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Arts Faculty ____________________________Pages

“I have learnt how I can make a fi lm and what kind of camera angles and shots as well as some sick effects which can make a fi lm exciting. Media has been really exciting and I can’t wait to keep doing it in the future” - Nathan Rivalland, Year 8.

Student Artworks at the Arts Assembly

The Arts Faculty continues to be a vibrant and integral part of the school curriculum. Throughout 2013 a variety of events have taken place, which have not only enriched and broadened the educational experience of the students, but have also benefited the wider community of St Joseph’s. Some highlights have been the Associated Catholic Colleges Art Exhibition at Federation Square with 24 students entering a range of visual art, the Stage Band and the Vocal Ensemble competed in the Mt Gambier Jazz Festival, a National Competition with over 3000 students taking part, the Associated Catholic Colleges Rock Music Workshop and the Associated Catholic Colleges Drama workshop. Our Arts Faculty, which is comprised of the subject areas, Art, Visual Communication, Media, Drama and Music, have continued to work collaboratively, with a focus on extending student experience in a range of mediums and activities. The level of skill development can be seen here in the Arts pages of our Virtus Magazine and highlights the depth of talent and opportunity within our student community. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the Arts Faculty teachers who tirelessly and professionally work with the students to achieve outstanding results. The students should be rightly proud of their achievements within the arts. We hope you enjoy this small insight into the Arts faculty in these pages of the Virtus.

Anne Condon - Arts Coordinator UNITS 1 & 2 MEDIA

This year was my first year of media and much was learnt from Units 1 & 2. In class we planned and developed a variety of short films in groups that required us to think outside the box through using different media techniques such as camera angles and lighting elements. We constructed our films using a program new to me called ‘Sony Vegas’, optimising its features to produce high quality products. We analysed films and made close attention to media in Australia, the rules and regulations and impact of ownership for different media types. I immensely enjoyed this subject this year and I would recommend it to any Year 10s wishing to take it up next year or wanting to accelerate into it.

Michael Kakouros - Year 11 YEAR 10 MEDIA

In Year 10 Media we started off watching two films: the 1960 version of Psycho and the 1998 remake. We did an assignment, studying the different types of scenes, what the filmmakers did well and also what we liked and didn’t like. After we finished, we had to choose a scene that we liked from any movie and present to the class about the lighting, camera angles, mis-enscene etc. that helped construct the scene. Now we are currently in the process of making our own short film. We will be filming at The Heights across the road from Joey’s. There is a lot of work to be done but the final piece will be great! The new skills that I have learnt are analysing scenes and finding all the little techniques that directors use that make the scene so good. I am currently learning how to write a good script for my short film. I enjoy every media class because everything we do its involved around short films and movies and I really like looking at movies and talking about what is good in the film.

Samuel Coppe - Year 10 YEAR 8 MEDIA

I have really enjoyed Year 8 Media in Semester 2! We have been learning about film techniques and how we can make an enjoying and an exciting short film in the Action Genre. In Media I have learnt how I can make a film and what kind of camera angles and shots as well as some sick effects which can make a film exciting. Media has been really exciting and I can’t wait to keep doing it in the future.

Nathan Rivalland - Year 8

Alex Hutchinson - Year 10

In Year 8 Media we have done many things for example we made a blueprint of our house labelling where entertainment devices were, we watched the movie Die Hard and some short films which we then proceeded to analyse and list key points and scenes in them. We also produced our own action scene. These tasks among others have helped us to develop skills in: editing, filming and analysing films. In this topic I enjoyed making a short film/ action scene. All in all I have immensely enjoyed this subject and hope to do more in the area.

Liam Keogh - Year 8


Year 12 Studio Arts this year has been a great choice of subject for me and many of the other students. We have been given the opportunity to create our own individual artworks and development through our folios. This year we have also studied two artists, Eugene von Guerard and Tracey Moffatt. In addition to this we have also studied two exhibition spaces and their exhibitions. We studied Geelong Gallery and their exhibition “Impressions of Geelong” and Metropolis Galley’s exhibit “Kenneth Jack: Rare and Classic Works”. Year 12 studio art has given me the opportunity to create my own art works over the course of the year with creative freedom in the design process to refine our ideas. We are given lots of freedom to create individual folios and final artworks, which is one of the best aspects of Studio Arts. I have really enjoyed being left to develop my ideas over time and independently. Creating our final artworks in Term 3 was also another highlight, being able to see our hard work followed through to final artworks is really enjoyable to see. I’ve really enjoyed creative freedom in Studio Arts. It’s been a great year.

Nicholas Rushbrook


Studio Arts has been a blast. This year in Units 1 and 2 we explored a wide variety of different art mediums including drawing, printmaking, photography, painting and some other mixed media. From these different types of art we have created folios to show our development of our ideas and skills, also we have looked deep into the minds of some very well-known artists, including Tom Roberts, Rosalie Gascoigne, Max Dupain and Ben Quilty, where we have written many visual analyses to convey our understanding of their ideas and techniques. Whilst developing my artworks throughout the year I have gathered some new skills and techniques which had the ultimate goal of enhancing my artworks, how to succinctly convey my ideas through annotations and how to apply the design process to develop my work. Throughout Studio Arts I have also refined some old skills like time management. What I have enjoyed most about Studio Arts is the freedom and self-expression that it allows you to have. Not having done Studio Arts before, I have found it completely inspiring, as it has exposed me to a range of creativity and has also given me the skills required to further my own art.

Charlie Purdy - Year 11

Zachary Carter - Year 10 Photography Joshua Davies - Year 11 Studio Art

Riley Sherman - Year 11

“What I have enjoyed most about Studio Arts is the freedom and self-expression that it allows you to have. Not having done Studio Arts before, I have found it completely inspiring” - Charlie Purdy Year 11

Sam Simpson- Year 9

“To fi nish off the semester we have created two paintings- one acrylic and one oil, in which we got to experiment with different colours, textures and techniques. This subject has been fun and also makes you feel free. You are able to express yourself and be creative and think outside the box.” Mark Ranasinghe - Year 9

Jay Dalli - Year 10, mixed media drawing YEAR 9 ART 2D

Throughout this semester we have explored many key aspects and techniques of 2D art making. This includes sketching and smudging to create realistic images and mixed media drawings (which consist of more than one type of medium). We also completed still life drawings using mediums such as dry pastel, charcoal, oil pastel, colour pencils and watercolour pencils. Etching was great and quite a precise process, scratching a design into printing perspex, filling the scratch marks with ink and then rolling it through a printing press with paper to create a print. To finish off the semester we have created two paintings- one acrylic and one oil, in which we got to experiment with different colours, textures and techniques. This subject has been fun and also makes you feel free. You are able to express yourself and be creative and think outside the box.

Mark Ranasinghe - Year 9 YEAR 8 ART 2D

In 2D art, we had the chance to draw a famous or well-known person from Geelong. We then entered our artwork into Geelong’s Art Gallery competition. The Gallery chose pieces of art to be viewed for the public to see. In Term 3, we got to design a lino print. A lino print is a printing technique, when you cut into a piece of lino to create a picture. Then cover it with ink and press it onto paper to create your print. I really enjoyed this subject because it was fun and I got the opportunity to create great pieces of art.

Lucas Pante - Year 8 YEAR 7 ART & DESIGN

Throughout this semester, Mrs Spark has taught us many skills that we will use in the Art Program. We learnt how to use line, tone, shadings, light, 3D, 2D, rendering and much more. We used paint, clay, oil pastels and many other different materials to make our creations. We made fantasy monsters and/or aliens in our clay. Also in printmaking we printed a drawing of our choice using lines and squiggles. Through all the learning and hard work we all had lots of fun. A big thanks to Mrs Spark for being our art teacher for 2013.


Year 10 Introduction to Studio Arts covers a range of different techniques and working practices including drawing, printmaking, painting and photography. We learnt to create mixed media art and based our work on Picasso’s artwork called “Guernica”. We painted on canvas and used paste ups to them and finally coated them with resin to give a glass like finish. All our skills are refined and we learnt new skills in this unit, preparing us hopefully for VCE Studio Arts next year. This unit is great because it’s very laid back and at the same time rewarding.

Anthony Demetriou - Year 10

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Lucas Pante - Year 8 Jasper Pelettier Jasper Pelettier - Year 10 - Year 10

Jake McCorkell - Year 7


In creative advertisement each individual student made their own creative advertisement about a product of their choice. It was designed and produced on Photoshop. All students developed excellent advertisements and had fun doing it. The Westcourt diary cover task was very similar to the creative advertisement task but took more concentration and Photoshop techniques to complete the design boundaries and create what could be the next diary cover. The class worked long and hard to come out with a masterpiece fit for a king. Year 8s continued with their creative advertising, by making a standee for their product. Each student produced a creative innovative standee that would be store worthy.

Joseph McDonald, Nathan Kerger, & Connor Bennett - Year 8 YEAR 9 DRAWING AND DESIGN

Drawing and Design this year was pretty exciting. I learned to draw housing plans, developed Photoshop skills, extended my knowledge in Sketch Up and learned many different methods of 3D drawing. For me, this subject has been really fun. Personally I love the architecture side of the subject, like the Housing Pod plans and design. I got to create a floor plan from scratch and bring it to life through Google Sketch Up. The best part was seeing what I created in three dimensions with colours and textures too. So all-inall, this class taught me a lot and I recommend it to anyone who has a passion for drawing and/or wants to learn new techniques and skills.

Daniel Rabat - Year 9 YEAR 9 PHOTOGRAPHY

This semester in photography I was able to develop a range of skills and knowledge through various photographic tasks. The tasks consisted of taking photos for a particular purpose, principle and/or aesthetic quality. Photo tasks were based around the art elements, vantage point, rule of thirds and art principles. There were also tasks of self-expression and a mixed media artwork. We also ventured on excursions such as one to Melbourne to take urban landscape photos. Through all the tasks and theory I have learned skills such as using framing techniques and the art elements and principles to take photos of high, detailed quality. To say what was my favourite or most enjoyable part of this topic is near impossible. From theory to the finished artwork it was all completed with an enjoyable and eager mindset.

Chad Suphamongkol - Year 9 YEAR 10 PHOTOGRAPHY

In Year 10 Photography, we were assigned numerous tasks to take photos of different themes / topics throughout the semester including water, mixed media, lighting effects and learning different techniques to raise the quality of our photos. I have enjoyed the freedom of going out in groups, including close classmates, and learning how to take excellent photos. I am grateful to have such great teachers who are willing to share their knowledge so that you can become the best photographer you can possibly be.

Jory Rupa - Year 10

Charlie Purdy - Year 11 Studio Arts Finn Chappell - Year 9

Year 8 Year 8 Vis Com Jared Ross - Year 10

“I have enjoyed the freedom of going out in groups, including close classmates, and learning how to take excellent photos. I am grateful to have such great teachers who are willing to share their knowledge so that you can become the best photographer you can possibly be.” Jory Rupa - Year 10

Anthony Larmah - Year 7 Self Portrait

“With the renovation of the two Visual Communication Design rooms the students have enjoyed the advantage of having a more open versatile work space, larger screens to plug their laptops into which has enabled them to hone their skills and refi ne their work.” - Helen Kean

Jack Brown - Year 10

Jonathon Dulce, Michael Caldow & Alex Fama - Year 9 Vis Com VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN

VCE and year level classes in 2013 have continued to expand and amaze in their design creativity, pushing the standard of work in all areas - three dimensional model making, drawing and computer aided design. With the renovation of the two Visual Communication Design rooms the students have enjoyed the advantage of having a more open versatile work space, larger screens to plug their laptops into which has enabled them to hone their skills and refine their work when using computer programs such as Sketchup, Photoshop and Illustrator. VCE classes have had the challenge this year of embracing a new study design which has brought many new challenges for them but has resulted in a more in depth understanding of the skills and concepts that underpin the three design fields. Year 12 has excelled in their achievements to produce most creative individual pieces. I would like to commend everyone in the class for their work ethic and dedication in completing folios and finals for Unit 3 and 4 and in preparation for their exam. The diverse range of skills gained will certainly help them move confidently into their chosen courses/work in 2014. I would like to acknowledge the Visual Communication Design teachers Simon Cahir, Leanne Adams and Lauren Barton who continue to work to develop innovative courses for our students to enable them to reach their full potential in this exciting, diverse Visual Arts study.

Helen Kean - Visual Communication Design teacher UNIT 3/4 VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN

During units 3 and 4 Visual Communication Design, we explored a range of diverse techniques and skills necessary to advance us towards becoming visual designers. The unit’s course work included new and advanced tasks, such as creating a pitch to present a design outcome, along with the assistance of folio work to detail our design process. The year has been great and all students would like to thank teachers as they were especially helpful in guiding us to aspire to our high work standards and dedicated work ethic.

Nick Pecchiari - Year 12


During the Visual Communication Design – Design Marketing subject our task was to create our own fashion brand. This included the development of a brand logo created through the use of Adobe Illustrator, a swing-tag for our product and also a bag. Throughout the design process we produced a folio which recorded each step we took to develop a final product. The steps were shown through brainstorming, research, concept and refined illustrations and print-screens. Each of these planning stages was accompanied by annotations, which explained our opinion on the option, the art elements and principles that were present in the design and how they were depicted. By completing this subject I have gained insight into the different compositions, elements and principles of design and how to apply them to my work. I have also learned the basic functions of Adobe Illustrator such as the shape tool and how to clip mask an image to the shape of another object.

Edward Gude - Year 9


This year in Visual Communication Design I have explored the wide variety of design available. I have researched, planned and refined throughout the year and created my very own personal housing pod using Sketch Up to bring my ideas into a 3D virtual world. I

Ned Harris & Samuel Simpson - Year 9

then worked on advertising my pod and using creative ways to display the highlights of my pod. In all the year helped me to understand the rules of the design process and help me to continue on to VCE Visual Communication Design. Adam Karpinski - Year 9


Our main task in Packaging Design, was to design and construct a package for a product. We were able to produce packaging that looked extremely professional. The task has also allowed me to improve my ability to be creative, form new ideas and apply them to my work. Taking this subject has allowed me to immensely improve my Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator skills, as well as my ability to construct a visual diary. Another task for this subject was to design a creative advertisement for our product. This had to be unique, creative and appealing to consumers. The most enjoyable part of this subject was experimenting with the design of all our products. This experimentation allowed the class to share ideas with each other, provide constructive criticism and assist each other with the tasks that we worked on.

Alexander Fama - Year 9


In Merchandising and Branding we spent heaps of time researching and designing our creative pop up shop/warehouse. We also looked at different ways of branding and advertising out products. We liked making the actual model as it was a fun thing to do. The amount of detail we did on the model was great too. Making the brand/logo was fun because we got to use our imaginations and we were able to use Photoshop and manipulate the images.

Written by the students of the class FOLIO PRESENTATION

In Folio we made and constructed a coffee shop café for a design brief we wrote. We needed to design a plan drawing first and then develop a highly detailed foam board or straw board model. We displayed them in the administration foyer and they looked fantastic. We were all very proud of our efforts. Our next task was to design and construct a menu stand and menu that would be suitable to be on the table in our café. We became over the semester very good at technical drawing (plan and isometric projections) and also photoshop. We made our menu stands from a variety of materials such as timber, perspex and alloys.

Written by the students of the Folio class DRAMA

Some highlights for this year included classes exploring Physical Theatre visiting The Kid’s Space, A Circus School here in Geelong, to try some new physical skills like The Slack Wire and the Aerial Silks. The art of Contact Juggling was a new skill many students enjoyed exploring in classes. An excursion to see “Fame the Musical” presented by Ignatius College which allowed Year 10 Drama students the opportunity to sharpen their reviewing skills. The ACC Drama Workshop Day is always a highlight of the Drama Year where boys work with other Middle School drama classes from Catholic Colleges in The Melbourne region. This always offers some great opportunities to try challenging activities led by expert Theatre practitioners. This year’s School production was hosted by Sacred Heart. It was a production of “The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui” The boys who participated in the cast gave memorable performances, well worth seeing.

Janine McLean - Drama Teacher

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Joseph Loughnan - Year 10

3D Art - Masks

“We needed to design a plan drawing fi rst and then develop a highly detailed foam board or straw board model. We displayed them in the administration foyer and they looked fantastic. We were all very proud of our efforts.” - Folio Class

Year 8 Physical Theatre

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