Annual report 2014

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2014 at a Glance Early chIldhood

70 children celebrated shabbat with shabbat Bear

2,430 books read in the preschool

12,480 bottles fed in the infant room


youth & famIly

HealtH & Wellness

27,397 participants in group exercise classes 475 swim lesson participants 141,306 scans in the Pro shop

Early Childhood Center received accreditation by



medals earned

By 20 Teens aT JCC MaCCaBi GaMes

956 massages given 200+ hours of Jewish learning with Morah Tracey

3,186 yogis

took free yoga classes

165 Passover For All bags filled with Kosher for Passover food



campers and staff with disabilities at Camp Butwin

109 free personal training sessions provided for adults with developmental disabilities

1500 All Children’s Theater attendees

350 Camp Butwin campers

300+ hot dogs sold by Hunger Haven


8 medical interpreters

attended 4,493 medical appointments

200+ attendees at ENGAGE! An Evening of Jewish Learning 8,956 rides to medical appointments, grocery stores and social events

Dear Friends, Since we opened our doors on St. Paul Avenue 50 years ago, the St. Paul JCC has had one main calling: to serve as the heart of the community, providing an inclusive and enriching organization guided by Jewish values. Looking back, it’s clear that we’ve done just that. Looking forward, I know that we have so much more to give to the community. This past year, we had 141,306 people come through our Pro Shop, and that doesn’t even come close to the number of people that walked through our doors; from members to visitors to children enrolled in our Early Childhood Center, the J served as a hub for social, educational, cultural and physical wellness and involvement for the whole community.


In 2014 we saw growth in every program area of the JCC. One accomplishment that we’re particularly proud of is that our Early Childhood Center was accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the nation’s leading organization of early childhood professionals. This accreditation speaks to the high quality of the St. Paul JCC’s early childhood programs and our

continued dedication to our families. Please join us in thanking our educators for their wonderful work! Additionally, last year’s 1964-themed Summer Soiree raised almost $30,000 to benefit youth and senior services at the J, allowing us to continue enriching lives with our many supportive services and youth programs. Last year also marked the first year of our $5,000 MARvelous Education Fund Scholarship, which went to talented and involved JCC member Emma Hartigan. These achievements are just the tip of the iceberg; 2014 was an amazing year for the St. Paul JCC. With your help, we can make 2015 even greater. Last year, we celebrated 50 years on St. Paul Avenue. This year, the J continues a multi-phase plan to update the infrastructure of our historic building, allowing us to lay the framework for 50 more years here. Our future is here, and we look forward to growing with you. Thank you for making the J possible.

B’Shalom, Howard Orenstein Michael Waldman PRESIDENT




Cash Amount % of Total Revenue Investments Program fees $3,308,991 53% Receivables Membership dues $1,228,076 20% Member Dues & Health Club Contributions and fundraising $689,841 11% Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul $418,644 7% Contributions Other Government, foundation $370,202 6% grants and contracts Prepaid Expenses & Other Assets Greater Twin Cities United Way $69,228 1% Property & Equipment, Net Sales & service $76,866 1% Total Assets $27,736 0% Miscellaneous

$6,189,584 100%



Children & Youth services Health & Fitness services Cultural Arts & Adult programs Senior Adult services Russian Resettlement Other services including Inclusion & Accessibility Management & General Fundraising

$2,398,893 $1,232,625 $473,097 $416,163 $499,563 $283,321 $709,573 $164,298 $6,177,533



% of Total Expenses 39% 20% 8% 7% 8% 5% 11% 3%


This information reflects the actual operating results for the fiscal year ending 12/31/2014.

$404,377 $11,916,594 $499,573 $134,548 $500,000 $186,786 $114,315 $7,016,983


LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Deferred Revenue Special Assessments Payable Total Liabilities

$103,751 $139,315 $625,482 $136,880 $1,005,428

NET ASSETS Unrestricted / Undesignated Board Designated Temporarily Restricted Temporarily Restricted - Term Endowment Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets


$6,373,068 $2,057,327 $4,487,775 $3,024,069 $3,825,509 $19,767,748


G E NE R AT I O N TO GEN ER ATI ON S O CI ET Y These generous individuals and families represent two extremely important St. Paul JCC donors: those who have made provisions in their will for the St. Paul JCC or named the JCC as the beneficiary of a deferred gift, and those who have made a substantial contribution during their lifetime to a St. Paul JCC Endowment Fund. We thank these individuals for ensuring that the JCC continues to offer quality programs and services for generations to come. Anonymous Alvin & Bonnie Abrahamson Nedra Abramson Norman & Kim Abramson Sandra & Edward Abramson Idell Adelman* David & Barbara Adelson Jean Adelson Betty Agranoff Kenneth & Tracey Agranoff Mark Agranoff Sandra Alch* Arlene & Murray Appelbaum Frances M. Applebaum* Harry Applebaum* Harold Arenson Neil & Naomi Arnold Earl & Harriet Bailey Ruth Bear* Sol & Debbie Bear Judith Beiber* Sydney* & Constance Berde Bernice Bernick* Rose Siegel Bernstein* Samuel* & Sarah* Bernstein Herman J. Birnberg Ceil Birnberg* Gary & Susan Bloom Tim & Carole Bloom Meyer* & Clara* Bream Harvey & Joan Bream Howard & Eileen Bream Arnold & Judy Brier David and Sheila Brod Elinor Brodie* Jack Bulwa* Ray* & Rita* Butwin Ben* & Vivian* Calmenson Cal* & Beverly* Calmenson Robyn Calmenson* Susan Calmenson Martin & Esther Capp Claire Cohen* Larry Cohen & Kathi Donnelly Cohen Robert Cohen & Sarah Norsted Dori Denelle Haddie Derechin Anthony Desnick Marjorie Desnick Rukavina Shirley Dworsky* Ronald & Phyllis Ettinger

Seymour* & Betty Falk Herbert & Betty Fantle Dan & Amy Farsht Steven & Stephanie Farsht Harold* & Connie* Field Beatrice Fink* Edmar & Claire Fink Mitch & Margie Fink Leslie & Susie Fishman Leo* & Paula Fox William Fox Marjorie Shores Freeman* Merle Lee Freeman Gerry & Gail Frisch Burton & Lucille Garr Lillian Geller* Loren & Rosie Geller Ronald* & Anita Geller Peni Gensler & Family Mark & Sharon* Gibson Barry & Rena Glaser David & Theresa Glaser Joel Glaser Peter & Harriet Glick Rose Godes* Albert* & Esther* Goffstein David Goldberger Sam & Deborah Goldberger Mitchell & Andrea Goldberger Herbert & Judy Goldenberg Frances Goldstein* Ernest* & Malka Goodman Max* & Grace* Granzberg Abe* & Rose* Greenberg Sara & Dan Greenberg Don & Dolores Gross Abe J. Harris* Sid Froman* & Jean Harris* Roger Harris & Jean Campiola Martin & Nancy Hauser Berta Henle* Cecelia Henle* Elise Henle* Karl Henle* Ruth Hoffman* Emmy Lou Jacobson Jewish War Veterans Post 162 Jewish War Veterans Post 354 Jewish War Veterans State of Minnesota Carol Johnson* & Family Mel & Evelyn Kamin

Give to the Max campaign raised in one day


Saul S. Kanun* Harold & Pat* Kaplan Max Kaplan* Molly Kaplan* Reuben* & Esther* Kaplan Robert & Jennifer Kaplan Nancy Karasov Barbara Kaster Mark & Sandie Kaster Branah Katz Zelda Katz* Leroy & Miriam Kieffer Ira & Peggy Kipp Sternie Kissin-Rosen* Julius Klein* Steve & Nessa Kleinglass Joel & Laurie Kramer David* & Dorothy* Krawetz Joseph* & Pearl* Krawetz Louise Kuller* Florence Lapinsky* Alan & Ruthanne Lapinsky Susan Larson-Lewis Robert* & Eva* Launer Charles & Janet Leavitt Allen & Nancy Levine Flora Levine* Jimmy and Stephanie Levine Lois Levine Lillian S. Levinsohn* William Levy Victor Levy Leonard & Carol Lewensohn Ida Libman* Mae Libman Lorraine Fay Linder* Bay Lipschultz* Jean Litman* Sylvan* & Estelle* Mack Maggie Madden Donald & Rhoda Mains Henry* & Hattie* Marofsky Stuart & Joann Marofsky David & Sandra Marrinson Jim Marvy Lawrence* & Mimi Marvy Robert & Florie Marvy Gerald Mayeron* Gloria Mayeron* Leonard* & Ethel Mayeron Thelma Mayeron Barbara Goldbarg Melamed

Men’s Club of the St. Paul JCC Rose Smith Mirsky* Gerald* & Noralee Mogol Mike* & Lois Moheban Adelle Nadler* Florence Nathanson* Marion* & Annette* Newman Allen I. Nilva* Howard Orenstein & Barbara Frey Sally Orenstein* Idellie Osman* Jim & Esther Paletz William Paper* Esther Patterson* Lawrence & Linda Perlman Ossie W. Perlman* Marvin J. Pertzik Mary Jane Petersen Wendell Petersen Patrick Plonski & Judy Hawkinson James & Julie Podlich Sol* & Gert* Pogoriler Harvey & Diana Pogoriler Jerry & Gail Pogoriler Steven Press & Jody Cohen Press Leonard* & Ida Rapoport Rose Ethel Raucher* Judy Rein Bonnie Reinke Maurice* & Ruth Rischall Joanne R. Robson* Blanche Rockowitz* Carol Rone Ruth Ann Rose Bill* & Bernice* Rosen Mildred S. Rosen* Sue Rosenbloom William & Nancy Rosenbloom Paul & Connie Ross Steven & Wendy Rubin Sidney* & Elaine Ruderman Berneen Rose Rudolph Stuart Sanders Charles Sansby* Bertha Schlesinger* Phil Schlesinger* Ivan* & Sandra Schloff David & Paula Schraber Max* & Felicia* Schultz Penny Schumacher Celina Scibora* Richard* & Rossy Shaller

200+ guests celebrated at our 4th annual Summer Soiree raising

Fore the Kids Golf Tournament raised



Stuart & Rollie Shanedling Helen N. Shapiro* Frank & Dorothy Shear Thomas & Ronna Sherman Sidney* & Dora* Shom Allen Shores* Frances* & Ted* Shuirman Leighton & Dianne Siegel Zacharias* & Gina* Silberberg Michael & Joanne Silverman Rose Butwin Silverstein* Stephen Simon & Kathleen Wilken George* & Amy* Sitkoff Edith Naomi Smith Marilyn Smith Milton* & Evelyn* Smith Norman & Ethel Smith Richard & Diane Smookler David Stein* Douglas Stone & Ann Marie Conroy Frederick & Rita Stone Gregg & Laura Stone Lee Straus* Stanley* & Zelda Straus Morgan & Marilyn Tamsky Jeffrey & Katherine Tane Arthur* & Doris Tilsen Robert & Sandy Tilsen Cathy Tobias Sharon Farsht Torodor Esther Tucker* Sam* & Eva* Unovich Debbie Vertelney Jerry Waldman & Judi Belzer Michael & Erin Waldman Hillard & Helene Ward Jeff & Tracie Ward, Scott*, Zachary & Brett Ward Dora Weinberger* Leon* & Felicia Weingarten Sharon* & Jack* Weiss Oscar Weitzman* Jean Witson Lawrence & Honey Zelle Edith Zidell* Marsha Zimmerman Patrick, Peter, and Max Zimmerman *of blessed memory

The Annual Fund Drive brought in 369 gifts for a total of


ST. PAUL J CC 2 0 1 4 D O N OR S Thank you for making our community a better place to live, play & grow! PILLARS OF THE JCC ($5,000 +)

GOLDEN GIVERS ($250-$499)

Donald and Rhoda Mains Jack Schletty

Anonymous Alyssa and Doug Berg Carolyn Levy and Sheldon Berkowitz Steve and Gail Brand James and Susan Dockman Michael Dorner Ron and Betty Ellis Edmar and Claire Fink Jason and Laurie Fink Steven and Barbara Godes Debbie Goldberger Joel and Laurie Kramer Brian and Judy Krasnow John Faughnan and Emily Lagace William Lipschultz Marc and Kathy Manderscheid Jay and Michelle Montpetit Robert Plummer Larry Raasch Paul and Karen Schanfield Richard and Diane Smookler William and Ryvell Tilsner David and Mary Ann Wark

JCC BENEFACTORS ($1000 - $4,999) Ken and Tracey Agranoff Jerry and Carrie Bader Barbara Bentson Herman Birnberg Gary and Susan Bloom Lisa Capp Martin and Esther Capp Daniel and Amy Farsht Bruce Fink Derek Gjerde and Allison Hoffman Dan and Sara Greenberg Todd and Elizabeth Johnson Harold Kaplan Nancy and Elliott* Karasov E Gary and Marion Klein Cheryle Kristal David Kristal and Cristiana Giordano Howard and Elaine Kuretsky Allen and Nancy Levine Maggie Madden Marvin Pertzik Andrew Rapoport Daniel Rischall and Karen Blumberg Ruth Rischall Steve and Wendy Rubin Dan and Jodi Saltzman Yoav and Rosalyn Segal Rossy Shaller Steve and Michelle Shaller Dianne and Leighton Siegel Michael and Joanne Silverman David and Ellen Sloane Robert and Sandra Tilsen Jerry Waldman and Judi Belzer Michael and Erin Waldman Peter and Judy Wolf Patrick Zimmerman

JCC SUSTAINERS ($500-$999) Alvin and Bonnie Abrahamson Anonymous Steve and Wendy Baldinger Alan and Lisa Bernick Beverly Calmenson* Stephanie and Michael Chauss Lisa Cohen Nancy Fushan Ken and Molly Garelick Michael and Cindy Garr Tom Cytron-Hysom and Robert Boyce Brian and Sandy Kamin Robert and Jennifer Kaplan Alan Olstein and Phyllis Karasov Jimmy and Stephanie Levine Harriet Levy Thomas Lewin, Kate Shamblott and Jeffrey Lewin Robert and Julie Mast Mildred Miller Gerald Portnoy Michael and Polly Saxon Emily and Daniel Shapiro Peter and Sue Stein Jeffrey and Katherine Tane Moses-Zirkes Family

SILVER CIRCLE ($100-$249) Terry Alewine Morris Allen and Phyllis Gorin Neil and Naomi Arnold James and Julie Bader Bagdade Family Merrill Biel and Leslie Hahn Bernard and Cathy Bomberg Irina Braginsky David and Sheila Brod Nicole and Jack Chase Mary-Louise and Bradley Clary William and Maureen Cosgriff Annie and Niles Deneen Dori Denelle Michael and Stacy Dockman Paula Duthoy Richard Epstein and Melissa Weisman Donna Forbes Jeffrey and Mary Frankson Howard Orenstein and Barbara Frey Thomas and Deborah Frishberg Janet Gabor Burt and Lucille Garr Loren and Rosie Geller Celia Goldetsky Howard and Lynn Goldman Ernie* and Malka Goodman Roger and Marilee Griffin Brent and Jessica Griffith Rena Harold and Linda Loewenstein Hart and Raleigh Johnson John and Virginia Kelly Corey Kirshenbaum and Marcy Noodell Evelyn Belton-Kocher and Angela Ortega Harrison Leah Krawetz Mindy Kurzer and Linda Zlotnick Joe and Linda Lane Paul Langeness Charles and Janet Leavitt Adam Lerner Yelva Lynfield Todd and Judith Marshall Ethel Mayeron Steven Miles and Joline Gitis Mike* and Lois Moheban Nina and Donn Mosser Patrick and Elizabeth Nunnally Tim and Wendy Oskey Naomi Perman Anna Marie Piccolo

46 scholarships 5,604 members

helped children attend Camp Butwin, Camp Centerland, and our Early Childhood program

William and Alice Ribbens James Dunn and Lori Ricke Sherm and Jan Ringer David Rischall and Flora Soumekh Merrell Peters and Anne Russell Sam Saide David and Fern Sanders Stuart Sanders Penny Schumacher Steve Peacock and Kate Seng Elliot Siegel Edith Naomi Smith Marilyn Smith Stuart and Elaine Steinman Daniel Cornejo and Nancy Strand M’liss and Charles Switzer Morgan and Marilyn Tamsky Patricia Haswell and Richard Todd Arnold and Harriet Usem Karen Wahmanholm Lisa and Kevin Walker Guang and Jane Wei Peter and Madee Wilton Jean Witson Jennifer and John Wood Kevin and Karen Woodward

FRIENDS OF THE JCC ($36-$99) Harold Arenson Paige and William Bartholome Mark Bayuk Aldoza Berdiyeva and Georgiy Melikov Isaak and Lidiya Berg Carl and Tammy Birnberg Paul and Lynette Eastwold Daniel Japuntich and Dorothy Edelson Moshe and Mindelle Feller Mark and Sarah Foster Isaac and Esther Ganz Eileen Garelick Sieglinde Gassman Maria and Tim Gatz Celia and Hill Gershenson Judith Goldberg Shale and Lenore Gollop Jeanne and Neil Goodspeed Robert and Olga Grun Nancy Harold Saul and Mary Hartman Jennifer Hladik and Jay Wiederholt Evelyn and Mel Kamin Benjamin and Libby Kaplan Kathleen Kelley Jennifer and Nicholas Strauss-Klein David and Laurie Kuretsky Steven and Renee Lentsch Mark and Lisa Lerman Michael and Rachel Lewine Ellen Mack Michael and Susan Madden Robert and Florie Marvy Carla and Ronald Miller Yefim and Gertruda Milshteyn Lindsay Nauen and Richard Weil Margaret Norman Andrew and Barbara Pogoler Jason Rose Bernice Rosten Danielle Salus and Herman Westreich Naomi Salus Ronald Gerdes and Susan Saunders Virginia Schubert Bert Shear Serafima and Vitaly Shumilovsky Aaron Silver Lee Silverstein Mary and Harry Skinner Kim Todd Sharon Farsht Torodor and William Torodor


Welcome Desk scans

Thomas and Linda Troskey Grigoriy Vinnik Peg and Doug Wangensteen Susan Watchman Rena Waxman Clyde Wiggin Patricia Wolkoff Neil Yarmo

UNDER $36 Lyubov Abramovich Miryam Amnuel Arlene and Murray Appelbaum Elvira Arsenyeva Savva Balayan and Inna Rubenovna Shargorodsky Betty Baumgarten Dolores Bendetova Igor and Sima Blyakher Barb Brihn Seman Bronshteyn and Ida Kishko Nancy Browne David and Roseanne Byrne Ryan and Suzanne Carlson SalomĂŠ Castro Eleanor Daly Sherman and Lois Devitt Ilya Dobkin and Polina Dobkin Daniel Ford Sherril Garahan Howard and Eunice Gelb Jeffrey and Melanie Goldetsky Steve Greenberg Mikhail and Klara Grinberg Galina Kagan Boris Khodurskiy and Larisa Olinova Regina Klachko Leah Krawetz Dora Kunyanskaya Erika Lefton Nina Leikikh Esya and Aron Lunin Lidia and Victor Marutova Bella Olinova Amy and Kevin Olson Simon and Fira Ostrer Jan and Janet Phillips Joann Della Ratta Michael and Anne Rickert Elvira Roonyanskaya Victoria Rozinov and Gennady Rozinov Charlene Saunders Jonathan and Laura Savin Mary Clark and Neil Schwartz Valentyna Sergiyenko Emma Shteyn Amy and Troy Sinykin Arkadiy Sokolovskiy Anna Spektor A.J. Steinbring Lucille Sukalo Alexander and Yekaterina Suponitsky Kao Thao and Lor Her Cheryl Toenjes and Brian Kroeger Roman and Musya Tyomkin Alla Valdberg Sofiya Vigdorovich Yelena Vigdorovich Victor Vital John and Vera Wenzel Joseph and Rachel Westermeyer Leah Wing Judith Yourman and Steven Kass Kari Hartigan-Zahn and Steve Zahn *of blessed memory


21+ languages

spoken in our hallways

adults & children experienced our Jewish education and arts programs

C O R P O R AT E PA R T N E R S & E V E N T S P O N S O R S 7th Street Tavern Ackmann & Dickenson, Inc Anchor Bank Augeo Marketing Baldinger Bakery BMO Harris Bank Bremer Bank Brushed Monkey BW Insurance Agency, Inc. Chicago Lake Liquors Collins Electrical Construction Co. Cupcake David Sloane of Morgan Stanley, LLC Durand & Associates Property Management, Inc. Ernest I. Fink Agency First Lawyers Trust Company Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.

Garelick Manufacturing Herzl Camp Industrial Surplus Inc. Inver Grove Ford Lincoln Johnson Brothers Liquor Company Kamin Wealth Management/ UBS Financial Services King Solutions, Inc. Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company, LLP Mairs and Power Inc. Investment Services Newport Cold Storage Oak Grove Capital Open Systems, Inc. Paster Enterprises PCL Construction Services, Inc.

Peter Wilhoit of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Press Law Office, PLLC Prime General Contractors RBC Wealth Management Rita’s Skadron Animal Hospital Sexton Printing So Low Grocery Outlet Stinson Leonard Street, LLP Tilsner Carton Company Victory Parking, Inc. West River Dental Care Winthrop Weinstine Woodstone Renovation, LLC



The St. Paul JCC is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul and is associated with Greater Twin Cities United Way and JCC Association of North America.


HOWARD ORENSTEIN President STEVE RUBIN Immediate Past President JENNIFER BAGDADE Vice President, Communication/ Secretary TOM CYTRON-HYSOM Vice President, Programming KEN GARELICK Vice President, Development JEFF TANE Vice President, Finance/Treasurer PATRICK ZIMMERMAN Vice President, Membership




MISSION We strengthen the Greater St. Paul community by nurturing physical, intellectual, social and spiritual growth in an inclusive environment defined by Jewish values and culture.

VISION The St. Paul JCC continues to be a vibrant, engaged and thriving community center welcoming a diverse and expanding membership. The JCC will create new and unique ways for members and the community to experience, appreciate, deepen and enrich their connection to contemporary Jewish culture. The Center will recognize and embrace change to meet emerging needs, imagining the possible, within and beyond its walls.

VALUES Kavod - Respect for one another Kehillah - Community L’dor V’dor Connections at all stages of life Ha’ashara Enriching the Mind/Body/Spirit Hitz’tayinut - Excellence Hemshechiyut - Sustainability

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