4 minute read
1. Arrive prepared with the correct books, jotters, charged iPads, pens and any other equipment needed.
2. Be punctual – arrive on time for every lesson and settle down ready to learn at your allocated desk.
3. Be courteous – show good manners at all times.
4. Listen and follow your teacher’s instructions.
5. Ask if you do not understand or are not sure about something.
6. Participate with a positive attitude to learning.
7. Respect the contributions, work, effort and points of view of your fellow pupils.
8. Present work to the highest standards, beginning every piece of work with AMDG at the top of the page.
9.Make sure that homework and other assignments are given your best effort and handed in on time.
10. Look after the environment keep your classroom and school tidy, free of litter and graffiti; take care of books, iPads, furniture & resources.
11. Remember that energy drinks and chewing gum are not permitted in school.
12. Remember for safety there should be no food containing any form of nuts brought into school.
13. Be smart and tidy in your appearance and wear your uniform well.
At St Aloysius’ College, we expect the highest standard from the whole Aloysian community. We view a child’s education as a partnership between staff, parents and pupils in collaboration. In return for adhering to the school guidlines and expectations, parents and pupils can expect the following from College staff:

• Excellent teaching
•Fairness, equality and respect
• Compassionate pastoral support, advice and a personal interest in your progress and school life (through your Form Tutor and Head of Year)
• A wide range of fulfilling and challenging co-curricular activities
•A safe environment in which you can flourish
The correct wearing of uniform and the general appearance of pupils are very important matters. The pupils of St Aloysius’ College take the reputation of the school with them wherever they go in uniform and it is therefore vital that our uniform is always worn appropriately and with dignity.
School uniform serves to shelter children and young people from the everchanging demands of fashion by ensuring a level of uniformity, equality and belonging. It promotes a positive learning environment and high expectations. It also means there is less of a socioeconomic distinction that can be made between pupils.
These principles are the rationale behind the following standards which we expect from all pupils.

• Blazers are to be worn to assembly, church, when moving from class to class and travelling to and from school.
• Shirts are to be tucked in; collars and ties are to be done up. Revere collar shirts are an acceptable option.
• Socks are to be plain mid-grey. Tights are to be black.
• Trousers are to be mid-grey and tailored (not dark grey, charcoal or black). Skirts are to be mid-grey 8-box pleated and at least knee length.
• Shoes are to be black, plain, formal and polished; boots are not permitted except when there is: snow or icy conditions but a change of shoes should be worn indoors; NB black trainers-style shoes are not acceptable as College Uniform.
• If a scarf is worn it is to be the approved school scarf available from the school outfitters, or black, green, grey.
• Any other items of clothing (coats, hats, gloves, hair accessories) are to conform in colour (dark green, grey, black) and style so as to be compatible with and not detract from the school uniform.
• Bags should be plain and of dark colour. S1-S3 pupils must have the College kit bag for games.
• Jewellery is not to be worn (including wrist bands, bracelets and rings), plain stud in the lobe of each ear is permitted
• Hair should be tidy and of natural colour. Extremely short cropped hair is not acceptable (#1 and #2 cuts are not acceptable). Long hair should be tied back in practical subjects or for health & safety reasons. Facial hair should be neatly trimmed.
• Make-up is not to be worn at all in S1-S3. In S4-S6 make-up may be worn provided it is natural and minimal. Eye makeup, fake tan and nail polish are not permitted for S1 to S6.
• Games and PE kit are to be worn as indicated in the uniform lists; pupils are strictly forbidden to wear items of clothing in the colours and style of any professional football team, at any time.
• House ties are to be worn. School badges, Colours and Awards are part of school uniform.
• All school clothing is to be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
To ensure consistency of uniform quality, colour and style, the College uniform is provided by online supplier, Schoolblazer, www.schoolblazer.com.
Further information for purchasing uniform is included in your new parents’ pack.
•College blazer
•House tie
•White shirt (optional revere collar)
•College v-neck jumper (optional green jumper for S6)
•Mid-grey trousers or mid-grey, 8-box pleated skirt
•Grey socks (with school colours) or black tights
•Formal black shoes
• College PE shirt (round or V-neck)
• College PE training top (optional)
• College PE shorts
• Plain black Lycra leggings (optional)
• White sports socks
• Trainers (non-marking soles)
• College Rugby shirt
• College rugby shorts
• College games socks
• College base layer (optional)
• Boots (studs or moulded studs)
• College Mid layer
• College tracksuit or black College training pant
• Gumshield
• College games bag
• Head guard (optional)
• College games shirt (V-neck) or College PE shirt (round-neck)
• College hockey skort or shorts
• College games socks
• College base layer (optional)
• Astroturf shoes
• College tracksuit or black College training pant
• College mid-layer
• Plain black Lycra leggings
• Gumshield
• College games bag
• Hockey stick
• Shin guards
Sectionthree Communication
In dealing with enquiries, letters, concerns or complaints from parents, College staff will endeavour to:

•Reply promptly (usually within 48-hours)
•Be friendly, courteous and supportive
•Be professional
• Work in partnership with families to achieve positive outcomes