2014-15 Stairways Behavioral Health Annual Report

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Joint Commission Accredited Stairways is accredited by the Joint Commission, the gold seal of the health care industry in the USA. Stairways has earned and maintained accreditation since 1999. The Gold Seal of Approval® is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective care.

Stairways Behavioral Health is a member of Journey Health System

2185 W. 8th St. • Erie, PA 16505 888-453-5806 (toll free)



Stairways Behavioral Health assists persons with mental health care needs at any stage of life in their recovery by providing comprehensive rehabilitation, treatment and supports essential for living, working, learning and participating fully in the community.


Our Mission

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A Note from Our Executive Director

Revenue by Source

Operating Expenses

I am honored and proud to address the Erie community and our constituents in the 2014/2015 Stairways Behavioral Health Annual Report.

TOTAL REVENUE................. $26,281,119

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES........................... $25,573,730

A little over a year ago, I began a journey as the Executive Director of this exceptional organization, eager to positively influence its direction. I began by connecting with the esteemed Board of Directors, the staff and our clients to absorb the culture and rich history of Stairways, and was immediately moved by the incredible vitality within. I then widened this circle by reaching out to many of our respected sister organizations and community leaders to acquire knowledge and establish partnerships that would help to move Stairways into a new era. Our mission and values speak to who we are as an organization but the individuals served, our colleagues, Board of Directors, and community stakeholders provide inspiration as we constantly strive for the most effective, innovative models and approaches. There is still work to be done to advance our mission and we face many challenges in an ever-evolving healthcare system. Yet the obstacles are not insurmountable if we establish solid goals and diligently work toward them together. We inspire one another to reach higher and achieve more because of our many strengths, including financial stability, clinical evidenced-based practices, and the promising activities evidenced throughout this report. As we begin to forecast what is to come and delve into our strategic planning process, I can say that our future is bright! Within this report you will find information about our outcomes, program statistics, and a financial summary. You will also read moving stories of recovery by several individuals who received services at Stairways. They inspire me every day as they move on their divergent recovery paths – some long, some short, some filled with obstacles, others less so – but every one so important! When you read about the support of our dedicated staff in changing people’s lives you can’t help but be inspired. These successes are powerful motivation to become a better person, do a better job, reach a little higher and offer hope to everyone on their recovery journeys by seeking the most progressive services at Stairways. I hope you will be inspired, as I am, by all that Stairways has to offer!

Care Partners.................53.61% • Managed Erie County Department • of Human Services..........................23.39% and Medicare.................. 4.32% • Medicaid New Opportunities EAP.................. 4.07% • Crawford County Department • of Human Services.............................3.92% Income*................... 3.56% • Miscellaneous Pennsylvania Department • of Education......................................... 2.58% Income..................................... 2.28% • Rental Pay Insurance.................1.22% • Private Erie County Office of • Drug & Alcohol.................1.06% * Includes Homeplus, investments, CROMISA, adult probation, BCC Re-Entry contract, donations, grants and BLOOM Collaborative

Direct Service Hours Provided:

Best regards,

Valerie J. Vicari, Executive Director

Wages, Salary & Benefits............. 74.73% • Professional Consultants................. 8.77% • Occupancy............................................ 6.65% • Supplies & Equipment.....................4.49% • Maintenance & Other • Operating Expenses..........................3.46% Travel...................................................... 1.90% •

Total Combined Hours.................. 167,958 Outpatient................................................. 76,792 Mobile Staff...............................................91,166

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Total Combined Hours.....................167,958 Physician, CRNP, PA, Nurses......................12,460 Therapists..................................................... 64,341 Mental Health Professionals......................91,157

• • •

2014—2015 Board of Directors Chairperson Dr. Kristine Nelson, D.C. • Secretary Laura Schaaf • Acting Treasurer & Immediate Past Chair: Wayne Koble • Directors: Maurice Cashman • Richard Esch • Craig Hartburg • Kurt Hersch • Andrea Hoffman, M.S.N., R.N., C.N.A. • David E. Holland, Esq. • William Kennedy • Gregory LaRocca • James P. Renshaw • Dr. R. Anthony Snow, M.D.

THANK YOU, DONORS! Through your support, we were able to impact the lives of 9,765 youth and adults. LAURA

WALLERSTEIN STAIRWAYS TO HOPE SOCIETY: Anonymous Donors (2) • David & Cecile* Armor • John Bloomstine • Gary & Donna Boetger • Trisha Cloyd • Joseph B. Dahlkemper • Mary Ellen Dahlkemper • Ed Dawson • Atty. Ed & Rita Goebel • Joan Harf • Andrea Hoffman • Atty. David & Patricia Holland • Ida Jean Holman • Robert & Margaret* Huber • Annette Kimmel* • Patricia Liebel • Rabbi Leonard & Faith Lifshen • Lindemuth Family Trust • Kathleen Longley • Thomas Masters, DO • William F. & Mary Ann McCarthy • Ben* & Betty* McCloskey • Emma Lee McCloskey • Ellen Callahan • Wilfred Noel* • Catherine O’Mara* • Nancy O’Neill in memory of Chelsey* Joanne O’Neill • Barbara & Albert* Pett • Corinne Ray* • Al & Peggy Richardson • Lillian Roudebush* • Herb & Jessie Rubinfield • Charles* & Lita Schaaf • Mary E. Schaaf • Gary & Susan Schneider • William M.* & Frances* Schuster • Harold “Skip” Simmons & Jennifer* Pool • Kim Stucke • Laura W.* & Leon* Wallerstein Jr. • David Wooledge • Edward* & Ruth* Zacks - The Zacks Family Fund • (*Deceased) STAIRWAYS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ENDOWMENT FUND: Kathy Thomas-Ibemere • Henry Krol THE MOSHE LIFSHEN FUND FOR BLOOM COLLABORATIVE: Anthony & Betty Amatangelo • Scott Deal •

In memory of Jay Komora – Christopher & Gail Komora In memory of Sally Ann Oblinski – Stairways Behavioral Health In memory of David L. Scarpitti Sr. – Evelyn Finnecy • NASA • Stairways Behavioral Health • David & Carolyn Wyler In memory of Ron Shilling – Douglas & Linda Dunbar In memory of Davey Steadman – Theresa Steadman In memory of Leon & Laura Wallerstein – The Wallerstein Family Foundation Fund TRIBUTE GIFTS: In honor of Mary Therese Goebel – Betty Motsch In honor of Lee Steadman – Theresa Steadman In honor of John Stolar’s 60th Birthday – David Slomski For more information on any of these giving opportunities, visit our website at www.StairwaysBH.org or contact Kim Stucke at 814-878-2170. All financial contributions listed within these pages include donations received between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. We sincerely apologize for any errors. Please alert us to corrections by contacting Juanita Gangemi at 814-878-2071 or jgangemi@StairwaysBH.org. THANK YOU!

Client Success Story: Andy Anderson finds passion, bonds in music in the local band Money Shot, which performs across the Erie region. The thrill of entertaining audiences can be exhilarating—and equally daunting, says Andy, whose self-confidence has also improved since he started performing. “It’s always harder to do it on stage than in the studio,” Andy says. “I’ve heard that the Beatles said the same thing.” But most of all, however, Andy has forged meaningful friendships through music and his involvement with Money Shot. “I’ve seen how these guys impact my life,” he says. Karl and Andy Anderson can rattle off facts about the Beatles as if they personally knew the Fab Four.

Karl, 61, offers another perspective.

“Twist and Shout was recorded when John Lennon was nursing a cold and drinking milk and sucking on lozenges,” Karl says. “But for whatever reason it worked.”

“I think Tito and Swan are the brothers he’s never had,” says Karl referring to the band’s lead vocalist and drummer.

Andy, not to be outdone, counters by mentioning the contributions of the band’s producer, George Martin. “People are always stunned at how well I know these things,” he says. “I just read these things online.” Their familiarity with music isn’t merely limited to little-known trivia, as Karl and Andy fancy themselves performers as well. A staple on the local karaoke scene, the Andersons have found a shared passion in performing for an audience on stage. “It’s just about getting up there and having fun,” says Andy, who also plays the guitar and harmonica. While performing each week has provided an opportunity for bonding, it has also proved to be therapeutic for Andy, 34, who was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder as a teenager. “Music is a way you can express yourself and just let it out,” Andy says. “But you don’t want to go overboard because you can blow out your vocal chords.” For the more than 10 years, Andy has also participated

Tito, for his part, reciprocated Karl’s sentiment. “I know that every time I look over and see him jamming with a big smile on his face it makes me smile right along with all of the people who come out to be entertained,” he said. “Andy is not just a band member, but really has become like a little brother to me.” With medication along with case management and psychiatric rehabilitation services from Stairways Behavioral Health, Andy feels a greater sense of self and improved mood. “I’ve had a very positive experience at Stairways,” Andy says. “I know if I have a problem, Stairways is there for me.”

ERIE GIVES: Anonymous (7) • Nicole Barclay Swanson • Kate Bender • Joe & Laurie Bizzarro • John & Denise Braeger • David & Dr. Nancy Briggs • Dennis & Katherine Cantoni • Jim & Heather May Caspar • Rebecca Clark • Mary Ellen Dahlkemper & Ed Lesser • Pete & Lorraine Danielewicz • Scott Deal • Bill & Sally DeWitt • Donna Douglass • Walter & Joan Harf • John C. Harkins • Robert & Phyllis Herbstritt • Andrea Hoffman • David & Patricia Holland • Virginia Huges • Lucy John • Eugene Kennedy • Bruce & Nancy Kern • Hagan Business Machines Inc. • Wayne and Robin Koble • Stephen Kocienski • Henry Krol • Fred & Marietta Kuehn • Stairways Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services and Certified Peer Specialist staff • Gary & Cheryl Lucht • James Meyer • Nolan’s Pine Avenue Auto Sales • Denis O’Brien • Kevin & Susan O’Connell • Timothy Olszewski • Dr. Jennifer Pasternack • Atty. Mark O. Prenatt • Elizabeth Ramsey • Al & Peggy Richardson • Joan Rowland • Mark J. Salvia • Nels & Lois Sandberg • Ruth Ann Scanzillo • Claudia Schlaak • Ron & Diane Slomski • Dr. Tony Snow & Kathy Iorio • Kim Stucke • Mr. and Mrs. David Trost • Sam & Janet Trychin • Mark W. Williams, CPA • Dr. Thomas & Annette Wittmann • Janet & Rick York • Philip & Cathy Zacks TREAD ON STIGMA – STAIRWAYS 5K WALK/RUN: Eriez Magnetics Charitable Contributions Committee MEMORIALS: In memory of Herb Gold – David & Eta Howell In memory of Kevin Grucza – James & Ruth Brady In memory of Margaret Hook – Urban & Rosalie LaRiccia In memory of Annette Kimmel – Rick & Mindy Cohen

Client Success Story: Visits to BLOOM serve as special time for mother, son Art can convey such powerful imagery that speech is often rendered insufficient in its ability to convey emotion.

they agree upon a final product. “It’s really fun for a parent to do something productive and fun with their child,” Ruby says. “He’s happy here because he gets to see the finished product, he’s praised for his work and feels appreciated.”

For Ruby Homsi and Mahmoud Hussein, no words are needed. Their communication can be seen in the teamwork they demonstrate as Mahmoud carefully examines the exterior of a pear-shaped gourd that will soon be his canvas. Ruby offers a prompt to reclaim her son’s attention from the ambient bustle inside BLOOM Collaborative’s Carriage House Studio. “C’mon, we don’t have all day,” Ruby jokes, causing a faint smile to emerge on Mahmoud’s face. “This is our best time,” says Ruby, who emigrated from Syria in 1975 and attends BLOOM’s open studio with her son. “It’s really something to

The finished works have sold at BLOOM’s gallery, the Barber National Institute’s spring art show and are on display at LECOM.

look forward to every week.” That something had been difficult to come by. Mahmoud, 23, has autism and is limited in his verbal capabilities. Finding a setting where they could bond over a shared interest while also accommodating Mahmoud’s needs was a challenge. That is until she heard about BLOOM. Here, Mahmoud and Ruby work in unison to create, paint and produce pieces while learning about one another through art. “We had gotten to where I was really more of a nagging mom,” she says. “Here, we more cooperate. I’ll show him how to choose a brush, clean a brush and where to paint, and he’ll go from there.” Ruby and Mahmoud use a variety of mediums, but nowhere are their skills as evident as in their work on their signature creation: gourds. They alternate the carving, drawing, painting and engraving steps until

In producing art, Ruby notes, Mahmoud is not only able to satisfy his need for stimulation, but express himself in a way that comes naturally and is authentic. “Any kind of art is self-stimulation,” Ruby says. “That’s a good thing because it takes something that is seen as a symptom of the diagnosis and makes it into a positive, creative and accepted product.” While Mahmoud’s sense of color and attention to detail are evident — Ruby cites the burned engraving as his favorite step — it is his ability to recognize facial expressions that stands out in his art. “It is remarkable for someone with autism,” she says. “Normally people don’t recognize the expressions.” However, the most telling expressions are the smiles Ruby and Mahmoud have when leaving the studio. “I like working with him a lot,” Ruby says. “It brings us together.”

Donna Douglass • Frederick & Theresa Fiedler • The GE Foundation • Lindsey Kincaid • Stephen Kocienski • James Meyer • Al & Peggy Richardson • Dennis Sabot • Theresa Steadman WILLIAM F. MCCARTHY FUND: Community Shelter Services • Engel O’Neill Advertising • Felix & Gloeckler, PC • Ronald & Diane Slomski ANNUAL APPEAL: Marco & Edith Alberico • Edward & Carol Allgeier • James Allman • Jill Barlow • Rebecca & John Beham • Carol Bitting • Jacqueline Breakstone • Richard & Catharina Buys • Drs. Penny Chapman & J. P. Daily • Chiropractic Works • The Honorable William Cunningham • Charles Curie • Mary Ann Curtze • Edward & Christine Dahlkemper • Duggan’s Service and Appliance Company • East Erie Moose Family Center #593 • GE United Way Campaign • Barbara Gage & Andrew Laughland • Cathy Gage • Michael & Janis Gage • Atty. Edward & Rita Goebel • Rich Griffith • Dr. Douglas & Kathryn Grisier • Joseph & Karen Gwitt • Thomas & Susan Hagen • David & Lindsey Holland Jr. • David & Eta Howell • Hubbard-Bert Inc. • Paul Kiehl • Wayne & Robin Koble • Koldrock Waters Inc. • Christopher & Gail Komora • Howard & Mary Lincoln • Lord Corporation • William F. McCarthy • Elynor McIntosh • Michael Martin • Wyatt Miczo • Azzam & Cecelia Muhanna • Emily Oborski • Richard Olinger • Mary Olivere • Todd Owens • Jerome & Mary Ann Pelkowski • Patricia Rowley • Anne Scalise • Dr. Peter & Eleanor Scibetta • Lita Schaaf • Slovak National Club • South Erie Turners • Dale & LuAnn Shidemantle • Ronald & Diane Slomski • Edward Staab •

Client Success Story: Tiara Triana thrives thanks to Client Wellness Fund Tiara Triana’s typical day consists of a strict regimen.

CLINICAL SERVICES • Crawford County Crisis Services • Crawford and Erie County Outpatient Mental Health Clinics • Forensic Specialized Outpatient Clinic

After returning home from classes at the Fortis Institute, the 29-year-old mother greets her daughter, Elishia, 10, as she walks off the school bus. The two then grab a bite of dinner and bear down on homework. By evening, the mother-daughter team, fortified and invigorated, departs for the Glenwood Park YMCA, a site that provides Tiara an emotional escape—filling a role similar to the one played by drugs and alcohol not long ago. But she is in a better place now, one where she can swim with Elishia, take part in Zumba and aerobics classes, and conclude with a taxing yet ultimately rewarding treadmill workout. “When you get on the treadmill and you put your earphones in, nothing else matters,” she said. “You keep busy, you’re sweating. By the time you finish, you’re tired but you know you’ve accomplished something.” Tiara is one of dozens of people utilizing Stairways’ Client Wellness Fund, which supports individuals in their wellness initiatives by providing things such as nutritional activities, sneakers and fitness memberships. Having dealt with weight issues for much of her life, Tiara considered Lap-Band surgery, but decided instead to dedicate herself to diet and exercise thanks in part to the Y membership she acquired through the Client Wellness Fund. “I’ve been wanting to lose weight for a while and it’s something I’ve had to deal with most of my life,” she said. “The more I thought about it the more I thought, ‘no I can do this myself.’” For Tiara, as anyone, the word “wellness” implies so much more than physical fitness. While the weight she has burned off is a pleasant visual representation of her progress, it is just the surface. “I can’t think of an area that I haven’t seen growth in her,” said Melissa Merriam, Tiara’s Blended Case Manager at Stairways. Tiara’s pursuit of wellness was born out of a realization

Stairways Programs

COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRIC & REHABILITATIVE CARE • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) that she was not in control. Drugs and alcohol were determining the course of her life, and she couldn’t break its hold. Growing up the daughter of alcoholics, Tiara was introduced to substance abuse at an early age. She started using marijuana, and by her teen years, was dealing. In 2007, she was arrested for distribution of cocaine, for which she eventually served more than two years and recently completed probation. While awaiting trial, Tiara used alcohol to cope with the pain of her impending prison sentence and the thought of being away from her daughter. It was Elishia, however, who served as Tiara’s motivation to seek help for her addictions. “The biggest thing was admitting that I was an alcoholic,” she said. “It hurt when my daughter would ask ‘Mommy, do you know what you did last night?’ And no, I didn’t.” With the help of Merriam and SBH, Tiara has refocused herself toward a holistic sense of health she had previously never experienced. She is engaged to be married in the process of addressing another issue she feels is critical to her well-being: her past.

RECOVERY & REHABILITATION • Blended Case Management for Youth and Adults • Certified Peer Specialists • Mobile Medication Monitoring • Psychiatric Rehabilitative Services (PRS) RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS • Fairweather Lodge • Gage House Dual Diagnosis Residential Treatment • Long Term Structured Residence • Personal Care Homes • Residential Treatment Facility for Adults AFFILIATED PROGRAMS • BLOOM CollaborativeSM • New Opportunities EAP • Opportunities Unlimited of Erie


Unduplicated Clients Served: Total Served............................... 9,948 Total Adults Served................... 9,424 Total Children Served...................524 ADULT SERVICES Assertive Community Treatment ............103 Blended Case Management.................. 1,634 BLOOM Collaborative............................... 1,162 Certified Peer Specialists.............................. 75 Counseling Center.............................................5 CROMISA............................................................ 44 Erie Prison D&A Treatment.......................242 Erie Prison MH Treatment.......................1,109 Fairweather Lodge.......................................... 56 Gage House Dual Diagnosis Residential........................................................ 181 Homestead Apartments..................................4 Mobile Crisis Services..................................723 Mobile Medication Management...........248 Outpatient D&A Treatment.......................857 Outpatient MH Treatment..................... 6,541 Personal Care Home...................................... 42 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services.........386 Residential Treatment Facility for Adults...........................................386

CHILDREN’S SERVICES Mobile Crisis Services..................................194 Outpatient MH Treatment......................... 317 Blended Case Management........................ 55

Tiara has made peace with both of her parents, including her father, whom she used to get high with. She continues to strive for growth—one stride, stroke and repetition at a time each evening with Elishia.

Dr. Charles & Beatrice Stiles • Daniel & Mary Ann Tempestini • Philip & Cheryl Tylkowski • Dennis & Amelia Vidmar • Maurice and Dorothy Vash • Walker Real Estate • Wesleyville American Legion Carl Neff Post 571 • Merle & Phoebe Wood • Philip & Cathy Zacks CLIENT ASSISTANCE FUND: American Legion Auxiliary – East Erie Unit 771 • Scott Baldi • Julie Belton • Teresa Corapi • Joe Crotty • Ed Cunningham • Employees Community Service Fund of GE • Erie Elks Lodge #67 • Bill Gartner • Marilyn Goss • Howard Industries • La Nuova Aurora Society • Lee Rohan • Rich Salter • Josh Thayer • Joe Turano • Jeremy Walker • Crystal Whaley • Zukor Club GRANTS AND FOUNDATION SUPPORT: AON Foundation • Achieva Family Trust • Erie Arts and Culture • The Bloomstine Family Foundation of the Erie Community Foundation • The Cafaro Foundation • Erie County Department of Human Services • GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program • Kern Family Foundation Fund of the Erie Community Foundation • PNC Financial Services Group • Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services • Pennsylvania Department of Education: Division of Adult Education • Pennsylvania Department of Human Services • Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts • The William M. & Frances Schuster Fund of the Erie Community Foundation • Wallerstein Family Foundation Fund IN-KIND DONATIONS: Andrea Anderson • Erica Anderson • Deborah Anthony • Ann Marie Bailey • Laurie Bizzarro • James Borowy • Carlene Boykin • Ashley Carroll • Kimberlea Casey • Heather May Caspar • Khadijah Clanton

• Rebecca Clark • Patricia Cloyd • Amanda Cole • Joseph Corapi • Joseph Crotty • Mary Custer • Jeanne Daugherty • Kerry Dieter • Robin Dowling • Estate of Cynthia Ebbrecht • Ann Marie Ernst • Christina Freely • Amanda Ferguson • Fortis Institute Cosmetology Department • Juanita Gangemi • Wilson Garcia • William Gartner • Lisa Gingenbach • Ashley Gleason • Daria Grabowski • Kayla Guriel • Sona Hernandez • Alicia Hodges • Megan Holman • Heather Howell • Jana Johnson-Zybowski • Rose Johnston • Thomas Kirkwood • Christopher Knoll • Pamela Knouse • Linda Krahe • Henry Krol • Lori Kruszewski • Atty. Michael Lawson • Joshua Leopold • Janine Lethaby • Christine Linkie • Tina Loomis • Cynthia Lorelli • Gary Lucht • Kim Marsh • Cheryl Martin • Celeste McCallum • Margaret Mechlenberg • Patricia Montie • Erin Mussett • Debra Naughton • Lynn Oborski • Pat Owens • Dr. Jennifer Pasternack • Stacey Petruso • Amanda Phelps • Frank Quinn • Stephanie Rice • Andre Ritchie • Robert Ross • Joan Rowland • Patricia Rowley • Sarah Russell • Sharon Sandberg • Brenda Sanford • David Sawtelle • Amy Schwartz • Karl Seman • Patricia Seman • Marquita Smitherman • Kim Stucke • Dr. Sean Su • Robert Thayer • Kathy Thomas • Brent Vargo • Loretta Verga • Mary Viglione • Wegmans Contribution Committee • Susan Werle • David & Betsy Wiest • Rebecca Wilczynski • Michelle Witsch • Chad Work • Jennifer Wright • Rochelle Youkers • Mary Zamierowski • Andrea Zeiber • Nancy Zohns CANDY CANE BALL: Eriez Magnetics Charitable Contributions Committee

Client Success Story: Tiara Triana thrives thanks to Client Wellness Fund Tiara Triana’s typical day consists of a strict regimen.

CLINICAL SERVICES • Crawford County Crisis Services • Crawford and Erie County Outpatient Mental Health Clinics • Forensic Specialized Outpatient Clinic

After returning home from classes at the Fortis Institute, the 29-year-old mother greets her daughter, Elishia, 10, as she walks off the school bus. The two then grab a bite of dinner and bear down on homework. By evening, the mother-daughter team, fortified and invigorated, departs for the Glenwood Park YMCA, a site that provides Tiara an emotional escape—filling a role similar to the one played by drugs and alcohol not long ago. But she is in a better place now, one where she can swim with Elishia, take part in Zumba and aerobics classes, and conclude with a taxing yet ultimately rewarding treadmill workout. “When you get on the treadmill and you put your earphones in, nothing else matters,” she said. “You keep busy, you’re sweating. By the time you finish, you’re tired but you know you’ve accomplished something.” Tiara is one of dozens of people utilizing Stairways’ Client Wellness Fund, which supports individuals in their wellness initiatives by providing things such as nutritional activities, sneakers and fitness memberships. Having dealt with weight issues for much of her life, Tiara considered Lap-Band surgery, but decided instead to dedicate herself to diet and exercise thanks in part to the Y membership she acquired through the Client Wellness Fund. “I’ve been wanting to lose weight for a while and it’s something I’ve had to deal with most of my life,” she said. “The more I thought about it the more I thought, ‘no I can do this myself.’” For Tiara, as anyone, the word “wellness” implies so much more than physical fitness. While the weight she has burned off is a pleasant visual representation of her progress, it is just the surface. “I can’t think of an area that I haven’t seen growth in her,” said Melissa Merriam, Tiara’s Blended Case Manager at Stairways. Tiara’s pursuit of wellness was born out of a realization

Stairways Programs

COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRIC & REHABILITATIVE CARE • Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) that she was not in control. Drugs and alcohol were determining the course of her life, and she couldn’t break its hold. Growing up the daughter of alcoholics, Tiara was introduced to substance abuse at an early age. She started using marijuana, and by her teen years, was dealing. In 2007, she was arrested for distribution of cocaine, for which she eventually served more than two years and recently completed probation. While awaiting trial, Tiara used alcohol to cope with the pain of her impending prison sentence and the thought of being away from her daughter. It was Elishia, however, who served as Tiara’s motivation to seek help for her addictions. “The biggest thing was admitting that I was an alcoholic,” she said. “It hurt when my daughter would ask ‘Mommy, do you know what you did last night?’ And no, I didn’t.” With the help of Merriam and SBH, Tiara has refocused herself toward a holistic sense of health she had previously never experienced. She is engaged to be married in the process of addressing another issue she feels is critical to her well-being: her past.

RECOVERY & REHABILITATION • Blended Case Management for Youth and Adults • Certified Peer Specialists • Mobile Medication Monitoring • Psychiatric Rehabilitative Services (PRS) RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS • Fairweather Lodge • Gage House Dual Diagnosis Residential Treatment • Long Term Structured Residence • Personal Care Homes • Residential Treatment Facility for Adults AFFILIATED PROGRAMS • BLOOM CollaborativeSM • New Opportunities EAP • Opportunities Unlimited of Erie


Unduplicated Clients Served: Total Served............................... 9,948 Total Adults Served................... 9,424 Total Children Served...................524 ADULT SERVICES Assertive Community Treatment ............103 Blended Case Management.................. 1,634 BLOOM Collaborative............................... 1,162 Certified Peer Specialists.............................. 75 Counseling Center.............................................5 CROMISA............................................................ 44 Erie Prison D&A Treatment.......................242 Erie Prison MH Treatment.......................1,109 Fairweather Lodge.......................................... 56 Gage House Dual Diagnosis Residential........................................................ 181 Homestead Apartments..................................4 Mobile Crisis Services..................................723 Mobile Medication Management...........248 Outpatient D&A Treatment.......................857 Outpatient MH Treatment..................... 6,541 Personal Care Home...................................... 42 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services.........386 Residential Treatment Facility for Adults...........................................386

CHILDREN’S SERVICES Mobile Crisis Services..................................194 Outpatient MH Treatment......................... 317 Blended Case Management........................ 55

Tiara has made peace with both of her parents, including her father, whom she used to get high with. She continues to strive for growth—one stride, stroke and repetition at a time each evening with Elishia.

Dr. Charles & Beatrice Stiles • Daniel & Mary Ann Tempestini • Philip & Cheryl Tylkowski • Dennis & Amelia Vidmar • Maurice and Dorothy Vash • Walker Real Estate • Wesleyville American Legion Carl Neff Post 571 • Merle & Phoebe Wood • Philip & Cathy Zacks CLIENT ASSISTANCE FUND: American Legion Auxiliary – East Erie Unit 771 • Scott Baldi • Julie Belton • Teresa Corapi • Joe Crotty • Ed Cunningham • Employees Community Service Fund of GE • Erie Elks Lodge #67 • Bill Gartner • Marilyn Goss • Howard Industries • La Nuova Aurora Society • Lee Rohan • Rich Salter • Josh Thayer • Joe Turano • Jeremy Walker • Crystal Whaley • Zukor Club GRANTS AND FOUNDATION SUPPORT: AON Foundation • Achieva Family Trust • Erie Arts and Culture • The Bloomstine Family Foundation of the Erie Community Foundation • The Cafaro Foundation • Erie County Department of Human Services • GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program • Kern Family Foundation Fund of the Erie Community Foundation • PNC Financial Services Group • Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services • Pennsylvania Department of Education: Division of Adult Education • Pennsylvania Department of Human Services • Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts • The William M. & Frances Schuster Fund of the Erie Community Foundation • Wallerstein Family Foundation Fund IN-KIND DONATIONS: Andrea Anderson • Erica Anderson • Deborah Anthony • Ann Marie Bailey • Laurie Bizzarro • James Borowy • Carlene Boykin • Ashley Carroll • Kimberlea Casey • Heather May Caspar • Khadijah Clanton

• Rebecca Clark • Patricia Cloyd • Amanda Cole • Joseph Corapi • Joseph Crotty • Mary Custer • Jeanne Daugherty • Kerry Dieter • Robin Dowling • Estate of Cynthia Ebbrecht • Ann Marie Ernst • Christina Freely • Amanda Ferguson • Fortis Institute Cosmetology Department • Juanita Gangemi • Wilson Garcia • William Gartner • Lisa Gingenbach • Ashley Gleason • Daria Grabowski • Kayla Guriel • Sona Hernandez • Alicia Hodges • Megan Holman • Heather Howell • Jana Johnson-Zybowski • Rose Johnston • Thomas Kirkwood • Christopher Knoll • Pamela Knouse • Linda Krahe • Henry Krol • Lori Kruszewski • Atty. Michael Lawson • Joshua Leopold • Janine Lethaby • Christine Linkie • Tina Loomis • Cynthia Lorelli • Gary Lucht • Kim Marsh • Cheryl Martin • Celeste McCallum • Margaret Mechlenberg • Patricia Montie • Erin Mussett • Debra Naughton • Lynn Oborski • Pat Owens • Dr. Jennifer Pasternack • Stacey Petruso • Amanda Phelps • Frank Quinn • Stephanie Rice • Andre Ritchie • Robert Ross • Joan Rowland • Patricia Rowley • Sarah Russell • Sharon Sandberg • Brenda Sanford • David Sawtelle • Amy Schwartz • Karl Seman • Patricia Seman • Marquita Smitherman • Kim Stucke • Dr. Sean Su • Robert Thayer • Kathy Thomas • Brent Vargo • Loretta Verga • Mary Viglione • Wegmans Contribution Committee • Susan Werle • David & Betsy Wiest • Rebecca Wilczynski • Michelle Witsch • Chad Work • Jennifer Wright • Rochelle Youkers • Mary Zamierowski • Andrea Zeiber • Nancy Zohns CANDY CANE BALL: Eriez Magnetics Charitable Contributions Committee

Client Success Story: Andy Anderson finds passion, bonds in music in the local band Money Shot, which performs across the Erie region. The thrill of entertaining audiences can be exhilarating—and equally daunting, says Andy, whose self-confidence has also improved since he started performing. “It’s always harder to do it on stage than in the studio,” Andy says. “I’ve heard that the Beatles said the same thing.” But most of all, however, Andy has forged meaningful friendships through music and his involvement with Money Shot. “I’ve seen how these guys impact my life,” he says. Karl and Andy Anderson can rattle off facts about the Beatles as if they personally knew the Fab Four.

Karl, 61, offers another perspective.

“Twist and Shout was recorded when John Lennon was nursing a cold and drinking milk and sucking on lozenges,” Karl says. “But for whatever reason it worked.”

“I think Tito and Swan are the brothers he’s never had,” says Karl referring to the band’s lead vocalist and drummer.

Andy, not to be outdone, counters by mentioning the contributions of the band’s producer, George Martin. “People are always stunned at how well I know these things,” he says. “I just read these things online.” Their familiarity with music isn’t merely limited to little-known trivia, as Karl and Andy fancy themselves performers as well. A staple on the local karaoke scene, the Andersons have found a shared passion in performing for an audience on stage. “It’s just about getting up there and having fun,” says Andy, who also plays the guitar and harmonica. While performing each week has provided an opportunity for bonding, it has also proved to be therapeutic for Andy, 34, who was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder as a teenager. “Music is a way you can express yourself and just let it out,” Andy says. “But you don’t want to go overboard because you can blow out your vocal chords.” For the more than 10 years, Andy has also participated

Tito, for his part, reciprocated Karl’s sentiment. “I know that every time I look over and see him jamming with a big smile on his face it makes me smile right along with all of the people who come out to be entertained,” he said. “Andy is not just a band member, but really has become like a little brother to me.” With medication along with case management and psychiatric rehabilitation services from Stairways Behavioral Health, Andy feels a greater sense of self and improved mood. “I’ve had a very positive experience at Stairways,” Andy says. “I know if I have a problem, Stairways is there for me.”

ERIE GIVES: Anonymous (7) • Nicole Barclay Swanson • Kate Bender • Joe & Laurie Bizzarro • John & Denise Braeger • David & Dr. Nancy Briggs • Dennis & Katherine Cantoni • Jim & Heather May Caspar • Rebecca Clark • Mary Ellen Dahlkemper & Ed Lesser • Pete & Lorraine Danielewicz • Scott Deal • Bill & Sally DeWitt • Donna Douglass • Walter & Joan Harf • John C. Harkins • Robert & Phyllis Herbstritt • Andrea Hoffman • David & Patricia Holland • Virginia Huges • Lucy John • Eugene Kennedy • Bruce & Nancy Kern • Hagan Business Machines Inc. • Wayne and Robin Koble • Stephen Kocienski • Henry Krol • Fred & Marietta Kuehn • Stairways Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services and Certified Peer Specialist staff • Gary & Cheryl Lucht • James Meyer • Nolan’s Pine Avenue Auto Sales • Denis O’Brien • Kevin & Susan O’Connell • Timothy Olszewski • Dr. Jennifer Pasternack • Atty. Mark O. Prenatt • Elizabeth Ramsey • Al & Peggy Richardson • Joan Rowland • Mark J. Salvia • Nels & Lois Sandberg • Ruth Ann Scanzillo • Claudia Schlaak • Ron & Diane Slomski • Dr. Tony Snow & Kathy Iorio • Kim Stucke • Mr. and Mrs. David Trost • Sam & Janet Trychin • Mark W. Williams, CPA • Dr. Thomas & Annette Wittmann • Janet & Rick York • Philip & Cathy Zacks TREAD ON STIGMA – STAIRWAYS 5K WALK/RUN: Eriez Magnetics Charitable Contributions Committee MEMORIALS: In memory of Herb Gold – David & Eta Howell In memory of Kevin Grucza – James & Ruth Brady In memory of Margaret Hook – Urban & Rosalie LaRiccia In memory of Annette Kimmel – Rick & Mindy Cohen

Client Success Story: Visits to BLOOM serve as special time for mother, son Art can convey such powerful imagery that speech is often rendered insufficient in its ability to convey emotion.

they agree upon a final product. “It’s really fun for a parent to do something productive and fun with their child,” Ruby says. “He’s happy here because he gets to see the finished product, he’s praised for his work and feels appreciated.”

For Ruby Homsi and Mahmoud Hussein, no words are needed. Their communication can be seen in the teamwork they demonstrate as Mahmoud carefully examines the exterior of a pear-shaped gourd that will soon be his canvas. Ruby offers a prompt to reclaim her son’s attention from the ambient bustle inside BLOOM Collaborative’s Carriage House Studio. “C’mon, we don’t have all day,” Ruby jokes, causing a faint smile to emerge on Mahmoud’s face. “This is our best time,” says Ruby, who emigrated from Syria in 1975 and attends BLOOM’s open studio with her son. “It’s really something to

The finished works have sold at BLOOM’s gallery, the Barber National Institute’s spring art show and are on display at LECOM.

look forward to every week.” That something had been difficult to come by. Mahmoud, 23, has autism and is limited in his verbal capabilities. Finding a setting where they could bond over a shared interest while also accommodating Mahmoud’s needs was a challenge. That is until she heard about BLOOM. Here, Mahmoud and Ruby work in unison to create, paint and produce pieces while learning about one another through art. “We had gotten to where I was really more of a nagging mom,” she says. “Here, we more cooperate. I’ll show him how to choose a brush, clean a brush and where to paint, and he’ll go from there.” Ruby and Mahmoud use a variety of mediums, but nowhere are their skills as evident as in their work on their signature creation: gourds. They alternate the carving, drawing, painting and engraving steps until

In producing art, Ruby notes, Mahmoud is not only able to satisfy his need for stimulation, but express himself in a way that comes naturally and is authentic. “Any kind of art is self-stimulation,” Ruby says. “That’s a good thing because it takes something that is seen as a symptom of the diagnosis and makes it into a positive, creative and accepted product.” While Mahmoud’s sense of color and attention to detail are evident — Ruby cites the burned engraving as his favorite step — it is his ability to recognize facial expressions that stands out in his art. “It is remarkable for someone with autism,” she says. “Normally people don’t recognize the expressions.” However, the most telling expressions are the smiles Ruby and Mahmoud have when leaving the studio. “I like working with him a lot,” Ruby says. “It brings us together.”

Donna Douglass • Frederick & Theresa Fiedler • The GE Foundation • Lindsey Kincaid • Stephen Kocienski • James Meyer • Al & Peggy Richardson • Dennis Sabot • Theresa Steadman WILLIAM F. MCCARTHY FUND: Community Shelter Services • Engel O’Neill Advertising • Felix & Gloeckler, PC • Ronald & Diane Slomski ANNUAL APPEAL: Marco & Edith Alberico • Edward & Carol Allgeier • James Allman • Jill Barlow • Rebecca & John Beham • Carol Bitting • Jacqueline Breakstone • Richard & Catharina Buys • Drs. Penny Chapman & J. P. Daily • Chiropractic Works • The Honorable William Cunningham • Charles Curie • Mary Ann Curtze • Edward & Christine Dahlkemper • Duggan’s Service and Appliance Company • East Erie Moose Family Center #593 • GE United Way Campaign • Barbara Gage & Andrew Laughland • Cathy Gage • Michael & Janis Gage • Atty. Edward & Rita Goebel • Rich Griffith • Dr. Douglas & Kathryn Grisier • Joseph & Karen Gwitt • Thomas & Susan Hagen • David & Lindsey Holland Jr. • David & Eta Howell • Hubbard-Bert Inc. • Paul Kiehl • Wayne & Robin Koble • Koldrock Waters Inc. • Christopher & Gail Komora • Howard & Mary Lincoln • Lord Corporation • William F. McCarthy • Elynor McIntosh • Michael Martin • Wyatt Miczo • Azzam & Cecelia Muhanna • Emily Oborski • Richard Olinger • Mary Olivere • Todd Owens • Jerome & Mary Ann Pelkowski • Patricia Rowley • Anne Scalise • Dr. Peter & Eleanor Scibetta • Lita Schaaf • Slovak National Club • South Erie Turners • Dale & LuAnn Shidemantle • Ronald & Diane Slomski • Edward Staab •

A Note from Our Executive Director

Revenue by Source

Operating Expenses

I am honored and proud to address the Erie community and our constituents in the 2014/2015 Stairways Behavioral Health Annual Report.

TOTAL REVENUE................. $26,281,119

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES........................... $25,573,730

A little over a year ago, I began a journey as the Executive Director of this exceptional organization, eager to positively influence its direction. I began by connecting with the esteemed Board of Directors, the staff and our clients to absorb the culture and rich history of Stairways, and was immediately moved by the incredible vitality within. I then widened this circle by reaching out to many of our respected sister organizations and community leaders to acquire knowledge and establish partnerships that would help to move Stairways into a new era. Our mission and values speak to who we are as an organization but the individuals served, our colleagues, Board of Directors, and community stakeholders provide inspiration as we constantly strive for the most effective, innovative models and approaches. There is still work to be done to advance our mission and we face many challenges in an ever-evolving healthcare system. Yet the obstacles are not insurmountable if we establish solid goals and diligently work toward them together. We inspire one another to reach higher and achieve more because of our many strengths, including financial stability, clinical evidenced-based practices, and the promising activities evidenced throughout this report. As we begin to forecast what is to come and delve into our strategic planning process, I can say that our future is bright! Within this report you will find information about our outcomes, program statistics, and a financial summary. You will also read moving stories of recovery by several individuals who received services at Stairways. They inspire me every day as they move on their divergent recovery paths – some long, some short, some filled with obstacles, others less so – but every one so important! When you read about the support of our dedicated staff in changing people’s lives you can’t help but be inspired. These successes are powerful motivation to become a better person, do a better job, reach a little higher and offer hope to everyone on their recovery journeys by seeking the most progressive services at Stairways. I hope you will be inspired, as I am, by all that Stairways has to offer!

Care Partners.................53.61% • Managed Erie County Department • of Human Services..........................23.39% and Medicare.................. 4.32% • Medicaid New Opportunities EAP.................. 4.07% • Crawford County Department • of Human Services.............................3.92% Income*................... 3.56% • Miscellaneous Pennsylvania Department • of Education......................................... 2.58% Income..................................... 2.28% • Rental Pay Insurance.................1.22% • Private Erie County Office of • Drug & Alcohol.................1.06% * Includes Homeplus, investments, CROMISA, adult probation, BCC Re-Entry contract, donations, grants and BLOOM Collaborative

Direct Service Hours Provided:

Best regards,

Valerie J. Vicari, Executive Director

Wages, Salary & Benefits............. 74.73% • Professional Consultants................. 8.77% • Occupancy............................................ 6.65% • Supplies & Equipment.....................4.49% • Maintenance & Other • Operating Expenses..........................3.46% Travel...................................................... 1.90% •

Total Combined Hours.................. 167,958 Outpatient................................................. 76,792 Mobile Staff...............................................91,166

• •

Total Combined Hours.....................167,958 Physician, CRNP, PA, Nurses......................12,460 Therapists..................................................... 64,341 Mental Health Professionals......................91,157

• • •

2014—2015 Board of Directors Chairperson Dr. Kristine Nelson, D.C. • Secretary Laura Schaaf • Acting Treasurer & Immediate Past Chair: Wayne Koble • Directors: Maurice Cashman • Richard Esch • Craig Hartburg • Kurt Hersch • Andrea Hoffman, M.S.N., R.N., C.N.A. • David E. Holland, Esq. • William Kennedy • Gregory LaRocca • James P. Renshaw • Dr. R. Anthony Snow, M.D.

THANK YOU, DONORS! Through your support, we were able to impact the lives of 9,765 youth and adults. LAURA

WALLERSTEIN STAIRWAYS TO HOPE SOCIETY: Anonymous Donors (2) • David & Cecile* Armor • John Bloomstine • Gary & Donna Boetger • Trisha Cloyd • Joseph B. Dahlkemper • Mary Ellen Dahlkemper • Ed Dawson • Atty. Ed & Rita Goebel • Joan Harf • Andrea Hoffman • Atty. David & Patricia Holland • Ida Jean Holman • Robert & Margaret* Huber • Annette Kimmel* • Patricia Liebel • Rabbi Leonard & Faith Lifshen • Lindemuth Family Trust • Kathleen Longley • Thomas Masters, DO • William F. & Mary Ann McCarthy • Ben* & Betty* McCloskey • Emma Lee McCloskey • Ellen Callahan • Wilfred Noel* • Catherine O’Mara* • Nancy O’Neill in memory of Chelsey* Joanne O’Neill • Barbara & Albert* Pett • Corinne Ray* • Al & Peggy Richardson • Lillian Roudebush* • Herb & Jessie Rubinfield • Charles* & Lita Schaaf • Mary E. Schaaf • Gary & Susan Schneider • William M.* & Frances* Schuster • Harold “Skip” Simmons & Jennifer* Pool • Kim Stucke • Laura W.* & Leon* Wallerstein Jr. • David Wooledge • Edward* & Ruth* Zacks - The Zacks Family Fund • (*Deceased) STAIRWAYS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ENDOWMENT FUND: Kathy Thomas-Ibemere • Henry Krol THE MOSHE LIFSHEN FUND FOR BLOOM COLLABORATIVE: Anthony & Betty Amatangelo • Scott Deal •

In memory of Jay Komora – Christopher & Gail Komora In memory of Sally Ann Oblinski – Stairways Behavioral Health In memory of David L. Scarpitti Sr. – Evelyn Finnecy • NASA • Stairways Behavioral Health • David & Carolyn Wyler In memory of Ron Shilling – Douglas & Linda Dunbar In memory of Davey Steadman – Theresa Steadman In memory of Leon & Laura Wallerstein – The Wallerstein Family Foundation Fund TRIBUTE GIFTS: In honor of Mary Therese Goebel – Betty Motsch In honor of Lee Steadman – Theresa Steadman In honor of John Stolar’s 60th Birthday – David Slomski For more information on any of these giving opportunities, visit our website at www.StairwaysBH.org or contact Kim Stucke at 814-878-2170. All financial contributions listed within these pages include donations received between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. We sincerely apologize for any errors. Please alert us to corrections by contacting Juanita Gangemi at 814-878-2071 or jgangemi@StairwaysBH.org. THANK YOU!

Joint Commission Accredited Stairways is accredited by the Joint Commission, the gold seal of the health care industry in the USA. Stairways has earned and maintained accreditation since 1999. The Gold Seal of Approval® is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to providing safe and effective care.

Stairways Behavioral Health is a member of Journey Health System

2185 W. 8th St. • Erie, PA 16505 888-453-5806 (toll free)



Stairways Behavioral Health assists persons with mental health care needs at any stage of life in their recovery by providing comprehensive rehabilitation, treatment and supports essential for living, working, learning and participating fully in the community.


Our Mission

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