Arts We would like to thank the Arts Domain staff who worked professionally to enable the students to build on their skill levels. Regular after school and lunchtime classes are held. Many senior students regularly take advantage of the opportunity to extend their studio experience or practice. This year we have continued to focus on improving student literacy skills in the arts. Integrating changes into their curriculum in order to improve learning outcomes in arts theory. We hope you enjoy the following pages. Anne Condon & Rebecca Spark - Arts Domain Leaders
Bradley Jepson Year 7
YEAR 7 ART & DESIGN Throughout 2014 the Arts Domain have continued to energize the school environment. The Arts at St Joseph’s College is viewed as self-expression, emotional therapy, spirituality, cultural connection, a discipline, and/or an essential part of being human. Comprised of the subject areas of Art, Visual Communication Design, Media, Drama and Music has continued to work collaboratively, with a focus on extending student experience in a range of mediums. The level of skill development can be seen here in the Arts pages and highlights the depth of talent within our student body. Hayden Spiller Year 8
This semester we have been doing art classes. I came into the subject thinking that drawing was the only thing to do with art. But now as we get toward the end of the year, I have discovered a whole new world of art. We have learnt about drawing, colour, painting, and printmaking. I have enjoyed learning new ways of expressing emotions and feelings in an artistic way. Brad Edwards - 7B
8 ARTS (MEDIA) 2014
Media is one of the enjoyable subjects to attend.You experience new activities consisting of learning about film techniques and social media. The most enjoyable part of media we have experienced is watching the original Die Hard movie and analysing the film. The subject is all about coming out of your bubble and learning about the outside world of Media. Jordan Bradaric & Mark Demo - Year 8
In Designs of the 21st Century, one of the major assignments we did was to design and create a model of a housing pod or a 3D model of our pod in Google Sketch Up. To reach the final
Campbell Norton Westcourt T-shirt
Year 7 Creatures
Dexter Hare-Zen - Year 10 Matthew Dementieve - Year 8 Connor Gallagher - Year 9
Super hero conference - group project, Year 9 Kickstart