St joes 2014 annualreportv final

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S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L A N N U A L R E P O R T

INCLUDED: A N O cto b er 2015 throu g h

D ece m b er 2 0 1 6 S chool C alendar , startin g on pa g e


2014 -2015

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Dear friends, Peace of Christ! “Let us all remember this: one cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible witness of one’s life.” - Pope Francis When I think of St. Joseph School, and the theme of the 2014-2015 school year—Open to Grace—I cannot help but think of this wonderful quotation by Pope Francis. For throughout this year, I have seen the Gospel of Jesus proclaimed not only in words and homilies, not only in religion classes and school liturgies, but in thousands of acts of kindness and mercy, of generosity and joy. More than a slogan, Open to Grace describes the unfolding reality of St. Joseph, where students, parents, teachers, and administrators take seriously their call to live the Gospel, to behave in a manner that incarnates the values our documents so powerfully proclaim.

St. Joseph School 700 18th Avenue E Seattle, WA 98112 206-329-3260

Pastor Rev. John D. Whitney, S.J. Principal Patrick Fennessy Middle School Director Mary Helen Bever Primary School Director Lillian Zadra

Besides describing this year, Open to Grace has also commanded the direction and priorities of the St. Joseph community. Whether in the new physical structures, built to better serve the varied learning styles of our students; or in the revised academic structures, which allow both elementary students and middle school students to be nurtured and challenged in appropriate ways, St. Joseph has sought to open its doors to the diverse graces of the students whom God has brought us. Likewise, through the living witness offered by our faculty and staff, through the inquisitive and open spirit of our students, through the unfolding goodness of our alumnae, and the generous commitment of our parents and friends, we have opened the graces of our school out to our neighbors across Seattle and around the globe: to El Salvador and Kenya, to the wounded communities of Nepal and the needy infants served by Westside Baby. St. Joseph opens its students to the grace of the world, and so graces that world through the students it prepares. May all of us, opened by the grace of St. Joseph, continue to witness with our lives the good news we have received. May we bless the world, not just in our words, but especially in our deeds. Yours in the Lord,

John D. Whitney, S.J. Pastor

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Dear Supporters & Friends, Fulfilling our mission to educate and inspire students to reach their God-given potential is difficult work. There are so many things that need to happen before we even begin that endeavor. Thanks to your generous support of our school, we can always bank on the fact that we’ll have the foundation in place to achieve our mission. Your generosity has helped us maintain current facilities and build new ones; it’s continued to help fund our financial aid program, ensuring a school that serves all kinds of children; it’s helped us continue to offer our teachers opportunities to take classes and attend workshops so that they might always hone their craft; it’s also given us the ability to add new programs and improve old ones. We accomplish so much each year because of your support and 2014-2015 was no different. • We successfully completed our expansion project, creating a central gathering place for our school, a safe main entrance, and a worthy space for our Learning Resource Center. • Currently, St. Joseph School is comprised of 25% students of color and 74% Catholics. • We launched a drama program, as part of the Exploratory Program, with an inaugural spring performance. • We began the Middle School Capstone Program and continue to revise and improve this formational, curriculum-informed experience for each middle school grade. It is my hope in the year to come that, as a community, we engage in the vision and spirituality of both the Sisters of Holy Names and the Jesuits. As co-founders of our school, it is important for us to continue to be a place where there is deep interest in the personal and spiritual formation of students, faculty, parents and alumni. Additionally, in the year ahead, we will continue the accreditation process. This process allows us to reflect, collaborate and enhance our school. I am also excited to share that over the next year we will embark on building a five-year strategic plan process. Through this process, which involves stakeholders from every part of our community, we will set our path and ensure we hold true to our core values of compassion, gratitude, potential, collaboration and love. I look forward to the coming year, beginning the strategic process, investing in our staff, our school, our facilities, our programs, and mostly importantly our students. The world is a better place because of them and because of you. Together, we will move forward into the future with hope, confidence and desire to fulfill our mission. Gratefully,

Our mission is to create a faith-centered community that educates and inspires students to reach their God-given

Patrick Fennessy Principal


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St. Joseph School Committees Thank you to the 2014-2015 partners, collaborators and advisors to the principal and pastor. Below is a list of the School Commission and Committee members currently serving to ensure the mission of St. Joseph School is maintained, nurtured and brought into the future. SCHOOL COMMISSION


Mary Dawson Rosemary Dunigan Spencer Hurst (Chair) Mark Huson April Little Robert McCullough Timothy Moynihan Nicki Nelson Julia Nenke Stephanie O’Connell Mike Vila Larry Ward

Stacey Donahue Michael Dunigan Gregory Dunfield Brian Floyd Spencer Hurst Mark Huson (Chair) Barbara Lock



Max Andrews Brian Arnold (Chair) Jeannine Christofilis Rebecca Frisino Jordan Howell James Hunter Craig Nelson Yuri Kondratyuk Robert McCullough

Joe Augustavo Stacey Donahue Sandy Dickinson Rosemary Dunigan Kathryn Harnetiaux David Hein Laura Kelley Ann-Marie Linde Cristina Murphy Stephanie O’Connell (Chair) Giselle Pavlovec Laura Vita Larry Ward Piri Welcsh

DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Colleen Battaglia Juan Cotto Natalie Dearie Carlos de la Torre Sarah de la Torre Erin Hagens Debra Hofbauer Laura Jager Laura Kelley Tina O’Brien (Chair) Ailda Oles Douglas Oles Andrew Read Keri Read Bill Schwebel Jennifer Wood

The Endowment for St. Joseph School is a separate 501 (C)3 comprised of the following board members: Michael Vila President

Dennis West Treasurer

Patrick Fennessy Principal

John Whitney, SJ Pastor

Kathryn Harnetiaux Parent Association Board Representative

Rebecca Frisino Parish Representative

Mark Huson Finance Committee Representative

Spencer Hurst School Commission Representative

Vicki Anderson-Ellis Director At-Large

Gretchen Bakamis Director At-Large

Dino Christofilis Director At-Large

Sean Flynn Director At-Large

Ben Gaffney Director At-Large

Michael Mullally Director At-Large

Sam Sperry Director At-Large

Eunhee Sumner Director At-Large

Jeanne Tiscareno Director At-Large

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St. Joseph Facts The snapshot of giving facts and notable numbers below outlines the active community of St. Joseph students, parents, alumni, friends and teachers. The generous support of the St. Joseph mission helps maintain a level of excellence year over year.






Average student to teacher ratio

of students who attend on financial aid



# of student community service hours

# of parent volunteer hours




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St. Joseph at a glance

Advancement Revenue


Tuition & Fees




4% 3% 3% 2%





Operating Revenues

Business Income Grants & Parish Subsidies Endowment Other Programs


The financial snapshot below clearly illustrates the importance of annual advancement endeavours at St. Joseph School. The generosity of our donors allows us to fund many important programs, including financial aid, technology, maintenance and improvement of our facility, and staff professional development. Thank you for giving so generously.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Salaries & Benefits Legacy Gift to Endowment

63% 6.5%



Other Programs Advancement Office

.5% 3%

Building & Grounds Academic Programs

15% 9%

Operating Expenses

St. Joseph School Financial Highlights: July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 (unaudited) OPERATING REVENUES


Tuition & Student Fees




Annual Appeal






Misc. Fundraising


Grants & Parish Subsidies


Other Donations


Other Programs


Business Income




Salaries & Benefits


Building & Grounds


Academic Programs


Advancement Office




Legacy Gift for Endowment


Other Programs




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Thank you for your support St. Joseph School is honored to recognize those who generously supported the 2014-2015 Annual Appeal as well as those who made other gifts to the school. We value and appreciate each contribution. Thank you for all you do to support St. Joseph School. The following list of contributors reflects our records as of June 30, 2015. We apologize for any erroneous listings. DONOR RECOGNITION ANNUAL APPEAL BENEFACTORS ($3,500 and above) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Blanchfield Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews Mr. Robert Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Larry Butcher Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Cole Mr. Gregory Dunfield and Ms. Michele Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dunigan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Enell Mr. and Mrs. Luis F. Esteban Mr. and Mrs. Chris Frossard Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gemperle Mr. and Mrs. Dan Greenshields Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hagens Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Scott Henson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hollyhead Mr. David A. Hoover and Ms. Yasuyo Hirai Mr. Andrew Hoyal and Ms. Linda Walton Laura and Mark Jennings Mr. Christopher Jones and Ms. Jeanine Benham-Jones Mr. Daniel Kim and Dr. Selina A. Mohammed Mr. McAllister Kirschner and Mrs. Regan Wesley-Kirschner Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Knipe Mr. Stephen M. Liffick and Mrs. Rasa Raisys Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lundberg Mr. and Mrs. Claudio Mauad Mr. and Mrs. Iain McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Roger McMillen Mr. David Messner and Ms. Susan Allemann Dr. and Mrs. Scott Miller Mr. Conor Morrison and Ms. Lovina McMurchy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Paulsell Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pigott Dr. and Mrs. Pablo Proano Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Read Mr. David C. Rothrock and Ms. Kirsten A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Roy Mr. James L. Schneider, Jr. and Dr. Shannon K. Schneider

Mr. and Mrs. David Shearer The Trammel Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian Waite Mr. and Mrs. William Whitfield, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wolfram Wyman Youth Trust Mr. and Mrs. Troy Zaboukos FULL FUNDING ($2,500 to $3,499) Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas Abstoss Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Baruffi Ms. Alana Bennett Ms. Kristen Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Philip Calvert Barney and Denise Cassidy Dr. Philip Chen and Dr. Grace Cinciripini Mr. and Mrs. Duane Chester Mr. and Mrs. Dino Christofilis Mr. and Mrs. John Dolson The Eland Family Mr. and Mrs. James Eschweiler Mr. Benton Gaffney and Ms. Stacey Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heily Mr. Matthew Hipps and Dr. Sarah Hipps Mr. and Mrs. Spencer H. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. John Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas May Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nisbet Dr. and Mrs. Peter Nora Ms. Karen Olson and Dr. Piri Welcsh Ms. Myriam Pennington Amy and Mark Scheer Mr. Joshua Stellick and Ms. Allison Reed Mr. and Mrs. Brion Stone Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells Ms. Margaret Kineke and Mr. Dennis West FOUNDERS ($1,800 to $2,499) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Manny Blits Mr. Jeffrey Butler and Ms. Marisa Bavand Mr. and Mrs. James Crisera

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dearie Mr. and Mrs. Wright Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dyckman Mr. and Mrs. Christian Eberhardt Mr. and Mrs. Jason Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Brian Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Tice Hamblet Mr. and Ms. Ryan Harnetiaux Mr. Rick Holzli and Ms. Aime Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Paul A. Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Barry Kaimakis Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kelley Mr. Joseph Kenny and Ms. Jennifer Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Key Mr. Douglas Kopp Mr. and Mrs. Carey Kraft Dr. and Mrs. Kevin MacDonald Mr. Kevin MacPherson and Dr. Susan BalichMacPherson Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Martinez Mr. Marc McClure and Ms. Erin Daly Mr. and Mrs. Colter Mott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Murphy National Philanthropic Trust Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Oles Brian Poeschla and Ellen Li Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Price Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Ramberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratliffe Dr. Tom Richardson and Dr. Carrie Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Allan Romano Mr. Michael Rosenberger and Ms. Maura Whalen Mr. William R. Sauvage Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. William Schwebel Mr. and Mrs. Phil Shigo Mr. and Mrs. Jerrod Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Trent Stedman Mr. and Mrs. Craig Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tilghman-Havens Mr. and Mrs. Jorrit A. Van der Meulen Mr. John Vanderzanden and Ms. Sandra Harui Mr. and Mrs. James Waltz Mr. Herbert E. Wilgis, III and Mrs. Linda Mason Wilgis

8 | S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L • 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L R E P O R T EXECUTIVES ($1,000 to $1,799) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. David Ashcraft Mr. and Mrs. Greg Boehm Bill and Leslie Boniface Ms. Kris Brown Mr. Scott Campbell and Ms. Jane Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cannon

Mr. and Mrs. David Ross Ms. Kim Edberg and Mr. Alex Rule Dr. and Mrs. Paul Schwaegler Mr. Jay Schwartz and Ms. Renee Willette Dr. and Mrs. Charles Schwarzbeck, III Mr. and Mrs. Stan Sifferman Ms. Beth Silverberg Mr. Steven Silverberg

Mr. and Mrs. Sandip Soli Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark Mr. Sean Walsh and Ms. Julie Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zwiebel FRIENDS ($300 to $599) Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Allen Mr. Peter F. Alspach and Ms. Maureen E. O’Leary

“Love ought to show itself more in deeds than in words.” - St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cappetto Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Carson Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christothoulou Mr. and Mrs. William Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cola Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cole Mrs. Meredith Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cross Mr. Matthew Dahlgren and Ms. Thuy Vu Dr. Raimondo D’Ambrosio and Ms. Nai-Ling Yeh Mr. and Mrs. Sonny De Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunlop Mr. Jonathan Ellis and Ms. Vicki Anderson-Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Friedman Mr. Edgar Garcia and Ms. Anjorita Flores Dr. Cristopher Garlitz and Dr. Susan Masonis Mr. Mikel Gray and Ms. Patricia Eakes Mr. Patrick H. Grimm and Ms. Nancy Hurlbut Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hackman Mr. and Mrs. Russ Hatfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Hein Mr. and Mrs. George Hofbauer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Huson Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Johnson Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Sarah Kavanaugh Mr. and Ms. Brian Knox Mr. Richard Lappenbusch and Ms. Denise Muyco Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McGrath Mr. Matthew T. McKevitt and Dr. Silvia S. McKevitt Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Brooks McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullally Mr. James Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Norton Ms. Michele Nucci Mr. and Mrs. Michael Oaksmith Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Blaine O’Kelley Dr. and Dr. Darragh O’Mahony Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pavlovec Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robison

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Skrobut Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stangland Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Smith Sukapanpotharam Mr. and Ms. Robert Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tiscareno Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vial Ms. Lisa Vila and Mr. Gil Greenman Mr. Michael Vila and Ms. Kris Mulcahy Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts Mr. James Whitson and Ms. Patricia Adams Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wooding Mr. Michael Quillin and Ms. Lillian Zadra ASSOCIATES ($600 to $999) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Arnold Colleen and Paul Battaglia Mrs. Melati Baybars Mr. and Mrs. Brian Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dawson Mr. Carlos and Dr. Sarah de la Torre Mr. and Mrs. Sean Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Graham Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Graham Mr. and Mrs. Jason Grove Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gwynn Dr. and Mrs. Ranjiv Hayre Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Kris R. Hollingshead Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Leach Ms. Ann-Marie Linde Mr. Don Linde Mr. and Mrs. Erick Lines Mr. Ryan Linstroth and Ms. Janet Argentin Linstroth Mrs. Barbara Lock Mr. Jeffrey Eckmann and Mr. Raymond Manahan Mr. and Mrs. Sean Murray Mr. and Mrs. Brock Reed Ms. Anita Robles Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Russin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. Steve Smith and Mrs. LeAna Alvarado-Smith

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Lando Alvarado Ms. Peggy Aman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Augustavo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ballaine Mrs. Julie Baybars Mr. Matthew Bell Ms. Mary Helen Bever Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Buchholz Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buono Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Campbell Ms. Katie Carson and Mr. Charles H. Groesbeck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cartano Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cedergreen Mr. and Mrs. Rick Chandler Ms. Kara Connally Mr. Frank Austin and Mrs. Diane Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daly Mr. and Mrs. Victor Delucchi Mr. Robert Dennis and Ms. Anita Frankovic Mrs. Joan Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Elrod Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Farewell Mr. and Mrs. Loren Faris Mr. Patrick Fennessy and Ms. Ann Alokolaro Mr. and Mrs. James Flies Ms. Rebecca Frisino Mr. and Mrs. John Gabbert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Geivett Mr. Lance Ginaven and Ms. Tina O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Diego Gonzalez Mr. Jeff Greatorex and Mrs. Lisa Floyd Greatorex Dr. and Mrs. Dean Grove Mr. Carl Hagens Dr. Eissa Hanna and Ms. Emily Kaiser Mr. Scott Harron and Ms. Lynne Graybeal Mr. and Mrs. John Heily Ms. Melissa Hertel Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holter

9 | S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L • 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L R E P O R T Mr. and Mrs. Lance Hood Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter Dr. Jonathan Hutter and Dr. Kristin Manning Mr. and Mrs. Axel C. Iverson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Peter G. Jones Mrs. Linda Kastens Mr. and Mrs. Knox Key Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kinerk Ms. Erin Kittleman Mr. and Mrs. John Knierim Mr. and Mrs. Steve Knight Mr. and Mrs. Jayson D. Lacktrup Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lambert Mr. Nicholas S. Lesnikowski and Ms. Anne M. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis Mrs. Marcia Lewis Mr. Gabriel Lock Mr. Steven Looney and Ms. Dana Frank-Looney Mr. and Mrs. Mike Loughran Mr. Toby Lumpkin Ms. Kathy Marion Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Ryan McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McGinnis Mr. and Ms. Tyler Mintkeski Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Mark O’Callaghan Ms. Maggie O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. O’Donnell Mr. Kevin Palmore Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Pauldine Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pettijohn Mr. Stephen Potter and Mrs. Kelly Lavin-Potter Mr. and Mrs. James Raisio Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reed Dr. Jena Rivers Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rothrock Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sajer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sakay Carol Gilmore Sauter Mr. and Mrs. Reilly D. Schanno Mr. and Mrs. Eric Skov Ms. Dixie Small Mr. and Mrs. John Small Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sniezek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Soukup Mr. and Mrs. David Spannaus Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stark Mr. and Mrs. Michael Theisen Mr. Stephen Wolfe and Ms. Meg Thenell Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thompson Mr. Bill Tokheim and Ms. Trish McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. Randy Utz

Mr. Jeffrey Van Hove and Dr. Corey Van Hove Mr. Todd Vien and Ms. Phuong T. Nguyen Mr. John Welch and Ms. Marie Westermeier Mrs. Elsa Wise Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Wise Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wood Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Zech SUPPORTERS (Up to $299) Mr. and Mrs. Chris J. Adkisson Mrs. Janet Adkisson Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Allen Ms. Joyce Alva Mr. and Mrs. Ron Amos Mr. David Anderson Mrs. Lori Anderson Ms. Alana Andrews Mr. and Mrs. David Andrews Mr. Max Andrews Anonymous Ms. Peggy Ashcraft Mr. Remigijus Audejaitis and Mrs. Jurate Audejaitiene Mr. and Mrs. John Augustavo Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bailey Mr. James Bailey and Ms. Leanne Olson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Belanger Mrs. Alfreda Bell Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennion Mr. Arvid Berg and Ms. Sophia Zervas-Berg Ms. Erin Boniface Mr. and Mrs. Richard Boyle Ina and James Bray Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Brem Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan Mr. David Budd and Ms. Christine Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Robert Busse Mr. and Mrs. John Calvert Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell Mr. Tom Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cappetto Ms. Darcy Carlsen Mrs. Mary Carney Mr. Jerry Carson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carson Mr. and Ms. Oscar Cea-Figueroa Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cerna Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Chase Sr. Jocie-Rhea Chism, S.N.J.M. Mr. and Mrs. John Christofilis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Juan Cotto Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Crisera Mr. and Mrs. Tim Crocker

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Daly Ms. Christina Davis Mrs. Jacquie Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Mike Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Jose Doquilo Mr. and Mrs. James Doran Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Duffy Ms. Maryel Duzan Mr. Jorge Eguren Mr. and Ms. Timothy Elder Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ellis Mr. and Ms. Aaron Evanson Ms. Katherine C. Fallon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Fell Mr. and Mrs. George Finn Mr. and Mrs. Brian Flynn, Jr. Ms. Joyce Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Freiburger Mr. Robert French and Ms. Liz McCarthy French Mr. and Mrs. Paul Friedrich Ms. Kathryn Fritsch Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gannon Mr. and Mrs. Dan Giarde Mrs Carol Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Jay Giri Mr. and Mrs. Martin Godsil Mr. William Herkes and Ms. Mary Guerra Ms. Joyce Guyton Ms. Helen Hamilton Mr. and Ms. David Hanson Mr. Brent Hart and Ms. Nancy Tenney Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hayre Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hedrick Mr. Robert Hendry and Ms. Elizabeth Hooker-Hendry Ms. Ruby J. Herrin Mr. Dane Hofbauer and Ms. Beth O’Brien Ms. Sharon Hoglund Mr. and Mrs. Jake Holzli Mr. Jordan Howell Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Hubbard Ms. Emily Ittes Mr. and Mrs. Derek Iverson Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jackson Ms. Laura Jager Mr. and Mrs. Eric James Mr. and Mrs. Michel Jammal Ms. Pat Jennings

1 0 | S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L • 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L R E P O R T Ms. Constance A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. Benoit Jurion Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kajimura Ms. Cassie Kastens Ms. Amanda C. Kelly Mrs. Frances Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. Miroslav Kesic Mrs. Diane Kester Knights of Peter Claver, Ladies of Grace Mr. and Mrs. Steve Koehler Mr. and Mrs. William Kuder Mr. Larry Lacktrup and Mrs. Barbara Marilley Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. Laun Ms. Marie Leathers Mr. and Mrs. George LeBlanc Mr. Nathan Lee-Peterson Mrs. Sheila Leewens Mr. and Mrs. Gary Liffick Mr. and Mrs. John Losh Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lumpkin Dr. and Mrs. Michael MacDonald Mrs. Joan MacLean Ms. Elizabeth MacPherson Mr. and Mrs. Manny Manahan Mr. Daniel Eyman and Ms. Lisa Mansoori Ms. Darcy Marlow Mr. Scott Reese and Mrs. Norma Marsh Mr. John Martynovych and Ms. Allison Ainslie Dr. Lucille W. Mason Mr. and Mrs. James F. McAteer Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. David C. McDonald Mr. Paul McShane, III Mr. and Mrs. George Mead, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Miller Mr. Christopher Miller and Ms. Grace McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. William S. Miner Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mirkin Ms. Eleanor M. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Montgomery Ms. Jennifer Moyer-Taylor Mr. Ronald Mulberg and Ms. Dena Murray Dr. Lawrence Murphy and Ms. Janet Politte Mr. and Mrs. Don Davies Ms. Shawn Needham and Mr. Todd Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nelson Ms. Deirdre Noonan Mr. and Mrs. John R. Peterson Mrs. Patty Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollard Mr. and Mrs. Marty Pompermayer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pressentin Ms. Tracy Pucci Ms. Carol F. Questad Ms. Susie Raney Mr. and Mrs. David Raubvogel

Mr. James Read Mr.Vaughan Real and Mrs. Melanie Skinner-Real Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson Mr. Christopher Roberts Ms. Diane Robson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rogers Mrs. Kathleen Ross and Mr. Devin Ross Mr. James Ross and Ms. Shelly Chinn Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Roza Ms. Karen A. Salander Ms. Heather Scearce Mr. Thomas Scearce Mr. Richard Schwaegler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Scott Ms. Bedriya Seid Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sepulveda Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sevao Mr. Nicholas Shaker Mr. Ian Simpson and Ms. Jennifer North Ms. Ellen Skugstad Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Smith Ona and Chuck Spaniola Mrs. Barbara Steinhauser Dr. Monica Strope Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sturm Mr. Michael L. Sullivan and Mrs. Robbin Bushnell Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Swift Mrs. Beverly Tabor Mrs. Judy Tattersall Mr. Jeff Teitelbaum and Ms. Susan McLaughlin Mrs. La Vaughn Therriault Mrs. Diane Thompson Mrs. Doris Rae Thompson and Dr. Tom Birkey Dr. Matthew Thompson and Dr. Lisa Babinec Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tobin Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tokheim Ms. Annie Tran Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tran Mr. and Mrs. Terry Trinen Ms. Eleonor E. Ugay Mrs. Kate Van Gaver Mr. and Mrs. Matthew van Wollen Mr. David Vance Mr. and Mrs. David Vial Mr. and Mrs. Gary Waldner Ms. Janet C. Walsh Mr. Lawrence Ward and Ms. Julissa Robles Mr. Brian Washburn and Ms. Megan McJennett Mr. and Mrs. David Washburn Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wellings Ms. Chesley Wells Mr. and Ms. Mark Wessel Mr. and Mrs. Michael White Mr. and Mrs. James Wickwire Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. Dave Willis Mr. and Mrs. Kirk T. Wills

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winch Ms. Elisa Wirkala Chuck and Jean Woletz Ms. Therese Wooding Ms. Kathleen Wright Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yousoofian Ms. Christine Zumdahl

DONORS TO OTHER FUNDS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Albers Mr. Murrey R. Albers Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Allemann Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Lando Alvarado Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aumell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Barnett Ms. Kristen Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. Greg Boehm Bill and Leslie Boniface Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brown Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buono Mr. & Mrs. Winn Brindle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cahill Dr. Philip Chen and Dr. Grace Cinciripini Mr. and Mrs. Dino Christofilis Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christothoulou Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Crisera Mr. and Mrs. Noel Cross Mr. and Mrs. John Curran Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Davis Mr. Lance Ginaven and Ms. Tina O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Sonny De Guzman Mr. Matthew Dahlgren and Ms. Thuy Vu Mr. Bill Miner and Mrs. Dee Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Wright Dickinson Ms. Hanne Dittler Mr. and Mrs. John Dolson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunlop Mr. and Mrs. Steve Duzan The Eland Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Enell Mr. Ian Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham Mr. Patrick H. Grimm and Ms. Nancy Hurlbut Mr. Warren J. Guykema Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hackman Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hagens Mr. and Ms. David Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Russ Hatfield, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heily Mr. and Mrs. John Heily Mr. Paul A. Hensel Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hollyhead Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Holter Mr. Andrew Hoyal and Ms. Linda Walton

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Matching Gift Companies & Foundations Abbvie Aerojet Rocketdyne, Inc. AT&T United Way Employee Gifting Campaign Badgley, Phelps and Bell, INC Bank of America Matching Gifts Blackrock Matching Gift Program Boeing Gift Matching Program Capital One City of Seattle Combined Charities Costco Wholesale ECG Management Consultants, Inc ECOLAB Foundation Expedia, Inc. GenCorp Foundation Lakeside Industries Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Oracle Matching Gifts Program Pacifica Law Group Propel Insurance Russell Investments Inc. Starbucks Matching Gifts Program The Blankenship Law Firm P.S. The Seattle Foundation The Suzanne Nora Johnson and David G. Johnson Foundation US Bancorp Foundation VMware Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program

For a full list of Matching Gift Companies go to our website

Mr. and Mrs. Axel C. Iverson Mr. and Mrs. Michel Jammal Mr. Christopher and Mrs. Sarah Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Key Mr. Timothy P. Leary and Ms. Erin D. Swezey Mr. James MacLean and Mr. Alexandre Vilela-Cury Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Martinez Dr. Marc Mayberg and Dr. Teresa Mayberg Mr. and Mrs. Iain McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McGrath Mr. Paul J. McKillop Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Roger McMillen Mr. and Ms. Tyler Mintkeski Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mooney Mr. Conor Morrison and Ms. Lovina McMurchy Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mullally Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullally Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Mullally Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James Navone Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Norton Mrs. Angela Nucci Mr. and Mrs. Blaine O’Kelley Dr. and Dr. Darragh O’Mahony Ms. Karen Olson and Dr. Piri Welcsh Mr. and Mrs. John Ott Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Paulsell Ms. Myriam Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pettijohn Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pigott Boeing Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Read Mr. Michael Rosenberger and Ms. Maura Whalen Mr. and Mrs. David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Russin Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sauvage Mr. William R. Sauvage Amy and Mark Scheer Montessori School of Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Doug Skrobut Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Sniezek Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark Mr. Daniel Stoner and Ms. Anne Santee-Stoner Mrs. Diane Thompson Mr. Carlos and Dr. Sarah de la Torre Mr. and Mrs. Brian Waite Mr. Sean Walsh and Ms. Julie Tilghman Mr. Lawrence Ward and Ms. Julissa Robles Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watts Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells Mr. and Mrs. Michael White Mr. and Mrs. William Whitfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Whitson Mr. and Mrs. Gene Williams

Dr. Raimondo D’Ambrosio and Ms. Nai-Ling Yeh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yousoofian The following donors generously supported the Expansion Project Mr. Patrick Fennessy and Ms. Ann Alokolaro Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Andrews Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Blanchfield Mr. and Mrs. Dino Christofilis Mr. and Mrs. John Curran Mr. and Mrs. Wright Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dunigan The Catholic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Geivett Mr. Jordan Howell Dr. and Mrs. Barry Kaimakis Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee Mr. and Mrs. Iain McDonald Ms. Michele Nucci Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pigott Mr. Lawrence Ward and Ms. Julissa Robles Sanofi-Aventis National Philanthropic Trust Mr. and Mrs. James Wickwire The following donors generously supported the Lunchroom Project Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hagens Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Hughes Juniper Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sperry Mr. and Mrs. Jerrod Stafford Starbucks Matching Gifts Program UBS Financial In-Kind Donors Fred and Sheri Andrews Anonymous Franz Bakery Peter Johnson Steve and Anna Knight Peter & Kim Nisbet QFC Annette Kraus-Raubvogel Andy and Malama Sevao Jason and Lisa Snavlin Tully’s Zeek’s Pizza And countless makers of classroom treats and necessities.

1 2 | S T. J O S E P H S C H O O L • 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L R E P O R T

Endowment for St. Joseph School The Endowment for St. Joseph School is a fund built from donations by individuals and institutions over the past 35 years. It serves as a permanent funding source to support financial aid, academic programs, building & grounds and teacher enrichment. Because we only spend the interest earned from the principal, the Endowment will support these goals in perpetuity, advancing St Joseph School’s mission to educate and inspire students to reach their God-given potential for many generations to come. Currently the Endowment for St. Joseph School is comprised of 25 named funds. Initially funds are established by individuals and families at a minimum of $25,000. For more information or to make a donation to the Endowment for St. Joseph School, please contact Tina O’Brien at or 206.329.3260.

Endowment Statement of Holdings 2014 - 2015 (Unaudited and rounded to nearest thousand dollars)

Beginning Balance (7/1/14)




Grant to St. Joseph School


Unrealized Gains/Losses Administrative Expenses


Ending Balance (6/30/15)

FINANCIAL AID Ann D. Gilmore Financial Aid Fund Catherine Mowry LaCugna Financial Aid Fund Donna Romein Financial Aid Fund Dr. Donald Burke Financial Aid Fund Ellie Rolfe Financial Aid Fund Genevieve Albers Financial Aid Fund George Hofbauer Financial Aid Fund Jeanne D. Sweeney Financial Aid Fund John F. Renz Financial Aid Fund Joseph Boyle Financial Aid Fund Mark Owen Mullally Financial Aid Fund Rachel Bench Financial Aid Fund Ruby Hughes Financial Aid Fund

STAFF ENRICHMENT Craig Boly Fund Teacher Enrichment Fund

($35,185) $7,411,514

Financial Aid

Distribution by Purpose

Endowment Funds Dedicated to:


Staff Enrichment


Special Programs


*The unrealized gains/losses is significantly higher than previous years thanks to the generous bequest of Winn & Joan Brindle.

SPECIAL PROGRAMS Winn & Joan Brindle Facilities Fund Carmen Smith Sessions Art Fund Kay McGonigle Diverse Student Tutoring Fund Educational Fund Fine Arts Fund Learning Resource Fund Sheryl Sperry Technology Fund Shirley Ott Kiehn Learning Resource Fund World Language Fund

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DONOR RECOGNITION Anonymous Archon Capital Management LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Aumell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold S. Bailet Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailey Mr. Bruce Kramer and Ms. Linda Barbarus Bellevue Asset Management Ms. Debra Hannula and Mr. David Bienvenu Boeing Gift Matching Program Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buono Charles Schwab Advisor Services Chase Marketing Chieftain Irish Pub & Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Dino Christofilis Ms. Mary Helen Clarke Concur Ms. Kathy Connors Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Crisera Mr. and Mrs. John Dacquisto Dearie Law Group Dr. and Mrs. Thom Dunning Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dunigan Ms. Maggie M. Emerton Mr. Benton Gaffney and Ms. Stacey Fitzpatrick Fischer Plumbing Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gemperle Mr. Dennis Flannigan and Ms. Jayasri Ghosh Ferrara Candy Co. Ms. Susan M. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frisino FX McRory’s Steak, Chop & Oyster House Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Geivett Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Gemperle Mr. and Mrs. Dan Greenshields Mr. Warren J. Guykema Mr. and Mrs. John Hersman Mr. Andrew Hoyal and Ms. Linda Walton Dr. and Mrs. Grady Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hurst Mr. and Dr. Bob Kelley Mr. and Mrs. James Kitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuester Ms. Annie MacDonald Mr. Dick Manning Mr. Larry Lacktrup and Mrs. Barbara Marilley Dr. Marc Mayberg and Dr. Teresa Mayberg Mr. and Mrs. James F. McAteer Mr. Paul J. McKillop Meridian Builders, Inc. Col. Felix Millhouse Mr. and Mrs. Art Mitchell Mr. Ralph Moorman Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mullally

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mullally Tutta Bella Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Mullally Ms. Eleonor E. Ugay Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vida Mr. Joseph B. Nelson Ms. Denise E. Vidmar Mr. Max A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Brian Waite Northern Trust Ms. Margaret Kineke and Mr. Dennis West Northwest Atlantic Windermere Real Estate Northwest Plan Services, Inc. Mr. Robert Stewart and Dr. Harriet Winkleman Ms. Michele Nucci Ms. Lucy Winston Mr. and Mrs. Steve Oaksmith Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Wong Mr. Dane Hofbauer and Ms. Beth O’Brien Mr. Marco Zangari and Ms. Susan Jones Mr. Lance Ginaven and Ms. Tina O’Brien Mr. Matthew J. Zech Ms. Bernadette O’Leary Ms. Meghan M. Zech Mr. and Mrs. John Ott Mr. Arvid Berg and Ms. Sophia Zervas-Berg Mr. and Mrs. Panos Palas Mrs. Mary Payne Ms. Margaret Pepper THE GIFT OF CATHOLIC EDUCATION Mr. Donald Hopps and Ms. Content provided by Conne McGlynn Bruce, ‘85 M. Pamela Piering Mr. and Mrs. Rodney G. Proctor Winn and Joan Lenoue Brindle were dedicated to Catholic education. Puget Sound Bank Both grew up attending Catholic schools. Winn went to St. Joseph Dr. Vidmantas Raisys School, Seattle Prep, and Marymount Military Academy before moving Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratliffe on to Seattle University; Joan attended St. Aloysius in Spokane, Holy Red Mill Burgers Names Academy and Seattle University. Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Reischling Ms. Joan Robertson Winn and Joan married and settled on Capitol Hill, where they raised The Robinson Company six children. The Brindle children all attended St. Joseph School. “Mom Mr. James Shaker and Ms. and Dad were raised in the Catholic schools, and raised all of us in Susan Roe the Catholic schools,” says Karen Brindle, “so planning a gift through Mr. and Mrs. Rocky Rothrock their estate was a given. Mom and Dad were devoted to Catholic Mr. Dick Ryan education.” Mr. Joseph Paton and Ms. Susan Safioles During the 2014-2015 academic year, St. Joseph School was identiMs. Anna M. Sajer fied as the beneficiary of the estate of Winn & Joan Lenoue Brindle. Dr. Lester R. Sauvage Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sauvage Their nearly $600,000 bequest is far reaching, helping to sustain the Mr. Jay Schwartz and Ms. gift of catholic education in perpetuity through the Winn & Joan Renee Willette Brindle Facilities Fund. Winn and Joan divided their Individual RetireMs. Katherine J. Scott ment Accounts among four Seattle schools: St. Joseph School, Seattle Servco Pacific Insurance Services Preparatory School, O’Dea High School, and Holy Names Academy. In Ms. Libby Shaker their passing as in their lives together, Winn and Joan helped ensure Mr. Nicholas Shaker the future of the of Catholic education in Seattle. Ms. Dixie Small Starbucks Matching Gifts Program There are many reasons to create a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sperry named endowment fund: to honor a Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stees loved one or mentor, in gratitude for Mr. Daniel Stoner and Ms. an education, to celebrate personal Anne Santee-Stoner or professional accomplishments or Mr. John Stuntebeck leave a permanent legacy. St. Joseph School SWAT Systems By remembering St. Joseph School Mr. and Ms. Robert Sumner in your estate planning, you too can Ms. Anne Taylor ensure that the graces and gifts your Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tiscareno family received will be sustained for Mr. Patrick Turner generations to come.

St. Joseph is...


Thanks to the generosity of our parents, alumni, and friends 2014-2015 has been a truly outstanding year. We are deeply grateful for all your continued support of St. Joseph School.

To Support: Tina O’Brien, Director of Advancement To Enroll: Barbara Steinhauser, Director of Admissions To Connect: Bill Sauvage, Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Call us at 206.329.3260 or visit our website


Original design by Annette Kraus-Raubvogel A. Kraus Design & Illustration, Seattle, WA

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