Arts The Visual Art students have had a busy and productive 2015. Exploring and creating in both areas of 3D and 2D art, visual communication design and media, while working through the design process to produce outstanding, creative works. Along with developing their creative skills in the classroom, the students studying visual arts units have been involved in excursions to galleries and public art spaces, taken part in the ACC Art Exhibition at the Abbotsford convent in Melbourne, the VCE Art and Technology Exhibition, the inaugural FIFTEEN WORDS Film Festival and the Annual Arts Assembly which all showcased the talents and creativity of our students. Thank you should also be extended the following visual arts teachers, Leanne Adams, Simon Cahir, Sarah Goring, Lauren Hall, Helen Kean, Amy Ross, John Schlank, Anne Thomas and our Art Technician Laura Martin for their hard work and professionalism. The level of skill can be seen to some extent in the following pages of our school magazine. Rebecca Spark & Anne Condon Arts Domain Leaders UNITS 3&4 STUDIO ARTS The skills developed in year 11 studios arts continued in year 12 Units 3 & 4 where we were given the opportunity to select and study a theme and medium of our choice. Unit 3 was an adventure where we could research our theme in depth and experiment with technique. For me this involved researching a range of people who became inspiration for my artworks. The medium I chose for my artworks was oil paints, a material that I had little experience with, but I was amazed from the outcome in such little time. As we planned and developed our ideas we carried them on to Unit 4. Unit 4 required us to select our potential directions developed in Unit 3, and refine
Brandon Trinh - Year 8 2D Art, Impressionist painting
them into cohesive artworks. During this process, we visited ‘The Geelong Gallery’ and ‘Boom Gallery’ to become educated on how our public and commercial galleries present, curate, and conserve art. Year 12 Studio arts was a great experience as it took me on a journey which no other class could. I highly recommend studio arts to any student who enjoys art, as it allows you to create great artwork you never thought you could. Antoine Saleh UNITS 1&2 STUDIO ARTS If there was one subject that I always looked forward to, it was Studio Arts. Studio Arts is a subject I had chosen without hesitation and haven’t regretted it one bit. The year has consisted of a couple of excursions and many units, including a painting, drawing, lino print & etching, photography, free choice piece and an appropriation sculpture piece. The units were broken down into various brainstorming and preparation before we actually had our chance to create our artworks. We learn to plan, prepare and present our ideas in a creative and open-minded approach, plus it was very exciting to see the outcomes of yours and your friends! Nathan Clark YEAR 10 2D ART This semester in 2D art we were lucky enough to use a diverse range of tools and materials to create artworks that not only reached the required criteria, but students were able to express their personal life onto a canvas through a paint brush. For the first 6 weeks of term 3, students put pencil to paper as imaginations flourished in the creation of a surreal themed piece. This was outlined and perfectly executed before handing in our finals to be marked. After 2 weeks of holidays my peers were ambitious to don the art smock and start our second topic of ‘Abstract Expressionism’. With students able to express their inner Willem de Thomas Howden Kooning or Jackson Pollock, paint was flicked, - Year 7
Connor O’Keefe - Year 10
Noah VanGalen Year 7
William Magher - Year 8 2D Art Impressionist Painting
Max Eddy - Year 10
First place in ‘15 Words ‘ Film Festival - ‘Loop’