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It is essential for pupils to have a device with internet access at home. The College has developed web-based resources for learning and, as a result, class notes and homework assignments are increasingly given to pupils via Schoology.
We advise parents/carers to monitor computer use during homework time, particularly for gaming and social networking. Parents/carers will be sent guidance on how to set up parental controls on iPads to help with this. You can also access how-to videos via the QR code below:

Pupils will carry an iPad from class to class. Where appropriate, pupils will use their iPads to enhance their learning in the classroom. Pupils have a responsibility to decide when and how to use them at home.
Pupils should read carefully the acceptable use policy for IT equipment in school, which they have to agree to prior to use. Pupils are expected to use their iPads responsibly and should not use social media or messaging services during school time.
Pupils can use their own office software (e.g. Pages, Keynote) and the school will provide access to web-based versions of Office 365. The school will set the pupil username to be the same, or similiar, for all systems it controls but pupil passwords are not controlled by the College.
Teachers use Apple Classroom as a tool to monitor activity and to manage the use of iPads in their class. Pupils are expected to join the Apple Classroom classes when asked, and to accept the requirements to share screen. This is only for the duration of the class and teachers have no way of monitoring iPad activity away from the College.
If pupils forget their iPad or it is out of action for repair, there will be a small stock in the year office that may be borrowed.
If there are any other problems, please contact Mr Graeme Smith, Head of Digital Learning, at GSmith@staloysius.org