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The Visual Art students have had a busy and productive 2015. Exploring and creating in both areas of 3D and 2D art, visual communication design and media, while working through the design process to produce outstanding, creative works. Along with developing their creative skills in the classroom, the students studying visual arts units have been involved in excursions to galleries and public art spaces, taken part in the ACC Art Exhibition at the Abbotsford convent in Melbourne, the VCE Art and Technology Exhibition, the inaugural FIFTEEN WORDS Film Festival and the Annual Arts Assembly which all showcased the talents and creativity of our students. Thank you should also be extended the following visual arts teachers, Leanne Adams, Simon Cahir, Sarah Goring, Lauren Hall, Helen Kean, Amy Ross, John Schlank, Anne Thomas and our Art Technician Laura Martin for their hard work and professionalism. The level of skill can be seen to some extent in the following pages of our school magazine.

Rebecca Spark & Anne Condon Arts Domain Leaders UNITS 3&4 STUDIO ARTS


The skills developed in year 11 studios arts continued in year 12 Units 3 & 4 where we were given the opportunity to select and study a theme and medium of our choice. Unit 3 was an adventure where we could research our theme in depth and experiment with technique. For me this involved researching a range of people who became inspiration for my artworks. The medium I chose for my artworks was oil paints, a material that I had little experience with, but I was amazed from the outcome in such little time. As we planned and developed our ideas we carried them on to Unit 4. Unit 4 required us to select our potential directions developed in Unit 3, and refine them into cohesive artworks. During this process, we visited ‘The Geelong Gallery’ and ‘Boom Gallery’ to become educated on how our public and commercial galleries present, curate, and conserve art. Year 12 Studio arts was a great experience as it took me on a journey which no other class could. I highly recommend studio arts to any student who enjoys art, as it allows you to create great artwork you never thought you could.

Antoine Saleh UNITS 1&2 STUDIO ARTS

If there was one subject that I always looked forward to, it was Studio Arts. Studio Arts is a subject I had chosen without hesitation and haven’t regretted it one bit. The year has consisted of a couple of excursions and many units, including a painting, drawing, lino print & etching, photography, free choice piece and an appropriation sculpture piece. The units were broken down into various brainstorming and preparation before we actually had our chance to create our artworks. We learn to plan, prepare and present our ideas in a creative and open-minded approach, plus it was very exciting to see the outcomes of yours and your friends!

Nathan Clark YEAR 10 2D ART

This semester in 2D art we were lucky enough to use a diverse range of tools and materials to create artworks that not only reached the required criteria, but students were able to express their personal life onto a canvas through a paint brush. For the first 6 weeks of term 3, students put pencil to paper as imaginations flourished in the creation of a surreal themed piece. This was outlined and perfectly executed before handing in our finals to be marked. After 2 weeks of holidays my peers were ambitious to don the art smock and start our second topic of ‘Abstract Expressionism’. With students able to express their inner Willem de Kooning or Jackson Pollock, paint was flicked,

Thomas Howden - Year 7 - Year 7

Brandon Trinh - Year 8 2D Art, Impressionist painting

Noah VanGalen - Year 7 Connor O’Keefe - Year 10

Max Eddy - Year 10 William Magher - Year 8 2D Art - Impressionist Painting

dabbed and smothered onto a blank canvas (some students painting themselves more so than their page). After many theory tasks and repetitive annotations, stacking chairs up at 3 o’clock on a Thursday afternoon had a feeling of mutual disappointment as saddened faces filled the classroom. Nevertheless, 2D Art will remain a memorable period of our weekly timetables.

Harry Bateman

In Media we have completed several assessment projects with video production, video editing, video analysing and other tasks that needed which were part of our assessment.

We began by having a look about at what media was, how much media we use and how it influences us now and in the future.

We also looked at movie production skills such as different camera angles and many other aspects before making our own action films.

It was fun and we were always looking forward to the next task at hand.

Michael La Spada & Oscar Helmore YEAR 7 ART AND DESIGN

In year 7 art we look at three topics, art, visual communication design and media. In art we started off by looking at observational drawing and drawing from perspective. We then moved on to learning about the colour wheel and the different types of colours. In the final part of our art topic we learnt about clay techniques and designed and made clay monsters. In the first part of our visual communication design topic we did perspective drawing. Secondly we made a comic book cover of choice and finally we learnt all the basics about Photoshop and then constructed fruit drink logos. Our last topic media started with us

learning about different genres in movies. After learning this we went on to make our own DVD covers. Over all Year 7 art is full of fun and new experiences.


During Year 8 Visual Communication provided a series of different tasks that enabled us to create what you wanted with a guideline. Tasks that have been completed by the Year 8s are things such as Elements and Principles, typeface which is a task that is constructed with only letters, punctuation and numbers. We also completed a children’s front and back cover book with a storyline, blurb, drafts, mind map, brainstorm and more. I would be fair to say that everyone now does Visual Communication is trying their hardest and or really enjoy the experience.

Connor Fopiani & Salvatore Cilmi UNITS 1&2 VISUAL COMMUNICATION DESIGN

This year in Units 1&2 Visual communication Design, we were faced with gaining new skills in our perspective, observational, typography and technical drawing skills that have contributed to this year’s final task. In order to become successful in our designing future, folio development, research and annotation Oliver Giles - Year 7 Oliver Giles - Year 7 have all been major components in our studies. An added

Clay Creatures - Year 7 Clay Creatures - Year 7

Ben Raimondo - Introduction to Studio Arts Introduction to Studio Arts

Patrick Kelly - Year 10 Patrick Kelly - Year 10 Joel Burns - Year 9 Year 9 student Year 9 student Danny Quach Danny Quach demonstrating demonstrating screen printing to screen printing to Mr Tobias Mr Tobias

Darcy Cooper - Year 10 Darcy Cooper - Year 10

Matthew Keast Matthew Keast - Year 8 - Year 8

benefit this year was the ability to travel to the 2015 top designs exhibition that showcased all of the top student’s work from last year’s course. All of the detail, hard work and planning reflected in some of these folios seen, was a big heads up for what we are expected to accomplish next year. This year’s class has been without doubt the most beneficial and enjoyable due to our two very experienced teachers (Mr Cahir and Mrs Kean) directing us at the college, as well as the assignments we have had to complete during this year.

Chad Suphamongkol - Year 11 YEAR 10 FOLIO PRESENTATION

This year in Year 10 Folio Presentation we started off by making a logo of our initials which involved using many different sketching and Photoshop skills. We then started with our café designs and we kicked them off with some research looking into floorplans, the interior and the exteriors of cafés and restaurants. After our research we looked into designing our own floor plans which took a lot of drawing and refinement skills. And then finally we moved on to making our café models which required a lot of concentration, cutting and building skills. The final part of the café design was to create a menu and menu stand which required us to use different materials to create the stand such as timber and acrylic and then use Photoshop to create the menu with the theme of our café evident in the design. I really enjoyed this subject because we got to make our own cafés or restaurants from scratch.


During year 8 Visual Communication Design this semester students took part in a wide range of activities like creating bus shelters and creating creative advertisements. When creating bus shelters we had to keep to a brief outlining the certain features that our bus shelters had to have. We also had to do a lot of planning such as visualisation sketches, orthogonal drawings and isometric drawings. Whilst taking part in these tasks we learned a lot of skills such as the design elements and principles, model making and various Photoshop skills. I enjoyed this subject because we were able to take part in a lot of interesting and engaging activities whilst having fun.

Will McFarlane - Year 8 KICK START CHALLENGE

I was asked to write a brief report on the Challenge art subject that I had undertaken this year. The arts unit that I chose to do for this year was Kick StArt. In Kick StArt we did all kinds of different art projects varying in different art

Lachlan Duff - Year 11 Fynn Moran Fynn Moran - Year 8 - Year 8

Alex Bisinella - Year 8 Jacob Loughnan - Year 10 Connor Fopiani - Year 8

Nicholas Williams - Year 8

Joseph Smith - Year 11 Andrew McCorkell - Year 11 Unit 2

mediums from Spray Paint to Oil Paint and Pencil to Ink. One such project that we had the choice of doing was a spray painted mural that was so much fun and interesting to learn how to do. From being involved in this subject I feel that I have developed almost a whole new set of skills and built heavily on the ones I already knew. Overall Kick StArt was an amazing subject and probably one of my favourites for this year.

Matthew Walters – 9A


In Year 9 Photography we undertook a variety of tasks such as analysing different types of artworks and photographs taken by famous artists/photographers and planning and taking our own photos to fit the brief we are given. Some of the skills developed through this subject are; talking about and using the art elements and principles, compositional techniques, art movements and how to analyse artworks. We also learned how to edit and enhance photos using Photoshop. The best part about this subject is that it is really hands-on and we are able to use our imagination to create many different types of photographs.

Bri Kelly and Ryan McNearney – Year 9 BRAND NEW UNLIMITED CHALLENGE

In Brand New Unlimited the challenge we undertook was to use the design process to create our own clothing brand and t-shirt design. Another challenge, for the class as a group, was to design and print a Westcourt tea towel to be given out to visitors at the end of semester Expo. During the Westcourt Expo visitors made a gold coin donation in appreciation for the tea towel. As a result our group raised over $130 and purchased reading glasses for the Mannya community in Uganda. The knowledge and skills that I have developed in this class are; an understanding of the design

process, the use of Adobe Illustrator to design a logo, how to make a silk screen for printing and how to print on a t-shirt. The part of the challenge I most enjoyed was designing the logo for my own brand.


What a year it has been. The Year 12 students arrived fresh enthusiastic and excited. As always it was a very crammed busy creative and sometimes stressful year. I must admit I had been looking forward to this particular cohort as I had taught them all previously over the past 4 years and witnessed a unique and emerging talent that I hoped would prove to be a great year. I wasn’t disappointed. Mind you there were along the journey lapses in time management skills that almost cost them grades and me some of the last remaining hair follicles I have left to me. There were heart aches and headaches. I believe the proof of the year’s work is not in the ATAR score but is on their Exhibition Night. I was immensely proud of their efforts, creativity and determination to Harry Harry complete such wonderful and professional solutions to Whitehand their design briefs.

- Year 10 - Year 10

Product Product Well done Team 2015 Design As to the other year levels, the student’s words and experiences say it all. I wait expectantly for their chance to shine on their Exhibition Night. Keep working hard boys. A special thanks goes to Laura Martin who is behind the scenes everywhere. She makes the wheel turn smoothly in every way. Her help on the Exhibition night is

Lleyton Wooley - Year 9 Lleyton Wooley - Year 9 Lachlan Grant - Year 11 Visual Communication Design

William Armstrong - William Armstrong - Year 11

Waadhi Conole - Year 11 Christopher Gulle - Year 11

Year 9 Kick StArt ANZAC Mural

invaluable, her thoughtfulness and help in the storeroom and help organising supplies is marvellous. Thanks also to all the teachers who teach from years 7 to 12 we are all part of a team which helps the boys reach their potential.

Simon Cahir


The film, TV, radio and print stars of the future have been honing their skills in Media this year. From our energetic Year 8’s creating action films to our dedicated VCE students crafting their media productions, media continues to deliver a hands-on, collaborative and engaging learning experience for students. With new media technologies becoming increasingly important in young people’s lives, Media allows our boys to learn and create a range of products such as short films, magazines, video games, documentaries, news bulletins and radio podcasts. Some highlights from our Year 12’s this year have been Patrick West’s Hitchcock inspired short film, ‘Mail’ and Brayden Thompson’s documentary on Zaine Cordy, ‘Father-Son’. 2015 marks the beginning of what we hope will become an exciting annual event, the FIFTEEN WORDS FILM FESTIVAL. With entries from all year levels as well as from Sacred Heart College, the event has inspired students to pick up a camera and create fun, quirky, visually beautiful and engaging short films.

Lauren Hall & Sarah Goring MEDIA @ YEAR 11

In year 11 Media this year we have further explored the multiple roles and skills required across the Media Industry. We have studied in detail the importance and unique qualities of the Australian Media Industry, and how it is essential to our culture that it continues to grow. Towards the end of the year we travelled to the Channel 10 studios and a community radio station in Melbourne, which gave us a real life insight to how all roles in television and radio come together to appeal to a wide audience. The trip was arguably the highlight of the year. Finally we combined our production knowledge to make a short film with the help of our teachers, Ms Hall and Miss Goring, who saw that we all had a role in the production.

Patrick Rush - Year 11

Ben Raimondo - Year 10 Media Year 10 Media

Bryce Watkins - Year 8 Bryce Watkins - Year 8

Year 11 Media students collaborating students collaborating on their class fi lmfi lm Alor Anyang, Anthony Lamar & Joshua Alor Anyang, Anthony Lamar & Joshua Ritchie Crichton - Year 9 Ritchie Crichton - Year 9

Year 11 Top Arts Year 11 Top Arts Excursion Excursion

Brand Brand It - Year 9 It - Year 9 Challenge

Connor O’Keefe - Year 10 Photography Year 10 Photography

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