Into the Valley Below - presented by StageCoach Theatre

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Into the Valley Below

The story of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and What Happened on May 31, 1889

MARCH 23-24 & 30-31, 2023



The story of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and What Happened on May 31, 1889





MARCH 23, 24, 30, & 31, 2023

Producer’s Note:

“Into the Valley Below” takes us to back in time to a small town in Pennsylvania you have probably never heard of: Johnstown. It is a story with themes that still ring true today; how negligence of the few can create irreparable damage to the masses, but also how individual acts of kindness and bravery can protect and empower the vulnerable. “Into the Valley Below” marks the first play that I have produced, and I am thrilled and honored to have been a part of the process.

This production is also the first student-written and student-directed show we have put on at StageCoach. The passion and dedication of our student cast and crew has impressed me from our very first rehearsal. Our team is composed of students from all ends of Loudoun County; from elementary schoolers to high school seniors; from newbies who never stepped on a stage prior to auditions to lifelong actors with professional performing credits to their name. Directors Lily and Evan poured their hearts and souls into every aspect of this show. You will see that our creative team is not afraid of pushing the envelope, taking chances, and dreaming big. They have challenged and inspired me as a producer in ways I could not have imagined, and I can only hope that they have learned at least half as much from me as I have from them.

We at StageCoach are so proud to support this student-led work. The art our creative team, cast, and crew have developed represents the voices of a new generation of artists who are eager to make their mark on the world. And they are a force to be reckoned with. I have complete confidence that “Into the Valley Below” will inspire, entertain, and pull at the heartstrings of each and every one of you in the audience. Thank you for joining us in celebration of the creativity and talent of our students. Now, please allow yourself to be transported back to a very rainy Friday on May 31, 1889, to a little town called Johnstown.

Author’s Note:

The story of the Johnstown Flood of 1889 is one I will never forget. The ghosts and echoes of the men, women, and children altered that day continue to cry out for justice. For remembrance.

Some say that the “time you truly die” is when someone speaks your name for the last time. This has stuck with me, and it is why the names of these people are so important to me. I refuse to let them die and fade into obscurity.

Every character in this story was either a real person or based on a real person. The names given to each character were their actual names; the names that their loved ones called them, what they scrawled atop schoolwork as children, the names that are forever etched on their tombstones. Their memories live on through me, through this show, and through you. So say their names. Say them out loud. Remember their names and who they were.

It haunts me to know that so many of the flood’s victims were never identified or even found. Often coroners had only an arm or leg to identify. This play is for those we know died, and for those unknown and lost to time.

Remember the Johnstown Flood of 1889.

Illustration by Richard K. Fox, 1889

SCENES (There will be a 15 minute intermission between acts.)

Location: Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Approx. 60 miles east of Pittsburg.


November 26, 1880

1. “Introduction/At the Dam”

2. “Ruff and Morrell Didn’t See Eye to Eye”

May 31, 1889

3. “May 31, 1889”

4. “Need Some Help?”

5. “Mr. Quinn is Always So Worried About That Dam”

6. “Quinns”

7. “Day Express”

May 30-31, 1889

8. “Up the Mountain”

May 31, 1889

9. “Do You Recognize That Man?”

10. “...---... (SOS)”

11. “Back Up at the Club”

12. “The Destruction of the Day Express”


May 31, 1889

1. “This Is My Last Message”

2. “Climb onto the Roof”

3. “Girl, Run! Now!”

4. “A Night of Ghosts”

5. “Throw That Baby!”

June, 1889

6. “June 1, 1889”

7. “The Beginning of the Rest of Their Lives”

Then, Now, Later

8. “Legends, Stories, and Legacies”


Tragedy / Messenger

Memory / Frank Deckert

John Fulton / Col. Unger

Benjamin Ruff / John Hess

Giovanni the Laborer


Izzy Jewell

Heidi Dodd, Natalie Brown (Standby)

Naman Ghadiali

Mason Saunders

Landon Ulrich (3/23, 3/24), Isaac Rossi (3/30, 3/31)

Charles Fisher (3/24, 3/31), Evan Gorman (3/23, 3/30), Kylie Lewandowski (3/30, 3/31),

Kaylee Roderiguez, Mia Salinas (3/23, 3/24), Chris Shuffelton, Sebastian Trujillo, Liam Tully

Daniel Morrell / Dynamite Bill Carrigan Kennedy

Mary Ruff / Jennie Paulson

Susan Morrell / Bess Bryan

James Quinn

Gertrude Quinn

Libby Hipp

Abbie Geis

Damian Quinn

Victor Heiser

George Heiser

Mathilde Heiser

John Parke / Maxwell McCachren

Townie 1

Townie 2

Mr. Bidwell

Hettie Ogle

Telegraph Operator

Marie Quinn


Sophia Castillo

Madi Saunders

Chris Shuffleton

Tess Will (3/23, 3/30)

Lily Cook (3/24, 3/31)

Emma Nicholson

Claire “Cai” Reeps

Charles Fisher (3/24, 3/31)

Evan Gorman (3/23, 3/30)

Liam Tully

Sebastian Trujillo

Lily Simanski

Mila Krsmanovic

Lily Cook (3/23, 3/30)

Tess Will (3/24, 3/31)

Kaylee Roderiguez

Landon Ulrich (3/23, 3/24)

Isaac Rossi (3/30, 3/31)

Rahmah Hagmagid

Mia Salinas (3/23, 3/24)

Kylie Lewandowski (3/30, 3/31)

Karlyn Medina

Sophia Castillo, Heidi Dodd*, Charles Fisher (3/24, 3/31), Evan Gorman (3/23, 3/30),

Rahmah Hagmagid, Izzy Jewell*, Carrigan Kennedy, Emma Nicholson, Claire “Cai” Reeps, Madi Saunders, Lily Simanski, Sebastian Trujillo

*Tragedy and Memory are part of the Flood Stage Manager until Intermission


Stage Manager

Tony Marshak

Lighting Technicians Sarah Chung, Zoe Korff, Aimee Wakefield

Sound Technician

Daniel Prothe

Props Master Emma Simanski

Run Crew Chief

Rahima Hagmagid

Tailors Kati Anderson, Susan Lynch, Becky Will

Carpenter Ben Rossi


Ashlee Round, Keegan Sheph

Livestream Manager Terry Smith

Program Design Ben Rossi

Special thanks to:

April Bridgeman, Jerri Wiseman, Terry Smith, Corinne Fox, Paul Simonton, Jeannie DeLisi & Sterling Playmakers, and Stagecoach Foundation, and our families for making this show possible.

Artist Unknown

Owned and Managed by Jerri Wiseman, Terry Smith, and April Bridgeman

▪ Loudoun Chamber Small Business Awards

WINNER Tourism & Entertainment

▪ Best of Loudoun Performing Arts

▪ Loudoun Favorites

▪ Most Loved Acting Studio

∙ StageCoach Theatre 2023 Season


∙ Murder on the Love Boat - Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre (through May)

∙ The Owl and the Pussycat - Staged Comedy


∙ M - One Woman’s True Story

∙ The SpongeBob Musical - Teen Musical

∙ Headliners - Drag Cabaret

June - August

∙ Disco is Dead - Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre

∙ School of Rock - Summer Camp Musical

∙ The Diary of Anne Frank - Summer Camp Play

∙ 9 to 5 the Musical - Summer Camp Musical


∙ Radio Play Murder- Murder Mystery

Dinner Theatre

∙ Zombie Prom - Musical Theatre


∙ Melekaliki-Murder- Murder Mystery

Dinner Theatre

Ongoing monthly StageCoach Bandits Improv and Magic Shows, plus special events




The theater and classrooms are available for theatrical productions, workshops, team building activities, and even birthday parties. We can help you host your event, either in-person or virtually. Contact us today!

We need more people to help us grow, specifically instructors for our after-school programs and camps and volunteers to help with shows.

Book your fundraisers and corporate events today! Join our mailing list to get updated information about all upcoming shows, workshops and events.

Interested in entertainment or team building activities for corporate events? Contact us for virtual or in-person events. Call (571) 477-9444 or email for more information.

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Theatre Company
Ashburn Road
115 & 120
VA 20147

StageCoach Foundation

StageCoach Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Arts in our local community by encouraging philanthropy, community building, and creative educational activities.

• Arts Education

• Theatre Performances

• Sponsorship

We look forward to your support. Your tax-deductible donations are always appreciated.

You can start by donating to StageCoach Foundation, Inc. or volunteering to help at theater performances.

Ask us how you can get involved.

StageCoach Foundation Fundraising

We are raising money to cover scholarships and mentorships for our 2023 After School Classes, Show Team Camps, and Summer Camps. Please support our fundraising efforts to ensure that the Arts are available for all who desire it.

Please visit our website for more informaiton: https://stagecoachfoundation. org/

2 0 2 3 S u m m e r C a m p s

J u n e 1 2 - 2 3 - S c h o o l o f R o c k f o r a g e s 1 0 - 1 9 ( b y a u d i t i o n )

J u n e 1 2 - 1 6 - D o R e M i M u s i c c a m p f o r P r e K - a g e 6

J u n e 2 6 - 3 0 - A c t i n g C a m p " H a p p y B i r t h d a y , C a p t a i n H o o k " f o r a g e s 1 0 - 1 6

- R i s i n g S t a r s T h e a t r e C a m p f o r a g e s 5 - 1 0

- B r o a d w a y B o u n d M u s i c a l T h e a t r e f o r P r e K - a g e 6

J u l y 3 , 5 - 7 - I m p r o v C a m p f o r a g e s 1 0 - 1 5

- D a i l y T h e a t r e W o r k s h o p s f o r a g e s 1 3 + ( c h e c k w e b s i t e f o r d e t a i l s )

- P l a y i n a D a y f o r a g e s 5 - 1 0

J u l y 1 0 - 1 4 - A c t i n g C a m p " T h e F a i r y G o d m o t h e r C l u b " f o r a g e s 1 0 - 1 6

- J u n i o r I m p r o v f o r a g e s 5 - 1 0

J u l y 1 0 - 2 1 - A c t i n g C a m p " T h e D i a r y o f A n n e F r a n k " f o r a g e s 1 4 + ( b y a u d i t i o n o n l y )

J u l y 1 7 - 2 1 - K i t t y C a t C a p e r s M u s i c a l T h e a t r e f o r P r e K - a g e 6

- L i g h t s ! C a m e r a ! A c t i o n ! C a b a r e t C a m p f o r a g e s 7 - 1 0

J u l y 2 4 - 2 8 - G i f t e d A c t o r s f o r a g e s 1 0 - 1 7 ( b y a u d i t i o n o n l y )

- D i s n e y : T h e M o v i e s - T h e M u s i c C a b a r e t C a m p f o r a g e s 7 - 1 0

- A B a r n y a r d M O O s i c a l M u s i c a l T h e a t r e f o r P r e K - a g e 6

J u l y 3 1 - A u g u s t 1 1 - 9 t o 5 t h e M u s i c a l f o r a g e s 1 4 - 1 9 ( b y a u d i t i o n o n l y )

J u l y 3 1 - A u g u s t 4 - P l a y w r i t i n g f o r a g e s 1 0 - 1 8

- J r R i s i n g S t a r t s T h e a t r e C a m p f o r P r e K - a g e 8

8 - I t ' s a J u n g l e O u t T h e r e M u s i c a l T h e a t r e C a m p f o r a g e s

F A L L 2 A F T E R S C L A S
u g
t 1 4 -
6 - 1 2
u s

main stage

Pre-Sale Ticket

StageCoach Theatre

2023 Season Tickets are available!

� Staged Performances Season Tickets includes tickets to 5 black box theatre productions! A savings of 20%!

� Dinner Theatre Season Tickets includes tickets to 5 dinner theatre productions for $300. A savings of $50!


Purchase online or contact us at or call 571-477-9444 to make your purchase.

You can use up to 2 tickets from your season package per performance.

� Family Show Season Tickets includes tickets to 5 family theatre productions! A savings of 20% PLUS a free BONUS show

�Variety Show Season Tickets includes tickets to 12 staged performances. Choose from

�Cloak Bundle: Sly’s Magic Shows and Drag Cabaret Shows OR

�Dagger Bundle: Bandits Improv Show and Rated S LIVE Sketch Comedy

Great for experience gifts!


Gift cards are available in any denomination. Redeem for shows, classes, private lessons, or anything presented by StageCoach Theatre!

Purchase online or contact us at or call 571-477-9444 to make your purchase. an Experience Gift!

Rated S / It’s a Skit Show

So you’ve been trying for years to get tickets to a certain late night TV show live from NY? Well, here’s your chance to experience world-crass comedy without having to trek all the way up to NYC. Original sketches! Digital Shorts! Live music performances! Tell all your friends but don’t tell your mother – It’s A Skit Showtm. (Some material may be inappropriate for the humorless.)

Unique Mystery Options available for your company through StageCoach Theatre.
Killer Games Core Team Building Experience
Mystery Adventures
Improve with Improv Contact us to discuss options. In-person and virtual options are available. Team Building
For adult audiences
Tickets $15 At the Door $20
Performances + Livestream
Contact us to plan an event that’s to die for! ipsum


Sly’s Fabulous

Las Vegas Style Magic Show

Hilarity unleashed similar to “Whose Line is it Anyway?”

Book them for your next event!

Regular Performances on the Third Friday of the month

Adults 18+

Reserved Tickets $15 + $3 service fee At the Door $20

Live Performances + Livestream

Monthly Performances on Fridays (with an occasional Saturday!)

PG/Intended for an Adult Audience Tickets $25 + $3 service fee

Reservations are Encouraged!

Live Performances + Livestream us to plan an event that’s to die for!

The SpongeBob Musical: Youth Edition

Based on the series by Stephen Hillenburg

The stakes are higher than ever in this dynamic stage musical, as SpongeBob and all of Bikini Bottom face the total annihilation of their undersea world. Chaos erupts. Lives hang in the balance. And just when all hope seems lost, a most unexpected hero rises up and takes center stage. The power of optimism really can save the world!

The SpongeBob Musical is based on the beloved animated series created by Stephen Hillenburg and features a book by Kyle Jarrow, with original songs by Yolanda Adams, Steven Tyler and Joe Perry of Aerosmith, Sara Bareilles, Jonathan Coulton, Alexander Ebert of Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, The Flaming Lips, Lady A, Cyndi Lauper, John Legend, Panic! At the Disco, Plain White T’s, They Might Be Giants and T.I., and songs by David Bowie, Tom Kenny and Andy Paley. Additional lyrics are by Jonathan Coulton, with additional music by Tom Kitt. The musical production was conceived by Tina Landau.

Produced by Jerri Wiseman

Directed by Torie Dunlap and Linda Cirba

Assistant Directed by Heidi Dodd

Performances will be held May 13, 20 and 21 at 2:00pm.

Nickelodeon, SpongeBob SquarePants, and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. 20937 Ashburn Road Suites 115 and 120 Ashburn, VA 20147 571-477-9444 By Bill Manhoff Produced by April Bridgeman Directed by Charles DeLong April 15, 22, 28 & 29 at 7:30pm April 16 & 23 at 2:00pm 571-477-9444 is Dead A Murder Mystery Written by Terry Smith and Veneé Galloway Produced by Jerri Wiseman Directed by Jeffrey Nattania

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