We are powerful, fearless women driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood.

We are powerful, fearless women driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood.
Membership is voluntary and based on the individual's commitment to the purpose. We are open to any woman with a desire to belong and participate in the various missions or ministries of the church through United Women in Faith (UWF).
To make a monetary pledge or donation to UWF, contact the current treasurer listed on the back of this brochure or place your donation in the Sunday offering box with your check marked "United Women in Faith."
This group of women focuses on UWF missions both locally and globally. They meet on the third Thursday of the month at 1PM (Feb. - May & Sep. - Dec.). Contact Nilene Schurig at nananilene@gmail.com
This group welcomes single, divorced, and widowed working and retired women. They meet monthly (usually on Saturdays at 2PM) throughout the year for fun, faith, and fellowship. Contact Nancy Hopper at nchopper26@yahoo.com.
This group comes together to work on sewing projects supporting UWF missions, directly helping women and children. Come for projects and fellowship. Bring a sewing machine, fabric, scissors, and pins. This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month from 10AM-1PM in C 124. Contact Marilyn Langston at mlangston2012@gmail.com.
March 1
Apr 19-20
Apr 23-May 3
May 11
May 15-18
May 31 -
June 2
June 6-8
July 12-14
Aug 3
Sept TBD
Sept 25-28
Oct 13
Oct 18-20
Nov 9
Dec 2
World Day of Prayer
IN Conference Spiritual Growth Retreat
Lindenwood Retreat Center, Plymouth IN
General Conference of the UMC
Soul Care Retreat, St. Luke’s UMC
Spring Rummage Sale, St. Luke’s UMC
North Central Jurisdiction meeting
Sheridan Indpls City Center Hotel, Indpls
INUMC Annual Conference
St. Luke's UMC
Mission U, Franklin College
Mission U Sampler, Indianapolis
Central District Annual Celebration
Fall Rummage Sale, St. Luke’s UMC
UWF Sunday, St. Luke’s UMC
Silent Retreat, Joseph Retreat & Conf Ctr
Holiday Bazaar
Christmas Installation Dinner
Volunteer to sort, set up, cashier, or clean up.
Brenda Westfall: brestew@gmail.com
Betsy Amirhamzeh: betsyamirhamzeh@yahoo.com
Marsha Anderson: andesonmarshal@yahoo.com
Volunteer on Thursday and Friday before the event to prep and/or help make and package food. On Saturday, volunteer to serve or sell food.
Lori Chambers: lochambers 1122@gmail.com.
Help promote and prepare the Soul Care event.
Lori Chambers: lochambers 1122@gmail.com or
Jolynne Wilhoit : jwilhoit75@aol.com
Serve on a committee involved in UWF.
Join a UWF circle or group to participate in various mission and social action projects throughout the year.