Virtus SJC Yearbook 2013

Page 80

Arts Faculty “I have learnt how I can make a film and what kind of camera angles and shots as well as some sick effects which can make a film exciting. Media has been really exciting and I can’t wait to keep doing it in the future” - Nathan Rivalland, Year 8.

Student Artworks at the Arts Assembly

The Arts Faculty continues to be a vibrant and integral part of the school curriculum. Throughout 2013 a variety of events have taken place, which have not only enriched and broadened the educational experience of the students, but have also benefited the wider community of St Joseph’s. Some highlights have been the Associated Catholic Colleges Art Exhibition at Federation Square with 24 students entering a range of visual art, the Stage Band and the Vocal Ensemble competed in the Mt Gambier Jazz Festival, a National Competition with over 3000 students taking part, the Associated Catholic Colleges Rock Music Workshop and the Associated Catholic Colleges Drama workshop. Our Arts Faculty, which is comprised of the subject areas, Art, Visual Communication, Media, Drama and Music, have continued to work collaboratively, with a focus on extending student experience in a range of mediums and activities. The level of skill development can be seen here in the Arts pages of our Virtus Magazine and highlights the depth of talent and opportunity within our student community. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the Arts Faculty teachers who tirelessly and professionally work with the students to achieve outstanding results. The students should be rightly proud of their achievements within the arts. We hope you enjoy this small insight into the Arts faculty in these pages of the Virtus. Anne Condon - Arts Coordinator

UNITS 1 & 2 MEDIA This year was my first year of media and much was learnt from Units 1 & 2. In class we planned and developed a variety of short films in groups that required us to think outside the box through using different media techniques such as camera angles and lighting elements. We constructed our films using a program new to me called ‘Sony Vegas’, optimising its features to produce high quality products. We analysed films and made close attention to media in Australia, the rules and regulations and impact of ownership for different media types. I immensely enjoyed this subject this year and I would recommend it to any Year 10s wishing to take it up next year or wanting to accelerate into it. Michael Kakouros - Year 11 YEAR 10 MEDIA In Year 10 Media we started off watching two films: the 1960 version of Psycho and the 1998 remake. We did an assignment, studying the different types of scenes, what the filmmakers did well and also what we liked and didn’t like. After we finished, we had to choose a scene that we liked from any movie and present to the class about the lighting, camera angles, mis-enscene etc. that helped construct the scene. Now we are currently in the process of making our own short film. We will be filming at The Heights across the road from Joey’s. There is a lot of work to be done but the final piece will be great! The new skills that I have learnt are analysing scenes and finding all the little techniques that directors use that make the scene so good. I am currently learning how to write a good script for my short film. I enjoy every media class because everything we do its involved around short films and movies and I really like looking at movies and talking about what is good in the film. Samuel Coppe - Year 10 YEAR 8 MEDIA I have really enjoyed Year 8 Media in Semester 2! We have been learning about film techniques and how we can make an enjoying and an exciting short film in the Action Genre. In Media I have learnt how I can make a film and what kind of camera angles and shots as well as some sick effects which can make a film exciting. Media has been really exciting and I can’t wait to keep doing it in the future. Nathan Rivalland - Year 8

Alex Hutchinson - Year 10


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Articles inside

Roll Call _____________________________Pages

pages 132-134

Debating & Public Speaking Groups __________Pages

pages 121-123

Cast of Arturo Ui & Cyber Cats ________________Page

page 119

Valete _______________________________Pages

pages 129-131

Blood Bank & Breakfast Program _______________Page

page 117

T-Experts & Sustainability _____________________Page

page 118

ACC Athletics, Cycling & Chess ________________Page

page 116

Basketball ________________________________Page

page 115

Cross Country ________________________Pages

pages 113-114

Health & Physical Education ___________________Page

page 105

Football _____________________________Pages

pages 106-108

College Sports Results ______________________Page

page 104

Edmund Rice Day ____________________________Page

page 101

Project Kiziba _____________________________Page

page 102

College Houses ___________________________Page

page 103

Uganda Trip 2012 ____________________________Page

page 100

Kokoda Trip ________________________________Page

page 99

Systems Engineering __________________________Page

page 97

Production Design & Technology ________________Page

page 98

Information Technology _______________________Page

page 96

Sustainability _______________________________Page

page 94

Food Technology ____________________________Page

page 95

Science ___________________________________Page

page 93

Music _________________________________Pages

pages 88-92

Arts Faculty ____________________________Pages

pages 80-85

Creative Writing ____________________________Page

page 78

LOTE ____________________________________Page

page 79

English ________________________________Pages

pages 76-77

Humanities ________________________________Page

page 74

LitFest 2013 _______________________________Page

page 75

Educational Learning Support __________________Page

page 73

Careers __________________________________Page

page 72

VET _____________________________________Page

page 70

From the Archives ___________________________Page

page 15

VCAL _________________________________Pages

pages 68-69

Mission ___________________________________Page

page 63

Curriculum ________________________________Page

page 66

Student Leaders ____________________________Page

page 67

Community Service __________________________Page

page 64

ATSI Partnerships ___________________________Page

page 65

Principal’s Report ___________________________Pages

pages 4-6

College Board Report _________________________Page

page 7

Foundation Report ____________________________Page

page 10

Josephines __________________________________Page

page 11

Old Collegians’ Association ____________________Page

page 13

College Captains Report _______________________Page

page 8

Parents & Friends ___________________________Page

page 12

Major Building Works __________________________Page

page 9
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