IGCSE Scholarships Booklet 2025-26

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We are delighted to announce the offer of a small number of exclusive IGCSE scholarships for current and prospective students starting from August 2025. Scholarships will be offered in the following areas:

• Academic

• The Arts (Music, Visual Art, Drama and Design Technology)

• Sports

The primary aim is to recognise students’ achievements and support their ongoing development in particular fields. Additionally, the scholarships can attract up to 50% tuition fee discount, awarded at the discretion of the school. The awards will be offered based on the completion of scholarship assessments in each scholarship category.

• Applications are open to St Andrews Green Valley students in current Years 9

• Applications are open to external students currently studying in Year 9 or equivalent and wishing to join St Andrews Green Valley in Year 10 in August 2025

• Students may apply for a maximum of two categories up to a maximum value of 50% (I.E Art and Sport; Music and Drama etc.)

Current St Andrews Green Valley Y9 students are required to:

1. Submit the scholarship application form which includes:

• Letter of application stating why you feel you are eligible for the scholarship in which you are applying

• Portfolio of work and achievements (if required)

Scholarship Application Form Link

External candidates applying to join our IGCSE programme in August 2025 are required to:

1. Complete our online application form with the following documents:

• Previous two terms’ school reports with grades and teacher comments

• Copy of child’s passport

Online Application Form

2. Submit the scholarship application form which includes:

• Letter of application stating why you feel you are eligible for the scholarship in which you are applying

• Portfolio of work and achievements (if required)

Scholarship Application Form Link

Tuesday April 1, 2025:

Submission deadline for applications

Saturday April 26, 2025:

Assessment day at St Andrews Green Valley

Friday May 9, 2025:

Scholarship offers sent home to awardees

This is awarded to students who demonstrate a high academic ability across a number of subjects.

Entry Criteria (Year 9 applicants):

• Should average a Grade 6 across all core subjects (English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and Computing)

• Should demonstrate a Grade 7 in at least 4 subjects


• Completion of CAT4 test

• Interview with the Head of School and other senior leaders

We expect our scholars to:

• Maintain a high standard of grades across all subjects;

• Uphold the values of St Andrews Green Valley and be an excellent role model to other students in all aspects of school life, but particularly in their commitment to academics;

• Involve themselves and contribute fully in the academic life of the school beyond the classroom.

This is awarded to students who demonstrate a high ability and talent in Basketball, Football, Swimming or Golf.

Entry criteria and assessment:

• Applicants should be able to demonstrate a good minimum level of academic performance (grade 5s and above in all subjects) and a minimum Grade 6 in PE

• Submission of a portfolio of achievement, listing sporting teams played for and achievements within the relevant sport. The portfolio may

include certificates, photo graphs, sporting statistics etc.

• Internal sporting assessment completed on the scholarship assessment day

• Interview with Head of Department and other senior leaders

We expect our scholars to:

• Maintain good grades in all subjects but particularly in sports and PE;

• Uphold the values of St Andrews Green Valley and be an excellent role model to other students in all aspects of school life, but particularly in their approach to commitment in sports and PE;

• Involve themselves fully in the co-curricular and competitive provision for sports;

• Should study PE as an IGCSE subject

This is awarded to students who demonstrate particular skill, knowledge and talent in the Arts; namely Music, Drama, Visual Art or Design and Technology. Students may apply for a scholarship in one or two of these subjects; if applying for two, they may not apply for a scholarship within another category.

Entry Criteria:

• Applicants should be able to demonstrate a good minimum level of academic performance (grade 5’s and above in all subjects) and a minimum Grade 6 in Music

• Should study Music as an IGCSE subject

• Should have approximately Grade 3/4 ABRSM (or equivalent) in their first study instrument

• Submissions of a portfolio of achievement, which may include exam boards obtained, extra-curricular involvement, examples of student work and performance in different mediums i.e. photos, videos etc.


• A performance of two contrasting pieces on the students’ primary instrument

• A performance of one piece of the students’ secondary instrument (if applicable)

• A sight reading test on the students’ primary instrument

Entry Criteria:

• Applicants should be able to demonstrate a good minimum level of academic performance (grade 5s and above in all subjects) and a minimum Grade 6 in Drama

• Should study Drama as an IGCSE subject

• Submissions of a portfolio of achievement, which may include exam boards obtained, extra-curricular involvement, examples of student work and performance in different mediums i.e. photos, videos etc.


• Improvisation and devising tasks

• Unseen script work

• An interview with the opportunity to present a portfolio

• A performance of a prepared monologue, which should be between 35 minutes in length, from a published play and performed from memory.

Entry Criteria:

• Applicants should be able to demonstrate a good minimum level of academic performance (grade 5s and above in all subjects) and a minimum Grade 6 in Art

• Should study Visual Art as an IGCSE subject

• Submissions of a portfolio of achievement, which may include exam boards obtained, extra-curricular involvement, examples of student work in different mediums i.e. photos, videos etc.


• A set of tasks designed to test creativity, skill and interests;

• An interview, during which candidates will be asked some questions bout their interest in art. Candidates should be prepared to talk about an artist who inspires them;

Entry Criteria:

• Applicants should be able to demonstrate a good minimum level of academic performance (grade 5s and above in all subjects) and a minimum Grade 6 in DT

• Should study DT as an IGCSE subject

• Submissions of a portfolio of achievement, which may include exam boards obtained, extra-curricular involvement, examples of student work in different mediums i.e. photos, videos etc.


• A set of tasks designed to test creativity, skill and interests;

• An interview, during which candidates will be asked some questions about their interest in design & technology;

• A portfolio review

We expect our Arts Scholars to:

• Maintain good grades in all subjects but particularly in their relevant Artrelated subject

• Uphold the values of St Andrews Green Valley and be an excellent role model to other students in all aspects of school life, but particularly in their approach to commitment in the Arts;

• Involve themselves fully in the co-curricular and competitive provision for Arts, inclusive of participation in school concerts, performances and exhibitions.

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