Submission Guidelines for Children’s Product Thank you for your interest in writing for Standard Publishing. Standard Publishing’s true-to-the-Bible reputation rests on the core principles listed at the end of this document. It is our intention to partner with editors and writers whose foundational beliefs align with these principles and who, therefore, do not promote teachings or practices in conflict with them. Consider all guidelines carefully before submitting your material. Our goals: • Develop products that inspire, educate, and motivate Christians to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. • Effectively serve the needs of churches and families as a resource provider in the area of children’s ministry. It is helpful for authors to have experience in children’s ministry and experience using the proposed materials in serving the church. Though not required, it is helpful for writers to have an established platform for author marketing. We are interested in relevant resources from experienced children’s ministry practitioners. We will consider the following types of proposals: • leadership resources (teacher/leader training) • teaching helps (classroom crafts, activities, games, object talks, idea books, skits) • children’s classroom resources (books that reinforce teaching such as Bible storybooks, board books, devotionals, books about prayer, seasonal books) • resources for the smaller church • outreach (missions, service) We are not interested in: • books that are specifically denominational • fiction • poetry Please note: We develop children’s curriculum and VBS programs with in-house staff and assigned writers. How to Submit Your Manuscript If your concept fits within the parameters outlined above, you may send your submission by e-mail. Do not submit your work by fax or postal mail. We cannot review your proposal over the phone. Send submission to Please put “Children’s Ministry Resource submission” in the subject line of your e-mail. Within two weeks of receiving your e-mailed submission, we will send you a quick e-mail letting you know that we received it. If you do not get a confirmation note, your submission may not have
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reached us. Please send it again. Always keep a copy of everything you send. Standard Publishing cannot be held responsible for lost manuscripts. Response Time We will make every effort to respond to your proposal in 6 months’ time. What to Include in Your E-mailed Submission • An attachment that contains a one-page cover letter with your name, address, daytime phone, e-mail address, and a brief summary of your manuscript, including the theme, purpose, age category, and genre. You could also tell us how your concept is unique compared to other resources in the market. • Some information regarding your ministry experience; your connections to the people, groups, and organizations this concept appeals to; publishing history; and author platform. • If your manuscript is under 1500 words, an attachment that contains a typed, doublespaced digital version (MSWord) of your manuscript. • If your manuscript is over 1500 words, an attachment that contains a typed, doublespaced digital version (MSWord) of your introduction and one or two well-written chapters, along with a summary of remaining chapters or material. • If you are submitting simultaneously to other publishers, please indicate that. • Unless you are a professional illustrator, it is not necessary—or even advisable—to include any illustration with your proposal.
Core Principles that Define our Message At Standard Publishing we believe the Old and New Testaments comprise the infallible, divinely inspired Word of God. Therefore, we consider the entire Bible to be our statement of faith, and we seek to understand and apply its message. We believe the Bible’s accounts of the creation, the deity of Jesus, the virgin birth, miracles, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, the reality of Heaven and Hell, and the return of Jesus. We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only Son of the living God. We believe the Holy Spirit works in conversion and indwells all believers, empowering them to please God with their lives. We believe in the substitutionary atonement of Jesus Christ for all sin, and salvation through Jesus Christ alone. We believe this salvation is a free gift from God that no one deserves or can earn.
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We believe in the one church described in the New Testament, under the lordship of Jesus Christ, and we seek to be one in him with all others he calls his own. We believe the mission of the church was given by Jesus; that is, to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything he commanded.
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