Smith and Leana Alvarado-Smith Tim and Nancy Smith Todd and Jennifer Smith Jason and Lisa Snavlin James Snyder Sandip and Carrie Soli Alex Soto Margaret and Daniel Soukup Chuck and Ona Spaniola David and Valerie Spannaus Stuart Spencer St. Joseph School Jerrod Stafford Ben and Katie Stangland

Andrew and Keysha Stark Trent and Rebecca Stedman Joann Stein Barbara Steinhauser Joshua Stellick and Allison Reed Daniel and Terri Stewart Ronan and Elizabeth Stokes Brion and Kristin Stone Paul and Tracey Stone Leanne Strohmeier Monica Strope Smith and Pardi Sukapanpotharam Robert and Eunhee Sumner Craig and Mari Swanson Swat Systems Wendy Tan Jeff Teitelbaum and Susan McLaughlin Sarah Theckston Mike and Patrice Theisen Carol Thomas Robert and Laura Thompson Scott and Catherine Thompson Scott and Stacey Thompson Matthew and Jennifer Tilghman-Havens Kremena Tobin Bill Tokheim and Trish McGonigle Tom Douglas Restaurants Hannah Tyler Kyle Ulrey Randy and Diane Utz Jeff and Corey Van Hove Matthew and Maria Van Wollen Gregory Vaughn Tom Vial Todd Vien and Phuong Nguyen Mike Vila Karla Vitela Melissa Vrbanac Brian and Lena Waite Sean Walsh and Julie Tilghman Bernie Ward Lawrence Ward and Julissa Robles

Brian Washburn and Megan McJennett Peggy Washburn Washington Shotokan Association Emily Weinberg John Welch and Marie Westermeier Doran Wellnitz Richard and Susan Wells Lisa Whaley Bill and Diane Whitfield Cindy Wilder Shaun and Kirsten Wiley Ashley Williams Julie Wilson Shannon Wilson Windermere Real Estate Dale Winebrenner and Heidi Pauwels Beth Winter Jeff and Jodie Wise Cammi Wittwer Chuck and Jean Woletz Andrea Wolf-Buck Steve and Meg Wolfe Matthew and Ann Wood Michael and Jennifer Wood Lisa Wurzrainer Evan Wyman Jay Yager Ann Yoder Michael and Vicky Yousoofian Troy and Moya Zaboukos Christopher Zilliax and Karla Tewes Andrea Zinsmeyer-Wiser Kathryn Zwiebel

Thank you for your support This annual report acknowledges gifts received between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Great care has been taken to ensure this report’s accuracy. If we have omitted or misspelled your name, please notify the advancement office at 206.329.3260 or advancement@stjosephsea.org.

2 2 | S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L • 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T

Endowment for St. Joseph School The Endowment for St. Joseph School is a fund built from donations by individuals and institutions over the past 35 years. It serves as a permanent funding source to support financial aid, academic programs, building & grounds and teacher enrichment. Because we only spend the interest earned from the principal, the Endowment will support these goals in perpetuity, advancing St Joseph School’s mission to educate and inspire students to reach their God-given potential for many generations to come. Currently the Endowment for St. Joseph School is comprised of 25 named funds. Initially funds are established by individuals and families at a minimum of $25,000. For more information or to make a donation to the Endowment for St. Joseph School, please contact Tina O’Brien at tobrien@stjosephsea.org or 206.329.3260.

Endowment Statement of Holdings 2015 - 2016 (Unaudited and rounded to nearest thousand dollars)

Beginning Balance (7/1/15)



Donor Contributions

Grant to St. Joseph School


Unrealized Gains/Losses


Administrative Expenses & Fees Ending Balance (6/30/16)

$ 682,843.95

($74,018.07) $ 7,794,301.17

Endowment Funds Dedicated to:

FINANCIAL AID Ann D. Gilmore Financial Aid Fund Catherine Mowry LaCugna Financial Aid Fund Donna Romein Financial Aid Fund Dr. Donald Burke Financial Aid Fund Ellie Rolfe Financial Aid Fund Genevieve Albers Financial Aid Fund George Hofbauer Financial Aid Fund Jeanne D. Sweeney Financial Aid Fund John F. Renz Financial Aid Fund Joseph Boyle Financial Aid Fund Mark Owen Mullally Financial Aid Fund Rachel Bench Financial Aid Fund Ruby Hughes Financial Aid Fund

STAFF ENRICHMENT Craig Boly Fund Teacher Enrichment Fund

SPECIAL PROGRAMS Winn & Joan Brindle Facilities Fund Carmen Smith Sessions Art Fund Class of 1964 61% Financial Aid

Distribution by Purpose

9% Staff Enrichment 30% Special Programs

Kay McGonigle Diverse Student Tutoring Fund

Educational Fund Fine Arts Fund Learning Resource Fund Sheryl Sperry Technology Fund Shirley Ott Kiehn Learning Resource Fund World Language Fund

d Fund


g Fund


S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L • 2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 2 3

ENDOWMENT DONORS Gifts to St. Joseph School Endowment, a separate 501©3 organization, allow the school to cultivate an inclusive community where diverse perspectives, talents, and learning styles inform and enrich the experience of every student. In 2015-2016, endowment earnings helped support 24% of financial aid at St. Joseph School. In addition to financial aid, we are fortunate to have endowed funds for learning support, buildings & grounds and fine arts, among others. Thank you to the following donors and golf tournament sponors for their support: Catherine Mowry LaCugna Financial Aid Fund Susan Fox Class of ‘64 Fund Tom Cannon, ‘64 Sheila Marie ‘64 Richard and Caron McCune, 64 Patrick McGuire, 64 Bryce McWalter, ‘64 Brian Peterman, ‘64 and Deborah Peterman Wells Fargo Phil and Maureen Schwenk, ‘64 Christie Spielman, ‘64 Steven West, ‘64 Educational Programs Fund Lisa Carney and Patrick Boyd George Hofbauer Financial Aid Fund David and Marilyn Abbott Anonymous Wright and Jane Arnold MaryAnn Ashcraft Jerrold and Cristina Bailet Arvid Berg and Sophia Zervas-Berg Jean Boissiere Vernon and Barbara Fahey Chase Mary Helen Clarke Deborah Closs Gayle Cole Arthur and Sharon Crisera Raymond and Vivian Dearie Thom and Sylvia Dunning Florence Ellazar Joe and Cathy Frisino Joe and Terri Gaffney Mike and Donna Gomez J. Michael and Jodie Griffin Elaine Griggs Jason Hagens, ‘84 and Erin Hagens Elizabeth Hogan Don Hopps and Pam Piering Spencer and Jenny Hurst Kevin and Cathleen Hylton Expedia, Inc. Jerry and Lynn Kenyon Bruce Kramer and Linda Barbarus

Renee Leet Annie MacDonald Scott MacPherson James and Judy McAteer Arlen and Gwen Miller Felix Millhouse Angela Nucci Michele Nucci, ‘77 Dane Hofbauer, ‘98 Terry and Judy O’Keefe Sara Perkins Vidmantas Raisys Peggy Read Joan Robertson Jonathan and Stephanie Rooney Lynn Rowley Joe Paton and Susan Safioles James Sinegal Ellen Grude Skugstad Dixie Small La Vaughn Therriault Maria de la Torre Jeb Towne and Hailey Sweeney Ed and Maria Velasco Ellen Villegas Mary Kate Whitford Joseph Boyle Financial Aid Fund Erin Boniface Mark Mullally Financial Aid Fund Vincent and Cathy Mullally Jack Williamson and Tonia Burns

GOLF TOURNAMENT SPONSORS Archon Capital Management, LLC, Bellevue Asset Management, LLC Bob Byers Volvo of Seattle Cannon Commercial Dearie Law Group, P.S. Deirdre Doyle Real Estate Evan Wyman Avenue Properties Ewing & Clark, Inc. Fischer Plumbing Fulcrum Foundation Madrona Arms Norris, Beggs & Simpson Financial Services Northern Trust Northwest Plan Services, Inc. Oki Golf PBR Tour Puget Sound Bank Servco Pacific Insurance Sinfire St. Joseph School St. Joseph School Commission Swat Systems The Gemperle/Dunigan Family Wilcynski Partners Real Estate

Shirley Ott Kiehn Learning Resource Fund Bill and Gretchen Bakamis Ruby Hughes Financial Aid Fund Grady and Heather Hughes Winn and Joan Brindle Facilities Fund Paul Wyckoff World Language Fund Remigijus Audejaitis and Jurate Audejaitiene

SAVE THE DATE May 11, 2017 Newcastle Golf Club

St. Joseph is...


Thanks to the generosity of our parents, alumni, and friends this has been a truly outstanding year. We are deeply grateful for all your continued support of St. Joseph School.

To Connect: Patrick Fennessy, Principal pfennessy@stjosephsea.org To Support: Tina O’Brien, Director of Advancement tobrien@stjosephsea.org To Enroll: Barbara Steinhauser, Director of Admissions bsteinhauser@stjosephsea.org Call us at 206.329.3260 or visit our website www.stjosephsea.org


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