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Successful education is based on a supportive and co-operative partnership between home and school. It is important that parents take an active interest in their child’s school life and are seen to promote attitudes of hard work, involvement in the life of the school, and a commitment to their studies and co-curricular activities.
The College will keep you updated on your child’s progress through gradebooks, reports and parents’ evenings. If you have any queries about your child’s progress, please contact Mrs Hartshorne.
All homework will be set by teachers via the ‘Schoology’ app, which can be accessed by parents as well as pupils. Parents can sign up to Schoology and monitor homework either through the app or at www.schoology.com.
Please, encourage your child to set aside an hour and a half each night for homework and revision. Any time remaining should be used for consolidation.
Our refectory operates a cashless system whereby pupils will be given an electronic swipe card. These cards will be given to pupils on the first day and can be topped up online using the www.parentpay.com secure system (for which a user ID and password will be issued by the College).
Payments can be made securely online at any time, day or night, and will be credited to the pupil’s card within a few minutes. The Parentpay website also allows parents to monitor the balance remaining on their child’s card and to set up automated alerts when the balance falls below a specified level, thus ensur-ing that cards can be kept in the necessary credit.
Pupils are welcome to bring a packed lunch.
S1 have a dedicated social space (Clavius forum) and playground for interval and lunch time.