Standard Publishing’s 2012 Vacation Bible School Named Top Pick Fourth year for Standard to receive top honors in CBA market CINCINNATI – Feb. 3, 2012 – Standard Publishing again received top honors for the best Vacation Bible School in the nation with the recent announcement from About the Children’s Department that Adventures on Promise Island™: Where Kids Discover God’s Lifesaving Love has been selected as the popular blog’s Top Pick for VBS 2012. The award marks the fourth year in a row Standard's VBS has received top honors from one of the CBA market’s VBS reviewing organizations. “This VBS has solid Bible content and a strong focus on living what you learn by serving others,” writes Editor Lynda Freeman. “Combine this with a fun island setting and great music from Yancy, well, you have a VBS which will impact and change lives!” Freeman also awarded Standard honors for the program’s music, 10 original songs written and performed by popular Christian music artist, Yancy. Freeman continues, “I am delighted to see a strong Bible content and an intentional effort to help children not just walk away from VBS with more ‘head knowledge,’ but rather a focus on helping children remember, understand and live God’s Word in their everyday lives.” “Adventures on Promise Island™ is a great option for a VBS with a strong focus on serving, evangelism, solid Bible content and application,” she concludes, “and it is for these reasons it is my Top Pick for VBS 2012.” The original publisher of VBS, Standard Publishing also received the 2011 Top Pick for VBS honors from About the Children’s Department. In 2010, the company received Best VBS award from Christianity Today’s Your Church magazine, and in 2009 Standard Publishing received the Retailers Choice award for VBS from Christian Retailing magazine. In addition, Standard’s VBS was rated #1 Best Value according to a nationwide survey conducted in 2010 by Greystone Global LLC. -more-
Standard Publishing Standard Publishing VBS Receives Top Pick 2012 Award Page 2
“We are delighted to receive this recognition for the creative and thoughtful VBS we’re offering churches with Adventures on Promise Island™,” said Robert Rizzo, Vacation Bible School brand manager for Standard Publishing. “Our editorial and design team work very hard every year,” Rizzo continued, “and this year we’re so excited at the way the theme, lessons and great music from Yancy communicate the excitement of the precious promises God makes to all.” Using the imagery of surf, sand and island adventure, Adventures on Promise Island™ introduces God’s lifesaving love and never-changing promises. The children will learn that God promises: I am with you. God is with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dan. 3:1, 4:28). I care about you. Jesus cares for Mary, Martha and Lazarus (John 11:1-3,17-44). I give you what you need. Jesus helps a man brought by four friends (Mark 2:1-12). I will save you. Jesus dies to save us (John 19:16-18,29,30; 20:24-31). I will answer you. God answers the prayers of Paul and Silas (Acts 16:22-34). Children remember the importance of these promises by also learning the week’s memory verse, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23, NIV). Standard Publishing’s award-winning VBS programs consistently rank high with consumers for Biblical content, thorough lessons, and variety of extra materials available. The field-tested lessons and activities work in classroom settings or with children grouped in small crews that move from site to site. The program is adaptable for preschoolers through teens. In addition, small group materials for adults are also available. Extensive materials to help guarantee success include downloadable resources and web-based tools in addition to CDs of everything from nametags to thank you notes, and from song sheets to snack recipes. At, Standard Publishing also offers all participating churches free online Web Tools that the church can use to create their own customized VBS web sites with unique URLs, even those churches that do not have a church web site. Using the Web Tools, a church can upload photos, logos and forms to customize its site. In addition to providing information about their upcoming VBS, the site can streamline registration by allowing participants to register online, and also provides an opportunity for participants to obtain documents such as medical release forms, permission slips and emergency contact forms. To learn more about Adventures on Promise Island™, visit, or More about Standard Publishing: For more than 140 years, Standard Publishing has been raising the standard for true-to-the-Bible resources that educate, encourage and enrich. The company is based in Cincinnati, Ohio where it was founded in 1866. For more information, visit or call Standard Publishing at 1-800-543-1353. ### For more information or to arrange interviews, contact Joni Sullivan Baker, 513/319-3231, or