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Arts Faculty _______________________________Pages

Bradley Jepson - Year 7

Throughout 2014 the Arts Domain have continued to energize the school environment. The Arts at St Joseph’s College is viewed as self-expression, emotional therapy, spirituality, cultural connection, a discipline, and/or an essential part of being human. Comprised of the subject areas of Art, Visual Communication Design, Media, Drama and Music has continued to work collaboratively, with a focus on extending student experience in a range of mediums. The level of skill development can be seen here in the Arts pages and highlights the depth of talent within our student body. We would like to thank the Arts Domain staff who worked professionally to enable the students to build on their skill levels. Regular after school and lunchtime classes are held. Many senior students regularly take advantage of the opportunity to extend their studio experience or practice. This year we have continued to focus on improving student literacy skills in the arts. Integrating changes into their curriculum in order to improve learning outcomes in arts theory. We hope you enjoy the following pages.

Anne Condon & Rebecca Spark - Arts Domain Leaders

Hayden Spiller - Year 8 YEAR 7 ART & DESIGN

This semester we have been doing art classes. I came into the subject thinking that drawing was the only thing to do with art. But now as we get toward the end of the year, I have discovered a whole new world of art. We have learnt about drawing, colour, painting, and printmaking. I have enjoyed learning new ways of expressing emotions and feelings in an artistic way. Brad Edwards - 7B

8 ARTS (MEDIA) 2014

Media is one of the enjoyable subjects to attend. You experience new activities consisting of learning about film techniques and social media. The most enjoyable part of media we have experienced is watching the original Die Hard movie and analysing the film. The subject is all about coming out of your bubble and learning about the outside world of Media.

Jordan Bradaric & Mark Demo - Year 8 YEAR 9 VISUAL ARTS DESIGNS OF THE 21ST CENTURY

In Designs of the 21st Century, one of the major assignments we did was to design and create a model of a housing pod or a 3D model of our pod in Google Sketch Up. To reach the final

Campbell Norton - Westcourt T-shirt

Year 7 Creatures

Dexter Hare-Zen - Year 10

Matthew Dementieve - Year 8

Connor Gallagher - Year 9

model, we had to first learn how to draw and measure a detailed orthogonal drawing. This lead into the design and creation of our floor plan that we would later use to plan our model. Our models and design folios were showcased at the Westcourt Expo where the parents would see our work. I think the most important thing I learned was how to Design a model in Google Sketch Up as it is a difficult process especially when starting out. I enjoyed the whole unit, being able to draw and design different things was a plus on top of the model making and 3D drawing.

Brandon Stokes – Year 9


Kick start is a challenge subject focused on art. In this subject we studied a range of different styles of art. This included pen & ink, where you used a pen applied with some water and colour to give a smudge like image. Op art, which was a freestyle optical illusion drawing activity. Photography, when we focused on vantage points and rule of thirds. Shorts movies, teaching us about perception. As well as stencil art which required us to plan out a stencil and use spray paint to present it on a canvas with a multi-media background. Most of this art required the design process which was a series of steps to follow to end up with the finished product. At the end of the first semester, Westcourt presented an Exhibition to display what each class had been working on. Half of The kick start class made life sized cut outs of super heroes and villains out of plywood and used paint for colour. While the other half of the class made a spray paint mixed media graffiti Mural.

Austin Perrott – Year 9

Kristian Bihar- Year 7 Kristian Bihar- Year 7

Joseph Loughnan- Year 11 Visual Year 11 Visual Communication Communication Design BRAND NEW UNLIMITED - WESTCOURT

Brand new unlimited is an art class that uses the artistic, creative flair of students and follows the design process. In this class we explored screen printing on T-shirts and the art of advertising through brands to meet our required target audience. Throughout the semester we filled in journal entries to keep track of our planning that contributed towards our final product. Earlier during the semester the class took an excursion into Westfield to browse swing-tags to give us an idea of how we might design our own. We also undertook a group project to create a promotional logo to advertise the walk for change group that were screen printed on T-shirts.

Joshua Forsyth – Year 9 YEAR 9 PHOTOGRAPHY

This year in photography was very fun and filled with many snaps to remember. Many things were completed during the course of the subject. I completed a folio of photos, went on a trip to Melbourne and completed an art movement and mixed media task. The folio of photographs was collection of images that were taken throughout the subject with annotations accompanying the photos. We took part in a photographic excursion to Melbourne visit to Hosier lane, federation square, the botanical gardens and an art exhibition. This trip gave us an opportunity to take interesting photographs and

Sean Bindokas - Year 7

Manvir Nagra - Year 10 Analogue Photography Seamus Spanner - Year 8 Visual Communication Design

to visit a photographic exhibition to learn about artists and see the different ways photos can be displayed. This trip to Melbourne led in to our art movement and mixed media tasks. With the art moment task we researched a particular art movement, such as baroque, cubism and pop art, before creating our own image that reflected that style of art. Through out the semester many things were learned, including how to take better photos and use editing software to enhance the images. I enjoyed been able to take photos as it helped me to understand how to take creative photos and something different to normal snap shots. James Dillon – Year 9


In Year 10 Photography this semester, we completed four tasks which helped me gain more experience in a hobby I enjoy. Perfect for students who love to think creatively, Year 10 Photography was engaging and enjoyable. If it was learning about the basic camera rules or learning about various techniques (rule of thirds, art elements, panoramas etc), class was always looked forward to. The semester consisted of both digital and analogue tasks where we brainstormed, trialled and produced a final product. The class was fun and relieving on a Friday afternoon and I’m looking forward to photography in the future. - Nathan Clark


This semester in Folio Presentation, we have learned about how to further our design skills through developing a professional style design folio. Our focus was designing a café and we have developed the branding, floor plan and have created an architectural model of our cafes. This has been a great way to see how a folio works in a larger scale and a larger project which will contribute to our understanding of real world design. I would recommend this unit particularly if you are planning to do Visual Communication design in VCE. - Connor Blackwell, 10B



Visual Communication Merchandising and Branding is an excellent subject to learn and apply skills through design. Visual Communication Design offers a wide range of artistry through logo, product and packaging design. This class renders a broad range of dexterity to further expand your craftsmanship that would be greatly improved through VCE Visual Communication Design.

William McDonald & Donald Conway - Year 10 Ned Gude - Unit 1 Studio Arts

In Term 3 in Year 10 Media, we studied both the original 1960 Psycho and the 1998 remake of Psycho. We completed an assignment on the films, analysing the similarities and differences between them, and also what the films did well and what they didn’t do so well. Currently, we are in the process of planning a short film, which involves drawing up a storyboard, writing a script, filming, and editing. Skills that we’ve learnt have included scene analysis, and filming techniques. As someone who enjoys watching movies, this topic has been very enjoyable as class will often

Callum Jared Ross - Unit 1 Studio Arts Robertson - Still from Media fi nal Anthony Ilioski Anthony Ilioski - Year 11 Visual - Year 11 Visual Communication Communication Design

Antoine Saleh - Unit 1 Studio Arts Brand New unlimited T-shirt Joshua Forsyth - Year 9 Kieran Fennel - Unit 1 Studio Arts

involve watching a short film. Whether it’s your intention to become serious in the entertainment industry, whether that be film, TV or radio, or if you just enjoy watching films, choosing to study Year 10 Media will be a decision you won’t regret.

- Angus McMahon, Year 10 YEAR 10 PHOTOGRAPHY

I have enjoyed taking part in Mrs. Condon’s photography class, as I learnt new approaches and began to understand what aspects create a well composed photographic image. As we moved from ‘Telling a Story’ through photography, to Analogue Photography and then Still Life Photography, I was taught that there are many techniques that are used in different genres of photography. While learning about

Analogue Photography, our class was introduced to the Dark Room, where we were taught how to correctly use chemicals to process an image. We went on an excursion to Buckley Falls, where we had the opportunity to capture images to develop in the darkroom.

Photography was one of my most valuable and exciting class for me in 2014. - Paddy Rush, Year 10


This was our first time doing Media. We honestly went in to it thinking we would spend the entire year watching movies, we didn’t, but we weren’t disappointed. In Media we learnt about the codes and conventions of media forms such as film and television, media producers and Australian media organisations and how they are integral to Australian life, both positively and negatively. Through this we explored how past media technologies and new media technologies have had an effect on the way we live today. One of the things that helped us gain a better understanding of the industry was going on an excursion to see the live recording of popular television show ‘The Project’. A highlight of the year was the creation of a short film, ‘Wing It’, which documented the lives of two KFC tragics going head to head in a chicken wing eating completion. It was a great experience in learning the process, from script to editing, that a production must go through to come to our screens. The work in the subject was relevant to our age, and gave us an understanding of how the media of the past and present, is important for the future.

- Gabe Rule & Liam McDonald

Matt Henkel - Matt Henkel - Year 10 Visual Year 10 Visual Communication Communication Design

Daniel Defi na - Year 10 Visual fi na - Year 10 Visual Communication Design Communication Design Unit 1 Media fi lm - Wing it


This year in Vis Com we have completed three main tasks such as Zodiac Symbols, a food or drink label and an international fragrance. Throughout these tasks many skills have been learnt along the way like Photoshop skills, design processes, isometric drawings, concept drawings and many other smaller skills like annotating, teaching organisation skills and working visually using many different ways. My thoughts on the subject are that it was a very interesting class. I found it really good because usually it would not be a subject I would lean towards but I chose it and really enjoyed everything about it. Would definitely be a recommendation for future students looking to choose this subject.

Jack Hazelman & Jack Quinn Lachlan Grant - Year 11 Visual Communication Design

Year 10 Visual Year 10 Visual Communication Design Communication Design - food & drink labels

Antoine Saleh - Unit 1 Studio Arts


Throughout the 2014 year a variety of tasks have been undertaken in units 1 & 2 Studio Arts by students. The course has included tasks in the fields of drawing, painting, sculpture, photography and print making and has allowed students to express themselves uniquely within these fields. Throughout the course students have developed new skills and learnt from their experiences by interaction with teachers. They have gained insight and inspiration from studying various artists within their respected fields and using that knowledge to complete assessments and their own folio’s. We have also written detailed analysis of art works. Personally I have really enjoyed having a creative outlet from regular schoolwork. I like working with new and different mediums and discovering new ways to work with different materials. I have really enjoyed my experience in Studio Arts in year eleven and am looking forward to completing my VCE next year with it as part of my electives. - Jasper Pelletier, Year11

Kieran Fennel - Unit 1 Studio Arts

Lachlan Diaz - Year 10 Riley Harman - Visual Communication Design UNIT 3&4 VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN

Visual Communication is not a subject that should be underestimated, a lot of hard work is put in but ultimately the experience is rewarding, as at the end of the year, each and every student has created something and can see what was once an idea in their head come to fruition. Before we could jump into our main Unit 4 folios we had to undertake Unit 3 which not only equipped us with the technical skills and knowledge we would need if we wanted to move into the design industry but also the skills to complete the full design process in our folios. Due to this Unit 3 is very structured and a strong emphasis is placed on technical drawing, analysis as well as professional practice to not only prepare us for the exam but our main folios as well. After an excursion to Top Designs, and being inspired by the previous year’s top work, we began our final folios in which we exercised the full design process to create a diverse range of work that expresses the individual and design brief that created them. Ultimately Visual Communication is a creative subject that allows students to express their ideas and get a taste of the design industry.

- Riley Sherman, Year 12 Ethan Near - Year 7

Jonty Lawson - Year 7 Ned Gude - Unit 2 Studio Arts

Jordan Cockerill Jordan Cockerill - Year 11 Visual - Year 11 Visual Communication Communication Design

Will Dosen - Unit 1 Studio Arts Studio Arts Joshua Gulli - Year 10 Visual Joshua Gulli - Year 10 Visual Communication Design Communication Design

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