STAHS Prep School Prospectus

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Thinking beyond an ordinary education

At STAHS, we are always thinking beyond; that’s why everything we do is geared towards preparing our pupils not just for their next steps, but for achieving their long-term goals. We call this our Teach to 25 philosophy. Our vision is that each child is supported to become a happy, resilient young person who embraces life’s challenges and opportunities. STAHS pupils not only achieve excellent academic outcomes, but, more importantly, are prepared to live lives of consequence and make a meaningful impact on the world.

From our Character Education programme, which starts in Reception, to our Super-Curriculum that stretches pupils beyond the limits of exam specifications, to our formal two-year leadership programme for Sixth Formers, Teach to 25 runs through every aspect of a STAHS education. STAHS pupils gain the skills, independence and knowledge needed to navigate their path in the critical early years of adult life.

We are very proud to be consistently ranked amongst the best independent schools in the UK. We have sky-high expectations for and of our pupils and our world-class teaching and rich curriculum help them achieve their ambitions. In and outside the classroom, our pupils are encouraged to and rewarded for giving their best, whatever their passions and aspirations. You’ll see from our leavers’ destinations that we do not cater for a narrow selection of specialist subjects. Each year, the range of courses, universities and other higher education options that our Year 13 leavers embark upon is as varied and individual as they are. Rather than following the crowd, they blaze their own trails. I could not be prouder of them.

Our support extends beyond a pupil’s school years. When you join STAHS, as a pupil and as a family, you join a warm and giving community for life. Our alumni network is global, interconnected and part of day-to-day life at STAHS, providing invaluable advice, mentoring, guidance and support for pupils. As parents, you will not spend long with us before you’ll be invited for a talk or workshop led by someone from our diverse and wide-reaching network. As a pupil, you will benefit from this network from your first day at STAHS and beyond – through your working life and even into retirement!

A STAHS education is truly extraordinary. This prospectus gives a glimpse of what makes us exceptional. But nothing is the same as a visit – STAHS has great warmth and such a buzz of excitement about it that it must be felt in person. I do hope you will visit us soon to see for yourself. You will be very welcome.

Our vision is that each child is supported to become a happy, resilient young person who embraces life’s challenges and opportunities.

Our Teach to 25 philosophy

At STAHS, we think beyond an ordinary education; that’s why everything we do is geared towards preparing our pupils for their future. We call this our Teach to 25 philosophy. Our vision is for each child to become a happy, resilient young person who embraces opportunities. It’s how pupils at STAHS are prepared to live lives of consequence.



An intellectual buzz


Our compassionate, outward-looking ethos

As a school and as individuals we are acutely in tune with the world around us. We celebrate the richness of our diverse culture, work hard to nurture our collective moral compass, and enthusiastically engage in the local community. At STAHS, kindness and generosity of spirit are as important as academic excellence.

We are a proudly academic community. We ignite and nurture the joy of scholarship in our pupils. They thrive in an environment of challenge and ambition – bold ideas, creativity, innovation and success are encouraged and celebrated.

Our forward-thinking mindset

We are the forward-thinking choice for academic excellence, passionate about progress and always challenging conventions to better prepare children for their futures.


Welcome to the Prep School!

Here, we lay the foundations for each girl to have an inspiring, joyful and intellectually stimulating start to her STAHS educational journey.

At Prep, we are unashamedly ambitious for the girls, and we equip them with the necessary skills to embrace all of life’s opportunities. They are stretched and challenged by a blend of expert class and subject-specialist teachers, and they thrive in our warm and caring community set in 18 acres of field and woodland.

Our Teach to 25 philosophy underpins all that we do at STAHS. This starts at Prep where the girls increase their resilience, develop their moral compass and ignite a love of learning that will set them on course to be successful beyond their formative years of education and on into adult life.

Academic ambition and a real sense of adventure go hand in hand at Prep. Our pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves, try new things and pursue their passions. From performing in front of packed audiences and competing in multiple fixtures, to designing, building and driving their own car, the breadth of opportunity is incredible.

We are proud to be a genuine ‘through-school’, with our aims, values and expertise shared across Prep and Senior. Most girls transition seamlessly to the Senior School, without the pressure (or restrictions) of 11+ examinations, meaning that we can focus on making the primary years really count.

We recognise that these are invaluable years for your children. That is why ensuring that we have happy girls who have a joyful prep school experience is absolutely core to our ethos. Every girl is valued for who they are and what they bring to our school. We respect and celebrate difference, and we enjoy learning from each other. This is because we know that happy girls, who feel a strong sense of belonging, learn best!

I am incredibly proud to lead this wonderful Prep School and its exceptional staff. You can learn a lot about a school from its prospectus or website, but nothing beats a visit. Please do come and see for yourself why STAHS Prep is such an inspiring place to grow and learn; the pupils and I would love to meet you.






At STAHS we aim to inspire a love of Mathematics in every girl. To do this, we focus on developing the girls’ key number skills at an early age, teaching them how to apply these to different problem-solving scenarios in a fun and stimulating way, with lots of games, investigations and extension activities for them to explore. STAHS Prep pupils typically love Maths and thrive in the challenging but supportive environment that we provide.

Science at STAHS Prep is exciting, engaging and thought-provoking. Our curriculum is designed to foster independence and develop inquiring minds through challenging experimental work. From Year 3 upwards, the girls learn in a purposebuilt laboratory. We teach them how to evaluate evidence and understand scientific technique, as well as providing the knowledge they need to understand the world around them.

modelling to evaluation and refinement. The pupils also begin to explore CAD (computer assisted design) programmes.


Our Humanities programme enables the children to develop an understanding of the past and their place in history as well as the world around them. Through a combination of direct instruction and research, the girls learn to question, understand, gain insights into the past, the world, other cultures and religions, reflecting on ideas and debates. Lessons are enhanced by educational visits to places of special interest and theme days.

Performing and Creative Arts

As you walk around the Prep, you can feel an almost tangible intellectual buzz. We are constantly developing what we are teaching and why we are teaching it so that it is relevant for today’s pupils. Each girl is challenged, supported and nurtured by their class teacher, who will teach them the majority of the core subjects. Pupils also receive subject-specialist teaching in areas such as sport, music, languages, art, computing and science as they move up the Prep, igniting a love of learning across a whole host of subjects.


Communication is at the heart of our curriculum at STAHS Prep. In English, the girls develop a love of reading, writing, speaking and listening as they are exposed to a variety of exciting, challenging and diverse topics, texts and genres. Through the study of these texts, ranging from the classics to the modern-day greats, our pupils not only read for pleasure, but they develop the analytical, creative and debating skills which they can use to access all subjects at a high level.

To supplement the core English curriculum, all girls are taught French from Reception and Mandarin from Year 4 in a fun and engaging way by specialist teachers. Lessons focus on both language acquisition and cultural understanding, helping the girls to develop a global outlook.


Pupils receive over two hours of physical education per week from our dedicated Sports Department. A balanced provision of competitive opportunities and ‘activity for all’ allow pupils to develop a lifelong passion for sport and physical activity. Through a varied Physical Education curriculum, pupils develop physically and creatively through activities such as gymnastics, fitness and swimming. Within the Games programme, all pupils develop teamwork, tactical awareness and a competitive edge in traditional team sports. These include netball, lacrosse, football and cricket.

All pupils learn Computing in our state-of-the-art computing suite. Coding forms an integral part of our curriculum and, as they progress through Prep, the girls learn to code on various programs and see their code in action by programming computer games and physical robots. To support children in becoming good digital citizens (as well as excellent users of technology) pupils from Year 3 are provided with their own iPads to support their learning across the curriculum.

The children complete a variety of Design and Technology projects through construction, textile and food projects throughout their time at Prep. In Years 5 and 6, the pupils follow an Engineering scheme of work, enabling them to find the solution to problems, from the design stage through

Weekly lessons in Music, Art and Drama from Reception allow our pupils to develop their creativity and passion for the arts. Our inspiring Music Department supports girls to reach high levels in both creating and performing music.

Art is taught in a specialist studio and lessons provide opportunities for the children to develop in areas such as drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles and sculpture. Each child has their own sketchbook and this is used extensively for the development of technique, the exploration of ideas, and research into the work of artists and the art of other cultures.

Ensuring that every child feels confident in speaking in front of others is an essential component of our Drama curriculum, where emotions are explored as well as performance skills honed, resulting in each child performing in their own class play annually, a highlight for children and parents alike.



All our pupils are members of a House: Julian, Mandeville, Verulam or Paris, each named after a historic local dignitary. The House system is used for many different competitions and pupils earn rewards for their Houses through good behaviour and attitude to learning. They also provide a focus for Charity Days and fundraising activities.

Within each House are House Families comprised of pupils from Reception to Year 6, headed by a member of staff. These families enjoy activities together at regular intervals throughout the year, allowing pupils to make friendships across year groups and giving older children opportunities to mentor and support younger ones.

Pupils stay in their Houses when they move to STAHS Senior, further strengthening the bonds with others in the House and embedding an identity that stays with them when they become alumni.


Ours is a close and kind community where every child’s needs are recognised. The children are encouraged to strive to succeed, make good choices and care for themselves and others, and they do so within a nurturing and supportive environment. Excellent relationships between staff, pupils and parents ensure that each child’s needs are understood, which enables them to thrive.

The Prep School’s Deputy Head Pastoral leads the key adults who support the pupils’ pastoral needs. Our dedicated team of form teachers really get to know the girls in their classes, providing a nurturing environment and guidance when it is required. Our School Chaplain and Nurse are integral to the pastoral care that we provide our pupils.

Student leadership

We encourage all pupils to positively impact our community with their voice and ideas. The elected Prep Pupil Council lead the Eco, Charity, Wellbeing and Pre-Prep Pupil Sub-Committees, while other girls choose to support the School in their areas of interest. In Year 6, pupils are invited to apply for specific leadership positions; they are interviewed by staff and elected into these posts by their peers, as they begin their journey to leading a life of consequence.





























With around 70 clubs on offer to pupils from Year 1 and above, there is ample opportunity for our girls to extend themselves, develop their talents and explore new interests.


We offer over 100 individual instrumental lessons each week in our Performing Arts Centre, helping develop talented and accomplished musicians with a deep love of music. Pupils achieve high grades in external music examinations, and some are awarded instrumental or choral scholarships as they move on to Year 7. We have very popular orchestra, brass, jazz, guitar, recorder and string ensembles, and four large choirs from Years 1 to 6. Close links with the Senior School Music Department bring great opportunities: pupils from Reception to Year 13 take part in the STAHS Young Musician Competition and our most accomplished musicians join the Townsend or Ringwood Bands, Intermediate Orchestra or Junior Chamber Choir at the Senior School.

Creative arts

Our co-curricular offering covers a vast range of creative arts, from sketchbooking to street dance, and from musical theatre to textiles and fabric club, with many girls also achieving highly in the LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) exams.


We make the most of our extensive grounds, with our cross country and orienteering courses, three netball courts, fields and multi-purpose gym. Pupils participate in two Gym and Dance Displays each year and represent the School in numerous competitive fixtures and tournaments. We support and develop some very able sportspeople and have recently competed in national finals in swimming, tennis, athletics, cross country and orienteering, and become national champions in both netball and gymnastics.

Trips and visits

Our extensive trips programme, including visits to the theatre, historic buildings, exhibitions, places of worship and nature reserves, helps bring learning to life and provides a practical context to lessons.

All pupils from Years 3 to 6 take part in an annual residential trip which increases in scope and scale as the girls progress through the Prep School.


Pupils spend a night at Woodrow High House in Buckinghamshire, where they try their hand at nature study and bushcraft.


The girls camp overnight in roundhouses at Celtic Harmony, near Hertford, supporting their history learning while having a fun two days with their friends.


Pupils spend three days at Manor Adventure in Norfolk, engaging in challenging outdoor activities such as kayaking, fencing and aeroball.


In their final Prep residential, pupils spend four nights on the Isle of Wight. Through gently increasing the level of challenge in a secure and caring environment, they develop in both independence and self-confidence.

Residential trips

STAHS is a through-school offering education from the ages of 4–18. Whether joining in Pre-Prep, Prep, Year 7 or Year 12, parents choose us because of the careful balance of pastoral care and support with outstanding teaching and learning.

Our pastoral structure, approach to digital learning and overall curriculum is a journey from Reception to Year 13, with each stage building on previous learning. Moving on from the leafy haven of Prep, as pupils become teenagers they enjoy the buzzing, city school environment of STAHS Senior School.

At the end of Year 6, pupils transition to STAHS Senior School without the need for application or an entrance exam, subject to the Head’s recommendation. In the few cases where the Senior School would not be a good fit, Mr Bryant and his team will alert parents in Year 5 and work very closely with them to find alternative schools. Once in Senior School, the majority of pupils stay with us for Sixth Form.


Pupils go on to join the dynamic global network of thousands of successful STAHS alumni, leading fulfilling lives, giving back to their communities and making the most positive of impacts on the world.

Our alumni represent just about every sector imaginable and are united in their desire to give back to the School and the community that shaped them. Alumni volunteer a wealth of support to STAHS pupils, from sharing their experiences of university choices and admissions, to one-to-one careers advice, and returning to School to deliver inspirational lectures and workshops.





Wrap-around care

For those families who need wrap-around care, the day begins with Breakfast Club from 07.15. Here, the children enjoy a calm and relaxed breakfast with siblings and friends. We offer choices from cereal, toast, a cooked option, yoghurt, fruit and a drink. The children play outside from 08.00 before the school day begins at 08.30.

After-school care, which is available until 18.00, is offered in addition to our after-school clubs. Younger pupils go to classrooms for art and craft activities and a story until 16.30, whilst older pupils complete their homework supervised by a teacher or assistant who can give them help or guidance where necessary. At 16.30, the pupils enjoy a family tea together and after 17.00 they play board games, complete art activities or play outside. We accept childcare vouchers and Tax-Free Childcare for wrap-around care. For routes and prices please visit

07.15–08.00 Breakfast, art and craft activities 08.00–08.30 Outdoor play 08.00–08.30 Co-curricular clubs
Outdoor play, board games, art
15.15–16.30 Pre-Prep
08.30 Registration 08.40 Assembly 09.00 Lesson 1 10.00 Break 10.30 Lesson 2 11.30 Lesson 3 12.00 Lunchtime 12.30–13.10 Co-curricular clubs 13.10 Lesson 4 14.15 Lesson 5 15.00–15.20 Staggered
Reception to Year 6 15.40 Coaches depart 15.15–17.00 Co-curricular clubs Coach network
art and craft; Prep
end to school day –
Daily coaches run to and from the School from surrounding
A coach runs between the Senior
and the Prep every

Visit us

The best way to get to know us is at one of our open events, which showcase the enormous range of opportunities and facilities at STAHS. Alternatively, you can book an individual tour at a time that suits you.

Book your place online and we’ll look forward to meeting you soon.


Our main entry points are Reception and Year 3. Sometimes we have places available (referred to as Occasional Places) in other year groups than our main entry points, and it is always worth contacting us to check. It may also be possible to start at the School in any term, and not just in September.


Our selection process is designed to identify pupils who are able to benefit from our balanced and well-rounded education, thrive in our academic environment and make a positive contribution towards the life of the School.


Fees cover all tuition. Additional costs include lunches for pupils in Years 3 to 6, trips, music tuition, speech and drama lessons, and some co-curricular activities. Termly fees are payable in advance or by regular direct debit and we offer parents a range of payment options. Full details of fees and other costs are available on our website at

Applying for a place

Please complete the application form on our website at Your application is confirmed by paying a £100 non-refundable fee.

The application deadline is Friday 15 November 2024

Familiarisation playdates (Reception only)

Ahead of assessment, once they have applied for a place, parents and daughters are invited to join a ‘playdate’ familiarisation session, helping girls feel at ease and ready to enjoy their return visit to Prep for assessment. The sessions run from September, please book online. Assessments Main Entry Points

Assessment sessions Girls will spend about an hour with our Pre-Prep team in a relaxed, child-focused environment, similar to a pre-school setting. They will be in small groups, surrounded by interesting activities and toys.

Girls spend a day with us taking part in online assessments in maths, English and reasoning, a writing task, lesson experience, outdoor team activity, and interview.


Assessment sessions An age-appropriate assessment, with younger girls with us for a few hours, and girls applying for Year 4 and above spending a day with us.

Our Admissions Policy is available on our website at

STAHS does not unlawfully discriminate in any way regarding entry. The School welcomes pupils with disabilities and/or special educational needs, provided we can offer them the support that they require and that our site can accommodate them. STAHS welcomes applications from prospective pupils of all faiths and none. We strongly advise parents of children with special educational needs or physical or mental disabilities to discuss their child’s

requirements with the School before they sit the entrance assessment so that we can make reasonable adjustments if necessary. Parents should provide a copy of an educational psychologist’s report or a medical report, if they have one, alongside their daughter’s application form.

The information in this prospectus is correct at the time of printing. The admissions process is kept under review and may be adapted according to circumstances at the time. Please check our website for the latest information.

If you have any questions about the admissions process, our Admissions team are always happy to help. 01582 839 260

RECEPTION YEAR 3 Assessment dates From October 7 January 2025
Offers made Shortly after assessment 24 January 2025 Acceptance deadline 12 February 2025 YEAR 1 – 2 YEAR 4 – 6 Assessment dates 7 January 2025 13 January 2025
Offers made 24 January 2025 Acceptance deadline 12

St Albans High School for Girls – Prep

Codicote Road, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire AL4 8DJ

St Albans High School for Girls – Senior Townsend Avenue, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3SJ

01582 839 260 Date of printing: 05/2024

01727 792 509

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